New RefWorks - University of West London€¦ · New RefWorks . New RefWorks is a reference...

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Transcript of New RefWorks - University of West London€¦ · New RefWorks . New RefWorks is a reference...


New RefWorks

New RefWorks is a reference management service that supports the needs of students, staff and researchers. It is principally a 'references database’, and also a bibliography maker. The software allows you to: 1. Search library catalogues (Summon) and import references directly into New RefWorks 2. References found on databases, Google scholar and the internet can be exported directly

to New RefWorks 3. Add references manually; also sort, edit, delete and search for references 4. Insert citations in Microsoft Word or other word-processing software, and/or compile a list

of references (bibliography). (Please note: this guide is only intended as a brief introduction and does not cover all of New RefWorks many features). Tutorials for both basic and advanced use of New RefWorks are available here. New RefWorks webinars, is also available here. IMPORTANT - Some features of New Refworks are incompatible on Macintosh computers. Please see page 28 for further details.


Getting started ..................................................................................................................... 2

Customising your New RefWorks account ........................................................................... 2

Exporting references from Summon to New RefWorks ........................................................ 3

Exporting references from databases to New RefWorks ..................................................... 5

Importing references from the internet to New RefWorks .................................................... 7

Importing references from Google Scholar to New RefWorks.............................................. 8

Adding references manually ............................................................................................... 10

Moving imported references to Projects or Folders ............................................................ 11

Folders ............................................................................................................................... 12

Sharing a folder .................................................................................................................. 13

Inserting citations in Microsoft Word .................................................................................. 22

Compile a reference list (bibliography) on a Word document ............................................ 23

Inserting citations in Google docs ...................................................................................... 24

Installing Refworks Citation Manager on Macbooks with Word 2016 ................................. 28

Installing Refworks Write-N-Cite 4 on Macbooks with Word 2011 and Word 2008 ............ 31

For more help in using New RefWorks .............................................................................. 32


Getting started Setting up a New RefWorks account: Access to New RefWorks is gained by first registering for an account at Click on ‘Create account’ and enter your university email to begin. Complete the registration form, to create a login name and password.

Customising your New RefWorks account You can customise your account in various ways. For example, there’s an option to allow you to select your referencing style, Cite them Right Harvard, APA, OSCOLA, etc. Click on

icon and select <Quick cite>.


From the resulting window, click on the drop-down arrow and type the referencing citation style in the ‘Search for styles’ box. Select the referencing style and press the ‘Continue’ tab to set the referencing style.

Exporting references from Summon to New RefWorks New RefWorks is integrated with Summon discovery service and makes it easier to export references. To export individual references to New Refworks, click on and select ‘RefWorks’ from the drop-down menu.

Proquest (2018) Summon search results. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)


To export multiple references at the same time to New Refworks, click on the folder tab for each reference you wish to export and then click on the folder icon.

Proquest (2018) Summon search results. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)

From the resulting page, click on the ‘Export To’ tab and select Refworks from the drop-down menu.

Proquest (2018) Summon search results. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)


Exporting references from databases to New RefWorks

EBSCOhost database is used as an example to show how to save individual references to New RefWorks, and most databases will offer similar options. Click on the title of the reference you wish to save and then click on ‘Export’ tab, situated under the Tools menu. Select ‘Direct Export to RefWorks’ in Export Manager, then click the ‘Save’ tab. Remember to have your New RefWorks account open.

EBSCO (2018) EBSCOhost search screen. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)

To export multiple references at the same time from EBSCOhost database to New RefWorks. First click on the folder tab for each of the references you wish to export to new Refworks and then, secondly, click on ‘Go to Folder View’.

EBSCO (2018) EBSCOhost results screen. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)


From the resulting window, all the references you selected will be displayed. Click on the ‘Export’ tab and you will be redirected to the Export Manager page.

EBSCO (2018) EBSCOhost results screen. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)

Select ‘Direct Export to Refworks’ and then click the ‘Save’ tab.

EBSCO (2018) EBSCOhost export manager screen. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)


Importing references from the internet to New RefWorks

New RefWorks can import references directly from websites by installing the ‘Save to RefWorks’ tool. Login to your New RefWorks account and click on the ‘Tools’ icon and select ‘Tools’ from the drop-down menu.

Click ‘Install Save to RefWorks’ tab.

Drag this button to your browser's favourite’s bar


Your browser will now have ‘Save to RefWorks’ tab on your favourites tool bar. Click the tab when you wish to save a webpage reference in New RefWorks.

