New paradigms, new opportunities

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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This edition of newtek describes the progress made at IK4-TEKNIKER with regard to Industry 4.0 among other current topics

Transcript of New paradigms, new opportunities


PROJECTFlexibility in the industry


INDUSTRY 4.0Th e computerization of manufacturing

LUBMAT 2016IK4-TEKNIKER will host the LUBMAT conference

New paradigms, new opportunities

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The fourth industrial revolution has given rise to what is known as Smart Factory or Industry 4.0. It is within the scope of this new pa-radigm for the industry, that IK4-TEKNIKER has proposed a reference model that features three levels.

Level one is focused on trends or drivers (customisation, shorter life cycles, sustainability or other similar elements).

Level two deals with the production model (fl exible, digital, reconfi gu-rable and smart).

Level three addresses enabling technologies (cyber-physical systems and collaborative robotics).

This edition of newtek describes the progress made at IK4-TEKNIKER with regard to Industry 4.0 among other current topics.


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C06 “Industry 4.0: the computerization of manufacturing”


C04 What is Industry 4.0?


C14 Flexibility in the industry


C08 IK4-TEKNIKER will participate in the upcoming 29th edition of BIEMH

C10 IK4-TEKNIKER will host the LUBMAT conference on industrial lubrication

C12 Eliminating lead from large-sized machines

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What is Industry 4.0?The expert’s view: by Aitor Alzaga, Assistant Manager for Technology and Jon Larreina, Industry 4.0 Coordinator at IK4-TEKNIKER

The term Industry 4.0 embraces the “so-called fourth industrial revolution arising from a technological evolution brought about by the development of embedded systems, by their connectivity and by a confl uence between the physical and virtual worlds. It provides integration capabilities for objects, information and people that could eventually produce a qualitative leap in terms of production and the use of goods and services”.

In order to set the context for this revolution, it would be appro-priate to recall the diff erent “waves” associated with the intro-duction of electronics and ICTs in terms of industrial production. The fi rst wave, dating back to the eighties and early nineties, focused on process effi ciency. These were the days when CAD, CAM, CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing), FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) and other similar systems were intro-duced. As occurs nowadays, the main objectives were geared towards incorporating and giving greater fl exibility to manu-facturing systems that were limited by the available technology.

The second wave, in the nineties, coincided with the onset of the Internet and other closely related technologies such as Internet portals and solutions that enhanced collaboration and integra-tion along the entire the value chain based on a highly extensive concept (SCM, CRM, etc.).

It was some time later, at the turn of the century, when connec-tivity reached machines and when concepts such as M2M (Ma-chine to machine) were extensively implemented. This was later followed by another powerful concept, the Internet of things, linked to the development of IPv6. The proliferation of mobile



devices with extensive connectivity capabilities grew substan-tially towards the end of the fi rst decade of the new century and eventually gave rise to the so-called third wave in terms of ICT utilization and can be rated as the precursor of what is currently called the 4th revolution.

The term Industry 4.0, coined by Germany and whose debut coincided with the presentation of the document entitled “Re-commendations for implementing the strategic initiative IN-DUSTRIE 4.0”, published by ACATECH in April 2013, falls under the dual German strategy of playing a leading role in terms of supplying equipment and solutions for industrial production at German manufacturing facilities to include them in value chains and digitize the entire production process.

Since then, many countries and regions (like the Basque Coun-try, amongst others) have been making eff orts for the purpose of making better use of the opportunities this new scenario off ers. It must not be forgotten that whilst this movement was unfol-ding in the area of manufacturing, Europe was pushing for the so-called “Factories of the Future” concept via EFFRA (European Factories of the Future Research Association) in the guise of a public-private partnership that was implemented in 2008 to address innovative projects.

Businesses, in the meantime, have been giving thoughtful con-sideration to how this movement might aff ect them in order to react accordingly (using a defensive strategy) or have been pon-dering the opportunities this new scenario will off er (using a proactive strategy).

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Main featuresThe features of an advanced manufacturing Industry 4.0 produc-tion model are:

• Flexibility understood as the capability to produce, in extreme cases, in a customised setting.

• Re-confi gurability understood as the capability to adapt quickly and economically to any product changes.

• Digitization of processes, connecting and integrating the diff e-rent stages and units of the production process.

• “Smartization” of processes and equipment to develop a smart response; amongst a host of other issues, this also entails lear-ning from previous experiences and requires that unexpected situations be dealt with autonomously.

The degree of signifi cance allocated to each one of these features in terms of the production model will vary as a function of the na-ture of the trends we wish to address.

