NCPC's Final CJ - FY 2014 - 4.15 › docs › NCPC_Justification_for_Appropriation_FY_201… · 2...

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Transcript of NCPC's Final CJ - FY 2014 - 4.15 › docs › NCPC_Justification_for_Appropriation_FY_201… · 2...


Members of the Commission ................................................................................................. 1

Budget Request Overview ..................................................................................................... 2

National Capital Planning Commission

Background ................................................................................................................ 4

Our Mission ............................................................................................................... 4

Functions and Responsibilities .................................................................................. 4

Strategic Goals ........................................................................................................... 6

Organizational Chart .................................................................................................. 7

Analysis of Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Request ...................................................................... 8

Major Changes: Fiscal Year 2014 General Salary ................................................................. 9

Major Changes: Fiscal Year 2014 Program Support ............................................................. 10

Major Changes: Fiscal Year 2014 Leased Space ................................................................... 11

Summary of Budget Estimate by Program Activity .............................................................. 12

Program Request: Comprehensive Planning ......................................................................... 13

Program Request: Federal Capital Improvements Program .................................................. 16

Program Request: Plan and Project Review .......................................................................... 18

Program Request: Project Planning and Partnerships ............................................................ 21

Program Request: Management Systems ............................................................................... 24

Program Request: Operational Systems ................................................................................. 27


Comparative Spending Analysis by Object Classification .....................................................30

Detail of Permanent Positions .................................................................................................31

Annual Performance Plan ................................................................................................... 32

Status of Pertinent Authorization and Appropriation Language .............................................52



Appointed Members By the President

L. Preston Bryant Jr., Chairman Virginia

Elizabeth A. White United States At Large

John M. Hart Maryland

By the Mayor of the District of Columbia

Arrington Dixon District of Columbia

Robert E. Miller District of Columbia

Ex Officio Members Honorable Charles “Chuck” Hagel

Secretary of Defense

Honorable Kenneth Lee Salazar Secretary of the Interior

Honorable Dan Tangherlini Acting Administrator of General Services Honorable Thomas R. Carper Chairman Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs United States Senate

Honorable Darrell E. Issa Chairman Committee on Oversight and Government Reform United States House of Representatives

Honorable Vincent C. Gray Mayor District of Columbia

Honorable Phil Mendelson Chairman Council of the District of Columbia





The National Capital Planning (NCPC) is a small - independent agency that employs approximately 50 personnel and contract support staff to accomplish its mission of preserving and enhancing the unique natural resources of the nation’s capital. During FY 2012, NCPC continued to successfully accomplish its core mission with limited resources. NCPC reviewed over 140 development proposals and plans in the National Capital Region as part of its project planning and review responsibilities. Many of these proposals and plans were generated by the federal government’s largest landholders and involved major master plans, commemorative works and planning and revitalization projects. Associated with its comprehensive planning functions, NCPC adopted the Transportation Element and circulated for public comment the Workplace Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital.

NCPC and its federal and local partners completed and released for public comment the draft Southwest Ecodistrict Plan, a vision to transform the 10th Street Corridor, and its environs, into a model 21st century sustainable community. In support of the Administration’s Open Government Initiative, NCPC expanded its Speaker Series to engage and make it easier for the public to learn about NCPC’s planning activities. To a great extent NCPC’s success is attributable to the outstanding coordination and collaboration across agency boundaries that have resulted in the sharing of knowledge and resources and the elimination of redundancies. In addition, the agency’s effectiveness is the result of the continuing development of staff to improve organizational performance, improved business processes and the leveraging of technology.


NCPC’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Budget Request is a culmination of rigorous discussions and analyses of the resources, priorities, and strategies required to continue to achieve our core mission within the targets established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For FY 2014, the agency’s overall management priorities and plan for advancing better government performance and management outcomes are focused on several major themes, Commemoration, Security, and Sustainability. These priorities and plans are exemplified in our work related to the Southwest Ecodistrict, Physical Security in the Federal Triangle Area, and Temporary Commemoration. In all three areas, we envision opportunities to achieve long-term savings and significantly improve program effectiveness and efficiency.

