NEW ORLEANS DAILY CRESCENT. · PRIESTLEY & BEIN. AX ..... ...Pro .. H L.....O . l,a4 dlng and i....

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Transcript of NEW ORLEANS DAILY CRESCENT. · PRIESTLEY & BEIN. AX ..... ...Pro .. H L.....O . l,a4 dlng and i....


AX ......... ... Pro .. H L........O .

l,a4 dlng and i. .tore, the following, viz:160 dozen S. W. Coillom', Yankee 4nd Kentucky p4


100 .. Leverltt' .. ..1.0 .. lu t's .. ..100 ., Imitation Collin'.100 .. O '.Alne & u.'s bet SIIOVELS nd SPADES-2

to 6.100 .. RIwlnd'--2 to 4.

For sale by 1'RIOSTLEY & REIN,089 .and 91 Camp re004e.

llardwar,.A full and generul assortmlt or l)omestei and Foreign


Constantly on hland abd for 0l0e on aeeommodating tems by1'PIIEo7TL.Y & BEIN,

I 9 and4 0 Camp street.

Bells.The susclbe a, lgent lr I., I , Iinlk, CIncInn0atl 0ell

Mlanufactury. have on hand and are receiving regularly a fulltocLk, 0ompriing4

t llF,L3 FROM 5) TO 15(0) POUNDS.Ordeur reeived for any weight to 4L0J pounds, and war.

ranted L to on4dd ad quality.PRIR0STLEY & lEIN,

89 and 91 Camp street.

Rivet -- IPressed Spikes.Lnuding and flot 0alr by the subcrilr-

04) kge L4OIL.ER LIYVEEl-1L ed lax1 .f0 .. RIVE'TS, 4 hfur 44e Iron Worker,.0 .. .. fr Iron Shutters.

15 .. PR .SSED, I'IPKES, 4o,08 4inch.PRIESTLEY A 1IEIN,

9 IaId 91 Cm)p street.

Boller Iroll.0Landing ex Ship Weslmoreh0d, from Pbladllphia-

604 ahe~etL beat IL'ENhSYLVANIA BOJLLR 10IRON-- inch.For ale by PRIESTI, EY & BEIN,

89 anLLd 1 Cmp str0et.

Cast Iron1 Pipe.1r Ltore4, 4,00 ad 8 ilch, lid to arrive per Ihip RoSneath,

from OLagow0-150 3-4,nl and 104 4.4ich IRON PIPE,

which 1wi. be sold low fraonm t Ianding.Apply to PRIESTILEY A II1IN,

801 and 91 Camp ire0et.

Clanln Cablaes.I.,nld0g land for sale by the 00bseribara-

2 C6lAIN CAILES, provd--.4 , 75 fathom.2. .. .. . ..i 75

2 .07i5 4I'RII-STIE1 S Bi."IN,

3 xnd 91 Camp street.

The subseribers, agent0 for tle0 a,0e of IILLMAN BROTII-


have on handnd sd are receiving regularly a full stock, comprlr-ling the folloingi, 'ia:

300 tune FLAT, from i to 41, inch x5 to I Inch.106 .. ROUND and0SQULARE,.44 to034inch.N) .. IHORSIF-SHO( E, 4,, 1, 13l and l1.'4.0 inch.O4 .. PLo4W PLATE, 067,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14 andd 15

50 .. 1)01,63i LL LATl4, 3.1), ;andm .16.IPRIE.TLEY A BEIN,

a69Rnd 91 Camp street.

CareCar4rrie Chain..5) c".k, bent CANER-CAR Ell OC INS-Jult received

a4d for 4)4e by PRIESTILEY 0 BEIN.89 and 91 O.0unp 00444t.

E.ngllsh Iron.Lahdhg e404 hips04, W \ 4ndermere, 1E.ily 0Augusta 4nd Poeahon-

4•0 tllm, E0NGLIS,. 14BAR IRON, e4mprlsiong aflll assort-mal ,tf 0h40t, Roulnd and Squatre, all sizes--Common

_ 00 bundl) s 0141i.44 IRON, a.,4rted, from 10 to 27-of vari.o0e 4 idth44, 4 21,, 42 , 9,:0 nd 3 4 , i0,h.

bumil 4es4 Ht0)P IRONI a10 orled, ,, r.• %, /, 1 9,, 1!•and1 4 Inch.

d44438 CIS3 lERN IRON. 2to 4 nch.

6 k0dles4 AND IRON, 11 to0 Inch; 40 end 3.10 iuch6

E4•,04 4:01l. 1RON, a...orted. , 70, , nd n.

e by PRIESTI.EY 4 IEIN,S9 04 Lnd 91 C00mp street.

he l-Eri , .r. ,. t i re constantly

I AAZIleEtt 'I t(1viN"0 AND. 801T, COPIPIt--viz:hll Ct%' 44 044444, 1 l, l1 i , 0, 1 1 t., f1m roo -2ng,10 ca ", 211W 4, h. I 4 12 .11, o 4I, s l4. .

oIhm l, 1 r is lb. to 12 tl. each--2xt0.0)440 ) ~),d. l44 ,iT I Io , 4'4..~ ,,a,,0 ",, '/l , •,. 1, 0 37, 1 3.7

COPI'I'EIR HOTTOMlS. O\,1 ,lnd Rould, agreat variety.L'4IE04T1EE & L rEI4N,

02 -- 0 14 4-444 --- m--op

fh EATIHEEL CORPPER(1 ,N1) YLOl [11W METAL.441 0[l4lglih 1ll Ur414 I) 1 CUI'TLIE, Iltllted, 14 t1

r ITI'.(TPI:NT ' (:1,1,0w filfRTIIINO SIN~ 7 AT0 d I ,111,0 Sf1w. INNl

wl . 4 11..1121. SfIACF'FSR SCO.,

'Ilk+ 11.1 E 4114. (TAI CO..S" eeoted

'LAlVIEII.Y \ IINTAf1NI O 'S" forI(lslh-ern l i. l l*11115dl For IIlebS

AFIT TI Illk 21M0(, ,oU Rre ... A~uAkenlirrr her Jaoufncturers.

4F 61M ll ` l d Enud IRON, Il(orted, FIIdEEEre

3114 ttSls. 11 ,1,111 , IRON, Fldt, ilsnrellalnd iound."J) 4l I,, Il t ,,'I ' ,1Slll,1111(I

611 tun .oglirh -o -I Allrrlruln Shieet Il(OiV.

to "tor0, d SlAliI, f r aJ. by((..\lltl( STACFER & CO~

@126 ,,W E Cnnpl 9.,,W(.

T 1, FLATE II, l,',r TIN I'I ATE:, ,1,,l(14d ai T.1, fori/ by 'I.ARX2 ST IUFU'FE (tO0.,

QHVA NI) 4PADIQ J.( 1'ni ypen" ((llllOlS, x,1,1t(d1 Nn,. 2to7.

; Il: r (A e1;at) ' I1' -\IlR' 1, 1,,,g and 4,1,1 bBntd:CSI4"1 (, hR1 STUFFER , CO.,

i. -... . .. . -........ SUN DRIES.

,4ytgSlrillnla Ulunchnrd, Romne, Met-iFt 1"nlTalot, Rollmmbbeuu, 8outbra~n




0o&I Srrill'aEI EI.{T 1OWk)F (1.bN ([0phia (OlriLed Uite Wine )nd-Cider

` L TARII. 1 and So bT . e1eb,I ilES.T.\ CIIB.

'2r_ l Ad nl-el CANSDI.1 so Chuicnd gc!'l CA~NDLES:

t. o. 1; s) qr, bbl,. No, 1,

"U 1SA(.\ION.

Al Ad II WLKRNUT..la3s M\111 lINEU


RI '! '-I-S .11.111d ItEiua d yhE. itiefhkeC:I:HRANT1' .


A El s ".,Tll icif Id l qu1l LIr h(111. yII RlIU 0 (.



(0 flirkin' a-1-(14! c On~lhen BUTTER..

