Neff Gina - Venture Labor

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Gina Neff—Venture Labor

Venture Labor

Work and the Burden of Risk in Innovative Industries

Gina Neff 

The MIT Press

Cambridge, Massachusetts

London, England

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Gina Neff—Venture Labor

© 2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Neff, Gina, 1971–

Venture labor : work and the burden of risk in innovative industries / Gina Neff.  p. cm.—(Acting with technology)

Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 978-0-262-01748-0 (hardcover : alk. paper)

1. High technology industries—United States—Employees. 2. High technologyindustries—United States—Management. 3. Technological innovations—Economic

aspects—United States. I. Title.

HD8039.H542U654 2012331.700973—dc232011039214

 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Gina Neff—Venture Labor

1 The Social Risks of the Dot-Com Era

“How could we have been so stupid?”

Sophie had been a heroine, of sorts, during the rapid growth of the

Internet industry.1 She joined the great dot-com boom of the 1990s and

worked her way up from an administrative assistant with an advertising

agency to a project manager for a web design firm. Sophie and her husband

moved from New York in 1998, a time when the money was good and

growth was steady, to Silicon Valley in California where the dizzying,

frenzied pace of start-up activity held the promise of fantastic money

coupled with phenomenal potential for business growth.

During my visit with her in the summer of 2002, Sophie questioned notjust that move to the West Coast, but all of her career choices. She felt

relatively lucky: After several months of unemployment for both her and

her husband, Sophie had found work with a large nonprofit group that

would utilize her skills in managing online projects. At the time of my

visit, her husband was still unemployed. To Sophie, the confidence that

led them both to stake their futures to a booming industry and to transfer

their careers from New York’s Internet industry to Silicon Valley now

seemed like the hubris of naïve youth.

Four years earlier, I didn’t think Sophie was stupid at all: rather, I

thought I was the one making a bad economic choice by going to graduateschool at the very moment many of my friends were taking interesting,

creative jobs in New York’s emerging Internet industry. I was jealous—the

same friends who shared horror stories with me of underpaid, dead-end,

and temporary administrative assistant jobs after college were suddenly

excited about their work and their careers. In doing research in their field,

I had the opportunity to do the kind of “deep hanging out,”2 as the anthro-

pologist Clifford Geertz has called it, with people who were doing things

that I thought I could have been doing too had I not made the seeming

financially stupid decision to go to graduate school. My friends—just like

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the people I interviewed for this book—were doing interesting, intellectu-

ally challenging work, creating cutting-edge content for a new medium,and building a like-minded community engaged in nothing less than

changing the way society communicates. At dot-com launch parties, gath-

erings for drinks in hipster East Village bars, and artsy office lofts, young

people like Sophie seemed to have made the smart but easy choice.

In their classic handbook of field method, Schatzman and Strauss advise

the field researcher to be “particularly sensitive to his own interpreted

experience,” for even “the most subtle of his own surprises . . . is a sign

that some expectation or hypothesis of his has been altered or even shat-

tered.”3 My own shattering moment was when my jealousy of dot-com

highfliers turned into sympathy for Sophie and others for whom years of

hard work seemed to simply evaporate. Neither greed nor hubris nor stu-

pidity were the reason that Sophie and thousands like her found them-

selves out of work in an industry that had collapsed. But Sophie felt, as

many people within advanced industrialized Western economies do to a

greater or lesser degree, that she alone was responsible for her economic

success or failure. Many people within the nascent Internet industry of the

mid- 1990s and early 2000s felt assured that their unique combination of

skills, business contacts and connections, and experience in a rapidly

growing, new high-tech field could protect them from any turbulence the

emerging industry. One job in the industry would lead to another; friends

could always be counted on for leads to new work; the industry as a whole

would always expand. As Sophie so eloquently phrased this confidence,

“We thought the risk was that our company wouldn’t go IPO, or maybe

fail. We never thought all the companies would fail.”

While Sophie’s statement exaggerated somewhat the extent of the

downsizing in the Internet industry, the bursting of the dot-com bubble

did affect employees’ abilities to find other employment. One cover of the

Silicon Alley Reporter , a New York Internet industry trade magazine, illus-

trated the “year of the dot-com crash” as a burning Zeppelin, a technologi-cal advance that represented great optimism at its inception and grand

folly at the time of its crash.4 Like the Zeppelin, working in the high-flying

dot-coms seemed like a bad idea only after the crash.

Many of the people I interviewed for this book articulated an under-

standing of the economic uncertainty of the Internet industry that con-

firms what social theorist Ulrich Beck predicted—economic risk in modern

life has become increasingly privatized and individualized.5 But economic

risk is a social, collective phenomenon and depends on factors that are

beyond any single person’s control, even if the repercussions of those risks

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The Social Risks of the Dot-Com Era 3

are privatized. In this way the economic risks (and indeed most risks) we

face have a social component. Will the demand for our skills and laborincrease in the future? Will the economy support our jobs? Will our com-

panies be successful and continue to need our labor, or will they fail, shift

jobs overseas, or subcontract out our services? People must answer ques-

tions like these to navigate the economy now, and such questions reflect

how the chances we take depend on social factors, even if we feel we are

solely responsible for the repercussions.

Risk Is Social

In retrospect, the small dot-com companies based in New York in the mid-

1990s until the 2000 crash seemed financially risky. We may ask ourselves

retrospectively, like Sophie did, how anyone could have thought that so

many young start-up companies would survive much less potentially

morph into the next Microsoft or Google. We could ask ourselves why  

Sophie, her husband, and people like them staked their hopes on the

Internet industry, or we could try to prove their logic and economic rea-

soning right or wrong. However, the better story—and the more powerful

social and cultural explanation—lies in understanding the social processes

that made the risks that they took seem safe, natural, and routine. Rather

than ask why dot-commers made those so-called stupid choices, we should

instead ask what made taking such chances seem like a good idea at the

time, an economic and social processes and cultural contexts for those


In this book I argue that a changing cultural and political landscape

created the context for the dot-com boom to happen. New cultural atti-

tudes toward risk—attitudes that predated the Internet boom but found a

newly entrepreneurial subject before and during the dot-com boom—

fostered the euphoria around the industry and attracted workers to new

companies. Magazine and newspaper articles celebrated and naturalizedthese economic risks by urging a casual, even positive, attitude toward

losing one’s job. Such portrayals framed economic and financial risks as

inevitable, necessary, and beneficial for one’s career and companies, rein-

forcing cultural messages about the attractiveness of risk. As phrased at the

time by cultural historian Jackson Lears, “We’re seeing a resurgence of risk

both as a necessity of economic success and as a mark of what is fashion-

able. . . . What’s really happening is risk is now cool.”6

And nowhere was this more visible than among the young, urban,

educated workforce of the first wave of dot-coms. Any downside to such

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risks was rhetorically presented in the business and popular press and in

the discourses that circulated among workers themselves as a narrow spec-trum of possibility, which could be easily overcome, managed, or ignored.

This framing, I argue, is the way that economic risks are socially con-

structed. Whether people talk about risks with each other or read about

risks in the news media, the frames they use influence what they and

others perceive as risky and how responses are constructed to those risks.

As Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky have written, it is less important

to focus on the “real risks out there” than it is to study these processes that

make things appear risky or not. 7 Certainly, at one point in the dot-com

era, working for a start-up did not appear as risky as it seemed to be after

the dot-com crash. What I propose is that we shift the lens of our collective

analysis away from how individuals make decisions toward the cultural

frames for those decisions. Rather than thinking of the economists’ catego-

ries of risk-loving, risk-neutral, or risk-adverse, thinking of risk as work

allows us to recast attachments and affiliations to risk. People can be adept

at this work, enjoy it, or dislike it. In other words, people, organizations,

and institutions can frame uncertainty in different ways and to different

ends. But taken together, this framing of risk has very real consequences.

Within economic literature there is a clear distinction between risk and

uncertainty. In Frank Knight’s classic formulation, risks are knowable,

calculable, and probabilistic. In this sense, someone can hedge against risk

and take a risk with knowledge of the possible outcomes, regardless of

whether the risk pays out or not. Uncertainty , in Knight’s theory, is unknow-

able, like the odds of the complete collapse of the economy. Risk, in

Knight’s definition, entails careful choice among several options, balancing

risks with potential rewards, and balancing safer and riskier options. Knight

argued that real entrepreneurial profits do not come from managing risks

because risks were known, which makes it difficult for one entrepreneur

to have an advantage over others or over the market. Rather, profit comes

from exploiting uncertainties and managing the incalculable.8

 The strate-gies for managing risk that may work for an investor or in a stock portfolio

won’t necessarily work for an employee. Narratives and discourses about

the market during the dot-com boom made individual risk acceptable and

framed risk as cool. These narratives were reflected in the ways in which

people talked after the dot-com crash about the risks they took.

