NDUS · PDF fileBASE BENEFITS ... The Benefits component of PeopleSoft consists of two...

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North Dakota University System

Benefits Administration Manual

PeopleSoft Version 9.1



Written by the North Dakota University System, September, 2006.

Updated November 2008.

Updated June 2011 to 9.1; Updated June 2015

This training manual is considered to be proprietary and confidential and may not be reproduced for any

reason other than stated below without prior written consent of the North Dakota University System.


This training manual has been prepared exclusively for End-User Training. Information contained within

this document may be used by NDUS campuses for the sole purpose of personnel training. Additional

manuals may be reproduced and edited as needed for training purposes ONLY. All other uses are

prohibited without prior written consent from the North Dakota University System.

Copyright 2006 North Dakota University System. All Rights Reserved.


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June 2015 Page i

Table of Contents

BENEFITS OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 1

BASE BENEFITS ......................................................................................................................................... 1

BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................... 1

BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION PROCESS ................................................................................................. 2

OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................. 2

UNDERSTANDING THE BEN ADMIN PROCESS FLOW ................................................................................................... 3

REVIEW OF RULES AND PROGRAMS ...................................................................................................... 4

ELIGIBILITY RULES .................................................................................................................................................... 4

Special Eligibility Criteria-Configuration Fields .................................................................................................. 6

EVENT RULES ........................................................................................................................................................... 10

EVENT CLASSES ....................................................................................................................................................... 13

BENEFIT PROGRAMS – PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER .................................................................................................. 14

BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION SCHEDULES AND GROUPS ............................................................................................ 17

UNDERSTANDING BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION PROCESS STATUS ............................................................................ 20

DEFAULT COVERAGE .............................................................................................................................. 24

HIGHER ED ................................................................................................................................................................ 24

HIGHER ED – FEDERAL EMPLOYEES .......................................................................................................................... 26


NORMAL PROCESS FLOW ......................................................................................................................................... 28

Step 1: Job Action ............................................................................................................................................... 28

Step 2: BAS Activity ............................................................................................................................................ 29

Step 3: Automated Scheduling ............................................................................................................................ 30

Step 4: Verify Schedule and Program ................................................................................................................. 31

Step 5: Prepare Options ..................................................................................................................................... 33

Step 5a: Verify Process Status ............................................................................................................................ 37

Step 6: Produce Enrollment Form - Optional .................................................................................................... 38

Step 7: Elect Options .......................................................................................................................................... 44

Step 7A: Enrolling Dependents - Optional ......................................................................................................... 47

Step 8: Finalize and Enroll ................................................................................................................................. 49

Step 8a: Process Scheduler ................................................................................................................................. 50

Step 8b: Process Monitor ................................................................................................................................... 51

Step 8c: Verify Finalized/Closed Event ............................................................................................................... 52

Step 8d: Verify Base Benefits Records ................................................................................................................ 53


TERMINATING EMPLOYEES ...................................................................................................................................... 56

Step 1: Job Data Termination Action ................................................................................................................. 56


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Step 2: Automated Scheduling ............................................................................................................................ 58

Step 3: Verify Schedule and Verify Term Event .................................................................................................. 58

Step 4: Finalize the Term Event .......................................................................................................................... 60

Step 5: Verify Termination in Base Benefits ....................................................................................................... 62

REVIEWING MESSAGES .......................................................................................................................... 63

Step 1: Navigation .............................................................................................................................................. 64

Step 2: Fill-Out Message Search Page ............................................................................................................... 64

Step 3: Review Messages .................................................................................................................................... 65

SPECIAL BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION PROCESSES .......................................................................... 66

PROCESSING SPECIFIC EMPLOYEES THROUGH BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION ............................................................. 66

Step 1: Navigate to the Run Automated Event Processing Page ........................................................................ 66

Step 2: Enter Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 66

Step 3: Enter Participant (Employee) ................................................................................................................. 67

Step 4: Process Ben Admin ................................................................................................................................. 67

FORCE FINALIZING EVENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 68

Step 1: Select Employees to Finalize .................................................................................................................. 69

Step 2: Force Finalize the Event......................................................................................................................... 70

Step 3: Finalize the Event ................................................................................................................................... 70

PROCESSING MANUAL EVENTS ................................................................................................................................ 71

Step 1: Add a PRN or PRT Event to BAS Activity using Manual Events ............................................................ 72

Step 2: Automated Scheduling ............................................................................................................................ 76

Step 3: Validate Schedule and Program Assignment.......................................................................................... 76

Step 4: Prepare Options ..................................................................................................................................... 76

Step 5: Elect Options .......................................................................................................................................... 76

Step 6: Finalize and Enroll ................................................................................................................................. 77

Step 7: Verify Base Benefits Records .................................................................................................................. 77

ON DEMAND EVENT MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................ 78

Step 1: Go to the On-Demand Event Maintenance Page and Show Activities Page .......................................... 78

Step 2: Scheduling and Assigning ....................................................................................................................... 81

Step 3: Preparing Options .................................................................................................................................. 81

Step 4: Entering Elections .................................................................................................................................. 82

Step 5: Validating and Finalizing Elections ........................................................................................................ 83

REPROCESSING EVENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 84

VOIDING EVENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 86

PURGE DISCONNECTED AND VOIDED EVENTS .......................................................................................................... 87

FINALIZE EVENTS FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES ..................................................................................................... 88

TIAA-CREF MODIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 89

Human Resources Department: ........................................................................................................................... 89

Benefits Department: ........................................................................................................................................... 89

OPEN ENROLLMENT EVENT PROCESSING .......................................................................................... 91

STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL OPEN ENROLLMENT PROCESS ............................................................................................. 92

OPEN ENROLLMENT ELECTION ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................. 94

OPEN ENROLLMENT PROCESSING INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................................... 96


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STEP 2: VERIFY PREPARE OPTIONS ............................................................................................................. 97

STEP 3: Optional - PRODUCE ENROLLMENT STATEMENT ......................................................................... 98

STEP 4: ELECT OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 99

STEP 5: VERIFY PROCESSING STATUS OF OPEN ENROLLMENT EVENTS ............................................ 100

STEP 6: Finalize/Enroll ................................................................................................................................... 101

STEP 7: Verify Finalized Event ........................................................................................................................ 102

STEP 8: Optional - PRODUCE CONFIRMATION STATEMENT ................................................................... 102

STEP 9: Close Open Enrollment Events – Assigned to HAN ........................................................................... 103

STEP 10: VERIFY PROCESSING STATUS OF OPEN ENROLLMENT EVENTS .......................................... 103

CONTRACT PREPAY OPTION ............................................................................................................... 104

SETTING UP THE CONTRACT PREPAY OPTIONS ................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

Contract Information section: ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Employee Deduction Prepayment Options section: ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Refund Prepay Balance: .................................................................................................................................... 106

DEDUCTION ADJUSTMENTS ................................................................................................................. 107

DEDUCTION ADJUSTMENTS FOR NEW HIRES: ......................................................................................................... 107

DEDUCTION ADJUSTMENTS FOR TERMINATIONS: ................................................................................................... 108

ADJUSTING LEAVE BALANCES ........................................................................................................... 109

SHARED LEAVE BALANCE ADJUSTMENT: ............................................................................................................... 111

Shared Leave Adjustment Earnings Codes: ....................................................................................................... 111

ADJUSTING IMPROPER ENTRY: ............................................................................................................................... 112

Balance Adjustment Earnings Codes – adjusts the balance .............................................................................. 112

Taken Hours Adjustment Earnings Codes – adjusts hours taken and reduces the balance ............................... 112

Services Hours Adjustment Earnings Codes – adjusts service hours ................................................................ 112

TERMINATED EMPLOYEE LEAVE BALANCE PAY OUT: ........................................................................................... 113

SAVINGS MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 114

MONITORING 403(B) BALANCES ............................................................................................................................ 117

MONITORING 457 CATCHUP LIMIT EXTENSIONS .................................................................................................... 119

SAVINGS MANAGEMENT PROCESSES ...................................................................................................................... 120

DEPENDENT / BENEFICIARY DATA ..................................................................................................... 121

DEPENDENT/ BENEFICIARY PAGE. .......................................................................................................................... 121

ADD A DEPENDENT ................................................................................................................................................ 122

ADD ADDITIONAL DEPENDENT(S) / BENEFICIARY(S) ............................................................................................. 127

ACA EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY ................................................................................................................................ 127

LEAVE ACCRUAL BALANCES ................................................................................................................................. 129

CURRENT BENEFITS SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 132

EMPLOYEE DATA SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 135

DEPENDENT / BENEFICIARY SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 137

EMPLOYEE BEN ADMIN EVENT SUMMARY ........................................................................................ 138


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PARTICIPANT PAGE ................................................................................................................................................ 139

Event Information .............................................................................................................................................. 140

Eligibility Information ....................................................................................................................................... 140

Processing Information ..................................................................................................................................... 141

EMPLOYEE EVENT SUMMARY-PLAN TYPE PAGE ................................................................................................... 142

EMPLOYEE EVENT SUMMARY-OPTION AND COST PAGE ........................................................................................ 144

BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION REPORTING .......................................................................................... 145

ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS REPORT ........................................................................................................................... 145

INELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS REPORT ........................................................................................................................ 145

EMPLOYEE PROCESSING STATUS REPORT .............................................................................................................. 146

FLAGGED PARTICIPANTS REPORT ........................................................................................................................... 147


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The Benefits component of PeopleSoft consists of two modules: Base Benefits and Benefits



Base Benefits stores the information about the benefit plans offered by the employer, such as

types of plans, premium costs, and calculation rules. It also stores the employees elections such

as benefit plans, coverage levels, dependents and beneficiaries.

The Base Benefits tables are view-only for the end users.

There are two steps for enrolling employees in benefit plans. First, employees are assigned to a

benefit program. Second, they are enrolled in each of the appropriate benefit plans within the

benefit program, including enrolling dependents and recording beneficiaries.

The system can store an unlimited number of benefit records for employees, dependents, and

retirees. Once an employee has been enrolled in the benefit plans, all benefits-related payroll

deductions and employer contributions are automatically generated during payroll processing.


Benefits Administration provides you with automated eligibility checking and enrollment

management. Using the Base Benefits foundation tables and adding eligibility and event rules,

the Benefits Administration system can manage events through Open Enrollment or through

ongoing Event Maintenance.


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BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION PROCESS OVERVIEW The Benefits Administration process (Ben Admin) is used to perform Event Maintenance and

Open Enrollment. You use Event Maintenance to process changes during the plan year and the

enrollment of new hires. You might perform Event Maintenance every day or once a week—

based on changes in employee eligibility, the addition of new hires, and the need to update

payroll benefit deductions.

Event Maintenance identifies employee events (called participant events) that have occurred

since the last run of the process, which may change the benefits eligibility of the respective

employee. Besides open enrollment and passive events, all benefit events are triggered by

changes to the Job record. Events can include

The hiring and terminating of employees.

Family status events (such as divorce birth/adoption of a child).

Job-related information changes (such as pay rate change or position change).

Passive events (like reaching age 65).

After Event Maintenance identifies employees who are associated with these events, it

determines their current benefits eligibility according to the event and eligibility rules (sorting them

into new programs or plans as needed) and calculates benefit prices for their eligible options. The

Event Maintenance cycle can then create and deliver enrollment forms, enter and validate

employee election choices, load the elections to the base benefit enrollment tables, and create

and deliver confirmation statements.


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UNDERSTANDING THE BEN ADMIN PROCESS FLOW Running Ben Admin can be complex because the events processed can follow a variety of

different paths. Some employees will have a number of events that require processing while

others will have events that don't change their benefits eligibility at all. In addition, you'll run into

situations where the event process contains an error, which means that you'll need to reprocess

these events until you get the desired result.

Remember that Ben Admin processes events, not employees. At any given time, an employee

may be associated with several unprocessed events that are different event classes on different

event dates. During a particular run of the Ben Admin process, the system uses the Event Priority

number set up on the Event Class table to decide which event to process first and then processes

that event from beginning to end before continuing with the next one. The Ben Admin process

can only actively process one event per participant at a time, but it can have several events

scheduled for later processing. To manage the schedule, Ben Admin uses an event status of

Open, Closed, or Void. Events must have Open status to be processed.

Ideally, you would run the Ben Admin process two to three times to complete the processing of an

employee event. The steps in the benefits administration process are as follows:

Schedule: During the first run, the system assigns the employees’ events to a Ben Admin

schedule, and scheduled events are, in turn, assigned to a benefit program. The scheduling of

events will be handled centrally. The process will every ½ hour daily. The scheduling process will

organize events into individual Campus schedules. At that point, the events will be processed by

the campus.

