“NetWeaving – Building and EnrichingYour Career by Helping Others Build Theirs” Bob Littell,...

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Transcript of “NetWeaving – Building and EnrichingYour Career by Helping Others Build Theirs” Bob Littell,...

““NetWeaving – Building and NetWeaving – Building and EnrichingYour Career by EnrichingYour Career by

Helping Others Build Theirs”Helping Others Build Theirs”

Bob Littell, Chief NetWeaverBob Littell, Chief NetWeaver

Email: Email: chiefnetweaver@gmail.com

Phone: 404-842-0001Phone: 404-842-0001

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Georgia AdultEducation Association

What Exactly ISWhat Exactly IS What Exactly ISWhat Exactly IS

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Form of networking

Golden RuleGolden RuleGolden RuleGolden Rule Pay It Forward


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It’s all about buildingrelationships by helpingothers with THEIR Needsin mind rather than just

your own

It’s all about buildingrelationships by helpingothers with THEIR Needsin mind rather than just

your own


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And doing so because you genuinely believe that,what goes around. . .DOES

come back around

And doing so because you genuinely believe that,what goes around. . .DOES

come back around


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What’s the difference betweenWhat’s the difference between “networking” “networking” andand “NetWeaving”? “NetWeaving”?What’s the difference betweenWhat’s the difference between

“networking” “networking” andand “NetWeaving”? “NetWeaving”?

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It’s Simply a Difference It’s Simply a Difference in Mindsetin Mindset

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NetWeaving isn’t anNetWeaving isn’t anattack on Networkingattack on Networking

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To be successful. . .you have to do BOTH

“Can you supply me with something I need?”

In networking, people are only In networking, people are only listening with one pair of ears listening with one pair of ears

and and oneone set of antennae set of antennae

In networking, people are only In networking, people are only listening with one pair of ears listening with one pair of ears

and and oneone set of antennae set of antennae

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“Can you be of help to me?”

It’s a natural and instinctive and part of human natureIt’s a natural and instinctive and part of human nature

“Are you a prospect for me?”

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Needs Problems OpportunitiesNeeds Problems Opportunities

To help identify solutionsTo help identify solutions

Networking Tends to be Too Superficial

Networking Tends to be Too Superficial

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Do it NOW! Do it NOW!

The QUALITY and CREATIVITY withwhich you Follow Up

The QUALITY and CREATIVITY withwhich you Follow Up

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Email that night or next day

“Enjoyed meeting you last night and let’s

get together and have lunch sometime.”

“Also based upon one comment you made, I’veattached an article which I thought you mightfind of interest”

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Email that night or next day

“Enjoyed meeting you last night and let’s

get together and have lunch sometime.”


“Also based upon one comment you made, I’veattached an article which I thought you mightfind of interest”

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Email that night or next day

“Enjoyed meeting you last night and let’s

get together and have lunch sometime.”

“And the four points that I found to be mostvaluable to me were: bullet point, bullet point,bullet point, bullet point.”

“In fact, on my way home I thought ofsomeone I think you would really benefitmeeting and I’d like to ‘host’ a meeting tointroduce you to him. Would you send me your bio and some information onyour company which I’ll forward it on to him and then I’ll set up a meeting. ”

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Email that night or next day

“Enjoyed meeting you last night and let’s

get together and have lunch sometime.”

NetWeavers learn to listen with a NetWeavers learn to listen with a secondsecond pair of ears, as well as a pair of ears, as well as a secondsecond set of antennae. set of antennae. . .. .

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“Could he/she become part of my Trusted Resource Network?”

“Are there resources this person could provide some of my clients or prospects?”

“Is there someoneI know who would benefit meeting this person?”

“Can you be ofhelp to me?”


“Can you supply me with something I need?”

“Are you a Prospect for me?”

The Three Skill Sets to NetWeavingThe Three Skill Sets to NetWeaving

1. Being a connector of other people with their Needs, Problems, and Opportunities in mind rather than just your own.

1. Being a connector of other people with their Needs, Problems, and Opportunities in mind rather than just your own.

2. Positioning yourself as a ‘no-strings-attached’

resource for others and establishing yourself as the ‘go-to’ person.

2. Positioning yourself as a ‘no-strings-attached’

resource for others and establishing yourself as the ‘go-to’ person.