One of the reasons new companies frame uncertainty in particular ways

is because they need people willing to take risks. The discourses of risk

during the dot-com boom encouraged people to take risks and not to fear

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The Social Risks of the Dot-Com Era 5

failure. Two reporters suggested that the reason for this change in attitudes

was “to encourage the kind of risk-taking needed to spur entrepreneurs tohack away repeatedly at the American Dream.”9 Discourses expressed this

symbiotic relationship between the risks that companies and their inves-

tors take and the risks borne by labor. Tom Perkins a partner of Kleiner

Perkins Caufield & Byers, one of Silicon Valley’s top venture capital firms,

said, “It is to a certain extent in the best interest of venture capitalists to

encourage people to keep trying, to not be afraid of failure. We need people

to take a chance.”10Another venture capitalist and new economy guru

Esther Dyson also lamented in a New York Times Magazine article in 1998

that ideas were cheap, but people to work on those ideas were not; she

claimed that the problem with the U.S. technology industry was that there

were too many ideas and not enough talent to implement them. As she

phrased it, “The best idea in the world won’t go anywhere without someone

to carry it through.”11 This book examines this discourse surrounding a

changing culture of risk that encouraged people to work in the dot-com

industry. What emerged with the rise of dot-coms was a powerful cultural

message that workers should willingly take risks as the requirements for

their jobs. This book examines these discourses about risk and their impli-

cations for job security.

Sociologists understand that even most private and personal of deci-

sions are structured by larger social forces. These “collective forces,” Emile

Durkheim wrote, “determine our behavior from without.”12 The decisions

that Sophie and her husband and legions of other young people made to

join what appeared to be—and was often called—a dot-com gold rush were

also shaped and informed by collective forces as well. Researchers often

examine economic and financial decisions using analytic tools that focus

on individual behaviors rather than these social or structural forces, and

this is especially true for research on risk taking. Studying how individuals

make decisions has been an important part of both economics and sociol-

ogy, but the collective forces that shape individuals’ frameworks for deci-sion making and risk taking—or the social structures that shape how  people

make decisions—are important to understand when it comes to questions

concerning economic behavior. Such studies also show the role for media

and communication processes in shaping the economy. Behavioral theo-

ries of risk have well-developed models of individual decision making, but

there are fewer studies that connect individual perception of risk to the

social and institutional forces that influence those perceptions. Under-

standing how risk works in ordinary economic life is not an easy task:

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misperceptions linger in what Fred Block called the “subterranean level of

economic understanding,”13

 misperceptions that rational actors take risksin exchange for possible rewards and that profits are the payoffs for risks.

This is the challenge set out for this book.

While I do not describe people in terms of rational action, I do take

seriously how they talk and frame their decisions as evidence of their dis-

cursive work with risk. I do not intend to argue in this book that their

decisions were good or bad, rational or irrational. My research is predicated

on the assumption that we can take seriously the actions and discourses

of contemporary subjects without having to resort to the false dichoto-

mous poles of framing them either as fully formed rational actors with

awareness of and power over their lives or as subjects duped by capitalist

relations into a lulled state of false consciousness. The people I interviewed

and observed managed their risk through talk, and the ways they articu-

lated their positions within the economy helped them make sense of their

choices. This process of articulation reflects, perhaps imperfectly, how they

represented risk in their lives to themselves and to others, and such rep-

resentations had and continue to have real impact in the economy.

Work Is Riskier

I argue that the dot-com boom occurred at a moment of transition in U.S.

economic history toward riskier work, and the entrepreneurial spirit that

people enacted during the boom was a response to this economic transi-

tion. In technology industries, employee risk taking has perhaps been the

most visible—and the most attractive—as stock-option millionaires were

created by the lucrative initial public offerings, but there are many other

ways that economic risk has increased at work. Jobs are less secure, with

lifetime employment a thing of the past. Layoffs, now a commonplace

phenomenon, were relatively unheard of in the corporate world before the


  For those working in the Internet industry during the dot-comboom, taking risks was seen as the best among otherwise limited options

within the economy.

An array of types of support from families, jobs, and governments have

historically helped people mitigate the economic risks they face. Imagine,

if you faced a period of unemployment, what resources and upon whom

could you rely? If, like many within the Internet industry, the booming,

growing industry you worked in suddenly began shedding jobs, what

resources would you have to support an extended layoff or retooling?

Within the United States, you might be able to count on months of unem-

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The Social Risks of the Dot-Com Era 7

ployment benefits, depending on whether you had worked as a permanent

employee or a contractor. Your family and friends form another kind ofsupport, and your workplace may provide some support as well. As Jacob

Hacker argues, workplace and government supports are not as robust as

they once were and are not adequate for the risks people now face. This

“risk privatization” means that social supports for risks “cover a declining

portion of the salient risks faced by citizens,” and as a result “many of the

most potent threats to income are increasingly faced by families and indi-

viduals on their own, rather than by collective intermediaries.”15  These

risks that people face at work are yet another example of how risk is socially

structured and determined, yet privately handled and managed. Economic

downturns, company layoffs, booms and busts—these are collective phe-

nomena, but people attribute managing these risks to individual pluck.

Three economic forces increased the level of economic risks people bore

in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries: the increasing “finan-

cialization” of the American economy; rapidly changing valuations of

work, products, and services within the new economy; and the widespread

diffusion of flexible work practices. These processes, outlined here, connect

macroeconomic changes with risks managed and experienced on the indi-

vidual level.

The first of these processes is growth of financialization, or the emphasis

that companies place on profits from financial capital over profits from

productive capital.16 While a new body of research has begun much-needed

examinations of financial markets as social phenomena, there is still little

analysis of how this increasing role for finance within the economy influ-

ences decisions and lives outside finance.17 The Internet industry in the late

1990s was one of the most apparent fields in which to study the volatile

combination of the power of speculative financial capital and increasing

employment risk. The current “global financial crisis” that began with the

burst of the U.S. housing bubble in 2008 is yet another example of the

devastating impact that financial discourses can have for markets, jobs,and consumers.

The second process is valuation, or the social construction of negotia-

tion around economic value. Within the rapidly expanding Internet

industry, uncertainty about the future directions of the industry led to

shifting valuations and evaluation about the value of work, products, and

services. Economic geographer Nigel Thrift argued that these valuations

do meaningful work in the service of capitalism.18 Moments of open or

conflicting valuations can create opportunities for a form of arbitrage—for

betting that the value of a good, a service, or a skill will increase in value

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8 Chapter 1

when transformed by a different valuation schema. This is, in part, what

Harrison White refers to when he claims that “business activities aresustained . . . only as common discourses are generated and shared in

common histories.”19

The third process is the rise of flexible work practices. Many scholars

have studied the changing relationship between individuals and work,

noting that as jobs in Western economies shifted from manufacturing to

services an employment culture of “flexibility,” instability and insecurity

emerged.20 Patterns of employment since the late 1970s have favored more

“flexible” forms of work, the increased globalization of trade and finance,

and what Manuel Castells calls the “informationalization of work.”21 These

changes have had repercussions for workers. For example, sociologist Vicki

Smith argues that employees now see risk taking as so inherent to their

jobs that many of them see risk as the only access to economic opportuni-

ties: “When corporations no longer buffer their workers from the uncer-

tainty of production and employment workers must take risks and expand

great personal and group resources to control that uncertainty them-

selves.”22 In other words, this new ideology of flexibility links the lack of

job security to opportunity, making risky work attractive.

Smith characterized this new work environment as one in which

“employment instability, decentered control, and work intensification run

across the occupational spectrum.”23 What this means is professionals can

no longer expect long-term, secure jobs. The increase in contract and tem-

porary work increases companies’ options and flexibility by distributing

part of the burden of risk to external subcontractors and self-employed

freelancers. When times are good there is work, and in downturns con-

tracts are not renewed. This is an explicit externalization of costs by a firm

onto workers. There is widespread agreement that these changes are the

result of increasingly complex financial and economic interdependencies.

As a result, new industrial relations of uncertainty are emerging. What

scholars have called the “Fordist” social arrangement of production—withits reliance on both stable employment relations and government-backed

social safety nets—have been replaced or weakened in many industries,

especially in what has been called the new economy. Flexibility along with

weakened social protections mean that postindustrial work depends upon

workers’ ability to manage uncertainty in unprecedented ways, as we’ll see

in the chapters that follow. Rosabeth Moss Kanter has called this a move

from employment security to employability security. She argues that the

high-tech industries provide an unfortunate model of this practice for the

rest of the economy: “Instead of counting on long-term employment

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The Social Risks of the Dot-Com Era 9

with a single firm, they increasingly depend on their employability by

many firms. The shift from employment security to employability securityimplies a fundamental change in what people should expect from their

employers—and how employers should think about their interests and


Understanding those decisions in context requires an analysis of the

meanings and symbols that actors attach to that risk. Studies of innovation

show that actors’ values toward risk taking in financial, technological, and

market realms can vary across institutional environments, creating regional

areas conducive for innovation or clusters of creative people that fuel

urban growth. Levels of entrepreneurial activity can vary across cultures,

explained by institutional factors such as patent supports, intellectual

property arrangements, and markets. Cultural differences in the approach

to risk can also influence how people act.

