NCTCOG - AIA Dallas...Buildings which provide services on a ... 403.1 High-Rise Buildings...

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Transcript of NCTCOG - AIA Dallas...Buildings which provide services on a ... 403.1 High-Rise Buildings...

NCTCOGNorth Central Texas Council of Government


What is NCTCOG?

A voluntary association of, by and for local governments, established to assist local

governments in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit, and coordinating

for sound regional development.

COG was established on January 20, 1966It was intended to help local governments improve

their capability to serve their citizens by defining regional issues, problems and opportunities; by

setting priorities, and devising policies, plans and programs to deal with them.

About NCTCOGServes 16 Counties and 230 member governments which make up the

General Assembly, who annually elect the Executive Board

What is NCTCOG Pamphlet online?

Executive Board7 locally elected officials and one ex-officio non-

voting member of the legislature and is the policy-making body for all activities undertaken by the

Council of Governments.

Organizational Chart


Regional Codes Coordinating Committee(RC3)

Resides under the umbrella of the Environment and Development Department

The RCCC researches and provides recommendations on the standardization of municipal construction codes.

28 members serve 2 year termsIt is comprised of building officials, architects, engineers, contractors,

educators, property management professionals, insurance reps, builders and developers.

RCCC PurposeThe primary purpose of the RCCC is to foster municipal government and private industry cooperation in promoting the

standardization of construction codes used within the North Central Texas region.

This includes the adoption of the NCTCOG Recommended Codes and the NCTCOG Regional Amendments. (The COG Amendments)


5 Regional Code Advisory Boards

Building & ResidentialElectrical

Energy & GreenFire

Plumbing & Mechanical

Building & Residential Advisory Board

Provides support and technical advice to NCTCOG’s Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) on a wide range of building issues.

The current Chair is Selso Mata, Building Official City of Plano The current Vice-Chair is Jack Thompson, Building Official Town of Westover


2015 Code Amendments Letter

Current Code Amendments

Typical Amendment Page

Section 1704 Special Inspections

Statement of Required Special Inspections

Approved Agency Documentation

Final Report of Required Special Inspections

The Code AmendmentsJarod Fancher

I will not read the code to you.

Most of what I say is paraphrased.

Read the amendment text to fully understand the associated changes.

Treat this presentation as a discussion.

Ask questions when you think of them.

How to Understand the Amendments Document

Underlined Text is Added InformationStrikethrough Text is Deleted Information

** = No New Changes from Previous Year*** = New Changes from Previous Year

Chapter 1

101.4 Referenced Codes


Adds legal language to state that an amendment to the IBC shall also amend

other referenced documents.

When you change the definition of an Atrium from 2 connected stories to 3 in the IBC.

It also changes the definition in the IFC.

101.4.8 ElectricalNew section added to include the

reference codes for electrical work.

The ICC Electric Code was replaced by IBC Appendix K in 2012.

The ICC Electric Code was replaced by IBC Appendix K in 2012.

So they removed it…

Appendix K recognizes NFPA 70 as the code for electrical construction.

NFPA 70 is the National Electric Code

103.1 Creation of

Enforcement Agency


Recommendation for a city to replace “Department of Building Safety” with the formal

name of their department.

104.2.1 Damaged Buildings104.10.1 Flood Hazard Areas


Un-amended, this states that the building official determines if work on

a damaged building is technically reconstructionor just repairs.

Recommends that Cities amend or delete these sections based on actual enforcement and flood

hazard ordinances.

105.2 Work Exempt from Permit

Removes some exceptions.

Single-story tool sheds, storage buildings, play houses and shade-cloth-structures-for-gardens

should not be exempt from permit.

These are often governed by the International Residential Code and local ordinances.

109.7 Re-Inspection Fee

New Section

New section which lists the faults that allow a City to charge a fee

for re-inspecting work.

For fun…

What are the reasons?

The work is not ready for inspection.

The building address or permit card is not posted.

Approved plans are not on site.

Building is locked.

Job is Red Tagged TWICE for the same reason.

A Red Tag is removed from the job site.

Failure to maintain erosion control, trash control or tree protection.

109.8 Work Without a Permit

New section

Allows an investigation fee to be charged for work started or completed without a permit.

The avoided permit fee must also be paid.

110.3.5 Lath & Gypsum Inspections

Removes an exception.

Removes the exception for materials on a non-rated assembly.

All lath and gypsum are inspected.