For FY 2014, NCPC’s budget request is $8,084,000. This budget request considers all factors contributing to program and operations costs, (including personnel, rent, communications, security, etc.) as well as a reduction in Information Technology (IT) spending. The salary estimates included in this request are based on a projected 1.0 percent cost-of-living adjustment for FY 2014.


Below is a snapshot of the FY 2014 Budget Request relative to NCPC’s FY 2011, FY 2012 Appropriation and the FY 2013 Annualized CR. For more information regarding NCPC’s FY 2014 request, please refer to the budget analysis tables on pages 8 through 12.

Account FY 2011

Appropriation FY 2012

Appropriation FY 2013

Annualized CR FY 2014 Request

Salaries & Expenses $8,507,000 $8,154,000 $8,191,000 $8,084,000

Rescission $17,014 $13,047 $0

Base Total $8,489,986 $8,140,953 $8,191,000 $8,084,000




The United States Congress established the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) in 1924 as a park-planning agency. Two years later Congress expanded NCPC’s role to include comprehensive planning. In 1952, under the National Capital Planning Act, Congress designated NCPC as the central planning agency for the federal government responsible for all property in the District of Columbia, and all federal property in the National Capital Region (NCR). The National Capital Region encompasses an area of approximately 2,500 square miles, including the District of Columbia; Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties in Maryland; Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties in Virginia; and the incorporated cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, Fairfax, and Manassas that lie within that geographic area.

In 1973, the D.C. Home Rule Act established the Mayor the chief planner for private development in the District of Columbia. The Act maintained NCPC as the central planning agency for all federal lands and facilities in the District of Columbia and the National Capital Region.


The National Capital Planning Commission protects and enhances the extraordinary historical, cultural, and natural resources of the NCR by crafting long-range plans, analyzing emergent planning issues, reviewing site development and building proposals, and monitoring federal capital investment.


The National Capital Planning Commission’s main functions and responsibilities include comprehensive planning for the nation’s capital; an annual assessment of all proposed federal capital improvements in the NCR; the review of proposed federal development projects; and representing the federal interest in local and regional planning initiatives.

Comprehensive Planning

NCPC is responsible for the preparation and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements and review of the District Elements for the consideration and protection of the federal interest. The Comprehensive Plan is a statement of goals, policies, and guidelines for the future development of the NCR. The Federal Elements of the Comprehensive Plan cover the following areas: Federal Workplace: Location, Impact, and the Community; Foreign Missions and International Organizations; Transportation; Parks and Open Space; Federal Environment; Preservation and Historic Features; and Visitors.


NCPC is also responsible for developing specialized plans for long-range development in the NCR. Some of NCPC’s most successful plans include the Extending the Legacy: Planning America’s Capital for the 21st Century, the Memorials and Museums Master Plan and the groundbreaking National Capital Urban Design and Security Plan. NCPC’s recent planning initiatives include CapitalSpace, an open space plan for the nation’s capital and the Monumental Core Framework Plan (Framework Plan), an initiative to encourage the location of future memorials and museums beyond the National Mall.

Federal Capital Improvements Program

Annually NCPC prepares the six-year Federal Capital Improvements Program (FCIP) for the region. The report, which contains land acquisition and development proposals for all federal agencies, is submitted by NCPC to the Office of Management and Budget. This annual report evaluates agency proposals from a regional perspective and provides the Administration with recommendations concerning their consistency with the Comprehensive Plan for the NCR. NCPC also provides research and analyses on emerging issues shaping effective federal operations in the NCR.

Plan and Project Review

As the central planning agency for the federal government in the National Capital Region, NCPC reviews all development proposals on public lands to ensure that plans are consistent with the nature and function of the national capital. These proposals include master plans, project plans, site selection for and design of commemorative works, amendments to the District of Columbia zoning map and regulations, and street and alley closings. NCPC provides professional and technical planning expertise in urban design, historic preservation, environment, energy, transportation, zoning, and land-use to federal, state, and District agencies and coordinates federal plans with local, state, and regional planning partners.