Prepare Options: The next time an event is processed, Ben Admin will apply the eligibility rules to

determine the different benefit plans (plan options) the employee can choose. The prepare

options step will show only those plans that the employee will be eligible to elect. After options

are prepared, an enrollment form can be produced. At this point, the event processing stops and

waits for the employee to choose which benefits they want.

Elect Options: Elect Options has two steps. First, the employee makes their benefit choices from

among their eligible options. Second, the campus enters those elections.

Finalize/Enroll: The last step in event processing. Once the employee has made their elections,

and those elections have been entered into the system, the process will validate the elections and

load those elections into the benefit enrollment records for the employee. At this point, the event

is closed, and any elections made by the employee have been automatically entered into the


Errors will occur, resulting from inconsistent HR data or invalid election entry by the employee.

After you review and correct the errors and run Ben Admin again, the system moves the

participants who had errors further ahead in the process.


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REVIEW OF RULES AND PROGRAMS ELIGIBILITY RULES Eligibility rules are a set of tables that determine whether an employee is eligible or ineligible for a

benefit program or benefit option. Eligibility or ineligibility is determined by comparing fields in the

employee’s Job record to the criteria established in the eligibility-rules table. Eligibility

determination is a simple process. It determines if the value it sees on the Job record puts an

employee in or out of the benefit program or in or out of a benefit plan. The purpose of the rules

is to recreate the decision process you make when determining what benefit program and which

benefit options a particular employee is eligible for, based on who they are. Eligibility rules are

found at three levels:

1. The program level, to determine eligibility for a benefit program.

2. The plan level, to determine eligibility for the different plan options within a benefit program.

3. The geographic location to determine eligibility for medical plan options.

An employee can be eligible for only one benefit program, but can be eligible for many plan

options within that benefit program. For example, a regular, full time employee is eligible for the

benefit program HA1 and eligible for the DAKEPO and DAKPPO plans.

Many of the eligibility rules for the benefit plans are determined by PERS. Eligibility for other

benefit options can be determined by statute or by campus policy. Sometimes eligibility is

determined by an employee’s job code or in some cases, by the employee’s ID. In all cases, an

eligibility rule has been created and is attached to the appropriate benefit option. All eligibility

rules are maintained either by PERS or by the campus benefits project team. All existing eligibility

rules can be viewed at the following navigation path by leaving the search field blank and clicking


Setup HRMS > Product Related > Automated Benefits > Eligibility and Event Rules >

Eligibility Rules Table


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The following are examples of eligibility rules. The first is an example of a program eligibility rule,

and the second of a benefit option rule.

For HE Regular benefited employees, the following Program rule can be used to determine the

employee’s eligibility for the benefit program HA1.

The employee must have a Higher Ed company location and have a status of Regular to be

eligible for the HA1 Benefit Program.

The employee must have a Higher Ed company location and have a status of Regular to be

eligible for the HA1 Benefit Program.


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Benefit option eligibility for state and campus employees must be Regular to be eligible for PERS

sponsored benefits.


In some cases, determining eligibility for benefits options requires meeting certain criteria;

something unique to the State or to Higher Ed. Where a unique value or identifier is needed, Ben

Admin provides user-defined eligibility configuration fields on the Job record—Benefits Program

Participation page. The value found in one or more of these fields can determine whether an

employee is eligible or ineligible for certain benefits options, based on the rules defined in the

eligibility rules table. The following table shows how these eligibility configuration fields are used:


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Elig Fld

Code/Value Use Description

1 Business Unit Business Unit Automatically updated from Job Data

2 Job Code Job Code Automatically updated from Job Data


FERS Federal Employees Entry depends on type of Federal EE - NDSU only

CSRS Federal Employees Entry depends on type of Federal EE - NDSU only

SPC Special Circumstances

Employees whose benefits are exceptions to their eligibility (i.e., employees who are newly eligible for TIAA-CREF but elected to remain in NDPERS.) They will be in the Special Benefit Program which will allow for exceptions to the rules.


HTIAA5 TIAA-CREF 5% Automatically updated from the Professional Date field

HTIA11 TIAA-CREF 11% Automatically updated from the Professional Date field


Automatically updated from the Professional Date field



HSKFCA - Faculty Sick HVCFFA - Faculty Vacation

Flat Rate Vacation - Faculty Annual Salary


HSKFCC - Contract Faculty Sick HVCFFC - Contract Faculty Vacation

Flat Rate Vacation - Faculty Contract Salary


HSKFCA - Faculty Sick HVCFSA - Faculty Vacation

Step Rate Vacation - Faculty Annual Salary


HSKFCC - Contract Faculty Sick HVCFSC - Contract Faculty Vacation

Step Rate Vacation - Faculty Contract Salary

FT10 HLRF10 – LRS Faculty Sick

LRS Faculty working 10 mos - earning 10 days

FT12 HLRF12 – LRS Faculty Sick

LRS Faculty working 12 mos - earning 10 days

LRFSK12 HLRFSK – LRS Faculty Sick

LRS Faculty working 12 mos - earning 12 days

PT10 HLRP10 – LRS Faculty Sick

LRS Faculty working 10 mos - earning 5 days

PT12 HLRP12 – LRS Faculty Sick

LRS Faculty working 10 mos - earning 5 days

BALNOACC Sick Leave No Accrual Employees with Sick Leave Balance - not eligible accrue


PERS Defined Contribution Retirement Plan


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The following illustrates where these fields are located on the Benefits Program Participation page:


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The eligibility rules table shown below provides an example of how Elig Config 4 is used to

determine eligibility for TIAA-CREF.


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EVENT RULES Event rules determine how certain job actions, or events, will be processed by Ben Admin.

Based on the type of event, event rules determine

1. Which benefit options the employee can actually choose.

2. The coverage begin date and deduction begin date of the benefit options selected.

3. Default coverage if the employee does not select an option.

4. Termination rules if the employee is no longer eligible for a benefit option they are currently

enrolled in.

As examples, let’s look at the hire event, and the family status change event. For the hire event,

the event rules allow the employee to select all benefits options for which they are eligible.

However, for a family status change event, the employee can only change medical, dental, or

vision coverage; and elect or drop (waive) spouse or dependent life and FSA. They can make no

other changes to their benefits. This is true only if the employee is eligible for the medical, dental,

life, or FSA coverage.

All event rules are maintained either by PERS or by the NDUS HRMS staff for Higher Ed specific

benefits. The event rules can be viewed at the following navigation:

Setup HRMS > Product Related > Automated Benefits > Eligibility and Event Rules > Event

Rules Table

The following are examples of the hire event rule for plan type 10, Medical.


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The hire (HIR) event rule shows that the employee can select all options.


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This is the Date Rules page of the hire event rule. This controls the coverage begin and

deduction begin dates.


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EVENT CLASSES Event classes are categories of Job events used for Ben Admin processing. Each event class

has an event rule and is processed differently by Ben Admin. The following are the event classes

we use:

Event Class Description

HIR Used for the Job action of HIR (hire) or REH (rehire).

The employee can select from all eligible benefits.

TER Used for the Job action of TER or termination, or LOA

(leave of absence), or LAO (layoff). All current benefit

enrollments will be terminated.

FSC Family status change for divorce, marriage, or marriage

of dependent. Only changes to coverage codes are


FAD Family status change for adding a dependent. This one

is separate from the other family status change because

the coverage begin and deduction begin dates are


MSC Miscellaneous. All job actions that are not one of those

above, are considered MSC events. Ben Admin will

determine if the employee is newly eligible or newly

ineligible for benefits, and then go from there. MSC

events can include pay rate changes, position changes,

standard hours change, and transfers.

OE Open Enrollment event class is only used for the annual

benefits open enrollment.

PRN/PRT PRN is for ‘as needed enrollments’ and PRT is for ‘as

need terminations’. Sometimes events will need to be

triggered to allow an employee to change existing

coverage. This may be due to a mistake, a late change

from the employee, or it may be due to rules that allow an

employee to enroll in or change their savings plan

contributions at any time during the year.


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BENEFIT PROGRAMS – PULLING IT ALL TOGETHER Benefit programs organize all the benefit options, coverage codes, deductions, rates, eligibility

rules, and event rules into one place. A benefit program is a collection of the benefits offered to a

group of employees. The following are the benefit programs that have been defined for Higher




Program Eligibility Description

FA1 NDSU Federal Employees Federal Employees – NDSU only

HA1 Regular; 20+ Standard Hrs Benefited Employees

HA2 Temporary Non-Benefited Employees

HA3 Retired With Benefits Early Retirees

HA4 USO only University Systems Office

HA5 Regular; < 20 Standard Hrs Non-Benefited Employees

HAS Regular; Elg Fld 3 = SPC Employees with Special Eligibility

HAN Termed, Retired, Deceased Termed, Retired, Deceased

The State and Higher Ed each have their own benefit programs. The State benefit programs

begin with ‘S’. These programs may appear on past Ben Admin events assigned to an employee

who was employed by a State agency and is now employed by a campus.

Prior to using Ben Admin, the Base Benefit programs were used. Those benefit programs begin

with H0 or S0.

To view all of the Benefit Programs use the following path, and leaving the search fields empty,

click ; select the Benefit Program you want to view from the list:

Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Base Benefits > Program Structure > Benefit Program



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The following is an example of the HA1 benefit program:

This page shows the HREG eligibility rule for the HA1 benefit program:


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This page shows the Plan Type, Event Rule and Eligibility Rule for Plan Type 10 – Medical.


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Schedules: All Ben Admin events are grouped and processed by schedules. The schedule

is the way Ben Admin organizes events for processing. When processing an event,

producing an enrollment form, electing options, or creating a confirmation statement, you will

need to know the schedule.

1. Campuses will use the same schedule to process all of their events.

2. The schedule will be unique to the campus running Ben Admin. Schedules are identified

by the company code or business unit; followed by EM. For example:

o Valley City State’s schedule is VCSEM


Groups: A group lets Ben Admin know how employees will be organized into schedules. The

group an employee is assigned to is determined by the BAS Group ID on their Job record—

Benefit Program Participation page. Employees belonging to a particular campus will have a

unique BAS Group ID. The BAS Group ID is automatically entered on the Job record. For

the campuses, it is the Company. For example:

o Valley City State is VCS


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The following is an example of the Schedule table for VCS:


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The BAS Group ID is located in Job Data:


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UNDERSTANDING BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION PROCESS STATUS Benefits administration uses the process status to know where an event is in the process, and

what step comes next. Because Ben Admin processes multiple events simultaneously, it needs

to know which events can be moved and which events need to stay put. Events awaiting action

from you or the employee will remain where they are until some action is taken. A good example

is the process status of NT (Notified). This status means that an enrollment form has been

created. The event will not move any farther until the employee makes their selections, and you

enter those elections into the system. Once elections are entered, the process status changes

from NT to ET (Entered). When Ben Admin sees the ET process status, it knows that it can

continue to process the event. Also, any events that are in error (AE, for Assign Error; EE, for

Elect Error), will remain in that status until the error is corrected.

The best process status scenario to have is this one:

Assigned (AS) - Prepared (PR) - Notified (NT) - Entered (ET) - Finalized Enrolled (FE)


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The following is a list and description of all of the process status codes used by Ben Admin.

Every event will have one of these statuses attached to it, and it is important that you understand

what these statuses mean.

Process Status Description

AE –

Program Eligibility Assigned Error

Participant event is assigned to multiple programs. The system cannot process the participant event through the next stage (Option Preparation) until you correct the errors. You'll most likely need to make corrections to participant personal/employment/job information or to program eligibility information, which means that the employee is eligible for more that one benefit program. If the event has this status, contact the NDUS Helpdesk.

AN –

Program Eligibility Assigned None

Participant event is not assigned to a benefit program, which means that the employee is not eligible for any benefit program. If the event has this status, contact the NDUS Helpdesk.

AS –

Program Eligibility Assigned

Participant event is assigned to a benefit program. This is good. You can proceed to prepare options.

FA –

Finalized - Benefit Program None

Participant event has no program assignment and no current selections. Used for events assigned an AN process status during the Scheduling and Program Assignment and whose associated participants do not have current benefit elections. There is no further processing for this event. If you get this event, contact the NDUS Helpdesk.

FP –

Finalized - Prepared None

System has assigned the participant event to a benefit program, but the associated participant is not allowed to elect any new options. No further processing occurs for this participant event. This event is generally on a Misc Event. What it means is that the employee is not newly eligible to elect any benefits options. The event closes, and you are done.

PE –

Prepare Error

The system has encountered an error. Events are given a PE process status during option eligibility determination. To correct, you should make corrections to the personal/employment/job information of the associated participant or to plan and option eligibility information. You can do one of two things: review the error message by going to Administer Automated Benefits, Inquire, Messages. Enter your Schedule ID and Emplid. You can also call the NDUS Helpdesk.

