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Revision Doc-NDT-121411-022011

Dimensional Insight



NetDiver 6.3 Tutorial, Manual Revision Doc-NDT-021411-02.

Dimensional Insight, Inc. disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customer.

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While efforts have been made to ensure THAT the program and its documentation are free from defects, under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort, contract, or otherwise, shall DII, or its distributors, dealers or employees, be liable to you or any other person for any loss or damage sustained in connection with ANY ATTEMPT TO use the Software, including without limitation, any economic, consequential or other indirect loss or damage, even if DII has been previously advised of the possibility of such loss or damage. Some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of INCIDENTAL or consequential damages under certain circumstances, so this limitation and exclusion may not apply to you.

The Software may include certain cryptographic software that may be subject to export controls under the U.S. Export Administration Act. The Software may not be exported to any country or to any foreign entity or “foreign person” to the extent prohibited under applicable U.S. government regulations. By downloading or using the Software, you are acknowledging and agreeing to the foregoing limitations on your right to export or re-export the Software, and are also representing and warranting that you are neither on any of the U.S. government’s lists of export precluded parties nor otherwise ineligible to receive software containing cryptography that is subject to export controls under the U.S. Export Administration Act.

If a version of DiveLine that uses encryption is running, administrators must be aware that allowing users outside the United States to access data via certain DI-Clients qualifies as exporting encryption software (either the client executable or the Java applet sent to the browser). Export or re-export of encrypted software must be in accordance with the Export Administration Regulations. Diversion of encryption software contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.

Copyright © 2011 Dimensional Insight, Inc., 60 Mall Road, Burlington, MA 01803



Contents 0

Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................... 1-1Welcome to NetDiver .............................................................................................................1-1

About This Tutorial ................................................................................................................1-1

Related Documents..........................................................................................................1-2

About the NetDiver Interface ..........................................................................................1-2

NetDiver Terminology Definitions..................................................................................1-3

What is a Model? .............................................................................................................1-4

What is a Dive or Diving? ...............................................................................................1-4

NetDiver Components and Conventions .........................................................................1-5

Dive Window.............................................................................................................1-6

Console ......................................................................................................................1-7

Model Name ..............................................................................................................1-7

Diving into a Model using the Console ...........................................................................1-7

Dive Selectors............................................................................................................1-8

History .......................................................................................................................1-9

Dimensions ................................................................................................................1-10


Dive Arrows...............................................................................................................1-11

Categories ..................................................................................................................1-11

Information (Info) Fields ...........................................................................................1-11

Time Series Info ........................................................................................................1-13

Accessing Model Data using File Types .........................................................................1-14

DiveBooks .................................................................................................................1-14




Markers ......................................................................................................................1-17

Running NetDiver on a Workstation ...............................................................................1-18

Launching NetDiver ...............................................................................................................1-18

Launching NetDiver from DivePort ................................................................................1-18

MY ACCOUNT.........................................................................................................1-18

Click Actions .............................................................................................................1-19

Application Links ......................................................................................................1-21

Launching NetDiver from a Browser ..............................................................................1-22

NetDiver Logon.........................................................................................................1-22

NetDiver Browser Interface....................................................................................................1-23

Using the Toolbar ...................................................................................................................1-25

Logging Off .....................................................................................................................1-28

Saving and Printing..........................................................................................................1-29

Opening Excel Applications ............................................................................................1-29

Chapter 2: Getting Started ..................................................... 2-1Opening Sample Data Files ....................................................................................................2-1

Opening a DiveBook .......................................................................................................2-2

Opening a Model ....................................................................................................................2-7

Performing NetDiver Basics ...................................................................................................2-10

Diving into a Model.........................................................................................................2-11

Diving for Answers..........................................................................................................2-13


Using Sort to Rank Values ..............................................................................................2-20

Manipulating Columns ....................................................................................................2-22

Adding a Column.......................................................................................................2-23

Changing the Position of a Column...........................................................................2-28

Adding a Calculated Column.....................................................................................2-29

Saving a Marker.........................................................................................................2-33

Deleting a Column.....................................................................................................2-35

Using Focus and Group ...................................................................................................2-36

Using Focus ...............................................................................................................2-36

Using Group...............................................................................................................2-41



Using Group with Others...........................................................................................2-46

Find Dialog Box Variations.............................................................................................2-48

Using the Find String Dialog Box .............................................................................2-48

Using the Find Numbers Dialog Box ........................................................................2-52

Chapter 3: Tabulars and Graphs ............................................ 3-1Basic Tabular ..........................................................................................................................3-3

Creating a CrossTab................................................................................................................3-4

Diving from a CrossTab ..................................................................................................3-7

Creating a MultiTab................................................................................................................3-10

Diving from a MultiTab...................................................................................................3-14

Creating a MultiCross Tab......................................................................................................3-15

Diving from a MultiCrossTab .........................................................................................3-17

Working with Graphs..............................................................................................................3-20

About Basic Plots....................................................................................................................3-21

Creating a Bar Plot..................................................................................................................3-21

Diving on a Bar Plot ........................................................................................................3-26

Graph Type Examples .....................................................................................................3-27

Chapter 4: Reports ................................................................. 4-1Creating Reports .....................................................................................................................4-2

Basic Tabular Report .......................................................................................................4-2

MultiTab Report ..............................................................................................................4-6

CrossTab Report ..............................................................................................................4-10

Using Reports saved to a DiveBook .......................................................................................4-13




Chapter 1

Introduction 1

Welcome to NetDiver 1NetDiver is part of the The Diver Solution™, which is Dimensional Insight’s (DI) suite of products that work together to provide an end-to-end data analytic and reporting tool.

NetDiver is a zero-footprint (i.e., does not require client software to be installed locally) browser-based application that lets you view data stored in DI Models from DivePort or a browser. The NetDiver client offers “diving” capabilities in an easy-to-use reporting analysis tool that complements the functionality provided by DivePort, but for a broader range of users. The NetDiver interface is a preferred application for off-site personnel, such as customers, suppliers, and partners.

NetDiver resides on a web application server (e.g., Apache Tomcat) and enables users to access data residing in DI Models on a DiveLine server through a secure connection. Licensed DI users with either a General or an Advanced level of functionality have access to NetDiver.

About This Tutorial 1This tutorial provides an introduction to NetDiver’s terminology, its graphical interface, and some hands-on experience with its essential functions. Plan on two-to-four hours to step through these lessons.

This tutorial uses sample test data available from Technical Support. Before you begin, contact your DiveLine Administrator for the following information:

• Location of the tutorial data set (it should be called SampleData or SampleData-DiverTutorial)

• Name of the DiveLine server that you will access

• Your DiveLine username and password (with permission to save Markers and DiveBooks)

Introduction 1-1

About This Tutorial


Have your administrator can contact Technical Support to obtain the NetDiver tutorial files. End users should refer NetDiver questions to their DiveLine administrator. See Table 1-1 for information on how to contact Technical Support.

Your Diver or DiveLine Administrator may need to provide instructions on how to launch NetDiver at your site.

The chapters in this tutorial cover the following topics:

• Chapter 1, Introduction - NetDiver overview information

• Chapter 2, Getting Started - Step-by-step lessons

• Chapter 3, Tabulars and Graphs - continues the lessons, but also explores the various display options available in NetDiver

• Chapter 4, Reports - covers additional diving and reporting options

Related Documents 1A multi-volume set of documentation exists for The Diver Solution, and the latest versions of the manuals are available as PDF files on the DI website (i.e., As a new NetDiver user, you may want to download the following documents

• NetDiver User Guide - describes all NetDiver features and functions

• DivePort User Guide - explains how to use DivePort’s features from the perspective of a Casual or General user

• Diver manuals - contain comprehensive descriptions of Diver functionality, a subset of which is available in NetDiver

About the NetDiver Interface 1NetDiver is a data analysis tool that provides a browser user interface with a Dive Window for viewing data stored in a Model. As a customer-specific business intelligence tool, NetDiver can transform company data into knowledge or provide answers to your business-related questions.

Table 1-1: Dimensional Insight Technical Support

In the United States Outside the U.S.

Telephone: (920) 436-8299 Telephone: +1-920-436-8299

Fax: (781) 229-9113 E-mail:


1-2 Introduction

About This Tutorial


NetDiver is one part of a data visualization, analysis and reporting solution with the capability to display data (sometimes called diving or drilling down) using multifaceted views. NetDiver employs a point-and-click user interface enabling you to view and convert data in the following ways:

• Diverse tabular and graphical displays

• User-defined calculations

• Groupings

• Reporting functions

You can save, recall, reuse, and export all analytical work completed in NetDiver using Markers and DiveBooks.

NetDiver Terminology Definitions 1The following section presents a number of NetDiver terms and definitions that will become familiar with usage but may be helpful to the novice user as a reference.

• Diving – The process of displaying data in progressively more detailed views of smaller ranges of information in a Model. There are no predefined paths or hierarchies: one dives into the data Model with total navigational freedom. Diving is performed by double-clicking on Dimension names.

• Model – The data structure optimized for The Diver Solution. It contains summarized and indexed data. Models are files that store the data the clients read and display while diving. The Model is built using unique patented cross-indexing technology that allows large amounts of data to be summarized, indexed, and transformed into a multidimensional structure that facilitates fast access from the NetDiver client. A Model is constructed with three types of data: Dimensions, Summaries, and Info Fields. A Model is represented in the Console as a sphere.

• Data Types – A Model is constructed with three types of data: Dimensions, Summaries, and Info Fields. Each Dimension represents a different way of organizing or looking at the data. Any field defined as a Dimension becomes an option for sorting or filtering, that is, a dive field. Summaries are the numerical elements in the data, while Info Fields are used to hold extra information related to Dimensions.

• Marker – A multistep dive saved as a kind of bookmark that lets the user return to the data view. A Marker can result in a simple Tabular view, a completely formatted Report, or a Graph of the data. A Marker file does not contain any data, only the actions taken in a dive. When saved and reopened, it accesses the latest Model data for viewing and allows the dive to proceed from the last saved action.

Introduction 1-3

About This Tutorial


• DivePlan – A file that holds a “lens” for viewing the data in a Model or Models. It does not contain any data, only instructions about presentation: columns (names, format and definitions), calculations, lookups, aliases, Console Categories, Dynamic Dimensions, Geocoding, customized calendars, and Multi-Model merge instructions. DivePlans can be created and updated in Diver or DiveMaster.

• DiveBook – A file that organizes DivePlans, Markers, and Links for easy access. DiveBooks are organized into Areas, similar to folders, and Topics, similar to files. Both DiveBook Area and Topic lists can be converted into QuickViews.

• QuickView – A way to filter data presented to the user. Use filters to provide access to multiple Dimensions at one time, from one screen.

• DimCount – Dimension Count is the number of unique values for a Dimension. This can be for an entire Model, or related to the particular value of another Dimension. DimCounts appear in the Console as the number in parentheses to the right of the Dimension name

What is a Model? 1A Model is a "free-form" multidimensional data structure (simply put, a file) that allows fast access from NetDiver. Built using unique patented cross-indexing technology, a Model allows large amounts of data to be summarized, indexed, and transformed into a multidimensional structure that facilitates fast acc14ess.

In the back-end, DI consultants or your in-house developers construct a Model with three types of data:

• Dimensions

• Summaries

• Info Fields

Because of its flexible structure and simple architecture, Models can scale and evolve as you gain better understanding of the value of your data. The NetDiver interface provides access to all data combinations in a Model, allowing comprehensive analysis without requiring you to understand a complex data structure.

The NetDiver Console represents a Model using a sphere icon.

What is a Dive or Diving? 1The NetDiver interface enables you to “dive” into the data contained in a Model using the Dive Window, a component of the graphical user interface (GUI). The Console, another component of the GUI, presents a structured view of Model data.

1-4 Introduction

About This Tutorial


“Diving” is the act of displaying data in progressively more detailed views of smaller ranges of information. You can dive into Model data with total navigational freedom. There is no limit to the number of steps in a dive as long as there is additional data related to the selected value. You perform an initial dive by double-clicking on a Dimension name in the Console. You can perform additional dives by selecting a Dimension value in the Dive Window, and double-clicking a new Dimension name in the Console.

NetDiver Components and Conventions 1The best way to become familiar with the NetDiver interface is to take a look at the workspace and understand the interrelationship between the Console, Dive Window, and the operations performed from the toolbar.

The Console is the navigation window through which you manage the diving process. It is both a hierarchical representation of a Model data set and the mechanism for diving into the data.

The Dive Window is an area that displays the results of diving into the data. Each dive step opens its own window, so that the Dive Window can contain and display more than one window at a time. Open windows display the results of data retrieved from a Model.

Figure 1-1 is an annotated view of the NetDiver GUI before an initial dive. You can view this window by launching NetDiver and selecting demo_drl.mdl in the sample data folder (i.e., SampleData-DiverTutorial).