BBC (2018) Home screen. Available at: (Accessed: 10 July 2018) Most recently imported references are listed under the automatically created group ‘Last Imported’. Always check that the references have downloaded correctly - you may occasionally need to make some manual adjustments. Importing references from Google Scholar to New RefWorks You can also import references from Google Scholar to New RefWorks. Click on icon under the reference you wish to import.

Google (2018) Google Scholar results screen. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)

A box appears listing the reference in various reference styles. Click on ‘Refworks’ and the reference will be exported to New Refworks.


Google (2018) Google Scholar results screen. Available at: (Accessed: 16 October 2018)

Whenever you import references, it is worth checking to make sure all the necessary information is present. You may need to edit your references and add data. To edit a reference in your reference list, click on the reference you wish to edit and then click on ‘edit marker’ icon. The process of editing is then the same as adding a reference manually.


Adding references manually You can manually add a reference to New RefWorks at any time. Click on the ‘Add’ icon and select ‘Create new reference’ from the drop-down menu.

A form appears on the right side of the page, where you can enter the details of your reference. Be sure to select the appropriate ‘reference type’ from the drop-down menu (Note: for articles on electronic databases, select Journal Articles and check the box to indicate it is an ‘Electronic source’). You are offered fields appropriate to the selected reference style, in which to enter details. Additional fields may also be filled. Save the changes.


Moving imported references to Projects or Folders

Once your references are imported to Refworks, you can either place them in ‘Untitled Projects’ or in folders. If you wish to import the reference to Untitled Projects, click on ‘Select a different Project’.

Select a Project from the drop-down menu you wish to save the reference too.

The reference will be saved in ‘Brexit stalemate’ project once the ‘OK’ tab is clicked.



Folders can be used to organise your references, for example you use folders for different modules or projects you are working on. You can also create sub-folders of references.

If you wish to import the reference to Folders, click on the ‘Continue’ tab and the reference will be saved in the ‘Last Imported’ section.

To create a new folder, click on the ‘My Folders’ button, and then click on + <Add a folder> give your folder a name and then click on ‘Create’.

To add references to folders, first click on ‘All Documents’ tab. Select the references you wish to add to a folder and then click on the ‘Assign to Folder’ icon and then select which folder (or sub-folder) you wish to move reference too.


You can also remove folders. Open the folder you wish to delete and click on icon to open the drop-down menu, then click <Delete>.

Sharing a folder You can share your folders with others by clicking the ‘Share’ icon or the ‘Sharing’



Click on ‘Share a folder’ and the following window opens. Select the folder to be shared and the groups with whom you wish to share with.

Type the email address of the person (add one at a time) and select the level of access for the person you're inviting:

o Read – view items and read documents o Annotate – view items, read documents, and annotate documents o Modify – view/read/annotate documents, edit existing annotations, add documents, remove

documents, and add a note to an item

Optionally, add a personal note

Click ‘Share Folder’ tab

Please note, if you have uploaded the full text document to your RefWorks, it isn’t possible to share the full-text with people external to the university due to copyright restrictions.


The person you have invited will receive an email notification, and a notification inside New RefWorks, where they can accept (or reject) the invitation. If the person does not have a New RefWorks account, they will be asked to create one. Remember, when you share a folder any linked sub-folders are also shared. Public sharing folders You can also share a folder with people who do not have a Refworks account. Click on ‘Sharing’ and select ‘Share a folder’ from the drop-down menu. Select a folder you wish to share from the drop-down menu.

Clicking on ‘Create Public URL’ will generate a URL, anyone with this URL will be able to see the contents of the folder.


Selecting ‘Remove URL’ deletes the URL and removes public access to the folder.

ExLibris (2018) RefWorks Release Information. Available at: (Accessed: 14 March 2019)

New enhancements are now available when publicly sharing folders in RefWorks:

• More functionality was added to publicly shared folders, allowing users who do not have a RefWorks account more options when working with shared citations.

• You are now able to create a bibliography by selecting from the most commonly used citation styles and can export the references for use in another program. All fields of the bibliography are viewable from the expanded panel and attachments to the bibliography can be downloaded.


Publicly shared references are now sortable by folder. References can be sorted by Date added, Date accessed, Date published, Title, Author, and Ref ID.



RefWorks ‘Untitled Project’ feature allows you to keep references for each project separate.

1. Select the arrow next to your project in the header and select ‘Manage projects’.

• The My projects page appears:

2. To create a new project, select ‘Create a new Project’. The following page appears:


3. Enter a name for the project and select Save. The project is added to the list of projects.

4. To rename or delete a project select Actions > Rename or Actions > Delete.

ExLibris (2018) Managing projects. Available at: (Accessed: 14 March 2019)


Annotating a document If you wish to highlight areas of text on a saved document, click on ‘Highlight the Selected Text’ icon and select words of text by clicking and dragging through the lines of text.