Ulrich Beck and those who have extended his Risk Society  thesis question

the social  characteristics of economic risk. They argue that in light of a

weakening social safety net, individuals are generally being forced to bear

more risk, and thus economic life is riskier now than in previous eras. This

individualization of risk means a greater exposure on a macro-level to

environmental risks, to job-related risks, and, especially in light of decreas-

ing social supports, to the risks that accompany business cycles. Beck

argues that the ability to bear risk can be stratified—that is, some people

and institutions are better equipped to manage risk than others, and this

stratification works with and amplifies already existing stratification


Beck primarily deals with the shift of risk from economic organizations—

corporations, unions, governments—onto individuals, and, in this way,

implies that these organizations could distribute risks more fairly if the

political will to do so existed. For Beck, risk equals a kind of danger that

workers now face alone—without the social and economic protections

previously afforded by organizations and institutions.Beck argues that people now see many kinds of risks as their individual

responsibility, and indeed this seems to be the case. For Beck, the individu-

alization of risk is reflected in the economy through a shrinking social

safety net and the increased exposure of employees to market forces and

in the environment through a pervasive exposure to environmental “bads”

such as toxins and pollution. Beck predicted the rise of a risk society   in

reaction to the pervasiveness of risk, especially environmental ones. While

knowledge about risks and the power to do something may not be equally

distributed, the pervasiveness of risks, Beck argued, would lead to increased

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collective action to prevent and manage risks. But, just as Marx never

predicted that capitalism could produce such a large and strong middleclass, Beck, writing before the economic downturn that began in 2000, did

not foresee how ideologies of economic risk would continue to make risk

seem attractive, at least among the U.S. labor force.

Framing Risk 

This book examines how people frame the risks of their jobs. Framing is

an important communication concept because it shows how the contested

terrain over concepts and ideas shapes how people, in turn, act. The

chances that people took during the dot-com boom were not merely the

result of the poor or wise decisions of many individuals involved. Nor were

they simply rational trade-offs between risk and rewards. Social processes

and collective forces structured how people perceived and took risks,

demarcating the range of available choices and the amount of risk apparent

to themselves in their choices.

I argue that these social processes in part helped create the dot-com

boom. People’s desire and need to take economic risks stemmed from a

lack  of job security and an increase in employment flexibility—not the

other way around. Because work in general became riskier, people became

more willing to take more risks. The discursive, communicative functions

of the new economy helped construct this new economic reality. The

dot-com boom created a vicious cycle—taking risks seemed to be the only

way to get ahead—encouraging entrepreneurial behavior from people in

the industry, which in turn signaled to others that taking risks was a good

idea. These processes are not neutral since political and economic power

plays a substantial role in determining which discursive frames are impor-

tant, how they function within the economy, and for whom they generate

profit. In the chapters that follow, I explain how social forces naturalize 

economic risks. I show how postindustrial workplaces integrate discoursesof economic risks into their businesses by encouraging employees to “buy-

into” their companies’ goals and to invest their time, energy, passion, and

money. Within this historical context, some employees act like financial

investors investing their labor in exchange for potential entrepreneurial

rewards and business risks.

Entrepreneurial Workers Not Entrepreneurs

This book focuses on the rise of entrepreneurial behavior among people

who worked in emerging technology industries in the late 1990s. Their

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The Social Risks of the Dot-Com Era 11

behavior was not independent from larger economic trends, nor was it

solely the result of the rapid pace of technological change under way.Specifically, their behavior was in part a product of a particular historical

moment in which economic risk shifted away from collective responsibil-

ity toward individual responsibility. It is what Jacob Hacker calls the “great

risk shift,”26 or a societal move toward greater personal responsibility for

economic and financial well-being and away from responsibility shared

within companies and by the nation-state. One headline in 2000 summa-

rized the shift work was undergoing in the new economy culture as follows:

“Risk and reward are key, not job loyalty.”27 These macrostructural changes

in the contemporary American economy—and the cultural shifts around

these economic changes—shaped the rise of the dot-com era, not the other

way around. As John Child and Rita McGrath say in their article on “unfet-

tered” organizations in the information age, “When a society’s organiza-

tions thrust a large number of its citizens into a condition of permanent

survival-oriented tension, it would be remarkable indeed if the effects were


The dot-com era was a response to these changes, not the cause of them.

The social shift toward increased employment flexibility created a fertile

landscape for entrepreneurship and risk taking. Having high skills that

were in demand, people working in technology attempted to find their

own answer to uncertainty in the U.S. economy by taking risks and chances

that they at least felt some modicum of control over. High-tech companies

seemed to welcome and encourage employees’ risk taking as contributing

to a more democratic and participatory form of organization, even within

a longer trend that devastated a culture of corporate loyalty to employees.

Part of this is attributable to the rise of “market populism” with the stock

market boom, as Thomas Frank argued,29 but is, I argue also, part of a larger

shift within the U.S. economy. The dot-com boom helped glorify risks—

and shifted social and economic uncertainties to individually accounted

risks. People accepted and welcomed risk because taking risks offered asemblance of choice in an era when many things were out of ordinary

employees’ control.

The notion that risk taking will ultimately be rewarded is a deeply held

value within American business culture. Taking risks at work is inexorably

linked to the promise of possible wealth, so much so that company found-

ers’ stories commonly highlight what economic risks a founder faced and

how that founder outsmarted the market. Economists have long viewed

profits as the returns for taking risks, but as an ideology  risk taking provides

a rationalization for economic stratification that is almost as powerful and

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complete as the idea of meritocracy: those who take risks get ahead, and

those who don’t are left behind. The rhetoric of the new economy echoedthis adage as if it were an established fact.

This book examines how people, as active social agents, navigated and

adapted to these dramatic social changes and the ways in which they

attempted to control and manage these risks. Interviews I did for this book

show that people working within the Internet industry during the dot-com

boom and crash understood the economic risks they faced in very individual

terms. That is, they thought they understood all the risks they faced, and

they thought that they had the power to hedge against or profit from these

risks independently of what was happening within the economy at large.

With the dot-com crash that began when stock prices tumbled in early

2000, many people abruptly realized how little power they actually wielded

over larger economic forces. The economic risks that they took may have

been social, but the responses to the outcomes of those risks were experi-

enced personally.

Political scientist Jacob Hacker has argued in The Great Risk Shift   that

shifting risk away from government has meant “risk is on the workers, not

shared between companies and workers.”30 As he observes, the point is not

whether they do better or worse in this system, “but that they face far more

uncertainty and risk.”31 That is, there is more volatility in the incomes and

lives of the American workforce than any time in the post-World War II

era. Hacker writes that it is a mystery why corporate and political leaders

lag in responding to the increased insecurity that Americans face.32 The

real mystery to me, though, is why have people been so willing to accept

this risk? Some of the answer is in how risk was made attractive during the

dot-com era as something to be embraced, rather than feared. As Joost Van

Loon has argued, the discussions of risk in political talk and media dis-

course are autopoetic , which means that as the message is communicated

it reproduces itself. In other words, the more risk is discussed, the more it

remakes a riskier society. It is in this way, Van Loon contends, that the“social order is gradually being eroded at the cultural level.”33

In addition to the political and economic changes that brought about

the new economy, there were new ways of talking about risk. These new

ways of discussing risk led to new ways in which people managed, dealt

with, and expressed risk. And, as we’ll see in this chapter, these ways of

dealing with risk in turn led to new exposures. The dot-com era was both

a rhetorical and discursive strategy for reframing work relationships of the

new economy. As Nigel Thrift put it, it was in part the “the romance” of

exciting, interesting, and risky new jobs in a rapidly growing field, not the

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financial rewards, that attracted many people to work in the dot-com


 This allure combined with the newness of many companies in theInternet industry meant that workplace-level changes flourished in the

industry. With few established conventions or work practices, dot-coms

could reinvent professional work as fun, young, and exciting, turning jobs

from white-collar into what Andrew Ross has called “no-collar.”35 As new

companies in a new industry, they emerged distinct from established insti-

tutions and models of work in older industries, and the individualism of

this new era could thrive. Fred Turner has convincingly argued that early

cyberculture was deeply influenced by a particular brand of political liber-

tarianism of the countercultural movement.36 Similarly, the culture of risk

was just as important to the rise of the commercial Internet. Surely, the

economic rhetoric of both Clinton and Reagan resonated with the changes

that people felt; in turn, political talk helped shape a culture that accepted

economic risk. While wide-reaching economic and political changes

precede the dot-com boom, these changes informed and supported a cul-

tural shift that occurred—making risk a central narrative in how people

talk about their work. Not only did these changes set the ground for a new

economy, but the discursive shift toward risky work also helped constitute

new work practices and new relations to work. Decades of industrial change

hinged on a fulcrum between two regimes—an “old” industrial economy

in which economic growth and cultural norms supported stable employ-

ment practices in a “new” information, cultural, and technological

economy driven by highly individualized and flexible work. This distinc-

tion between the old and new economy I have shown in this chapter is

not a clear-cut one, and the rhetoric and reality of the scope of the eco-

nomic changes was hotly debated at the time. But accompanying this

discussion of a new, “renewed” innovative economy was talk of risk taking,

entrepreneurship, and individual initiative that informed the ways in

which people think about their jobs. It is in this economic, political, and

cultural environment that a new medium arose, and embedded into thesenew technologies and messages were the entrepreneurial values of the

people who were creating it, as we will begin to see in the next chapter.

