NEFLI– CONVENING Information... · To...

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Transcript of NEFLI– CONVENING Information... · To...

NEFLI– CONVENING I27-30 May 2018 – Ramada Manila Central, Manila

This packet includes everything you need to know about theconvening.

Review in advance this informaton acket so you can make the most of our event. It includes informaton to ensure you:/ Have im ortant logistcs details & know the fnal agenda for our tme together/ Can learn more about our actvites and resenters / Get to know your fellow NEFLI Convening artci ants

NOTE: We will NOT be rintng this document, so we suggest you to rint any ages you would really like to have handy and bring them with you, or save it on your la to or tablet for reference during the convening.

IN THIS PACKET* Im ortant Logistcs Informaton and Guide* Agenda-At-a-Glance* Sessions Objectves* Partci ants Biogra hies

DATES/TIMES OF CONVENING EVENTS** Sunday, 27 May Meetng with the Mentors* Monday, 28 May Arrival / Meetng ay / Grou inner* Tuesday, 29 May Library & Site Visits / Grou inner* Wednesday, 30 May Meetng ay / e arture

ON-SITE CONTACT INFORMATION:If you have questons or need assistance related to the convening, contact one of the following:

Jennifer B. imasacaOrganizing Team Coordinator/Learning Facilitator, NEFLI

Mobile No.: +63917-6307195Email: jbdimasaca@nl .gov. h

Xenia B. RomeroLearning Facilitator, NEFLI

Mobile No.: +63928-5545946Email: xbromero@nl .gov. h




Calle AnloagueRamada Manila CentralCorner of Ong in and Quintn Paredes StreetsBinondo, Manila

Note: The NEFLI Project will shoulder only the meals during the convening. Other ex enses related to accommodaton and travel ex enses shall be shouldered by the artci ants’ LGU. Partci ants who will stay at Ramada Manila Central and the ex enses that might be incurred during your stay in the hotel, i.e., mini-bar, laundry services, internatonal calls, etc. will be charged to your ersonal accounts.

ATTIREThe dress code at the convening meetngs and dinners is casual.



Slee medicaton if needed by the artci ant Medicaton for ossible food indigeston, or ain issues An extra air of glasses or contact lenses Printed co ies of your itneraries and airline tckets Sunglasses and small umbrella during the onsite / library visits


Back-u ower cord for using your la to in the venue Program all im ortant numbers into your mobile hone so you will always have them on hand

(i.e. key contacts, hotel front desk, guides, drivers, etc.)

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Start Session Location

12:00 nn Assembly Time of the NEFLI Organizing Team NLP

2:00 .m. Check in of Mentors and NEFLI Organizing Team Ramada

3:00 .m. Meetng with the Mentors Ramada

Monday, 28 May 2018

Vida Dorea P. Mendoza, Master of CeremoniesStart Session Location

8:00 a.m. Arrival of Partci ants and elegates / Registraton Calle Anloague8:15 a.m. OPENING CEREMONIES8:15 a.m. Natonal Anthem 8:20 a.m. oxology8:25 a.m. Welcome Remarks and Ins iratonal Message

Mr. Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano irector, Natonal Library of the Phili ines (NLP)

8:40 a.m. Photo O s with the NLP irector9:00 a.m. A.M. Snacks9:30 a.m. Background and Orientaton of the NEFLI Program

Ms. Blesila P. Velasco Chief, Public Libraries ivision, NLP

10:00 a.m. APLiN (Background, Features, Membershi , Log-in, etc.)Ms. Maricris L. AbanciaI.T. Su ort Staf

10:15 a.m. Introductons/Presentatons of the Innovators and S onsors12:00nn LUNCH Calle Anloague1:00 .m. Innovators’ Self-Assessment and Self- evelo ment Plans / Online

Learning Modules and Worksho Ms. Xenia B. RomeroLearning Facilitator

3:00 .m. P.M. Snacks

3:30 .m.3:50 .m.4:10 .m.4:30 .m.4:50 .m.

Let’s Hear From Our Mentors Their Journey as InnovatorsMs. Neriza D. OrabaMs. Marween Terry E. PascualMs. Mariline B. SaweyMs. Maria Vida C. AparicioMs. Ma. Rona C. Remojo


5:10 .m. End of ay 1

6:00 .m. inner Five S ice Bistro

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Start Session Location

7:45 a.m. Assembly Time and Travel to Sentro ng Karunungan Library (SKL) Hotel’s Lobby

8:30 a.m. Tour of SKL

9:00 a.m. PresentatonMs. Vivian B. SalandananLibrary Su ort Assistant, SKL

9:15 a.m. A.M. Snacks

9:30 a.m. Assembly Time and Travel to Quezon City Public Library (QCPL) SKL’s Ground Floor Lobby

10:30 a.m. Tour of QCPL

11:30 a.m. Presentaton Ms. Emelita L. VillanuevaCity Librarian, QCPL

11:45 a.m. LUNCH

12:45 nn Assembly Time and Travel to Paranaque City Library (PCL) QCPL’s Ground Floor Lobby

2:30 .m. Tour of PCL

3:30 .m. PresentatonMr. Cissete S. Ricardo Head, PCL

3:45 .m. P.M. Snacks

4:00 .m. Assembly Time and Travel to Hotel PCL’s Ground Floor Lobby

5:30 .m. End of ay 2

6:00 .m. INNER Five S ice Bistro

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Michael James R. Reyno, Master of Ceremonies

Start Session Location

8:00 a.m. Wra U of ay 1 and 2 Sessions Calle Anloague

8:05 a.m. Cebu City Public Library: Innovatons, Partnershi s and Collaboratons

Ms. Rosario C. ChuaCity Librarian, Cebu City Public Library

9:00 a.m. Sharing, Queston and Answer, Individuals Refecton and Wra -U of the Libraries VisitedMs. Xenia B. RomeroLearning Facilitator

9:30 a.m. A.M. Snacks

10:00 a.m. Orientaton of Collaboratve Project and Grou ings / Key Area AssignmentMs. Jennifer B. DimasacaLearning Facilitator

11:00 a.m. Wra -u of ay 3 / Acton Items / Future irectonsMs. Jennifer B. DimasacaLearning Facilitator

11:45 a.m. Closing Remarks Mr. Edgardo B. QuirosAsst. irector, NLP

istributon of CertfcatesLUNCHCheck out/ e arture of elegates Calle Anloague

No. Activities Objectives Expected Outputs

1 Introductons/ Presentatons ofthe Innovators & S onsors; and, Sharing of INELI-ASEAN Innovators Their Journey as Innovators

Promote acquaintance among them Acquaintance / familiarity with each other

2 Orientaton on the Online Learning Modules and Self- evelo ment Plans

To familiarize the Innovators on the Online Learning Modules and Self- evelo ment Plans

Awareness, Knowledge A licaton and Practce / Familiarity on OnlineLearning Modules and Self- evelo ment Plans

3 Meetng of Mentors and NEFLI Organizing Team

To em hasize and clarify roles, functons and res onsibilites of mentors in undertaking NEFLI

Agreement / Covenant


4 Orientaton and Worksho on Collaboratve Project

To rovide a venue for discussion and clarifcaton in undertaking the collaboratve roject

Awareness and Understanding of the Collaboratve Project

5 Site Visits to diferent ublic libraries in Metro Manila

To ex ose the artci ants and delegates on various innovatons in selected ublic libraries in Metro Manila

Awareness, Knowledge A licaton and Practce / Familiarity on Innovatve Services/Programs of ublic libraries in Metro Manila

*Arranged Al habetcally by frst name

Adriano R. Carantes, Jr.: Sponsor

Vice-MayorMunici ality of Itogon, Benguet09128616284

Adriano R. Carantes, Jr. was born on November 11, 1954 in Itogon, Benguet. He was married toSusan Lictag Cariño, a teacher. They were blessed with 4 children.