Project Planning and Partnerships

Due to the unique relationship between the federal government, District of Columbia, and regional governments, the National Capital Planning Commission provides regional leadership to protect the federal interest and advance the implementation of federal planning initiatives. By forging strong partnerships, and through effective coordination, NCPC has been able to advance the critical recommendations of its Legacy and Comprehensive Plans. Some of these projects include the DC Circulator Transit Service, Flooding and Stormwater Study, National Mall Levee Project, and the Monumental Core Framework Plan.




Goal 1: By crafting plans and policies that employ the highest standards of urban design and planning, the National Capital Planning Commission will define the federal government’s interest in the long-term development of the National Capital Region.

Goal 2: NCPC will review proposals subject to Commission approval or advice to determine whether they are consistent with the federal interest, and we will represent the federal interest on local and regional planning bodies.

Goal 3: NCPC will inform the public of its activities, encourage citizens to become involved in the planning process, and participate in broader professional discussions at local, national, and international levels.

Goal 4: NCPC will build consensus and facilitate cooperation among citizens, public interest groups, nongovernmental organizations, and governmental agencies to shepherd plans and policies toward fruition.

Goal 5: To respond to the changing planning needs of the National Capital Region, NCPC will embrace the best practices for the continual development of its human resources, work processes, and technology.


Office of Executive Director Office of Secretariat

Office of General Counsel

Physical Planning Division

Policy and Research Division

Office of Administration

Office of Public Engagement

Urban Design and

Plan ReviewDivision

National Capital Planning CommissionOrganizational Chart

September 2012





This table is a summary of the major differences between the FY 2014 and the FY 2012 requests. A detailed analysis by category is provided on pages 9 through 12.

Labor Costs $000

FY 2014 Within-Grade Increases 34

Personnel Compensation 307

Labor Cost Subtotal 341

Non-Labor $000

Program Support (567)

Leased Space 169

Non-Labor Cost Subtotal (398)


Within-Grade Increases – An increase of $34,000 is requested based on an analysis of actual personnel data for within-grade increases anticipated in FY 2014.

Personnel Compensation – An increase of $307,000 from FY12 actual levels is the net of filled vacancies and promotions.

Program Support – A decrease of $567,000 in program support is the result of reductions in advisory and assistance services, travel, training, machine maintenance, supplies, and hardware and software expenses.

Leased Space – An increase of $169,000 is consistent with terms in agreements with the General Services Administration and the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Protective Service.





The total salary estimate for FY 2014 will increase by $341,000 compared to FY 2012. This increase takes into account within-grade increases, career ladder promotions, and filled vacancies. The chart below details the salary changes by program area.

Program Areas FTE

FY 2014 WGIs $000

FY 2014 Personnel

Compensation $000

Total FY 2014

Pay Factors


Comprehensive Planning 10




Federal Capital Improvements 1




Plan and Project Review 10




Project Planning and Partnerships 7



89 Management Systems

Commission Area 2




Executive Area 3




Public Engagement 1



(82) Operational Systems

General Operations 3

6 1


Financial Mgmt/HR 2




Information Technology 2




Total Change to General Salary 41 34 307 341





To ensure NCPC’s FY 2014 Budget Request continues to support the agency’s core functions, material program support decreases are anticipated in the amount of $567,000. This includes cuts to advisory and assistance services, printing, operational maintenance, and agency travel and training.

Program Areas $000

Comprehensive Planning (37)

Federal Capital Improvements 10

Plan and Project Review (13)

Project Planning and Partnerships (256) Management Systems $000

Commission Area (1)

Executive Area 1

Public Engagement (11) Operational Systems $000

General Operations (60)

Financial Mgmt/HR (12)

Information Technology (188)

Net Change to Program Support (567)





NCPC has an established lease agreement with the General Services Administration (GSA) for commercial office space in the District of Columbia. The lease agreement includes a $169,000 increase in expenses compared to the FY 2012 actual.