PR –


The system has calculated eligible options, credits, rates, and proof requirements for the participant associated with the event, and current elections have been identified for proof, eligibility level, and default processing. Enrollment forms should be created for and delivered to the participant associated with the event to bring the event to a process status of NT (notified), which means that the employee has new benefits options to select.

NT –


Election enrollment form has been prepared for the participant associated with the event. The system updates the event's process status when you generate election forms for that participant, report BAS004.

ET –


A benefits administrator has entered the participant's new selections into the system, and they are ready for validation by the Benefits Administration process.


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EE –

Election Error

The system encountered an error in processing the elections for the participant associated with the event. No elections are posted to the Base Benefits business process tables. Errors are posted to the Message Table and are identified by participant and event. You can do one of two things: review the error message by going to Administer Automated Benefits, Inquire, Messages. Enter your Schedule ID and Emplid. You can also call the NDUS Helpdesk.

FE –

Finalized - Enrolled

Ben Admin processing is complete for the participant event. All selections have been validated and loaded to the appropriate Base Benefits & Payroll tables. If the participant came from a process status of PR due to a loss of all eligibility, the system inserts a termination row for each of the participant's current selections. It means that the event has been processed to completion, and the employee’s new benefits enrollments are now in the Base Benefits records.

RE –


Enables selections associated with processing for the participant event to be reentered after the participant event has been brought to a process status of FE.

Events are updated to RE status through the Event Status Update page, which means that you want to undo this event, and start at the beginning.


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The following flowchart illustrates how the system assigns process status values during Option

Preparation. The flowchart on the left shows the process status flow for Assigned (AS) events,

while the flowchart on the right shows the process status flow for Assign None (AN) events.


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HIGHER ED The following table shows the benefits that a newly hired employee will be enrolled in if no

selections are made—assuming that they are eligible for the benefit plan.

Plan Type Description Default Coverage

10 Medical Waive

11 Dental Waive

14 Vision Waive

1Z Employee Assistance


EAP Provider per


20 Basic Life Basic Life $1300


2E Supplemental Life-Flex Waive

21 Supplemental Life Waive

25 Dependent Life Waive

2A Spouse Supplemental



2B UND Basic Life UND Basic Life $5,000


2C UND Supplemental Life-



2I UND Supplemental Life Waive

23 UND AD&D Waive

2D UND Dependent Life Waive

2Z UND Spouse Life Waive

3Y Long Term Disability TIAA Disability Waiver

3Z Long Term Disability TIAA Disability Income

46 and 4Z 403(b) Plan Waive

47 Grandfathered TIFR Plan Waive

49 457 Plan TIAA-CREF Waive

4B,4C, 4D, 4E 457 Plan Waive

50 Sick Sick Leave Plan

51 Vacation Vacation Plan

5D Comp Time Comp Time

5X Dependent Sick Leave Dependent Sick Leave



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60 Flex Spending Health Waive

61 Flex Spending

Dependent Care


67 HSA Waive

70 Retirement Plan NDPERS

7A Retirement Plan TIAA-CREF

7D Retirement Plan Retiree Health Ins Credit

7W Executive Comp


Executive Comp



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HIGHER ED – FEDERAL EMPLOYEES The following table shows the benefits that a newly hired Federal employee will be enrolled in if

no elections are made—assuming that they are eligible for the benefit plan.

Plan Type Description Default Coverage

10 Medical Waive

11 Dental Waive

14 Vision Waive

1F Federal Health Waive

1Z Employee Assistance


EAP Provider per


20 Basic Life Basic Life $1300


2E Supplemental Life-Flex Waive

21 Supplemental Life Waive

25 Dependent Life Waive

2A Spouse Supplemental



23 Federal Basic Life Waive

2Z Federal Life – Option A Waive

2C Federal Life Option B Waive

2D Federal Life Option C Waive

3Z Long Term Disability TIAA Disability Income

42 Federal TSP Waive

46 and 4Z 403(b) Plan Waive

49 457 Plan TIAA-CREF Waive

4B,4C, 4D, 4E 457 Plan Waive

50 Sick Sick Leave Plan

51 Vacation Vacation Plan

5D Comp Time Comp Time

5X Dependent Sick Leave Dependent Sick Leave


60 Flex Spending Health Waive

61 Flex Spending

Dependent Care


7X Federal Retirement FERS Retirement Plan

7Y Federal Retirement CSRS Retirement Plan

7Z Federal TSP Waive


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EMPLOYEES Some hints about getting around in Benefits Administration.

1. Each saved Job Data action will create a Benefits Administration event.

2. Prior to saving the Job data action, make sure that BAS Group ID, and any required Eligibility

Config fields are also correct. BAS Group ID and Eligibility Config 1 and 2 should be

automatically filled, but it is always a good idea to check.

3. Most Benefits Administration activity occurs under Benefits> Manage Automated


4. Benefits Administration will update employee benefit enrollments under Benefits> Enroll in

Benefits. To view an employee’s benefits enrollment, come here.

5. When working within Benefits Administration, always remember two things: 1) the schedule

ID for your campus; 2) the employee’s EmplID. Many places within Ben Admin require the

EmplID and do not allow searches by employee name.

6. If you get into trouble, and you do not know what to do, contact the NDUS Helpdesk.

7. If you notice a mistake in a change you made to the Job record, contact the NDUS Helpdesk

for help fixing the error.


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Job Data is updated via the employee-data-change form. This is normal HR processing done by

the campuses.

When the record is saved, a benefits administration event is created. In this case, it would be a

MSC Ben Admin event.


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The automated scheduling process will put the event into the proper schedule, and assign a

benefit program to the employee. This event will become part of a schedule based on the

employee’s BAS Group ID on their job record. The automated scheduling process will run on the

hour and the half hour 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Once the automated scheduling process

is complete the campus is responsible for processing the event through completion.

Note: On demand scheduling is available; see instructions for On-Demand Event Maintenance in

the Special Benefits Administration Processes section of this manual.


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Program assignment will occur after the automated scheduling process has run. The campus will

review the status of the event, verify the event was assigned to the correct schedule, and verify

the employee’s benefit program assignment. There are two places where the event status can be

reviewed: the Update Event Status page and the Update Processing Controls page.

The Update Event Status page shows the status of all events processed for a single employee.

Go to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status


1. Event status update will display all events processed for an employee

2. Event status update requires that you know the employee’s EmplID. Within Ben Admin,

always know the employee’s EmplID.


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The Update Processing Controls page shows all events for a schedule. The page has two

parts. The first is a search page, allowing you to provide specific criteria for your search so that

only the events that you want are displayed. The second page displays the results of your


Go to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Processing Controls


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Second page of Update Processing Controls:

Once you have verified the schedule and program assignment, it is time to move to step 5.


From here campuses are responsible for processing the event through completion. In this step,

you will run the Ben Admin process to prepare the benefits options the employee is eligible to

elect. The benefits options that can be elected depend on the type of event being processed, and

the eligibility rules being applied. If the employee is newly eligible for benefit options, Ben Admin

will determine the eligible benefits options and calculate the costs of those options. If the event

results in no new benefit eligibility, the event will close. To prepare options, you will go to the Run

Control page, fill it out, and process it. To get to the Run Control, you will go here:

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event Processing

The Run Control ID you enter will be the same as your Schedule ID.

Note: If this is the first time you have run Ben Admin, you will need to add a Schedule ID.


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Run Control ID page:

Once you press the button you will be taken to the Process Scheduler Request:


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After you press you will be taken back to the Run Control page.

Press link to be taken to the Process Monitor where you can view the progress

of the Ben Admin process.


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When the process has completed successfully, you will need to verify that the event status has

been updated. At this point, there are three possible process status codes for the event:

1. Prepared (PR): this means that the employee has a recent change in their eligibility for


2. Finalized None (FP): this means that the employee is not newly eligible for benefits. Nothing

changes, and the event is closed

3. Prepare Error (PE): this is a problem, and you will need to check messages.

You do this by going back to the Update Processing Controls and Update Event Status pages

as described in Step 4:

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Processing Controls

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status


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If an employee is eligible to elect new benefits options, the next step in the process could be to

produce the enrollment form. The enrollment form will only show the benefits the employee is

eligible to elect.

Note: The form does not replace the usual PERS or other provider forms the employee normally

fills out.

The enrollment form may be used as a data entry tool to elect options. The form will have only

basic information, described below:

1. Employee information, including Name, EmplID, Benefit Program, and Schedule ID.

2. Eligible benefits options, including plan type (i.e., medical, dental, basic life, etc.), and

coverage codes.

3. Option codes for each eligible option. The Option Code is a number or letter that represents

each benefit option. The Option Code is what you will key into the system to signify what the

employee has elected.

By transferring employee elections from the PERS or other provider forms to the enrollment form,

you can save yourself a lot of time when entering elections into the system. You will not have to

do look-ups for codes. Everything will be on one or two pages. All you will have to do is to key in

the Option Code from the enrollment form.

To produce the enrollment form, go to

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Participant Enrollment > Print Enrollment



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Enter the Run Control ID (same as your schedule ID) and click ; you will be taken


The system will produce an enrollment form for all employees in your schedule who are at a

process status of Prepared (PR). If you only want to produce an enrollment form for one

employee, you can specify the EmplID on the Run Control page. Once the form is produced, the

process status will change from Prepared (PR) to Notified (NT). After you press the Run button,

you will be taken to the Process Scheduler Request:


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After you press you will be taken back to the Run Control page.

Press link to be taken to the Process Monitor where you can view the progress

of the Ben Admin process.

Press the button to update the Run Status.

Once the Run Status is Success, click on the link

The Process Detail page will open. Click on the link


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The View Log/Trace page will open. Click on the link to view and print the

enrollment form.


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Once the employee has made their elections on the PERS or other provider forms, the elections

can be entered into the system. You will do this by going into the Election Entry page and keying

in the data from the Enrollment Form. The following are some suggestions that will help you get

through the process quickly:

1. Before going to Election Entry, take the time to transfer the information from the PERS or

other provider forms onto the Enrollment Form.

2. Either circle the Option Code or write it on the right hand side of the Enrollment Form.

Include the coverage amount for supplemental life – flex, supplemental life and spouse life,

the annual pledge amounts for medical and dependent care spending accounts and the

deduction amount for deferred compensation, if the employee elects these benefits.

3. You will need to key in the Option Code for each elected option, and the

coverage/pledge/deduction amounts if elected.

4. You will not need to key in elections where the employee automatically receives the benefit (if

they are eligible). Benefits Administration will automatically give the employee this coverage,

to include:

a. EAP coverage

b. Basic Life

c. Sick Leave

d. Annual Leave

e. Comp Time

f. Retirement Coverage (PERS-defined benefit plans, TIAA/CREF)

5. If the employee is assigned to the HAS benefit program, benefit options or waive will need to

be selected for all benefits. The eligibility rules are more open in the HAS benefit program to

allow enrollment for employees with special benefit enrollment circumstances.

6. The Election Entry page replaces enrolling employees into the Base Benefits pages.

Note: Base Benefits is display only. All elections need to be entered using Ben Admin.


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To get to the Election Entry page, go to

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Participant Enrollment > Perform Election


Data Entry Configurations – Check all boxes

Defer Dep/Benef Enrollment – If checked, the Dep/Benef information fields do not appear on

the election entry form.

Defer Savings Investments – If checked, the savings investment fields do not appear on the

election entry form.

Hide Unused Items and Links – If checked, hides all unused items and links.

Validate When Saved – This box defaults as checked. It is important to have the benefit

elections validated when saving the election entries.

After you press Search, you will be taken to the Option Election page:


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Click when election entry is complete to Save and Validate the elections.


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If the employee is electing something other than single coverage for medical, dental, or vision,

you can enroll their dependents into the plans directly from the Election Entry pages. To do so,

you will need to go to the tab Dependents/Beneficiaries to add/or select the dependents to be

enrolled. Dependents information is not currently maintained in the system.


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After you press the Save button, you will be taken back to the Search page. Here, you can see

that the status of the event has been changed to Entered (ET). You can press

to have the system validate that you entered valid Option Codes. You

can also enter a new EmplID to elect their options:


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This is the final step in the Ben Admin process. The Finalize/Enroll step will take all events in a

schedule with a Process Status of Entered (ET), enroll those employees into Base Benefits, and

close the event. To finalize the event(s), you need to go back to the Run Control page, and run

the Ben Admin process. To do this, enter your Schedule ID in the Ben Admin page:

Benefits > Management Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event



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After you press the button, you will be taken to the Process Scheduler page:


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After you press you will go back to the Run Control page. Press to

monitor the status of the Ben Admin process. When the status changes to Success, you are



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After the process completes, you will need to verify that

1. The event’s process status is Finalized/Enrolled (FE) in Update Process Controls or Update

Event Status. These pages were described previously in this section.

