Networking and LinkedIn - OGAPS - HOME · • Discuss Networking and your Personal Brand •...

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Transcript of Networking and LinkedIn - OGAPS - HOME · • Discuss Networking and your Personal Brand •...



Networking and LinkedInMarilyn Yeager, Associate Director, Graduate Student Services

Texas A&M University Career CenterGlenda Jones, Director

Prairie View A&M University Career Services

Agenda• Discuss Networking and your Personal Brand

• Utilizing LinkedIn to:• Promote your Personal Brand • Find Networking Contacts with LinkedIn and Alumni organizations• Conduct Informational Interviews

• On-Campus Networking Opportunities

• Networking Resources, Utilize your Career Center

• PVAMU and TAMU Networking Event

What is Networking?• Connecting with other people• Person to person and Electronically• Introverts can be great at networking• Prepare questions and topics to discuss in advance• Listen more than you talk• Be genuinely interested in who you are talking with• Building a network takes time and effort

What is your Personal/Professional Brand?The ongoing process of establishing an image or impression in the mind of others about you!• What do you aspire to achieve?• What are your core values?• What are your talents, strengths, skills and knowledge?• How does your graduate degree enhance your

professional brand?Is your personal behavior and online presence consistent with your professional brand?

LinkedIn “All Star” ProfileIt takes seven elements to qualify as an “All Star” 1. Industry/school and location2. An up-to-date current position (with a description)3. Two past positions – Research, Work experience…4. Education – Mention key courses completed (electives that relate to

desired profession) and expected graduation date5. Skills (minimum of three) – Select more! 6. Profile photo – Professional 7. At least 50 connections – Family, Friends, Classmates, Faculty,


Profile Best Practices• Keywords are searched in your

summary and top positions

• Can use your CV or “Master” Resume

• Add key words from company job descriptions and other profiles that apply to you

• Type info into Word for spelling & grammar, then cut and paste into LinkedIn

How might you build your brand?

• Share/Post your relevant experience with a positive comment and what you learned

How might you build your brand?• Posting projects

that you worked on

Building Brand - Select Interests • Follow Companies in

your field

• Follow Groups in your profession

• Learn about jobs and trends in your desired field

Advanced - Building a BrandShare/Like/Comment on items related to your profession

• Show your technical expertise!

• Show your passion for the field!

• Gain visibility!

Advanced - Building a Brand• Demonstrate your communications skills and technical

knowledge in your profile

• Add links and pictures to show leadership and initiative on your home page

• Share how you give back to your community

• Use perfect grammar and spelling

Find Panthers and Aggies in LinkedInIn top search box:Type Prairie View A&M University

or Texas A&MUniversity

• Click on “Alumni”

Click on Alumni

Find and Research Alumni

Panther and Aggie Alumni Associations

Prairie View A&M University• National Alumni Association website:• Alumni Affairs website:

Texas A&M University• Association of Former Students - “Find an Aggie”

Find Professional Contacts and Connect!

• In LinkedIn

•PVAMU Alumni Chapters, A&M Clubs

•Using Career Shift to find work email


What to say?“I was doing research on LinkedIn and found your profile. You have the career that I am striving to attain in the future. Would you be willing to give me some career advise?”

• Do NOT ask for an internship or job. Build relationship first• Ask for other contacts that they think could help. Then reach out to their

contacts and reference their names. This moves you from cold calling to a warm contact

• Do NOT rely on HR managers passing along resumes. Apply on-line to comply, but Do NOT rely on it

In Person NetworkingWhat makes a great first impression?

• Dress Professionally and Sharp • Introduce Yourself • Make Eye Contact• Shake Hands Confidently• Prepare and Practice

an Elevator Speech• Show Enthusiasm!!


Bring Business Cards

NameM.S., Ph.D, MajorUniversity Name

City, TXMay 2020

999-123-4567Email address

List 3 relevant points on back:Title of Thesis/ Dissertation

Relevant SkillsRelevant Experience

Leadership RoleTeaching Experience

Design and order online, i.e. Vista Print

Campus Networking Opportunities

• Career Fair Activities• Company Presentations on Campus• Career Panels• Student Organization Meetings• Symposia • Conferences

Campus Networking Opportunities

Start Now!• Classmates• Friends• Organizations• Advisors• Professors

Utilize your Career Center

Prairie View A&M University Texas A&M UniversityJoin Handshake and Connect Visit and

with Employers Launch the HireAggies system

Thank you to everyone who created, planned and coordinated this event!

Office of Career Services, PVAMUCareer Center, TAMU

Thank you to all the students who participated!

NOW!PVAMU-TAMU Networking Opportunity

• Opportunity for TAMU and PVAMU Students and Staff to meet and have conversations

• We encourage you to meet several new people

• Networking Cards will help start conversations with your peers, or in the future with employers

• Have a professional picture taken for your LinkedIn profile

• Mingle, Be Curious and Have Fun!