Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Three

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Three

In which seven becomes ten, Servos

refuse to serve and ever shred of

normality floats away on the winds

of chaos.

Hello one and Al to this newest

instalment of Never Mind the Nooboos.

'Which you have again buggered up!'

*sigh* Nice to see you again too Regina.

Basically, the first few pictures were

lost, then I deleted all my CC, because

>20GB is way too much for anyone and

then a toad ate my big toe...wait, I don't

think that one happened. No, just

the lost pics and the CC.

So, catch up. In the lost pics they were robbed (only their

Aspiration Changer Orb Thing) and

Regina finished her Servo.


'So, what do you want today Regina?'

'Can you replace this idiot we call a



'Sorry, with the recession and all, we've had to cut

funding. I only do the basic

love/money/friends/etc deal now.'

'*sigh* Then I guess we'll take some

money, as Alice also got rid of our nice


I was bored of it.

So, that's that. And, obviously, everyone

got makeovers.

Sit back, relax and maybe get a cup of tea, as we make the

seven kids into an even ten, wonder

what the actual llamas Carrie is on

about, and why Donna may be the

most awesome person ever.

Enjoy kids.

First, a look at the new house for those

interested in that kinda thing.

Ground floor, with the open plan living area, kitchen, patio

breakfast area, playground,

greenhouse, garage and skilling room.

First floor with the kids room, Regina and Klaus's room

and the communal bathroom, as well as

the dating balcony with telescope,

hottub and roses.

I'm kinda proud of this place. It's pretty.

I normally suck at building, but this place has charm.

Saying that I'll prolly make them move

again in a few kids time.

Everyone, remember Klaus?

'Hello everyone.'

He got new hair and a new outfit (not the

one he's wearing. He's just off to work)

but the rest is the same.

Regina grew out her hair and went for a

more feminine look.

'Bite me!'

But she's still as bad tempered as ever. In

her hands is the youngest Havar,



'What's happening folkie-doodle-dos.'

She still makes no sense, but has an

awesomelicious new hat.

'It's funkarific.'


And finally the Servo, Dogsbody.


He doesn't say much, nor does he do much



Right back atcha little guy. He was activated

by Klaus, so has full skill points, and I

then had him stick his head in the orb,

making him Grilled Cheese.


Leave the poor baby alone.


I guess that no one else does pay her any

attention. Poor Donna. Klaus and

Genie have had too many kids to care


Ahoy sailor!

'It's sunny. I can't see.'

You're in the shade of the orchard,



Normality? Nope, not yet. One day,


Also still with us is Reepicheep, the

womrat of Klaus and Regina's college


He will make it to baby Z or I'll kill


Alice wants a wishing well, so we

give the Garden Club another whirl.

I like wishing wells. Dunno why. But I


And I get it.

Thank you ginger guy!

'So, do I get a place in Beetroot's Queen

Bee Challenge?'

You're breaking up. *static noises* I

can't hear you. *more static* Hold

on. *line goes dead*

'Darn it!'

'Alice, why do I have to do this? It's

stinktasticly sukaroonie.'

Because you are the first kid to not get

accepted into Private School first

time and if you don't get in this time I

will make your life even more of a


'Fine, I'll play the gosh darn the


'I'll let Carrie in, if you...give me a kiss.'


'Come on, where's the harm?'

'REGINA! HELP! Some weird old guy

with dyed hair is trying to corrupt me!'

Suck it up, Klaus. We want that dolt

daughter of yours in fancy school.

With Klaus failing, we send in the

cavalry. Dogsbody saves the day and

Carrie gets in.



'Alice, my face isn't in the shot.'

Shh! *drool* You may all like Bennie

and Brian, but Klaus has got it going on.


'If Regina heard that-'

Good point well made. *hides*

But look at that face! Utter cuteness!

There is but one reason that the pile of crap called Dogsbody

is still with the family, and not

rotting at the bottom of a pile of rubbish in the scrap metal yard. That reason is that he is friends with Klaus, and Klaus could use a


He makes Klaus smile, and that's

dandy with me, and is also the same reason

that Regina is still with us.

Snore time, also known as one in a

long, dull line of birthday shots.

Sorry Donna, but we're all tired of this.

Other than Regina. This is the first

birthday she's attended in ages.

Red eyebrows.

Blonde hair.

Hmm, methinks something is amiss

with little Donna. Ah, that explains it.

While the rest of the family is chronically

shy, Donna is a ten point finger gunning

naked hottubber.

And Klaus is indeed still pissed. Very

realistic isn't it? I was mugged on my

birthday once and got over it the moment I

was offered cake.

Like the rest of the family, Donna =


But doesn't she look petrified of Regina?

Stats wise, she is totally different to the rest of the family. 10

neat points, 10 outgoing, 4 active

(the rest have 6 and up), 4 playful and 7

nice. Little freak.

I loves her!