Transversal characteristicsAll production models feature another two very relevant trans-versal characteristics that are closely in line with the sustainabi-lity driver in its economic, social and environmental dimensions:

• A focus on people, regardless of the level of automation. In a production system, people are fundamental to achieve good performance levels.

• Effi ciency: the elimination of waste to ensure top value based on using a minimum amount of resources.

Enabling technologiesLastly, there are a number of enabling technologies that are usually associated with Industry 4.0 Advanced Manufacturing that have been grouped in two blocks:

• Cyber-physical systems, Big Data – predictive analytics, Cloud Computing: Due to their essence as integrating elements, these technologies might eventually become the backbone of an In-dustry 4.0 initiative.

• Collaborative robotics, simulation – augmented reality, arti-fi cial vision, additive manufacturing: All of these technologies will be relevant to a greater or lesser extent as a function of each case and a number of specifi c attributes.

Production models are always addressed from the point of view of users and suppliers of equipment, systems and solutions. It is therefore necessary to underscore the opportunities off ered by smart and connected ma-chines or systems as equipment suppliers will fi nd it easy to collaborate with users to optimise machine ope-ration and maintenance.

Although certain cultural barriers might hinder a massive degree of implementation, this collaboration will defi nitely be set into motion in those instances in which the advantages related to pursuing this option are evident. This will give rise to new ways of doing

business such as, for instance, paying for using means that provide supporting actions that are not connected to any key activities or processes but that could be related, amongst other things, to issues such as material logistics.










Regardless of whatever applies, the resulting thinking process will take place at three levels:

First and foremost, and from a strategic perspective, we must be fully aware of how it is we want to improve our value propo-sition. Embodying new technologies that give greater value to my product is not the same thing as setting them up on machi-nes to be used as tools to achieve operational effi ciency. Nor is it like changing the value proposition and/or business model.

Once the strategy and the associated challenges have been de-fi ned, it then becomes necessary to consider how this can be transferred to the production process or product, by taking action with the product, equipment or production system provi-ded by the company. In other words, a production model capable of responding to the strategy has to be defi ned and then followed by the implementation of a suitable roadmap.

It is important for this roadmap to pinpoint key supporting technologies and decide how they can be brought on board; either by acquiring or developing them and, if so, with whose assistance. If the base technology is to be a key element in the business, capabilities will be developed internally. This could also be done with external stakeholders to speed up the process.

A reference model should be used when defi ning and deploying an Industry 4.0 strategy similar to the one shown, in a simplifi ed manner, in the chart below (a model implemented and presented by the IK4 Research Alliance at the recent Basque Industry 2015) conference:

There are three levels in this reference model: Level one covers trends or drivers; level two presents the produc- tion model and, lastly, level three addresses enabling technologies. In fact, it can be stated that these three le-vels are related to the other three mentioned above and off er guidance throughout the thought process:

The strategic position of a company will be related to or in line with any drivers or trends that could have a signifi cant impact on business in the form of customisation, shorter life cycles, sustainability, etc.

Customisation ShorterTime to market AgeingSustainabilityServitization

Flexible Connected / Digital

Reconfi gurable Smart


Machine vision

3D Simulation/ Augmented reality

Cyber PhysicalSystems

Collaborative robotics

Additive manufacturing

Cloud computing/ Virtualisation

Big data











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Professor Dr. Eng. Eberhard Abele is the Director of the Institute of Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) and leader of a team working on new production technologies. He is also an expert in terms of the new “Industry 4.0” paradigm. In this interview, Abele explains this new paradigm and the advantages it off ers for the industry.

Prof. Dr. Ing. Eberhard Abele, Director of the Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)

“Industry 4.0:the computerization of manufacturing”



You are the leader of a team of 70 engineers in Darmstadt exclusively devoted to research focused on new production technologies. Regarding the European Industrial sector, why is R&D&I a key eff ort?

Industrial competitiveness refers to the ability of companies to compete in more and more global markets. R&D&I will be a key eff ort for all industrialised countries.

The development of new production technologies which allow new products or an advance in quality and costs will be in future a main challenge for competiveness. By developing technological innovations and novel systems solutions for the industrial sector our institute will help to reinforce the competitive strength of the economy in our region, throughout Germany and in Europe. Our research activities are aiming at promoting the economic develop-ment of our industrial society, with particular regard for social welfare and environmental compatibility.

In this particular context, one of the most outstanding concepts that you have pioneered is connected to Industry 4.0. But what is it exactly? What kind of a competitive edge can it provide for the European economy? And, fi nally,what challenges will it face in the future?