His olitcal journey as a Sangguniang Bayan Member started from July 31, 2001 to June 30,2004. He tried again for another term, but he was not able to make it for a second term. In his s aretme he lays basketball, jog or walk for he maintains a healthy lifestyle.

On January 1, 2007, his ri oste to the legislature which ended u as a 3-termer untl June 30,2013. Afer his term as an SB member, he ran as Vice-Mayor of the Munici ality and it was successful. At resent , he is in his second term.


Amormio M. Es enida: Innovator

Library Staf Rizal Provincial Library09265566336amores

Amormio Es enida is currently working at the Rizal Provincial Library as a library staf. He is in-charge of administering ofce works and assist clients to develo interest and inclinaton in reading forwholesome use of leisure tme.

Aurora P. Nebrija: Innovator

Librarian IIICotabato Provincial

I am Aurora Pagat atan Nebrija, 58 years old, married, a resident of Kida awan, Cotabato, anIlocana.

I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Commerce, major in Business Administraton at theNotre ame of Kida awan College, School Year 1981. I fnished my course for being a working studentassigned in the book room, then later on, I was transferred to the College Library as a student libraryassistant.

I started to work in the rovincial government of Cotabato assigned in the Planning Ofce as aClerk/ty ist. While em loyed in the Planning Ofce, to make use of my tme afer ofce hours I decidedto go back to my Alma mater and took u Educaton, then shifed to Bachelor of Arts major in LibraryScience. When I fnished my 36 units in Library Science I was ofered by the Honorable Governor RosarioP. iaz, as an OIC of the Provincial Library (never in my thought that I will have this o ortunity) andacce ted it then later I was a ointed as a Librarian 1 under the Ofce of the Governor. Afer A year ofbeing a librarian, the Governor send me to conferences s onsored by the The Natonal Library for my rofessional growth. She advised me to fnish my the AB-Library Science so that I can take the LibrariansBoard Examinaton. Then in 1995 I fnished the course then took the exam in Manila and have assedthe exam.

For 24 years, I am stll the head librarian with a Librarian III ositon. I am just ha y doing mywork in the rovincial library with of course there are a lot of changes. I can stll recall when amattending conferences in Manila. The irector then is Madam Adoracion Mendoza – she always advisedlibrarians to go back to school and take library science and I am one of those who take her word ofwisdom, If not for her encouragement – may be I have not gone this ositon now.

Being a librarian is a very challenging work and by being a librarian – it brings us to a veryfortunate o ortunites where we can travel to diferent countries, we can mingle with our colleaguesand can ada t their best ractces and a ly/introduce them in our area of res onsibility.

Bernadine M. Gravela: Innovator

Librarian II

Urdaneta City Public Library09338501561 h

I am Bernadine Maminta Gravela graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Educaton major in Libraryand Informaton Science minor in English, earned 18 units in Master of Arts major in Library andInformaton Science at the same school at University of Santo Tomas - Manila . I also earned myGraduate certfcate in Barangay Governance at Urdaneta City University. Worked as school librarian atMontessori Fili ino Child Academy - Kat unan, Quezon City for a few months . Afer assing theLicensure Examinaton for Librarians I transferred at Angelicum College Quezon City as Higher LevelLibrarianfor4 years.1999 when I assed the Licensure Examinaton for teachers. In May 2002 u to resent I became the City Librarian of Urdaneta City Pangasinan. In 2010 became a faculty member ofUrdaneta City University BLIS de artment. In 2010 – 2011, I was elected resident of Pangasinan PublicLibrarians Associaton. Convenor of PLAI Ilocos Region and elected as PRO the following year. Memberof regional Junior Executves. I have attended seminars in library in informaton science. As a resources eaker in Library management and Childrens Library services. The Urdaneta City Library receivedvarious awards for exem lary erformance in Children’s Library, PW library, Local History Secton andElectronic library.

Blessila P. Velasco: Chairperson

Chief, Public Libraries ivisionNatonal Library of the Phili ines (NLP)b velasco@nl .gov. h

Bless Velasco joined NLP as Librarian I on February 2, 2002 and was initally assigned at theFili iniana ivision, a reading room of NLP, catering to the library and informaton needs of hundreds ofstudents and researchers. In July 2002, from Fili iniana ivision, she was transferred to the PublicLibraries ivision (PL ) wherein its main functon is to hel establish and maintain ublic librariesnatonwide. She is very much involved in the actvites of the ivision, like establishment of ubliclibraries, organizaton of library materials and in the lanning and conductng of seminars andconferences for ublic librarians. In 2007, Bless was awarded the Model Em loyee Award by the NLP. Inthe same year, she was a reci ient of an IFLA – Acton for evelo ment through Libraries Programme(ALP) Scholarshi on Literacy for Informaton Professionals which was held at Victoria University ofWellington in New Zealand. In 2007, she holds a Master’s degree in Educaton with s ecializaton inLibrary Science obtained at Phili ine Normal University in Manila. In 2011, she was one of theinnovators of the Internatonal Network of Emerging Library Innovators (INELI) Cohort 1 and is now theProject irector of INELI-ASEAN. In 2015, she graduated Master in evelo ment Management at evelo ment Academy of the Phili ines and she was romoted to Librarian V or the Chief of the PublicLibraries ivision, NLP. On March 26, 2018, she earned a doctor’s degree in Educaton Major in IndustrialEducaton Management at Technological University of the Phili ines.

Carmelita T. Agustn: Innovator

Librarian III

Ofce of the Secretary to the SangguniangPanlungsod-Library ivision 0922-849-5216

Currently Librarian III at the Ofce of the Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod-ZamboangaCity Library. I earned my Bachelor od Educaton major in Library Science at Zamboanga A.E. Colleges nowUninbersidad de Zamboanga in 1998 and my Master egree in Library Science at Universidad deZamboanga in 2010. In 2008 untl 2nd Sem 2018 a art tme instructor Bachelor of Library andInformaton Science (BLIS) rogram at Pilar College of Zamboanga.

Former President of the Phili ine Librarians Associaton, Inc.-Zamboanga Peninsula Regions(2015-2016). Partci ated two (2) Internatonal training/conference year 2015: (1) 2015 Training Projectfor ASEAN Children’s Librarians in Seoul, Korea; and (2) The 16 th Congress of Southeast Asian Librariansin Bangkok, Thailand.

A Center Manager for the Tech4E Mindanao cluster (Zamboanga City).

Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano: Consultant

irector IV

Natonal Library of the Phili inescgqadriano@nl .gov. h

Cesar Gilbert Quizo Adriano is the 18th irector of the Natonal Library of the Phili ines (NLP).He was a ointed by His Excellency President Rodrigo Roa uterte on March 17, 2017. Before his stntas the irector of the NLP, he was the Human Resource Management Ofcer for 15 years in avao City.

He is married and blessed with two children.

Charles A. Pasicolan: Innovator

Librarian I/ Head, Management Informaton Systems SectonQuezon City Public Library0915-863-9000char.

Charles A. Pasicolan is a Librarian I at the Quezon City Public Library and is currently the Head ofthe Management Informaton Systems Secton of the QCPL. He has worked as a cataloger, collegelibrarian and chief librarian in his early rofessional life. He has also been a rofessor in Algebra,Com uter I and NSTP-CWTS. He was also invited/acted as judge/evaluator for the Library ImmersionProjects of students from the NSTP Plus Program of the Ateneo e Manila University. He recentlys earheaded the creaton of the new QCPL website that was launched last February of this year. He is resently working on a roject, “Attendance Monitoring System”, for QCPL.

He was a graduate of BLIS from the University of the Phili ines in iliman. He took u ostgraduate degree from the same Insttuton but was not fortunate enough to fnish the course on tme.But he stll lans to ursue his ost-graduate degree sometme soon. He loves s orts es eciallybasketball.

Outside of work, he is busy s ending quality tme with his beautful wife and three children.

