Neural Therapy- Huneke A truly wholistic method since 80 years.

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Transcript of Neural Therapy- Huneke A truly wholistic method since 80 years.

Neural Therapy- Huneke

A truly wholistic method since 80 years

Dr. Ferdinand Huneke 1928

• 1925 Ferdinand Huneke’s sister with severe migraine

• Accidental (or was he just desperate ?) injection of Procaine/Novocaine (local anaesthetic) intravenous - sudden improvement of migraine and other symptoms - a “wonder drug” ?

• Ferdinand and Walter Huneke - research

Huneke/Flash Phaenomen

• 1940 Huneke - or “Flash” phaenomen - shoulder injected - flare up and reddening of osteomyelitic leg scar - amputate ? - local injection - shoulder pain immediately gone !

• “Stoerfeld” /Interference zone theory - any scar or traumatised/dysfunctional tissue may cause symptoms, distant from site of pain

Interference zone/Stoerfeld/Spina Irritativa

• ~50 % in ENT region, usually teeth

Stoerfeld/Interference Zone

• Ernesto Adler * 1906 - German expatriate dental technician then dentist in Lloret del Mar/Barcelona ~1926

• “miracoulous” improvements after extractions• relation cervical spine problems and teeth

noted - Vogler pressure points• ~1950ies close cooperation with and many

visits by Ferdinand Huneke

Two minds - same problem

• Two doctors , a dentist and a GP/surgeon, in two countries are working about the same phaenomenon for many years before and after WW II

• Huneke/Flash Phaenomen

• Dr. Adler, a dentist who cooperates with a local GP in Loret del Mar

Definition of Huneke or Flash Phaenomenon

• Suspected Interference Zone (scar, tooth, tonsil..) is injected with local anaesthetic, usually Procaine 1%, short acting - gone after ~20 minutes

• if symptoms improve at least 8 hours after tooth injection, 20 hours elsewhere and repeat injection gives the same response, e.g. tonsils - hip pain, then the underlying cause is identified

Flash phaenomen

• Response sometimes delayed by one or several days

• provocation of secondary Interference zone is possible - ”initial worsening” and emergence of new symptoms

• “Drainage” symptoms may occur, e.g. chronic sinusitis/”stuffy nose” changes to runny nose

Flash phaenomen - responses

• If infected/dead tooth is extracted often allergic symptoms, Urticaria, rheumatoid symptoms, hormonal problems vanish

• from a NT point of view there isn’t any chronic condition that is not due to a Interference zone - Exzema- Arthritis - period problems - unexplained infertility...

Somato-psychic conditions

• The term psycho-somatic or “functional” illness is misleading - mental health often improves after Interference Zone sanitation; severe mental conditions and trauma have somatic effects - Lymphoc. downregulated

• emotional and autonomous responses (weeping, laughing, fainting, sweating) often accompany Flash phaenomaenon


• Pischinger “Grundsystem” - complex interaction of micro-currents in interstitial space - ends of autonomous nerves

• Autonomous nervous system - Gate control theory- fibres accompany blood vessels and motoric nerves - all connects to all

• Acupuncture meridians ?


• NT is empiric and individual but experience from >80 years shows where to look first

• see also Head’s zones, e.g. gall bladder-shoulder pain; Simmons and Travell’s work about trigger points and pain projections

• = referred pain; myofascial pain concept

• simple “Where does it hurt” ? approach


• Doctor only complex set of injection skills:

• intracutanous blebs around painful areas, e.g. arthritic knees, often followed by intramuscular injection

• segmental approach in Dermatome or Myotome, e.g. bladder symptoms, menorrhagia, delayed delivery - Laimer triangle/bladder meridian

• specific nerve blocks, e.g. Trigeminal ends


• Autonomous ganglia e.g. local anaesthetic depot around pterygo-palatine ganglion for trigeminal neuralgia

• Stellate Ganglion block for asthma and CNS conditions

• trigger point intra - muscular injections for musculo-skeletal conditions

Indications for Neural Therapy

• 1.: Prophylactic - e.g. intra - operative infiltration of wound layers helps to limit post-op oedema and pain; fracture cleft anaesthesia limits need for tablets

• 2.: Diagnostic in neurologic and musculo-skeletal medicine - radicular or pseudo-radicular pain ? Trigger point or lumbar disk ? Trigeminal Neuralgia or tooth ?


• Most effective for head, neck, shoulder, spine conditions, migraine and its differential diagnose; often related to pelvic area/female problems

• “Osteopathy helped, but only for a short time” - “Interference Zone” ? Vascular migraine or migraine cervicale - difference is clearer in text books than in reality, often multi causal


• Therapeutic Local Anaesthesia - Neuralgias, musculo - skeletal conditions - no limit for repeats, unlike Cortisone injections

• “Depression/Anxiety” - thyroid and I.v. injection of Procaine 1 %

• Difficult wounds: Procaine helps, antiinflammatory effects - Vit C…, nutrition


• Key indication is search for Interference zone/underlying problem of a condition

• Complimentary to standard therapy and e.g. osteopathy…!?