Introduction 1-5

About This Tutorial


Figure 1-1: Initial NetDiver Window Interface

Understanding NetDiver terminology, navigational techniques, and presentation conventions will help you better understand the process of “diving” into your data.

Dive Window 1Displays data from a Model in one of several different types of views (e.g., tabular, graph, report, etc.). A Dive Window observes standard Windows behavior for sizing, positioning, and closing. For example, the active window is the front-most Dive Window. Dive Windows appear in a hierarchical, parent/child order, so closing a parent window in a cascade of open windows will also close all child windows of the parent. The History section of the Console window displays all open Dive Windows and some actions done within a particular Dive Window, such as Find or Group.

Each time you dive on a Dimension, another Dive Window will appear. The initial Dive Window contains a view of all the data in the selected Dimension. Each subsequent Dive Window opened provides a filtered view of the data contained in the Model. The subsequent or child Dive Window is a subset of the previously selected parent Dive Window.

1-6 Introduction

About This Tutorial


Console 1The primary navigational window in NetDiver. It contains both information about a Model and the means to navigate within it. Similar to the tree structure of Window Explorer, the Console uses plus (+) and minus (-) signs to expand and collapse each heading to show or hide information under that heading. If a Dive Window covers the Console, click the Show Console button, or select Window > Show Console to redisplay the Console.

Model Name 1The label that identifies the Model open in the Console. The sphere icon next to the label also identifies a Model. Depending on a preference setting, more than one Model can be open at the same time. By default, the Model setting is blank (i.e., you can have unlimited Models open). To close multiple open models simultaneously, right-click the parent “Models” header, and select Close All Models. Alternatively, to close an open Model, click the button (i.e., an x icon) next to the Model name in the Console

Categories are optional folders defined by your administrator that you can use to organize a large number of Dimensions. A DivePlan stores Model Categories.

Diving into a Model using the Console 1In this section, you will learn how to expand and navigate a Model structure using the hierarchical tree structure and controls of the Console.

First, expand all of the plus signs (+) in the demo_drl.mdl Model as shown in Figure 1-2.

Introduction 1-7

About This Tutorial


Figure 1-2: Controls/Views of the Console

Figure 1-2 displays dive and status information for demo_drs.mdl as defined by the following list of terms:

Dive Selectors 1NetDiver provides up to four possible Dive paths (i.e., Dive A, Dive B, etc.) for a single Model or for all Models open in the Console. Click on a Dive Selector tab to switch the view in the Console between the Dive paths. Switching between different Dive paths restores the Console view and resets and brings to the front the active window to what it was before the previous switch.

Diving is the process of using NetDiver to filter data in order to create a parent-child relationship. You can associate each Dive path with one of the Dive Selector tabs. For example, as in this tutorial, you can use the Dive A selector for all dives. By performing dives under different Dive Selector tabs, multiple Dive paths can exist concurrently.

1-8 Introduction

About This Tutorial


You can have a maximum of four concurrent Dive paths open at a time, and only one Model or DivePlan can be used for each Dive Selector. Using the Save Marker Options dialog, you can include (or omit) a Dive path from the saved Marker.

History 1The History area appears at the top of the Console and displays in an ordered way the current information and certain actions taken in a particular dive. If there is an open Model but no current dive as shown in Figure 1-2, the area under the History heading is empty and the word “None” appears in parentheses. In Figure 1-3, the name in parentheses after the heading is demo_drl.mdl, or the filename of the Model you are diving in.

Figure 1-3: History Area of the Console

The History area in Figure 1-3 shows that you performed a two-level dive in the demo_drl Model as follows:

• First dive: Double-click on Salesperson in the Console to display a list of all Salespeople in the Model (Dive Window not shown)

• Select Salesperson Assil in the first Dive Window (e.g., History shows Salesperson: Assil in the first level)

• Second dive: Double-click on Product Name in the Console to display the names of all products sold by Assil (e.g., History shows Product Name in the second level)

Introduction 1-9

About This Tutorial


Double-clicking on a line in the dive History activates the corresponding Dive Window and brings it to the foreground.

Below the History area is the Models area introduced in Figure 1-1. The Model area consists of the names of all open Models, Categories, Dimensions, and Detail Dimensions (not covered in tutorial) contained within each Model. Under each Model, Dimensions can be nested in optional Category containers. You dive by double-clicking Dimension names.

Dimensions 1A Dimension is a field in the Console that represents a different way of organizing or looking at the data in your Model. For example, in Figure 1-2, the Sales Force Category contains the following Dimensions:

• Salesperson (60)

• Sales Region (6)

Dive arrows appearing to the left of a Dimension name indicate that you can further “dive” into that category of information. Use Dimensions to filter and sort Model data. After you “dive” on a Dimension, its name appears under History for tracking purposes.

Numbers in parentheses after a Dimension name in the Console are called DimCounts.

DimCounts 1Dimension Count (DimCount) is the number of unique values for a Dimension. DimCounts displayed can reflect the number of values for an entire Model (e.g., Salesperson (60)), or the particular values of another Dimension. For example, if you dive on Salesperson, then select Bailey as shown in Figure 1-2 to view the following DimCounts in the Console:

1-10 Introduction

About This Tutorial


Figure 1-4: DimCounts for Salesperson:Bailey

Notice that Bailey has many “diveable” Dimensions, including Customer (11), Product Name (109), and Orders Date (388).

Dive Arrows 1Arrow icons that appear to the left of Dimension names indicating that you can dive on the Dimension. These arrows are gray and point down. There are other types of arrows that represent actions you can perform, but other than side-facing arrows for MultiTab, these arrows are beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Categories 1Optional folders in the Console used to organize Model Dimensions.

Information (Info) Fields 1Info Fields are unique to and contain additional or extra information about a Dimension. For example, a Model containing sales information might have an Info Field called “Branch Manager Name” that is attached to a Dimension called “Branch Name”. Some typical types of Info Fields are:

• Descriptions

• Addresses

Introduction 1-11

About This Tutorial


• Codes

Info Fields appear in the information area of the Console and display data that corresponds to Dimension values in the current Dive path.

Figure 1-5, for example, shows the following Info Fields when diving on the following Dimensions:

• Product Name: Swiss Cheese Pound

• Salesperson: Daniels

• Order Date: 4/22/2008

When a Model is open but no dives have occurred, the Info section of the Console displays each Info Field built into the Model along with its associated Dimension. The following example shows that Info Fields “Address1” and “SIC Code” are related to the Dimensions “Customer” and “SIC Description”, respectively.

For example:

If you wish, you can promote Info Fields to Dynamic Dimensions so that they appear in the Console, and you can select them for diving. However, Dynamic Dimensions do not display DimCounts and are not indexed, which can slow down the amount of time to dive on them.

Table 1-2 shows some of the different types of data fields that might appear in a sales Model.

Table 1-2: Data Field Types - Sales Model

Dimensions Info Fields Summaries

Customer Address, City, State Units Shipped, Revenue, Extended Cost

Product Name Product Code

Sales Region Branch Manager

Sales Rep Badge Number

Date Shipped Order Month

1-12 Introduction

About This Tutorial


Figure 1-5 displays an open Console with an expanded Info section.

Figure 1-5: Info Fields for Dive on Product Name, Salesperson, and Date

Time Series Info 1The Time Series Info region provides information about Time Series and Period Comparisons, if defined for the Model you are viewing. You can expand the sections within this region to view the current start and end dates of each defined period. Time Series Info, for example, includes the time-based Dimension, such as Date, Month, or Quarter, that is the basis of comparison. This region also indicates the type of comparison being made. For example, common Period Comparisons are:

• Current versus Prior

• Year-to-Date vs. Last Year-to-Date (YTD vs. Last YTD)

• Month-to-Date vs. Last Month-to-Date (MTD vs. Last MTD)

Introduction 1-13

About This Tutorial


Figure 1-6 shows an example of how Time Series Info might appear in the Console.

Figure 1-6: Time Series Example

Accessing Model Data using File Types 1NetDiver provides several ways of opening and viewing Model data using different file types called DiveBooks (.dbk), DivePlans (.dvp), and Markers (.mrk).

DiveBooks 1A DiveBook is a single file (.dbk) that organizes DivePlans, Markers, and Links for easy access using a dialog box interface divided into Areas that contain specific Topics. You select an Area to view the Topics it contains. An Area is similar to a file drawer and t19he Topics are like file folders within a particular file drawer.

DiveBooks provide the following benefits:

• An administrator can configure a default DiveBook to open at login as a portal to your data.

• The left column of the DiveBook dialog box contains Areas (similar to folders) that contain specific Topics.

• Topics, which are similar to files in a folder, appear in the right column of the dialog box for selected Areas. A Topic can be a DivePlan, Marker, or Link.

• Double-click a Topic to open a Marker or DivePlan directly from the DiveBook.

Time-Based Dimension = Date

Time Series:



Last YTD

1-14 Introduction

About This Tutorial


Figure 1-7 shows an open DiveBook Select dialog box.

Figure 1-7: Open DiveBook Dialog Box

You can only open one DiveBook at a time, but the DiveLine administrator, to simplify the administration of Markers and DivePlans, can configure a default DiveBook to open at startup.

Introduction 1-15

About This Tutorial


Figure 1-8 provides an illustrated overview of how users can access their data using a DiveBook.

Figure 1-8: Using a DiveBook Overview

DivePlans 1A DivePlan file (.dvp) saves a “lens” or framework for viewing a Model. The data in a Model is static until it is refreshed. However, you can change the way in which NetDiver displays data from a Model using a DivePlan.

DivePlans are a set of instructions that tell NetDiver how to present the data in a Model to you. A DivePlan file does not contain data, but it does save the blueprint you use to construct alternate views of Model data. The DivePlan is more of a template with instructions that tell NetDiver how to present Model data. DivePlans can present all or some of the following:

• Columns (i.e., names, format, and definitions)

• Calculations

• Lookups







Dimensions Summaries Info Fields

Model Model

ModelDiving into data using a




Tabular Charts Reports

25% 25%

25% 25%



1-16 Introduction

About This Tutorial


• Aliases

• Console Categories

• Dynamic Dimensions

• Geocoding

• Named Groups

• Multi-Model merge instructions

Whenever you edit a Model, you are also updating a default or user-defined DivePlan associated with the Model. Any changes you make to a DivePlan, such as adding a calculated column, will apply to all dives using the updated DivePlan. When an administrator refreshes a Model, the saved DivePlan uses the “new” Model data.

When you open a DivePlan, NetDiver loads the customized settings and Model(s) associated with the DivePlan. You can create and update DivePlans in Diver or DiveMaster.

Note that if a DivePlan references a single Model, has the same name as that Model and resides in the same directory as the Model, opening the .mdl file will automatically open the DivePlan.

Markers 1A Marker file (.mrk), similar to a bookmark, saves the specific steps and details of a dive, enabling you to return to your last dive step when opening a saved .mrk file. An opened Marker can display a Tabular view, a formatted Report, or a Graph of your data.

Markers save the details of the Dive Window, including the following information:

• Size, position, and orientation (horizontal vs. vertical)

• Column Selections

• Fonts

• Focus

• QuickView order and selection

• DivePlan details

Markers do not contain actual data, so if you reopen a previously saved .mrk file with an updated Model, NetDiver displays the same dive as before but with updated data. Markers save a snapshot of your dive for future use. You can save a Marker in one of the following viewing formats:

• Tabular (default; similar to a spreadsheet)

• Report (optimized for viewing and printing)

• Graphical (various chart and graph styles)

Introduction 1-17

Launching NetDiver


Running NetDiver on a Workstation 1Because NetDiver is a zero-footprint application, it does not require that you or your administrator install additional software on your laptop or workstation.

You can run NetDiver on most browsers, including Mozilla FireFox and Internet Explorer. Most browser default setups work for NetDiver, but, depending on your browser choice, you may need to adjust some of the Internet options on your machine.

At a minimum, you need to verify the following for each user machine running NetDiver:

• Enable the JavaScript and HTTP Session Cookies for the browser

• Permanently save a trusted security certificate

Saving a security certificate allows the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol with Secure Socket Layering (HTTPS) to function without warnings.

For more details, see the NetDiver User Guide or DivePort Administration manuals.

Launching NetDiver 1There are two basic ways to launch NetDiver:

• from a DivePort portal

• from your browser

Talk to your administrator to determine how best to launch NetDiver on your company’s network. The follow sections discuss the NetDiver launch options in more detail.

Launching NetDiver from DivePort 1Within a DivePort portal, you can have up to three different ways to launch NetDiver:

• the MY ACCOUNT menu

• a Click Action link from a Portlet

• an Application link from a DiveBook

MY ACCOUNT 1To launch NetDiver from DivePort, choose the Start NetDiver option on the MY ACCOUNT menu.

1-18 Introduction

Launching NetDiver


While in DivePort, General and Advanced level users have access to the MY ACCOUNT menu. Figure 1-9 below shows the Start NetDiver option in the DivePort MY ACCOUNT menu.