Edgardo B. Quiros: Consultant

OIC-Asst. irector / Chief, Informaton Technology ivision

Natonal Library of the Phili inese bquiros@nl .gov. h

He is currently the Chief of IT ivision of the Natonal Library of the Phili ines, a licensedlibrarian and a certfed IT by the Euro ean Council isaster Recovery.

His graduate thesis in Master of Library and Informaton Science with S ecializaton inInformaton Technology at the University of the Phili ines in iliman in AY 2000-2001 was adjudgedthe best.

Among his areas of s ecializaton are; (1) Informaton organizaton, storage and retrieval(indexing, abstractng, classifcaton, cataloging) (2) esign and develo ment of informaton retrievaltools such as authority lists, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies (3) ocument image rocessing (4)Archiving and records management (5) Systems analysis and design of informaton systems (6) Sofwaredevelo ment including technical documentaton (7) Project ro osal writng (8) Project management.

He was the system analyst, system designer and technical documentaton s ecialist of thePhili ine Elibrary Project (htt h ) from May 2004 to A ril 2005. His signifcant contributon to the roject include; (1) identfed a technical soluton to reduce the fle size of onlinedigitzed library materials; (2) designed a thesaurus-based retrieval of the web site’s hel questons andanswers; and (3) designed an automated selectve disseminaton of informaton system using a ma ingof ewey and Library of Congress Classifcaton schedules.

Elchor P. Caralian: Sponsor

Munici al Vice MayorMunici ality of Gumaca

ELCHOR P. CARALIAN is a hysician and currently the Munici al Vice Mayor of Gumaca, Quezonsince 2016. He was born in Gumaca, Quezon in January 06, 1970. He is the son of former Mayor ofGumaca, Rodolfo B. Caralian (+) and Angelita P. Caralian. He is married to Agnes Z. Caralian and has 2children named Elijah Angelo and Elinah Angeli.

He entered Trinity University of Asia and took Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology. Heacquired his degree in octor of Medicine at Manila Central University F MTF in 1995 and made his ost grad internshi at St. Luke’s Medical Center, Quezon City in 2007. He is a certfed family hysicianin 1999 to 2003 in Phili ine Academy of Family Physician-Contnuing Medical Educaton Pathway. Heattained his Master in Public Administraton in 2007 at Manuel S. Enverga University Foundaton, LucenaCity.

He received several military awards, 5 Military Merit Medals, 10 Military CommendatonMedals, 10 Military Civic Acton Medals, 2 Sagisag ng Ulirang Kawal, 2 Ka analig ng Sandatahang Lakasng Pili inas, 1 La u La u Ka atagan Badge, 1 isaster Relief and Rehabilitaton Ribbon and 1 PresidentalCitaton Unit. He also received civilian awards as Most Outstanding Member Reserve Ofcer Legion ofthe Phils. (ROLP) 2015, One of the Most Outstanding in Public Service, Leadershi Award-Rotary clubInternatonal and Sentro Sigla Award-RHU Gumaca.

In 1998, he was assigned as the Munici al Health Ofcer of Gumaca untl 2004. His government ositons include Munici al Vice Mayor from 2004 to 2007 and Munici al Councilor from 2010 to 2016.At resent, he is also a visitng hysician of Caralian Medical Clinic Animal Bite Center, MMG Hos ital,Lucena United octors Hos ital, Peter Paul Medical Center, Tayabas Community Hos ital. A school hysician of Eastern Quezon College and Holy Child Jesus College and a civilian doctor of 85 th IB PhilArmy in Gumaca.

As an actve hysician and Medical Cor s Reserve Ofcer, he is also an instructor and educatorby heart, a ublic servant with com lete dedicaton to the eo le and is involved in a lot of community rograms and medical missions.

Emelita L. Villanueva: Sponsor

Ms. Emelita L. Villanueva is an aggressive and energetc librarian. An instrument to thetransformaton and modernizaton of the Quezon City Public Library (QCPL). She’s a graduate of theUniversity of the East Manila with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Educaton major in LibraryScience (1982) and took her graduate studies master’s in management at Trinity College of Quezon City(2002). Aside from QCPL where she’s a librarian, she also worked as Investment evelo ment Analystand Investment S ecialist I at the Board of Investment (BOI) in Makat City from 1987 to 1994. But aferwhich she felt her heart belongs to QCPL, as she decided to come back in March 1994 to efect thechanges she had acquired working in a rivate com any.

For what is QCPL now is because of this young, energetc and aggressive librarian, but, of course with the hel of her com etent, able, and qualifed staf.

Emmylou “Lala” Taliño-Mendoza: Sponsor

Emmylou “Lala” Taliño-Mendoza was born on February 25, 1972 in Makilala, Cotabato andeldest child of the Carmen Mayor Rogelio T. Taliño and former Mayor Noemi J. Taliño.She is married to Re . Raymond emocrito C. Mendoza of the TUCP Party List and mother to Ma. AlanaSamantha and Emilio Ramon.

Having grown u in Kida awan City, she studied at the Notre ame of Kida awan for Girls from1978 u to 1989 for her elementary and secondary educaton.

She earned her undergraduate degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from the Ateneode avao University. She took u Bachelor of Laws thereafer.

irectorQuezon City Public Library

GovernorProvince of Cotabao

Prior to her electon to Congress, she was elected Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Chair erson ofBarangay Poblacion, Carmen, Cotabato at the age of 20 years old.

She eventually became the SK Provincial Federaton President of Cotabato Province for the eriod 1993-1996 and, as such, became an ex-ofcio member of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of theProvince of Cotabato.

In 1998, she became a Senior Member of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan First istrict) of theProvince of Cotabato. She authored the Gender Code of Cotabato Province.

She became a member of the House of Re resentatves re resentng the 1st Legislatve istrictof the Province of Cotabato in 2001.

Mendoza became the district re resentatve of the Province of Cotabato to the House ofRe resentatves. She was re-elected to the same ositon in the May 2004 and May 2007 electons.

In the 14th Congress, she was a member of the Commission on A ointments, Vice Chair ersonof the Committee on Legislatve Franchises and also a member of the following House Committees: angerous rugs, Inter-Parliamentary Relatons & i lomacy, Labor & Em loyment, Natonal efense &Security, Mindanao Afairs, Ways & Means, Women & Gender Equality.

She is an alumna to the Internatonal Visitor Leadershi Program (IVLP) on “American ForeignPolicy: Trends of the New Administraton” on Se tember 14 – October 2, 2009 by the United States e artment of State Bureau of Educatonal and Cultural Afairs.

Gil Francis C. Manguera: Innovator

Librarian I

Boac Munici al

Gil Francis C. Manguera, RL is a Librarian at Boac Munici al Library and the Center Manager ofBoac Tech4Ed Center in the Munici ality of Boac, Marinduque. He is a graduate of Bachelor in Libraryand Informaton Science from the Polytechnic University of the Phili ines-Manila in 2014.

He has been a Resource S eaker during the e Ed-Marinduque Basic Librarianshi Training and e Ed-Marinduque istrict Roll-out Training-Worksho on Basic Librarianshi last May 2-6, 2017 andAugust 23-31, 2017 res ectvely. He has been also a Resource S eaker during the igital LiteracyTraining for Barangay Secretaries and Pi ol Konek: igital Literacy Training last November 15-17 & 27-29, 2017 and ecember 18-22, 2017 res ectvely at the Boac Tech4Ed Center.

Hermenegildo “ ong” A. Gualberto: Sponsor

City MayorSan Fernando City, La Union

Servant leader best defnes his brand of leadershi , Hermenegildo Andaya Gualberto, or Manong ong to many, was ex osed to the harsh living conditons of marginalized communites afer becomingone of the most sought-afer “Ninong” to weddings, ba tsms and other family celebratons. Peo lea reciated his resence as genuine and swee ing. No wonder that this humble man from Barangay IIRose as an icon of ho e for the City of San Fernando.