2. Base Benefits records are correct


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The final step is to verify enrollment in the Base Benefits records. Remember that Ben Admin

automatically enrolls the employee into the Base Benefits records. To verify, go to Benefits >

Enroll in Benefits > select the Plan Type you which to verify.

Health Benefits


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A summary of the Benefit enrollments can be viewed at

Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > Current Benefits Summary

The Benefit Enrollment Summary displays the benefit options the employee was eligible to elect

or waive. It shows the type of Benefit Plan, Coverage and the Coverage Begin Date.


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The Benefit Deduction Summary displays the deduction code, tax class, coverage base, the

amount of the last deduction for benefit options the employee elected.


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Termination of an employee is an event in Ben Admin, just like a hire, or position change, or

family status change. However, since there are no elections to be made, the termination event

process is more streamlined; requiring fewer steps. These are the main steps in the process:

1. New effective dated row is added to the Job record with Termination as the action.

2. Automated scheduling process will schedule the event, and set the Process Status to

Assigned to HAN Benefits Program.

3. Campus will process Ben Admin under their Schedule ID.

4. Termination events move to a Process Status of Prepared (PR).

5. Campus force finalizes the termination event by selecting Finalize on the Processing Controls

Update page.

6. Ben Admin will automatically insert a termination row into the employee’s Base Benefits

record. The event is closed.

If an employee terminates the 1st – 15th of the month the termination process should be

followed. The deductions will stop as required.

If an employee terminates the 16th – 31st of the month there are two methods to terminate the

benefits. The pre-paid benefits should not be deducted from the 16th – 31st pay period.

1. The pre-paid benefits can be stopped by using a PRT event and selecting only the pre-paid

benefits to be termed by removing the election option. The term event can be finalized.

2. The pre-paid benefits can be stopped by entering an override on the One Time Deduction

page on the pay sheet. Finalize the term event after the payroll has confirmed.


The employee is terminated in Job Data. To view the Job Data record, go to

Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data


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The automated scheduling process will place the event into the Campus schedule. This

automated scheduling process will run every half hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


After the automated scheduling process completes, the Campus will go to Processing Controls

Update to review the event. Go to

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Processing Controls

The termination event should be correctly scheduled (under your schedule), and the Process

Status should be Assigned to the HAN Benefits Program.


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Pressing to the Ben Admin Processing Controls page, where you will click on

Final/Dflt to finalize the Termination Event. This is also known as “force finalizing”. After

selecting Final/Dflt, make sure to SAVE the page.


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After selecting Final/Dflt, you will need to run the Ben Admin process to finalize and close the

event and to terminate coverage in the Base Benefits records. To run the Ben Admin process, go


Benefits > Management Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event



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After you press Run, you will be taken to the Process Scheduler:

Pressing will take you back to the Run Control page. You can then select Process

Monitor to watch the progress of the Ben Admin process. When the Process Status is Success,

you are done.


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The last step in the termination process is to verify that a termination row has been entered for

the employee’s current benefit enrollments. Your main concern is that the coverage end and

deduction end dates are correct. To verify the termination in the Base Benefit records, go to

Benefits > Enroll In Benefits

From this navigation, you can go to the individual enrollment pages. An example of the Health

Benefits page, showing the termination row, is provided below:


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As you process events, it is a good idea to review messages generated by Ben Admin. These

messages can tell you about problems encountered or provide informational messages that can

be important to you. The basic types of messages you can encounter are

1. Error messages generated by Ben Admin. These are problems that must be fixed before the

process can continue for the event. As you review the event status via the Processing

Controls Update page, or the Event Status Update page, and encounter a process status of

Prepare Error (PE) or Elect Error (EE), you will need to look at the messages to find out what

the problem is.

2. Informational messages generated by Ben Admin. These are not errors. Ben Admin is

informing you that it has done something and is keeping you apprised of its progress.

Note: It is possible that there will be no messages.


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To get to the Messages page, go to

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results > Processing



Once you have gone to the Messages page, you will fill out the search page as follows:


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After you select the specific EmplId, you will be taken to the actual message(s):


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PROCESSES PROCESSING SPECIFIC EMPLOYEES THROUGH BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION There are times when you need to process a specific employee or employees through Ben Admin

rather than all employees who might be part of a schedule. Your reasons may be varied, but the

typical reason is that you need to process someone quickly to meet a payroll deadline. When you

process Ben Admin for a specific employee, you will still be going through all the normal Ben

Admin processing steps—the process does not change. The only difference is that you are

processing for specific employees. The process is simple, and it is done via the Run Automated

Event Processing page.


Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event Processing

Enter your Run Control ID.


After you press Search, you will be taken to the Schedule and Checkpoint Restart page where

you will enter your Schedule ID:


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After you have entered your Schedule ID, you will select the Participant Lists tab. There you will

enter the individual employee (or employees) that you wish to process. Ben Admin will only

process those employees on this run. Before coming to this page, make sure that you know the

EmplID and the Event ID (if the employee has more than one event). The Event ID can be found

on the Update Event Status page. When you select the Participants Lists tab, you will be taken



The final step is to press , then click Process Scheduler and process the Ben Admin

job. When it is finished, you can check the status of the event by going to the Update Processing

Controls page or the Update Event Status page.


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There are times when you will need to finalize an event, and you may not be ready to do so. This

is called “Force Finalize”. When you tell the system to finalize an event, it brings that event to a

Finalized/Enrolled (FE) process status, even if it has been processed with errors. If the event is at

a process status of Entered (ET) or Election Error (EE), the system loads the employee’s valid

elections to the Base Benefits records. If the event is at any other process status, the system

applies the appropriate default elections and loads them into the Base Benefit records. The

system also applies and loads default elections to replace elections that have been made in error.

The reasons that you might want to “Force Finalize” an event are as follows:

1. You have just added a new hire and payroll is looming. The employee has not returned their

elections to you, and you cannot wait any longer. You need to get them into default

coverage, and make sure they get enrolled into PERS, leave, basic life, etc. before payroll is


2. You have just completed a Job change where there is a significant change in the employee’s

benefit eligibility because of the change. As with #1 above, you need to get elections loaded

prior to payroll.

3. You have an Election Error (EE) and you cannot figure it out. Rather than hold up the other

valid elections while you try to solve this problem, you want to load the valid elections to

make sure that the employee gets most of their coverage. You can come back to the

Election Error problem after payroll runs.

Since some of the employee’s benefit coverage will be defaulted due to “Force Finalizing”, and

that default coverage may not be what they ultimately want, you will have to go back at a later

time to enroll them in coverage they do want. To do that, you will use the PRN (as needed

enrollment) event. The PRN event is discussed in a later section.


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You can force-finalize individual participants with the Final check box on either the Update Event

Status page or the Update Processing Controls page. To go to the Update Processing Controls

page, go to

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Processing Controls

In this example, we want to select all the employees who have events which have benefit options

prepared. This means the event is ready for election entry. If the employee is not able to get the

PERS or other provider forms back before payroll, the event can be finalized so the employee is

enrolled in the defaulted benefit options such as basic life, leave plans and retirement before

payroll is confirmed.


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Once you press the Search button, you will be taken to the results page. Find the employees that

you need to finalize, and select the button:


After you have selected those employees that you want to finalize and save your changes, the

next step is to go to the Run Automated Event Processing page to process Ben Admin. Once the

process has been run, the Process Status will change to Finalized/Enrolled (FE), and the event

will close.


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PROCESSING MANUAL EVENTS There will be times when you need to trigger a benefits administration event because you need to

change an employee’s benefit coverage. These are not the normal events that occur because of

some change to the Job record. The event to be processed is a PRN or PRT event, and it is

added manually to the BAS Activity table. Here are some reasons that you might want to change

an employee’s coverage:

1. A newly hired employee has decided to change their elections within 30 days of their hire

date. The hire event has already been processed, and you need to change their current


2. The employee did not make their elections in time for the payroll process, and you defaulted

some of their coverage. You now have their elections, and you want to change the default


3. An employee is enrolled in after-tax coverage. This may be for dental, or vision, or life.

Since the employee can opt out at anytime, they have decided to opt out. You need to

terminate their coverage.

4. A mistake was made, and the employee or by you, and the employee was enrolled in the

wrong coverage. You need to correct that mistake.

5. An employee wants to enroll in, change, or stop their deduction to a savings plan. This is

allowed anytime throughout the year. You need to process the employee’s election.

There are other reasons, but whatever the reason, when you need to add or change benefit

coverage and there is not a Job action to trigger an event, you will need to use the PRN event.

If you need to terminate benefit coverage, you will need to use the PRT event. You cannot go

directly into the Base Benefits tables and make the changes. In order to make the change, you

need to go through the Ben Admin steps.


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Because no one knows what the change will be, when you trigger the PRN event, you will be able

to elect any coverage the employee is eligible for. In other words, all options are opened up just

like they would be with a Hire event. When you trigger the PRT event, you will be able to

terminate coverage the employee no longer wants. Obviously, this is very powerful, and care

must be taken to ensure that only the changes that comply with PERS and other provider policies

are made. The PRN and PRT event works differently than the other events. These are the steps

you will go through to process the event:



This is where the PRN/PRT event deviates from the other Ben Admin events. All other Ben

Admin events are triggered by some action to the Job record. When an employee’s Job record is

updated, BAS Activity is automatically updated with the event, and the event stays there until it is

scheduled. With the PRN/PRT event, there is no Job action to trigger the event. In order to

make the event available to Ben Admin, you will need to manually insert the event into the BAS

Activity by using Manual Events. After entering the PRN/PRT event into Manual Events, the

event processes just like any other event in Ben Admin. This is how the PRN event is done (the

steps are the same for the PRT event).

If after the event has been processed and closed another modification needs to be made, the

entry can be made using the same PRN/PRT event. Please refer to On Demand Maintenance for

instructions on reprocessing an event. Changes to an event should only be done during the same

pay period.


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First, go here:

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > HE/State Manual Events

Enter the EmplID or name of the employee, and press Search. Select the correct Empl Rcd. The

ND BAS Activity (Manual Entry) page will open.


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1. Action Source: “Manual” will automatically default. (If there is an unscheduled event in BAS

Activity, it will default instead of “Manual”. You need to process the unscheduled event prior to entering the manual event.)

2. Event Date: Depends on the type of event, PRN or PRT, the type of Benefit Plan and when

you want the coverage and deduction to begin or end. First, determine which pay period the event should be effective, and then, use the 1st day of the pay period as the event date. Use the PRN/PRT guide to determine the event date.

Note: The system will only allow one PRN and one PRT with the same date.

3. BAS Action: Enter PRN or PRT or select it from the lookup feature. 4. All Jobs: Box will be unchecked – leave it unchecked. Checking this box will affect the

position the employee may have with another campus or state agency. 5. Empl Rcd and Ben Rcd: If your employee has more than one job within your company and

the change applies to only one Empl Rcd and Ben Rcd, you will need to enter the correct Record numbers.

6. The rest of the fields will default in with the appropriate information – they should not be

changed. 7. Save this screen.


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PRN / PRT Event Date Guide

PRN (enroll or change)

Medical. Life, FSA, LTD – Benefit Plans Coverage Begins: First of the month after event date Deduction Begins: Pay period preceding coverage begin date (PRN event date of 1-16-xx the coverage will begin 2-1-xx. Deduction begin date will be 1-16-xx, the first premium will be deducted on the 2-15-xx paycheck.)

Savings, Leave Plans, Retirement – Benefit Plans Coverage Begins: On the event date Deduction Begins: Pay period containing the event date

PRT (terminate)

Medical. Life, FSA, LTD – Benefit Plans Coverage Ends: The end of the month, the month after the event date Deduction Ends: The pay period containing the event date

Savings, Leave Plans, Retirement – Benefit Plans Coverage Ends: On the event date Deduction Ends: The pay period containing the event date


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After entering the PRN or PRT event, it will process like all other Ben Admin events. The

automated scheduling process will schedule the PRN or PRT event.


Go to the Update Event Status page or Update Processing Controls. Update to verify that the

manual event has been scheduled and that a Benefit Program has been assigned.


After verifying the event is scheduled, the next step is to prepare options. You will go to the Run

Control page and process the Ben Admin job. You can do this for all employees in your

schedule, or you can process your PRN event by itself.


Once options are prepared, you will need to elect options. All is where you will need to take care.

All the employee’s eligible options will be available for election—as if they were a new hire.

