New England Powerpoint

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of New England Powerpoint

Malinda Eleonore F.,Mary-Margaret, Sydney

New Engla


•Soil was thin and rocky

•The Connecticut River runs through New England

•The region was very mountainous (the Appalachian Mountains run through New England), so there wasn’t much flat land

•The growing season was very short, and winters were long and cold

•This meant the land was not fit for major farming


-The Separatists move to Holland in search of religious tolerance

-In 1620 they received funding for a voyage to the Americas

-After they landed they founded Plymouth Colony

-Later John Winthrop led a group of Puritans over and founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony



-Puritans wanted to purify the Anglican Church

-They had no tolerance for differences

-They believed in hard work and dedication, and that all sins were punished

-The Salem Witch trials began as a result of low tolerance and a belief in God’s will

-Separatists were radical Puritans

-They believed that the Anglican church could not be purified



Hutchinson-She was home-schooled

-She married Will Hutchinson and had 15 kids

-She followed John Cotton to New England

-She was the first woman preacher and defender of New England

-As the meeting started to get bigger, she got more questionable

-She was charged with heresy and blasphemy, and accused of antinomianism

-She was banished from the Massachusetts Colony, then went to Rhode Island, then New York

-She and all but one of her children was massacred by Indians in New York

Society-Most of the people worked and lived on small farm

-People lived for about 70 years, where in other areas they only lived to about 45

-Married women could not own property, vote, hold political office, or serve on a jury

-White women could not own property, make contracts, divorce, gain legal custody, sue, or keep wages

-Women did the household duties

-Men planted, raised and harvested crops

-Women were considered inferior and needed to be governed by men

-School was more available in New England than any of the other colonies

-Girls helped their mother cook, sew, and clean

-Boys hunted and fished

-They has less wealthier families than all of the other regions

• The Massachusetts Bay Colony only allowed members of the Puritan Church to vote

• John Winthrop was the first governor of Massachusetts

• Most of New England was religiously intolerant

• Roger Williams founded Rhode Island

•The New England Confederation was created in 1643 to protect the colonies and give them a place to discuss problems


- This document was made by the pilgrims on the Mayflower before they docked - This document was created based on the upholding of two traditions - One was the sticking to the concept of the social contract

- Second was stick to the concept of agreement - These laws began to take place in Massachusetts on November of 1620 -

The Mayflower


-They opened mills to grind wheat and corn

- Opened lumber mills

- Good trade (good harbors)

- Crafts- shoe making, cabinet making, and weaving

- Sugar Act- England passed this law in 1764

- Law put on molasses being bought and brought into England (imported)

- This act had a negative impact on the rum in the colonies

- Stamp Act happened in 1765

- Every piece of paper in America bought from England was taxed



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