A natve of San Fernando, his foundaton in ublic service was fostered by his arents Atty.Miguel Gualberto and Pacita Andaya-Gualberto, a ublic school teacher. He fnished his elementarystudies at Christ the King College and secondary studies at Saint Louis College. He earned his collegedegree from Colegio de San Juan de Letran where he fnished Bachelor of Science in Commerce, major inAccountancy.

Manong ong became one of the fnest young legislators in the Ilocandia region having servedas a San Fernando City Councilor and Vice Mayor and a La Union Board Member, for more than 20 years.But through it all, his unwavering commitment to serve God and the eo le of San Fernando has beenhis moral anchor; thus his slogan: “Maka- iyos, Maka-Tao, Maka- eliver!”

A man of character, com assion and commitment, he sits as the newly elected mayor of the Cityof San Fernando and he is committed to bring equitable growth to the eo le.

Ismaelinda S. Cabana: Sponsor

Provincial LibrarianQuezon Provincial

Ismaelinda S. Cabana is the Provincial Librarian of Quezon Provincial Library since 2001 to resent. Smile as fondly called by her friends and colleagues is a graduate of Bachelor of Science inEducaton at Centro Escolar University. She fnished her Master in Public Administraton in 2007 atManuel S. Enverga University Foundaton. She is a teacher at Quezon Natonal High School for manyyears before she ractced librarianshi . Under her tutelage Quezon Provincial Library won severalawards as First Place on 2012 Search for Outstanding Provincial Library of the Phili ines and 2016Search for Outstanding Public Libraries with S ecial Programs on Culture and the Arts. She is an Adviserof the Librarians Associaton of Quezon Province-Lucena, Inc. (LAQueP-LInc) and became a Secretary ofPLAI-Southern Tagalog Region Librarians Councial Board of irectors in 2004-2005.

Jaime R. Fresnido: Sponsor

City Mayor

Muntnlu a City

A man full of vision and hunger for excellence – that’s how his colleagues, erha s the wholecity, know who Mayor Jaime R. Fresnedi is.

Born and raised n Muntnlu a, he has been working hard all his life since he was a little boy. Inhis humble beginnings, he would sell andesal of her aunt’s bakery in Poblacion and has become a meatvendor hel ing her mother in the market.

He fnished his Politcal Science course at the Lyceum of the Phili ines, later took Bachelor ofLaws and eventually assed the Bar.

Afer the historic Peo le Power Revoluton in 1986, Mayor Fresnedi was a ointed as munici alattorney and later became OIC-vice mayor. Then he ran and won as vice mayor in 1998, his frst term.

In the following decade, he won and served as the city mayor. Come 2013, the visionary mayorran again to carry on his Eight Point Program of Governance untl resent: Educaton, Health, Peace andOrder, Socialized Housing, Livelihood and Em loyment, Environment, Economic evelo ment, and GoodGovernance.

All his work is guided in the rinci le of moving Muntnlu a forward, envisioning the city to beone of the leading investment hubs in the country.

He does it by equi ing the government workforce with young breed of locals hungry to changeand serve Muntnlu a – their home.

With the vision of an ex onental growth, the local exec also aves the way of develo ment inthe internatonal community through sister-city agreements with Takasaki, Ja an, Luizhou, China,Stafanstor , Sweden, among others.

When local governments are erceived to be inefectve, Mayor Fresnedi wants to roveotherwise.

Attested by local ad internatonal award-giving bodies, some of the awards cited in the cityunder his administraton include: ISO 9001:2008 certfed in Quality Management System, Seal of GoodLocal Governance from ILG, Seal of Child-Friendly Local Governance, Most Business Friendly LGU fromPCCI, Kam yeon ng Wika Award from KWF, Jose Rizal and Bonifacio Award from OH, Runner-u in the1st Internatonal Best Practce Com etton, Gawad Galing Pook Trailblazing Program on rugs, amongothers.

For him, these accom lishments started with a vision as he believes in the Scri ture that says“without a vision, the eo le erish.” (Proverbs 29:18)

Now a grandfather to his grandson Neo Rafa, all Lolo Jimmy wants is to build a betterMuntnlu a fro Neo and for the many generatons of Muntnlu eño to come.

Jenalyn P. Nacar: Innovator

Librarian IIQuezon Provincial Library09255090676jena

Jenalyn Pancho Nacar is currently working as Librarian II of Quezon Provincial Library. She earnedher Master of Library and Informaton Science from Manuel S. Enverga University Foundaton andcom leted her degree in Bachelor of Secondary Educaton Major in Library Science from the sameUniversity. Jenalyn currently serves as Auditor of Librarians Associaton of Quezon Province-Lucena, Inc.(LAQueP-LInc) and act as Secretary and member of Quezon Medalya ng Karangalan Secretariat andQuezon Provincial Ca itol Restoraton Technical Working Grou . She is a member of Phili ine LibrariansAssociaton, Inc. (PLAI), Associaton of Librarians in the Public Sector (ALPS), PLAI-Southern TagalogRegion Librarians Council (PLAI-STRLC) and LAQueP-LInc and was honored with the Outstanding Librarianof Quezon Province 2016 for her contributons to LAQueP-LInc where she served as Secretary and P. R. O.

Jennifer B. imasaca: Learning Facilitator / Vice Chairperson

Librarian IV, Public Libraries ivisionNatonal Library of the Phili ines09175104136jbdimasaca@nl .gov. h

Jennifer imasaca is a licensed librarian and a graduate of Masters in Library and InformatonScience. She has been with the Natonal Library of the Phili ines since 2002 and is currently assigned atthe Public Libraries ivision that hel s afliated ublic libraries to rovide relevant library services to thecommunity.

In 2014, her management skills were enhanced through the scholarshi grant she received from the natonal government under the evelo ment Academy of the Phili ines. She was conferred the Masters egree in evelo ment Management and com leted her Re-entry Project ttled “Aklatan ara sa Katutubong Pili ino ng Santa Marcela, A ayao” that won an Award as the Most-Citzen Centric Re-Entry Project.

She also had various local and internatonal training on Internatonal Standard Serial Number, ASEAN Children’s Librarianshi , among others.

Jonnamille C. Ca arros-Ramirez: Innovator

Librarian IGumaca Munici al

Jonnamille C. Ca arros-Ramirez was born in Lo ez, Quezon and has lived in Gumaca, Quezonwhere she attended her elementary and highschool. She entered Polytechnic University of thePhili ines-Sta. Mesa Manila and took Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) for two years andshifed to Bachelor in Library and Informaton Science (BLIS) and graduated in 2013. She is a formercataloger/archiving librarian res onsible for cataloging and indexing of ast e isodes of the o ularnoon tme show Eat Bulaga-TAPE Inc., She is currently working at Gumaca Munici al Library as Librarian Isince July 2015.

Julio “Rammy” Parayno, III: S onsor

Vice-MayorUrdaneta City, Pangasinan

Julio “Rammy” F. Parayno, III married to City Medical Ofcer, ra. Rachel Ann A. Parayno, M. .,MPH. Son of the late Vice Mayor Julio “Julie”Parayno, Sr. and Corazon Fernandez Parayno. E UCATIONALBACKGROUN : (1.) Bachelor of Arts Major in Politcal Science, (2.) Master in evelo ment ManagementMajor in Public Administraton (3.) Bachelor of Laws. WORK EXPERIENCES: (1.) City Market Su ervisor,(2.) Chief, Business Permits and Licensing Ofce (BPLO), (3.) Vault Custodian and Legal Researcher of FarEast Bank (4.) Assistant City Assessor and currently elected as Vice Mayor of City Urdaneta. CAREERCRE ENTIALS: (1.) Modifed Walk-in Examinaton (MoWE) for Career Civil Service Professional Eligibility,(2.) Regular Examinaton for Career Civil Service Professional Eligibility.