Chapter 2

202 Definitions

Ambulatory Care Facility

Buildings which provide services on a less-than-24-hour-basis to individuals who are rendered incapable of self-preservation by the

services provided.

The following services shall be included:

DialysisSedation Dentistry



Assisted Living Facilities

The definition was removed from the 2012 IBC and should be included since the term is still used

within the code book.


An opening connecting two three or more stories.

Allowed by legacy codes. Section 1019 permits unenclosed two-story stairs.


Section 1019 permits unenclosed two-story stairs & two-story spaces

were allowed by legacy codes.

Repair Garage

Definition added to align with the International Fire Code.

Special Inspector

Now includes language to include the Registered Design Professional

as a party to the special inspections process.

A qualified person employed or retained by an approved agency

who shall prove to the satisfaction of the registered design professional in responsible charge

and approved by the Building Official as having the competence necessary to inspect a particular type of

construction requiring special inspection.

High-Rise Building

Option A: Maintains the original definition with the 75-foot threshold.

Option B: The 75-foot threshold is reduced to 55-feet for jurisdictions who lack certain fire fighting capabilities; therefore, requiring larger sprinkler

threshold requirements.


Does anyone know how the sprinkler thresholds are affected by being a “high-rise building” ?

Chapter 3

303.1.3 Assembly Occupancy Associated

with E Occupancies


An assembly room associated with an Education building is not considered a separate occupancy.

An assembly room associated with an Education building is not considered a separate occupancy.

Except when applying the assembly requirements of Chapters 10 & 11.

Clarifications Only:

Cafeterias & Auditoriums must comply with means of egress & accessibility.

304.1 Business Group B

Adds to the uses list.

Fire Stations

Police Stations with 5 or less detention facilities

307.1.1 Uses Other than Group HUses with hazardous materials that are not

classified under Group H.

Clarifies Exception 4: Dry Cleaners.

New text calls attention to IFC Chapter 21, Dry Cleaning Plant provisions.

Chapter 4

403.1 High-Rise Buildings

Clarification to an exemption.

ONLY open air portions of a high-rise stadium are exempt from the high-rise requirements.

403.3 Automatic Sprinkler System

Removes an Exception

Removes the exception for telecommunication buildings to

be un-sprinkled.

403.3.2 Water Supply to Fire Pumps


Buildings above a certain height are required to connect to two separate water mains.

The amendment changes this threshold from 420 feet to only 120 feet.

404.5 Smoke Control

Removes Exception

Deletes the exception which excludes two-story atriums from requiring

smoke control.

This is consistent with the amended definition for an atrium.

406.3.5.1 Carport Separation

Adds text.

A fire separation is not required between carports and R-3 buildings.

COG recommends including R-2 apartment buildings, so long as they are at least

10 feet from the adjacent building.

Chapter 5

506.3.2.1 Open space Limits


Explains that an accessible area must be a street, fire lane, or 10 foot pathway meeting fire

department access requirements.

Chapter 7

712.1.9 Two-Story Openings


Two-story openings will be allowed to open onto corridors in R occupancies, but not allowed in H


This is consistent with the amended definition for an atrium.

Chapter 9

901.6.1.1 Standpipe Testing

New Section

Building owners must maintain and test standpipe systems per NFPA 25.

903.1.1 Alternative Protectionfor Automatic Sprinkler Systems


Alternate extinguishing methods cannot replace sprinkling, but can only be provided in addition to

a sprinkling.

Alternate methods are not as reliable as sprinkling. This also align with local practices.

903.2 Where Required

Sprinkler Exclusions

Elevator machine rooms, hoist ways, and elevator pits shall not be sprinkled.

Shunt trips are not allowed.

Storage must not be allowed within an elevator machine room, and signage must be posted on

the entry door stating that storage is not allowed in the machine room.

Telecommunication rooms are not excluded from automatic fire suppression.

903.2.9.3 Self-Storage Facility

New Section

All self-service storage facilities shall be sprinkled.

903.. Exempt Locationsfor NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systems

Added Language

When approved by the fire code official, certain spaces may be excluded…

903. Attics & Attached Garages

New Section

Sprinkler protection is required in attics of buildings over one-story and in all car garages

attached to a building.

903.3.1.3 NFPA 13D


Adds that a 13D system may be installed in residential occupancies or in accordance with

state law.

This allows the plumbing section of the IRC to be used in lieu of the 13D system in the IBC.

903.3.1.4 Freeze Protection

New Section

Requires freeze protection in vented attics with dry or anti-freeze systems.

Only allows heat trace & insulation in specific circumstances approved

by the building official.