Program Areas $000

Comprehensive Planning 25

Federal Capital Improvements 18

Plan and Project Review 39

Project Planning and Partnerships 26 Management Systems $000

Commission Area 25

Executive Area 12

Public Engagement 6 Operational Systems $000

General Operations 6

Financial Mgmt/HR 6

Information Technology 6

Total Change to Leased Space $169



FY 2012 Actual

FY 2013 Annualized CR

FY 2014 Funding Estimate

Analysis of Increases/Decreases Overall Change

Total Labor & Non-Labor

Total Labor & Non-Labor

Total Labor & Non-Labor Labor



Total Labor & Non-Labor

Program Activity FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 Salary & Benefits

Program Support

Leased Space FTE $000

Comprehensive Planning





10 1,623 175


25 -


Federal Capital Improvements

1 260

1 275

1 299 12 10

18 -


Plan and Project Review





10 1,614 97





Project Planning and Partnerships





7 1,298 89


26 -


Management Systems

- Commission Area

2 427

2 482

2 487 36


25 -


- Executive Area

3 762

3 757

3 759

(16) 1

12 -


- Public Engagement

2 285

1 193

1 198











6 1,444





(30)Operational Systems -

- General Operations

3 406

3 349

3 359 7


6 -


- Financial Mgmt/HR

2 735

2 717

2 742 13


6 -


- Information Technology

2 877

2 951

2 705 10


6 -







7 1,806 30


18 -


Total, NCPC:





41 8,084 341


169 -






FY 2012 Actual

FY 2013 Annualized CR

FY 2014 Request

Total Change Salary & Program

Support FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 Appropriated Funds 10

1,459 10

1,495 10


- 164

Level of Funding Requested

The Comprehensive Planning Program will have an increased funding requirement of $164,000 in FY 2014, including a $175,000 increase in salaries and expenses, a $37,000 decrease in program support, and a $25,000 increase in leased space expense.

Program Summary

As the national capital, Washington, D.C. benefits from the federal presence in many ways. National attractions draw millions of visitors each year; foreign missions and international organizations locate here; and federal offices provide employment and help define the city’s architectural character. The city and the federal government are inextricably linked. However, these very benefits also create many challenges for the region that require expert planning and coordination.

As the central planning agency for the federal government in the National Capital Region, the NCPC is charged with planning for the appropriate and orderly development of the national capital and the conservation of its important natural and historical features. Title 40 USC §8721 requires that NCPC prepare and adopt a “comprehensive, consistent, and coordinated plan for the National Capital.” NCPC’s Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements provides a blueprint for the long-term development of the national capital, which guides Commission action on the plans and proposals submitted for its review.

NCPC prepares and adopts Federal Elements of the Comprehensive Plan, which address critical issues such as transportation, the environment, locating federal facilities, historic preservation, and tourism, among others. The Federal Elements guide NCPC’s specialized long-range plans such as the Framework Plan and the CapitalSpace Initiative, which further the agency’s Comprehensive Plan policies. In addition to the Federal Elements, NCPC also reviews and comments on the District Elements of the Comprehensive Plan.



Program Accomplishments

In FY 2012, NCPC continued its work to update the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements. The overall goals of the updates are to ensure they are effective, accurate, and reflect current government policies and planning goals. The NCPC adopted the revised Transportation Element and circulated for comment the draft Federal Workplace Element. NCPC advanced its work with the Urban Design Task Force to guide the development of an Urban Design Element. The new Urban Design Element will establish policies that address how federal facilities and campuses fit within the urban context of Washington, D.C. and the National Capital Region. The draft Urban Design Element was completed and released for public comment in the Fall of 2012.