All of rhieh ,,it, be cld low for resh or good city- pnror.023 fit 17 Tabllonptnlrlns ind 24 Umvier 9trcclp.

[.J.111:11 f CO,, 'G00

,7 cd lTlchoupitoIlas srem,New Orlea1s.

In odddii a I oull pI1Clt I*I1'e and extBUusie asI.LIiment of

1 D,.rugs.nd ('1I, ..../"I , e a in receipt o10fleh imporIt-

t Ion IFN Il 'l.lviii liI-Vl, 1- l lj

d .\E. IL'l'AC.. RtH1'RARB JALAP.

L UllrI 011100 EoSIINZTIAI, OIL.) A1Ot10(1070 1'.'1 TET ME1OICINEiSI9ERBl7, of evry kind. e0c., et.

Whavelv~ nine on (iisull a iil1 and complete sup1ply. of PaintsS07.., Voo-ltu , Wind1o,. Ill... Ilrobs.,,,re, Strgica.Inthlr0',.0. I'rxclir St ing.., P. .y, kul'o. y 0 .,P tipCloned', I'I~?ll rl oe 'Ird, tlel>r of thle finest dr'Crrip-iou, to

pectfo:13I i:,u. t Ifn utleliliol, of thle city, Id counlr~ try Im l

*JO. ph.- WpI..8W Boren, quarts sud plug, f re1I, Juat received. For rslle by

E. J. HART a CO.,77 and 79 Tcboupitoulaa street.

Coooecutrated l~ye of Snpoulller.i 1t0 boxles, just recoiled end for'grle by

.. J. HART & CO.,o:. 77 end 78 Tel.0pitoulRs street.

ttAbNIllf GHLIEIUMS-1110 boxes P. Ciemo.A. F. COCRRAN & HALL

se73 18 Ne Ie""ee nd ]Patton et

-o WING:-A complete ss.qritmat o Twine, coCmprisingtwenty differenot kds ... 1 0.,.,!, b) y

2yl1 72 Mlegiusle srtet.


VOLUME XI. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER '28, 1858. NUMBER 203..... . .... ...- mum -- -- - -nmm !- ... .. .. ...... n _n .. .. .. . . • . .. .. .. . . . n e n I nu

• ! ! a n


Scaa CG. contlnue Ito Draw as usual, ithiout nl te'rrupeton.

Sw.nn & Co,.' Lotterles are Legal.AND AUTHOII RIZED BY TIIE lTATEoIP GELOR(IA.

$-Tho late attempt to Injlr our firm has shown that onLottcerieare DRAWN FAI1.RY, that our Priz are PAIDPUNtCTUALILY, and thtt our Schemln ar. MORE LIBERAI.than any othur Lottery i the world I

The followng Scheme will be drawn by S. SWAN A OO-Ianger0 of the Sparta Academy Lrottory, o! eoorgto, In aetof thior ileo N mber Lotteries for Octalober, 18.,SUGIUeSTA, (aeorgia, in public, under th sulptrlultendece oL'ornmasiunrerr :

Clan :e Drnaw Satrelilay, October l 9, 1•3.Cl s37 1a I- Swaatlurdla, October 16, In5.C:ii 38 )rai, Saturday, Octrber 2, 1e-.Claso 39 DrawI Saturday, October 0 , 193.


Fifty TIhOlNlan, l Tckets.



MAGNIFICENT VI TII M ITo be mra•vlwN each Iat llrtlty i October.

I pri oIf ........................................ $7,

S .. ........................................ 1,1 .. ............ ...................... ......... 1l,UK1 ........................................... L,01 .. .................................... .... .... ,01 .. ................... ....... ...... ...... 3

1 .. .................................. 1,1,4r .. ............................. ................ 1,

4 ... ..... ........................ ......... .... d ,0 .. .............................................. •

1 .. ....................................... . . 1.30 .. ............................................. I ,APPROXIMIATION PRIZES.

Spriaw of AImo approximatinr, to ",0,0a01• ir aro.., $!:4t prite of 3iO0 ppoe imating to 30,llIt:ri zere.... 1.1


tprlzeof I(U3ilprox:,:alingto l.l,.0rr,,,are.... d)S rira l r 125 llappol• iotO•g to O,lOl) prie are,... 1,2Sprie. of Il o rpr o1roi e , to drwn.1 dlprioe It.... 44prioesof 75 appropriail.g to 3W I)lrizeari.... II,t pries of 5 •pproximatlbg to ,I) pri•, ore.... 2(pre of 0 ar .................................. 103,0y

85 prl amou g t...o............ . 20......Whole Tickets, $I10;: vaa., 51; Qu.rtolrh,$, $.h-eA Eirclor showing tiLe Plan of the Iotterios will b.

sent to any one dhireun of reeel, ing it.I$,tI) RlIre of $2h will e Ldetermlined by the last figure of t.

umboor thatdraw the R 10.t1l proize. Pb, r xmpte If itrrombeor drawing the $70,003 priz enda with No. 1 t!lhen. .l tl.tlcketI s rLerelbooo ol the b ia in will be eltitodto 33:. :the number eudl with No. 2, theR all the ticket whAre tbInu-rbit e rnd In 2 will he entitTed to $2, d o on t 0

Certifliate of Packageof l0 Whu!a Tieke t ............ b

.. .. 1 a .. ............

IN ORDERIIINO TICKETS OR F.R1I'FIFI('ATf0,Eucloeo the moreOy to our o res for thle pTipk.:. ordered,.ceipt of whlrh tly will he forwarI i'd by Iirt mnil.fireh ylirne can have tickts eroding i.::ly Ig.rrel thca ma

deoobooto.Theliatof drawn Numbers and Prlr.,Iwlll be arnc to p,

hIbars eoommedialoly ,afterthe draio:g.ForlP lr haoere will pidt oewrite their ol lu.tures ,opl,• an

give their P.,t-Oiee, ouloty al,,! 0,3t,.p-Remember that 0-'r Prize It drawn and naybl0 I

full, without deduczklo.All eommnicultihlo strictly eontlden:!hl.Addresa ordero for TIcket, or Certilotist eolher to Bsto,

Swon A Co.. Ags.ta, Ga.. or toSAMWL SWAN & CO., Box 36 S, Post-Office

oe2OltfW New O2r:aoe, tn

The Southern OIL Company.Tile uindersigned having leon, appoilnted P(O)LY0 AGENTS for

tih sale of the hproducts nal ,lured by thes h OUII ERNOIL COMIPANY'S PFctory at Mobile, r1 Inow propored t;

elotloneroy oIw0rranted equal to WINTEI-1TRAIN0D LARD OIL, forIubrhcatil• purposes.

P•llt Ol,S;itable for every dee;.iptio of I'P INTIN:. and for ALL.

30(,I.ORS, except white or extreme light shades.Gias 011.

Manuflctured expressly fur tle polrtable go, apparato,.DEck Oil.

Of slpeoIr q:lotliiy, for dock. oft' shis aul stellnhomt.

Wavy Ilorlh,Which will be found or . uporior quality, perfct:ly clean and

free from Ilt impurities.The -Inodh,,ry Oil lo fhuo lly aranllted, when porchased of

alny reeorguze agent of tile otputlny.For oolo by the reidano aolt . t 1tthe works in Mohile, and by

G. C. BOGERT & CO.,Agenst ot tha .":ornponyt

-e6 2?t W - - 72 ('amp street, N. O.

rauyosu vs .asure var..

The unerslgned, Agent for the so le of th, s improved PatentIN STAND, lh now ob hand a large stock of all Mte.HFor s•end, lightness of draft, lno d behnty or ,anple, it stand

M. S. HEDRICK, Agent,S 28 Camp street,

seld 2ptial&W Also, 31 Front lt , New trlean'.