Lorenza . Oliveros: Innovator

Librarian III

City Library of

Lorenza . Oliveros has earned units in MAEd LIS in PNU and MS LIS in SLIS. She is a graduate of BSE LIS from PNU. She has more than 10 years academic library ex erience and running fve years ubliclibrary service at the City Library of Balanga, Bataan.

Loreta A. eloso: Innovator

CIty LibrarianCagayan de Oro City Public Library

Mrs. Loreta A. eloso is the current City Librarian of Cagayan de Oro City. She fnished herBachelor’s egree in Library Science in 1992 as a working student and Library assistant for the wholeduraton of her Library Science studies and was immediately hired by the restgious Cor us ChristSchool to form their school library. She joined the ublic service in 1996 u on the request of her mentorthen Cagayan de Oro City Librarian, Mrs. Myrna F. Acedera and eventually herself became City Librarianin 2013 u to the resent. She is ha ily married and blessed with 3 children. She ersonally stll overseethe Children’s secton as her frst love has always been to mentor young readers in their ursuit ofknowledge and leisurely reading adventures.

Maria Isabelle “Beng” Garcia Climaco-Salazar: Sponsor

City MayorCity of Zamboanga

She is the 2nd Lady Mayor of the City of Zamboanga when on May 13, 2013 and May 2016; the eo le gave her the biggest mandate ever to serve as their Chief Executve. Security, Health andEducaton has been her utmost riorites and leads in a consttuency-res onsive governance latorm.

She served the City in 1998 as a City Councilor, elected Vice Mayor in 2004 and as member ofthe House of Re resentatves in 2007 where she cham ioned R.A.9710. The Magna Carta of Women.She served as the youngest and only female e uty S eaker from Mindanao during the 15 th Congress.

As a licensed teacher and guidance counselor, she listens to the diverse voices and considerschildren as her biggest and most im ortant consttuents.

The 2013 Zamboanga crises was one of, if not the, biggest challenge osed to her leadershi .The ex eriences in the Zamboanga siege have shown that des ite diversites-Muslims, Christans andLumads- she successfully led the eo le to remain united in the cause of u holding one fag, one natonand one Zamboanga.

As a mother to the City, she encourages everyone to hel make our children’s future a realitytoday. Maria Isabelle “Beng” Garcia Climaco-Salazar, El Alcadeza de Cuidad de Zamboanga.

Ma. Rona C. Remojo: Mentor

Librarian VSan Pablo City

Ma. Rona Celerio Remojo, entered the City Government of San Pablo on July 1, 1998 asConfdental Assistant of one of the City Councilor for six years. Her dutes was to assist the councilor inthe formulaton of the ro ose city ordinances and resolutons; conduct research which regards to olicies and lans in aid of legislaton. In 2005, she fnished her Master’s egree in Library andInformaton Science at Baliuag University and assed the rofessional licensure examinaton for

librarians and was a ointed as Librarian last February 1 2005 at San Pablo City Library. Her currentwork focuses on engaging atrons through outreach rogram and romoton of library services. In 2015she was one of the innovators of the Internatonal Network of Emerging Library Leaders (INELI-ASEAN).

Maria Vida C. A aricio: Mentor

Librarian IV/Provincial LibrarianBohol Provincial Library and Informaton Center


Maria Vida A aricio started her library rofession in 2003 as a reference librarian at the BoholProvincial Library and Informaton Center answering questons from ublic researchers, assistngstudents in their assignments and roviding books to clienteles in the circulaton area. In 2004 to 2008,she undergone challenging role as a one man librarian in to a state university library and assistant chieflibrarian maritme school in the district serving the academe and students doing all the library services.But her ultmate assion to serve the ublic library was realized when she was given an o ortunity tohead the congressional district library in her hometown, Balilihan in 2008 untl resent and led a fourmanned district library serving not only one but three districts in the rovince romotng library’soutreach literacy services to the rural areas by joining educatonal caravan’s of the rovincialgovernment through storytelling to children in far communites.

Ms. A aricio is an INELI-ASEAN Innovator and artci ated during internatonal conferences heldin Malaysia, Singa ore, Brunei and Vietnam which have enlightened and awaken her im ortance ofinnovaton and networking with other insttuton for the community engagement and su ort for librarystakeholders.

On November 5, 2013, Bohol Congressional Children’s Library Services was awarded as one ofthe ten most outstanding children’s library afliated ublic libraries in the Phili ines. She initatedlibrary rogram to hel digital literacy and romote love reading of books in ublic elementary and highschool students. She engaged herself to be involved in diferent associatons with munici al ubliclibraries and government insttutons and became the secretary of Bohol Librarian’s AssociatonIncor orated (BOLA) from 2008-2011 that organized natonal conference of ublic librarians in Bohol2011. On the following year, she was chosen as Vice President of BOLA External Afairs in 2012-2013,2017-2019 at the same tme selected as one of the Board of irectors in the Associaton of Librarians inthe Public Sector (ALPS) Inc. in 2012- 2015 and 2017-2018.

Her dedicaton to ublic service earned her a romoton to be librarian under the ublic librariesdivision of the Natonal library of the Phili ines. Finally, she was romoted to the ositon of Librarian

IV serving as a rovincial librarian in the Bohol Provincial Library and Informaton Center. Motvated byother INELI-ASEAN Innovators, she stll ursues her Master in Library and Informaton Science at CebuNormal University and now on her com rehension exam. She also has earned 9 units as Master’s inPublic Administraton.

Maricris L. Abancia: I.T. Support Staf

Informaton System Analyst II, Informaton Technology ivisionNatonal Library of the Phili ines09154663483mlabancia@nl .gov. h

Maricris Abancia is a grauduate of B.S. Com uter Science. She joined the Natonal Library of thePhili ines (NLP) in 2003 as Clerk I and was initally assigned at the Government Publicatons ivision. In2008, she was transferred to the Informaton Technology ivision and was romoted as Com uterProgrammer then a year afer as an Informaton Systems Analyst II. She is res onsible in maintaining andmonitoring the web and database servers as well as the integrated library system of NLP. The ex erienceshe learned from working at the Government Publicatons ivision hel ed her to develo her skills indesigning and automatng some business rocesses in NLP.

Mariedone io Mismisin: Innovator

Librarian IIItogon Munici al Library

Mariedone io Mismisin was born ecember 02, 1983 in Baguio City. She received her Bachelorof Educaton major in Library Science in A ril 2004. Afer college she worked in a rivate school at LaTrinidad, Benguet as a librarian for two (2) and a half (1/2) years. She decided not to sign anothercontract with the school. Searching for a greener asteur she was informed that the Munici ality ofItogon is looking for a Licensed Librarian. She tried to a ly for the said ositon and luckily, she washired. For her frst year she was ask to hel some school library to be to organized. At resent, shecontnues to im rove the services and introduce innovaton to the library.

Mariline B. Sawey: Mentor

Mariline B. Sawey has o tmistc views in life looking to be involved in work where she can utlizeher skills that contributes to the growth of the organizaton. She is a registered Librarian and a holder ofMaster of Library and Informaton Science and Master of Science in Biology Certfcate. With her ten yearstay as Librarian she was very much ade t with the services of the library. Some of her accom lishmentsand tasks, which are crucial to the o eraton of the library, include the maintenance of the library serverand she has been an actve artci ant during the automaton of the Library’s Online Public AccessCatalog (OPAC).

Ms. Sawey is an INELI-ASEAN Innovator. As an innovator, she artci ated during internatonalconferences held in Malaysia, Singa ore, Brunei and Vietnam which have enlightened and awaken herthe im ortance of collaboraton with other insttuton for the im rovement of library.

A art from the aforementoned library-related ex erience, she is a member of the Secretariat ofthe Provincial Bids and Awards Committee since 2011, which have further enhanced her inter ersonaland communicaton skills.