The term “Industry 4.0” originates from a project in the high-tech strategy of the German government, which promotes the com-puterization of manufacturing.

The major basics in Industry 4.0 are:

Interoperability: The ability of cyber-physical systems (i.e. workpiece carriers, assembly stations and products), humans and Smart Factories to connect and communicate with each other via the Internet of Things and the Internet of Services.

Virtualization: A virtual copy of the Smart Factory which is created by linking sensor data (from monitoring physical pro-cesses) with virtual plant models and simulation models.

Decentralization: The ability of cyber-physical systems within Smart Factories to make decisions on their own.

Real-Time Capability: The capability to collect and analyse data and provide the derived insights immediately (Big Data).

Until now, a lot of studies have been made by institutes or mana-gement consultants regarding the impact and visions of the In-dustry 4.0. But now the industrial side demands solutions! Which real eff ect Industry 4.0 may have to productivity, quality impro-vement or to a progress in fl exibility?

This challenge demands closer cooperation between informa-tics and production engineering but as well between academia and Industry.

Some positive, already running examples for Industry 4.0 are machines which can predict failures and trigger maintenance processes autonomously or self-organized logistics which react to unexpected changes in production.

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A signifi cant part of your career has been connected to research centres such as PTW or Fraunhofer, but you also have extensive industrial experience as you’veworked for leading companies such as Bosch or Stihl. In your opinion, what kind of added value do technology centres produce for businesses and what will this relationship be like in the future?

Looking back to R&D&I- projects in general, the challenge is still to combine the creativity and innovative ideas of young resear-chers in research institutions with the process- and market-knowledge in industry.

Young researchers are often not aware of the complexity of a production system. They underestimate the speed in industry and the necessary robustness of a process or an innovation. From a prototype at a university level to a real innovative pro-duct is a big step!

In this aspect, the research centres in Basque Country which are aiming at professional scientists, looking for a continuity in re-search fi elds and customer relations may have a big advantage.

In my opinion, the Basque Country has an important network of technology centres that carry out excellence research and pro-vide the industrial sector with valuable technological solutions and knowledge.

The effi ciency of these research centres depends – like in all industrialised countries -upon their cooperation. How is syner-gy possible? How infrastructure can be shared?

In this regard you will fi nd in the Basque Country a very positi-ve example: the establishment of the Basque Network of Scien-ce, Technology and Innovation (RVCTI), with the aim of develo-ping the infrastructure that would supply synergetical eff ects inside this region of Basque country.

Another positive example which could be seen from an in-ternational aspect is the IK4 Research Alliance, a technology centre alliance where each centre is managed individually but they work together in the development of projects and share infrastructure.

Germany is, without a doubt, Europe’s main industrial driving force and a benchmark in terms of Industry 4.0. Based on this fact, how would you rate the contribution made by small companies with a long-standing industrial tradition such as the Basque Country as regards renovating its fabric via Industry 4.0?

Regarding the possible contribution to innovation in the in-dustry 4.0 direction, you have to distinguish between users or system providers or solution providers. Regarding the solution provider area you will have as well, small and medium sized companies as of course international big players like Siemens and SAP.

In Germany, even small companies have embraced Industry 4.0 early, which has allowed to grow with it and gain a strong un-derstanding of its workings and capabilities.

Each company should be aware that Industry 4.0 is changing the rules of the game as automation merges with the IT world and what its benefi ts could mean for the own operations.

Integration has begun and will give a chance to each company, whether small or big, independent if you are tool manufacturer or supplier, equipment operator or factory integrator.

In recent years you have been able to co-operate with IK4-TEKNIKER. Could you please elaborate on this co-operation and point out future trends?

Yes indeed we often had the chance to get into contact with IK4-TEKNIKER and to share our ideas and to cooperate in pro-jects. Since more than one decade we are organising jointly the High Speed Machining (HSM)- Conference.

The strong point always has been the highly qualifi ed staff and the technological excellence due to the specialization in IK4-TEKNIKER. Regarding the infrastructure in labs, it is com-petitive to the world’s prestigious research centres.

One trend we can see in our contacts with companies; Custo-mers asking for a so called “one stop solution” which means they are looking for one partner which will accompany him through the whole development and industrialisation process.

In this regard the IK4 Research Alliance may have synergy eff ects. On the one hand, IK4 Research Alliance can off er the high level of specialization by centre and on the other hand, allows the high degree of cooperation between the research teams of the centres to off er solutions along the whole innova-tion process to customers.