• Orthomolecular Medicine/Micro-nutrients -constipation ?

• Limited response if immuno-suppressant Rx


• Neural Therapist/Odontologist should be consulted first and referrals made from there instead of “odyssee” to “-ology” one problem specialists

• Wholistic approach first - good old family GP’s in the UK are replaced by “nurse practitioners !”

Could it be done without needles ?

• Many measuring devices - best is probably Thermography (Rost); Electro-Acupuncture (Voll) - expense and time ?

• I rely on my finger tips/palpation skills and intuition plus clinical findings and history

• sometimes I use Acupuncture/dry needling or Reflexology but NT is more effective

Amalgam-Toxicity ?

• One of the indications for those tests - first avoid different metals in the mouth

• OPG Xray always helpful

• bottom line: a sensitive doctor has very fine natural senses and ultra-fine 0,4mm needles are almost painless !

Needles or not

• A motivated patient with distressing symptoms will accept a needling approach - patient selection !


• Patient unable to consent/cooperate

• active psychotic illness

• advanced Dementia

• Hyperthyroid/uncontrolled thyroid disease

• Bleeding disorders and blood thinning medicines

• Myasthenia Gravis


• Severe cardio-vascular conditions - uncontrolled hypertension, congestive cardiac failure stage III-IV; end stage COPD; any end-stage organ failure - sometimes surprises with e.g. arthrotic hip pain - “Interference zone”

• Cancer other than palliative/pain management

NOT a “Cure all”

• Neural Therapy is not a “cure all miracle therapy” - there are limits in the doctor’s ability , resources and set up as well as within the method

• However:

• Who has experienced a “Flash Phaenomaenon” often will call it a miracle ! Very rewarding for patient and doctor

How long - how often

• Usually some response in first session, but 3 to 8 may be needed, mostly, if no response at all after 3 sessions - re-assess = limited cost and time; top-ups in increasing intervals

• the more acute the condition the easier it is

• beware of “shopping lists” with 25 symptoms and long years history

Key to success

• Careful history by experienced physician, focusing on key physical and mental traumas, injuries, infections; conventional general exam, work up of bloods with inflammatory markers, BM, Urine, Xrays

• Manual exam - lay hands on patient !

• Patient to take responsibility and keep diary of symptoms -pain - sleep - mood...

Ideal setting

• Written consent

• open minded fellow doctors/dentists

• Dentist in clinic to talk to

• psycho-therapist

• nutritionist


• Allergic reaction - rare - reddening and itch ~1cm is normal with Procaine as vaso-dilating, possibly more pronounced in scars etc., some allergy 1:3000

• severe allergic reaction (shock, asthma) very rare, probably < 1:10 000

• infection - very rare - ultra-thin needles 0,25-0.4mm, Procaine is bacteriostatic


• Nerve irritation may persist for a few days, permanent nerve damage is very rare as very thin single use needles are used

• Bleed - a few drops from injection site is normal, severe bleed very rare

• injury of organs e.g. lungs, blood vessels

• We train all techniques on fellow doctors !

Professional bodies and training

• Training as of now in German or Spanish only

• 120 hours of lectures and hands-on training with fellow practitioners as “Guinea pigs”- case studies - final exam

• English language Textbooks by Dosch and Barop

• But:

Any doctor can do it

• .. So long as a patient consents and the doctor feels confident about anatomy and injection skills - “Do not underestimate a I.c. bleb” - try it - primum nil nocere !

• vastly popular in Germany, only a minority undergo formal training, so lots of unreported cases since it is part of daily practice, sometimes job description in rehab clinics

Evidence for efficiency

• Randomised double blind not possible as individual approach

• Huneke/Flash phaenomenon must be reproducible; countless case reports since 80 years, growing rapidly - societies in most Spanish speaking all German speaking countries

The Future

• Now Drs. Maik, Hagen, Holger and Juergen Huneke continue, 2 German societies, Austria, CH, ~ 3500 members, vets in Austria, independent societies in Spain, Argentina, Mexico, Columbia...

• Acupuncture most recently was Chinese only, then French and German, English since Nixon’s 1972 visit in China

Beware of I.M. Diclofenac !

• I.M. Diclofenac/Voltarol causes sterile necrosis in injection canal and may cause abscess - try at least I.c. blebs first !

• Oral NSAID’s: gastric erosion/bleed, renal failure, CCF - switch to safer methods ?

• -triptans for migraine may provoke heart attack...

Rainer Kumm


• 079 500 333 61

• communication most welcome, further literature on request


• - see links