New Republic After the Constitution was written, our Founding Fathers will face a huge task in...

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Transcript of New Republic After the Constitution was written, our Founding Fathers will face a huge task in...

New Republic

After the Constitution was written, our Founding Fathers will face a huge task in making the new gov’t work.

Political parties will emerge.

Manufacturing will take a stronger role in the American economy.

#1 Why It Matters 1/2

New Republic

People begin to move westward.

The U.S. will become a dominant player in the Americas.

#1 Why It Matters 2/2

New Republic

Our nation’s leaders still follow the precedents set by our Founding Fathers.

Politicians operate within a party system.

The U.S. is one of the leading economic & military powers in the world.

#2 The Impact Today

New Republic

Became 1st president under the Constitution on Apr. 30, 1789 Did not want job John Adams – 1st VP

Set many precedents that are still followed Called “Mr.


#3 President Washington 1/2

Washington banner

New Republic

New Republic

1st Cabinet Sec. of State –

Thomas Jefferson Sec. of Treasury –

Alexander Hamilton Sec. of War – Henry

Knox Attorney General –

Edmund Randolph

#3 President Washington 2/2

New Republic

Created a federal court system 13 District Courts 3 Circuit Courts

SC given final authority on all court matters

John Jay – 1st SC Chief Justice

#4 Judiciary Act of 1789

New Republic

U.S. faced a growing nat’l debt in its early years

GW left it up to his Sec. of Treasury (Hamilton) to deal w/ the issue

Hamilton’s Plan Gov’t will pay off debt

owed to citizens & other nations

Gov’t will assume states’ debts

#5 Hamilton’s Financial Plan


New Republic Opposition to

Hamilton’s Plan Bonds

Gov’t issued bonds during Am. Rev.

Speculators bought these bonds

Under Hamilton’s Plan, speculators would become rich

States’ Debt South had less debt

than North Under Hamilton’s

Plan, South would pay more

#5 Hamilton’s Financial Plan


New Republic

Compromise Nation’s capital will

be moved to the South Will become

Washington, D.C. South will support


#5 Hamilton’s Financial Plan


New Republic

In order to strengthen the economy, Hamilton proposed: A nat’l bank (the

Bank of the U.S.) A protective tariff on

imports Nat’l taxes

Ideas were opposed by Jefferson & Madison

#6 National Economy

New Republic

Occurred due to farmers in western PA refusing to pay taxes on whiskey imposed on them by Hamilton

Washington led troops to squash the rebellion

Results of Rebellion: Nat’l gov’t was

powerful If citizens wanted to

change a law, they had to do it peacefully

#7 Whiskey Rebellion

New Republic GW wanted US to stay

out of foreign affairs

Proclamation of Neutrality (1793) – GW’s attempt to keep US neutral

Jay’s Treaty – GW’s attempt to stay out of war w/ GB

Pinckney’s Treaty – gave US right to navigate the Mississippi R. & to trade @ New Orleans

#8 Washington’s Foreign Issues

New Republic Served 2 terms (1789-

1797) Precedent

Decided not to seek 3rd term of office in 1796

Washington’s Farewell Address Warned about:

Dangers of political parties

Alliances w/ foreign countries

Sectionalism Influenced US foreign

policy for over 100 yrs.

#9 Washington FINALLY Retires!

New Republic

New Republic

By 1796, Americans disagreed on many things Philosophies of

gov’t Interpretation of the

Constitution Economy Foreign affairs

Led to 2 groups being formed

#10 Creation of Political Parties


New Republic

Federalists Leader – A.

Hamilton Beliefs

Strong nat’l gov’t Loose interpretation

of Constitution Rule by wealthy Nat’l bank Alliance w/ Britain

Supported by NE & plantation owners in South

#10 Creation of Political Parties


New Republic

Democratic-Republicans Leader – T. Jefferson Beliefs

Strong state gov’ts Strict interpretation of

Constitution Rule by the people State banks Alliance w/ France

Supported by small farmers in Mid-Atlantic & South

#10 Creation of Political Parties


New Republic

1st election candidates ran as members of a political party Fed. – John Adams (P);

Charles Pinckney (VP) D-R – Thomas Jefferson

(P); Aaron Burr (VP)

Election Results Adams wins Pres. Jefferson becomes VP

#11 Election of 1796

New Republic

XYZ Affair Event in which

Charles de Talleyrand, the French foreign minister, sent agents (X, Y, & Z) to obtain a bribe from the U.S. in order for the French to stop seizing American ships

Led to: The creation of the

U.S. Navy A “Quasi-War” w/


#12 Adams’ Presidency 1/4

New Republic Alien & Sedition Acts

Passed to protect the nation’s security

Acts Alien Act – allowed

president to imprison or remove aliens from the country

Sedition Act – made it a crime to say negative things about the gov’t

Naturalization Act – required aliens to wait 14 years before they became eligible for U.S. citizenship