Marilou Lobo: Innovator

Ofcer-in-ChargeMuntlu a City Public Library

Mrs. Marilou Ordonio Lobo is the Ofcer In-Charge of the Muntnlu a City Public Library and atthe same tme as Ofcer In Charge of the Microfnancing Program of the City.

She graduated Bachelor of Science in Fisheries from the College of Fisheries, University of thePhili ines, iliman, Quezon City in 1986, Master in Fishery Technolgy in Ilo-Ilo State College of Fisheriesin 2002 and have a 21 units of Master in Management from Technological University of the Phili inesin 2000. Afer receiving her educaton, she was acce ted as Fishery Biologist in San Miguel Cor oratonin Negros Occidental, 1986 -1989. She also worked in the e artment of Agriculture as Fishery, 1989-1992. She was send to Re ublic of Palau, as Fishery Biologist,1992-1994.

Librarian IIBenguet Provincial Library /

Her Natonal a ointment from the e artment of agriculture was devolved in LocalGovernment of Muntnlu a City in 1994. Become the Ofcer In Charge of the Microfnancing andLivelihood of the City, she was given o ortunites to attend short courses abroad for Micro fnancingand livelihood, in South Korea, India, Malaysia in 2004 -2007. When the Mayor ends, the newadministraton, assigned her in Alabang Elementary School as librarian in 2007-2013. She was recalled in2013 in the City Government of Muntnlu a as the Ofcer In-Charge of Muntnlu a City Public Libraryand as the Ofcer In-Charge of the micro fnancing of the city. As an Ofcer In-Charge of Muntnlu a CityPublic Library, renovated the old library rooms into a welcoming s ace, with an o en book shelvessystem and re-designed diferent sectons. Encouraged the Mayor to buy new Books, IT Equi ments.Encouraged childrens,teens, Senior Citzens and Entre reneurs to used all the available informatonnsand IT Equi ments for their needs.

Her hard worked ays of, the management built a 21st Library.

Marlon A. Hi olito: Innovator

Provincial LibrarianBulacan Provincial Library


I fnished my Bachelor of Library and Informaton Science from the College of Arts and Sciencesat the Baliuag University, Baliuag, Bulacan in 2007. uring my college life, I study and work at the sametme as a student assistant in the college library. Afer I graduated in college, I got my frst job as aCollege Librarian at the Trinitas College, City of Meycauayan, Bulacan in May 2007, the same year I tookand assed the Licensure examinaton for Librarians on ecember 21. In 2008, I decided to work in myhometown in Baliwag, Bulacan and was fortunately hire as a High School Librarian in the Montessori deSagrada Familia. In 2009, better o ortunity came, I joined the Provincial Government of Bulacan as anem loyee with the ositon of Assistant Librarian in the Bulacan Provincial Library. I have contributedvarious roles not only in the library but in our e artment (Provincial Youth, S orts, Em loyment, Arts,Culture and Tourism Ofce) as well. I was assigned in the circulaton/informaton desk, cataloguing &classifcaton of books, re araton of re orts and technical works with regards to library rograms likeflm showing and storytelling and also, I was assigned to assist in the diferent rograms of our e artment. In 2013, I was assigned as the OIC of the Bulacan Provincial Library, the same tme wefounded the Bulacan Public Librarians Associaton Inc. (BPLAI) and was elected as its President. OnJanuary 2015, remarkable events ha ened. The Arts, Culture and Tourism ivision were se arated fromPYSEACTO and became a e artment called Provincial History, Arts, Culture & Tourism Ofce (PHACTO).The Bulacan Provincial Library is under the management of History and Heritage ivision and I assumethe ositon as the Provincial Librarian. With the undying su ort of PHACTO thru the management ofHistory and Heritage ivision, the Bulacan Provincial Library in coo eraton with the Bulacan PublicLibrarians Associaton, Inc. (BPLAI) conducted two major rograms yearly: the Provincial Conference of

Public Librarians every month of A ril and the rovincial rogram for the celebraton of Library andInformaton Services Month every month of November. uring my term as the resident of BPLAI, wewere able to register the associaton to the Securites and Exchange Commission on January 16, 2016with the revised by-laws. The most im ortant revision is with regards to the membershi in theorganizaton that includes Librarian/Librarian-Incharge in the four ivision of e ed and in the StateUniversites and Colleges (SUC) are enttled to be a member of the Associaton that o en its door for aremarkable increase in membershi with total of more than hundreds from its original membershi which is urely librarians from Local Government Units. Today, I act as one of the Advisers of theAssociaton as art of the Secretariat together with our e artment Head, r. Eliseo S. ela Cruz and our ivision Head, May Arlene G. Torres.

Marween Terry E. Pascual: Mentor

Librarian IISan Jose City Library & Informaton

Marween became a Librarian at San Jose City Library & Informaton Center on August 1, 2003and has been in the Local Government Unit for 14 years. Afer years of dedicated service she now holdsthe ositon of Librarian II. Back in 2003, the library is merely roviding readers’ services but so much haschanged since then. She earned her Master in Library & Informaton Science at Baliuag University in2004. Her main task as Librarian is to carry – out the functonal statement of the library, to rovidelibrary assistance to students, researchers, and the community. Having mentored library staf, she has assed on the baton of being a team leader to her mentee. In the ast, she was the team leader in thevarious rograms and actvites of the ofce es ecially the outreach actvites. She s earheaded the Arts& Crafs and Storytelling actvity in a school. She iloted the Hatd unong Program for PW ’s dubbedas “S ecial Home Study Program for PW ’s” and “Tutoring and Mentoring of Children in Confict withthe Law (CICL). She is also res onsible in the administratve as ect of the library. She has attendedvarious internatonal and natonal conferences relatng to library management and services. She is aninnovator in the recently concluded INELI-ASEAN (Internatonal Network of Emerging Library Innovators-Associaton of Southeast Asian Natons). This is a three year rogram of the Natonal Library of thePhili ines funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundaton. She is a member of APLIN (ASEAN PublicLibraries Informaton Network). She is an ofcer of the Nueva Ecija Librarians’ Associaton, Inc. (NELAI)and a member of Associaton of Librarians in the Public Sector (ALPS).

May Arlene G. Torres: S onsor

Provincial Government of Bulacan

May Arlene G. Torres graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts Major in History as cumlaude from the University of the Phili ines- iliman in 2001. The Provincial Government of Bulacangranted her scholarshi for a short course on Project Planning, evelo ment and Management at theAsian Insttute of Management (AIM) in 2005. She fnished her Masters egree in Management Major inPublic Administraton at the Phili ine Christan University in 2008.

Mrs. Torres facilitated various leadershi , team building, assessment and lanning worksho s.She develo ed the module of career guidance seminar in Bulacan, which was ado ted and recognizedby the e artment of Labor and Em loyment ( OLE). For almost fourteen (14) years of service in theProvincial Government, her career is focused on technical functons like re araton of conce t a ers, ro osals and re orts, facilitaton of seminars and worksho s, module develo ment, monitoring andevaluaton of rojects. She was the head of the Technical ivision of the Provincial Youth, S orts,Em loyment, Arts, Culture and Tourism Ofce (PYSEACTO) as Project evelo ment Ofcer IV.