Economic and financial risk is not something necessarily natural and

innate, but rather constructed in part from the discourses that surround

it. As Louise Amoore has argued, how risk is framed concretely shapes

social practices. Management consultants influenced employees’ percep-

tions of the risks of globalization and the actions that the employees took

as a consequence of these perceptions. If the risks of globalization seem

inevitable, Amoore argues, then there exists a very different range of

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choices that people feel they can make.37 While Amoore focused on discus-

sions of globalization, the same holds true for how workers welcomed risk,trumping any discussion of uncertainty or structural change in the U.S.

labor market.

In a similar way, discussion of risk in the new economy put a positive

spin on the discourse of unforeseen events, one in which people learned

to accept that they could profit from uncertainty and should embrace—not

fear—the corporate changes under way. Just as managerial doctrines about

globalization encouraged employees to be more entrepreneurial, the dis-

course of risk served a powerful symbolic function to get employees to

accept more uncertainty within their jobs and within the economy. The

lure of risk—the potential for payout—adds an element of choice, that

people are choosing to accept risk rather than merely accepting the con-

sequences of economic structural change.

Geoffrey Hodgson, in his critique of what British scholars call “the

learning economy,” argues that at the root of this utopian vision of market

individualism is the notion that the individual is the best judge of his or

her own needs. However, this vision of society ignores the fact that indi-

viduals are socially formed, through both the process of socialization and

people’s knowledge of possible choices.38 As a consequence, economic deci-

sions are more complex to disentangle: do people make choices based on

their best rational judgments or because of how they interpret the multiple

competing signals? As Hodgson writes, a connected set of developments

of increasing economic complexity and more advanced knowledge “make

the distinction in practice between employment and self-employment all

the more difficult to uphold.”39 As a social endeavor, work itself has been

largely individualized, Hodgson argues: “The employment contract is in

large measure a convenient fiction, couched in the individualistic catego-

ries of modern contract law, which in fact masks the social and co-operative

character of all productive activity.”40

The people who study governmentality have shown how we internalizethese economic desires into our being. No longer are work relations con-

structed as conflictual but rather framed as a way that we want   to be

working. The culture of the era meant people internalized the message that

taking risks was desirable and, in turn, internalized the lack of economic

security within their jobs.

There is an increased ability among people to identify these risks on a

macroeconomic level. Our economic data is more finely calibrated than

ever, and there is more widespread knowledge about the economy with

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the increase in media reporting about business and the stock market. Politi-

cal scientist Mark Smith found that there has been a radical shift in theway the press has talked about the economy. The amount of front-page

reporting of economics in the New York Times doubled from 1973 to 2004

compared to the previous twenty-year period. In a public opinion survey,

only 17 percent of those surveyed from 1946 to 1972 mentioned the

economy as one of the most pressing problems; from 1973 to 2006, a

shocking 73 percent mentioned the economy.41

However this knowledge is now matched with distrust in the institu-

tions that could help individuals hedge their bets. As Van Loon put it, in

a risk society “closures offered by expertise, legislation and moral panics

are no longer met with trust in the systems that produced them.”42 We

have replaced the old economy with something we no longer trust,

although we have more information about the risks. Less trust in institu-

tions such as the government and corporations means people are placing

relatively more trust in themselves, whether or not by necessity. This in

turn further diminishes the ways in which people press institutions like

the government to provide security. To a large degree, the arrangements

that used to buffer American workers from economic insecurity—such as

expectations of corporate job loyalty and increased government support

for jobs growth—have been replaced by mechanisms that place the burden

of risk more squarely on the shoulders of individuals. How have people

adapted to these changes through their decisions, their career choices, and

their approach to their jobs?

Framing economic risks as desirable is one of the enduring social con-

sequences of the dot-com era. After decades of growing concern over job

security, downsizing, and corporate cutbacks in the United States, the lure

of risk during the dot-com boom made the lack of job security seem like

a choice—and a pretty good one at that—for people working in the poten-

tially lucrative technology industry. The lure of risk—and by this I mean

the idea of taking  chances—replaced the fear of uncertainty as the predomi-nant economic rhetoric during the Internet boom. This shift is subtle but

important as risk and risk taking  in economic life now imply active choices

while uncertainty   connotes economic passivity and forces beyond one’s

own control. For high-tech firms and start-up Internet companies, skyrock-

eting stock prices during the late 1990s gave risk the shiny luster of poten-

tial wealth for all employees, regardless of the chances for payoffs. Risk

provided a justification in individual terms for both the profits and losses

that came with the stock market crash in 2000. When the crash happened,

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the people I interviewed questioned what was wrong with themselves rather

than what was wrong with the economy. Within a larger social and politi-cal context of flexible work, risk-taking privileges potential individual

rewards and losses over collective responsibility and group, organizational,

or structural causes of either prosperity or poverty. In The Disposable Ameri-

can, Louis Uchitelle argued that even when we know layoffs are not the

fault of workers, people who are laid off experience them as personal fail-

ures.43 American society takes actions that stem from collective social and

economic forces and turns them into something private and personal. In

other words, society has individualized the outcomes of collective eco-

nomic risk.

Risks and rewards at work are not new, of course, but changes in the

organization of work mean that individuals now bear most of the costs of

flexibility and are responsible for activities previously thought of as within

the purview of companies. Individual workers are less protected by their

companies from the economic risks that companies face, and, with the

fraying of the social safety nets of union protection and government

support, workers are facing these risks alone. It is as if the logic of American

capitalism replaced the metaphor of “climbing the ladder” for professional

work with that of jumping aboard a ship that has yet to come in. In the

words of a web site producer, “it is really up to you to manage” the risks

of a market downturn, of losing a job, of becoming technologically

obsolete. The lure of the potential payouts for these kinds of jobs made

taking risks more attractive while masking the downsides of risk and


Defining Venture Labor

One strategy for managing the risk of contemporary work is what I call

venture labor . Venture labor is the investment of time, energy, human

capital, and other personal resources that ordinary employees make in thecompanies where they work. Venture labor is the explicit expression of

entrepreneurial values by nonentrepreneurs. Venture labor refers to an

investment by employees into their companies or how they talk about

their time at work as an investment. When people think of their jobs as

an investment or as having a future payoff other than regular wages, they

embody venture labor. Venture labor is the way in which people act like

entrepreneurs and bear some of the risks of their companies. Venture labor

includes the entrepreneurial aspects of work—how people behave as if they

have ownership in their companies, even when they are not actual owners.

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Venture labor is about people taking risks for their jobs, as much as it is

about their subjective embrace of that risk.Venture labor is one way that employees adapt to bearing the economic

and financial risks of the companies for which they work. The term is a

play on venture capital, the private investment on which new companies

rely. People, venture laborers, can invest in their companies in many dif-

ferent ways. Employee retirement funds may be invested in company

stock, and in new companies there are often tacit or explicit agreements

to defer some or all compensation in exchange for potentially lucrative

options to buy company stock in the future. There are other, nonmonetary

assets that people invest in their companies. They invest time, for example,

when they promote products and services in their off-hours as a way to

support firms’ goals and generate new demand. As I saw in my field

research in the New York–based Internet industry, employees spent many

of their off-hours marketing their firms at industry networking events, and

they talked about the interpersonal connections that they made at such

events as a form a social capital for themselves and their companies. Soci-

ologists think of social capital as a kind of asset, and I argue that people

can invest their social capital in the companies where they work by tapping

their personal connections for information and other resources that, in

turn, often provide crucial support for their companies. These ties have

been shown to provide critical resources for fast-growing companies and

regional economies, but less is understood about how people work to

develop and maintain these ties through mechanisms such as after-hours

networking. Venture laborers can invest their human capital as well, agree-

ing to learn and update skills in their own time that could benefit their

companies, and this too can be framed as an investment. Skill as a form

of investment is one that an employee makes both in herself and in her

company or industry. As Hacker wrote, “Skills are not costless to obtain,

nor do they come without risk. Skills are an investment, and often what

economists call a ‘specific investment’—an investment that is tied to aparticular line of work, industry, or technology. And the more specific the

investment, the greater the cost and dislocation if that investment is left

‘stranded’ by economic change.”44 Richard Cantillon in his 1755 Essay on

the Nature of Commerce in General explained that the costs of employing

an artisan is more than that of a “common labourer” because it is “dear

in proportion to the time lost in learning the trade and the cost and

risk incurred in becoming proficient.”45 Cantillon noted that costs of prod-

ucts incorporated the risks of their production, in general, and specifically,

the risks of becoming proficient in a particular trade. Risk entered the

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Anglo-American tradition of economic thought as a cost to be accounted

for, and one for which price or insurance should compensate individualeconomic actors. But skill is a different kind of risk; it is quite costly in

terms of the time required to get training, and for many college-educated

workers, there is a range of people—from parents to taxpayers—who bear

at least some of the cost of that skill. Learning skills that are useful in one

industry makes job loss even riskier. As Hacker phrases it, “The educated

rise farther, but increasingly they fall farther, too.”46 Training, especially at

one’s own cost, is a form of investment that in jobs and industries with

highly specialized skills requires enacting venture labor, and this was the

case during the dot-com boom.