Figure 1-9: Start NetDiver Option in DivePort

Clicking the Start NetDiver option, opens NetDiver in a new browser window without the need to re-authenticate. Except for the Title and toolbar, the NetDiver window is empty. Click the Open File or Open DiveBook buttons (see Figure 1-10 below) to start diving.

Figure 1-10: Opening a DiveBook in NetDiver

Click Actions 1General and/or Advanced users may also have access to NetDiver from within DivePort using the following Graphical User Interface (GUI) items:

• Click Action Menu

• Click Action Link

Figure1-11 shows a Click Action Menu that has been defined for a specific Portlet instance (e.g., a gauge indicator) in DivePort. Without having to log on again, you can select NetDiver from the menu and it will open the underlying Marker in NetDiver as shown in Figure 1-12.

Introduction 1-19

Launching NetDiver


Figure 1-11: Pop-up Click Action Menu in DivePort

Clicking the [Analysis] NetDiver option opens the same Marker file that is saved on the DiveLine server in NetDiver as shown in Figure 1-12.

Figure 1-12: View DivePort Portlet Instance in NetDiver

Sometimes Click Action options appear on the DivePort Page as a link that is always visible when you open the Portlet as shown in Figure 1-13.

1-20 Introduction

Launching NetDiver


Figure 1-13: Click Action Link in DivePort

Application Links 1If your DivePort includes a Page with DiveBooks, you may have another opportunity to launch NetDiver from an application link. Before selecting a DiveBook Topic, you can check the Application pulldown menu to determine if the selection can be opened directly in NetDiver. For example, see Figure 1-14.

Introduction 1-21

Launching NetDiver


Figure 1-14: Launching NetDiver from a DivePort DiveBook Page

If you do not see any NetDiver references in DivePort, contact your DiveLine Administrator to determine if you have NetDiver access, which is limited to Advanced or General users.

Launching NetDiver from a Browser 2You can open NetDiver in a browser using a Web address (also called the URL). You may have to contact your DiveLine Administrator to obtain the Web address for NetDiver. The NetDiver location depends on the name of the Web server hosting the application. Below are examples of different URLs that point to NetDiver.

• https://diver101:8443/netdiver


• https://supplier/

The URL string is case sensitive.

NetDiver Logon 1After entering the URL, the browser opens to display the NetDiver Log On screen as shown in Figure 1-15. Your actual logon screen may vary slightly if it was customized for your local environment.

1-22 Introduction

NetDiver Browser Interface


Figure 1-15: NetDiver Logon Page

To log on, complete the following steps:

1. Enter your DiveLine Username and Password.

2. If needed, enter the name of the DiveLine Server.

3. Click Log On.

To start diving, select a Model or a DiveBook using the Open File dialog box. When you log directly into NetDiver, it is DiveLine that manages the user authentication process.

NetDiver Browser Interface 1When you launch NetDiver (i.e., from DivePort), it opens a new browser window and presents the same view of the data that appeared previously in the DivePort Marker (e.g., a report or graphic, with any associated QuickViews). The “Distribution” report displayed in Figure 1-13, when launched in NetDiver, appears as follows:

Introduction 1-23

NetDiver Browser Interface


Figure 1-16: NetDiver Browser Interface

The callouts in Figure 1-16 highlight key areas of the NetDiver interface in a browser window (e.g., Internet Explorer), including the familiar Dive Window and Console.

To obtain the version of NetDiver that you are using, click ABOUT to display the version number as shown in Figure 1-17.

1-24 Introduction

Using the Toolbar


Figure 1-17: NetDiver Version Number

From here, you can select rows and dive on Dimensions in the Console to continue your analysis.

Using the Toolbar 1The toolbar shown in Figure 1-18 contains a group of icons that represent the command structure for NetDiver.

Figure 1-18: The Toolbar

The buttons in the toolbar provide quick access to NetDiver functionality. Depending on your context within the application, if a feature is unavailable, its button is grayed out.

Table 1-3 list all the toolbar commands and a brief description of their functionality.

Introduction 1-25

Using the Toolbar


Table 1-3: Toolbar Functions and Descriptions

Function Image Description

Undo/RedoUndo, when active, reverts to previous user action in a Dive Window, such as Find, Focus, Sort, or switching between views. Redo, when active, reverts to action previously undone.

Open FileDisplays Open File dialog box. This action dis-plays files that are available to you, based on user profile, on the DiveLine server. An empty folder indicates that you do not have access to its files.

Open DiveBook Shows the currently active DiveBook, or displays the Open DiveBook dialog box. The DiveBook is a file that helps you to organize and index fre-quently used Tabulars, Reports, Plots, and Dive-Plans.

Save Marker Saves the current dive as a Marker.

Save into DiveBookWhen enabled, click to save the active Marker into the DiveBook as a topic.

Switch the view to Tabular

Reverts the current Dive Window, if it is a Graphic, MultiTab, CrossTab, MultiCrossTab, or Report, to the default Tabular view, which resem-bles a spreadsheet.

Switch the view to MultiTab

Displays many Dimensions and Summaries. MultiTab Dive arrows point to the right, not down. MultiTab does not dive deeper. Excellent for reports; last dive before switching to a report.

1-26 Introduction

Using the Toolbar


Switch the view to CrossTab

Combines two Dimensions, a vertical and a hori-zontal, for a single Summary (data column). Val-ues of one Dimension appear down the left side, and values of the other Dimension appear across the top, creating columns.

Switch the view to MultiCross Tab

Combines two Dimensions, displaying one hori-zontally and the other vertically (includes the values of one or more Summaries).

Switch the view to a Graph

Converts the Dive Window to one of many stan-dard types of graphs (e.g., bar, line, pie plots, etc.).

Switch the view to a Report

Converts the current Dive Window to the Report view, which is a tabular display of data enhanced with customized options, such as titles, column headers, page breaks, and selective coloring.

Flip Table or Graph Axes

Swaps the vertically displayed information with the horizontally displayed information. Available for Tabular and most Graph views.

Focus/Stop Focus

Removes unwanted items from the Dive Win-dow. You can select row or column information (but not simultaneously) for viewing purposes.

Group/Stop GroupTreats multiple horizontal Dimension values as a single unit. Once grouped, further Dive actions are available.

Sort Up

Sorts Summary and text information in a Dive Window in ascending order by the values in the column, maintaining row relationships. When sorting a Summary or ASCII, the minimum value moves to the top row. For example, when sorting Summaries, the minimum numerical value moves to the top row.

Table 1-3: Toolbar Functions and Descriptions

Function Image Description

Introduction 1-27

Using the Toolbar


Logging Off 2Once you open a NetDiver session, the application will stay connected to DiveLine until you click the LOG OFF button. However, if you close the browser (i.e., without “logging off”), it will also disconnect DiveLine given the following:

• The browser is Internet Explorer

• The browser is not blocking “active content”

Stated differently, “active content” refers to some sessions that you terminate by closing the browser but could continue to tie up connections and the allocated memory until they time out. Check with your administrator about configuring an optional Session Timeout for your DiveLine.

Depending on your environment, it is best practice to log off NetDiver before closing the browser.

Dimensional Insight recommends that you do not use the browser Back button for navigational purposes during a NetDiver session. Because many actions in NetDiver require interaction with the server to maintain its current state or status, using the Back button does not pass this interaction back to DiveLine. As a result, NetDiver cannot maintain or re-establish its state. Use the toolbar buttons to navigate through your NetDiver content. Use Tabs to navigate between DivePort and NetDiver and other browser content.

Sort Down

Sorts Summary and text information in a Dive Window in descending order by the values in the column, maintaining row relationships. When sorting a Summary or ASCII, the maximum value moves to the top row. For example, when sorting alphabetical text, values beginning with Z appear at the top and A at the bottom.


Depending on the type of column selected, dis-plays the appropriate Find dialog box (e.g., Find String, Find Numbers, Find Date Range, and Find Period). Find locates one or more rows within a single column.

Show/Hide ConsoleA toggle that shows or hides the Console win-dow.

Table 1-3: Toolbar Functions and Descriptions

Function Image Description

1-28 Introduction

Using the Toolbar


Saving and Printing 1NetDiver has options for saving your work in a Marker (i.e., the data displayed in the Dive Window) on the server for later reuse. You can also save the results of a dive by clicking the following buttons:

• XLS – Exports the contents of the Dive Window to Excel

• PDF – Exports the contents of the Dive Window to Adobe Acrobat

Once your data is in Excel or Adobe Acrobat, you can use these applications to print or save a file to disk. You can also use the Print option in the browser to print the active window. Using the PDF button is the best choice for printing a multi-page report while preserving the format. Using the XLS button, however, lets you save the data for further manipulation, as well as printing.

Opening Excel Applications 1The default behavior when clicking the Open in Excel button in a Microsoft browser is to open the Excel application in a new browser window. To avoid the possibility of opening a number of browser windows while using NetDiver, you can complete the following actions to change the Microsoft Windows Folder Options to open the Excel application directly.

1. Open Windows Explorer and select Tools.

2. Select Folder Options, and then select the Files Types tab.

3. Locate and then select the Excel file type, XLS.

4. Click Advanced.

5. Uncheck the Browse in same window option.

6. Click OK.

Excel, when launched from NetDiver, will now open outside the browser. Be aware that the steps you need to take to update folder option settings may vary by the type of operating system you are running.

Introduction 1-29


Chapter 2

Getting Started 2

Opening Sample Data Files 2Before you begin, contact your Diver Solution Administrator for instructions on how to launch NetDiver on your company’s network. Once you are in NetDiver, you need to locate the sample data folder that contains the data set to use with this tutorial. The sample data folder should be named SampleData-DiverTutorial. Contact your administrator if you cannot locate this folder. (See About This Tutorial on page 1-1 for more details.)

In this lesson, you will:

• Open your SampleData folder (e.g., SampleData-DiverTutorial)

• Verify that you have the required files for this tutorial (i.e., demo_drl.dbk, demo_drl.dvp, and demo_drl.mdl)

To access the SampleData folder (i.e., located on the DiveLine server), complete the following steps:

1. On the toolbar, click Open File.

The Open File dialog box displays folders and files configured by your DiveLine Administrator, who determines what you can access by setting user permissions.

Getting Started 2-1

Opening Sample Data Files


2. Navigate to the SampleData folder specified by your administrator. For this tutorial, the name of the data folder is SampleData-DiverTutorial and should resemble the dialog box below.

The SampleData-DiverTutorial folder should contain the demo_drl.dbk, demo.drl.dvp, and demo_drl.mdl files.

Note that it is possible that someone else may already have stepped through this tutorial and saved their work. If so, your experience may vary somewhat from what is presented here.

Opening a DiveBook 2You retrieve data in NetDiver through the process of “diving”. Diving enables you to select, structure, and save particular portions of your data in a presentation, such as a tabular or a graph. You can organize these presentations in DiveBooks for easy retrieval.

In this lesson, you will:

• Open a DiveBook

• Navigate and view tabulars, graphs and reports that are stored in the DiveBook

• Log out of NetDiver

Complete the following steps:

1. Launch NetDiver, and click the Open DiveBook button. The first time you start NetDiver,

2-2 Getting Started

Opening Sample Data Files


it will display the Open DiveBook dialog box.

You can also open a DiveBook (.dbk) file using the File Open button.

2. Open the NetDiver sample data folder (e.g., SampleData-DiverTutorial), then double-click demo-drl.dbk to open the DiveBook Select dialog box.

Getting Started 2-3

Opening Sample Data Files


The DiveBook Select dialog contains the following sections:

• Areas

• Topics

• Topic Info (displays descriptive text about the selected Topic)

The Areas list shown above includes Tabulars, Charts, and Reports. Within each Area, the Topics section lists the names of saved presentations, which could include Markers, DivePlans, or links to other files.

Markers and DivePlans retrieve the latest data available in a refreshed Model. Saving these files in a DiveBook makes it easy to retrieve the presentation whenever you want to view updated data.

3. To view Topics stored in Charts, select its name. Notice that the list of Topics changes when you select a different Area. The refreshed DiveBook Select dialog box appears below.

3. To display Bar: Cost and Revenue, a Bar Plot graphical display, select the Topic name and click OK. The presentation opens in NetDiver as shown on the next page.

2-4 Getting Started

Opening Sample Data Files



If a presentation report does not fit into the display frame, NetDiver provides a horizontal and/or vertical scroll bar. To increase the display space, you can temporarily hide the Console (i.e., click the Hide/Show Console button).

4. To open a different presentation, click Open DiveBook and select a new Topic. For example, select Reports then the Cost of Product by Quarter report.

Getting Started 2-5

Opening Sample Data Files


5. Click OK to open the Cost of Product by Quarter report.

This report shows Total Cost broken down by Product Family and Sales Quarter. Move the scroll bars to read all data in the report.