To remove highlighting, click the highlighted area until the delete option displays. Click ‘Delete Conversation’.

Baxter, J.A., Woodward, J., and Olson, D. (2001) ‘Effects of reform-based mathematics instruction on low achievers in five third-grade classrooms’, The Elementary School Journal, 101(5), pp. 529-547.


To annotate the highlighted text, either double click on the highlighted text or click on the ‘Comment on the Selected Text’ icon. Then click on ‘Edit Comment’ and a comment box opens on the right-hand side adjacent to the highlighted text. Enter the comment and it is automatically saved.

You can change the colour of your note and the associated highlighted text, edit your note or you can delete your note completely by clicking on the icon at the far right in the note.


Inserting citations in Microsoft Word

Login to your New RefWorks account and click on ‘Tools’ icon and select ‘Tools’ from the drop-down menu.

Scroll down the page to Cite in Microsoft Word. Click on ‘Download & Install’ tab.

You will now have RefWorks plugin whenever you open a Microsoft Word document. Selecting the Refworks plugin will display various features, options and preferences.


Begin to write your document in Microsoft Word. Click on ‘Style’ to select the reference style from the drop-down menu. Place the cursor where you would like the citation reference to appear on your Word document and then click on ‘Insert citation’ and choose which reference you wish to add from the RefWorks folders.

Compile a reference list (bibliography) on a Word document

The citation reference will now be added to your text and the full reference list will appear at the end of the work when you select ‘Insert Bibliography’ from the ‘Bibliography options’ list (assuming you are using a referencing style that has a full reference list).

Microsoft (2018) Word ribbon. [Computer Program]

Write-N-Cite 4/ProQuest for Word is not currently compatible with Office 2016 on Macintosh. We are investigating this issue, but do not have a date by when we will be fully compatible. Please see the following page to install Refworks Citation Manager for Mac users with Word 2016.


Inserting citations in Google docs

Login to your Refworks account and click on ‘Tools’ icon and select ‘Tools’ from the drop-down menu.

Scroll down the page to Cite in Google Docs. Click on ‘Get the Add-on’ tab.

Sign in to your Google account or create an account.

Google (2019) Google Docs. Available at: (Accessed 16 June).


Once you have logged in (or created a new account) to your Google account, click on the ‘Free’ tab

The following pop-up box appears and click on the ‘Continue’ tab.

Click on your account

Google (2019) Google Docs. Available at: (Accessed 16 June).


Read the instructions carefully and then click on the ‘Allow’ tab.

To begin, click on ‘Add-ons’ and select <ProQuest Refworks> and then select <Manage citations>.

Log in to your Refworks account with your UWL email address and password, when the sign-in box appears.

Google (2019) Google Docs. Available at: (Accessed 16 June).


The Proquest Refworks box appears on the right hand side and clicking on ‘All references’ will give you access to your folders.

Either click on the folder and select the reference you wish to cite in Google Docs or type the name of the article in the ‘Search’ field.

Google (2019) Google Docs. Available at: (Accessed 16 June).


Place the cursor where you would like your citation to appear in Google Docs. Hover over the reference you wish to cite and click on ‘Cite this’. The bibliography is automatically created at the end of your document.

Installing Refworks Citation Manager on Macbooks with Word 2016 The following instructions are for installing Refworks Citation Manager on Macbook users with Word 2016 and new RefWorks 3.0. Please note that Java is a pre-requisite.

Google (2019) Google Docs. Available at: (Accessed 16 June).



Proquest (2018) Installing RefWorks Citation Manger for Office 2016 - Mac Available at: (Accessed: 09 April 2019)

Please note: There is a bug that affects RefWorks Citation Manager while in full screen view only. Clicking from the add-in to the document causes the add-in to display the previous page. Clicking back to the add-in again shows the correct page. We're working with Microsoft to fix this issue as soon as possible.


Installing Refworks Write-N-Cite 4 on Macbooks with Word 2011 and Word 2008 Logon to Refworks and click on ‘Tools’ icon and click on <tools> from the drop down menu

Scroll down the page until you see the following and click on ‘Other Windows and Mac Versions’


From the resulting page, click the ‘Download’ tab to install Write-N-Cite 4 on Macbooks with Word 2011 and Word 2008

The following applications are compatible to run Refworks Write-N-Cite 4, on Macintosh computers: Microsoft Word for Mac 2008 and 2011 Mac OS X version 10.12 (Sierra), 10.11 (El Capitan), 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.9 (Mavericks), 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.8 (Mountain Lion) 10.7 (Lion), and 10.6 (Snow Leopard). For more help in using New RefWorks

Last modified 17/05/2019 SB

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