Post on 11-Jan-2016

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S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie S L O V A K U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y I N B R A T I S L A V A Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology. DIVAI 2012, Štúrovo. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V EFakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológieS L O V A K U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y I N B R A T I S L A V AFaculty of Chemical and Food Technology

IntroductionIntroductionEEnormous development of the applicationsnormous development of the applications of of IR:IR: in medicine, biology, chemistry, techniques and in material


IR - basis of many new fields, e.g. nuclear medicine Nuclear energy - an irreplaceable source of energy NNegative influenceegative influences ofs of IR:IR: atom bombs, tests of nuclear weapons, nuclear accidents Public –Public – discussion of influences on our health and on environment interest in the heart of the matter – what is ionizing radiation   IR – poses a threat to mankind or helps us

→ radiation protectionradiation protection

Transfer of informationTransfer of information

education on various faculties of universities public can be informed

- mass media

- internet

- various publicity campaigns – Days of open doors, Night of Researchers, Informative day of SNUS

vacuum in education - on secondary schools

Study, promotional- informative Study, promotional- informative materialmaterial

1. „1. „Multimedia programme of education in the field of Multimedia programme of education in the field of ionizing radiation and radiation protectionionizing radiation and radiation protection““

KEGA MŠ SR 2005-2009 - the team cooperation of many workplaces (18 co-autors) - output - multimedia textbook „„Ionizing radiation and radiation protectionIonizing radiation and radiation protection““

(Holý, K., Holá, O.,

- text part (25 chapters with quantity of hypertexts) - multimedia part (12 videofilms, 43 presentations), - informative part

2. 2. Informative day of SNUSInformative day of SNUS

(Slugeň et al. 2009)

- mayors and city managers from the municipalities nearby nuclear power station Jaslovské Bohunice

- lectures

- DVD materials ⋲ text + video films + presentations

Informačný deň SNUS

Informačné texty:

Informačné texty


Inštruktážne filmy

Prezentácia pre verejnosť

Biologické účinky IŽ a ich zdravotné prejavyRadiačný monitoring a informovanie verejnostiRadiačná ochranaJadrové zariadenia, jadrová bezpečnosťIŽ a jeho vlastnostiPrírodné a priemyselné zdroje IŽ

3. 3. University textbook „Radiation protection“„Radiation protection“ with subtitle:with subtitle:

„„Ionizing radiation, its effects and Ionizing radiation, its effects and protection of itprotection of it“ “

(Holá, Holý 2010).(Holá, Holý 2010). APVV LPP-0230-09

- Text + DVD supplement + illustrative video films as well as colour figures



S T U . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .Slovenskátechnickáuniverzitav Bratislave

Ionizujúce žiarenie,jeho účinky a ochrana

pred ionizujúcim žiarením

ISBN 978-80-227-3240-6

Our video-film library 1. Radioactivity 2. Irradiator 3. X-rays and diffraction device 4. Application of X-rays in medicine diagnostics 5. Modern techniques in radiology and nuclear

medicine 6. Nuclear medicine – open radiation sources in

diagnostics and therapy 7.Ionizing radiation and radiation protection 8. Days of radiation protection 9.Proton synchrotron in Ružomberok

Forms of education

Days of open doors 2010, 2011 Night of Researchers 2010, 2011 Week of Science and Techniques training for teachers of chemistry and

natural sciences the lecture-experimental tours

Days of open doors 26.5.2010

Holá O.: Rádioactivity around us

Days of open doors


Days of open doors


Night of Researchers– 24.9.2010 - Avion

Week of Science and Techniques on Slovakia 2010 Bratislava

SNM – Museum of Natural Sciences


Holá O.: Multi-purpose utilization of strong magnets – MRI, cyclotrons, synchrotrons

Night of Researchers - 23.9.2011

Holá O., Ilčin M.: Radioactivity around us Ionizing radiation and its influences

Night of Researchers– 23.9.2011

The lecture-experimental tours

1. Radioactivity – a threat for mankind or an inseparable part of our life

2. Origin of X-rays and their use 3. Do you know working principles of CT, MRI,

ultrasonography, PET? 4. Nuclear medicine – open irradiators in diagnostic

and therapy 5. Multi-purpose utilization of strong magnets – MRI,

cyclotrons, synchrotrons 6. Radiation protection

Realized tours with themes of IR

Prírodovedecké múzeum – téma 5a (3 prednášky = 2 triedy z Gymnázia Bilikova Ba, 1 trieda SPŠ elektrotechnická)

Gymnázium Krompachy – téma 7 Športové gymnázium Košice – téma 7 Gymnázium Púchov – témy 9, 9a Gymnázium Metodova Ba – téma 5a Gymnázium Prievidza – témy 7, 9, 9a Stredná odborná škola Slovenská Ľupča - témy 7, 9, 9a Gymnázium Krompachy – témy 9, 9a Gymnázium Liptovský Mikuláš – témy 9, 9a Gymnázium Košice – témy 9, 9a Stredná odborná škola – Košice témy 9, 9a Gymnázium Nová Baňa – témy 9, 9a Gymnázium Žiar n/Hronom – témy 9, 9a Gymnázium Einsteina – Bratislava – témy 9, 9a Gymnázium Matky Alexie Bratislava - témy 9, 9a

Together 30 lectures


To supply the power-point presentation of lecture directly by demonstrations, experiments

To combine the power-point presentation with the video clips and video-films, internet

To allow a pause during a lecture To assign a written questions, tasks at the beginning of

lecture – it helps to maintain the attention during the whole lecture

To give a time for discussion and for “playing” with demo tools

To evaluate the student’s answers of written quiz and to reward some students with symbolic prizes




Bratislava - MetodovaBratislava - Metodova



prize award


- application of above mentioned study materials for an education as well as for propagation are very positive.

- new forms of an education –- the activities for general public, - our lecture–experimental tours at the

secondary schools, have very kindly response.

„„Lack of cognition is stone of evil Lack of cognition is stone of evil ““


This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV LPP-0230-09.Agency under the contract No. APVV LPP-0230-09.

Thank you for your attention!Thank you for your attention!