903.3.5 Water Supplies

Added text.

Water-based fire protection systems must be designed with a 10 psi safety factor.

903.4 Sprinkler SystemSupervision & Alarms

Added text.

Additional water-flow detectors shall be installed which will detect water flow to prevent significant

water loss.

903.4.2 Alarms

Added text.

An alarm device is required on the exterior of the building with a waterproof

horn & strobe, and must be located as closely as practical to each fire department

connection (FDC).

905.2 Standpipe Installation

Added text.

Dry standpipes must have a minimum 10psi, maximum 40 psi

air pressure high/low alarm.

905.3.9 Buildings Exceeding 10,000 SF

New Section

Class I wet standpipes shall be provided in buildings with more than 10,000 SF per story or

200 feet of travel distance to the nearest point of fire department access.

905.4 Location of Hose Connections

Added requirements.

All standpipes to roofs with a slope less than 4:12 shall be provided with

a two-way hose connection.

Standpipe connections shall be placed at all required exits and at 200-foot

intervals along major corridors or as approved by the code official.

905.9 Valve Supervision

Added requirements.

Reinforces previous amendment:

Additional water-flow detectors shall be installed which will detect water flow to prevent significant

water loss.

907.1.4 Design Standardsfor Fire Alarms

New Section

All new fire alarms shall be addressable.

Alarms systems with more than 20 smoke detectors shall have

“analog initiating devices”.

Addressable Device

A component of a fire alarm system that has a specific identification and location.

These devices allow the user to check the individual status of a device and control many

other functions.

Analog Initiating Device

Indicates different degrees of conditions, as compared to a conventional device

that only indicates a on or off condition.

907.2.1 Group A


Adds the requirement of a manual fire alarm when there are more than 100 occupants above

or below the the level of exit discharge.

Activation of the fire alarm shall illuminate the means of egress and stop other conflicting sounds

or visual distractions.

907.2.3 Group E


All day care facilities shall be equipped with a smoke detection system.

907.2.13 High-Rise Buildings


The exception for stadiums is amended to align with the previous amendment.

Only open-air portions of a high-rise stadium do not require smoke detection.

907.4.2.7 Fire Alarm Box Type

New Section

Manual alarms shall be double-action.

907.6.1.1 Wiring Installation

New Section

Alarm systems shall be designed so that the failure of one device

does not affect the other devices.

907.6.3 Initiating Device ID

Exceptions Removed

The fire alarms system shall identify each specific device, as well as

its location and status.

909.22 Pressurization Alternative

New Section

Enforces language from the Fire Code for the pressurization of egress stairs and ramps and

proper ventilation.

910.2 Smoke & Heat Removal


Automatic smoke & heat removal is prohibited from areas with an (ESFR) Early Suppression Fast

Response sprinkler system.

Only manual systems can be required.

910.2.3 Group H

New Section

H-2 & H-3 buildings of more than 15,000 SF will require smoke & heat removal,

unless the building and its contents are non-combustible.

This allows for specific instances where it is best for a chemical to burn out

rather than to be extinguished.

910.3.4 Vent Operation

New Section

Smoke & heat vents shall be capable of activating both automatically and manually, controlled by

the fire alarm system or by a heat sensor.

910.4.3.1 Make-Up Air


Make-up air openings for smoke & heat removal shall be automatic.

This decreases the time for first responders to begin fighting a fire and saving lives.

910.4.4 Activation


The mechanical smoke removal system shall be activated by manual controls only automatically

by the automatic sprinkler system…

only early response systems will be manual.

912.2.3 Hydrant Distance

New Section

Hydrants must not be farther than 100’ from the FDC as the hose lays on the ground.

913.2.1 Fire Pump Room Protection


When located on the ground floor at an exterior wall, pump rooms shall have a man door for fire

department access, regardless of any interior access doors.

A knox-box is also required at this exterior door.

Chapter 10

1006.2.2.6 Electrical Rooms


Instructs the reader to refer to the Electrical Code for exit door requirements.

1009.1 Required Accessible Egress

New Exception

Buildings regulated under State Law and in conformance with State Law are exempt from the

IBC for accessible egress requirements.

1010.1.9.4 Bolt Locks


Where a pair of doors serves an occupant load of less than 50 persons in a Group B, F, S, or M occupancy, the inactive leaf may receive bolt


Where a pair of doors serves a Group B, F, S, A or M occupancy, the inactive leaf may receive bolt


As long as it is not needed to meet egress requirements, the building is sprinkled, and the the leaf is free from latches or panic hardware.