Another form of venture labor involves shifting managerial responsibil-

ity onto the employees themselves. Flexible, short-term, project-based

workplaces place more responsibility for getting and keeping work on

employees themselves. Heightened job insecurity means workers are

increasingly exposed to cyclical economic risk, and flexible workplaces

have placed increased managerial responsibility on their employees. As one

cofounder of a news web site put it, “I don’t want someone who’s going

to ask, ‘What’s my job?’ I need someone who’s going to figure out that on

their own.” Considering the quick turnaround times on the development

of computer applications, employees are expected, in the words of one

programmer, to “hit the ground running” with continually updated skills,

including new programming languages and familiarity with new technolo-

gies. This “individualization of the labor process,” as Manuel Castells

termed it, aims at “decentralizing management, individualizing work, and

customizing markets, thereby segmenting work and fragmenting societ-

ies.”47 Being in companies with less middle management and administra-

tive support gives them a feeling of more autonomy in their work and,

ironically, a greater sense of attachment to the very companies that have

eliminated loyalty within the organizational culture.

While companies may benefit from venture labor investments, theincreased job insecurity employees experience encourages them to make

these investments in the first place. “The culture of the new capitalism,”48 

as Richard Sennett calls it, replaced a rhetoric and expectation of company

loyalty with venture labor and other forms of personal responsibility. The

shift in corporate culture from company loyalty and responsibility toward

employee risk taking gave rise to the entrepreneurial behavior of the

dot-com era. With any job there are inherent risks that workers face given

the nature of business cycles. However, working as venture labor means

being exposed directly to the economic risk that companies face without

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the same level of protection afforded to capital investors. Investing one’s

venture labor presents the possibility of direct or indirect future rewards,but the ability to take risks is not equitably distributed across society, so

that people who are already vulnerable in the labor market face other, new

inequalities. Moreover, they are directly exposed to market forces and often

are without the shelter of company pensions, retraining commitments,

clear internal promotion opportunities, and companies’ implicit commit-

ments to protecting their jobs.

Like venture capital, venture labor provides valuable resources for

companies, new and established alike. Venture labor also creates the dis-

cursive and rhetorical mechanisms and language for employees to “buy

into” the goals of their companies. Long gone is the expressed conflict

between the interests of stockholders and the interests of employees. The

discourse of risk gives potent rhetorical power to the tight alliance of

employees’ interests with owners’ interests and company directives. Using

venture labor helps employees articulate to some degree a personal sense

of “ownership” in their employing companies and in the projects they

complete for them.

Venture labor, though, entails risks that are often not as equitably dis-

tributed, neatly accounted, or directly compensated as the risks that finan-

cial investors face. The risks that ordinary employees take, to continue with

the investment metaphor, are often not as portable, as easily diversified,

or as fungible as financial investments. Financial capital moves with rela-

tive ease compared to labor and employee’s investments of company-

specific skills, social capital, and deferred compensation. Employees’

investments in a company or career often bind them more tightly to  par-

ticular   companies and industries, a stark contrast to financial investors’

attempts to diversify the risks they face across sectors. Consider the years

of industry-specific knowledge and experience gathered over the course of

a career. The more specific the preparation for a job, the more closely that

skill set is tied to the economic performance of a particular company orindustry. Some fields, especially creative industries, require years of unpaid

training and internships or work “on spec” before payment can begin. The

less likely this experience translates outside the company or industry, the

less fungible, or transferable, an employee’s investment is.

Venture Labor in the Internet Industry

Venture labor is an investment of people’s time and work, bearing risks

with potential payoffs in innovation, sometimes with an impact on the

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larger economy. One lasting impact of the dot-com era was the introduc-

tion of venture labor as an important factor in economic growth, andduring the rise of the Internet industry, venture labor investments fueled

stock market growth for the entire country. The dot-com boom will be

remembered as a time when employee entrepreneurial behavior led market


That is why the Internet industry is a good place to start to study

venture labor, even though it is by no means the only sector that has

entrepreneurial employees or the only place to find venture labor. In the

Internet industry, people were explicitly exchanging work for future pos-

sible payoffs and explicitly engaging with, managing, and discussing risk

within their jobs.

These types of entrepreneurial risks within jobs were so unusual before

the dot-com boom. By the height of the dot-com boom, risk taking was a

primary theme of U.S. business discourse. Business magazines such as Busi-

ness Week and Fast Company  viewed risk taking as something to be embraced,

rather than ashamed of, and published articles on why failing in a venture

is actually a good thing (namely, it shows initiative and experience for the

next venture). Daniel Pink wrote a manifesto for the “free agent,” an indi-

vidual entrepreneurial worker who is “working solo, operating from her

home, using the Internet as her platform, living by her wits, rather than

the benevolence of a large institution, and crafting an enterprise that’s

simultaneously independent and connected to others.”49 The media cover-

ing the Internet industry during the economic expansion championed this

free agent model of work, and indeed the term was first coined in a maga-

zine that covered the Internet industry.50 The dot-com boom is also a good

place to explore the cultural dimensions of economic risk. These cultural

dimensions were important for attracting people to the industry as well as

for making those risks seem safe.

For example, in The High-Risk Society, a book published at the beginning

of the dot-com euphoria, economic journalist Michael Mandel tells thestory of Kenneth Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation. Olsen

did not believe that the personal computer was going to be a significant

technological development. He was wrong, of course, but the moral of this

story, Mandel argues, “is he should have been right: the odds of a techno-

logical innovation sticking and becoming a big deal are extremely low and

there is no way of foreseeing which one might make it.”51 The Internet

industry is no different. In 1999 and 2000 people made choices—what

Mandel would call “high-risk, high-reward” choices to work for start-ups.

Mandel argued, and I agree, that these types of choices are becoming more

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common in the new economy—where more is at stake for a chance at a

larger payoff.In the new economy, ordinary employees integrated this acceptance of

risk into their own narratives about the choices they made, regardless of

the likelihood for their risks to pay out and even when it was clear that

the risks that they took were bad ones. These narratives were at times

almost tautological in nature and often prescriptive: risks have positive

payoffs; thus, people do and should take them. Within the Internet indus-

try, economic risks and personal hopes were so often intertwined that

taking risks edged into the realm of passion, not clear calculation. In the

new economy, a person could talk about risks in the same breath as hopes

and dreams. To take risks was to believe in dreams, dreams within reach,

dreams attainable through work. This was easy to contemplate when the

Internet stock prices were at their dizzying heights and risks within the

new economy seemed close to sure things. What struck me in the inter-

views I did for this book was not so much how people talked of their work

as potentially making them rich, but rather how “risky work” was often

equated with fulfilling, rewarding, or challenging work. Safety and security

in the workplace became part and parcel with boring, dull, and uninterest-

ing work. This is a far remove from the way we talk about environmental

risks or health risks, and certainly any language that equates risks and

dreams is a far cry from the cool calculation that one associates with finan-

cial accounting and the realm of “risk management” within the corporate


Risk created a sense of choice, oftentimes false, that pervaded tech

workers’ narratives about their careers. For people who worked in Internet

start-up companies, the risks they took represented, in their own words,

their hopes and dreams and “only the upside” in the words of a software

engineer. But these attitudes and rhetoric about being one’s own boss and

having control over one’s company did not emerge by chance or in a

vacuum. The social context for this frenzy and the rush to boldly take risksoccurred in the midst of major structural change from an economy in

which 30 percent of the workforce was unionized to the wide acceptance

of at-will employment. The attitudes toward risk that we saw during the

dot-com boom happened in the context of the shift from a workplace

where regular, full-time employment was the norm to a growing percent-

age of the American workforce in nonstandard jobs, many lacking health

insurance, pensions, and training. Risk presented a choice when jobs were

shifting from the security of regular employment to flexible hiring to meet

demand only when times were good.

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This rise of individualization and the increased importance of work

cultures also led to a change in the rhetoric of work. New economy careerguru Tom Peters described the model of the new economy worker as

follows: “Turned on by her work! The work matters! The work is cool! . . .

She is the CEO of her life!”52 This new rhetoric of work pervaded business

magazines covering the workplace and influenced how people framed their

own jobs. During the dot-com boom, new economy workers were repre-

sented as young, energetic workers taking chances, making money, and

having fun. In keeping with this spirit of revolutionary changes, Jeff Bezos’s

motto for Amazon was “Work hard. Have fun. Make history.”53

In many ways workers in dot-coms were “avatars” for the cultural shifts

toward riskier work that was under way throughout the economy—they

represented, magnified, and reflected the changes in progress while making

risky work seem attractive.54 The risks of the era were not solely dependent

upon many different individual evaluations, but rather, in keeping with

the pathbreaking work of Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky, culturally

and socially informed.55 This means that people making choices during

this time did so in an environment that shaped the perceptions of risks.

As we will see in subsequent chapters, many people working in dot-coms

wanted to pick the “right” kind of company, one that might have eco-

nomic payoff, provide for career-establishing visibility, or allow for stability

relative to the rest of the economy.

But risk is not optional. Risk taking across the high-tech sector was

perceived as being a requirement of working in the industry, not just a

lifestyle option. An organizer with the Washington Alliance of Technology

Workers (WashTech) said, “Most of the workers in this industry think of

stability as dead-end,”56 and throughout the boom-time 1990s, taking risks

was seen as the only way to get ahead. Highly skilled, highly educated,

and mobile workers were able to take on and benefit from these risks, and

welcomed them as an opportunity for personal challenge and growth. In

addition, those who “opt in” for work in this industry (as one employeedescribed the process to me) offered individual-level explanations for and

solutions to the problems of risk. Taking risks in their jobs gave them a

feeling that they could manage layoffs and economic downturns on their

own, and in turn fueled an ideology of financial success as being the result

of personal, not collective, actions.