6. To close the Dive Window, click the Exit icon (i.e., an X).

7. To close the Console, click its Exit icon.

8. To exit NetDiver, click the LOG OFF button.

2-6 Getting Started

Opening a Model


Opening a Model 2A Model is an optimized data structure that NetDiver uses for rapid querying and reporting.

In this lesson, you will learn how to:

• Open a Model by opening its DivePlan

• Open Categories

• View Dimensions

Complete the following steps to open a Model in your SampleData folder.

1. Open a browser window and log into NetDiver.

2. If the Open File dialog box does not appear, click Open File.

3. Navigate to the SampleData-DiverTutorial folder as shown in the following picture:

4. Double-click demo_drl.dvp. The name of the opened Model and its contents appear in

Getting Started 2-7

Opening a Model


the Console window.

If the Console is not visible, click Show the Console.

Note that the demo_drl.mdl file contains the following Categories: Orders, Customer Data, Sales Force, and Products. Categories, which function like folders, group related Dimensions.

5. To view Dimensions grouped in Categories, expand all of the Categories by clicking the +

2-8 Getting Started

Opening a Model


icon next to the Category name.

The demo_drl.mdl used for this tutorial contains the following Categories, Dimensions, and DimCounts.

Each Dimension represents a different method of organizing and viewing your data. The number in parentheses following a Dimension is a DimCount, short for Dimension Count. DimCounts indicate the number of values there are in the Model for the given Dimension. For example, demo_drs.mdl has 9 Product Families and 109 Product Names. You can


Date (388)

YearMo (18)

Quarter (6)

Customer Data

Customer (408)

Customer Name (381)

Geographic Key (185)

SIC Description (21)

Sales Force

Salesperson (60)

Sales Region (6)


Product Family (9)

Product Name (109)

Getting Started 2-9

Performing NetDiver Basics


“dive” on or view the values for a Dimension if the Dimension name in the Console is preceded by a down arrow.

When “diving” into your data from the Console, the Dive Window will show Dimension values and any Summaries (i.e., numeric data associated with the Dimension value). Finally, the Console window also displays Info Fields, which are additional pieces of data related to a particular Dimension value.

Performing NetDiver Basics 2This section describes how to perform basic NetDiver functions in an open Model (i.e., demo_drl.mdl). Remember, “diving” is the process of using NetDiver to select a Dimension in the Model to retrieve specific details about that Dimension from the entire data set.

In this lesson, you will learn how to:

• Dive into a Model

• Sort and Focus on data

• Add a calculated column

• Save a Marker

2-10 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


Diving into a Model 2Follow the steps in this section to perform an initial dive into the sample Model (i.e., demo_drl.mdl).

1. Launch NetDiver, and click Open File to open the SampleData-DiverTutorial folder.

2. Double-click demo_drl.mdl to open a Dive Window and the Console as shown in the previous topic, Opening a Model.

3. Open the Sales Force Category, and double-click Salesperson to view the 60 values available for that Dimension.

Getting Started 2-11

Performing NetDiver Basics


4. The resulting Dive Window should look similar to the following:

Notice that the Dive Window displays as many rows as can fit in the active window. Use the vertical scroll bar to view the remaining rows. For each Salesperson, the Dive Window displays the following Summaries: Units Total, Cost Total, and Revenue Total.

This window represents the initial dive into the Salesperson Dimension for the Model. The default window type for an initial dive is the Tabular display, which is similar to a spreadsheet. Note that the position of the Totals row at the top of the Dive Window is identical for each initial dive in the same Model.

For subsequent dives on a different Dimension, you must select a Dimension value (i.e., a Salesperson) in the leftmost column of the Dive Window. Note that selecting a number in a Tabular dive automatically selects the corresponding Dimension value (e.g., Bailey) and the corresponding Summary column header (e.g., Cost) in the same row.

5. Click on the Open icon (i.e., +) for the Orders, Customer Data, and Products Categories to view their Dimensions.

6. To perform a second dive, select a Salesperson in the left-hand column (e.g., Bailey) and

2-12 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


double-click. Notice the changes in the Console.

By choosing Bailey as your second dive, the Console refreshes all of the Dimension DimCounts specific to Bailey, such as Sales Region (now Boston), Customer Name (total of 11), and Date (total of 388). Some DimCounts that are common to all Salespersons, such as YearMo (18), do not change.

Diving for Answers 2Now that you are more familiar with NetDiver concepts and the user interface, you can test your knowledge by asking a business-related question and figure out how to get the answer by using NetDiver. In fact, to make it more interesting, you can also ask the same question in a slightly different way and see if you get the same results.

In this lesson, you will learn “hints” or best practices when diving for data, including:

• Write down the question

• Parse the question into arguments or specific Dimensions

• Dive “backwards”

Backward diving as a best practice suggests that the last Dive Window (or child window) contains all the values (i.e., the answer) to the business question. For example, if the question is “Who are all the Customers who bought Brand X from

Getting Started 2-13

Performing NetDiver Basics


Salesperson A in Year 2011?”, then the Dimension Customer represents your last dive even though it appears at the beginning of the question. You can dive on the other Dimensions (i.e., Brand, Salesperson, and Year) in any order and still generate the same result. “Backwards” diving is simply a good way for you to think about how to order your Dive path to produce the desired result in the last Dive Window. Note that the final Dive Window yields the same results regardless of diving order only when you dive on individual Dimensions. If you Group Dimensions while diving, the final Dive Window will yield a different result.

• Choose the correct Model

• The last Dive Window should contain all the values (the answer) that match the question

• Check the History region of the Console

Examples 1 and 2 below ask the same business question in a slightly different fashion.

Example 1What are the names of the customers who purchased cottage cheese from George Bailey in the first quarter of 2007?

Example 2What are the names of the customers who purchased cottage cheese in the first quarter of 2007 from George Bailey?

The result, stated somewhat differently in both questions, is to learn the names of all the customers who purchased “cottage cheese” from George Bailey.

2-14 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


Table 2-1 parses Examples 1 and 2 into Dimensions and then shows how to dive in reverse order or “backwards”. Table 2-1 also has a column (i.e., Dive 3) that shows the optimal order for diving, which filters data the fastest by diving in ascending order of Dimension DimCounts, beginning with the Dimension with the least number of unique values (i.e., lowest DimCount).

The process of diving for results becomes easier when you understand your field names and the values they contain. For example, it is important to know that George Bailey is a Salesperson and not a Sales Manager.

To verify that Dives 1, 2, and 3 in Table 2-1 yield the same results, follow the steps in this section by diving into the sample Model (i.e., demo_drl.mdl).

1. Launch NetDiver and open the demo_drl.mdl file using File Open.

2. If needed, expand all the Categories in the Console.

3. Using the Dive 1 “Backwards” column as a guide, dive into the Model in the following order:

• Quarter: 2007/1

• Salesperson: Bailey

• Product Family: Cottage Cheese

• Customer

The final Dive Window has the answer to the Example 1 question, “What are the names of the customers who purchased cottage cheese from George Bailey in the first quarter of

Table 2-1: Parsing a Question into Values for Diving

Parse Ex. 1Dive 1

“Backwards” Parse Ex. 2Dive 2


Dive 3“Lowest


Customer Quarter:2007/1 CustomerSalesperson > Bailey

Quarter (6): 2007/1

Cottage Cheese (part of Product Family)

Salesperson: Bailey

Cottage Cheese (part of Prod-uct Family) Quarter: 2007/1

Product Family (9): Cottage Cheese

George Bailey (a Salesperson)

Product Fam-ily: Cottage Cheese Quarter: 2007/1

Product Fam-ily: Cottage Cheese

Salesperson (60): Bailey

Quarter:2007/1 (a Quarter) Customer

George Bailey (a Salesperson) Customer Customer (408)

Getting Started 2-15

Performing NetDiver Basics


2007?” as follows:

Notice the Dive 1 order in the History region of the Console. Double-click a Dimension row in the Console to make that Dive Window visible. The final Dive Window (i.e., Customer) shows that the following seven customers that bought cottage cheese from Bailey in Quarter 1 of 2007:

• Mighty Mart Foods

• Alexander Distributing of Deans Milk

• Highland Dairy Foods

• Webeco Food Inc

• Webbs Sealtest Distributors

• Glencoe Butter & Produce Assn Ag Services

• Axelrod Foods Inc Dairy Products

4. Using the Dive 2 “Backwards” column as a guide, reset the Model to its initial state, and “dive” in the following order:

• Salesperson: Bailey

• Quarter: 2007/1

• Product Family: Cottage Cheese

• Customer

2-16 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


The final Dive Window with the answer to the Example 2 question, “What are the names of the customers who purchased cottage cheese in the first quarter of 2007 from George Bailey?” appears as follows:

Notice that Dive 2 yields the same results in the final Dive Window as Dive 1, but the order in the History region of the Console is slightly different.

5. Using the Dive 3 “Lowest DimCount” column as a guide, dive into the Model in the following order:

• Quarter (6): 2007/1

• Product Family (9): Cottage Cheese

• Salesperson (59): Bailey

• Customer

The final Dive Window has the same answer to the Example 1 and 2 questions, but filters

Getting Started 2-17

Performing NetDiver Basics


the data the fastest by diving into Dimensions from the lowest to the highest DimCount.

Notice that the final Dive Window for Dive 3 produces the same results as Dive 1 and Dive 2 even though all three dives used a different dive order.

6. To exit the dive (but not the Model), close all the windows that are open in the Dive path. The highest window is the first window that displays in the Console.

Cascading 2You can dynamically update the Dimension data displayed in one or a series of open Dive Windows in a Dive path (without closing and reopening the windows) due to the inherited, parent-to-child relationship of the windows. NetDiver refers to this feature as “cascading”. Because of the hierarchical relationship of tabular or graphical windows in a Dive path, you can update the Dimension value of a parent window and have all “child” windows reflect the change.

You can create a cascade at any level in the Dive path by double-clicking a Dimension in the History region to bring the corresponding Dive Window to the foreground, then select a new Dimension value.

2-18 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


The following picture illustrates how you can create a cascade by changing the Product Family value from “cheese” to “milk” using Dive 3 shown on the previous page.

Note that if you change a value in the Product Family Dimension (e.g., switch from cheese to milk) that information will cascade down to any children windows (as long as the parent-child relationship remains intact).

Getting Started 2-19

Performing NetDiver Basics


For example, if you change the Dimension value to “milk” in the sample cascade window, the final Dive Window will show all the customers who purchased milk (not cheese) from Bailey in the first quarter of 2007.

Sometimes changing a Dimension value at one level of a cascade dive can cause lower levels (i.e., open Dive Windows) along the Dive path to contain missing data. When this happens, windows without data will show a warning message similar to “Tabular Window is blank because the parent window Customer Name [demo_drl.mdl-Dive A] contains no data”. If you see a similar message, select a different Dimension value in the parent window.

Using Sort to Rank Values 2You can sort values, either alphabetical or numeric, in ascending or descending order for a selected column in a Dive Window. You can sort using the Sort Up or Sort Down toolbar buttons.

When sorting up, the minimum value moves to the top row (excluding Totals) and the maximum value moves to the bottom row. Sorting down is the reverse; the maximum value moves to the top and the minimum to the bottom row.

Sorting up is useful when you want to view those rows (from a window with a large number of rows) with the smallest numbers at the top.

Sorting text works the same as sorting numbers, but ASCII is the base for ordering. For example, text beginning with capital A to Z appears before text beginning with lower case a to z.

Note that a child window in a dive inherits its sort order from its parent window.

In this lesson, you will learn to:

• Sort up the numeric values in a Revenue Summary

• Sort down the numeric values in a Revenue Summary

See the Diver manual for more information on sorting graphs and reports.

2-20 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


To learn how to sort numeric values up and down in a column, follow the steps in this section:

1. In an open NetDiver window, click Open DiveBook to display the Open DiveBook dialog box.

2. Double-click demo_drl.dbk, if needed. Otherwise, NetDiver automatically opens the DiveBook with the first topic selected (i.e., Top 10 Salespeople: Revenue).

3. Click OK to open the selected Top 10 Salespeople: Revenue topic.

4. Click the Revenue Total column as shown in the following picture:

Notice that the Revenue Total column, by design, displays Salesperson revenue numbers from highest to lowest. Fagin, because he is the top earner, appears in the first row.

Getting Started 2-21

Performing NetDiver Basics


5. To display the Revenue Totals for Salespeople in numeric order, starting with the lowest earner and ending with the highest, click the Sort Up button.

The following picture shows the change in the Revenue Total column:

Notice that Salesperson Landry moved from the last to the first row.

6. To return the Revenue Total sort order from highest to lowest, placing Fagin with revenue of $31,816,325.30 in the first position, click either Sort Down or Undo.

Manipulating Columns 2NetDiver allows you to change the layout and presentation of columns in a Dive Window. You can change which columns of data to display, including their order or position and attributes. Column operations do not add any new data to a Model. However, you can create new columns that represent the results of calculations on existing data in the Model.