T. F. J.Murray, .gent,


Removed frd m 19 On d 21 i,,,io street to 22 and 24 CUSTOSIIOUSE STREET.fAll orders for the above articles promptly filled at theortl' not ice: by whIoles and retail. mys 2ply


DOCTOR BAAKEE will also give l pecial attention to thefollowing Diseasen : Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, In-Baenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and all other diseaes of thelThroat

ef will devote particnlar attention to the treatment of all SkinDiesesa--L.umbago, Scrofula, Rheumatism acute and chronic,Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia Piles, and all de-rangement of the Stomach, Liver and Boweln; and also to allchronic Female dileases, Special attention will be given to thetreatment of the nIy nnd Ear.

Dor. Otlkos has made a Inl disovenryoof a FInld that willproduce perfect absorption of the "Cataranct," Ind restore per-manent vinon to the Eye without the us of the bklife. Iri. Bul-ke can produce one thousand certifinates of his perfect succen sin curing Cabeers, old Sores or Ulcers, Flstnl, Swelligs orTumors of every description, and without the use of the knife.Special arrangementl mllust e made with Dr. Baakee for thereatment of the last named Diseases, as they will require hisEnalstnlltdvldeoandnattention. ltr. Baaoon isonoof the mostskllful and celebrated Surgeons and Physicians nowliving.ilis fame Is known personally in nearly every principal city inthe world.

All letters directed to Dr. Bankes (enclosing a postagestamp,or reo cents.) from any distance, correctly stating the nature ofthe disease, abll be promptly nnswered, and the patients

-o0lc hnours from 8 A. M. to d P. r.DOCTOR R IAKEE.

B•IsAlce, 10 BRronoe street, belon Poydras street, New O0ans. nIt. 1 lyAW


Prepared by In. 0. M. JACKSON. I'nILOIAnI.tI, PAWill oeff ctlally C iun

Liser onmplln nt, Dypeponin,, Chronic or Nervon,inblity., )lseases oa ' the Kldesoe., nud all Disoaoarising Ionm a disordered Liver or Stomachl

Connilpatonn Inward Piles, Fnllneas or Blood to o the HedAcidity of thI Snomach, Nltrenn, IIeartbnr, iliogost fIr FondFulehOoor WSight in the fitoaeln, rSos• Erlutaloos oSin-ior Fttering at t tehe ICo ofrw t ouo the Po S Oiming o,Ith Head Huorncu and icl ret Flhon ering at thebeOrt, ': noslsng or nllofOCERnntlow• oelin hnl in s lyingpos•bne; Tir. n-,., of Vision, Ielts or Webs bheos tinh Siglht, ofa lod D II Poin Ins tile HedI; Dehleiinlly of Prrpirtiou,Yellownes of thIe kin Ilnd Eyes, Cobn in tII. S;ne, lct.k,hest, l~.lihr , et:. ; Sudden Flu•l•e of ilent, linls o illn theFlesh. I•osit;lut Imagdlnges of Evil, and gat Ilepresnsioof SnintI.

Thslol, retorln calling the attention of thin public to tIn!nprepanration, dnisso with a flblini of tlne otimot eUnl r.e irits sirlus and adaptation to the d01.aeus for which io is recoilmended.Itiano new an d untrlied article, hout ono thatlhaatoodnd

test of a toI~ year' trial bafore the Amctican people, I.;ad Itssoputortoloind sale i unrivalled 0 y an iemilnr prepalrationsA .lamn. Tlle testimony in it favnor siven thl most o prominesnod well known phoyicinnano d idlideelo in all plrt of theonutry is Immense, and a careful perusal of the hAlme, pubhslaod o anuoall n y the proprietor, and to be nhad grantilo:ol anof his Agents. enonnt but satiflv the most skenticnl that thisremedy is really del•orilng thle aeat celebrity it has o0t0inea.

Prlncid l OSE and Moanuotory No.418 ARCI street, 1hl0dnlpol.n. Pa.For oale in New Orleans, wholesale aod retal, by

J. WRIOIT A CIO.dS0 IvAW 21 and 151N 0hrtre, street.

FLORIDA YVELLOW PINE LURoUIER-TheSnnndersigne lve non hand aund are reedlvi+g

Plorida Yellow Pin,,.numbor, to which they invite t1e atteltlonof the trade.SW,WO roettlto dressol, tongued and grooved Yellow Pins

Flooring.20),000 feet j' uad -, Ineh thick dressed, tongued and grooved

Yellow Pine Ceiling.odoiO0 feel 15. inch Iquar Joint Yellow Pine Floorilng-

(clear.)iOl(llol foelt dlresd I'Yellow Plde olineatlterboais.I bUdO o st l S ct Yellow lie ,.- ortd IS 0 ,tli050 , luie. Weaher

S oards inch Rn-Hrd•, ix3 Stlip., etc.2o', 0 Lthe. PFor si0 byh

SAM'I, OnCONNEL A Cco..Succeoreoo o Moerrhit S .let•onnell,

corner Calliope and Lloward t,. New Baslm.fPlAny ommnnication dropped in lBon 1, Meehmoics' As-

5ociation, attoedcd to. tl 6tmFt H'. HYEH. SURVEYOR AND CIVIL KiNGINEER,N Olic No. 10 Bank Piere New Orleans.

Will tntend to tile g ading of lots, measio'nog emankments,ecavations, et., in th city, anld sTrveying lands iu the spun.

rnlders from a ditaoco addressed through the Pat-Office,Box 518.Refer to ol. A. P. Field, Lons II. Pill, Esq., City Snr-ceoTr: H. Trao, Esq.. No. 13tL PIeter treet, or Jacob Mus-sea, Esq., No. I Bankll Place. a112 tf

W RllTJ E LEAI)--25 tons White 0Lnad oad Zinc. low-rl Priced and ome tie obes that eat be male. Sold low lo

ot. ~ ALFRED KEARNY.n13 72 lganline stre1t.

'o lthe Citizens-or--




AND TEXAS.rohl(ler SIt inlpp,

lRoyal ,ehln pps,

Satllcntr:ly Sh laAl, i ppp

A. 1Voo||" Allf eRpp ,

xVoWlf & Co. rlAhlnappi,


CA'U'IO)N TI) TllHE PUIIII.IC.Afq'tr f•, r ) +h ,t Ili n ra lufr ro e ,,i b in, T

fn lp[},[[4 Olt .III C f, i thy;l ytr[i l A ', i[ ]'All r In ] - l: , ,"ry

I, it. n~ , 1. ur ., by wiiich it xl dl:~r~Iv.d ofn il .-rid and

d rlllepr (,+y id -- 1i t rrqPi, l ,,w , 0+,,'y rl. A1 "; t r J. AN- +ererl i

AuIAiA).TIAC Sr. rA)A.AN Al' • r oft+ ll • Am of the iA

, A, Ally chl i,' i 1 II p,': ''"AA, A Ilarie',

-A l , r, , .I',, • hN ' A' tle I , .'n' o tA ,ei

Nri l1k-/,;,, rm- lic drink. NAlT l.n

tr i m ,, ll. A • pi.ll A" 1 n1 t.r . -N, e A , a pll A t

Ih', A1 , 1/A h appr. hati,, 1hu1 r. Ai. mIe, ofi '

r, AAll'l Pl. AXIAF . II A) "l ind .L r ,ulitty hx, |•+t

Irhe ... 1. Al 1 ,.1 . , . I' l. r. ,, , l, l't e

_ \ht :o , ., 114 JtuI 1r(I t! .hlv- ~ t,! l nh n,, .. yl :..• .

,r~i].' W I•I~ l l ,[ , ) . .W l,.: -al l nu++ ,+ V


Inpomeria of loautelcp-llh .GoolI,

1, '14'1 .I nT" ' ,N T I' <I' 1 . .

h 'r,, 4.1 •' 4- : 44t -" , , 1- 1: , I, 11-1 Ir. 'rt,, r

'11H:O14', 1 :1 11,I A 'l \ 11, M t' \Ih,.A, •, r ;i

RIII!, t N t l [OE D L ( \f \-I.

311NI4,I 1 I


1 1111-111N .... 11.17 .

