Nervous Laughter Control

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Nervous Laughter Control

Transcript of Nervous Laughter Control

Nervous LaughterControl


• Nervous laughter is the body' s response to embarrassment, tension and anxiety. It comes from the throat, and instead of relaxing the individual, actually intensifies the anxiety. The laughter itself is generally uncontrollable, however behavior causing the nervous laughter is very controllable.

• Face your fear. Nervous laughter comes from the tension in a situation, and the anxiety of the person in it. When you enter into these situations on purpose it is called exposure.


• You are the type of person who tends to avoid these situations. This is not only a survival instinct, as it is a way to cope with the anxiety of a conversation.

• Coping. Certain levels of anxiety are normal. When you enter into a conversation resist running away! The flight response is another survival instinct instilled deep in your psyche.

• Wait for it. As you wait for you nerves to settle the anxiety will lessen. This will provide a window of opportunity for you to attack your fear head on, without any distractions.

• Nervous laughter has developed into a behavior type for you, and changing a behavior is not a one day task. Persistent exposure to your anxiety will quell over time.

• Because it is difficult to arrange a situation in which you can practice to develop your change in behavior, you may want to practice with a friend or in front of a video camera. Note your tension levels on a piece of paper, and make goals for improving each time.

• Over about a four month time you will develop your self control, your ability to cope with situational conversations, and will be able to identify your anxiety.

• Understanding your anxiety can lead to panic, but by not avoiding a situation your anxiety diminishes. It will be okay!

• After windy day the Rain will be came and It will be okay!


• Slow down.• Breathe. • Be honest. you can simply say,

"This is hard for me to talk about. • Laughter is easy filler when the mind goes

blank. Be clear .


• This is not a one time fix. You have to devote time and energy into changing your behavior. Progress may be slow, but include friends and family to offer support.

• Write yourself supportive statements on index cards. I like this one: "It will soon be over, but make it fun while you're here!"

THANK YOU“Trust yourself”