2-22 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


In this lesson, you will learn how to:

• Add a column

• Change the order or position of a column

• Add a calculated column

• Save a Marker (to retain changes made to the DivePlan)

• Delete a column

Adding a Column 1This section describes how to use the Select Columns dialog box to add a new column to a Dive Window. Complete the following steps:

1. In an open NetDiver window, click Open DiveBook to display the Open DiveBook dialog box.

2. Double-click demo_drl.dbk, if needed. Otherwise, NetDiver automatically opens the DiveBook with the first topic selected (i.e., Top 10 Salespeople: Revenue).

Getting Started 2-23

Performing NetDiver Basics


3. Click OK to open the selected Top 10 Salespeople: Revenue topic.

4. Double-click the Units Total column heading to open the Select Columns dialog box.

5. Select Units Total, and click the Left Arrow button to move Units Total into the

2-24 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


Available section.

This step removes the Units Total column from the Dive Window.

6. Click OK.

The Salesperson window appears, with the missing Units Total column, as follows:

7. To add back the Units Total column, double-click either the Cost Total or Revenue Total

Getting Started 2-25

Performing NetDiver Basics


columns to open the Select Columns dialog box.

8. Select Units Total, and click the Right Arrow button to move the Units Total column into the Selected section.

This step adds the Units Total column to the Dive Window.

TIP: Double-clicking the selected Units Total automatically moves this Summary into the Selected column.

2-26 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


9. Click OK.

The Salesperson window appears as follows:

Notice that NetDiver adds the Units Total column to the Dive Window to the right of the Revenue Total column. However, in terms of readability and understanding, it makes more sense to display Units Total to the right of the Salesperson column.

The following section describes how to change the position of the Units Total column. Keep your NetDiver window open for the next lesson.

Getting Started 2-27

Performing NetDiver Basics


Changing the Position of a Column 1This section describes how to re-position a displayed column in a Dive Window. Complete the following steps:

1. Starting with the open window in Step 9 from the previous lesson, double-click the Units Total column to open the Select Columns dialog box.

2. Select Units Total, and click the Up button twice to position this column before Cost Total.

2-28 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


3. Click OK to move the Units Total before the Cost Total column in the Dive Window.

Adding a Calculated Column 1This section provides an example of how you can create a new column by performing an arithmetic calculation on Summary fields that already exist in a Model. In NetDiver, calculations involve some type of string or numeric manipulation of the following:

• Constant values

• Summary fields

• Info Fields

• Other calculations

Note that you can add columns that are not a result of a calculation. For example, you could add a Named Group that represents an existing Summary narrowed by a subset of data defined from a specific Dimension.

In this lesson, you will learn how to add a new calculated column called “Profit” that is equivalent to Revenue Total minus Cost Total.

1. Starting with NetDiver as pictured in Step 3 on page 2-29, where you added and then moved the Units Total column.

2. Double-click any cell in the header row, such as Salesperson, Units Total, Cost Total, or

Getting Started 2-29

Performing NetDiver Basics


a blank cell to open the Select Columns dialog box.

3. Click the Edit Columns button to open the Edit Columns dialog box.

2-30 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


4. To open the Add Column dialog box, click Add.

5. To define the name for the calculated column, type “Profit” in the Column Name text box.

The Model Columns section enables you to create a basic column from any Summaries built into the Model. The Total type column is the total represented by each Summary value (e.g., Units, Cost, or Revenue).

6. To define the calculation in the Definition text box (i.e., Profit = Revenue - Cost), click on Revenue under Model Columns. When you click Revenue, notice that NetDiver adds Total(Revenue) to the Definition text box.

7. To define the operator portion of the calculation, click the Subtraction (-) button to the right of the Definition box. Notice that NetDiver adds the operator to the right of Total(Revenue).

Getting Started 2-31

Performing NetDiver Basics


8. To complete the entry of the calculation definition, click on Cost under the Model Columns. Notice that NetDiver adds Total(Cost) to the end of the calculation in the Definition text box.

9. To complete the definition of the Profit column, click OK.

Notice that NetDiver adds Profit to the list of Columns in the Edit Columns dialog box.

2-32 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


10. Click OK to open the Dive Window that shows the Profit column added to the Tabular.

You have completed this lesson.

TIP: If you want to move the Profit column to a different position, follow the instructions in Changing the Position of a Column on page 2-28.

Saving a Marker 1In the previous lesson, you added a calculated column called Profit to the Salesperson window. In all, the dive entailed ten steps to complete. To preserve these changes, you must save a Marker. A Marker is a file that NetDiver uses to save the steps taken in a dive, including the Dive Window and its attributes. A Marker contains a record of all the actions you have taken so far, including adding the new column.

Note that you have the option of saving the calculated column to the Marker and/or the DivePlan.

Saving the active Dive Window also includes the Dive path that leads to the Dive Window, and the Model containing the source data. Later, you can open the Marker and it will reflect any changes to the underlying data in the Model or DivePlan settings.

In this lesson, you will learn how to save the Dive path created in the previous lesson to a Marker file and to a DiveBook. In most implementations, saving a Marker to a DiveBook is an administrative function.

1. After completing Step 10 in the previous lesson, click the Save Marker button to open the

Getting Started 2-33

Performing NetDiver Basics


Save Marker dialog box.

2. Type Top10Sales.mrk into the File name box, and choose a directory to save the file (e.g., SampleData-DiverTutorial).

3. Click Save.

4. Alternatively, you can save the Marker to a DiveBook file by clicking the Save into DiveBook button (i.e., instead of Save Marker).

5. Enter the name of the DiveBook (e.g., demo_drl.dbk) in the Name box, and select one of the following Areas:

• Tabulars

• Charts

• Reports

For this tutorial, save the Dive Window as a Marker in the sample data folder as Top10Sales.mrk.

2-34 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


Deleting a Column 1You can delete a column the same way that you added a column in the Adding a Calculated Column lesson.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Select Columns dialog box to delete a column.

1. Open NetDiver and the Top10Sales.mrk file from the previous lesson.

2. Double-click on the Profit column header to open the Select Columns dialog box.

3. To delete Profit from the Dive Window, select Profit and click the arrow button to move the calculated column to the Available section. Alternatively, double-click Profit to toggle

Getting Started 2-35

Performing NetDiver Basics


the column between the Available and Selected sections.

TIP: This step removes Profit from the Dive Window, but it remains in the DivePlan (i.e., if you previously saved the Marker or column to the DivePlan).

When Profit appears in the Selected section, it becomes visible in the Dive Window.

Using Focus and Group 2The lessons in this section describe how to use NetDiver commands to search a Model for specific types of information, group multiple Dimension values as a single unit for further diving, and how to zero in or focus on selected rows and columns in a Tabular window for closer inspection.

Using Focus 1The Focus command, which works with both manual selection and the Find command, enables you to examine a smaller subset of information in a Dive Window. You can choose Focus from the Organize menu or as a toolbar button. In a Tabular display, the Focus command lets you look more closely at desired items by removing unwanted items from view. Focus is similar to specifying a print selection in a word processing document; NetDiver only displays selected items of interest.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use Focus/Stop Focus commands with a Tabular display. Refer to the Diver manual for additional information on how Focus works with other display types, such as charts and maps.

1. Open NetDiver and the Top10Sales.mrk file. If needed, add the Profit column to your

2-36 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


NetDiver Window.

2. To examine the top 3 sales performers (i.e., Fagin, Lombardi and Kagey), select their rows using Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click.

Getting Started 2-37

Performing NetDiver Basics


3. Click the Focus button to remove the non-selected rows of Salesperson data from the Dive Window.

TIP: To revert the Dive Window back to all 10 Salesperson (See the graphic in Step 1), click the Undo (not Unfocus) button.

The following picture shows how History appears in the Console.

Notice that History shows that the Top10Sales.mrk file has a previous Focus Rows action. Applying Focus to the top 3 Salespersons is the second Focus Rows action.

Be aware that if you click Stop Focus, then NetDiver reverts the Dive Window back to its original state. Can you guess what it will look like? The following picture shows the Dive

2-38 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


Window after applying Stop Focus.

Notice that NetDiver displays the Salesperson Tabular for all Salesperson values, not just the top 10. Also, notice that the first row now displays Totals and not Subtotals.

Getting Started 2-39

Performing NetDiver Basics


Check out History in the Console:

The History section shows that the original Top10Sales.mrk file in the DiveBook contained a Focus Row action.

TIP: Whenever the Summary row (i.e., the first row of a Tabular) displays Subtotals rather than Totals, it indicates that NetDiver is only computing totals from items in a focus.

4. If you wish to view just the Revenue Total and Profit Summaries for all 10 of the Salespersons, select the Revenue Total and Profit columns, and click Focus (i.e., the

2-40 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


camera icon) on the toolbar.

Using Group 1When diving, the Group command lets you treat multiple Dimension values as a single unit for further diving. To create a group, select some Dimension values from the leftmost column of a plain Tabular (or CrossTab) window.

The Group command is available as a button on the toolbar. Once created, the Group label changes to Stop Group in the toolbar. Additionally, the label Totals in the leftmost column changes to Group. Double-clicking Group enables another dive and updates the Console for the whole group, as though it were one Dimension value.

If you choose Stop Group, NetDiver will undo the grouping but still keep group members in focus (i.e., until you choose Stop Focus). If you dive deeper than the group in your Dive path (i.e., a child window exists), NetDiver disables the Stop Group command until you close any child windows and return to the Dive Window where you first defined the group. Unlike the Focus command where you can continue to zoom in and create smaller focus sets, you must perform Stop Group before doing any of the following:

• Create a new Group

• Perform a Find

• Perform a Focus

Getting Started 2-41

Performing NetDiver Basics


It is possible to have multiple groups at one time, but they must be in different Dive Windows (i.e., Dimensions). Once you dive past a group, it is possible to create another group in the same Dive path.

In this lesson, you will learn how to create and stop groups.

1. Open NetDiver and the Top10Sales.mrk file, with the calculated Profit column, in a Dive Window.

2. To create a group using the top 3 sales performers (i.e., Fagin, Lombardi, and Kagey), select their rows using Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click.

3. Click the Group button to create a group (i.e., a single Dimension value) for further

2-42 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


diving by aggregating the three Dimension values of Fagin, Lombardi, and Kagey.

Notice that the label for the first row changed from Subtotals (i.e., result of a Focus action) to Group. The Console appears as follows:

Getting Started 2-43

Performing NetDiver Basics


4. To dive on the Group, double-click Group in the Dive Window. The Console displays Group as the Salesperson Dimension value, and arrows appear next to the Dimensions that you can dive on.

2-44 Getting Started

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5. Double-click on Product Family to open a new Dive Window (i.e., a child window).

The Console for the above dive appears next.

Getting Started 2-45

Performing NetDiver Basics


Using Group with Others 1The Group with Others option is available in the Find dialog box and is similar to the Group command. Group with Others treats multiple Dimension values in the leftmost column of a Tabular that you select as two separate units. The values you select are one group and the remaining, non-selected values are the second group. NetDiver adds the label “Others” for the second group. Double-click either label, Group or Others to update the Console for further diving

You typically would use the Group with Others option after performing Find and Focus actions with the Find command. To stop a Group with Others action, close its Dive Window under History in the Console.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Group with Others option.

1. Open NetDiver and the Top10Sales.mrk file. If needed, add the Profit column to your Tabular.

2. Click the Find button to open the Find String in Salesperson dialog box and select the following options:

• Focus

• Focus and Group with Others

2-46 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


• First “3” Items

3. Click Find All to open the Dive Window showing the first 3 Salespersons and an Others row, which shows aggregated totals for the remaining 7 Salespersons from the Top10Sales.mrk file.

You can further dive on either Group or Others as individual values. The same rules that apply to Group also apply to Group with Others.

4. To stop the Group with Others action, close the Dive Window.

Getting Started 2-47

Performing NetDiver Basics


Find Dialog Box Variations 2NetDiver presents several different types of Find dialog boxes depending on your column or row context in the Dive Window when you search using the Find command. Each NetDiver column contains data that falls into one of the following types: String, Numeric, Date, or Period.

Depending on the type of row or column you select, Diver presents one of the following types of Find dialog boxes:

• Find String

• Find Numbers

• Find Date Range

• Find Period Range

Using Find dialog boxes, NetDiver can find and perform operations on the following types of information in a Dive Window:

• Dimension values

• Summary data

• Info Field values

To initiate a Find action, you must select a row or column heading label. You can also click on a cell in a Tabular, and NetDiver will automatically select the corresponding row and column label. You can only search through one column of data, but you can search on many rows. If you invoke Find without selecting a column or row, the Find action defaults to searching the leftmost column (i.e., typically a string).

There are some common search parameters that appear in some or all of the different Find dialog boxes. Click on the Options or Advanced Find buttons in each dialog box to view a complete list of options. Embedded in each Find dialog box is the Action on Find section, which enables you to configure the results of your search using the Group or Group with Others actions described in a previous lesson.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Find String and Find Numbers dialog boxes when searching rows or a column.