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BIEMH will hold its 29th edition in 2016. Hosted by the Bilbao Ex-hibition Centre and AFM (Advanced Manufacturing Technolo-gies), this trade fair has an impeccable track record dating back to its origins. In terms of this particular speciality, it is Europe’s third most outstanding trade fair as well as a major benchmark in the country.

“You make it big” is the motto chosen for this upcoming edition that will take place from May 30 – June 4 2016 at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre and focus on smart manufacturing and In-dustry 4.0.

On the occasion of the 29th edition where IK4-TEKNIKER will participate as an exhibitor, we will recall our presence at the previous edition of BIEMH held in 2014.

During the previous edition, visitors had the opportunity of learning about the technology centre’s activities in the machi-ne tool sector via demonstrators such as metrology: volumetric checking and compensation of machine tools and coordinate measuring machines, industrial and service robotics, self-standing machine tools and additive manufacturing.

IK4-TEKNIKER will participate in the upcoming 29th edition of BIEMH

Smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 will provide the main focus for the 29th edition of BIEMH in 2016.



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IK4-TEKNIKER will host the LUBMAT conference

on industrial lubrication

Among a number of other subjects, the fi fth edition of LUBMAT 2016 will address issues related to lubrication management. Sector experts will attend plenary sessions and an international committee made up of industrial lubrication professionals and academics will review abstracts submitted during the event.

As lubrication is a key element for ma-chines to operate effi ciently and du-rably, the fi fth edition of the LUBMAT conference on lubrication, mainte-nance and tribology will take place at the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao on June 7 and 8.

LUBMAT is the outcome of a collabora-tion agreement signed by the Jost Insti-tute for Tribotechnology of the United Kingdom and IK4-TEKNIKER. The event has gradually become a key European gathering where sector experts can debate the most recent developments in terms of products and services.

In the course of this fi fth edition, discussions will address a range of issues such as the management of lubrication, lubri-cants and special fl uids, reliability and asset management, oil condition monitoring and tribology.


Furthermore, the conference has programmed six plenary sessions directly related to key conference subject areas to be attended by experts in lubrication, maintenance and reliability.

Several courses will be given by a number of outstanding experts to round off this highly attractive event the day before the conference opens (on June 6).

24 professionals on the international committee

It is a committee with 24 professionals from diff erent countries and organisations specialised in lubrication, maintenance and tribology together with experts from the industry, technology centres and universities. It has been set up to review abstracts submitted during the conference.

Conference organisers will provide exhibition space and stands for any companies interested in this option.


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International committee

Listed here are the names of some of the Committee members:


JUNE 7 & 8 | 2016


Wilfried Bartz TRIBO-LUBRI


Luis Fernández Ruiz-Morón REPSOL

Antonio José Fernández Pérez IBERDROLA

Jim Fitch NORIA

Francisco Javier González AEM

Robert M. Gresham STLE

Suzy Hitcock ICML

Kenneth Holmberg VTT

Rüdiger Krethe OILDOC

Esteban Lantos LANTOS

Greg Livingstone FLUITEC



Anu Ritson INLUBE


Ian Sherrington JOST

Andy Sitton FOCUSLAB

Jason Tranter MOBIUS



Jesús Terradillos IK4-TEKNIKER

Ana Aranzabe IK4-TEKNIKER

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With the aim of continuing to drive forward the structuring of more effi cient and less polluting industry, the Basque R&D centre IK4-TEKNIKER is participating in a European project focussing on the development of a new range of lead-free bearings for large-sized, high-performance engines.

The initiative, known as BeLeadFree, is being coordinated by the British manufacturer of automo-bile bearings Daido Metal and has the participation of the Belgian company Elsyca and the Univer-sity of Coventry (United Kingdom).

The project, which kicked off recently and is set to run for two years, has funding of nearly 3 mi-llion euros approved within the programme designed to encourage innovation within the Euro-pean Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme.

The project is seeking to develop multilayer engine bearings that are highly friction- and wear-resistant and manufactured using alloys free of lead, the material most widely used today to ma-nufacture these components.

Bearings are parts used by engines to minimize the wear of the elements that perform rotatory movements. Until now, lead has been used to manufacture these parts but its high polluting level and toxicity make it necessary to seek alternative alloys free of this element.