However, you do not want to elect all options.

For a PRN event only elect those options where some change needs to be made. Find the plan

type(s) where you need to make the election, and enter the Option Code. The rest of the plan

types will default to what the employee currently has.

For a PRT event, all the options the employee is enrolled in will be displayed. You need to

remove the option that needs to be terminated. Do not elect Waive for a PRT – you must

remove the option for it to be terminated.

Note: If you enter a PRN/PRT event and decide it is not needed, open the Elect Options page and save it without making any elections. This will allow the event process without making any election changes. If the event is finalized without opening the Elect Options page the defaults will apply. As an example the PRT event will terminate all the benefits.


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After you have entered the elections, the final step is to Finalize/Enroll. This step will enroll the

employee into the Base Benefits record, and close the event. To Finalize/Enroll, you will need to

process Ben Admin by going to the Run Control page.


The final step is to verify enrollment or termination in the Base Benefits records depending on the

type of manual event you created.


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ON DEMAND EVENT MAINTENANCE With On-Demand Event Maintenance, you can run an individual participant through the entire

Benefits Administration process—from event scheduling to enrollment confirmation—with a single


The On-Demand Event Maintenance page allows you to perform all tasks associated with an

event if waiting for the batch process is not an appropriate option. The purpose of On-Demand

Event Maintenance is to allow you to quickly process employees on an as-needed basis.



Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > On-Demand Event Maintenance

Enter the Empl ID or name of the employee and press Search. Select the correct Empl Rcd and

Ben Rcd. The On-Demand Event Maintenance page will open.


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On-Demand Event Maintenance Page

Activity Date and Show Activities

This is the date on which the trigger activity for the Benefits Administration event occurred.

If the system finds only one activity for the employee, the system automatically displays the date. If there is more than one activity, click Show Activities to select an activity to process.

Source The type of action that triggered the activity record: a change to the employee address, multiple job flags or job data; manually adding an event through the Ben Admin Activity page; or a passive event.

Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

Used for employees with multiple jobs.

Employees with multiple jobs can have different sets of benefit elections. The system keeps track of the different sets of elections with different benefit record numbers.

Schedule/Prepare Activity

Click to run the Schedule/Prepare Activity process.

Pending Activities

Displays the number of events waiting to be processed for this employee ID/benefit record number combination.

As events are processed, they are deleted from the Ben Admin Activity page. If there are no events waiting to be processed, Pending Activities is 0 and the Show Activities button is not available.


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Action The type of job action associated with the action trigger.

For example, if the triggering action is a hire of an employee, the action is HIR. When the system processes the event, it uses the action to determine which event classification governs the event.

Show Activities page.

Select Select to process the activity.

When you select an activity record, information from that record provides the Activity Date, Source, Empl Rcd#, Pending Activity, and Action fields on the On-Demand Event Maintenance page.

Event Effseq This indicates the order in which events occurred if there was more than

one event for an employee in a single day


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To schedule and assign the event to a benefit program:

1. If the Pending Activities shows more than 1, click Show Activies, and select the event you wish

to process.

2. Click the Schedule/Prepare Activity button.

Note: The Schedule/Prepare Activity button is only active if there is an event waiting to be


3. When the system has finished processing, it issues a “Process completed successfully”



After the event has been scheduled and assigned, click the Prepare Options button to prepare

benefit options and election defaults.

Note: The Prepare Options button is only available when the event’s process status is AS, AE, or



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After options have been prepared click the Election Entry button to access the Election Entry


Note: The Election Entry button is only available when the process status is PR, NT, EE, RE or


On the On-Demand Event Maintenance page, the Entered field tells you how many plan election

choices have been entered versus the total number of plan election choices.

The elections can also be reviewed by clicking the Show Plans button.


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After elections have been entered, click the Validate/Finalize button to validate and load the

information to the benefits tables.

Note: The Validate/Finalize button is available if the process status of the event is ET, EE, RE.

Use the Finalize/Enroll Defaults check box to force-finalize an event to either default election

entry or to terminate benefits.


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REPROCESSING EVENTS Use the Event Status Update page to identify events that may need reprocessing. To open the

Event Status Update page from the On-Demand Maintenance page, click the Event Status


To reprocess an event that has been Enrolled and Closed:

1. Open Event Status Update and close the currently open event

2. Change the Event Status to Open and the Process Indicator to Re-Enter on the event to


3. Click OK or Apply

4. Click the Reprocess button on the On-Demand Event Maintenance page

5. Make any election entry changes

6. Click the Validate/Finalize button to enroll and close the event


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Note: Reprocessing an event with a Process Indicator of Re-Enter takes it back to the point of the

completion of election entry. This will allow you to make changes to the elections.

Prepare Options will take the event back to prepare benefit options and all of the elections you

made will be gone. This may be necessary if there was a change to the employee’s benefit

eligibility after the event was processed.

Assign program will take the event back to assigning a benefit program. This would be used if an

employee’s status changed and was now eligible for a different benefit program.


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VOIDING EVENTS Sometimes it is necessary to Void an event. As an example: if an employee is employed at

multiple companies and the Ben Rcd number changes during the Add Concurrent Job process,

the Hire event could be assigned to the correct employee but at the incorrect company Schedule

ID. This type of event may prepare options for the employee at the wrong company and will need

to be voided.

To open the Event Status Update page from the On-Demand Maintenance page, click the Event

Status button.

To Void an event:

1. Open Event Status Update

2. Close the currently open event

3. Change the Event Status to Open and the Process Indicator to Void on the event to reprocess

4. Click or Apply

5. Click the Reprocess button in the On-Demand Event Maintenance page

The system updates the event with a Process Indicator of Normal Processing and an Event

Status of Void and removes the event from processing.


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This process can be run as needed by each campus to delete disconnected and voided Ben

Admin events which will make reviewing active events easier.

Go to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > HE Purge Void/Disc BA Events

Schedule ID: Enter your campus event maintenance Schedule ID.

As Of Date: Enter a date or leave blank for the current date.

Click Run and Click OK on the Process Scheduler Request page.

Click the Process Monitor link to verify the process ends in Success.


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This process will check the Finalize/Apply Defaults box on events for the Temporary employees

with events assigned to the HAN or HA2 Benefit Programs and have an Event Status of Open

and a Process Status of Prepared. It does not include any events with an Action Source of Open


The process can be run as needed by the campus Benefits Administrators when they are ready

to have these types of events finalized.

To run the process, go to

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > HE Finalize Temp BAS Event

Enter your Run Control ID, and click search to open the Finalize HE Temp BAS Events Run

Control page.

Enter your campus Business Unit, and click .

Click on the Process Scheduler Request page which will begin the process. Click on

the Process Monitor link to view the process.

After the process has ended in Success, the regular Ben Admin run control process can be run

and the events will process and close.


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The TIAA-CREF modification will automatically fill the Eligibility Field 4 when the Professional

Experience Date is entered. A nightly process will run to evaluate all employees’ eligibility. If the

employee is eligible for the next level of TIAA-CREF, the process will insert a row with a TIA

Reason Code and change the Eligibility Field 4, benefit plan code in Job Data. A report can be

run each pay period to confirm the changes made by the nightly process. The process creates a

Ben Admin Misc, TIAA-CREF event which will enroll the employee into the new level of TIAA-

CREF in Base Benefits.


When the Professional Experience Date is entered for a TIAA-CREF eligible employee, Eligibility

Field 4 will have the correct TIAA-CREF benefit plan code. Please verify the code is correct in

Eligibility Field 4.


1. The nightly process will run at 11:45 PM to evaluate the employees’ TIAA-CREF eligibility.

2. If an employee is eligible to move to the next level of TIAA-CREF, the process will insert a

row with a TIA Reason Code and change the Eligibility Field 4 benefit plan code in Job Data

to the new level.

3. Print the TIAA-CREF report by navigating to

a. Benefits > Reports > Contributions and Deductions > HE TIAA-CREF Report

b. On the Process Scheduler Request page be sure to select ‘Web’ Type and ‘PDF’


c. The report will give details for the employees whose benefit plans were changed by

the process, including the Professional Experience Date, Previous and New Eligibility

(Elig Fld 4 code).

d. The report also lists employees who will be changed in the next two weeks.

e. Confirm that the changes made by the process are correct.

NOTE: The report should be run by the Benefits Administrator to confirm the changes and

process the Ben Admin events.

4. The employees who appear on the report with a change to their Eligibility Field 4 benefit code

will have a Misc Ben Admin Event with an Action Source of TIAA-CREF.

5. The ALL Scheduling process will Assign the event to the campus and Benefit Program. After

the campus processes the Run Control, the event will be Prepared and ready for processing.


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6. The event can be finalized by checking the Final box in Update Event Status.

a. Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status

7. Process the Ben Admin Run Control to enroll the employee into the new level of TIAA-CREF

in Base Benefits. The Ben Admin event status will be Enrolled and Closed.



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PROCESSING There are four basic phases in the process flow for Open Enrollment. These phases are iterative

and can be run numerous times. Each phase attempts to take the participant to a new Process


1. During the initial run of Open Enrollment, the system assigns selected employees to a

schedule and then assigns the scheduled employees to a benefit program from which their

eligible options are created.

2. Enrollment forms can be generated. The enrollment form will only list the benefit plans that

are affected by Open Enrollment and will show the employee’s current coverage. The

enrollment form can be used to assist in data entry and is not intended to replace the

insurance carrier forms.

3. The second run of Open Enrollment analyzes the Process Status of all participants attempting

to move them further along in the process. For those participants whose elections have been

entered, the Benefits Administration process validates the election and loads employee plan

and election information.

4. The final run of Open Enrollment occurs when you turn on the Finalize/Apply Defaults option

allowing you to process those employees who have not returned forms, or who are in an error

status. Default election entries, as defined by the Event Rules, are applied in these situations.

Open Enrollment schedules need to be setup each year by the HECN. Notification will be sent to

the campuses when the OE schedules are available for processing.


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STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL OPEN ENROLLMENT PROCESS Enter all pending changes to Job Data. Make any known changes to the employee’s job

data prior to running the OE process. Changes made to the job data after the OE has been

finalized may require the OE event to be reprocessed.

Process all open or unprocessed events. Check the Schedule Summary and the Process

Controls Update pages to verify if you have events that need to be processed and closed.

Prepare all enrollment information for entry. Plan to enter all annual enrollment entries at

one time. Do not run the OE process until you are ready to do all the election entries and

complete the process at one time.

Coordinate the OE process time with the HR Department. Do not allow any changes to be

made to the Job Data while the OE is open for processing. If changes are made while the OE

event is open it will close the OE event. After the new event process has been completed, the

OE event will need to be taken back to Assign Program and reprocessed. Any OE elections

made for this employee will need to be re-entered.

Run the OE event process. Follow the Open Enrollment Processing Instructions to run the


Election entry. Complete all the annual enrollment election entries at one time following the

Election Entry Instructions. The enrollment statement is available as an optional data entry


o New elections or changes in premiums will require a one-time deduction

override for payperiod ending 12/31.

o PRT events may be used to terminate the after-tax deductions for any pre-paid

benefits on payperiod ending 11/30.

o Life insurance coverage, if approved after OE is processed, will need to be

entered using a PRN event.

o General Deductions are not included with the Open Enrollment process.

o Select “Waive” if the election is ending. DO NOT remove the option code – this

does not end the coverage.

Finalize the OE event process. After you have completed the election entries, follow the

Open Enrollment Processing Instructions to finalize the OE event.

NOTE: Do not run the process to finalize until all election entries are made and you are ready to

close the OE event.


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Open Enrollment Process Follow-up

Monitor Job Data changes after OE is finalized. Monitor and assess the types of Job Data

changes that may occur after the OE event has been finalized. If the change will affect the

employee’s benefit or employment status, such as a status change from Regular to

Temporary, and the effective date is prior to January 1, the OE event will need to be

reprocessed. If the change does not effect the employee’s benefit or employment status,

such as a pay rate change, the OE does not need to be re-processed.

Check for Job Data changes that may require the OE event to be reprocessed. At the

Processing Controls Update page enter the OE schedule ID for your campus and check the

“Job Eligibility Change” box. This search will list all of the employees who have had a change

to their Job Data after the OE event has been finalized. If there is a Job Data change

effective prior to January 1, which has an effect on benefits eligibility, the OE event will need

to be reprocessed.

Use a PRN event to make an FSA election change after the process to change the FSA

deduction begin date to 12/31 has been run. If the OE event is re-processed the new FSA

election will have a deduction begin date of 12/16. The process to change the deduction

begin date to 12/31 will be the most effective dated row and the new election will not be

taken. If this occurs the 12/31 row should be removed. An email notification will be sent when

the FSA deduction date change process has been run.