With that out the way, the "happy" couple celebrate.

And this happens. Hello baby E!

Regina? Are you actually smiling?

'I...think so.'

Please don't. It's creepy.

'Isn't she cute and precious and


One day Klaus, you are going to get tired

of kids.

'I don't think so.'

It will come. I can assure you.

'He he he! CLOWN!'

Well, Regina's Gold toymaking badge was

going to waste, so Donna is the first kid

to play with some non-skilling toys.

Scary stuff.

The well gets a lot of use. We needs

friends, so Dogsbody gets us friends.


Klaus? That's for Donna.

'I want to be clever too!'

*sigh* Knowledge sims. What can you


'AHHHH! Awice! Da wobot gunna eat me!'


So we lay to rest Donna Havar. We

barely knew ye.

I jest. But it was close. The robots are

running amok! AMOK!

'Say Daddy.'


'Come on Donna. Say Daddy.'


I love this kid. She's so...savvy and spunky

and so on. And she pulls the cutest faces.

'Alice, I'm cutearific too, aren't I?'

Sure thing Carrie. You will always be

my favourite...prolly. Though I'm not sure

that post private schools appreciate

customization of uniform.

'Whatcha talking about?'

The hat.

'Me and the hat have formed a symbiotic


Wow. That was a real sentence. And I spelt

symbiotic ri ght with no help.

What can I say? I have a perverted and

strange mind. Gay Grilled Cheese Servo

who only ever says Meep.

And note the oddly appropriate

conversation in the background. You cannot write this


'Cute bwick.'

Nawwww. Anyone else want to just eat

her up?

Dogsbody? Who's this?


ACR. It's a menace people, but I love it!

Woot! Another LTW in the bag. If only

Regina was so easy. So, what now?

'Head of the SCIA.'


'Sometimes you think that this family can't

get any stranger, Alice. Then you turn

and see a Servo playing the piano.'

Because you're totally dull and

normal, aren't you Carrie?

Bad wishing well friend!

More friends pulled out of the well. I

dunno how we ever survived without it.

Are you being...nice?

'I like this kid. It doesn't annoy me.'


'Good point.'

There it is. The Regina we all love. I was worried for a while that she was

going soft, but nope. She's still a


'Imma steal the gnome back.'

Good luck.

No words.

With 8 days till elderhood, both

Regina and Klaus chug a bottle of

Elixar each.

'Tastes like kiwi fruit, tizer and



Are you two ever going to get bored

of each other?

'*slurp* Get lost Alice!'


Carrie skills so slow.

Okay, apparently I've lost some of Carrie's

skill pics, so this will count as Cooking,

Mechanical and Cleaning.

Last time we started on the English

National Character, so let's continue with


Politeness : The English are said to be

obsessed with the word "sorry". I must say that it is true that

we are more polite than many of the

foreigners I've met. It was said by George

Orwell that "In no country inhabited by white men is it easier

to shove people off the pavement.' In

England you apologize even when

hit by a car in your own living room. It's

what we do.

Dogsbody proposed to...that guy. I forget his name. So at least

he'll have somewhere to go.

When Donna leaves for college,

Dogsbody will also be moving out, as he's annoying and

gets in the way.

Deja Vu. I remember this from Part One.

Yeah, Klaus still watches Regina

sleep. And no, I never tell him to.

'Dogsbody, do you mind not...doing the

nasty with your boyfriend in my bed?'


'Then at least wait until I get Donna out

of the room.'


ACR. Gotta love it and the chaos it


You've had seven kids. How do you not

get this yet, Genie?

Rather than deal with Donna, Genie goes

outside to raise Carrie's aspiration for

her birthday.

'Mumsiedoodle, I said that I wanted to

be pal-type-people with you, not that I

wanted to be sickalichious on the


Poor Carrie.

'My belly feels like eels are doing the

conga in there!'


Cake will make it better.

'I wish for an awesometastic

collection of funkalicious


And I wish that you weren't such a moron.

Every other kid maxed their skills by

day four of childhood. Carrie has three left and is a teen


She is so dim!

But cute as a button. Carrie rolled

Pleasure (YES!!!!) with the LTW to

become a Rock God. I don't see that

somehow. She's more Dr Zuess than

Alice Cooper.

But cute as a button. Carrie rolled

Pleasure (YES!!!!) with the LTW to

become a Rock God. I don't see that

somehow. She's more Dr Zuess than

Alice Cooper.

Again. Now what?

'Captain Hero. I wanna wear spandex

and not feel bad about it.'

Ahem. TMI.

Klaus, please don't start this again. It was

weird enough when you did the creepy

staring thing to Genie. Carrie's your


'My favourite daughter.'

I forgot about that. Carry on then.


Stoicism : Emotional

indifference is the cornerstone of

English society. As long as there is beer

in the pubs and football on the TV,

we can take anything. War,

poverty, taxes...whatever.

