Post on 02-Oct-2021

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Today Dianne F

If you would like to know more, Contact Pastor John

0408 402 476

MONDAY 5PM Walking Soccer 7PM Social Soccer

TUESDAY 9:30AM Playgroup

WEDNESDAY 9AM Prayer Meeting


9:00AM Quilters

FRIDAY 9:30AM Playgroup 4:00pm Kids Ignite

NEW BIRTH IS JUST THE BEGINNING In 2001, 60 million people gathered at the Ganges River Ganges as part the Maha Kumbh Mela festival. At the time, it was the biggest gathering of human beings ever. The people gathered to dip themselves in the river, believing that it would cleanse their soul. In essence the believed that an outward action would make an inward change. The Bible tells us that its actually the other way around - inward change will inspire external actions. God works in us from the inside out. He doesn’t just say ‘go do this’ or ‘don’t do that’. He gives us a new birth, a new life and a new heart so that we want to do what please him. In 1 Peter 1:3-6 Peter praises God because “in his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” This new birth is a gift given to us by God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, because of what Christ has done for us. But the thing about birth is that life doesn’t stop when we are born. In the same way, new spiritual birth is only the beginning. Some people sadly think that they can be a ‘born again’ Christian without ever actually changing the way that they speak, act and think. I sadly read of many accounts of people who claim to be born again Christians who do what they want, say what they want, sleep with whoever they want and then go to church the next day. Does this describe you? I hope not. 1 Peter is very clear. Born again people will be inspired to love God and love each other. If you don’t show any signs of loving God or loving your neighbour, then I would be very concerned that maybe you haven’t actually been born again. That doesn’t mean that I am saying we should be earning our salvation by doing good works. That’s totally the wrong way around. That’s trying to make an internal change by doing external actions – just like washing in the Ganges River. All you’ll do is get wet. The external actions never make the internal change. But receiving a new heart and being born again will always lead to good works, and a heart that wants to please God. External actions are a sign that the internal change has happened. As I said before new birth is just the beginning. As Christians we are all a work in progress and we will often fail to love God and others as we should. That’s why we keep repenting of our sins, being confident that God will forgive us and sure that nothing can separate us from his love. But have you been born again into a new and glorious living hope? Yes? Then may you strive to live in that hope each day.

God bless, Pastor John.

Pray for the escalating conflict in Israel.

Pray for Tara and Phil as they continue to wait for new job offers.

Praise God for his goodness, mercy and patience.

Praise God for the gift of His Word and pray that we will allow the Holy Spirit to teach, guide and correct us.

Pray that God will help us to hold onto what is good and stay away from every kind of evil (1 Thess 5:21-22)

Pray for our church leaders - that they will seek the Lord at all times and lead with humility and unity.

Pray that each of us will have a heart that longs for the salvation of every person in every nation on earth.

MEMORY WALK OR JOG FOR DEMENTIA We are doing it again... the memory walk and jog for Dementia Australia on the Sunshine Coast on 13th June. As many of you know my husband Paul is living with a form of Younger Onset Dementia for the last six years, so this is a cause close to my heart. Dementia is the second leading cause of death for people in Australia and there is no cure. Please help me support people with dementia and their families and carers by donating to my fundraising page and help me smash my fundraising goal! Blessings, Astrid H

COOLUM CRUSADERS HOME GAME Next Saturday 22nd May is our next home game. Set up will be at 7am and games/canteen will go from 8.30am to 1pm. As usual there will be a roster at the exit for you to put your name down if you can help.

HALF YEARLY MEMBER'S MEETING To be held on Sunday 30th May 2021 after the service. We will be covering the business aspects of our church and church life in general so all of the church family is invited to attend. The agenda will be provided at a later date. Ministry leaders are advised that they are required to provide a half yearly report on their activities for the year to date and perhaps some news about the activities planned to the end of the year. The reports should reach the church office by 27th May.

GRANNY FLAT WANTED As Steve and Tara apply for transfers for a new teaching position for Tara, their daughter Lizzie is on the lookout for a granny flat to stay in. If you are aware of any possible accommodation options for Lizzie, please see Steve, Tara or Lizzie.

NOTES "Born Of The Spirit" (John 3:1-16)



FINANCE - You may Direct Transfer your offering to BSB NO: 704-913 Acc: 400039335 (Internet banking transfers only)

OFFICE : Phone: (07) 5446 1957 Email: Address: PO Box 18 Coolum Beach 4573 (1912 David Low Way), Website: ABN - 29 747 289 728

Pastor John Gallagher Mobile: 0408 402 476 Email:

Children’s and Youth Pastor Harrison Gallagher Mobile: 0401 195 722 Email:


16 May



"Born Of The Spirit" (John 3:1-16)