New Interchange 1 Workbook 1997 - Jack Richards (Cambridge University Press)

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Transcript of New Interchange 1 Workbook 1997 - Jack Richards (Cambridge University Press)

Unit 12

Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to give advice usingIt's a good idea ... , It's helpful ... , or It's important ....

Âdvicfr "don't exercise a lot.

L....-.-. ---'

1. For a bad cough, don't srnoke.

For a bad cough ifs important not to srnoke.

2. For a sore throat, don't talk too rnuch.

3. For a burn, don't put ice on it.

4. For insornnia, don't drink coffee at night.

5. For a fever, don't get out of bed.

Check (./) three health problems you have had this year. Write what youdid for each one. Use the remedies be/ow or your own remedies.

Health problems

D a backacheD a headacheD a toothacheD a coldD a sore throatO the hiccupso a sunburno stress

Some remedies

take sorne aspirinuse sorne lotiontake sorne cough dropsgo to bed

get sorne rnedicine frorn the drugstoreput sorne ointrnent on itsee rny doctor/dentistdo nothing


Example: Yesterday, 1had a bad headache 50 1took sorne aspirin.1. _

2. _

3. _