She was redirected to her chosen feld when the Provincial History, Arts, Culture and TourismOfce (PHACTO) was created in 2015. For more than three (3) years now, she leads in theim lementaton of history and heritage rograms of the Provincial Government of Bulacan as the headof the History and Heritage ivision. Its main functons include commemoraton of heroes, ersonagesand events; management of the library and museum; research and ublicaton. Among her eforts to roduce reference materials for students and researchers include the following:

Researcher/ Editor

Isang Maikling Talambuhay ni Heneral Isidoro Torres (1866-1928)

Mula sa “General Isidoro Torres: The Soldier” ni Martn B. Isidro

Hinalaw at Isina-Tagalog ni Vicente dela Cruz

Muling inilimbag kaugnay ng Ika-150 Taong Kapanganakan ni Hen. Isidoro Torres

PHACTO, 2016

Co-author with Dr. Nicanor G. Tiongson


Patriots and Feminists

Women of Malolos Foundaton, Inc., 2016

Production Manager


Aklat Pang-alaala para sa Sentenaryo ng Kamatayan ni Mariano Ponce

NHCP, 2018

She is currently working on the SINELIKSIK Bulacan Cofee Table Book, which will feature thelocal history of 10 artci atng teams in the ocuFest 2017. It is ex ected to be launched on August2018. She looks forward to having 1 volume ublished and distributed every year.

The enrichment of the Bulacañana Collecton of the Bulacan Provincial Library as well as its romoton was a joint efort of the History and Heritage ivision which she heads and manages by theProvincial Librarian, Mr. Marlon A. Hi olito. Through this rogram, the Bulacan Provincial Library wasrecognized by the Natonal Library of the Phili ines, NCCA-Natonal Committee on Library andInformaton Services, and Phili ine Librarians Associaton, Inc. when it bagged the 1 st Place in the 2018Search for Outstanding Public Libraries with S ecial Program for the Protecton and Preservaton ofCultural Heritage.

Merly Se nio-Zambrano: Innovator

Administratve Assistant III / Librarian esignateVillasis Munici al Library0917596947 /

Merly Se nio-Zambrano was assigned as the Librarian esignate of Villasis Munici al Library onOctober 2014. Showing her interest, she decided to take u her Bachelor’s degree in Library andInformaton Science. She is now in her fnal semester. In three years being the librarian, she has receivedawards and recogniton from various enttes recognizing her efort and best ractces. As such, one ofher redecessors dubbed her as “transformer” of the Villasis Munici al Library turning it to an awardwinning library.

Since she assumed her ofce, she has conducted various actvites like basic com uter tutorialand skills training which involved students from elementary to high school level; barangay healthworkers, child develo ment workers, senior citzens, educators, government em loyees, andentre reneurs. The library’s story telling actvity is also a regular rogram of the Children’s MonthCelebraton held every November. uring this month, flm showing, art craf actvites, among others arealso conducted.

According to her, all the accom lishments of the library was made ossible because of the

overwhelming su ort of the Munici al Ofcials most es ecially the Mayor and Vice Mayor. She willnever sto roviding innovatve and quality services to all her clients as long as they su ort her.

Michael C. Nagas: Innovator

OIC-City LibrarianSan Fernando City Public Library

I am em loyed by the City Government of San Fernando, La Union for two consecutve years ascasual em loyee from 2000 to 2002 and because of my working erformance I was hired as ermanentem loyee. I started working in the library year 2002. Year 2014 when I contnued my studies andgraduated Bachelor of Science in Ofce Administraton. I leave work for two years and a half to fnish mystudies.

I as ired to go higher in my career therefore I took u Bachelor of Library and InformatonScience in 2015 and took my Masters in Library and Informaton Science in the same year. I a lied the ositon as City Librarian however, I lack qualifcaton and that is to have a license. In my current ositonas the OIC City Librarian, I made things in order and had been involved in diferent rojects to im rovethe services of the library to better serve our clients and contnue to ursue to become better andefectve librarian.

When I sat as the OIC City Librarian, I take home diferent awards from diferent seminars,contests and events mostly conducted by the Natonal Library of the Phili ines. Awards that we arevery roud to have and receive in recogniton of our eforts.

Michael James R. Reyno: Technical Staf

Librarian I, Public Libraries ivisionNatonal Library of the Phili ines09423169161mrreyno@nl .gov. h

Michael James R. Reyno commonly called as “Mike” by friends and colleagues, started his careeras a College Librarian at the Manuel V. Gallego Foundaton Colleges, Incor orated in Cabanatuan City inJune 2012. Two years afer, he then transferred to Olivarez College in Paraňaque City where he servedas the High School Librarian and a art-tme Instructor in Library and Informaton Science.

Mike is a fresh graduate of Master in Library and Informaton Science (MLIS) at the BaliuagUniversity in Baliwag, Bulacan where he also fnished his Baccalaureate degree in Library andInformaton Science.

In August 2015, He joined the Natonal Library of the Phili ines (NLP) as Librarian. He iscurrently assigned at the Public Libraries ivision where he handled the monitoring of ublic libraries inthe Phili ines. He was also a ointed as one of the member of the Internatonal Network of EmergingLibrary Innovators (INELI) – Associaton of Southeast Asian Natons (ASEAN) Project where he worked asthe Technical Senior Staf.

Milalyn R. Marcelo: Innovator

Munici al Librarian ingras Munici al

Milalyn R. Marcelo received a B. S. in Secondary Educaton from Mariano Marcos StateUniversity and is currently the Munici al Librarian of the ingras Munici al Government in ingras,Ilocos Norte. She had majors in English (and other languages as Fili ino and Ilokano), Library Science andEarly Childhood Educaton.

A knowledge worker and an advocate of informaton and communicatons technology resourceslearning, she indulges her library consttuents in a variety of technology-infused actvites that rovidethem o ortunites to ex lore and beneft from the digital world. Her rofessional interests focus ondigital literacy, communicatve a roaches to language teaching, thematc-integratve lanning andcoo eratve learning among the young even in early childhood. She contnuously seeks for learninganything new in her felds and most im ortantly on innovatons in managing libraries.

Neriza . Oraba: Mentor

Librarian I, Collecton evelo ment ivisionNatonal Library of the Phili

Neriza Oraba is a graduate of Bachelor in Library and Informaton Science from the PolytechnicUniversity of the Phili ines and currently ursuing her Master in Library and Informaton Science egree in the same university.

Before assing the Librarians Licensure Examinaton (LLE) in 2007, she frst worked as anInformaton S ecialist and Com uter atabase Librarian from 2005 to 2008 at the Phili ineCommission on Women (PCW). In 2014 during the term of the late irector Antonio M. Santos, shejoined the Natonal library of the Phili ines (NLP) as Librarian I detailed to head the Sentro ngKarunungan Library (SKL) in Tondo where she also served as the head of its Children’s Secton from2008-2013. She returned to the NLP in 2017 under the Collecton evelo ment ivision assigned tohandle the Legal e osits and to mechanically rocess books for the Fili iniana Collecton.

A new cha ter full of new o ortunites, learning ex eriences and challenges o ened when shewas chosen to be art of the 3-year INELI-ASEAN roject and be one of the (5) Fili ino Innovators in2015. She was a member Team 1 or the Libranovators where she served as Secretary and then as theTeam Leader during the last year of the roject. Their team was com osed of members from Brunei arussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singa ore and Vietnam who all worked hardto make their roject ASEAN Childrenns Literature (ACL) atabase/Website a reality.

Nonato S. Abrenica: Sponsor

Munici al MayorMunici ality of Villasis

Mayor Nonato Sison Abrenica, also called Nato, is a Certfed Public Accountant by rofession. Heworked at SyCi Gorres Velayo & Co. and with other rivate com anies before he entered olitcs. Hestarted his journey in olitcs as Punong Barangay in 1995 and was elected as President of theAssociaton of Barangay Ca tains. He ran for the ositon of Mayor in 1998 but the luck was not withhim. He ran again for the same ositon in 2001 and he victoriously won against his o onents with alandslide number of votes. He com leted his three terms with visible transformatons in Villasis. For that,he was called the Architect and Transformer of Villasis. Referred also as a “Man of Acton”, during hisadministraton he elevated Villasis from a dull third class munici ality to a booming frst classmunici ality. He was again re-elected as Mayor in the 2016 natonal electons. He contnues toim lement various rojects. He also su orts all the rograms and actvites of the munici al library.Aside from the yearly allocated budget of the library, he also a roves all roductve actvity ro osals aswell as all the needed budget. Mayor Nato has a sof heart for children, thus, always saying that childrenshould always be rotected, loved and educated.

