.Net framework

Post on 10-May-2015

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It will show you about all the features of Asp.net

Transcript of .Net framework


National Institute Of Information of Technology

.Net Framework

Introduction of .Net frame work

Difference of .Net framework 1.1 & 2.0

Features of .Net framework 2.0


• CLR• Classlibrar


• .Net framework remoting

• Globalization • Manifest-based

activation• New window-based form



National Institute Of Information of Technology

.Net Framework

.Net framework is a code execution platform –the environment which .Net programs run.

.Net is a platform that provides a standardized set of services. It’s just like windows, expect distributed over the internet. It exports a common interface so that it’s programs can be run on any system that support. .NET. A specific software framework includes a common runtime.

.Net framework mainly two components. CLR Classlibary

.Net Framework

National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

Common language runtime is that when ever you can create any application will build that time .Net source code will be converted into MSIL code that code will converted into machine language by using JIT compilers.

The following are the components of CLR Class loader Compiler(jit) Garbage collector Security engine Code manager Type checker Thread support Exception manager Debug engine COM support the above functionalities achieved by all these components . Each

component is responsible for specific funtionality.

CLR(Common Language Runtime)

National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

The .NET framework includes a set of standard class libraries. The class library is organized in a hierarchy of namespaces. Most of the built in apis are part of either system. * Or Microsoft .* Namespaces. These class libraries implement a large number of common functions, such as file reading and writing, graphic rendering, database interaction, and XML document manipulation, among others. The .NET class libraries are available to all .Net languages.

The .Net framework class library is divided into two parts

Base class library Framework class library


National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

o asp.Net 2.0 has added a number of special directories where 1.1 had only the one required bin directory.

o The new generation of 66-bit computers enables the creation of applications that can run faster and take advantage of more memory the is available to 32-bit applications.

o This feature provides new support for loading and activating applications through the use of a manifest


National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

You can use .Net remoting to enable communication between different application regardless of whether they reside on same computer or different operating systems and still communicate with each other using .Net remoting.

Features.Net Framework remoting

National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

.Net framework remoting .Net framework remoting now supports

ivp6 addresses and the exchange of generic types.

Obtaining information about local network configuration and usage

Using classes in the system. Net. Networkinformation namespace, applications can access IP, ipv4, ipv6, TCP, and UDP network traffic statistics.

Features.Net Framework remotingContin



National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

Ping The ping class allows an application to

determine whether a remote computer is accessible over the network.

Processing http requests from within applications

You can use the http listener class to create a simple web server that responds to http


Features.Net Framework remotingContin



National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

Globalization is the process of creating an application that meets the needs of users from multiple cultures. This process involves more than just translating the user interface elements of an application into multiple languages and also includes using the correct currency, date and time format, calendar, writing direction sorting rules, and other issues.


National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework


This feature provides new support for loading and activating applications through the use of a manifest.

Manifest-based activation is essential for supporting click once applications.

Applications are activated through a reference to an assembly that contains the application’s entry point.

For example, clicking an application’s .exe file from within the windows shell causes the shell to load the common language runtime (clr) and call a well-known entry point within that .exe file’s assembly.

The assembly manifest contains assembly metadata assembly manifest can be stored in either a PE file (an .exe or .dll file).National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

The datagridviewcontrol provides a powerful andflexible way to display data in a tabular format.

Toolstrip controls are toolbars that can host menus, controls, and user controls in your windows forms applications. The toolstrip class and its associated classes enable you to create toolbars and other user interface elements in a style that is consistent with Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Internet explorer.

The maskedtextbox control uses a mask definition to distinguish between valid and invalid user input.

The windows forms soundplayer class enables you to easily include sounds in your applications. The soundplayer class can play sound files in the .wav format, either from a resource or from universal naming conventions (UNC) or HTTP locations. Additionally, the soundplayer class enables you to load or play sounds asynchronously.

New Window-Based Form Control

National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

The windows forms splitcontainer control can be thought of as a composite, it is two panels separated by a movable bar. When the mouse pointer hovers over the bar, the cursor changes to show that the bar is movable.

The listview control now supports three features provided by window xp and the windows servers 2003 family, tile view, grouping, and drag-and-drop item repositioning.

New Window-Based Form Control


National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

The listview, treeview, and tooltip controls now support owner drawing functionally similar to the owner drawing support for the combobox, listbox, menuitem, and tabcontrol controls in the previous release.

The webbrowser control lets you host web pages in your windows forms applications. You can use the webbrowser control to provide integrated html-based help or internet web browsing capabilities in your application.

New Window-Based Form Control


National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

The flowlayoutpanel control arranges its contents in a horizontal or vertical direction.

The tableayoutpanel control arranges its contents in a grid. Because the layout is performed both at design time and run time, it can change dynamically as the application environment changes.

The backgroundworker component enables you to perform operations in the background that can take a long time to execute, such as image downloads and database transactions.National Institute Of Information of

Technology .Net Framework

The .Netframework is nothing but you can build a dynamic applications,

With this I am concluding my topic here. I think I was able to give you an insight to almost all main areas in .NET framework 2.0.


National Institute Of Information of Technology .Net Framework

Any Questions ????Thank - You

National Institute of Information of Technology

.Net Framework