3. Constantly being on the lookout for persons who are ‘best of breed’ at what they do and when

you identify one, stay in touch and over time,

add to your Trusted Resource Network

3. Constantly being on the lookout for persons who are ‘best of breed’ at what they do and when

you identify one, stay in touch and over time,

add to your Trusted Resource NetworkLittell Consulting Services - all rights reserved

How relationships are formed?How relationships are formed?

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Appreciation & AcceptanceAppreciation & Acceptance

Meaningful DialogueMeaningful DialogueINITIATIVE/COURAGE


Small Talk & Overcoming AwkwardnessSmall Talk & Overcoming Awkwardness


Vibes. . .Body Chemistry

• Create something to

change the world

• Create something to

change the world

““Pay It Forward”Pay It Forward”““Pay It Forward”Pay It Forward”

• Put it into action• Put it into action

That person helped must‘pay it forward’ helping3 others. . .and so on

That person helped must‘pay it forward’ helping3 others. . .and so on

““Pay It Forward”Pay It Forward”One person performs a

“gratuitous act of kindness”One person performs a

“gratuitous act of kindness”

““The Heart and Art of The Heart and Art of NetWeavingNetWeaving””

““The Heart and Art of The Heart and Art of NetWeavingNetWeaving””

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Two Immediate BenefitsTo NetWeaving

When the NetWeaver When the NetWeaver SpreadsSpreads

The Good Word about The Good Word about NetWeavingNetWeaving

to Othersto Others

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their image is elevated

NetWeaving also NetWeaving also

energizesenergizes you you and and

makes you better at makes you better at everything you doeverything you do

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plus it ‘steels’ you against theroutine frustrations we all experience

““The Go-Givers”The Go-Givers”

The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success

The Law of Value – “Your worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment”

The Law of Compensation – “Your income is deter-mined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them”

The Law of Influence – “Your Influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interest first”

The Law of Authenticity – “The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself”

The Law of Receptivity – “The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving”

The NetWeaving Five-Step The NetWeaving Five-Step ProgramProgram

The NetWeaving Five-Step The NetWeaving Five-Step ProgramProgram

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2) Email a note. . .that night or, write note next day mentioning some of key points the person made. 2) Email a note. . .that night or, write note next day mentioning some of key points the person made.

3) At the one-on-one meeting, review a little bit about NetWeaving and the NetWeaving philosophy (refer to “The NetWeaver’s Creed” )

3) At the one-on-one meeting, review a little bit about NetWeaving and the NetWeaving philosophy (refer to “The NetWeaver’s Creed” )

4) Host a meeting to introduce your new contact to someone he or she would benefit knowing

4) Host a meeting to introduce your new contact to someone he or she would benefit knowing

5) Wrap up the meeting with PIONTTO – Pay It Forward5) Wrap up the meeting with PIONTTO – Pay It Forward

1) At any Social, Business, or Networking Opportunity, meet a MAXIMUM of 2 or 3 people whom you decideyou would like to get to know better (Make notes on theback of her/his business card)

1) At any Social, Business, or Networking Opportunity, meet a MAXIMUM of 2 or 3 people whom you decideyou would like to get to know better (Make notes on theback of her/his business card)

The BUSINESS Version of Pay It ForwardThe BUSINESS Version of Pay It ForwardThe BUSINESS Version of Pay It ForwardThe BUSINESS Version of Pay It Forward

Those 2 persons connected ‘pass it on’. . .connecting 2 others. . .and so on. . .

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Virtual NetWeaving Virtual NetWeaving HostingHosting

Virtual NetWeaving Virtual NetWeaving HostingHosting

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In-Person NetWeaving In-Person NetWeaving HostingHosting

In-Person NetWeaving In-Person NetWeaving HostingHosting

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Strategic ConnectionStrategic Connection

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A Financial PlannerWith a couple friends whohave indicated they’re lookingfor Long-Term Care advice foran Aging Parent


Non-Strategic ConnectionNon-Strategic Connection

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A Friend or Associate whom you just like a lot and who is a GIVER rather than a WIIFMe TAKER, and you connect him/her with another person whom you also really like.

