Networking Through Social Media. Module #1: Basis of Networking.

Post on 29-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Networking Through Social Media. Module #1: Basis of Networking.

Networking Through Social Media

Module #1: Basis of Networking

There’s No U in Network

Networking = Car Insurance

Networking = Car Insurance

Networking = Car Insurance

Module #2: Networking Online

Friends of Friends are Great Connections

Social Media + Networking

Sharing Jobs and Industry-Related Articles

Show Off Your Smarts

#Jobs on Twitter

Networking Offline and Online

Reaching Out to Potential Connections

Hi Joshua,

I noticed we are both connected to M. F. – how do you know M.? I first met her at J.P., and she actually photographed my wedding. Small world.

I wanted to touch base with you because I saw an open position at J.R. I thought would be a great fit for me. I’m located in Portland now, and do social media strategy for a digital marketing agency here in town.

It’s a fun role, but you know how agencies are – fingers in a lot of different businesses, but no ability to truly own a marketing program. It looks like I would be able to do that with the Marketing Communications Manager role that is posted.

Would you mind if I called you some time this week to hear about your experience at J.R. and your perspective on the marketing organization there? I’d really appreciate it.

Module # 3: Do’s and Don’ts

DO: Customize Your Message

DON’T: Spam Your Contacts

DO: Be Selective

DON’T: Add Everyone Online

DO: Engage in Organic Conversations

DON’T: Leave Anything Out

DO: Stick To Sites That Make Sense For You

DON’T: Veer Off Topic

Conclusion:Pay It Foward