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Changing level of coverage: Enter the new option code.

Dropping health insurance: Enter option code ‘W’.

If no changes are made, current coverage will remain in force. No entry is required.

Dental and Vision Insurance (Plan Type 11 and 14)

Changing level of coverage: Enter the new option code.

Changing from pre-tax to after tax, or after tax to pre-tax: Enter the new option code.

Dropping dental or vision insurance: Enter option code ‘W’

If no changes are made, current coverage will remain in force. No entry is required.

Supplemental Life Insurance (Plan Type 21 and 2E)

Increasing/decreasing amount of coverage: Enter the option code and new coverage

amount. Do not enter increases to coverage until you have received approval from

NDPERS. If the approval is received after the OE is finalized, the election will be entered by

using a PRN event.

Changing from pre-tax to after-tax, or after-tax to pre-tax: The first $48,700 ($50,000 less

$1,300 basic life) of supplemental life coverage may be pre-taxed. Enter pre-tax coverage

amounts under Plan Type 2E; enter after-tax coverage amounts under Plan Type 21.

Dropping supplemental life insurance: Enter option code ‘W’

If no changes are made, current coverage will remain in force. No entry is required.

Dependent and Spouse Life Insurance (Plan Type 25 and 2A)

Increasing/decreasing amount of coverage: Enter the option code for the new coverage. Do

not enter increases to coverage until you have received approval from NDPERS. If the

approval is received after the OE is finalized, the election will be entered by using a PRN


Dropping dependent or spouse life insurance: Enter option code ‘W’

If no changes are made, current coverage will remain in force. No entry is required.

Flexible Spending Accounts – Medical and Dependent Care (Plan Type 60 & 61)

Enrolling in flexible spending accounts - Enter the annual pledge amounts from the FSA

Annual Enrollment form.

Contribution Override field is used only for employees paid less than 12 months. The

amount to enter is the annual pledge divided by the number of pay periods the

employee will be paid.

Do not make any entries on the FSA Contribution Worksheet tab. Do not click the Calculate

button. The correct deduction will be calculated each pay period.

If no entry is made, current coverage will automatically terminate. No entry is required.


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Insurance Premiums Setup Under General Deductions (AFLAC, etc).

General Deductions are not part of Open Enrollment, make changes to the General

Deduction plans by using this navigation: Payroll for North America > Employee Pay Data

USA > Deductions > Create General Deductions


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Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event


Note: The OE run control created from a previous year can be re-used.

Click on the ‘add a new value’ link

Enter your campus company code followed by ‘OE’ (example: VCSOE), click the ADD button

Enter the Schedule ID for your campus and tab out of the field. The Schedule ID for Open

Enrollment will be your campus company code followed by O06 (example: VCSO06)

Press the Run button to take you to the Process Scheduler.

Select Server Name “PSNT” if it is not already selected.

Select the Benefits Administration process by clicking on the last box on the page.

Press OK to start the process. This will take you back to the Run Control page. Press

Process Monitor to view the status of the Ben Admin process.

When the process finishes (Success), press “Go Back to Run Control” to take you back to

Ben Admin.


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Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results >

Schedule Summary

Enter the OE Schedule ID. Press ; review the status of the open enrollment


The Process Status for your OE events should be Prepared (PR). This means that benefits

can now be elected.

Any events with a status of Assigned generally will mean there is another event open which

needs to be processed before the OE event can be Prepared. An Assign Error will mean they

are eligible for more than one program. Please submit a Remedy ticket if you have Assign


Note: To review events from the Schedule Summary by process status type, select the type you

wish to review from the Process Status lookup:

Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Processing


Enter the OE Schedule ID.

Select the event status type you wish to review from the Process Status lookup.


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(data entry purposes only)

Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Participant Enrollment > Print

Enrollment Statements

Enter OE Run Control ID.

Enter OE Schedule ID in the Schedule ID field.

Leave the EmplID field blank. This will produce Enrollment Statements for all benefited and

non-benefited employees within your schedule with a status of Prepared.

Enter the EmplID to print an Enrollment Statement for an individual employee.

Press the Run button to take you to the Process Scheduler

Make sure that Type = Web, and Format = PDF

Press OK to begin the process. After you press OK, you will be taken back to the Run

Control page.

Press “Process Monitor” to view the status of the process.

When the process has finished successfully, press ‘details’, view log/trace, and then select

the .PDF file. Doing so will launch Acrobat where you can view and print the Enrollment

Statement. You may wish to only print the enrollment statement for the employees who have

made benefit elections. Statements are produced for all benefited and non-benefited


The Enrollment Statement will show only the benefits eligible to be changed during Open

Enrollment. The employee’s current elections will be printed in bold. This form is not intended

to be distributed to employees; it should only be used as a data entry tool.


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Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Participant Enrollment > Perform

Election Entry

Select by Schedule and enter your OE Schedule ID.

Enter the employee’s EmplID. This will take you to the Option Election page.

Current elections will be pre-entered. If there is no entry in Base Benefits, the Option Box will

be empty.

Only enter changes to the employee’s elections. (New elections, changes, or waives.)

If there is no change, do not make any entry to the elections.

If the employee has election changes, enter the Option Code for each of the plan types, or

use the look-up to find the appropriate option. You will only see eligible options that are

allowed for the OE event.

After you have finished with your elections, make sure to press Save.

The event Process Status will now change to Entered (ET)

For detailed instructions on how to enter information for each type of benefit, please refer to the

‘Election Entry Instructions’.


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Note: The OE Schedule may error if any OE events have an Assigned status when finalizing the

OE event. Review the Schedule Summary prior to finalizing.

Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results >

Schedule Summary

Enter the OE Schedule ID. Press Search; review the status of the open enrollment event.

The Process Status for your OE events should be Entered (ET) or Prepared (PR).

Any events with a status of Assigned generally will mean there is another event open which

needs to be processed before the OE event can be Prepared. An Assign Error will mean they

are eligible for more than one program. Please submit a Remedy ticket if you have Assign


Note: To review events from the Schedule Summary by process status type, select the type you

wish to review from the Process Status lookup:

Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Processing


Enter the OE Schedule ID.

Select the event status type you wish to review from the Process Status lookup.


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Do not run the process to finalize until you are ready to close the entire OE event.

Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event


Enter your Run Control ID.

Enter your Schedule ID in the Schedule ID field.

Select the OE/Snapshot tab.

Check the Finalize/Apply Defaults box.

Press the Run button to take you to the Process Scheduler.

Select Server Name “PSNT” if it is not already selected.

Select the Benefits Administration process by clicking the last box on the page.

Press OK to start the process. This will take you back to the Run Control page. Press

Process Monitor to view the status of the Ben Admin process.

When the process finishes (Success), press “Go Back to Run Control” to take you back to

Ben Admin.


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Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results >

Schedule Summary

Enter the OE Schedule ID

The process status of the OE events should be Enrolled or Program None and they should all

be Closed except for the Events assigned to the HAN Benefit Program. Events with any other

process status should be reviewed using Update Processing Controls.

Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Processing


Enter the OE Schedule ID.

Select the type of Process Status of the events needing review.

Please submit a Remedy ticket if you are not able to get all of the events (except for HAN)



Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Participant Enrollment > Print

Confirmation Statements

Enter your OE Run Control ID.

Enter your OE Schedule ID in the Schedule ID field.

Leave the EmplID field blank - this will produce Confirmation Statements for all benefited and

non-benefited employees within your schedule. Including employees without any benefit


Enter the EmplID to print a Confirmation Statement for an individual employee.

Press to take you to the Process Scheduler

Make sure that Type = Web and Format = PDF

Press OK to begin the process. After you press OK, you will be taken back to the Run

Control page.

Press “Process Monitor” to view the status of the process.

When the process has finished successfully, press ‘details’, view log/trace, and then select

the .PDF file. Doing so will launch Acrobat where you can view and print the Confirmation



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Do not run Step 9 until you have completed Step 6.

If you have any questions regarding the OE events or process, please submit a Help Desk

ticket PRIOR to running Step 9.

Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event


Enter your OE Run Control ID.

Enter your OE Schedule ID in the Schedule ID field.

Select the OE/Snapshot tab

Reprocess Box: select Assign Benefit Program

Press the Run button to take you to the Process Scheduler

Select the Benefits Administraion process by clicking the last box on the page

Press OK to start the process. This will take you back to the Run Control page. Press

Process Monitor to view the status of the Ben Admin process.

When the process finishes (Success), press “Go Back to Run Control” to take you back to

Ben Admin.

Note: To review events from the Schedule Summary by process status type, select the type you

wish to review from the Process Status lookup:



Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results >

Schedule Summary

Enter the OE Schedule ID. Press Search; review the status of the open enrollment event.

The Process Status for your OE events should be Enrolled; Prog None and all events Closed.


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The Contract Pre-Pay option page is used to allow a contract employee who has chosen the HE

Pay Over Contract option to prepay employee-paid benefits over the course of a contract. This

is not used for employees who have chosen the HE Pay Over 12 Months option.

Employee-paid deductions are prorated over the contract period and the system will accrue

advance premium deductions.

The Contract Prepay needs to be set up each time an employee starts a new contract or modified

if they have a contract change.

A process is run to renew contract Prepay each year for recurring contracts setup as HE Pay

Over Contract. Prepay will need to be verified each contract term for benefit election changes.

Navigation: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Contract Administration > Contract

Prepay Options NA

Search by EmplID or Name. Click on the . The system will open the following page.

Effective Date: The begin date of the contract period.

Status: Select Active.


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Contract Number of Days: Defaults to the length of the contract period for the contract effective

on the Pre-Pay Options effective date. These are calendar days, not work days.

Prepay Limit %: Enter 100% - the percentage of the net pay amount that can be used to prepay


Plan Type: Select the Plan Type that this employee will be prepaying. Each employee-paid

deduction that will be escrowed must have a row on this page. Click on the icon to add

additional rows.

Begin/End Date: Enter the prepayment Begin and End dates for this plan type.

Prepay Options:

Contract: Use the Prepay option of ‘Contract’ when using a Flat Amount. The flat amount is

most commonly used for General Deductions. The flat amount can be used for other

benefited deductions, but when the rates change, the users will have to change the flat


Factor: Use the Prepay Option of ‘Factor’ and then insert the Prepay factor. When you first

insert rows into this page, the Prepay Option will be set to Contract and a Prepay Factor will

default once the End Date is populated. PeopleSoft calculates the Prepay Factor from the

‘Contract Number of Days.’ Since NDUS is using a semi-monthly payroll, you will need to

recalculate using the logic: # of Pay Periods not being Paid / # of Pay Periods being Paid.

Prepay Factor: No. of Pay Periods not being Paid / No. of Pay Periods being Paid.

Contract Calculation Prepay Factor

11 month (2/22) .10

10 month (4/20) .20

9.5 month (5/19) .26

9 month (6/18) .33

Flat Amt: Enter the flat amount that the system should deduct for benefits prepayment for

each pay period with the Begin and End date fields.

NOTE: NDUS is using the Contract Prepay Option for many of its General Payroll Deductions.

Because these deductions are all set up in Plan Type 00, the premium Flat Amount must be

used, or the system will deduct a prepay amount for all of the employee’s general deductions.

Click the button located at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: A process is run to renew Contract Prepay Options from year to year if the person is

marked HE Pay Over Contract. This is good in most cases, but if there have been any midyear

changes to Contract Prepay Options, these will not carry over cleanly from year to year. Please

verify Contract Pre Pay each year.


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The Prepay balance will need to be refunded when the employee:


Changes contract type to Paid Over 12 Months

Changes to a non-contract pay group

Changes benefit elections and the prepay balance is no longer needed

The prepay balance can be refunded by adding it to the pay sheet.

Create a manual pay sheet; use Earnings Begin/End Dates for when the contract was active


One-Time Deductions page:

o Plan Type: General Deduction

o Deduction Code: PrePay

o Sales Tax: B

o Flat/Addl Amount: Enter amount of prepay to be refunded

o Calculation Routine: Flat Amount

o Benefit Plan: leave blank

o Deduction Class: A

o One Time Code: Refund


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DEDUCTION ADJUSTMENTS Deduction adjustments are necessary due to pre-paid benefits, a semi-monthly payroll, and the

deduction-begin and end-date rules in PeopleSoft. The following guidelines will help coordinate

the one-time deductions on the payline.


Hire Date Benefits Start

August 10th September 1st

August 20th September 1st

Pay Period Pay Date Pays Coverage For:

7/16 – 7/31 8/15 (September) No deductions

8/01 – 8/15 8/31 (September) No deductions

8/16 – 8/31 9/15 October

9/01 – 9/15 9/30 October

The earliest the pre-paid insurance deductions can begin is the pay period preceding the

coverage begin date. The coverage always begins on the 1st of the month, and the deduction will

always be effective the pay period beginning the 16th of the month.