Rex Gatchalian: Sponsor

City MayorCity of Valenzuela

Mayor REX is now serving his second term as the 26 th Chief Executve of Valenzuela City afer anoverwhelming 125,481-vote advantage over his rival during the May 2016 natonal and local electons.He is determined to strengthen the availability of social and healthcare services for Valenzuelanos in allstages of life, from birth to old age.

His ublic service latorm, better known as the “Five Pillars of Good Governance,” focuses onthe essental needs of the consttuents: (1) Educaton, (2) Health and Social Welfare Services, (3)Housing, (4) Economic evelo ment, and (5) Liveability.

His inclinaton to create chains of infrastructure made him Valenzuela City’s fastest-achievingchief executve to build the most number of landmark government edifces. Among those heconcretzed are the Valenzuela City Peo le’s Park, the e artment of Health and World HealthOrganizaton-standard Barangay Health Statons (BHS) and the 3S Centers or Sentro ng Sama-SamangSerbisyo. These “Satellite City Halls”, de ending on the need of the community, house the fundamentalsatellite ofces of the local government, such as, the barangay health statons, olice and fresubstatons, local civil registry ofces, social welfare ofces and Serbisyo Centers – satellite ofces forthe ayment of business ermits, and real ro erty and other government taxes. They also have actvitycenters, day care centers, barangay halls, ocket arks and urban farms.

Built simultaneously are the new Valenzuela City Central Fire Staton and the state-of-the-art isaster Pre aredness Building located at the central disaster re aredness hub -- the ALERT Center orAllied Local Evacuaton and Emergency Response Teams Center.

The Valenzuela City School of Mathematcs and Science and the Valenzuela City S ecialEducaton Center were also ut into reality, together with close to 600 other classrooms, to com letethe delivery of holistc and student-centric educaton system through the Educaton 360- egreesInvestment Program.

He also set u the modern new cam us of the city’s local university, the Pamantasan ng Lungsodng Valenzuela, which is equi ed with high-end engineering and science laboratories, and advancetechnological features, such as the RFI -enabled students identfcaton cards, called the “PLV World”cards.

Under his leadershi , Valenzuela City earned several awards and recognitons for his innovatonsin good governance. These are the afrmaton of the city’s economic accountability, disaster re aredness, outstanding em loyment and micro-entre reneurshi develo ment rograms, tmelyhealth and social rotecton olicies, sound im lementaton of eace and order advocacies, andcommitment in making Valenzuela City a truly liveable city.

These more than 50 recognitons since he took the helm as chief executve include: Hall of Fameaward as Most Business Friendly Highly Urbanized City in the country, two Galing Pook awards forinnovaton and excellence in local governance, among the to LGUs in the Cites and Munici alitesCom ettveness Index, the Seal of Good Local Governance 2015, the Seal of Child Friendly LocalGovernance, Age-Friendly City Award, Excellence in Kalusugang Pangkalahatan award, LGU Eco-Cham ion 2016, Gawad Kalasag Award for Government Emergency Management System for the years2016 and 2017, Synergeia’s Seal of Good Educaton Governance 2017, two evelo ment Academy ofthe Phili ines’ Government Best Practces Recogniton 2017, and 2017 Guangzhou Internatonal Awardfor Urban Innovaton - 30 eserving Cites, to name a few.

Roberto M. Madla: Sponsor

Munici ality MayorBoac, Marinduque

HONORABLE MAYOR ROBERTO M. MADLA is the Local Chief Executve of Boac, Marinduque.Prior to being the Munici al Mayor today, Mayor Madla initally served his consttuients on the same ositon in 1994-2005. He s ent his early career years working with the e artment of Public Works andHighways in the Engineering istricts of Palawan and Marinduque. uring his term as Munici al Mayorof Boac, Marinduque, he has received various awards and recognitons for leading various initatvesincluding “Parangal ara sa Marangal – No Jueteng O eraton, Kilos Laya Laban sa roga Cam aign (For a rug-Free Phili ines) and 2002 Local Government Leadershi Award as Outstanding Munici al Mayor(given by ILG).

Rochelle S. Silverio: Innovator

Librarian-in-ChargeValenzuela City

Born in Valenzuela City, Rochelle S. Silverio serves Valenzuelanos as the current Librarian-in-Charge of the Valenzuela City Library. She also heads the University Library of the Pamantasan ngLungsod ng Valenzuela Library and is a lecturer teaching childrenns literature at the U.P. School of Libraryand Informaton Studies. At resent, she is taking her Ph. . in Reading Educaton at the University of thePhili ines. On her free tme, she writes at One Valenzuela, a ersonal blog which serves as her tributeto her hometown.

Rosario C. Chua: Resource Speaker

Rosario C. Chua is the City Librarian in Cebu City Public Library since 2010. She initated artnershi s and collaboratons with the Non-Government Organizatons and other su ort grou s forthe develo ment of ublic library rograms and services. She established weekly storytelling sessions inthe ublic library and in Barangay Reading Centers. She organized the Friends of Cebu City Public Libraryand rovided extensive su ort and establishment of 80 Barangay Reading Centers in Cebu City.

Ms. Chua is also the President of Cebu Public Librarians Associaton (CPLA ) since 2012 and isable to established linkages with the Munici ality Libraries in Cebu Province to solicit unity, camaraderieand coo eraton among ublic librarians and Local Chief Executves. She is also engaged in theBasadours Incor orated (Reading Ambassadors) as member of the Board of Trustees. She facilitates themonthly Parentng and Child Time by teaching arents on how to teach their kids in order for them totake the lead in their childrenns educaton. In her lecture, she encouraged the establishment of readingtme habit of more than 1,000 families by making available of book bags containing 7 ttles of storybooks er family every week.

She graduated in Bachelor of Science in Educaton at the University of Visayas and ursues herMaster in Educaton in the same insttuton. She earned units in Library Science at the University of SanRecolletos.

Vida orea P. Mendoza: Administratve Staf

Librarian II, Public Libraries ivisionNatonal Library of the Phili ines09231461902vm a a@nl .gov. h

City LibrarianCebu City Public Library09177583157

Xenia B. Romero: Learning Facilitator

Librarian I, Public Libraries ivisionNatonal Library of the Phili ines09285545946xbromero@nl .gov. h

Xenia Romero has been in the Natonal Library of the Phili ines since 2013 and is currentlyassigned in the Public Libraries ivision su ervises the Afliaton Secton and the Locally FundedPrograms. She was reviously assigned to the Library Monitoring, Inventory, and Evaluaton Secton.Prior to that, she was the designated Secretary of the irector and Assistant irector in the Ofce of the irector erforming administratve tasks and deals to library related matters. Also, she was one of the rofessional librarians in the Fili iniana ivision catering for the library and informaton needs of allty es of users and researchers and have been in the Collecton evelo ment ivision erformingmechanical actvites.

Before she joined NLP in 2013, she was the Head Librarian of the Commission on HigherEducaton (CHE ) from 2005 to 2013. For eight (8) years in CHE , she was involved in diferent inter-agency rojects on electronic library and on digitzaton related rojects. She facilitated various librariesand non-library related training, worksho s, seminars and fora and conducted coordinaton with inter-agency linkages and networking, which she used as gateway to share and extend her skills andknowledge in Librarianshi as resource s eaker and lecturer.

She is involved in the regional cascading of the Internatonal Network of Emerging LibraryInnovators (INELI) and engaged in the im lementaton of the three (3)-year INELI-ASEAN roject as oneof the Assistant Project irectors, the frst long-term internatonal roject s earheaded by the NLP.

She graduated Bachelor in Secondary Educaton major in Library Science at the Phili ineNormal University and currently ursuing her Master in Library and Informaton Science at theUniversity of the Phili ines iliman.