Networking 101

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Networking 101

Networking 101

• Step 1 - Introduce yourself! • Name, Chapter, Role, Years

with TeamMates• Step 2 - Person 1 – Answer the

question on the board in 2 minutes or less.

• Step 3 - Person 2 – Answer the question on the board in 2 minutes or less.

• Step 4 - Exchange “Business Cards” by sticking your contact info near that question.

• Step 5 – Meet someone new!

Describe a fundraiser your chapter

has done that required the least

amount of work for the most return.

What is one idea you have to get your

board members more engaged?

OR if you are a board member…

What is one way you can engage

more in your chapter?

What is your best advice to keep

middle schoolers engaged with

TeamMates as they transition into

high school?

What is your best advice on keeping

high school matches involved

through graduation?

If you were stranded on a dessert

island with only one other person,

who would you choose to

bring with you?

What is the best idea you have had

for match support?

What is your best advice or tip you

for an end of match meeting?

If you are a program coordinator or building

coordinator that uses civicore –

What is your best tip for keeping up

in civicore?If you do not use civicore –

What is one way you can support

your program coordinator during the

busiest times of the year?

What has been your biggest

celebration with TeamMates thus far?