NCPC, the National Park Service and the Commission of Fine Arts have updated the draft report, The State of Commemoration Planning in Washington, D.C. The draft report is based on research regarding the establishment and development of commemorative works in Washington, D.C. The study was prompted by interest expressed during the public comment period of the Monumental Core Framework Plan, the National Mall Plan and during the comment periods of individual memorial projects. The State of Commemoration Planning is designed to trigger an open dialog with the public, agency stakeholders, and Congressional sponsors about the current memorial landscape and key issues that warrant improvement and further study.

NCPC continued to work on mapping commemorative sites in the District and the Region. Phase I of the online map has been completed and is currently on NCPC’s main website. The map helps visitors and residents learn about over 120 commemorative works and their location in our nation’s capital. Phase II of the online map responds to comments and suggestions from the general public to enhance the map to depict non-NPS federal memorials and local memorials in the District and throughout the Region.

NCPC worked in close partnership with the Commission of Fine Arts, the General Services Administration, the District of Columbia Office of Planning and other federal and local agencies to develop the draft Southwest Ecodistrict Plan. The draft plan was released for a 60-day public comment period.

The Southwest Ecodistrict Plan is a vision that identifies urban development scenarios, urban design and environmental strategies, and a set of recommendations to achieve development and sustainability goals for the 10th Street and Maryland Avenue corridors. The recommendations identify next steps and an organization structure for future implementation. A general transportation analysis; energy, water and waste resource modeling at a building and district level; and a market study conducted by the District Office of Planning as part of the Maryland Avenue SW Small Area Plan, informed the recommendations for the SW Ecodistrict Plan.


Proposed 2014 Comprehensive Planning Work Plan

Update the Visitor Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements (Strategic Objective 1.A).

Update the Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements (Strategic Objective 1.A).

Develop an inventory of all parking in Federally-owned facilities (Strategic Objective 1.B). 

Initiate a study to assess the impact of a changing Federal footprint in the National Capital Region. Topics may include telework, mobility, infrastructure, building re-use, and amenities (Strategic Objective 1.B).

Study the feasibility and benefits of constructing additional entrances to the Federal Triangle and Archives/Navy Memorial/Penn Quarter Metrorail stations to promote the recommendations of the Monumental Core Framework Plan (Strategic Objective 1.C).

Advance the Monumental Core Framework Plan’s (MCFP) SW Ecodistrict Action Agenda through creation of implementation strategies for each of the MCFP’s major initiatives (Strategic Objective 1.C).





FY 2012 Actual

FY 2013 Annualized CR

FY 2014 Request

Total Change Salary & Program

Support FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 Appropriated Funds 1

260 1

275 1




Level of Funding Requested

The Federal Capital Improvements Program will have an increased funding requirement of $39,000 in FY 2014, including a $12,000 increase in salaries and expenses, a $10,000 increase in program support requirements, and an $18,000 increase in leased space expense.

Program Summary

Each year, as required by 40 USC §8723, NCPC prepares a six-year Federal Capital Improvements Program (FCIP) for the NCR. The long-term goal of the FCIP is to promote federal investments that are consistent with overall planning policies for the region. Federal agencies submit proposed capital expenditures including construction and rehabilitation of office buildings; improvements to roads and bridges; enhancements to recreation, military, and cultural facilities; and building and land purchases. NCPC evaluates these proposed improvements for conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and other adopted plans and policies to ensure that they meet federal planning objectives.

The program contains federal public works projects which, based on the policies, are recommended by the Commission for implementation in the succeeding six years. NCPC’s FCIP review also helps guide the agency’s planning activities in the region. The FCIP for fiscal years 2012-2017 contains 113 proposed projects submitted by 14 agencies and totaling $5.3 billion. Working closely with its partners, NCPC develops the concept level plans that lead to the creation of capital budget estimates for the funding of these future improvements.

Program Accomplishments

The Commission initiated a comprehensive review of the FCIP to assess the program’s effectiveness and to identify enhancements to further the agency’s mission.

NCPC, as required by the Planning Act, reviewed the District of Columbia’s Capital Improvements Program to determine what impacts the program may have on the federal establishment in the NCR. NCPC also reviewed and commented on the capital improvements programs for other state and local jurisdictions in the region, including the City of Alexandria, Loudon, Prince William and Fairfax Counties in Virginia and Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties in Maryland .