Th i i i i k B L dF i b i di d b h

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 691503.


lead from large-sized enginesLead-free bearings for large-sized, high-performance engines

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All the products being developed in this pro-ject are geared towards medium heavy-duty and heavy-duty diesel engines used in heavy commercial vehicles, ranging from large two-stroke or four-stroke medium-speed engines used in seagoing vessels right up to submarines or generating sets.

IK4-TEKNIKER’s Tribology unit will be responsible for carrying out the laboratory simulation of the wear mechanism of the new bearings developed and of the current ones by means of short tests and in conditions of extreme precision; all this is de-signed to predict the useful service life of these bearings.

IK4-TEKNIKER will be carrying out the advanced charac-terisation of the materials of the new lead-free bearings, the composition analysis, the microstructure, the supervision of the surface characteristics such as morphology, hardness, roughness or the contact angle as well as the study of residual stresses and mechanical and tribological properties.

The specialists will be testing the various lead-free alternati-ves, selecting the ones that off er better mechanical and tribo-logical performance, less friction, wear and greater resistance to extreme pressure, and will also be verifying that these new alloys are environmentally friendly.

To achieve this second objective, the wear particles produced in the tribological test and in the engine tests will be gathered and they will be subjected to ecotoxicity tests in order to con-fi rm that they are not toxic.

“It is essential to guarantee that the new alloys generate low friction so that fuel consumption can be cut, that they have a duration similar to the lead ones currently in use, and that they withstand high pressures and speeds to guarantee that the industry can safely replace them, but also that they are less toxic and contaminating and more environmentally friendlythan the solutions used until now,” stressed the head of IK4-TEKNIKER’s Tribology Unit Amaya Igartua.

The bearings developed within the framework of this project will be useful in industrial sectors such as electrical power ge-neration, engines for seagoing vessels and heavy vehicles in the automotive sector.

The IK4-TEKNIKER R&D centre is working on the BeLeadFree project, which is aiming to eliminate lead from the bearings built into the engines of heavy diesel vehicles used in road transport, electrical power generation and maritime transport.

The iniciative is seeking

to develop multilayer

engine bearings that

are highly friction- and

wear-resistant and

manufactured using

alloys free of lead.

IK4-TEKNIKER will be

carrying out the advanced

characterisation of the

materials of the new

lead-free bearings, the

composition analysis, the

microstructure, and the

supervision of the surface

characteristics, etc.

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A new concept of robotics featuring collaborative robots is now reaching the industry; a new generation of robots that work with people in industrial environments and deliver a high degree of flexibility in the automation of a number of tasks.

Collaborative robotics, a new concept that has been deve-loped in recent years, is here to meet growing demands as regards achieving greater fl e-xibility for the robot-based solu-tions used nowadays. At a time when many processes are cha-racterised by production runs that are not only short but also extremely variable and increa-singly complex and when tra-ditional robotics can no longer off er reasonably priced solu-tions capable of delivering pro-per returns on an investment.

These new robots provide a much more accessible robotic automation technology, parti-cularly for SMEs, the greatest consumers of automation so-lutions whose main goal is to reduce costs and enhance pro-cess quality.

In this regard, collaborative robotics matches the strengths of people and robots and off ers solutions for processes in which, if otherwise, it would not be an aff ordable automation option for tasks such as part assembling in manufacturing or the inspec-tion of complex components.

Safety is one the key issues behind collaborative robotics. Con-ventional robots guarantee safety by resorting to barriers and sensors that separate people and robots. This precludes any type of collaboration.

To avoid these barriers, new products have been developed in recent years in the fi eld of robotics in compliance with safety regulations.

There are, however, major challenges to be addressed if a safe collaboration is to be established: the introduction of safety ele-ments removing risks inherent to each application, the incorpo-ration of sensors to be adjusted accordingly in order to confer smart adaptation capabilities to robots and, fi nally, planning strategies that can off er collaborative solutions and enable task-sharing between people and robots.

It is along these lines that IK4-TEKNIKER has decided to deve-lop a number of technologies associated with robotics geared towards ensuring safety and fl exibility by installing state-of-the-art sensors and developing control systems applied both to industrial and collaborative robots.

These advances have allowed the technology centre to off er applications in diverse sectors such as logistics for product packaging or manufacturing for the assembly of complex parts in the aeronautical business.




Flexibility in the industry A new generation of robots integrated with people in manufacturing environments



decided to develop a

number of technologies

associated with robotics

geared towards ensuring

safety and fl exibility by

installing state-of-the-art

sensors and developing

control systems.

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Collaborative robotics matches

the strengths of people and

robots and off ers solutions

for processes in which, if

otherwise, it would not be an

aff ordable automation option.

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