It is important that we think of risk in this sociological way, in order to

understand the shift in cultural values in the economy. Mary Douglas

argued that the word risk in contemporary Western societies now implies

bad risks, having moved from meaning merely chance to meaning the more

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serious danger.57 Douglas rightly emphasizes the shift in the cultural dis-

course around risk toward an individualistic, rather than collective, notionof responsibility for those dangers: “The modern risk concept, parsed now

as danger, is invoked to protect individuals against the encroachments of

others. . . . The dialogue about risk plays the role equivalent to taboo or

sin, but the slope is tilted . . . away from protecting the community and

in favor of protecting the individual.”58 She did not study economic risks

directly, but she argued that an analysis of how people view risks can show

how communities understand the risks they face and the processes by

which blame and accountability are distributed within them. Douglas’s

cultural analysis has rightly shown that understanding who bears the brunt

of risks reveals the level of individualism within a society, and although

her argument about the cultural framing of risk does not explicitly address

economic life, her observations lead us to consider the culture of individu-

ality within economic life. What we will see in later chapters is that the

concept of risk during the dot-com boom connoted individually made

choices with the possibility of great rewards, even while rising job insecu-

rity meant more people faced economic uncertainty beyond their control

in the American labor market.

To many working in the Internet industry before the crash, work in the

technology field was not risky, but rather seemed a sure thing. Growth, at

a certain point, was phenomenal, leading many people in the industry to

believe that while they might lose a job with one company, they would

never, as Sophie said, “lose all the jobs” in the industry. The case of the

Internet industry exemplifies the extremes of risk taking by employees,

with the industry’s rapid rise and fall along with a particularly wide range

of outcomes from long-term unemployment to stock-option millionaire

over a relatively short amount of time. This is a clear case of the attraction

to and the effects of risk taking at work, and this clarity helps reveal the

social forces that shape those risks.

This attraction to risk gave rise to the entrepreneurial spirit of thedot-com era, and people rushed to join in the dot-com boom, in part, out

of a growing lack of job security in the labor market. The same social forces

that reduced workers’ job security encouraged them to align even more

closely with their companies by seeking profit-sharing plans and identify-

ing with the products and services being produced. These cultural changes

accompanied larger economic trends and made the economic risks that

people faced seem manageable and at times even desirable.

There is now a common misconception that the Internet industry was

filled only with “digital hustlers,” as one oral history called the pioneers

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of Silicon Alley.59  But many people working in New York’s Silicon Alley

wanted to make new media and new technology, not fortunes, especiallybecause it was seen as an area that fostered “content,” or media, for the

World Wide Web rather than computer hardware or software. In a survey

of Silicon Alley firms in 1995, 91 percent of them responded that they were

in the business of “content design and development” for the Internet—

that is, creating the web sites that are on the World Wide Web.60 Those

who were early Silicon Alley pioneers created interesting, “edgy” Internet

sites, often on their own time and with their own money.

According to accounts in the media, the Internet industry was filled

with people who thought they might get rich quick. However, the majority

of the people I interviewed before, during, and after the dot-com crash had

sought employment in the industry because it matched their desire for

creative, interesting work or because they though the industry would

provide a stable future. Some people found opportunities in this emerging

industry that simply were not available to them in other sectors of the

economy or used these well-paid jobs to support them as they pursued a

career in Manhattan’s hypercompetitive arts or media fields. People working

in the Internet industry reported feeling freer there than they did in other

industries—doors were “wide open,” as one respondent who had jumped

into the industry from book publishing said. The medium itself was “the

freest around,” as a former documentary filmmaker said of his online job

with a corporate media concern. In the words of another person inter-

viewed, job openings matched “talents not resumes.”

What economic risks did they face? I want to discuss three directly: the

risk in stock options, the risk of unsteady work, and the risk of industry

collapse. More than 40 percent of those employed by New York Internet

companies in 1999 got some form of stock options or deferred income as

part of their compensation package.61  While to some extent employees

have always been exposed to the vagaries of the market, pay tied directly

to their company’s stock performance is a relatively recent trend. Thistrend began with CEO compensation as shareholders tied executive pay to

stock prices. During the dot-com boom, this trend trickled down the

company ladder in technology companies. What began as a movement

toward economic incentives for CEOs to keep share prices high has been

used by companies as partial compensation for employees who have little

direct effect on share price, and there is evidence that cash-strapped start-

ups used stock options in lieu of at least part of workers’ salary in order to

save money on salaries.

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The second risk they faced was that of not having steady work. At its

height in early 2000, the New York City new media industry had morethan 138,000 jobs, according to an optimistic report—more than the area

television, magazine, and book publishing industries combined, and just

under the number of workers in brokerage and trading firms in New York.

Over a quarter of these jobs were part-time or temporary jobs. Even during

the industry’s most rapid growth period, part-time and freelance jobs grew

faster than full-time employment.62 These are called “nonstandard” work

arrangements compared to permanent, full-time employment. Arne Kal-

leberg and his coauthors found that these nonstandard work arrangements

allow firms to hire at a higher hourly base salary in times of tight labor

markets without permanently raising salary levels for the rest of their

employees. These arrangements benefit employers by increasing flexibility

at the cost to employees of stable, permanent jobs.63 In these nonstandard

work arrangements, employees often must provide for the costs of their

own training and absorb the time and cost of looking for new work once

their project or contract is over. It is in this way that nonstandard work

arrangements place cyclical economic risks more squarely on the people

doing the work, rather than on the companies profiting from their labor.

These risks come in two forms. Contractors and temporary employees, not

employers, absorb the risks associated with the ebbs and flows of market

demand. They must also invest in skills training and social capital that

may or may not pay off. In the New York Internet industry, people spent

on average almost twenty hours each week just “staying alive” in their

careers through unpaid training and looking for new work.64 Even at the

height of an economic boom, and during a tight labor market for people

in technology industries, highly skilled workers faced the pressures of

securing steady work. At after-hours socializing at business networking

events and parties, people hunted for future job prospects. People in the

Internet industry during the dot-com boom welcomed the risks of flexibil-

ity as possibilities for new career opportunities, rather than as a loss in jobquality. Gideon Kunda, Steve Barley, and James Evans found that highly

skilled contractors often welcome this kind of risk as an opportunity to

make a personal profit; this is one of the reasons that all flexible, nonstan-

dard jobs are not “bad jobs,” as Arne Kalleberg and his coauthors termed


The third risk that people working in the early days of the Internet faced

was the loss of work through the collapse of the entire industry or failure

of their companies, a risk that seemed impossible to many. With the

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26 Chapter 1

dot-com crash, those who worked in the Internet industry saw demand

dry up for specialized skills, such as programming and project manage-ment. They often acquired these skills on their own time and had to figure

out how to retool, adapt, or apply them elsewhere once industry demand

for those skills fell. Socializing at after-hours networking events—parties

to launch new web sites or promote companies, for example—built the

dense networks that are critical to companies in an innovative industry,

as AnnaLee Saxenian showed in her book about the success of Silicon

Valley,  Regional Advantage.66  After the dot-com crash, however, many

people within the industry found their investment of hundreds of hours

of time in building those social networks useless for helping them get

a job.

While there were a few dot-com millionaires, the New York Internet

industry in 1999 had a median salary of $42,600, which was less than the

median salary in either magazine or book publishing. The boom may not

have turned everyone in Silicon Alley into millionaires, but the subsequent

bust certainly hurt their chances for getting a job. Razorfish, a Silicon Alley

design firm, saw its stock market valuation soar to $4 billion during the

Internet stock market boom, making it one of the most valuable publicly

traded companies in the country, only to later see its share price drop to

under $1 by the end of 2000. Massive layoffs and closures, “shake-outs,”

and consolidations swept the Internet industry in New York and nationally.

Perhaps with hindsight the “dot-com bomb” seems inevitable, and with

it, “pink slip parties” instead of launch parties. As an article in the Financial

Times poetically phrased it, workers went from “dotcom to garçon.”67

At the time, economic risks were made to seem natural or inevitable.

People working in the Internet industry expressed that they saw little

downside to working in a risky industry, even if they articulated their work

as risky. These economic risks were discussed in terms of manageability,

since people tried to manage risks in different ways. Instead of fearing risks,

people welcomed risks, and the culture of the dot-com sector helped themdo so. Companies advertised for jobs as if being a risky young start-up was

a benefit for working in the field.

However in the Internet industry, economic risk was widely welcomed.

Rhetoric about the potential payoffs of stock options were used to motivate

workers, even when, as Alexander Lyon shows in his study of the organi-

zational communication of a start-up company, executives knew these

claims to be overly optimistic.68 In this model of the new workplace, pro-

moted by magazines like  Fast Company , taking risks was tantamount to

asserting independence from corporate control and from boring work. At

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the very moment when a massive shift toward individualization emerged—

with organizations sloughing off responsibility for skills training, healthcare, and other benefits, and even financial accounting such as tax

withholding—an ideology about freedom made risk taking not only accept-

able, but, at least in Silicon Alley, highly desirable.