.4I.:Dr 1 111) 1. 144 4. I , .I o ,,ntn,,ly 1; I ,,• I pa. vr . .rO 2ni m l Kr . .f, . i7 : ,. I• l ,1 t•,, • . , ir

.Itla Pericpr! Iatl Paper

et I., 1e., 44,at L 'ow 1.t bP y

HEATH & L) , M I , '1 11('a tp .,.,O lc ll, lN. , .Rol st reet.

In orr to l IF. •T [•" .: 1 FPATENT LEVER LAT-CHES,

1l'inp, II 111, 44l-l , 1T. ,1 , , 411 IIncn l ll 1,4 ltf,.11 Ilt, : h.t

rt e pr, l r. ,n l li ~ lw t , rRA I, L. ... ]" " I .Tl F -Ih

I1i1:4 .l.4p1111 ,4c11,1 .1,, ." .1. v"", 4 111 14 1 , .1

ThIe East-en• Clar, ion,

iha 4t. b , IAD AMS P11.4,,I ~ a I ,,4..N.i, ,' ; 4 .. . , .

A WIl NllTiIIT NR., 1 .'_'r IIW,1.' ,lnc .s r l.Lr lctl'W,.41l'

nf 4,4' 44lt4riet1e,,.5.. c 1, l, l,. 4,, 444 4c4tl4441'

h PrANlr 1 er ,, lft n t th'r IE ,.,. NT1O FIC. 1

Fenary LeIt,.1r tl 1r h 11.IIt N 114:1 t1, , b ; ,•,tht m

4fc4454e, ILilT. rh IIll 41,l. , .4 11.41 .1,1 I 1I1ty

_4 4 1-- lI N ,1 ,r I. n111 41,, . ,h 4 1,41 , 145 r.

IIall Paper: IPall Paper!SFrexo l , ele ,ci t of }I; ", \1,t rn and Low |KIarngin, , C

4nd 'IOI,' I1 1 Hll , l .S"T' 1 1 1 NI 1S, 1'. IN HE F , ,PI IRl?

tc~ A ( 1RRo -at T } iLE. hIiy

HEALeaTH & MILLErr, 7 amp st.,m'I3 2ply cIeKlS s I d 1 'opal V'rI1 . 1 h.

WOI,",b CIT IiEly 01' C ,ITC ,.C

ffAND e, LNo. 11 Royal sr111eT.DISIn orher to mailnhn le t` uItioul q0dily of hin h ]:r-st'-

tlHr Te il,' Ini E, i.' t, ' itl n. Il, qlll, , Al .le a4 i

fnay be order1d, Ihave 4 -' p-,,- + .5,,,.nly II g, 44 1 -4.t4 1

T, this eily, nd nw drl nl An te New c-ey to rk he i-

fa5 tue of IiUh 1,r I ltII-oe o I Mer1 FBRe.Ie , 44rF

h4lante 4 and E 1lerlatt. 1r II, 1rely 1lu s 1o I l. of tP1 irderINS upplid with A I'PU F R, LABEL, STOPPER d1,1n

4te &ot fon n1110 4444, nrd n11 1 e4lenl1,n 11 4 eyceottls,-

l4on adl y A14 'o1 i.Ill., II'1't4l 4,l e4 t, 14 1i ,s -e1 e i nt 1 n1 e ar4l4 nt Ih n vl1 o4 p f 4h w 1h.d 1

TIme yiastermn ('Soicholeale oP1 A L ! N11111, HISS., 5

A W414 1.Y N4141451\4s ":4. • 4, 4i4,h 44A theh14 44 ,'1 Sreulatln

1f any l• al• N tr•p, nt. 11o o 11 ive frdrpe ctully

:sPhi"e rANKoA. In an R1il, T41i., no r (,, 21,

bhipmelat frotm Eaglalld, pull 2plIy

ltdn OCztans Pailn Crescent.IITHURSIDAY IORNINI, OCTOBERI 29, ]1 8.

Talk on 'Clhange.

There was some talk yesterday of the weatherbeing variable and fickle. At any rate, it did not in-terlere with general business. Cotton sold freely andat good prices. It can hardly be supposed therew-ould be any fault-linders at 11 to 12 cents; yet thereare. Sigar and molasses are arriving in large quan-tities. The crop of saccharine will be large. Thequality, in general, very siperior. We have notheard of any one wanting to buy up the greater partof the crop, and hold it at 10 cents, and encouragelarge importations of Cuban sugar at a lower price.The que tion of monopolizing an article like sugar iseasier talked of than carried out, so planters neednot be unea-y but what they will receive the fullvalue of their crops. The talk is, with good suppliesand stocks of sugar and molasses on hand at alltimes at the depot, will be the means of drawingmore buyers. One large mart, like what can beestablislfed in this city, is worth a dozen of smallones. New Orleans is destined to be the most im-portant r-,tton market in the world. We have buyersfrom almost every nation where the staple is wanted,and buyers are increasing each succeeding year. Itis all stull and nonsense for people, writers or editorsto be talking and writing about a constant return ofjeopardy of life every season, and of the iljery thatattends the welfare and prouperity of our city if thevisitation of epidemics and fever are not checked.Some of this kind of talk is meant for other purpo-esthan any real interest in the greatuers of our city.Iorenddes against corporate bodies are underhand-ingly attempted to be carried out. The talk is, thatif there is any probability of our city being retardedin population, extent and increase of business, therehay been no evidence of it from the manner citizensand erigra.ts from most every part of the world havebeen arriving and coming within its limits for the lastsixty days, in deliance of sickness and epidemic.This talk about New i)rleansloingu its position in thewoild ol colnlerce from a season's epidemic, is anold tory. It has been repeated during every sicklyseason fi r forty years.Il thle mneantime, there is something to be said

asout cotton. Mr. Wright, the great operator for arisc, disour-eth as obllows in his last circular fromNewv York obr European market.. say of Wednesday

rl'I" --\\1 I. f rtlnnill r i E r u,-,;', r. in the South, the

'r .!: W . -,, I, ,', " '',r ' , i., c' -t i..r :,v'lr• ls 3 1• I,(• ".ll •.

WI dso ot , • ht l I. ,rihti calln li-ht ex-

hsitus h ,to a rit.tin, iben toiey • ire ir,0.1rc ra-le,qliR '-eieo aB, in I, t 411.II.,p] inh 1 37; ; 10),00n0 18l 1t 5 lftIraeO iln 3 ani I lce)r in 1r. acc- rdgol to hie

owl li- re. H row evr, ll thir cotton that is ra ed,rw l be ~ ai 1ed, illThe aEnghea nilaa .y the Europa, will be due this

Afli fersary Events---Oct. 28,

tl,! -The Tuilk in the Principalities attacked theI''i-ains, and alter a colteat of two hours compelledthem tUo losu the lianube anld destr.y the bridges.

The eate day a lire at Clevellend. ()hio, consumedteoperty to the atneiett of $2,e00,l00.

I-'I--.A meeting of cotton planters was held atIte, G, to de

vlea ways arid means to prevent

Iluct;t!io, s in the price of cotton. Little h.armonylaf eim ao noleled iof action weaas laniaeted.

1- I e--aWndi'chgratz, besieging the city of Vienna,'ltered the slbi'b and began an attack ; a sicces-

i,,n ,f collltt ed. whie eaeted several dayshth-re tle city wo', emiletely mastered. The saeueiay Ha ison Gray a •l . a Ma•I•--..heeetts Stlte-'maa,

eld, aged -; hliving tillied with di'tingnished suec-es" the jpincipal lpliteal aflices in tile gift of the

IeOle l

ir+ tle State.1i-Th''e IHyal Exchange at London opened in

the illll-ili 'e Ii e', n tilt • being prlt-cult ande eesiding at thie ceremony.