#12 Adams’ Presidency 2/4

New Republic

Alien & Sedition Acts (cont.) Results of Acts

Discouraged immigration

Forced aliens to leave

People were jailed for saying their opinions about the gov’t

#12 Adams’ Presidency 3/4

New Republic

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions Written by Jefferson &

Madison Claimed Alien &

Sedition Acts were unconstitutional

Proposed nullification – idea that a state could legally overturn federal laws they deemed unconstitutional

Established theory of states’ rights

#12 Adams’ Presidency 4/4

New Republic

Candidates – same as 1796 election

Both Jefferson & Burr earned 73 electoral votes

Election sent to H.O.R. to decide Jefferson becomes

Pres. (Burr VP) due to Hamilton’s persuasion

#13 Election of 1800

New Republic

Bought in 1803 from France (Napoleon) Sold for $15 million Doubled the size of


Lewis & Clark Exploration Lasted 2 years

(thought would only last months)

Aided by Sacagawea

#14 Louisiana Purchase

New Republic

Settlers moved into NW Territory and began to break treaties that were made w/ Indians

Treaty of Greenville – Nat. Am. surrender land in Ohio

Once Ohio becomes a state, more people push onto Nat. Am. land

#15 Indian Conflicts 1/2

New Republic

Tecumseh & the Prophet Shawnee brothers Stated that the “white

man’s ways” were bad for Nat. Am. culture

Battle of Tippecanoe American victory by

Gen. William Henry Harrison against Tecumseh

Tecumseh will join British

#15 Indian Conflicts 2/2

New Republic

James Madison – 4th Pres.

British Issues Supply guns to Nat.

Am. Use impressment on

Am. ships

War Hawks Group of

Congressmen who wanted war w/ GB

Led by Henry Clay

#16 Growing Conflict w/ Britain 1/2

New Republic

Reasons for War w/ GB Obtain Canada Stop British

impressment Show power of U.S. Stop British aid to

Nat. Am. Obtain Florida from


#16 Growing Conflict w/ Britain 2/2

New Republic Occurred from 1812-


Nicknamed “Mr. Madison’s War”

U.S. unprepared for war

U.S. burned Toronto; British burned D.C.

Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner” @ Fort McHenry; becomes Nat’l Anthem

#17 War of 1812 1/2

New Republic

Andrew Jackson became famous for his victory @ Battle of New Orleans

Treaty of Ghent Ended war Maintained status

quo (nothing changed after war)

No one really won or lost

#17 War of 1812 2/2

New Republic

Began in GB in mid-1700s

Began in U.S. in NE around 1800

Water provided power for mills/factories

Cotton from the South is used in the factories of the North

#18 Industrial Revolution 1/2

New Republic

Famous Inventors & their Inventions Robert Fulton –

Steamboat Francis Cabot Lowell

– Textile mill; factory system

Samuel Slater – Machine designs for mills

Eli Whitney – Cotton gin

#18 Industrial Revolution 2/2

New Republic Occurs due to I.R.

Cities & towns grow due to people leaving farms

Roads & canals are built

People begin to move west

Cotton gin leads to more slaves

2nd Bank of U.S. is created

#19 Economic Growth

New Republic

Marbury v. Madison – established judicial review

McCulloch v. Maryland – established implied powers

Gibbons v. Ogden – established that Congress had the right to regulate interstate commerce

#20 Supreme Court Cases

New Republic

Idea that one is more loyal to a region than their country

Issues that sectionalized country Slavery National bank Tariffs Internal


#21 Sectionalism


New Republic

Spokespersons in Congress for Regions North – Daniel

Webster South – John C.

Calhoun West – Henry Clay

#21 Sectionalism


Daniel Webster

John C. Calhoun Henry Clay

New Republic

Missouri joins Union as slave state

In order to balance # of slave states/free states, Maine joins Union as free state

Banned slavery in rest of Louisiana territory north of the 36°30’N parallel

#22 Missouri Compromise of


New Republic Program created by

Henry Clay to improve country

Wanted: Protective tariff Roads & canals for

trade National bank

Little of the plan went into effect due to opposition

#23 American System

New Republic

James Monroe – 5th Pres. Era of Good Feelings

– nickname for Monroe’s 1st term in office due to lack of political parties

Spanish colonies in the Western Hemisphere win independence

#24 Monroe Doctrine 1/2

New Republic

Monroe Doctrine Europe should not

interfere w/ the Americas (Western Hemisphere)

Became important part of US foreign policy for over 170 years

#24 Monroe Doctrine 2/2

New Republic