The organization of risk and uncertainty within New York City’s Inter-

net industry is important for studying risk for several reasons. First, the

industry was one of the first to embrace technologies of distributed work,

and it has been theorized that these technologies of distribution also desta-

bilize some bureaucratic structures. Second, innovative practices within the

industry, both in terms of new products and of work practices, may influ-

ence work outside the industry. Third, understanding the work cultures

and social organization of the production of information technologies can

point to the problems encountered in the adoption of these technologies

and work practices, especially within other workplaces.

Many individuals working in the Internet industry in New York, particu-

larly in the early years of the industry, would not be classified as “entre-

preneurial” or risk-loving in a classic definition, and yet they directly faced

market uncertainties on several different levels. All of the “early true believ-

ers” reported having nothing to lose by working in Silicon Alley. The

chances they took were utilized by a volatile industry that needed to spread

its risk among many different actors within the economy. Job-hopping,

outside consulting and professional work, and risk taking are all part of

the strategies high-tech workers used to guard against the uncertainty of

their industry. In talking about risk, they often connected risks to their

chances of finding jobs in the future, either through their creative reputa-

tions, the reputation of their company, or careful management of their

ability to be in a stable environment.

These risks and workers’ strategies to manage them together form a

currency of innovation. Individual entrepreneurs and risk-taking employ-

ees, exciting new companies, and an industry developing a new class ofproducts are all images of economic growth and economic change. The

examples from interview data presented in this book show a variety of

approaches individuals use to frame risk taking in their careers. All of the

workers interviewed reported feeling compelled to continually acquire new

skills needed for their jobs and responsible for tasks such as after-hours

marketing of their companies, “networking,” and the pressure of “keeping

up” in acquiring new skills.69 This “individualization of the labor process,”

as Manuel Castells has termed it, aims at “decentralizing management,

individualizing work, and customizing markets thereby segmenting work

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constituted and mediated, as more industries begin to rely on this aspect

of value.One concept from this research that is useful for understanding the

production of cultural value is the concept of individualization, the term

for each individual’s increasing responsibility for his or her own welfare.

In a particularly clear explanation, Angela McRobbie wrote: “What indi-

vidualization means sociologically is that people increasingly have to

become their own micro-structures, they have to do the work of the struc-

tures by themselves, which in turn requires intensive practices of self-

monitoring or ‘reflexivity.’ This process where structures (like the welfare

state) seem to disappear and no longer play their expected roles, and where

individuals are burdened by what were once social responsibilities, marks

a quite profound social transformation.”74 McRobbie studied the careers of

cultural entrepreneurs in London whose blurred lines of work crossed from

night clubs to their companies and back. She and others have argued con-

vincingly that the creative labor force is one of the most visible places to

see these changes. Scott Lash and John Urry argue that “cultural industries”

provide the template for the rest of the economy to follow—that creative,

cultural work has the power to influence how work in other industries is

organized.75 Work extends into more corners of life including social arenas,

home, and off-hours.

Communications scholar Terry Flew has made the persuasive argument

that service work in general needs to be understood in terms of “transac-

tions that utilize relational, persuasive and semiotic strategies to link the

production and consumption of creative content,” and this is particularly

true for those who create explicitly “creative” content.76 Creative and cul-

tural labor is speculative and increasingly precarious. The “cultural turn”

across a wide array of businesses means that workers are asked to be con-

tinually self-monitoring and self-reflexive and seek out intrinsic rewards

and motivations for their work.77 While workers in Silicon Alley were situ-

ated simultaneously in the worlds of technology and media, their positionwas one of creating a new medium. However, within cultural industries,

content creation and content distribution often have very different kinds

of employment arrangements. As one of Flew’s informants phrased it,

“Writers drive VWs, and the publishers drive BMWs.”78 In the heady, early

days of Silicon Alley, people expressed that they were changing the ways

that cultural distribution would occur—and that these changes held out

the promise that that writers, artists, and other content producers working

in this field could, to build on Flew’s work, afford luxury cars as well.

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30 Chapter 1

It was this approach to cultural production that differentiated New

York’s Silicon Alley from California’s Silicon Valley. Silicon Alley’s industryassociation was called the New York New Media Association, and many of

the region’s boosters made much of the fact that people in the area made

a creative—not just technological—contribution to the Internet. It was this

spirit of creating independent, interactive content for an emerging medium

that led Silicon Alley web video entrepreneur Josh Harris to predict without

irony or humility on the news program 60 Minutes  that his start-up

company,, would eventually put broadcast network CBS out

of business. Even though Pseudo failed, the early potential of the web

presaged the fears that Hollywood, television networks, and music studios

now have about the enormous power of new media.

Now it is hard to imagine a day without searching for information

online—or getting news online, or watching videos on the web, or dodging

ubiquitous banner ads and other online advertising. The pioneers of Silicon

Alley created the first online magazines or “webzines,” the first advertise-

ments, the first online soap operas, the first social networking sites, the

first online “webisodes,” and some of the first online news sites. Early

Silicon Alley focused on creating online video, building communities of

users, and experimenting with news and entertainment online. The Inter-

net as we know it today owes much to these early experiments. They shaped

in a fundamental way how we now use the Internet and their companies

and ideas are still with us, even if some of the particular ventures failed.

Content mattered to Silicon Alley, and content from news, blogs, and

videos is still relevant to the Internet—perhaps now more than ever.

Content has become infrastructure in the sense that the term is used in

science and technology studies: technologies that seamlessly and invisibily

blend into everyday life. When Silicon Alley emerged, fewer than 14

percent of Americans were online; by 2002, 66 percent were; and by 2009,

almost 75 percent of American adults accessed the Internet.79 Today, Face-

book and Twitter are the surefire hits that Silicon Alley companiesTheSquare and SixDegrees, early social networking sites, weren’t. Google

bought Doubleclick, a pioneering Silicon Alley firm, for over $3 billion in

2007. Silicon Alley company CDNow may no longer be a thriving web-

based business, but surely no one now would doubt its strategy of using

the Internet to help distribute music. The lessons of Silicon Alley are

important not only for what they can teach us about a critical moment in

American economic history but also for what we can learn about the cre-

ation of a medium through the experience of those who did the work of

creating it. And more important for venture labor, these lesson show how

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entrepreneurial values shaped the Internet. As Fred Turner has written in

 From Counterculture to Cyberculture,80

  an early generation of influentialpioneers—not necessarily technical innovators, but cultural and social

innovators—can have enormous influence on how technologies are sub-

sequently developed and used.


Economic life is a perfect arena for field research because the economy

links personal values to global structures. In addition to uncovering indi-

viduals’ relationships to social structures and their discourses about the

economy, qualitative inquiry can link observations at the local level to

scholars’ understanding of these global structures. Although the rapid pace

of change in urban Silicon Alley may not be representative of the experi-

ences of most Americans in the late 1990s, much is learned through a close

examination of how these individuals navigated economic change. In

many ways they were at the forefront of changes in U.S. employment

structures, and their experiences presaged ones that have become more

commonplace in the intervening years. This book contributes to a view of

economic phenomena that treats participants in a field as being shaped

by—but not powerless against—larger structural change.

The challenges for this book are to examine the rise of the Internet using

cultural, organizational, and societal levels of analysis and to connect the

actions and representations of individuals to larger economic structures.

Attention to organizational processes can prevent researchers from being

able to situate organizational settings in larger social structures; within a

globalized economy, this is a particularly dangerous oversight. While a

close focus on the work process and dynamics of one particular company

can highlight its power structures, examining companies across an indus-

try can help researchers uncover the links between formal organizations

and among individuals throughout those organizations. This latterapproach is the one I took, choosing to examine work across a new indus-

trial field, rather than delving deeply into the practices at one particular

location within that field. This choice offered opportunities to hear from

a range of people who were pursuing careers in dot-coms, and without this

method, I think it would have been almost impossible to able to uncover

a systemic yet nuanced functioning of risk across the industry. However,

what is lost in this choice is the richness and depth that comes from fol-

lowing one company, one set of actors, through their everyday practices

and engagements in making technology.

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32 Chapter 1

My immersion in the field of Silicon Alley began literally in my living

room, where my roommate hosted Special Interest Group meetings of theWorld Wide Web Artists Consortium. Before I studied Silicon Alley, I was

living in it, and the parties we hosted became salons for talking about what

was possible with the Internet. When Sharon Zukin suggested I write one

of my first papers in graduate school on the impact of the new media

industry on New York’s cultural industries, it was easy to find young people

working in Silicon Alley willing to be interviewed. I began field research

in 1997, just when the first wave of Internet content companies were

becoming commercially successful. The benefit of having lived the evolu-

tion of Silicon Alley firsthand was to gain invaluable insight into how the

participants themselves framed the multiple communities and networks as

the industry grew.

While I did not work in Silicon Alley, I participated in the social events

that were important to the industry that my respondents said were central

to their mobility and visibility within the field. I attended office parties,

toured companies, interviewed people at work, and hung out at after-hours

events in bars, restaurants, and people’s homes. Although some of these

were the raucous parties that dot-commers had the reputation for throwing

(and I faced the occupational hazard of trying to conduct research in such

treacherous terrain), many of the events I attended were more like spirited

intellectual salons or soirées, with heated debates about the future of the

web. My fieldwork included attending Internet industry–related confer-

ences, touring office spaces marketed toward small Internet companies,

observing failed and extant companies within the Internet industry, talking

with and interviewing industry and company leaders, meeting with indus-

try leaders and New York civic officials interested in learning about in

Silicon Alley, and participating in public showcases of Silicon Alley firms.