I:;---Thle Mormons, cot prliing about 700 menlldr iall it teehe eieir tl, ade t, surrendered at Far-West, Missouri, to a hody of 3,000 militia under GenAtcltll'tt. ta e whl,• milner captured was telt, de;o ttleui cti the nlelaot -elictele,

1e ,0- IBattle of PtreltZlon, il Brandenburg; theie's'le-eitslee it 6,01se cmpelled, to sill'enlldar totl freclh r 'eler Murat. This was tl e lireal lLlt ofthe King' giarld which e aed front tile lattle oftlt. anld included several Priteis.

ittle i-Artei l at Vi tl-, tielt fiirst 3tjile rldetlear ilthie lnmericaiu ltl itiol , tiltl lciy, dieed. leee0 gradu*

ited at larr'id, we illteLe iietlily a memlot beI of toll-l'e. tletd toted for intcorrteplitlye iulterity.17th ,-Hurricane oni the i-lid of Cuba; several

tes'els driveI oult to seat aiid 20 ahoers in llavaesatotallny destroyed.

172 -ii John Sll eatomi ' Lan i e tliei t IlellC t i mleeueilllicand engineer, died ; celeibrted as the builder of theI t]el i tone liglthl see.

7 i--B,' tite itl, thite Plaint . Thie brunt of thisibattle wisutined icy tihe troope under McDougat,

I610 olen, who Icohly sutltaietd their pot, though de-sorted by four riegiimentsi of militia, who fled oil tile

appiroach f thle Iritie h liight ho,'e. Blth armieelaid on their Iimil' s awaiting another attak.

1741i-Eart e 'i. at L sintt

u. icy which that eeity andthe lIport Lof ('llao were d-toryed. The sea lirst re-ceded, then rllhed uon the ihorle, carrything every-thing before it. Of Lwenty-eight dhips in the harborseventeen were suntk, andll lour eat'lied a considerable

way iup the country, and Callao becane a pit of the

1il '-- George of i leuma'll, hitband or Anne,e of Eingland, died ; ti illtious in-tance of

Clt'ljUg l a ctie lleeta sa t icl tl;et,"t. l iu s e

s7e1--eJohn Locke, tiee iellutious English pllilo-

_uher, died.1701 Wileliam fen granted a charterer pivi le es

to Pennsylvania and thle coulntleIatnw Mte of e t-lawase, il which the liberty aof concien te was fullyreeognized.

];D-Pope tnnocent XII died.

itt-Battleos San Robeats, and theeetowethsiol, being the invention of llanld, who had live of

iii,','!- Ai'thtlo bewt cel the E gli-h fleet icnder

tynroyd , one tai, by Ce tin( . Theune y W hillae Mead,aint l'nlghsh physician, died, aged 0 110.

1,-Oi7--+ .\hie+ 31can thiu , In c'lllh ot 'enitiallprinter, died. Be was the third of a lihneof illustriousp'intetr,, celehratedlor the eleg-mwe and correctnessof their editions, and in his youth bid thir to excelhis ptdeceselors. But he met with rever.e, and wascompelled to sell the excellent litloy collected byIlk ancestors, of oo(00 Vohimes, to Ilnlint tiln him-elf.Ile wrote several learned works.

1572--arl Mar, regetnt of dcotl]nd, died, and wasrlttceded by Mort a.11.4l-- Great ,torme accomlpl]i.,ll y 131n earthquale

fAgal'ys with their etlvW, In•la,.ing t, a powerful

fieet fitted out lo' the redth'lin of that place by theEmperor Charles V. He was compelled to raise thesiege and return to his own dominions.

guards abolished at Romte.

Telegraphed to the New Orleans Crescent. IJrA17-ICL o.zir (cA•.La lOntt'nrAt 7


Indlan Battle in Oregon-'State Legislature.


Sr. Lor-s, October 27.-The California overlandmail arrived here last night, bringing San Franciscoletters of the 1st of Octobher, but no newspapers.

Indian Battle.Adviees from Los Angelos of the 2d instant report

hat a severe battle we, fought at Tour Lakes, Ore-gon, on the lit of September, between three hundredtroops under Col. Wright and tive hundred Indians.The Indians were entirely routed with the loss ofseventeen killed and many wounded. Our troopseustained no loss of life and but few wounded.

The Legislature refuse to Organize.The recently elected State Legislature of Oregon

Territory met at Salem on the 13th of September,but after a short session, adjourned sine die, decliningto organize till Oregon should be admitted es a State Irnto the Union.

Members of Congrer:.Delason Smith and S. F. Grover have been elected

Representatives to Congress from Oregon.Incendiaries.

Severeal attempts have been made by incendiaries tosat fire to Portland, but they have so far failed.

Walker's Movements.WatrernOTGrs, Oct. 27.--Gen. Walker's movementsbegin to excite general interest. Be is representedas having plenty of noney and men, ut it is thoughthe will be repulsed from Nicaragua by the Britishnaval force now on the coast.

Another Transit Route.Another transit route over Nicaragua is contempla-

ted hrit it does not meet favor with our Government,whith is determined to pro-tect the rights and proper-ty of those who have already contracted with theNicaraguan Government.

Heavy Failure and a Mob.Prner-, Ill., Oct. 27.--Messrs. Curti & Co., bankers,

have failed for a large amount.A mob had gathered at the banking hbi id

nmulc apprehenion was felt for the private residencealof the partners. Tire military bad been notified to beready to repel any attack upon them.

British Nicaraguan Minister 'Sailed,New YTor:, Oct. 27.-The British war steamer

Valorous saited yesterday for Nicaragua, with SirWm. Gore Ouseley, Britil Minister to Nicaragua.

Sailing of the Black Warrior.The steamship Ilarch W\arrlior sailed to day for

Havana with nearly o00,000 in specie for NewOlleane.

Consaul Helm was among the passengers for Havana.Domestic Markets.

NEW ToOR, Oct. 26.-Flour closed very dull at5t 20 to t 35 ; Ohio $7 23 to 5• 3 ; Southern$2 to $. 23. Wheat-Western White $1 12. Cornclosed very dull at i65 to I;6c. for Mixed. Bless Pork,Eastern, $16l C8 to $17. Lard dull at 10 to tllte.Panama Railroad Stock is quoted at $123 30. Pa-

cific Mail Company at $1017.River Intelligence.

Sr. Loarts, Oct. 27.--The lteramers D. G. Taylor,the Fails City and the A. O. Tylor have arrived fromNew Orleans.The Morn-gahela, the Ed. Walsh and the J. C.

Swon have left for New Orleans.

TrI (l:Ein "'IIli."i- I'h o is the houfr' Ilin ?-That gleat advocate of social and morat reform, theNew York Trilbne, devotes a page of its amplecolumns to the recent prIize tight for "the chamnpion-ship of Ameli a.o' larl explining,i learnedly and atgreat length, what a cllhnpionship fight is, and thengo-ing into all the details and incidents of the mlemo-rable occr.asion in qrstio. Of c,)orsewe we have neitherspelr nor int:lination to f.llow this example, but asthe reading ipublic may e culius to know somethingimonre than hast yet been pblishled here of an eventwhich has created a must textraoldinary senatiolln and

excitement in nearly all cl,ts-e. of N''rthern society,we pnulio h below just enough of the Tlibtune's re


to show the ,pidion of the "f'anco' who witlessedthe batotle in regard to the li tin ulerito of the twodoughty bruisers. Alter tile oponge had been thrownIp by Icentan'o second, in taken of deleat, the ac-count proceeds :

The ring was ilctalntly fiied with Monrissey'sfriends, who sronlllTlld d IIme, yelling and scealinlngtheir ongraulationts in hise ears. Hu rils tee tn lo"'one to spe:ll, bt h oe In t ar ttemlnpttt t' lile,who.t wh 00as a most gtatlt thing ton see. lis ee wasneatrly closed : his too ,uto t cut, and ttlllip, s• ul 0en0his ton lme visible throo the blood r: uand his ...o.-

Sliter t n b attered lis t to l ts 'lle. l leenan, save r Io :swollen i o Iip•,- r qll't ' suvrte l ,. "'u r cut" he i -ceei:ved,scei n'cey ll,,:ved ma lllr'. l i, oexh n,1l1len eals ell-tin iy due nto hi being out et co1(dltioen, and to oo idown trledots extrtl onn , had nott to any unllillmetat he re.eived fi',,nm' hi .l dvet:la ly.Thole was tihe ttenost roenttoisrl among the •olr-

riooey l*people alter Ithl, light, and thie I le d- eo the

ult, e belttee'r o toislhid with Irnli tlla oo ver, he hav-inrg ,tro.'ed so atistac ,itly Iln s lc' k la d ability. andprlte Is tellttselves willing to lbet more money thao

tllcean and Mornisoey were placed side by side onthie atoe w;agon altte toohe light, aied drawn e ll'i' mileor so, when they were again taken on board thetamboat, anUl] proceeded to Iitlu:o. The boatts wererounded by ex sited cerowds rt people on their atr-

rival, although tiety dli not arrive at the whart tillI2. A. Morri-.'es' bot app.) roa.hed the dockliring roe -ttts, Ind the arity cheered cethusia.stidly.