For funzies…

If the code explicitly allows something…it is allowed.

If the code explicitly prohibits something…it is not allowed.

What if it’s not explicit ?

1015.8 Window OpeningsR2 & R3 Occupancies

Red Pill / Blue Pill

Option AUnchanged: IF a window sill is

less than 36” AFF and 6’ above the ground, it must have fall protection.

Option BOperable windows where the sill is

55’ or more above the ground, fall protection is required.

1020.1 Construction

New Exception

Corridor walls in a single-tenant office building are not required to be rated as long as the space is

sprinkled, has a fire alarm, and has smoke detectors tied to that

fire alarm.

This aligns with previous City of Dallas amendments.


Section Removed

Grandstands and bleachers shall be separated (1HR) from spaces below, unless that space is a

ticket booth or restroom.

Reason: Unenforceable.

Chapter 11

1101.1 Scope

New Exception

This is the only time that I am giving you the codeword for word.

ExceptionComponents of projects regulated by and registered with

Architectural Barriers Division of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation shall be deemed to be in compliance

with the requirements of this chapter.

If TDLR covers it…

and there is an EAB number on the drawings…

You can ignore Chapter 11.

TDLR does not cover “apartment units”.

Those are considered private.

Apartments & condos must still comply with Chapter 11.

Apartments & condos must still comply with Chapter 11.

Right ?

Chapter 12

1203.1 General. Ventilation


Unamended: Buildings must be vented if the air change per hour is less than 5 changes.

Amended: Buildings must be vented if the air change per hour is 5 changes or less.

Chapter 15

1505.1 Minimum Roof Classification


The exception for R-3 & U occupancies to have unclassified materials is revised to exclude R-3.

Only Group U of less than 120 SF is excluded for unclassified combustible materials. Larger than that, must have non-combustible materials if they are to remain unclassified.

Deletes an exception for cedar and redwood shakes. These shall not be used for any commercial roof.

1505.7 Special Purpose Roofs


Special Purpose Roof = Wood Shingle / Shake Roof

Like we just said…you can’t do it.

NO wooden roofs.

1510.1 General. Roof Structures


Replacement Shingles or Shakes shall be in compliance with 1505.1.

Meaning: You can’t use them unless it is a tiny carport.

Like mini-cooper tiny…

9 x 18 = 162

9 x 18 = 162

162 > 120

No wooden shakes.

Chapter 17

1704.2 Special Inspections


Special Inspections must be obtained by the Registered Design Profession in Responsible Charge,

the owner, or the owner’s agent.

The special inspector must NOT be employed by the contractor.

Chapter 29

2901.1 Scope. Plumbing


IF this chapter conflicts with any part of Chapter 4 in the Plumbing Code, the Building Official chooses.

2902.1 Minimum # of Fixtures


Except for Group E, the number of fixtures may be reduced for special occupancy needs.

Submit reasons in writing to the Building Official for approval.

2902.1 Footnote ‘f’

Added note

Drinking fountains are not required for Group M with 100 people or less; Group B with 25 people or less; or

any dining & drinking establishments.

2902.1.3 Additional Fixtures

New Section

Hand washing sinks and service sinks shall be provided at all food preparation areas.

Chapter 30

3002.1 Hoistway Enclosure Protection


Elevator enclosures within atriums are not required to be rated.

Elevator enclosures within parking garages are not required to be rated if they ONLY serve the

parking garage structure.

3005.4 Machine Rooms


Reworded to allow for remote closets where the cables from the closet to the hoist way

are not required to be rated.

3005.7 Fire Protection in Machine Rooms


Prohibits any fire suppression system that would require a shunt trip.

Shunt trips are not allowed.

3005.8 No Storage Sign

New Section

Reinforces that a machine room requires signage stating that storage is not allowed within the

elevator machine room.

3006.2 Hoistway Opening Protection


Option A: Rated doors are required if the hoist way is more than 75 feet in height measured from

the ground level to the top floor.

Option B: …55 feet…

Chapter 31

Ready for the LAST one!!

3109.1 General. Pools & Spas


Swimming pools shall comply with the requirements of this code as well as applicable

state laws.

NCTCOGNorth Central Texas Council of Government


The preceding information was taken from the NCTCOG website:North Central Texas Council of Governments | 616 Six Flags Drive P.O. Box 5888 Arlington, TX

76005-5888 Main Operator: (817) 640-3300 | Fax: (817) 640-7806