My deep immersion in the field also included participating in the online

modes of community that emerged within the industry, following many

of the listservs and online newsletters that connected workers in SiliconAlley to one another.

Over the six-year period from 1996 to 2002, I conducted in-depth,

semistructured interviews with fifty-four people who worked at Internet-

related companies in all position types, from CEOs and founders to entry-

level data entry assistants. I also interviewed ten people in one company

just before the company’s successful IPO. I interviewed people who helped

found the key organizations that supported work, networking, and indus-

trial development in Silicon Alley, as well as people trying to get a job in

Silicon Alley from other high-tech regions. I interviewed technologists,

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“creatives,” and managers; people with years of technology experience and

those for whom their Silicon Alley job was their first. I cast my recruitmentnet wide, snowballing from my original sample, recruiting from Silicon

Alley events (including post-dot-com-bust “Pink Slip” parties), and recruit-

ing interview participants from online Silicon Alley forums. My sample

includes millionaires, slackers, temps, self-proclaimed office drones, and

everything in between. I asked semistructured, open-ended questions

about the nature of work in Silicon Alley, career aspirations, and the culture

and norms of the office place and industry.

As part of my study of the social network connections in Silicon Alley,

I adopted the method of “network ethnography,” using social network

analysis to justify the case selection of interview subjects.81 Having a social

network map of the field allows for a richer version of the qualitative

researcher’s tool, the context chart, which allows for the interrelationships

among actors within a field to better understand the context for individual

and group behavior.82  Having mapped the field of Silicon Alley social

events enabled me to expand the inferences drawn from my interview data

by positioning respondents into one kind of visibility in the field. These

data were drawn from a six-year listing of social events in Silicon Alley that

listed over eight thousand participants at more than nine hundred events.

This approach also dovetails what we now know about cultural produc-

tion and technology industries. Work by David Stark suggests that network

forms of organization pervade single organizations—that capturing what

happens in place within networked organizations “increasingly the unit of

action, the unit of innovation, and hence the unit of entrepreneurship is

not the legally bounded firm but the networks that span organizational

boundaries.”83 The decision I made not to follow a single company, but

rather to focus on the industrial arrangement of Silicon Alley helped me

see the interrelationships among types of work and types of companies.

More important, the ways in which people working in Silicon Alley engaged

with venture labor was clear through my comparison of people’s narrativesfrom across several different types of companies, in different stages of

funding, with varying degrees of financial success.

I also followed and carefully read industry trade publications—both in

print and online—as well as researched the corpus of general interest news

about the industry. I did not do formal content analysis, but this extensive

reading showed me which frames Silicon Alley used to talk about itself,

how Silicon Alley was framed in the mainstream news media, and the ways

in which work and risk intersected with these two sets of discourses about

the industry.

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For understanding the historical context, I relied on both print and

electronic newspapers and trade publications as well as cultural artifacts ofthe Internet era such as advertisements, brochures, promotional material,

and ephemeral matter and was involved in several efforts of the historical

preservation of dot-com ephemera. I also rely on newly constructed

archives of digital materials including email trade newsletters, archived

dot-com web sites, and job advertisements from the dot-com boom to

understand the historical context of the emergence of the Internet


Overview of the Book 

The chapters that follow are based on research before, during, and after

the dot-com boom in New York City in the late 1990s through the early

2000s. I examine the institutionalization of economic and financial risk

and uncertainty within this innovative industry using field research, his-

torical and archival methods, analysis of in-depth interview data, observa-

tion of industry events, and social network analysis.

Chapter 2, “The Origins and Rise of Venture Labor,” situates the rise of

Silicon Alley in the historical context of American postindustrial economic

changes. New York’s Internet industry, or Silicon Alley as it was commonly

called, emerged as an alliance among entrepreneurial work, creativity, and

technology and focused primarily on providing services to the media and

communications industries in New York. This chapter describes both the

historical shift from industrial to postindustrial to so-called new economy

paradigms of production in the United States and the ways in which new

technology industries were framed as the solutions to the problems of

postindustrialism. By the early 1990s, many of the institutional and orga-

nizational arrangements for handling economic risk and uncertainty were

being replaced to a large degree by individual-level strategies, and this, I

argue, helped lead to the rise of entrepreneurialism on the part of individu-als during the dot-com boom.

Chapter 3, “Being Venture Labor,” focuses on the strategies that people

in Silicon Alley used for managing the economic risks they felt they faced.

These approaches were tightly linked to personal values, such as valuing

financial success, job stability, or creativity, and, in turn, these approaches

influenced how people perceived and evaluated the risks they were taking.

These strategies, taken together, show culturally individuated approaches

to economic risk, providing a protosubstitute for the social institutions

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that were failing to protect workers from risks. This chapter uses the inter-

view data to build a typology of venture labor strategies that is rooted inthis valuation process and shows how people talked about the risks they

faced and what communicative frameworks they used to manage these

risks. These cultural frameworks encouraged an orientation toward venture

labor, even from people with vastly different—and often competing—ways

of evaluating the worth of their jobs, which in turn supported the powerful

ideology that economic risks people face are the result of their own per-

sonal choices. Rather than ask whether these workers were attracted to the

riskiness of the industry, my research looks at the ways in which they

themselves articulated the uncertainty of their choices. In this way, my research

develops a more nuanced approach to understanding the existing theories

of risk.

Chapter 4, “Why Networks Failed,” examines one of the resources that

people used to support themselves in risky work. Respondents I inter-

viewed considered their social networks to be their unemployment insur-

ance, hedges for risky ventures and buffers for difficult times. They thought

of their friends and acquaintances in Silicon Alley as the fastest and most

reliable sources for information about jobs, rapidly changing technologies,

trends, and prospects for clients or projects. For those working in Silicon

Alley, social networks were considered critical in maintaining their skills,

knowledge, and employability. While people relied on them, social net-

works were not strong or flexible enough to provide support during the

industry’s recession. These social capital investments show that venture

labor can be both a private investment in an employee’s career as well as

an investment in the company, one that blurs the line between the enter-

prise and the self.

Social networks provided an important resource for individuals in

Silicon Alley for acquiring information and skills. These networks in

turn provided valuable resources for the organizations in which employees

worked. Employees’ social networks also helped foster a sense of commu-nity. This sense of community is crucial for building contemporary innova-

tive regional industries. The idea of the community also provided

support and, in the downturn, illusions  of support. This perception of

support helped naturalize risk, making the next job seem more like a sure

thing and less dependent on market conditions than on community


The stock market crash is covered in chapter 5, “The Crash of Venture

Labor,” which uses the interview data after the dot-com bust along with

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36 Chapter 1

historical materials to show some of the problems facing venture labor.

This chapter shows how individual venture labor investments were put atrisk by the stock market crash and how the crash heightened the conflict

between different mechanisms of evaluating worth within the industry

and the clash of values such as security, creativity, and investment. In terms

of theoretical contribution, this chapter develops theories from economic

sociology and the rhetoric of economics to suggest the mechanism for the

calcification of individual beliefs and perceptions about the market into

economic structures, providing a key conceptual link between social con-

structionists of the market and economic realists.

The concluding chapter draws lessons from the experience of the first

wave of the “new economy” for thinking about media production. In this

chapter, I also suggest ways to apply the concept of venture labor to work

outside of the Internet industry. The public policy implications of venture

labor are enormous. Understanding and appreciating the implications of

venture labor is especially important in a public policy environment in

which the social safety net has been eroding, limiting employees’ ability

to take on the risks required for innovative industries. Encouraging and

supporting venture labor is paramount for continued economic growth

and innovation, and, even more important, for creating sustainable work

environments that support workers.

Why Risk Matters

Political, economic, and cultural shifts help explain the entrepreneurialism

of the dot-com boom. This book follows the responses of workers in the

dot-com industry to those shifts. Shouldering risks has become pervasive

throughout the U.S. economy, and I argue that the motivations of people

taking these risks are deeply individualized. People experience risk person-

ally, framing their risks in culturally informed but individuated ways. Even

though economic choices are shaped by shared social influences such aseconomic trends, this individualization of economic risk does not bode

well for organizing collective, social responses to support work in innova-

tive industries. What this book shows is that entrepreneurial behavior is

no longer limited to company founders and financiers and that job losses

are experienced very personally, even when economic factors may be to

blame. The experience of people who worked in the Internet industry

illustrates that risk is socially organized—not a natural or inevitable con-

sequence of economic capriciousness—and understanding the benefits and

the costs of venture labor helps situate these individual experiences in a

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38 Chapter 1

economies—as solely responsible for their employment and their eco-

nomic well-being. This attitude shifts social uncertainty and insecurity toindividual calculable risk—risk with potential for enormous payout accord-

ing to the myths of the new economy. What follows is an in-depth study

of the lure of risk in booming industries, which like a siren’s song traps

people on islands of uncertainty and renders their social safety net even

weaker. This context of the economy at large helped shape an environment

of flexible and insecure work within the Internet industry.