For a more in-depth discussion of the various Find dialog boxes, see the Diver manual.

Using the Find String Dialog Box 1In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Find String dialog box to examine the Revenue and Profit numbers for your top Salesperson when selling Products (i.e., the Dimension) with the character string “butter” as part of the value.

1. Open NetDiver and the Top10Sales.mrk file. If needed, add the Profit column to your

2-48 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


Dive Window.

2. Double-click on Fagin in the Salesperson column, and open the Categories in the Console to view the diveable Dimensions.

Getting Started 2-49

Performing NetDiver Basics


3. Under the Products category, open a new Dive Window by double-clicking on Product Name.

4. Select a row value from the Product Name column, and click the Find button to open the Find String in Product Name dialog box.

2-50 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


5. Type “butter” in the Find text box, and click Find All. By default, NetDiver sets the Action on Find option to Focus.

The results of the Find action display in the following child window:

The Find results show that there were 4 different Product Names that had the text string “butter” in their label. You can see that Fagin sold more Whipped Butter in the 8 ounce tub than in the 12 ounce tub.

To view what customers bought Whipped Butter in the 8 ounce tub, double-click on “Butter-Whipped- 8oz. Tub”, and then double-click on Customer in the Console to open a child window with customer information.

Interestingly, by diving deeper into your data after a Find you can see that Fagin, the top Salesperson, is actually realizing a loss by selling Whipped Butter to certain accounts.

TIP: To save this dive (or rather, the dive steps) so that you can monitor sales of Whipped Butter by Fagin into certain accounts, create a Marker. Specifically, instead of using Focus to hard code the summary results of a dive, you can use Find as shown in this example and save the “logic”. When you open this Marker

Getting Started 2-51

Performing NetDiver Basics


in the future, it displays the same Customer and Column Headings, but the Summaries reflect any data changes made to the Model. Opening the Marker in the future, you can evaluate whether or not there is a continuing negative trend of Fagin selling Whipped Butter into certain accounts at a loss.

6. To save this Marker, click Save Marker and enter a file name for the dive in the Save Marker dialog box, such as View_Fagin_Butter_Customers.

Using the Find Numbers Dialog Box 1In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Find Numbers dialog box to identify which of your top Salespersons are eligible for a company bonus. All Salespersons whose Profit totals exceed $1,000,000 are eligible to receive the bonus.

1. Open NetDiver and the Top10Sales.mrk file. If needed, add the Profit column to your Dive Window.

Notice that most of the top 10 salespeople have exceeded the 1 million dollar bonus threshold, but there may be additional salespeople who are also eligible. Let’s find them!

2-52 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


2. Select the Profit column header, and click the Find button to open the Find Numbers in Profit dialog box.

3. To find which of the Salespersons are eligible for the bonus, enter “1000000” in the greater than (>=) text box, and click Find All.

Notice that the results of the Find action show that 9 out of the 10 top salespeople are eligible for the bonus (Jefferey did not make the cut).

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Performing NetDiver Basics


4. To zero in on the numbers in the Profit column, click Focus.

But are the above salespeople the only ones whose Profit number exceeded one million? Let’s look at history in the Console.


• There is a sort on the Revenue Total column, but not Profit

2-54 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


• The Dive Window displays some but not all Salespersons because of a Focus action

• Find action searches only for those Salespersons in the Focus whose Profit numbers were greater than 1 million

• After the Find, NetDiver refocused the Dive Window to display only those Salespersons who met the Find search criteria

• Focus on the Profit column to facilitate analysis

What next? Based on a look at history, it is possible that we might have missed some Salespersons who qualify for the bonus because of the focus in the Dive Window.

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Performing NetDiver Basics


5. To search for all Salespersons whose Profit exceeds $1,000,000, click the Unfocus button to display all Salesperson values (i.e., not just the top 10) in the Dive Window.

6. Now that the Dive Window contains all Salespersons, select the Profit column heading and click Find to open the Find Numbers in Profit dialog box. Type “1000000” in the Find >= text box.

2-56 Getting Started

Performing NetDiver Basics


7. Click Find All to open a new Dive Window.

Notice that the Dive Window now displays a complete list of all seventeen Salespersons with Profit greater than 1 million, who are eligible for the bonus.

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Performing NetDiver Basics


8. To make the numbers easier to read and print, sort the Profit column down by clicking the Sort Down button.

2-58 Getting Started

Chapter 3

Tabulars and Graphs 3

NetDiver supports a number of display formats that enable you to tailor and optimize the presentation of any particular set of data to the needs of your audience. The Tabular (i.e., similar to a spreadsheet) is the default presentation format for Model data. Tabular display formats include:

• Plain Tabular (default)

• CrossTab

• Multitab

• MultiCrossTab

The Tabular works best for analysts who have the time to study and analyze data and who seek detailed answers to complex questions. Some formats like Bar Plots, Line Plots, and Calendars are best for quickly communicating trends and generalities. NetDiver also includes the following types of data presentation formats:

• Tabular

• Graphs (e.g., Scatter, Pie, Stack Plots, Cross Plots, 3-D Pie Plots, and Bubble Plots)

• Reports

Due to the limited scope of this tutorial, the lessons in this section will cover Plain Tabular, CrossTab, and MultiTab display formats. Refer to the Diver manual for more information on all types of Diver display formats.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-1


Table 3-1 provides a quick comparison of the different Tabular display format configuration properties.

Table 3-1: Tabular Display Formats

Tabular TypeNo. of Dims.

No. of Summaries Description

Plain Tabular 1 All/Many Default first dive format.

CrossTab 2 1 1 horizontal Dimension; 1 vertical Dimension. Only 1 Summary value.

MultiTab 32 All/Many Displays many Dimensions and Summa-ries. MultiTab dive arrows point to the right; not down. MultiTab does not dive deeper. Excellent for reports; last dive before switching to a report.

MultiCrossTab 2 Many 1 horizontal Dimension; 1 vertical Dimension. Can include many Summary values. If only 1 Summary value - use CrossTab.

3-2 Tabulars and Graphs

Basic Tabular


Basic Tabular 3All Tabulars look very much like variations of a spreadsheet. The basic Tabular, the default Dive Window, is the simplest Tabular format. The following Tabular is the familiar Dive Window that you have worked with in previous lessons.

Like any spreadsheet, the row and column labels in the default Tabular specify what information you are viewing. The cells show specific data values. The basic Tabular can only display one Dimension (e.g., Salesperson), the leftmost vertical column, and as many Summary (and Info Fields) columns to the right of the Dimension column as configured in the current DivePlan.

You can create or switch to different Tabular formats using buttons in the toolbar. For example, clicking the Tabular button will convert the active view (e.g., CrossTab, Graphical, or Report) to a basic Tabular view.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-3

Creating a CrossTab


Creating a CrossTab 3A CrossTab enables you to combine two Dimensions in one table. NetDiver presents one Dimension vertically with its values as rows. The second Dimension appears horizontally with its values as columns. You can only include one Summary value in a CrossTab.

The following picture shows how the initial Dive Window of the Top10Sales.mrk file that you have been using appears if you made it a CrossTab with Salesperson as the vertical Dimension, Quarter as the horizontal Dimension, and Revenue Total as the Summary.

3-4 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a CrossTab


In this lesson, to create the CrossTab shown above, complete the following steps:

1. Open NetDiver and the Top10Sales.mrk file.

2. To open the CrossTab Inputs dialog box, click the Switch the view to CrossTab button.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-5

Creating a CrossTab


3. In the Horizontal Dimension pulldown, select Quarter. In the Column pulldown, select Revenue Total.

4. Click OK to display the Salesperson Dive Window configured as a CrossTab.

Refer to the graphic at the beginning of this lesson for an explanation of the CrossTab labels. The CrossTab display allows you to examine your data using a combination of two Dimensions and one Summary in a variety of ways.

Leave the CrossTab window open for the lesson that follows.

3-6 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a CrossTab


Diving from a CrossTab 3You can dive from a CrossTab in the following ways:

• Select a Dimension value from the leftmost column (i.e., a row)

• Select a Summary value in a cell

When you dive from a row value, NetDiver opens the child window in another CrossTab. Diving from a cell displays results in a Tabular window, including selected (i.e., viewable) columns from the original DivePlan.

In either Dive mode, you can return to the original CrossTab Dive Window and cascade by double-clicking a different Dimension (row) or cell (Summary) value.

To dive on a CrossTab Dimension value, complete the following steps.

1. Starting with the open CrossTab window in the previous lesson, double-click on Fagin to activate arrows in the Console.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-7

Creating a CrossTab


2. To open a child CrossTab window showing the quarterly revenue totals broken down by Product Family for Salesperson Fagin, double-click on Product Family in the Console.

Notice that the child CrossTab breaks down the gross quarterly revenue numbers for Fagin into revenue by product line per quarter. Stated differently, the revenue totals by product line in the child roll up to the gross revenue total in the parent.

3-8 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a CrossTab


To dive on a CrossTab Summary value, complete the following steps.

1. Starting with the open CrossTab window in the previous lesson, double-click on the cell value, 5,206,455.73, which is the intersection of Fagin and 2007/01, to activate arrows in the Console.

Dive on Product Family for Dimension value=Fagin

Tabulars and Graphs 3-9

Creating a MultiTab


2. To open a child Tabular window showing the quarterly revenue total from 2007/01 for Salesperson Fagin broken down by Product Family, double-click on Product Family in the Console.

Notice that the child Tabular breaks down the gross quarterly revenue number from the first quarter of 2007 for Fagin into revenue by product line for the same reporting period. Stated differently, the revenue totals by product line in the child roll up to the gross revenue total in the parent for the 2007/1 period.

Creating a MultiTab 3A MultiTab enables you to view many Dimensions in a Dive Window. After your initial Dive on any one Dimension, you can create a MultiTab view by selecting the Switch the view to MultiTab button in the toolbar.

When you select MultiTab, the arrows in the Console point right (instead of down) indicating MultiTab view. When you select a Dimension in this view, NetDiver adds the Dimension and its values as a column to the Dive Window. You are not narrowing the data or diving down in this view. Typically, you might use MultiTab as the last display format before switching to Report display, because it enables you to simply add additional fields to a report.

To dive deeper from a MultiTab, as in any other Tabular window, double-click a row you are interested in viewing.

3-10 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a MultiTab


The following picture shows how the initial Dive Window of the Top10Sales.mrk file that you have been using appears if you made it a MultiTab by clicking the MultiTab button and then choosing Product Family.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-11

Creating a MultiTab


In this lesson, to create the MultiTab shown previously, complete the following steps:

1. Open NetDiver and the Top10Sales.mrk file.

2. Start a dive, by double-clicking on Fagin.

Note that you do not have to start a dive with a diveable Console (i.e., with down-pointing arrows) before switching to MultiTab view.

3-12 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a MultiTab


3. To start a MultiTab, click the Switch the view to MultiTab button. The picture below shows how the arrows change in the Console (notice that they point horizontally).

4. To add Product Family values (i.e., Butter, Cheese, and so on) to the Dive Window for each Salesperson, double-click Product Family.

See the MultiTab picture in the introduction to this lesson.

5. To further sub-divide Fagin and Product Family, double-click Product Name in the

Tabulars and Graphs 3-13

Creating a MultiTab


Console to show totals for Fagin > Product Family by Product Name.

Diving from a MultiTab 3You can dive from a MultiTab in the following ways:

• Select a Dimension value from the leftmost column (i.e., a row)

• Select a Summary value in a cell

Diving on a Summary value in a cell is equivalent to diving on a row for a MultiTab. Selecting a cell value automatically selects its row and column heading labels. In this lesson, you will learn how to dive from a MultiTab view.

1. Starting with the open MultiTab window in the previous lesson, double-click on the first Fagin value (i.e., Butter - Butter-Whipped 12 oz. Tub) to activate arrows in the Console.

3-14 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a MultiCross Tab


2. To view which customers bought Whipped Butter in the 12 oz. Tub from Fagin, double-click on Customer in the Console.

Notice that there were 8 companies, starting with Instantwhip Foods Inc, who bought Whipped Butter in the 12 oz. tub from Fagin. Examine the Profit column to view which sales resulted in a profit or loss.

Creating a MultiCross Tab 3A MultiCrossTab enables you to format a Tabular with one vertical and one horizontal Dimension. The title of the Dive Window reflects the name of the vertical Dimension (e.g., Product Family or Salesperson). The name of the horizontal Dimension does not display, instead its individual values appear as column headings. For example, if the horizontal Dimension is YearMo, the columns might contain Summary values like Units Total, Cost Total, or Revenue Total. Each column heading for the horizontal Dimension contains one or more Summaries. After your initial Dive on any one Dimension, you can create a MultiCrossTab view by selecting the Switch the view to MultiCrossTab button in the toolbar.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-15

Creating a MultiCross Tab


The following picture shows how a MultiCross Tab appears in a Dive Window.

