New Dutch Embassy in Canberra: Sustainable and

Post on 04-Mar-2016

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In eleven months from now, Dutch diplomats and staff of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Canberra will be moving into what is now still a mere scale-model of an ingenious architectural dream. A state-of-the art and sustainable, energy-efficient building. Purpose-built, yet flexible, and engaging. How does the new embassy building reflect your ideas on sustainability?

Transcript of New Dutch Embassy in Canberra: Sustainable and

New Dutch Embassy in Canberra:Sustainable and Engaging


Interview with theArchitect,Rudy Uytenhaak

words Anne Paret

In eleven months from now,Dutch diplomats and staffof the Royal NetherlandsEmbassy in Canberra willbe moving into what is nowstill a mere scale-model ofan ingenious architecturaldream.A state-of-the art andsustainable, energy-efficientbuilding.Purpose-built, yet flexible,and engaging.


This is Rudy Uytenhaak's brief, set by theMinistry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague. Thearchitect's assignment is inherently political."Sustainability," says Rudy, "incorporates ahierarchy of values. First, you have energy use.70% of a building's environmental impact is inits energy use. Materials, of which the buildingis made, by contrast, only account for 30% of itsdraw on natural resources." Rudy's conclusionis self-evident: "If you lower energy use, youare building something sustainable."

Wouldn't it have been more eco-friendly to keepthe present embassy building and adapt it?Rudy: "Of course it's always a dilemma: replaceor renovate? If you keep an old coat, you won'tneed to knit a new one. You can alter and mendit; however, it will never be made-to-measure."

"My initial task three years ago, was toassess the feasibility of refurbishing thepresent embassy building on Empire Circuit,Yarramula. First, we drew plans to expand thecurrent building. But there's a turning point,"Rudy explains, "when ecological insightbecomes compelling. In terms of energy use,size, maintenance and comfort, the buildingwas clearly inefficient."Besides energy use and materials, flexibility of

a building further contributes to its sustainability. Rudyaims for adaptability in his design. "The fourth value,quite simply, is comfort. Comfort involves engaging thesenses. A building should be pleasing to the ears, eyesand skin. It should fit nicely around the organisation.Its detail, forms, proportions, light, and diversity ofexperiences should make walking through its rooms like adelicious meal teasing your tongue."

"Suddenly we have onlyworld, and no earth left"Independent of the embassy project, Rudy visitedAustralia twice. The Aboriginals' relationship to the landmarked him. Not to claim or own it, as we do in Westerncultures, but instead to apply knowledge of it and tocreate something comfortable, using minimal means.That is Rudy's ideal in architecture. "We have ploughedthe earth over and turned it into world, so much so thatultimately, all we have is world, and no earth left. Weneed to recover our balance, just like the Aboriginals."

An example: the ubiquitous air-conditioning in Australia."People no longer listen to their bodies. 20 degrees is thescientific but bureaucratic norm for indoor temperature,whereas by being flexible, you can achieve a more naturaland especially a less energy intensive thermostaticcomfort."

Rudy became an architect because he wanted his workto provide tangible feedback and lasting reflection in theconcrete form of buildings. Among his buildings are alsothe Dutch Embassies in Sarajevo and Amman, as well asa house in Mexico. In 2006, Rudy Uytenhaak was namedArchitect of the Year in the Sustainability Category. Hewas designated. overall Architect of the Year in 2007. TheDutch Embassy in Canberra is due to be completed byDecember 2009. To read more on Rudy t1)1enhaak andhis work, visit his website www.uytenhaaknl.

Does your energetic ideal resonate in Australia?Rudy: "There is an avant-garde in Australia whichconcerns itself with sustainability issues. Especiallywater. When you leave Canberra, for example, there'sa road sign telling you how many litres of waterhave been consumed that day. I suppose people aregenerally aware of the environment, especially sincethe Rudd administration, which hastened to signthe Kyoto Protocol. Still, I'm amazed at some of thebrand new Australian museums, which are way outof bounds in terms of the energy norm. Why coolthem down in summer so that my wife had to go outevery half hour to get comfortable?"

How does the new embassy building reflect yourideas on sustainability?Rudy: "In terms of energy, the most importantfeature is the solar mill, a wing-shaped cap whichrotates 24/24 on a wheel on the roof. Alwaysperpendicular to the sun, its solar panels catch maximumsunlight, generating sufficient power for lighting andcomputers in the embassy. Second: the atrium in the middleof the building. Most (Dutch) offices have windows on oneside only, causing people to squint when they enter, andto perceive darkness as they look away from the window.Result: they switch on the light. Not so in this new embassy,where all offices bask in light from both sides. Result: turningon the light is delayed, conserving energy. The atrium intum, is shielded from the dangerous hot Australian sun bythe same cap, saving ventilation."

"Ventilation," Rudy explains, "is obtained through tubingin the ground. A long tube takes ample time to reach thebuilding, the air it carries taking on ground temperature.A shorter tube brings in air at outdoor temperature. Inantipodal summer when the ground feels relatively cool, wewould need more of the warmer air from the short pipe. Inwinter, the opposite holds true. Like a water faucet, the airfrom both pipes can be mixed to obtain the desired indoortemperature. Embassy staff won't have to do this themselves:a thermostat will regulate the mixing tap.

The circular facade of the building resembles a water wheel.

It is made of wooden fins, placed perpendicular to the glass,40 centimetres long, keeping the sun at bay. Another simple,constructive feature, protecting the interior from sun load.

And of course, there are the materials: a lot of wood, whichis easily recyclable, a 6-7 centimetre concrete plate, with alarge surface to cool or heat the place, as called for. That'sall. The panelling at ground level is Corten steel, a rustedvariety with a high carbon content, purely natural.

"Dutch ambitions are sky­high, but we still ride ourbikes."What is typically Dutch about this building?Rudy: "The Netherlands boasts high standards inarchitecture. This may sound pretentious, but I think myplan demonstrates Dutch intelligence in implementinginnovative knowledge and latest insights. Simultaneously, itis the perfect example of the Dutch grocer's approach: lean,efficient and modest. It's paradoxical: Dutch ambitions aresky-high, but we still ride our bikes!"

What do you consider to be the world's finest building?Rudy: "Well, I would say the Acropolis or the Pantheon.But looking at the last century, it is definitely the SydneyOpera House. I regard the late architect Jf2Jrn Utzon as oneof the heroes of the twentieth century. Wandering past thisbuilding, you just fall in 10ve...No, the sun cap on the newDutch Embassy was not a direct reference!"

And the most pleasant?Rudy: "I like that question! That's a matter of feeling. I'venever been inside because they are private homes, but GlennMurcutt's crisp wooden houses on Mosman Bay in Sydneyare stunning. I would feel at ease here. Having always livedin the heart of Amsterdam, my wife and I have never built ahouse of our own. But given the chance, it would be a GlennMurcutt home: lots of wood, yet high tech, very subtle,beautiful technique. I would love to experience that!" Rudyconcludes in all modesty. ~