The deductions will not be available to do a one-time deduction on the pay period beginning the

1st of the month. An employee who is hired in the first half of the month will not have pre-paid

insurance deductions withheld the first pay period.

An additional deduction is REQUIRED on the pay period beginning the 16th of the month to pay

for the missed premiums. This will require a one-time deduction of the full month’s premium (two

regular deductions). The system will also take the regular deduction for the pay period. It will

appear as if this is a triple deduction for this one pay period.


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Termination Date Benefits End

August 10th September 30

August 20th September 30

Pay Period Pay Date Pays Coverage For:

7/16 – 7/31 8/15 September

8/01 – 8/15 8/31 September

8/16 – 8/31 9/15 October – Stop Deductions

9/01 – 9/15 9/30 October

The pre-paid insurance coverage ends the next month after the event date. The deduction will be

taken from the pay period containing the event date, but will not be withheld the pay period

following the event date.

If an employee terminates in the first half of the month, no one-time deduction will be necessary.

The deductions will be taken as usual to pay for the following month’s coverage.

If an employee terminates in the second half of the month, a one-time deduction to cancel the

pre-paid benefit deductions will be REQUIRED from the pay period beginning the 16th of the

month. The deduction for this pay period would be pre-paying beyond the coverage end date.

Other methods to stop the deductions for a terminated employee would be to change the

Deduction Subset to RET on the One-Time Deductions tab on the pay sheet. This will allow only

retirement benefits to be taken. Do not use this method if the employee has savings or FSA

deductions. A manual PRT event can be created to terminate the benefits that should not be



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Occasionally, leave balances may need to be adjusted due to shared leave and improper entry.

This section will describe how to make those changes.

Go to

Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA > Update Paysheets > By Payline


The following screen will display:

Enter the Employee ID in the EmplID field or enter the employee’s last name in the Last Name

field and click on .


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Once the employee has been selected the following page will display:

Code: Click on the to display the Earnings Code for the plan type selected.

Seq#: Leave field empty.

Rate Code: Leave field empty.

Hours: Enter the number of hours to be adjusted.

Rate: Leave field empty.

Amount: Leave field empty.

Enter the adjustment hours as appropriate for that leave plan. For a decrease in hours enter a

negative number (example: -4). For an increase in hours enter a positive number (example: 8).

Tab out of the field.

Click to save the leave balance changes.


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Donating Employee: Check to see if Other Earnings Fields are open for data entry. If the fields

are not open, add a row under Payline Details.

Then enter the correct donated leave Earnings Code and hours in the proper fields. Hours must

be entered with the (-) in front of the number. The negative sign will subtract the hours from the

donating employee’s balance.

Receiving Employee: Check to see if Other Earnings Fields are open for data entry. If the

fields are not open, add a row under Payline Details.

Then enter the correct donated leave Earnings Code and hours in the proper fields. This will add

the hours to the receiving employee’s balance.


H74 - Donated Sick Leave

H75 - Donated Annual Leave

NOTE: The donated leave used by the receiving employee must be entered using the regular

leave taken earnings codes.


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Examples of improper Leave Entry are

Leave entered under the wrong plan (ie annual hours entered as sick).

Leave Cards submitted late.

Leave Cards entered under the wrong earnings code for the paygroup.

Check to see if Other Earnings Fields are open for data entry. If the fields are not open, add a

row under Payline Details.

Once an additional row is added the dates need to be changed to match the pay period in which

the adjustment is being made for. Then under Other Earnings, enter the correct earning code

and hours.


H54 – Comp Time Bal Adjustment (Enter the 1.5 amount)

H76 - Sick Leave Balance Adjustment

H77 - Dependent Sick Leave Balance Adjustment (adjusts both Sick and Dependent Sick)

H78 - Annual Leave Balance Adjustment

A positive balance adjustment number adds to the leave balance and a negative number deducts

from the leave balance. These codes do not adjust service hours.

NOTE: When adjusting old leave balances it is best to use the current pay period dates. Using

the employee’s termination date will sometimes cause the pay calc to end in error.



H97 – Annual Leave Taken Hours Adjustment

H98 - Sick Leave Taken Hours Adjustment

H99 - Dependent Sick Leave Taken Hours Adjustment (adjusts only Dependent Sick)

A positive taken hours adjustment number adds to the taken balance and deducts from the leave

balance. These codes do not adjust service hours.



H96 – Service Hours Adjustment

A positive Service Hours adjustment number adds to the service hours balance and a negative

number deducts from the service hours balance


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Leave balances are paid out the pay period after the employee has received their last regular

paycheck. Since the employee is terminated, a manual paysheet will need to be created. Please

see the Payroll Training Manual for instructions on creating an On-Cycle Manual Paysheet.

H70 – Sick Leave Payout (the hours are paid out at 10% of the leave hours value)

H72 – Annual Leave Payout (needs to have an hourly rate entered on the paysheet)

NOTE: When adjusting old leave balances it is best to use the current pay period dates. Using

the employee’s termination date will sometimes cause the pay calc to end in error.

Use the current pay period dates on the pay sheet and the last most current position number for

the employee. Verify the position number, job code, DBT etc are still active.


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Savings Management will allow PeopleSoft to track 402(g) and 457 limits on an employee level.

Therefore, if an employee is eligible for limit extensions, the system will automatically give the

employee those extensions.

402(g) 15-year catch-up extension for 403(b) plans

402(g) Age-50 extension for 403(b) plans

457 Age-50 extension for 457 plans.

Go to Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Savings Management

The system will prompt you to the page shown below.

NOTE: As with other Base Benefit components, Savings Management will be view only. If there

are issues, please use the REMEDY ticket system.


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Company: Company where employee is employed.

Calendar Year: Calendar year of extension or calculation

Limit Type: Catch-up represents the row where an employee can use the over 15 years of

service extension.

Exception Reason and

Description: Reason for the exception:

A: 402(g) or 457 Limit Type. The Description field is: Catch Up Extend Limit.

B: 402(g) or 457 Limit Type. The Description field is: Age 50 Extend Limit.

E: 401(a) Limit Type. The Description field is: Adjust Eligible Earnings Year to Date.

To give flexibility in controlling the eligible earnings, the Limit Type 401(a) Adjust Eligible Earnings YTD amount can be used to adjust the eligible earnings accumulated in a positive or negative amount. The special accumulators used to define eligible earnings for the purpose of measuring the 401(a) limit begin accumulating at the start of the calendar year regardless of whether the employee is contributing.

H: This option is available if you select 402(g) in the Limit Type field. The Description field is automatically populated with Hardship Reduce Limit.


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Extension Election: If the system is going to use the Adjustment Amount (Extension Amount),

then the Extension Election box must be clicked on.

Adjustment Amount: Extension amount. The amount the employee is going to have their limit

extended by. For employees with 15 or more years of service or over the age of 50, the system

will fill this box and the Extension Election box.

Limit Amount Override: The override amount entered here will be used instead of the 402(g)

limit or extended 402(g) limit if the Ext Election is checked ON. It will apply to only 403(b) plans.

Updated On: The system enters a date when new information is saved.

User ID: The system identifies the user who updated the information.

SYS, which indicates that either the Age-50, 403(b), or 457 processes created the record.

<user ID>, which indicates that a user manually added the row

Contribution Suspension: Select the desired plan and benefit type for which contributions

should be suspended.


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Access the 403(b) Adjustments page (Benefits, Enroll in Benefits, Savings Management. Click the 403(b) link on the Savings Management page).


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Balance Information

The system displays the YTD and LTD balances calculated from the 403(b) process.

Balance Adjustments (This Company Only)

Use to enter employee contributions from a previous employer. The Calculate 403(b) Extensions process uses these figures.

Elective Deferrals Adjustment, Non-Elective Deferrals Adjustment, and Employee Contribution Adjustment

Enter the new amounts. Both the Calculate 403(b) Extensions and Pay Calculations processes use these fields.

Vesting Adjustments Enter the new amount. Both the Calculate 403(b) Extensions and Pay Calculations processes use these fields. A vesting adjustment is considered to be a type of employer contribution, so it is used along with the Employer Contribution YTD/LTD balance fields and the Employee Contribution Adjustment field.

General / Alternative Election Data (all Applicable Companies)

Override Service Years Calc (override service years calculation)

Select this check box if you need to override the system-calculated Service Years YTD field, the Service Year LTD field, or both displayed on the 403(b) Projections page.

Employer Contribution Maximum

This is the amount entered in the Maximum Yearly Deduction field located on the 415(c) Limit Table.

Termination Date (403[b]

expected termination date) If applicable, enter the date.

Current Year Contribution Subject to 415 Limit

This is the year-to-date deductions that are subject to the 415(c) limit.


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Access the 457 Adjustments page (Benefits, Enroll in Benefits, Savings Management. Click the 457 link on the Savings Management page).


457 Adjustments

This group box appears if you selected 457 in the Savings Plan Type field.

Other Employer Deferrals

The amount deferred to a 457 plan with another employer during the years of service with the current employer.

457 YTD Deferrals and 457 LTD Deferrals

457 year-to-date and life-to-date balances are automatically maintained as part of the 403(b) Extensions process for those employees who are enrolled in both a 457 and 403(b) plan


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SAVINGS MANAGEMENT PROCESSES The following Savings Management Processes are run centrally by the HRM Systems staff after

each pay confirm:

1. Savings Management Process: This process will update the employee’s Savings

Management page with the new contribution balances.

2. HE 15 Year Process: This process will verify employees who have completed 15 years of

service and update their Savings Management 402(g) Limit page with a 15 Year extension.

3. HE Age 50 Process: This process will create an Age 50 extension page for an employee

who will be age 50 by Dec 31 of the current year.


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The Dependent / Beneficiary pages in Base Benefits are open to entry allowing maintainence of

the dependent and beneficiary information if you chose to do so. It is currently not required to

maintain Dependent / Beneficiary information.

The Name and Address pages define the relationship of the person to the employee and determine whether the person is a dependent, beneficiary, or both. This definition affects the person’s eligibility to be enrolled in health benefits or to be assigned as a beneficiary in certain benefit plans.

The Personal Profile page defines the personal information about the person. This data also affects whether the person is eligible for benefits.


Navigation: Benefits > Employee/Dependent Information > Update Dependent/Beneficiary

Enter the Employee ID or LastName in the search criteria box.

Click on the ‘Search’ button.

The Dependent / Beneficiary pages will appear:


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ADD A DEPENDENT Dependent/Beneficiary ID will default to ‘01’ indicating that this record is the first dependent

and/or beneficiary listed under the selected employee.

Effective Date will default to the current date. This date can be changed to the correct effective

date for benefit elgibility purposes.

Click on the link to add a dependent’s information.


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Enter the dependent’s First and Last name on the Edit Name page.

Click to fill the Display and Formal Name fields.

Click to return to the Name Page.

Repeat these steps to enter additional dependents.

Click on the Address Tab to open the Address page:


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Check the Same Address and Phone as the Employee boxes to fill the address and phone

number fields with the employee’s information.

If the dependent address is different than the employee’s address, click the Edit Address link to

enter the dependent’s address.

Click on the Personal Profile tab to open the following page:


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Date of Birth: Enter the dependent or beneficiary’s birthdate. Certain benefit plans, such as life

insurance, require the birthdate to determine an individual’s eligibility.

Date of Death: When the dependent or beneficiary dies, enter the date of the death.

Medicare Entitled Date: This field is currently not being used by NDUS.

Birth Country, State and Birth Location: Enter the country in which the dependent or beneficiary was born. Depending on the country you enter, additional fields may appear that require more data entry. Enter a city, county, or both, to further define the place in which the dependent or beneficiary was born.

Riders/Orders: Click to access the Dependent/Beneficiary Riders page.


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Phone Numbers: Click to access the Dependent phone numbers page.

Effective Date: Defaults in from the Name page

Relationship to Employee: Enter the dependent or beneficiary’s relationship to the employee.

Gender: Enter the Dependent/Beneficiary gender.

Marital Status: Make appropriate selection.

Marital Status As of Date: Enter todays date, as that is the date the status is known.

Student, Disabled, Smoker: Indicate by selecting the appropriate check box(es). This field

should be filled in only if the dependent/beneficiary is a student.

Student Status As of Date – If the Student check box is selected, enter the date.

Occupation – Leave blank.

Country – Defaults to USA

National ID Type – Defaults to PR for Social Security Number

National ID – Enter the Dependent/Beneficiary Social Security Number. If you have not been

provided with the SSN leave the field blank

Note: If you get a warning that another EmplID has the same SSN assigned to it, this could be the

result of sharing the same dependent / beneficiary. This is a warning and you should be able to

save the data.