In this lesson, you will:

• Create a MultiCrossTab display

• Dive on a cell

In this lesson, you will work with the demo_drl.mdl file.

1. Launch NetDiver and open the demo_drl.mdl file.

2. In the Console, expand the Categories and double-click on Product Family.

3. Click the Switch the view to MultiCrossTab button to open the MultiCrossTab Inputs

3-16 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a MultiCross Tab


dialog box.

4. Select YearMo in the Horizontal Dimension pulldown and both Units Total and Revenue Total in the Columns section (use the CTRL key).

5. Click OK to display the Product Family MultiCrossTab that shows Units Total and Revenue Total by Year and Month for all Product Family values.

Diving from a MultiCrossTab 3You can dive from a MultiCrossTab in the following ways:

• Select a Dimension value from the leftmost column (i.e., a row)

• Select a Summary value in a cell

In this lesson, you will learn how to dive from a MultiTab view, starting with a selected vertical Dimension value (i.e., Butter) from the MultiCrossTab in the previous lesson.

1. Continuing with the open MultiCrossTab window shown on page 3-17, double-click the first Product Family value (i.e., Butter) to activate arrows in the Console.

2. Double-click Salesperson in the Console window to display the following MultiCrossTab

Tabulars and Graphs 3-17

Creating a MultiCross Tab


Dive Window.

The above dive shows side-by-side the number of Units sold (i.e. for Butter) and the Revenue amount for each month of the year per Salesperson.

Close the window shown above to display the open MultiCrossTab window shown on page 3-17. From here, you will dive on a Summary value in a cell.

3. Select the Revenue Total (2007/01) cell for Butter (i.e., $6,559,365.10) as shown in the following picture.

4. To view the Revenue Total breakdown per Salesperson for this YearMo period (i.e., 2007/

3-18 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a MultiCross Tab


01), double-click Salesperson in the Console.

5. To confirm that you are viewing the Butter sales totals per Salesperson for a specific time period, check your dive steps in History.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-19

Working with Graphs


Working with Graphs 3NetDiver offers a diverse selection (e.g., there are 18 types of plots) of graph types, from the simple to the complex. You can change the current display to a graphical format by clicking the Switch the view to Graph button on the toolbar. Choosing the Graph option opens the Select Graph Type dialog box, which enables you to select the type of graph you wish to create.

You can click on the name of a Graph style in the Categories section to view the different types of graphs you can select within that category. Table 3-1 identifies all of the graphs available in NetDiver.

Table 3-1: List of NetDiver Graphs

Basic Plots Cross Plots Stack Plots Pie Plots Scatter Plots

Bar Plot Bar Cross Plot Bar Stack Plot Pie Plot Scatter Plot

Line PlotLine Cross Plot

3-D Bar Stack Plot 3-D Pie Plot

Scatter Plot (Line)

Point PlotPoint Cross Plot Scatter Plot

(Point and Line)

3-D Bar Plot3-D Bar Cross Plot

Bubble Plot

3-D Line Plot 3-D Line Cross Plot

3-20 Tabulars and Graphs

About Basic Plots


However, it is beyond the scope of this tutorial to cover anything other than basic graph attributes, and, by way of illustration, the basic Bar Plot.

Refer to the Diver manual for a more comprehensive discussion of Diver graph types.

About Basic Plots 3Basic Plots include the following types:

• Bar Plot

• Line Plot

• Point Plot

• 3-D Bar Plot

• 3-D Line Plot

Within this group, the most commonly used plots (i.e., Bar, Line, and Point) each display a series of plotted points that correspond to the Summary values being plotted. Bar Plots contain a bar from each Summary value to an axis (e.g., x or y) that show the magnitude of the particular value. Line Plots connect values with a series of line segments, while Point Plots display a single point for each value.

You can display Bar, Line, and Point Plots using either a horizontal or vertical orientation. Each of these basic plot types have identical labeling and tagging support. You can display Bar and Line Plots in either 2-D or 3-D. Additionally, all the elements (e.g., Summary, Calculated Column, or DimCount) of the basic plot types are basically the same. You can mix elements, up to a maximum of 16 elements per graph.

Creating a Bar Plot 3In this lesson, you will use the Top10Sales.mrk file as the starting point for creating Bar Plots so that you can visually compare the performance of the top salespeople by plotting Summary columns against the Salesperson Dimension, including the following:

• Creating Bar Plots with different column (i.e., Summary) values

• Flip graph axes to view the same data from a different perspective

Tabulars and Graphs 3-21

Creating a Bar Plot


1. Launch NetDiver and open the Top10Sales.mrk file.

2. Click on the Revenue Total column heading.

3. To open the Select Graph Type dialog box, click Switch the view to a Graph button.

Notice that Bar Plot is the default choice in the Basic Plots Categories.

3-22 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a Bar Plot


4. Click Next to open the Set Data Attributes dialog box.

Notice that you have the option of selecting the Units Total, Cost Total, Revenue Total, or Profit columns for plotting purposes. Also, to erase a column choice, select the “blank” pulldown option.

5. For this lesson, select Cost Total for Row 1 and Revenue Total for Row 2. Leave the default Plot Type set to “Bar” and the Y-Axis Column set to “Left” for each column.

6. Click Finish to display the bar plot graph of the Cost and Revenue Total columns for the

Tabulars and Graphs 3-23

Creating a Bar Plot


Top10Sales.mrk file with Y axis values in millions and the X axis values in Salesperson.

7. To create a bar plot that maps the Units Total against Profits per Salesperson, close the Dive Window, and open the Top10Sames.mrk file.

8. Click the Switch the view to a Graph button, and select Bar Plot as the Graph Type.

9. Select Units Total for Row 1 and Profit for Row 2. Leave the default Plot Type set to “Bar” and the Y-Axis Column set to “Left” for each column.

3-24 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a Bar Plot


10. Click Finish to display the bar plot graph of the Units Total and Profit columns.

11. To view the above plot from a different perspective, click the Flip Table or Graph Axes button.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-25

Creating a Bar Plot


Based on the previous graph, you can easily see that Fagin eclipsed his peers in both Units Sold and Profit. To further assess Fagin’s performance, the next lesson shows how to dive on the Customer Dimension.

Diving on a Bar Plot 3You can dive on a bar plot by selecting a vertical Dimension value, which is equivalent to selecting a row in a Tabular. When you select a Dimension value, the Console refreshes enabling you to dive further into the data. In this lesson, continuing with the previous bar plot, you will select Fagin and dive on Customer to view Units vs. Profit on customer-by-customer basis. You might be surprised by what the data reveals!

1. Starting with the bar plot from the previous lesson, click Fagin and notice that the row becomes highlighted and the Console becomes refreshed for diving.

2. Click Customer in the Console to open a Dive Window showing Units Total vs. Profit for each customer of Salesperson Fagin.

3-26 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a Bar Plot


Notice that the drill down on Customer shows that Fagin had outstanding profitability versus Units sold for the following three customers:

• 761 -- Mid-Coast Foods

• 906 -- Serpa JP Creamery

• 569 -- Instantwhip Foods Inc.

Surprisingly, however, Fagin posted somewhat dismal profitability numbers relative to Units sold for these customers:

• 709 -- Romano Cheese Distributors

• 596 -- Demoss Wayne Dairy Products

• 788 -- Roma Food Enterprises of Florida

By diving deeper into the numbers, your NetDiver analysis reveals that even though Fagin is an outstanding Salesperson with the best overall statistics in his peer group, there is still room at a micro level to improve sales performance with a number of his customers.

Graph Type Examples 3You can experiment with the different types of graphs that you can generate in NetDiver using the Switch the view to Graph button on the toolbar.

This section presents some graph output examples so that you get an idea of the various formats available in NetDiver.

Tabulars and Graphs 3-27

Creating a Bar Plot


Figure 3-1: Sales Region 3-D Line Cross Plot of Revenue by Quarter

3-28 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a Bar Plot


Figure 3-2: Simplified Sales Region 3-D CrossPlot of Revenue by Quarter

Tabulars and Graphs 3-29

Creating a Bar Plot


Figure 3-3: 3-D Bar Stack Plot Units Total by Customer (Quarter)

3-30 Tabulars and Graphs

Creating a Bar Plot


Figure 3-4: Scatter Plot for Product Family -- Revenue Total by Cost Total

Tabulars and Graphs 3-31

Creating a Bar Plot


Figure 3-5: Pie Plot -- Revenue Total by Product Family

3-32 Tabulars and Graphs

Chapter 4

Reports 4

A report in NetDiver is a dive in which you transform the final Dive Window into a Report View. Typically, you create a report before saving a Marker to distribute standard information to various people in the organization.

A NetDiver report is not static. Once created, you can perform the following actions on a report:

• Use as a starting point for further diving

• Print as a hard copy

• Output to a PDF or Excel file

You create reports in NetDiver in the following two ways:

• From a Tabular display

• From the Tabular underlying a graphic display

Reports 4-1

Creating Reports


From a Tabular or graphic display, click Switch view to a Report to open the Default Report dialog box.

The options displayed in the dialog box may vary slightly, depending on the type of Tabular you are converting to a report.

These lessons presented in this chapter lead you step-by-step through the key reporting features of NetDiver. Some steps may not be explained in full detail if they have already been covered in previous chapters.

Creating Reports 4Complete the lessons in the following sections to learn how to generate and customize reports in NetDiver.

Basic Tabular Report 4NetDiver reports are an important way to optimize information delivery within your organization. With many default reporting features and customizing options, NetDiver simplifies the conversion of various Tabular views into reports.

In this lesson you will:

4-2 Reports

Creating Reports


• Create a report from a Tabular

• Specify a title

• Remove automatic page numbers

Before you start this lesson, remember to always keep all Dimensions visible in the Console.

1. Launch NetDiver, and open demo_drl.dvp.

2. Click Sales Region in the Console to open the Sales Region Dive Window.

3. Click the Switch the view to a Report button to open the Default Report dialog box.

4. In the Title text box, type “Sales Region Report”.

Reports 4-3

Creating Reports


5. In the Totals section, select Top.

6. Because this report only has one page, deselect the Page Numbers option, if needed.

7. Select Include Parent Info.

Including parent information (i.e., more detail) is a good practice when the report is the final window of a multi-step dive. The completed dialog box should appear as follows.

8. Click OK to display the Tabular data from the Sales Region dive as a report.

4-4 Reports

Creating Reports


9. Click the Open as PDF button to open the report as a PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Notice that the report opens in a new browser window, where you can save, e-mail, zoom, or print this one page report.

When you have multi-page reports, the Open as PDF option ensures that you can print the entire report, with the format shown in the NetDiver window.

10. Close all Dive Windows used in this lesson, except the Console.

Reports 4-5

Creating Reports


MultiTab Report 4A MultiTab Report, which you generate from a MultiTabular display, allows you to view all the Summaries for multiple Dimensions. The current dive and Tabular options control the choices you can see in the Default Report dialog box.

In this lesson, you will:

• Create a report from a MultiTab

• Add a title and include the date

• Compare two report styles

If not already open, launch the demo_drl.dvp file.

1. From the Console, click Sales Region.

2. Click the Switch the view to MultiTab button, and click Product Family in the Console.

3. To add another column to the display, click Product Name in the Console.

4. Click the Switch the view to a Report button to open the Default Report dialog box.

5. Leave the default selections, but type “Regional Product Profile” in the Title box and

4-6 Reports

Creating Reports


select Include Parent Info.

6. Click OK to generate the Regional Product Profile MultiTab report.

To improve readability, notice how repeated items in the Tabular are blanked out and how the scroll bar on the right indicates more page data.

7. Click the Switch the view to a Report button.

8. This time, to change the formatting style of the report, select Indented Subtotal MultiTab from the Report Style pulldown.

Reports 4-7

Creating Reports


9. Additionally, change the Title to “Regional Product Detail” and select the following options:

• Page Numbers

• Date

• Gridlines

• Include Parent Info

4-8 Reports

Creating Reports


10. Click OK to generate the Regional Product Detail MultiTab report.

The Regional Product Detail report, although the data remains the same, appears slightly different than the Regional Product Profile report because you choose the Indented Subtotal MultiTab style. Notice that the above report includes a subtotal for each Sales Region (e.g., Units subtotal for Boston is 9,920,822).

Use the vertical scroll bar to review all the pages in the report.

11. To save this report for future viewing, click the Save Marker button and name the Marker file “regional_prod_detail”. Click Save.

If you open the Marker after the Model gets updated, the Regional Product Detail report will display the updated numbers.

Reports 4-9

Creating Reports


CrossTab Report 4A CrossTab Report, which you generate from a CrossTabular display, allows you to combine two Dimensions in one graph or table, while showing one Summary numeric element.

The current dive and Tabular options control the choices you can see in the Default Report dialog box.

In this lesson you will:

• Create a CrossTabular report

• Sort the contents

• Dive and cascade

If not already open, launch the demo_drl.dvp file.

