New media – new public#1

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Transcript of New media – new public#1

New Media – New Public?New Media – New Public?

Mentor: Mentor: dr. dr. Nic Nickk Jankowski Jankowski

Author: Author: Tom ZajšekTom Zajšek dipl.pol.dipl.pol.

What ? What ? Influence of new Media on publicInfluence of new Media on public


Understanding Understanding changes and new changes and new concepts of concepts of public /audiencespublic /audiences


Introducing the Introducing the concept of “cyber concept of “cyber space”space”

New New media and the meaning of “space”media and the meaning of “space”

ReconceptualisationReconceptualisation of space of space

Free – unlimited communicationFree – unlimited communication

Two way Two way

Three way (Ferber)Three way (Ferber)

Introduction of…Introduction of…

Cyber space (CS)Cyber space (CS)It’s a space where people can meet and communicate It’s a space where people can meet and communicate and is onlyand is only partly similarpartly similar to space outer web. to space outer web. (Kitchin(Kitchin))““Cyber space is in its technical sense a big Cyber space is in its technical sense a big net of net of connected computersconnected computers. But on the other hand, in a . But on the other hand, in a social sense, it stands for a place of numerous diverse social sense, it stands for a place of numerous diverse social actions, practices and relations that are social actions, practices and relations that are separated from physical spaceseparated from physical space..” (Oblak” (Oblak))Cyber space is a “Cyber space is a “no mans landno mans land” because it is present ” because it is present everywhere and belongeverywhere and belongs to no s to no

Influence of CS on communicationInfluence of CS on communication

Users as producersUsers as producers

Impact on “culture”Impact on “culture” - - culture is mediated through culture is mediated through communication, culture it self, this are our communication, culture it self, this are our historically determined systems of beliefs and codes, historically determined systems of beliefs and codes, it becomes essentially reshaped and will further it becomes essentially reshaped and will further reshape it self with new communication system. reshape it self with new communication system.

(Castells(Castells)) Playing with identity – Playing with identity – liberation of controlliberation of control

New media – new Public?New media – new Public?

CCyber spaceyber space is understood as a is understood as a new form of electronic new form of electronic public spherepublic sphere and supplies with new means and with and supplies with new means and with potential for active and sensible public. (Oblakpotential for active and sensible public. (Oblak))

DDirectirect interpersonal interpersonal communication lossescommunication losses its its

meaning.meaning. ActiveActive audience audience

AAudience udience is is becobecomingming unpredictable, fragmentisedunpredictable, fragmentised,,

changeablechangeable and and distanceddistanced from from specific contextsspecific contexts

Discussion pointsDiscussion points

New Medias and deliberative democracyNew Medias and deliberative democracy

Fragmentation and PublicFragmentation and Public

““Public” vs “Private”Public” vs “Private”

Thanks for Your attention and see Thanks for Your attention and see you in …you in …