'leeat nallll m ediatelly proceeded to the tlloomlerlho•os, where wshhe washed his Ilae, tLand then teook stposave a very slight dis:lohrotiot under one ee, andhi< tips are s tghtly swollten flon a 11uw0 00which•o this lip against his teeth. lis leftt hand is bto uod riltheil two •,u tkles lbeing roell:.

Unorir-epy was rot to be t een, ind was so : Ulahurt tai he wil problatly not be ermoe'd from lull-

talo oot severa wt,tee Ina gt dy o•tn-dsy toe to pleasure trip to Niagara

Falls and vii hilly.As the cars 'can. e hr, t ll/h the various towll otn the

rioal ,tr tlail- t reo . i olltoundt rle l' ootwu'd,, itll an tiort to0e00 about the light.

At present the Iteling of all who witnessed tihe0attie i0 1at 1,11 lorti ey'• w illling w -as solely iie to

hios undoubteto d ptlo k t llt :stuolehiag power of ,ndr

Ill s0e0l0 e plln-hl,' dl,lland noto in t the le.l to icll'etor alny el1n'ce d ll,lnaed Ioy. hint. 1 the fi htilngvwatr d(oot by tift ena, woo ) retoo ived t "lie bow torrortrilsot Irenlty, atid had t ie ' been nl a plrolp t' voditin:l to l ight th tle eUlt lrght ohaOve teo ley 0 l0 O -

t, lt. ooitnh t e l llt to nti t ho ro Olet o tO to I .l l

1kf010'e -,000 t. ,0U that ,111r0000- is n0t 0he0b-tterwit ooli three tloluo th , ' it o e Ie ott ld wiot t tooirt

oln , s ele, a hr , - ti ,le tt ] ino ttr t 1.• tllie rer .,IIohe ri ogod to ]otg t t e ti il 00 i•,

i-,t sal~itled Iili he ll-ithe an"d 11er. '•]11-' -y,

a or unt wl that g e ,A ],1 I,'ilinP td [inptt ch 1i ae, n t e [ hr ,,ent, xeo•-i ,on u riO , 1 ___n

t -t llt I t (I'tl . I ITo.- At r to ent'TO: i -

eto o-f the - ch0. d l0ippott'h, wto i go, aln he, l-

viige, (',a rant (,, ty, V ia. uumdb date of ( t•tbir I

tA vrv ex'orditltry o torte to tt ,-t to niv o tinlit h •,e. It a opesr, th tta p'' ty• 11111 the ],.tlw(Ja loteroi btlle't y, t onty , e m .le ,o t i o r :a t ,

tot be abiolt er, st0.t . wtot', i- Ihe' we' t'tf M: '. l,'r o

Oet1 the teeier one a -tort' in t] ,] ,, r nt d, e

udei nti No t, ox cu :l the bh potto o, thl e, lie frist'oun the otll in l l Ir o ot rt•o d o a otrt DIill

lrogl N where it Ieaoot-t. very o'to lo-ve, pol ,atintoe:

fon nied ca teh , t '. p.s at anthr allf discoverednthe bo oody tn, trmote i al wtth of up. S F

1otmto Ntew t (aot.- -A dispatch of the ne6t from,of not. toed. 1iten ,n t g e h.adgtmg twen omhtwlos mt

take Ihto field hoadtoot ite tic o anta e tei, lioo it

og, wa antichihpewe. rhaoe alhtrs it l the Ngee n,'noo

mer~tict wei'e tdiet. Judge tntande atad arrived ag

wiater at wnleeto, twenty atilek woith oi Senta me.

few daysl thin a etlty sart dweekg trike was nting in t

LDemopolia Gazette, 224.

XOrai P teUgt zt.Toe WEATHR was highly hysterical night before

last and yesterday. The bright moonlight wasquenched by a thundering storm and deluge of ,ain ; yesterday morning there was more rain; and

throughout the day there were alternate blazes fromthe sun and splashes from the clouds; at one time,the sunshine and rain coming together, from whichit was to be inferred that old Mrs. Nicholas wasc•tching fits from her Satanic lord. Last night wasa fair imitation of the day, in its changes-the wind Iblowing merrily at times, and the temperature all thetime being warm.

THie FEvER ReTuRJns yesterday to the Board ofHealth showed the number of deaths to be 31, forthe toenty-four hours ending Tuesday noon.

DAuacE BY Ttn STonR•0.-The storm of Tuesdaynight was quite severe at the lake. A portion of thewoodwork of the Pontehartrain Railroad wharf,about 300 feet, was blown up and piled across thetrack, which also was considerably twisted out ofplace. But in a short time the track and wharf werelixed all right, and the cars passed over them asusunal.

TirE GREAT Day-DOCK STILL Da•.--The Cubandry-dock, above Gretna, was to have been launchedyesterday mrning. Everything being ready at thehoer, the word was given to let her rip ; but shenever ripped, " nary time once." For hours theworkmen labored to get her started ; but she laughedthem to scorn; and then a hydraulic ram was ap-plied, to give her a boost ; but the machinethrsted,and was nowhere. When we last heard from thedock, last evening, she was high and dry as ever.tier stubbornness can be accounted for upon only two.uppositions. Either that she fancies she is the GreatWestern, and wants to put on airs in launching, asthe Great Eastern did; or, remembering that she ishoilt of American oak,onAmerican soil,by Americanhands, feels herself so thoroughly American, that shescorns and repudiates the idea of being launched togo ilto a foreign service, and especially the serviceof Old Spain. Science will prevail, though. If sheisn't in the water now, she wdill be soon.

P. S.-Since writing the above, we learn that thedry-dock succumbed, and was clasped lovingly yettenderly in the embrace of the old Father of Waters,-ot about 5 o'clock, P. It. Hurrah for Cuba! If thatisland were now only a legitimate apple for a scram-ble between Eurtope and America, what a magnificenttraft would tile dry-dock be to carry over the differ.ent materials of seizure ! Iow nicely she could sinkherself if murdering men-of-war should come about,and how splendidly could she rise afterwards l

INTERE-TING.-A gentleman who has an interest-ing wife, forgot the fact on Tuesday night, and tookan interesting moonlight stroll with an interestingfemale he fell in with on the street. In order to finishtheir interesting bhat, they strolled into the shades olCongo Square, where no prying eyes or interstedears were about. flow their chat went, or what thesubject was, it boots s nout to say.

But before the interesting chat was ended, bothwere thrown into the chatters by a tigress pouncingbetween them. The tigress proved to be the inter-e-ting wife of the gentleman who was so much inter"ested in the interesting female. The interesting tigress did'nt tear anybody ; but she roared, and out-swore the celebrated arny in Flanders. She madeso much noise, ill act, as to call a distant leather-head to the scene ; and he not understanding the in-teresting lnture of the case, took all of them-bus-hand. wife, and interesting female, to the lock up to-gether. Thereupon the gentleman anuerted his re-spectability, and insitted upon an immediate inter-view with the Recorder: and the wife being nowIhytarical, anid the interesting female stoical andcoldly callou,. it was interesting nll round.