Woot! Babies!

'Shut up and name the buggers so I can


Nice to see you again too, Genie.

Triplets. Figures. Trust Genie to fill up

the house with one birth.

First is Emery, a little girl. As you may know, Emery is Regina's middle name, and is the

name of a Werewolf in one of my many unfinished novels.

This Emery has green eyes and is the first

skin tone four red head. Brian, Trix and Regina are all blonde.

Gross! Come on Dogsbody. Have

some sense of occasion will you.

Next is another girl, this one called Emmett, after

Emmett Cullen from Twilight.

She is skin tone 2 (I think) with red hair

and blue eyes.

And last is the boy I wanted, Edward. Another Cullen.

Edward has red hair, blue eyes and skin

tone one.

Great. Now we have to wait for Carrie to

go for more kids.

Edward is everyone's favourite.

If someone's holding a baby,

more often than not it's Edward. Poor

Emery and Emmett barely get a look in.


Reserve : We English folk can be accused

of being reserved. In my family this is true.

Avoiding intimacies until you've

perfecting avoiding even simple

conversation with your nearest and

dearest. The reserve we have as a Nation

is an extension of our politeness, and often

mistaken as diffidence, aloofness and sometimes even

effeminacy. Americans have been known to say that all

men from England sound gay. Better

than sounding like burger eating, gun toting jackasses.

More birthday times.

'Like fire.'


Isn't she adorable?

'Of course I am. Now, I am going to

make Carrie feel bad by skilling

faster than her.'

Good for you kid.


Self-deprecation : It was said by Andy

Parsons that "Only in Britian would there be a book

called "Crap Towns" and them

have to make a second book, "Crap

Towns 2" because so many people

wrote in complaining that their town didn't

make the first book". We like a

good moan, even if it's about ourselves.

'Jealous that I'm smarter than you?'

'What in the name of holy carp do you


'Well, in the time it took you to get one

skill point, I got five.'

True story. Even with the hat.

Will you all leave Edward alone and

pay attention to your other nine kids?

That poor boy has not been left alone

since birth!


Good Humour : England provides the

best comedians for any country. Sorry, but it's true. In part it's because of our language. Unlike

other modern European languages,

our grammar relies on word order rather

than case endings, meaning that punch lines can be hidden. And then there's the

natural wit we possess. Often our

humour links to self-deprecation; we like

nothing more than laughing at people

slagging us off. We love it! To me this is pretty much summed up in the man that is Marcus Brigstocke.

Google him, Youtube him, love him. I'm currently watching

him on an old episode of Live at the


And Carrie is done with Logic.

Eccentricity : Julian Clary (a legend and one of my favourite people in the world)

said "The English like eccentrics. They

just don't like them living next door." To

be an eccentric in England you must be

either unusually talented, or rich. Else you're headed for the asylum. The Royals are the most famous

eccentrics in the country. There's no

other way to explain Prince Charles.

Bye Carrie. Have fun at college and say

high to your siblings for me!

'Sure thing Alice Cat!'

Alice Cat?

'Like Alley Cat.'

Okay. Just go!

While the rest of the "grown ups" spazzed out in the hall, Carrie ran out the back door

and to freedom.

Lucky her. I'm stuck here for another 21



Fair Play : Some call it chivalry. Others

call is idioticy. But we Brits play by the rules. Since the days

of King Arthur, it's been who we are. It's linked to our love of

sports such as cricket and rugby. If you

can't play right, bugger off.

Donna is not vindictive and mean.

No. She's not still pissed about a

robbery back when she was a baby.

Nope, not this gal.

Donna takes care of her headmaster visit

herself. No letting the adults screw it up.

This girl means business.

'So, you're gunna let me into your school

and make daddy happy, or I'll bring

Carrie back.'

'Done. Welcome to Snootypants

Comprehensive, Miss Havar.'


Triple birthday!

What larks!

Edward. At the moment he looks a

lot like Klaus and Admes, so the

cheekbones will ease as he grows.

Other than that, he's cute.

He's a Virgo (9,2,6,3,5).

Emmett. She looks a lot like Bennie. It's

slightly pointed, but she will grow up well or your money back.

She's a Taurus (7,4,4,7,3).

And here's Emery. Cuteness.

She's an Aries (9,9,6,3,6), taking after Donna in the

personality points.

Already the triplets are all best friends

with each other, and they skill pretty fast. I loves them all, but

not as much as Carrie and Donna.

So, that's that. From left to right, back to

front, it's Emmett, Regina, Edward,

Dogsbody, Donna, Emery and Klaus.

Points are thus; Dream Dates : 8 (8

points) Maxed Skills : 45

(135 points) A+ Report Cards :

15 (7.5 points) LTWs : 4 (12

points) Family Friends : 10

(5 points) Good Birthday : 19

(19 points)

Total : 186.5 points