NetWeaver’s Law of ReferralNetWeaver’s Law of ReferralReciprocityReciprocity

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““The more you refer OTHERSThe more you refer OTHERS . . .the more YOU will be. . .the more YOU will be referredreferred””.. . . . . BUTBUT

Violate any of these threeViolate any of these threeconditions and it neutralizesconditions and it neutralizes

or inactivates the lawor inactivates the law

Three ConditionsThree Conditions

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1. You’re networking and not NetWeaving

2. You’re NetWeaving for a ‘taker’ rather than a ‘giver’

3. You fail to follow up on connections you make for the benefit of others

Still Not Seeing Your Still Not Seeing Your NetWeaving Coming Back?NetWeaving Coming Back?

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It may just be time tolook in the mirror and

ask. . . .

Maybe it’s ME?

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10 10 10


Are you viewed as very competent at what you do

Are you viewed as very competent at what you do

Even better if you are seen as. . .Even better if you are seen as. . .

Have You ConsideredHave You ConsideredRe-Inventing Yourself?Re-Inventing Yourself?

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What are my key strengths?

Where do my real passions lie?

Do I have a ‘transition’ strategy to get there?

Who can help me with this transition and how can I help them in return?

What new skill sets will I need?

The RIPPLES of Energy stemming from asingle act of NetWeaving GROW in Impact

as they expand rather than weaken

The RIPPLES of Energy stemming from asingle act of NetWeaving GROW in Impact

as they expand rather than weaken

A Single Act of NetWeaving

Each independent act of NetWeavingtriggers another set of RIPPLES having an even greater impact

Each independent act of NetWeavingtriggers another set of RIPPLES having an even greater impact

A Couple RIPPLE Effect StoriesA Couple RIPPLE Effect Stories

Trip to Ireland Liam O’Connor David Foster Jeff Teague

Liam O’ConnorLiam O’Connor


Toured with Mike Flatley’s “Lord of the Dance”

Another Example of RIPPLE EffectsAnother Example of RIPPLE Effects

Metro Atlanta Chamber

Principal For A Day Whitefoord


The E.Y.E.S. Have ItEvery Youngster is Entitled to See

The E.Y.E.S. Have ItEvery Youngster is Entitled to See

It’s Graduation Day for 5th GradersIt’s Graduation Day for 5th Graders

NetWeaving – Pay It ForwardAmbassador Diploma®

This certifies the below-named individual as a NetWeaving-Pay It Forward Ambassador

Tykeia OsborneDate May 19, 2011 Bob Littell Chief NetWeaver Board Member, Pay It Forward Foundation

Whereas the 2011 3rd Grade Classes of Whitefoord Elementary School were the first in the United States of America to have adopted and embraced the philosophy, the principles, and the skill sets of “NetWeaving” and “Pay It Forward”, this Diploma recognizes the below-named individual as a NetWeaving and Pay It Forward Ambassador. We challenge you to honorably represent these high ideals as you enter Middle School and that you will inspire others you know and those you meet to: - introduce your friends and their friends. . . to other friends so you can make more friends

- to make introductions of your friends to children whom you do not presently know.

“Pay it Forward” is all about ‘changing the world’ by the simple action of helping someone and asking them to do what YOU have just done - ask them to ‘pay it forward’ for someone else.

You are our future leaders! You will inspire your new classmates to also become NetWeaving and“Pay It Forward” Ambassadors. We know you will be up to the challenge.

Hallmark Children’s Recordable Storybooks

Hosea Feed the Hungry

SafeHouse Outreach

MUST Ministries

Whitefoord Elementary

CURE Childhood Cancer

““How to Attract Good Luck”How to Attract Good Luck” author - AHZ Carr (Wilshire Books)author - AHZ Carr (Wilshire Books)

“the first step in attracting good luck is to recognize that most of our good luck – the beneficial effect of chance upon our lives – come[s] to us through other people” . . .

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“Between ourselves and those who cross our path, chance spins an invisible thread of awareness, a luck line”. . .

““How to Attract Good Luck”How to Attract Good Luck” author - AHZ Carr (Wilshire Books)author - AHZ Carr (Wilshire Books)

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. . .”to expose ourselves to luck, then, means in essence to come into healthy human relationships with more people.

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The more Luck-Lines you throwout, the more luckyou’ll find

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And that’swhat NetWeavingis all about – increasingyour number of healthy human relationships