1. From the Console, click Quarter.

2. Click the Switch the view to CrossTab button to open the CrossTab Inputs dialog box.

3. Select Salesperson and then Revenue Total from the Horizontal Dimension and Column pulldowns.

4. Click OK to open the Quarter CrossTab Dive Window.

4-10 Reports

Creating Reports


5. Click the Switch the view to a Report button to open the Default Report dialog box.

6. Leave the default selections, but enter “Revenue by Quarter” in the Title field and select the following options:

• Top (under Totals)

• Include Parent Info

7. Click OK to open the Revenue by Quarter CrossTab report.

Reports 4-11

Creating Reports


8. To enable the Console for diving, click “2008/2” located in the first column of the report.

9. Click Product Family in the Console to show revenue Summaries per Salesperson, sorted alphabetically by Product Family value, for the second quarter of 2008.

10. Click the Total column.

11. To sort the Product Family values from highest to lowest by Revenue Total, click Sort Down.

12. Retrieve the previous Dive Window by double-clicking on Quarter in the History area of the Console.

4-12 Reports

Using Reports saved to a DiveBook


13. Double-click “2008/1” and watch the information cascade for the first quarter of 2008.

You can continue to experiment with cascades to get a better idea of how NetDiver lets you quickly view updated data for Dimensional values through the lens of dive windows in History.

14. Close all Dive Windows.

15. Close the Model.

Using Reports saved to a DiveBook 4To simplify the periodic retrieval of your data, NetDiver lets you save frequently used reports as Markers in a DiveBook. When you reopen a previously saved Marker, the report shows any updated Model data.

In this lesson you will:

• Open a report from a DiveBook

• Print the report

1. Launch NetDiver, and click the Open DiveBook button. If you do not see the SampleData-DiverTutorial folder, navigate to its location.

Reports 4-13

Using Reports saved to a DiveBook


2. Select demo_drl.dbk, and click Open.

3. Click Reports in the Areas section.

4. Click OK to open the “Salesperson by Product Family” default selection report.

4-14 Reports

Using Reports saved to a DiveBook


5. Click the Open as PDF button to open a new browser window with the report loaded in Adobe Reader.

6. Use File > Print to print the report, or File > Save As to save the report as a .PDF file.

Reports 4-15

Using Reports saved to a DiveBook


7. Close all Dive Windows.

8. Exit NetDiver.

4-16 Reports

Index 0Index 0


ABOUT menudisplay version number 1-24

adding a title to a report 4-3Administrator

who to contact 2-1Adobe Reader 4-5Apache Tomcat 1-1application links

used to launch NetDiver 1-21Areas in a DiveBook 2-4axes

flip for table or graph 1-27


Back buttonusing in a browser 1-28

backwards diving 2-13Bar Plot

example of creating 3-21Bar Plots

overview 3-21bookmarks

saving Markers 1-17


Calculated columnhow to add 2-22

Cascadingan example 2-19illustration of 2-19overview 2-18

Categoriesdefined 2-8overview 1-7

Click Action Linkaccess to NetDiver 1-19

Click Action Menuaccess to NetDiver 1-19

Columnsadding 2-22adding a calculated column 2-22, 2-29changing the position of 2-22, 2-28deleting 2-22how to add example 2-23how to delete 2-35

commandsusing the toolbar 1-25

configuringDive Window content using Focus 2-36Dive Window content using Group 2-41Dive Window content using Group with

Others 2-46



Consolebasic controls 1-7Categories 1-11, 2-8DimCount 1-10Dimension fields 1-10Dive arrows 1-11down arrow indicator 2-10example of 1-23History area 1-9Info Fields 1-11Model Name 1-7open Categories 2-7overview 1-7Time Series Info 1-13using Dive Selectors 1-8

contacting DI technical support 1-2creating

a bar plot 3-21a cascade 2-18

CrossTabannotated illustration 3-4button 1-27, 4-10display format 3-1how to create example 3-4how to dive 3-7

customization of Excel 1-29customizing

a bar plot 3-21


data folderfor NetDiver tutorial 2-2

data types defined 1-3date ranges

finding 2-48default DivePlan 1-16Default Report dialog 4-6deleting

a column 2-22DimCount

defined 1-4

DimCountsin the Console 1-10optimizing a dive 2-15

Dimension valuesDimCounts 1-10how to find 2-48how to sort 2-20searching numbers 2-52searching text strings 2-48

Dimensionsand Dive arrows 1-10defined 1-3how to select in a dive 2-10viewing in NetDiver 2-7

Dimensions and Dive arrows 1-10Dive arrows

and Dimensions 1-10in the Console 1-11

Dive arrows and Dimensions 1-10Dive Selector

overview 1-8tabs 1-8

Dive Windowconfiguring with Group with Others 2-46example of 1-23overview 1-6

Dive Windowshow to cascade 2-18parent-to-child relationships 2-18

DiveBookArea 2-4button 4-13Definition of 1-4illustration 1-16launching NetDiver 1-21open button 2-5overview 1-14Topics 1-14, 2-4



DiveLineaccess with files using Open File 2-1NetDiver log on field 1-23password 1-1saved Marker 1-20server name 1-23username 1-1

DiveLine filesaccess with Open File 2-1

DivePlansDefinition of 1-4overview 1-16saving Model views 1-16

DivePortlaunching NetDiver 1-18

Diverdisplay formats 3-1introduction to components 1-5overview of display formats 3-1performing a calculation 2-29

Diver Solution Administrator 2-1Diving

backwards 2-13best practices example 2-13building a syntax 2-15Definition of 1-3efficiently 2-15from a report 4-1getting started 2-10how to search Model data for answers 2-13into a Model 1-11introduction to 1-4on a CrossTab 3-7on a MultiTab 3-14, 3-17parsing a business question into values 2-15questions and answers 2-13understanding DimCounts 2-15using Markers 1-17using the Console 1-7using the down arrow 2-10

diving into a Model 2-11down arrow 2-10


exampleadding a calculated column 2-29adding a column 2-23changing the position of a column 2-28creating a bar plot 3-21creating a calculated column procedure

2-29creating a CrossTab 3-4creating a Marker 2-33creating a MultiTab 3-10, 3-15deleting a column 2-35diving for answers 2-13how to dive on a CrossTab 3-7how to dive on a MultiTab 3-14, 3-17using find numbers to search Dimension

values 2-52using find string to search Dimension

values 2-48using Focus to narrow Dive Window view

2-36using Group to combine Dimensions 2-41using Group with Others to combine

Dimensions 2-46Excel

configuring folder option 1-29importing Dive Window contents 1-29NetDiver report output option 4-1preferences for NetDiver 1-29

exit NetDiverclick LOG OFF 2-6


File typesDiveBooks (.dbk) 1-14DivePlans (.dvp) 1-14Markers (.mrk) 1-14



Findbutton 1-28date ranges 2-48example of finding numbers 2-52example of finding strings 2-48numeric strings 2-48overview 2-48text strings 2-48time period ranges 2-48

flip table/graph axesbutton 1-27

Focushow to use example 2-36overview 2-36stopping 2-36using with Group 2-36

Focus/Stop Focusbutton 1-27

foldersConsole Categories 1-11DiveBooks 1-14

folders in the Console 1-7


getting startedwith diving 2-10

graphbutton 1-27

Grouphow to use example 2-41overview 2-36stopping 2-41using with Focus 2-41

Group with Othershow to use 2-46stopping 2-46using with Find 2-46using with Focus 2-46

Group/Stop Groupbutton 1-27


Historyoverview of Dive history 1-9using in a dive 2-13

how to change a column procedure 2-28HTTP Session Cookies

enabling for NetDiver 1-18HTTPS

running the protocol without warnings 1-18


identifying Model namesModel Name 1-7

illustrationCrossTab display 3-4MultiTab display 3-11Tabular display 3-3

Include Parent Info 4-4, 4-11Info Field values

how to find 2-48Info Fields

defined 1-3, 2-10Dimension modifiers 1-11overview 1-11

initial dive into a Model 2-10Introduction

Diver components 1-5to diving 1-4


JavaScriptenabling for NetDiver 1-18


launching NetDiverfrom a browser 1-22from DivePort 1-18



Log Offbutton 2-6

Log OffDiveLine 1-28

exiting the NetDiver 1-28from a NetDiver session 1-28

Log Onto NetDiver 1-22


manipulating columns using calculations 2-29Marker

Definition of 1-3how to save 2-10opening in NetDiver with click action 1-19overview 1-17saving 4-9saving NetDiver formats 1-17

Markerssaving to a file 2-33

ModelDefinition of 1-3how to dive 2-10navigating using the Console 1-7opening in NetDiver 2-7overview 1-4stepping through a dive 2-11

Model recordsDimCount 1-10

Model viewssaving with Markers 1-17

Modelsmaking the right choice for diving 2-13

MultiCross Tabbutton 1-27

MultiTabannotated illustration 3-11button 1-26, 4-6display format 3-1how to create example 3-10, 3-15how to dive 3-14, 3-17Report 4-6, 4-10

MY ACCOUNTstarting NetDiver 1-18

MY ACCOUNT menuuser access level 1-19


navigating a Model using the Console 1-7NetDiver

browser interface 1-23data files for tutorial 2-2how to launch from a browser 1-22launch from a Click Action menu 1-19launch with a Click Action link 1-19launching from a DiveBook 1-21launching from DivePort 1-18launching in DivePort 1-18logon screen 1-22navigating using the Console 1-7running on a workstation or laptop 1-18saving Markers to a file 2-33starting from MY ACCOUNT 1-18version number 1-24window components 1-23

numbersfinding 2-48how to sort 2-20


open Categoriesin a Model 2-7

Open Dive Window as a PDFbutton 4-5



Open DiveBookbutton 1-26

Open DiveBook button 2-5, 4-13Open File

button 1-26Open File button 2-1opening a Model 2-7organizing Dimensions

using Categories 1-11overview

bar plots 3-21Console 1-7Dimension fields in Console 1-10display formats 3-1Dive Selector 1-8Dive Window 1-6DiveBooks 1-14DivePlans 1-16Find command 2-48Focus 2-36Group 2-36Info Fields 1-11Markers 1-17Model 1-7Model name 1-7of Dive History 1-9of Models 1-4Tabular display 3-3Time Series Info 1-13


password for DiveLine 1-1PDF

button 4-5NetDiver report output option 4-1

PDF buttonexporting contents of Dive Window to

Acrobat 1-29period ranges

finding 2-48

printinga DiveBook report 4-13from Excel or Acrobat 1-29


QuickViewdefined 1-4


RankingDimension values 2-20

ReportBasic Tabular 4-2button 1-27, 4-3, 4-6, 4-11Include Parent Info 4-4, 4-11MultiTab 4-6, 4-10subtotal 4-9titles 4-3

report outputsPDF or Excel 4-1


sample dataaccess with Open File 2-1folder 2-2for NetDiver tutorial 1-1, 2-1

Save Markerbutton 1-26, 4-9

saving a diveexporting contents to Excel or Acrobat 1-29in a Marker 1-17, 1-29to a DiveBook 1-26

saving Markersexample 4-9for dives 2-10

Session Timeout (DiveLine)configuring a session timeout 1-28



Show/Hide Consolebutton 1-28

Sort Downbutton 1-28, 4-12example 2-20

Sort Upbutton 1-27example 2-20

SortingDimension values 2-20numbers 2-20text 2-20

spreadsheetTabular display 3-3

start NetDiverusing MY ACCOUNT in DivePort 1-18

stringsfinding 2-48

subtotal in report 4-9Summaries 1-3

defined 2-10Summary data

how to find 2-48Switch the view to a CrossTab

button 4-10Switch the view to a MultiTab

button 4-6Switch the view to a Report

button 4-3, 4-6, 4-11


Tableof Tabular display formats 3-2

Tabularannotated illustration 3-3button 1-26display format 3-1overview 3-3

Tabular DisplaysReport 4-2

Technical Supporthow to contact 1-2

texthow to sort 2-20

Time period comparisonsTime Series Info 1-13

Time Series Infoin the Console 1-13overview 1-13

time-based Dimensions 1-13title box

entering report name 4-3Toolbar

commands 1-25CrossTab 1-27Find 1-28flip table/graph axes 1-27Focus or Stop Focus 1-27graph 1-27Group/Stop Group 1-27MultiCross Tab 1-27MultiTab 1-26open DiveBook 1-26open file 1-26report 1-27save Marker 1-26save to DiveBook 1-26Show/Hide Console 1-28Sort Down 1-28Sort Up 1-27Tabular button 1-26undo/redo 1-26

Topicsin DiveBooks 1-14, 2-4


undo/redobutton 1-26

updating datain open Dive Windows 2-18



URLlaunching NetDiver from a browser 1-22

user level 1-1required to access NetDiver from DivePort


for DiveLine 1-1


version number 1-24viewing

Dimensions 2-7DivePlans 1-16Models 1-16


XLS buttonexporting Dive Window contents to Excel