Alr obliging ofllicer went and aroused RecorderWiletz, and that gent-lemanl as oblligingly came downto the lock up. Takig a good look at tile threeein-teresting lookling prisoners, he released them upontheir parole to appear in court yesterday morning.YeIterday morning, the husbld and wife honoredtheir word by alpearing in counrt. :xplanations hadbeen made : the row Isetween them was settled ; andthey were as lovingly altr tinnate as tile pair ofSiamle twins. lBut the interesting female failed to

T'Ie Retcrder thereupon talked like a father tobolth tle husband and his interesting wife.ind dis-mi,-ed tllhe. For the interesting female, who brokeher parole, ,le issued it warrant. Tile policeman. whoati reted the interesting trio, -wears that he never be-fore herd any mrried lady' swear equal to the inter-elting wife. hen shlle aught her lord in his interest-in tet-ea-t te -ith the int it-lting female.

(oiolNEn'. INresT.-The Coroner yesterday gavehit ,tiiate 'In thi hrialrti w t of a man who died at tlhe.latIc-I - ltihrnad dept onit Mnlay evening and laid

tltet till ycsilrday morning, a period of nearly fortyh li'. te was proceeding to hold an inquest when

lit. nh wir had in l-pected tthe b dy, prootued Ithat no itllqest was e-ess<ary, the man having diedof c al•t, ice fever. Tilhe long exposure of thie bodywai jlt-tly a matter of cuiomment to all who were ap-pi-i

e d of it. We inquired about it yesterday, at both

the Street Colmluiesioner's and Coroner's oilicee, andflin tile explanations tade to us at rach, it was alp-paren tt thatilthe -tlt laid with the parties cognizant

fi tlthe death, in not leaving the proper notification attiet Coronells oii e. The Street Conlnlis.ioer hiealdof the loiy lying there the day IbleIs, lbut declineddoinig snything with it because a certificate twaswantig as to tihe aue of' death.

An inu ,luct was he!d on thle body of Jamlea Grace,

a toy • i) earsil. founi dead at his parentss houosecn oto'ouues s'tet, Third District. Verdict, couges-tien hof lite Is-ito- .

the. OI 'icthe ri ep hip clog Saie, ifPoIrllallnl Liie, w, xl•{'Xlnll dt'1 .Vlt(a ''dly hl ore U. .,Ptireifit r tr l lrt n c•crTi' i ucace a l nitiei, witho.i cillirto i ath .lke, t i t illl attar e ll .ullt (two I

W ,i ccc i cll el'r elhl d( tIl Il h it]l) illon Olch te liceu e, uIle

ocitl tcud t NN tw (ileo. t Ii tcic ccttllrtted fort it al t t ie

. it th. S.h-cric f 'calt.i

ll6.o li: i N• llin:1: " (E'OcIlT.-- ?ilite a n etllli ol cr'tmI hitic gaecocuere tilt thing

thtei a l- .l'e ,Ici i tc'l ' clqiclt• l l tc ''l Ctt'tric , alltStli l ill 't igoilflt gt li-oin l ti the fre aa h nIlit

uere, i w i itc tio thi cle i e c 11cr-e.TIhe I,~ii ,it in panl ic, ' le, il diii i-ll i--dt frlcIct the

hi u.,e ,in dllel; lrl agii dt heilt t' ll tllttivellc : c t c .icciti, illl ltt cri by wit h un intr iti Ptt beaicath o

S nlllt. l ii thllllll iicn. 'harged wtyitt hracti ing

I i li r i n . '. ltt it in i-it'a Its, (the h lttc fire, cPloreud,)

u•I wh I.1 o a c it w•eil s ntill I fi o t he Filcl st D rwia.e n to

PAli 1 nll l nllllallln t'h ll'ind 0w h ull h t J fLe Ilt1

h itl l ,,c ;id,, t r'li . : i t ti g Ct i ll ll'l hthi, hil 'toly i l did ) lyt li i . C. t. ilso. wt. ent to itih • mt o ullvtle aLlr d fToci. t d di•ie yed. cia rt•d

wlitnh ac hin g ilnner, l y la ,iy t iiatl th y till-

WTi icH d se It ih necdltcii to scy, thitt e hirocaied

tid• hiln Coc cwirllhrcca hehi beatin tIatric tl yI-

li', F'il•n , :A i A. liiii'. tl 'e Icl iei, t'hac t itdwil, dri ling li ,i ctl l iiin h ,u Sit h t liratil tott tl

anll. t'r luhik:i M• a W •elnrticd fetic the Firit Districtc(i'c1calctlh ttilil tr. crirdc all aid-talta.ur ht.

rititl at tine ci, tlel, a'tthiie ctd iowerd stree, 'cor ccaiinatihn on t ite tct cb p toa.

Jo nll Co heri, t o h hie etlt.aa Ih, aEl up on abve.

ci lfc ti b l]eit .ci ii .tid rrct tt ctnfic tt ir r tehag liIEda rd ci.i adg •., stwrd ofM

r. •the ip In

d in aE. gate

ail cici int In tinedtt Ic tnd pd ti-ader peace

gave bil to a thpper on tate id e roa.

' l, tet. Irt'i ttsttid t wtf p ct i tter peaite toieds, for

tCharlet icorc wath eld fr a ind dia on the 3d.CarI .ini al, atliar ai tinert , alias i a , t tibriught Ullly til

rhiEf of Wlie 1s dICunllgerfs tnd ssicionl, was le-

sahelf Iog have the ORta catithtte cati, rgo to teil\ aOi.-Hse. It is ttaless ti sy, that d o roenised

tc gait th e State.

Edacilta Cotik, oharged with beating Patrick taey-

lh, d'Wirog it ofisthe l 1ieo hits with thrat, as to kill,

wnl stoikfing tiet. wlithold with the fiatol, i taghir

gave h at tite corner or Latayette and Howard screets,frt extminati aurn the farh proa.

Joten Conners, of tate tuenrln'd igome, waa up on fclaarge of breacr of trust, in refusing to redtore hal

a rceos dog which be alltwed to rtn at large, ariddhtat last month tte dog ilt her little sto, 0 years old.

l-coti -ot WILT'rS Couar.-Altfed Gaino w•'yr

teday exwnmined on a chabrge or f okile. Fanny flackborrn ,with approp•ian~ $791 other momb,•

amountot orbectt oe 'rm nba%.o" n r c•e the cit u her ~ t•

entrostedto him to got a tidar heronost, She elated to her testimony that ouleds r~him for the aaeyysevra tier and instad coli ifgiving her any eaclatetle ahe hadabeare b#. Mcheck had been givn to h in pat• '•piece of property by V. laem" j1i• •

- i,

lives in her own property, oa T-mtae Kr- d

ocupied a room in the be zeet eitvdenied that he was her facylil aitlLhad any improper connectIon winkit . 'ltdtransact her businero by power of altoen qeragent, bet as a friend. A tlear•c •eagainst Onion, he was sent befoew the•lWp J lCnort, under heail of $1,O0. -

Frantk Burke wan arraigned on a chargaprenented a counterfeit cheek for laborclerk of the steamer MaIgonae, on re iofficer S. Hamilton, who anreted him-,affidavit Brke gave bail of iO0 o i apptiamination on the 2d prow.

Alfred Parige, f. m. c., was ant he peles Ihefil,

a hearing on a charge of having stolen a gnantlty oclothing belonging to Antonio Moraes, f -rom thschooner Three Bmother, lying Ia the Old R -shn,abont eight dayn ago, one oef the stoen artfte ,roat, being found in his poessia es. xamt

rxed for the 3d prow.Jacob Etep geave bail to anwer the charmge o

having threatened his wif Mary with pocmm -llence at their roidenee, No. 57 tremews -RecoRnRn Los's Co nr.-There was aott•igpan

ti•.tarly remarkable in this court yeerdsay.i e otiua y crs was that of a Mliaian and s C%.Ilan who Uad been saying ugly things o ea other,land had made mutual af~fidavits Both we'tn ag enact

hefore the case wan caled and meeting in the, had a cooal, eenible talk, end agreed toribe;,the dificolty and withdraw the fiffidavte. Theaitsnian, (who had been there efors, eiw n .znip•:told the Castilian that it wnl eea dwoad piewithdraw bis chrge. The CIstilar n fral( ,~lself as soud on the money n• tu,•.nm •__. --woald never pay $5 to settle any feesJ. ?eMtIii

! -

thereupon talkied to him like a tether, ,that if they went before the Recorder each-_I.•blafined $t0, at least, and that t would be a fi5better to pay $5 each to withdraw the atldetto be fined twice that tenh. Stilt theme `obdurate ; and the Mileeian, disgusted, imwent into court to await his turn. The P • .-did'nt follow him, but sneaked of or bidsomewhere ; and when the tees was called, the -oian only appeared. There belingpolice evidaeneetBnhe had been very ogly to the Castilian, he wasmfltea$10. He paid the money civilly; but left the Coeo -one of the maddest Milenians that ever was seen.There is no hope now of a reconcilition between his :and the Castilian ; or not, at least, until the latterohall be hauled op and made to payhin {10.