Proposed 2014 Federal Capital Improvements Work Plan

Review, analyze and complete the Federal Capital Improvements Program for FY 2015-2020, as required by 40 USC § 8723(a) (Strategic Objective 2.B).

Review all available capital programs for jurisdictions in the region, including the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia (Strategic Objective 2.B).

Continue enhancement of the interactive web accessible multi-user database system for storing, managing and reporting project information for the Federal Capital Improvement Program (Strategic Objective 2.B).





FY 2012 Actual

FY 2013 Annualized CR

FY 2014 Request

Total Change Salary & Program

Support FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 Appropriated Funds 9

1,491 10

1,585 10

1,614 1


Level of Funding Requested

The Plan and Project Review Program will have an increased funding requirement of $123,000 in FY 2014, including a $97,000 increase in salaries and expenses, a $13,000 decrease in program support expense, and a $39,000 increase in leased space expense.

Program Summary

This component of NCPC’s budget funds salaries and expenses related to the coordination and review of proposed development plans and projects of federal and District of Columbia agencies and local jurisdictions in the NCR. NCPC also reviews District of Columbia zoning actions for their impact on the federal establishment.

On a monthly cycle, in preparation for the Commission’s public meeting, staff reviews plans and projects for compliance with policies in the Comprehensive Plan, The National Capital Urban Design and Security Plan, the Memorials and Museums Master Plan, and the Commemorative Works Act. The Commission’s review process is designed to provide for the orderly development of the national capital and to ensure that government facilities are well-planned and well-designed facilities. Through early consultation with NCPC, agencies receive design and planning feedback on projects to ensure that federal buildings meet the highest standards and to maximize federal land and infrastructure resources.

NCPC staff reviews master plans and project plans for federal and District of Columbia installations and public buildings; site and design proposals for commemorative works in the District of Columbia and its environs; and proposed amendments to the District of Columbia zoning map, zoning regulations, and highway plan amendments, including street and alley closings, for their impact on the federal interests.

In addition, the staff advises the Commission on the impact of federal and District of Columbia development proposals on historic properties and the environment, while ensuring compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NCPC staff also approves appropriate building permit applications for projects in the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Area.


Program Accomplishments

In FY 2012, the Commission reviewed the urban design, environmental, transportation and historic preservation implications for 145 projects. These projects included 2 commemorative works, 3 master plans, 2 street and alley closings, 23 zoning proposals, and 115 planning and revitalization programs as well as capital budgets.

The Commission approved the preliminary design and final foundation plans for the National Museum of African American History and Culture to be located at the corner of 15th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW. The 373,798 square feet museum will contain state-of-the art galleries, offices for program and administrative staff, and an education center.

The Commission approved the final plans for the Ukrainian Famine Memorial at the intersection of North Capitol Street and Massachusetts Avenue and F Streets, NW. Congress authorized the Government of Ukraine to establish a memorial on federal land in the District of Columbia to honor the memory of the million that lost their lives and to serve as a tangible reminder of the need to prevent such tragedies in the future.

The Commission approved the Master Plan for the Intelligence Community Campus-Bethesda. The master plan provides a vision and framework to transform the facility into a secure campus supporting U.S. Intelligence Community activities.

The Commission approved the University of the District of Columbia – Van Ness Campus Plan. This campus plan was updated to accommodate projected student growth through the year 2020 and it features the construction of a new student center and student housing, and the installation of new green roofs on existing buildings.

The Commission approved preliminary and final site development plans for the Federal Triangle Heritage Trail, a self-guided walking tour consisting of 16 signs that highlight the art architecture, and history of the Federal Triangle in Northwest Washington, D.C.

The Commission approved the preliminary and final site development plans for streetscape and site improvements at the Lafayette Building, 811 Vermont Avenue, NW. The building’s site will be upgraded with new street trees, benches, street lighting, pavement and wheelchair ramps.