Primary ID – Select the box

Select the button located at the bottom of the page.


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To add additional dependent(s) click on the ‘Insert Row’ button located on the Name page

under the Dependent/Beneficiaries section. The Dependent/Beneficiary ID will default to ‘02’

indicating that this record is the second dependent and/or beneficiary listed under the selected

employee. Insert a new row for every dependent/beneficiary.

Repeat all of the Add Dependent steps listed above.

Select the button located at the bottom of the page.

ACA EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY 1. ACA Employee Eligibility page

a. A new page has been added in Job Data at the following navigation: Workforce

Administration>Job Information>Job Data. Click on the Benefits Program Participation

link, then on the ACA Eligibility Details link. It is also located at:

Benefits>Employee/Dependent Information>ACA Employee Eligibility. This page will be

primarily used to create an event in Ben Admin to enroll or waive ACA health insurance

for temporary employees.


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b. The code for the Affordable Care Act Common ID is NDU for all campuses in the NDUS.

c. CTS wrote a process to create this page for all current, temporary employees. The

following information was used as the default:

i. Effective Date: 11/01/2014

ii. Effective Sequence: 0

iii. ACA Eligibility Status: The status from the Job Code Table that corresponds with the

Job Code for the employee will be used

iv. Hours of Service: 30.000

v. Work Period: Weekly

vi. Calculation Method: Look Back

vii. Measurement Weeks: 52.00

viii. Evaluation Begin Date: 11/01/2013

ix. Evaluation End Date: 10/31/2014

x. Administration Begin Date: 11/01/2014

xi. Administration End Date: 12/31/2014

xii. Stability Begin Date: 01/01/2015

xiii. Stability End Date: 12/31/2015

xiv. ACA Calculation Hours section: The intent is to list the total hours for the

measurement period for multiple jobs handled by the employee and companies that

belong to the same parent ACA Common ID. Currently there is not a process to

load the data automatically.

d. To process a Ben Admin Event to enroll or waive health insurance offered to an

employee, follow these steps:

i. Go to Job Data. Add a row effective 11/16/2014 with an Action of Data Change,

Reason of ACA Eligible. Save. (Note: the system will not allow any updates in the

ACA Employee Eligibility page until the new row is saved.)

ii. Go to the ACA Employee Eligibility page, add a row effective 11/16/2014, select an

ACA Eligibility Status of Eligible, select OK or Apply.

iii. Process the Ben Admin event and select the ACA coverage elected by the

employee; Family, Single or Waive Coverage.

1. The Benefit Plan is ACA and the Deduction Code is P10109. This

benefit option is only set up on Benefit Program HA2 for temporary



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To view leave accrual balances for employees, use the following navigational path:

Benefits > Manage Leave Accruals > Review Leave Accruals.

Enter the Employee ID in the EmplID field or enter the employee’s last name in the Last Name

field and click on .


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The leave accrual balance page will appear:

The sample shows the sick leave balance for the employee.

As there are more balances associated with this employee, the system displays 1 of X (the

number indicates the number of rows for that employee). To see all the leave balances, click on

the View All hyperlink to the left of the arrow. Scroll down the page to view other types of leave.

Click on the Find link and enter the type of leave you wish to view. As an example enter “vac” to

view vacation leave accrual.

Accrual Balances – Hours section

Accrual Date: Last date the leave accrual process was run.

Carried Over From Previous Year: Updated only during the first run of the year.

Earned Year-to-Date: Maintains the accrued leave awarded and is updated each time the leave

accrual process is run.

Taken; Adjusted; Bought; Sold Year-to-Date: Updated each time the Leave Accrual process is run and values are moved from the corresponding Unprocessed Data fields.


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Accrual Totals section

Hours Balance: Employee’s current accrued time available.

The system calculates the Hours Balance by totaling

(Carried Over from Previous Year) + (Earned Year-to-Date) − (Taken Year-to-Date) + (Adjusted Year-to-

Date) + (Bought Year-to-Date) − (Sold Year-to-Date) − (Unprocessed Hours Taken) + (Unprocessed Hours

Adjusted) + (Unprocessed Hours Bought) − (Unprocessed Hours Sold).

Hours Value: Current monetary value of the hours balance.

The system calculates the hours value, or value of the unused hours, by multiplying the leave balance by the current hourly rate for hourly employees or the hourly equivalent for salaried employees.

Service Data section

Service Date: Date used for length of service calculations when the Service Unit is defined as Months.

Service Hours: Number of hours used for length-of-service calculations when the Service Unit is defined as Hours.

Unprocessed Data section

This section displays the hours that were entered here by the pay confirmation process run since the last accrual date. The leave accrual process is run after pay confirmation, which creates the new leave accrual page using the hours from the Unprocessed Data section.

Hours Taken; Adjusted; Bought; Sold: Updated each time the pay confirmation process is run.

Service Hours: The Pay Confirmation process will only update the service hours when the

employee is participating in the leave plan as of the Pay End Date.


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To view benefit enrollment information on a specific employee, follow the navigation path below:


Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > Current Benefits Summary

Enter the EmplID or Last Name in the search criteria box.

Click on the button.


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The Benefit Enrollment Summary page displays:


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The Benefit Enrollment Summary and the Benefit Deduction Summary pages allow you to view

the benefit plans and deductions for a specific employee their selected benefit plans.

Note: Plan Types that are future dated will not appear.


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To view benefit and job summary information on an employee, follow the navigation listed below.


Benefits > Employee Dependent Information > Review HR/Job/Payroll Data

Enter the EmplID or Last Name in the search criteria box.

Click on the button.

The Employee Data Summary page displays:


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This is an excellent location to find frequently asked information regarding employees, such as;

Employee Status, Benefit Employee Status, Department, Job Code, Social Security Number,

Date of Birth and Effective Date.


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Benefits > Employee Dependent Information > Review Dep/Ben Summary

Enter the EmplID or Last Name in the search criteria box.

Click on the button.

The Dependent/Beneficiary page appears.

This page displays a list of Dependent / Beneficiaries and the relationship for a specific



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The Employee Event Summary page contains detailed Ben Admin event information. The

summary has three separate pages:

The Participant page displays event status, event processing, and eligibility information for an

employee’s specific event.

The Plan Type page displays information on the plan types assigned to the employee’s event.

Through this page, plan type coverage information associated with the event can be obtained.

Use the scroll bar to move from one Plan Type to another.

The Option and Cost page displays the employee’s option details for the event’s benefit plans

along with displaying data on the system-calculated cost information for each plan option in the

employee’s benefit plan elections.


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Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results >

Employee Event Details


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This group box displays the event's ID, Status, Class, Source, Date, EffSeq, and Priority.

Status, the system displays a status code that indicates whether the event is Open for

Processing, Closed for Processing, or Void.

Source, the system displays the source of the event. The source could be triggered by a change

to an employee's address, union code, or job information, a passive event, or the insertion of a

manual event.

Priority is the priority level of the event class. The system uses Event Priority to determine the

order of processing for events that occur for an employee on the same event date, but which

have different event classes.

Multi-Activity Indicator if the check box is on, this event is the result of a situation where the

system located multiple activity records from BAS_ACTIVITY that had the same event date, and

event class and merged them into a single event.


This group box displays information the system uses for determining eligibility for the event.

If the event is associated with an action that may make the employee eligible for COBRA

coverage, the COBRA Action will display the action code.

If the event originated from an Address or Job data change, the Addr Effdt, and Job Effdt along

with the EffSeq of the event will be displayed.


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This group box displays information about the current processing status of the event.

The Benefit Program to which the employee has been assigned, the Process Status of the

event, the Status Date of the process status, the Process Indicator, and the Election Source

will all be displayed.

If an enrollment statement has been printed for this event, the date of the print will be displayed in

Option Notify.

When an election is entered for the event, the system date the elections were entered will be

displayed. The date the Confirmation Letter was printed will also be displayed in this group box.

If the event was finalized and/or defaults were applied, the Finalize/Apply Defaults check box

would be turned on.

The method the system used to deal with Excess Credits is displayed.

If changes have been made to the Address, Union Code, or Job Data or if the event was

processed out of sequence or disconnected, the appropriate flags would also be turned on.


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Curr Election is an indicator that explains why coverage might be terminated after event

processing has occurred.

Yes The employee had coverage in this Plan Type as of the Event Date

No The employee did not have coverage in this Plan Type as of the Event Date.

Only The employee had coverage in this Plan Type as of the Event Date, but the employee is no longer eligible for coverage in this Plan Type as a result of the event, leading the system to terminate the employee's coverage

Future The employee has a future dated election in this Plan Type that the system will terminate


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When the Elections Allowed check box is turned on, it means the employee can elect options in

this plan type.

After finalization, Enroll Action is set and reflects what action occurred. The possible values for

Enroll Action are None, Enroll, and Terminate. The results of the following Enroll Action values

are as follows:

Note: An employee may receive an Enroll Action of None if the election for the given plan type

matches the employee’s current election. If the employee stays in the same benefit plan for twenty

years, there will be only one enrollment record instead of twenty. Employees will also receive an

Enroll Action of None if there is an error with the election or no current election, and the event is force


If BAS Error is turned on, the system has encountered an error during eligibility and event rule

processing for this plan type. Be sure to check the Messages page.

This page also displays the Ignore Plan action that the system followed to process this plan type.

In the Dates group box, the system displays the Plan Enroll date, the Coverage Begin date, the

Deduction Begin date, and the Coverage Elect date.

In the bottom left corner of the Employee Event Summary-Plan Type page, the Option Code,

Benefit Plan and Coverage Code elected are displayed. If required proof has been received,

the Proof Received checkbox will be turned on.

When the system finalizes the employee, the Enroll Action and Coverage Elect fields are set.

Until finalization, these fields are filled with an Enroll Action default value of “None” and a

Coverage Elect default value of “Elect”.

In the bottom right corner of the Employee Event Summary-Plan Type page, information specific

to the plan type will be displayed.

None No action occurred for this plan type and none is taken.

Enroll Coverage Elect will be set to Waive or Elect.

Term Coverage Elect will be set to Terminate.


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In the Options group box, the Option Seq, Option ID, Option Type, Benefit Plan, Covrg Cd,

Option Code, Option Level, Coverage Base, Premium Base, Ded Class, and Pay Periods the

deductions will be taken are displayed.

If the Default Election check box is turned on, it means that the option is a default option that

can be assigned as a default to employees who fail to make their elections. It does not mean this

option has been assigned to the employee as a default option.


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When Proof Required is turned on, it means the employee must pass proof rules to legitimately

enroll in the plan.

The History Only check box identifies options the employee is eligible for but cannot choose until

an event such as Open Enrollment.



Several reports designed to help review Benefits Administration process results are delivered with

Benefits Administration. All of these reports can be accessed here:

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions

ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS REPORT Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Eligible

Participants Rpt

1. The Eligible Participants report (BAS001) lists by Schedule ID and benefit program

employees that are eligible to participate in the benefit programs.

2. For each employee, the Eligible Participants lists employee ID, name, event date, plan type

and descriptions, option code, coverage code, benefit plan and deduction class. It inserts a

page break at the benefit program level.

INELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS REPORT Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions >

Ineligible Participants Rpt

1. The Ineligible Participants report (BAS010) lists all people who are ineligible for any benefit

program and their eligibility parameters, such as birth date and status.

2. This report can be used to help research the reason for ineligibility.


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Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions >

Employee Process Status Rpt

1. To create an audit trail of processing statuses for each employee, the Employee Process

Status report can be printed after each run of the Benefits Administration process.

2. To print an Employee Status Report that is limited to employees of a specific schedule, enter

the appropriate Campus Schedule ID.

3. Indicating which Process Status to Include can further refine this report. If all boxes are left

unchecked, all event statuses will be included.


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Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Report

on Flagged Items

1. The Flagged Items report prints out a list of the employee events that have been flagged

during processing because the events were disconnected, or because the events were

determined to be potential candidates for reprocessing. If you think you need to reprocess an

event, call the NDUS Helpdesk.

2. You can choose to have the Flagged Items report display information about each flag that

helps you troubleshoot the reason the event was flagged, or you can have the system print a

"summary" version of the report that provides a minimum of information about each listed


3. Enter the appropriate Campus Schedule ID for the employees the system should search

through for reprocessing flags.


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4. In From Date and Thru Date, enter the date range the system should refer to when

searching for flagged employees. The system will only list employees who were flagged for

events with event dates within the date range specified.

5. In the Report Participants Flagged for group box, select the flags that the system should

use when compiling the report.

6. You can also select the Include Summary check box to have the system include summary

information on all flagged employee events found by the system.