Need-to-Know Tips for Trade Show Vendors

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Need-to-Know Tips for Trade Show Vendors

Need-to-Know Tips for Trade Show Vendors

Expert Contributors

Victor Clarke, Official Marketer

Andrew Osborne, Graphic and Web Designer

Deborah Harris, Customer Service

Set Up Your Mining Operation

Trade shows are like a gold mine for leads. Unless you create a mining strategy, you cannot capture these elusive nuggets. If you strike the right vein, your sales team jump for joy.

Have a Solid Pre and Post Event Plan

Then brainstorm the middle piece, the event!

Survey Customers to Understand Behavior

Use a survey to ask your customers questions such as:

• How likely is it you would attend a trade show?

• What are the chances of you committing to a sale at a trade show?

Compare the survey result numbers with the estimated number of

attendees. !

Is this trade show worth the investment?

!Use the data to decide the number of

qualified leads to aim for.


Pre-Event Promotion

Collect a list of registered attendees, and identify potential leads you can target.

Send customized emails or eye catching direct mail pieces to notify them about your booth.

Include details about your products and specific activities, also any give-ways or prizes to be won.

Don’t forget to promote it on your website and social media. Plan to have regular updates and pictures posted to your social media throughout the event.

Track Performance of The Show

Track activity by...

1. Allocating a unique phone number for the show

2. Preparing a specific landing page on a website for attendees

3. Offering a limited time promotion just for attendees

Use all, or even one consistently with different shows to understand impact and ROI.

Look Like You Want to Be There

Your attire is part of a first impression.

A pressed business suit or a comfortable but new uniform will do the trick.

Have a name tag that is visible and easy to read.


Okay vendor lady, is that a real smile?

Consider Yourself a Host

Trade shows can be intimidating to introverts. Put people (and yourself) at ease by acting as a host for the event. !Approach new faces, introduce yourself and find out what they’re looking for. !You may not be who they need at the moment, but you can guide them to the right person/place. !Bonus Tip: Get their business card along the way and follow-up later to see if the connection worked out.

Booth Etiquette

–Use open body language

– Stand and talk, don’t sit and converse

–No eating in front of anyone

– Stay energized and ready to assist, it’s a limited window of opportunity

81% of attendees have purchasing power.!

Establish in your influence.

Engage and Connect With People

Use the 80/20 rule: Listen for 80% of the time and talk for the other 20%. 

!Ask open-ended questions that begin with who, what, why, when and how.

!Most importantly, reach out to all

people. Never misjudge and NEVER EVER avoid an attendee.

Use the Table Wisely

The table in the booth is a barrier between you and the consumer.

Stand in front of the table, and project a great attitude and a friendly smile.

Wear a comfortable pair of shoes so you don’t get tired from standing.

Partner Up When Walking the Floor

This approach is much more informal than cold

calling strangers at a booth and will leave your

address book groaning under the strain of new


Walk the show with a strategically selected

partner. Stop and introduce your partner to

customers and acquaintances and they do


Set Goals and Reward Yourself

Set goals to create an energetic environment. For example... !

Introduce your partner to 10 people or collect 10 business

cards from new contacts. !This should keep yourself on track, and when you’ve hit your goals, feel free to head off for a sandwich and a cocktail!

Pass Out Cards Using a Strategy


Say something like “What you do sounds great. I’d like to know, what about your job (business) do you enjoy the most, and what at times is the most difficult?” Consider their challenge and tell them you have a resource. Write on the back of their card a short note to follow up with them. Follow through on this and you will have a very good start to a relationship.

Qualify Connections Informally

Do an informal assessment to determine the quality of a lead. Use the BANT strategy, but keep it really casual (not 3rd degree!)


How much does money play a factor in their decision?


Who are the people involved in the decision making process?


What is their need, and whose perspective are you getting?


Do they have a window in which their challenge must be solved.

This kind of information makes it much easier for the sales team when they make contact.

Get more than a business card!

QuickTapSurvey collects qualified leads on your tablet or iPad.

The key to collecting qualified leads is to distinguish between potential customers and

time wasters.

Other Apps To Consider

Captures potential clients info by scanning a QR code or entering a badge number. The application works with or without an Internet connection, so it's highly practical.


Can integrate and store slide shows, PDFs, Word documents, videos and more. Quickly find and send product information to any interested potential client. Can be used without an internet connection.


A Great Way to Use Promos is...

1. Set aside a few of the best promotional gifts you have for those you meet when visiting booths. Tell your new friends you’d like to give it to them if they will drop by your booth.

2. When they drop in, introduce them to your companions and say something flattering about them.

3. Use the business card strategy (mentioned earlier) or make sure they sign up for the raffle or drawing.

Follow up is how you win this game!

Follow up your leads with SPEED!

Never assume that the leads will contact you – make sure YOU contact THEM within 24 hours

Make sure the person who generated the lead follows up. Track this when the event happens to create a list.

Thank the potential customer and furnish them with any additional information they requested.