The Commission commented favorably on Phase II and III of the turf and soil reconstruction on the National Mall. This project includes reengineering of the subsurface soil; planting new turf; and constructing a below-grade irrigation and water storage system.

The Commission approved the preliminary and final site development plans for the installation of five Capital Bikeshare stations near the National Mall. The Capital Bikeshare program is a collaborative effort between the District of Columbia and Arlington County governments to provide alternative transportation for workers, visitors, and residents within their jurisdictions. Each station is a modular, portable bicycle renting system that does not require excavation or other infrastructure; is solar-powered; and provides an antenna for wireless communications.

The Commission commented favorably on the concept design for the installation of perimeter security elements at the Herbert C Hoover Building, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW. The proposal includes a cable rail system that will be concealed by stone-clad piers and other security elements such as bollards, and reinforced light and flag poles.


The Commission approved plans for site improvements and installation of perimeter security at the Albert B. Bryan United States Courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia. The proposal includes the installation of bollards, reinforced garden walls, and retractable bollards.

The Commission approved a number of projects at Fort Belvoir to include: the National Intrepid Center of Excellence, National Museum of the United States Army, Travel Camp, and Automated Car Wash.

The Commission also approved a number of BRAC related projects at the Naval Support Activity Bethesda - Wounded Warrior Transition Lodge, Senior Enlisted Housing Units, and Replacement of Gates 3 and 4.

The Commission reviewed and commented on the Southwest Waterfront First Stage Planned Unit Development which identifies building massing, land uses, open space development, waterfront development and improvements as well as related map amendments.

NCPC continued to serve as an active member of the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) and the Foreign Missions Board of Zoning Adjustment (FMBZA). BZA is responsible for granting relief from strict application zoning regulations, approving certain uses of land, and hearing appeals of actions taken by the Zoning Administrator. FMBZA also reviews the location, expansion, or replacement of chanceries in certain mixed-use areas in the District of Columbia.

Proposed 2014 Project and Plan Review Work Plan

The Commission will continue to develop enhancements and new functions for the Central Files Information System, the user-friendly database that houses the agency’s information for plan review projects and other agency project information (Strategic Objective 5.C).

To ensure compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, the National Capital Urban Design and Security Plan, the Monumental Core Framework Plan, the CapitalSpace Plan, the Commemorative Works Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, transportation plans and analyses, and other applicable regulations, the Commission will:

Review and analyze the planning, urban design and architectural components of federal plans and projects and make recommendations to the Commission for action (Strategic Objective 2.A).

Review and analyze the planning and design of District of Columbia public projects and make recommendations to the Commission for action (Strategic Objective 2.A).

Review and analyze proposed actions of the Zoning Commission, and proposed street and alley closings (Strategic Objective 2.A).

Review and update the project applicant submission guidelines (Strategic Objective 2.A).





FY 2012 Actual

FY 2013 Annualized CR

FY 2014 Request

Total Change Salary & Program

Support FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 Appropriated Funds 7

1,439 7

1,387 7




Level of Funding Requested

The Project Planning and Partnerships Program will have a decreased funding requirement of $141,000 in FY 2014, including an $89,000 increase in salaries and expenses, a $256,000 decrease in program support, and a $26,000 increase in leased space expense.

Program Summary

There are countless federal, regional, and local agencies in the NCR whose activities can affect development in and around Washington, D.C. The NCPC provides regional leadership with other agencies and jurisdictions to protect and advance federal planning initiatives. This role is clearly identified in the objectives of the Commission’s implementing legislation. The legislation identifies NCPC as the central planning agency for the National Capital Region and provides for the participation of appropriate planning agencies to ensure that the nature and function of the nation’s capital is protected.