A man who was• fined the day before for:Reaga o' :room to a slave, in violation of the ordlnanes, all. (on the Recorder, and with many airs of injuredlanno.cence and tearful osupplication, begged that hIbnfigbe refunded. The Recorder sympathized with himbegged pardon for not being able to refand the moten5 ~and consoled him by telling him thathe had got toffdog cheap and ought to have been fined twie-a s,much. The man left with his feelings very machi .:hurt Soon after, another man called on the ificorder. He was the owner of the negro to whrem the,other mon had rented the room; and hie harden we;eindignation. He wanted to know how the RecorderS ,had come to let the rascal off nso theap. As the`feb M.low had rented a room to his slave, and thereby e r..bled him to steal and hide away another pegnon'n•t.• 'male slave, for which he had to pay the damages, (i , "fine of $10,) he looked upon the wner of the ho•esas a cononiver at negro atealing, and was ote him get off no cheaply-paying a paltry flpe 01only t$2 50. The Recorder informed the irate gentln-man that he believed he knew hishaslness beat; and -that if the tentleman wan'nt ntinfie d with the pe ..ishment intlicted upon his enemy, he was aorry fer it.We think the Recorder split the golden mean hb.wtweeo the too.

A sunrn Ma a mun:s e.-vsong Wne Weay troohours ending at 6 P. M. on Monday, there were te.;deaths in Mobile from yellow fever.

GREAT HounicaNC i IN ILLINOla.--The Pittsfield(Ill.) Democrat of the 13th gives the following ano...-count of a fearful hurricane in that region :

On Wednesday evening last a portion ofthecounty.was traversed by a hurricane, the most severe thathas visited us for many years. The most seriouteffects were experienced near the village of Time,about eight miles southwest of this place. Many oaour reders will remember a large brick house, somehalf mile west of the village, on the Atlas road, ownas the "Howard House." The aouse is now heap

of ruine. having been blown over by the storm, threepersons instantly killed, and several others badly in-ored. We have learned no details ofthe catastrophe• "

On the same night the house of Mr. Willsey, in thevicinity of this place, was struck by lightning, whichcame down the stairway, demolishing the banlote oand doing moch other damage, bot injuring no one,dathouh MIrs. Willsey was standing in the hall doort,within six feet of the staircase.We learn that another house was struck by lighbt

nine about the same time, but have not been able togather any reliable particulars.Tir Cans County Times of the llth adds :About 4 o'clock on Wednesday evening, the lth

inSt., a terrible storm of wind passed through thiscounly. tearing op everything in its path. It beganmbout four miles west of town and passed in a direc.ioan a little ninth of east, and passed within one mile

'kloniderable damage wns done to the farms in theprairie. rut its greatest violence was after it reachedhre timber. In the barrens we lern some ho•eswere bloan to pieces, but we have heard of no onegettllg seriously hurt. In the barrens it blew downa lliacksmit shop, and scattered tongs sledge-ham.nmenrs, etc., from 50 to 100 yards from the shop.

FIeituaately the storm did not pass through athickly settled part of the country ; otherwise therenu-t havIe Ibeen a great loss both of life and property.It tore down trees like wisps of straws, and on some-hrtos lure p and blew off te standing crop of corn.

A t'ss• L Sitzen.--A dispatch of the, 20th fromBostotn msnn:

Theo bark isle de Cuba has been taken possesionof by the Custom-nhouoe officials, for the purpose ofawaiting :n investigation into her recent voyage toAlhria. The crew, twelve in number, have also beentakeu in custody by the U. S. Marshal, and carried tothe U. S. Colurt-room. According to the MarinelRli-ter, the Isle de Cuba belongs to Mr. Da le Pag-nare, ot New Yotk.

A IlsanTaL lt•nvsnnS.--The Newborn (N. C.) Pro.greos of the 14th gives the following account of amooethoua deed committed near Goldsboro, N. C., oxthe previous Sunday:

A man named Sterling or Starling, shot an oldwlanl betoeen sixty and seventy years of age, deadill her town daor. It ems that there had been somenlilntnderstadodi lg Ietween the parties relative to eadog a hiew days previows, and on Sunday the manicaiiuldl at thI Ihouoc of Mrs. Cotton, and on being

aoiked Iy her to come in, refused to do so, bat re-nlnentnd her to comne out as he had business with her. .I'he old lady walked to tile door when the monstertinsed hIis gunt and shot her dead. When our inform-ant left Goldsboro yesterday the Sheriff was oat intnrsnnit of tile murderer.

IEALTn oF VICKSBnRo AND JAcssoN.-The Trite

Sntllrunu of yesterday says :There were threie deaths in the city yesterday, andone Ibtm eacih of tine hospitals; allot yellow fever.Thie weather continues unseasonably warm, and,c0re is not thIe least gleam of hope for frost for theIrescnt.

Tie Jnackson Mississippiano of yesterdaysays:A cuae of yellow fever contracted elsewhere by a--relidentl, as, on inquiry we are reliably informed,

oenniuntcnd fatally in Jackson Thursday morning. As-ihe 'ose is ann inmported one, oand has happened in ateo,st, part of tihe town, in a family whnse membersl ave tad ile disease, our physicians are confidenttlhalt Ithere is no cause for the least fear that it willsproad. Tney are nully confirmed in this opinion bytihe nact of tile two cases heretofore relported, whenaI the urronndings were most favorable to its props.g.titnn.We are now favored with a cool, bracing atmos-ihere, wvitlh I prospect of an early killing frost-Il..vieg already had the benefit of several slight ones.The atmosphnere, whlich has been proved by actual re-uilts to he too pure for inleetion during the warmer

nmtnhsle, htas been rendered doubly secure by the ad-va.n:c of autumu and thie change of the weather,which guarnntce entire protection from the ravagesof the diCseaCe.

YIELL.oW FEVER IN WOODVILLE, MisS.-The Wood-ville Gazette of Saturday last says:

For the week eoding on yesterday at 12 o'clock,MI., there hlotd hbe, within the corporate limits ofour town. 2S additional cases of yellow fever and 3deaths.

This makes the whole number of yellow fever caseswhich have occurred from the beginning of the epi-dlemic up to tlhat time 105, and the nooumber ofdleatts 17.

At the present writing (Friday, 12 o'clock, M.) thesick are all doing well with the exception of twocases, one of whom is in a critical situation, and forthe other there is no hope of recovery.

A MVSTERTOCs ASSAl:LT.-The Montgomery (Ala.)Mail, of the 22d, has the following paragraph :

In the small hours, last Thursday nigbht, Mr. Thos.S. Cliett, keeping a store at Cubahatchee, Maconcounty, was aroused by a customer who warged topsrchase a gallon of molasses. He appeared 1 anegro, but Mi. C. says ie was a blacked white man.The molasses was drawn, when the eustomer knockedIMr. C. dlwn with some iron instrur•,ent, gashing his

head and cheek terribly, and leaving hint for dead.He then took the jug, and leaving $1 instead of 60cents, departed. No attempt was made to rob,'andthe motive for the assault is a mystery. Mr, liett isrecovering.

Never give a boy a shilling to hold your shadkwwhile you climb a tree and look into the middle ofn xt week-it is money thrown away.