Neglecting Salah- A Major Sin in Islam

Post on 14-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Neglecting Salah- A Major Sin in Islam

the most high says…

59. Then there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salât (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salât (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell.

(Surah Maryam, 19:59)

�ع�وا �ب و�ات ة� الص�ال� �ض�اع�وا أ �خ�ل ف �ع د$ه$م ب م$ن ف�خ�ل�ف�,ا غ�ي �ل ق�و ن� ي و ف� ف�س� ه�و�ات$ {O}الش�

Ibn Abbas (Razi Allahu Anhu) explained that it does not mean that they completely abandoned prayers, but that they delayed them to the end of their prescribed times.

Sa'id bin Musayyab (may Allah be pleased with him), following the generation of the Companions, elaborated on this, saying: "A person neglects if he delays the noon prayer up to the afternoon prayer time, afternoon prayer up to almost sunset prayer time, sunset prayer up to evening prayer time, and evening prayer up to morning prayer time, while delaying morning prayer until just before sunrise. If anyone dies without repentance while continuing in this manner, Allah has promised Ghayy for him, and that is a valley in Hell which is very deep and has foul food."

the most high says…

“So woe unto those performers of salat(prayers) (hypocrites),

Those who delay(unmindful) their salat (prayer from their stated fixed times).

(Al-Maa'oon, 107:4-5)

8ين� 8ل م�ص�ل ل �ف�و�ي لاه�ون� س� $ه$م ت ص�ال� ع�ن ه�م �ذ$ين� {O}ال

Saad bin Abi Waqqas (Razi Allahu Anhu) said: "I asked Allah's Messenger (May Allah Exalt his Mention) about the meaning of 'unmindful,' and he replied: 'It is delaying it (the prayer) up to the end of its prescribed time.'“

While Allah calls such people <, they are lazy and perform the prayer very late. He has promised them <> (Wayl), which signifies a great punishment.

Some say, "Wayl is a valley in Hell, exceedingly hot, and that is the place for those who delay or miss the prayer, excepting the ones who repent and correct their habits."

the most high says…

"O you who believe, let neither your wealth nor your children

distract you from the remembrance of Allah. And those who do so, they will be the losers"

(Al-Munaafiqoon, 63:9)

ع�ن �م د�ك و ال�� أ و�ال� �م �ك م و�ال

� أ �م �ل ه$ك ت ال� �وا آم�ن �ذ$ين� ال Dه�ا ي� أ �ا ي

ون� ر� ال خ�اس$ ه�م� $ك� �ئ و ل� ف�أ $ك� ذ�ل �ف ع�ل ي و�م�ن �ه$ الل {O}ذ$ك ر$

The Prophet (May Allah Exalt his Mention) said in this regard:

"The first thing which will be judged among a person's deeds on the Day of Resurrection is the prayer. If that is in good order, he will pass the test and prosper, and if that is defective, he will fail the test and be a loser."


the most high says…

(The people in Hell will be asked):

"What caused you to enter Hell-fire?’’

They will say: "We were not among those who prayed, nor did we feed the needy. We used to engage in vain discourse with the vain-talkers, and we used to deny the Day of Judgment, until there came to us that which is certain ( i.e.. Allah's judgment)." Then no intercession by an intercessors will benefit them.

(Al-Muddaththir, 74:42-48)

ق�ر� س� ف$ي �م �ك �ك ل س� م�ا8ين� ال م�ص�ل م$ن� �ك� ن �م ل �وا ق�الك$ين� ال م$س �ط ع$م� ن �ك� ن �م و�ل$ض$ين� ال خ�ائ م�ع� �خ�وض� ن �ا �ن و�ك

الد8ين$ $ �و م $ي ب �ذ8ب� �ك ن �ا �ن و�ك�ق$ين� ال ي �ا �ان �ت أ �ى ت ح�

اف$ع$ين� الش� ف�اع�ة� ش� �نف�ع�ه�م ت {O}ف�م�ا



"The covenant between us and them is prayer, so if anyone abandons it he has become a

disbeliever." (Ahmad, Tirmidhee, Nasaa'ee)

"What lies between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of prayer."

(Muslim, Aboo Dawood, Nasaa'ee)

"If anyone abandons prayer deliberately then he has no claim upon Allah."

(Ibn Majah, Adab-al-Mufrad of Bukhari, Tabarani)

"If anyone keeps to it, it will be light, evidence and salvation for him on the Day of Resurrection. But if

anyone does not keep to it, it will not be light, evidence and salvation for him on the Day of

Resurrection, and on that Day he will be associated with Qaroon, Pharaoh, Naman and Ubayy bin Khalaf (an

enemy of Islam from among the Quraysh)."

(Ahmad, Tabaraanee, Ibn Hibbaan)

Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (May Allah Exalt his Mention) said,

"Between a man and disbelief and paganism is the abandonment of Salat (prayer).''


Mu'adh bin Jabal (Razi Allahu Anhu) reported Allah's Messenger (May Allah Exalt his Mention) as saying:

"If anyone abandons prayer intentionally he has no claim to Allah Most High."


Umar ibn al-Khattab (Razi Allahu Anhu) reported that a man asked the Prophet (May Allah Exalt his Mention) :

"Messenger of Allah, what action is dearest to Allah Most High?"

The Prophet (May Allah Exalt his Mention) replied: "Prayer at its proper time. The one who does not pray has no religion. Prayer is the main pillar of the religion (of Islam)."


Allah's Messenger (May Allah Exalt his Mention) said:

"When a person meets Allah after neglecting his prayer, he will meet him as if he had not worshipped

him at all, nor done any good deeds."

Abdullah bin al-As reported Allah's Messenger (May Allah Exalt his Mention) as saying:

"A person who combines two prayers without excuse, enters a gate among the major sins."

Buraidah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Messenger of Allah (May Allah Exalt his Mention) said, "That which differentiates us from the disbelievers and

hypocrites is our performance of Salat. He who abandons it, becomes a disbeliever.''




Ibn Masood (Razi Allahu Anhu ) said: "The one who abandons the prayer has no religion."

(Muhammad bin Nasr Al Mirwazee)

Ibn Abbaas (Razi Allahu Anhu) said:

"The one who leaves off a single prayer deliberately will find, when he meets Allah Most High, that He is

angry with him." (Muhammad bin Nasr Al-Mirwazee, Ibn Abdul-Barr)

Abdullah bin Shaqeeq Al-Aqeelee Tabi'ee [Tabi'ee: a successor to the companions of the Prophet (May Allah Exalt his Mention) said:

"The Companions of the Prophet did not consider the abandonment of any good deed to be disbelief except

the abandonment of the Prayer."

(Tirmidhee, Hakim)

When Ali (Razi Allah Anhu) was asked about a women who did not pray, he said:

"The one who does not pray is a disbeliever." (Tirmidhee, Haakim)



Ibn Hazm said: "There is no greater sin after polytheism than delaying a prayer until its time has passed and killing a believer without a just cause."

Ibraheem Al-Nakha'ee said: "The one who has abandoned the prayer has become a disbeliever." Aboo Ayyoob Al-Sakhtiyanee said something similar to this.

Ibn Hazm writes conclusively: "It has come from Umar, Abdur-Rahman bin Awf, Muaadh bin Jabal, Abu Hurairah (Razi Allahu Anhu) and other companions that anyone who skips one obligatory prayer until its time has finished becomes an apostate. We find no difference of opinion among them on this point."