The agency’s success in this capacity is apparent in the numerous partnerships NCPC has formed and the contributions NCPC has made to successful planning projects and initiatives in the NCR. Through formal agreements, NCPC holds seats on the:

o Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Transportation Planning Board to guide regional transportation planning;

o National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission to advise Congress, the Secretary of Interior, and the Administrator of General Services on memorial issues; and

o DC Surface Transit Inc., a public-private partnership that helped to introduce the city’s newest transit system, the DC Circulator.

NCPC establishes effective planning partnerships with other federal agencies, the District and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, to advance critical recommendations outlined in the Commission’s plans, such as the Legacy Plan, Monumental Core Framework Plan, CapitalSpace Plan and National Capital Urban Design and Security Plan. These relationships include supporting the Federal Highway Administration’s efforts to study ways to improve mobility in the vicinity of the White House and partnering with federal agencies to improve future commemorative sites adjacent or near the National Mall, Collaborating with the Metropolitan Council of Governments to develop regional solutions to issues such as the environment, affordable housing, security and transportation.


Program Accomplishments

In FY 2012, the Commission continued to advance the work of its Interagency Security Task Force. The Task Force held an all-day workshop to identify strategies for balancing the security and urban design priorities of federal spaces in the monumental core. An outgrowth of the workshop is a district-wide approach to security and site planning for the Federal Triangle precinct. The Task Force is developing recommendations on how to efficiently and effectively address the Federal Triangle’s perimeter security needs throughout the historically significant precinct while enhancing its public spaces for pedestrians and visitors.

In October 2011, NCPC released the Federal Triangle Stormwater Drainage Study along with a Companion Report that summarizes the staff review of the findings. This study focused on interior drainage and supplements the ongoing 17th Street, NW levee work on the National Mall by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The report includes an explanation of the cause of the 2006 flood, a range of alternatives for mitigating flooding, and a modeling of various design storm scenarios for the Federal Triangle and the resulting flood elevations for each scenario.

NCPC in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the US Army Corps of Engineers held the Federal Triangle Flood-proofing Seminar. The one-day event included tours showcasing flood-proofing and on-site stormwater facilities of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and the National Archives, as well as presentations by FEMA, the USACE, and facilities managers of various buildings in the Federal Triangle precinct. Facilitators discussed the significance of Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, in accomplishing a federal agency’s mission, provided attendees with tools for assessing flood risks and building vulnerabilities to flooding, and real world examples of flood-proofing techniques used in the Federal Triangle.

In January 2012, NCPC submitted its Fiscal Year 2011 Greenhouse Gas Inventory to OMB and CEQ. In FY 2011 NCPC reduced its greenhouse gas emissions 14.5% from the 2008 baseline and 13.5% from FY 2010.The reduction between FY 2011 and FY 2010 can be attributed to a decrease in employees for FY 2011 that reduced the agency’s Scope 3 emissions and there was an increase in the number of employees teleworking approximately one day a week.

NCPC continued to serve as a member of the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission advising the Secretary of the Interior and the Administrator of General Services on policy and procedures for the establishment of commemorative works in the District of Columbia and its environs.

Proposed 2014 Project Planning and Partnership Work Plan

Coordinate with federal and local partners to ensure that the D.C. Zoning and Building Codes are updated to advance the SW Ecodistrict recommendations (Strategic Objective 1.C).

Partner with the District Department of Transportation to develop streetscape and public design guidelines for all streets and public spaces in the SW Ecodistrict (Strategic Objective 1.C).

Coordinate with the Department of State and the District of Columbia on the master planning efforts to transform the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Campus into a site


that accommodates future international chanceries and a sustainable mixed-use community (Strategic Objective 4.A).

Partner with federal and local agencies to prepare a Monumental Core infrastructure needs assessment study. Initial focus will be the stormwater system infrastructure (Strategic Objective 4.B).





FY 2012 Actual

FY 2013 Annualized CR

FY 2014 Request

Total Change Salary & Program

Support FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000

Appropriated Funds 7

1,474 6

1,432 6




Level of Funding Requested

The Management Systems will have a decreased funding requirement of $30,000 in FY 2014, including a $62,000 decrease in salaries and expenses, an $11,000 decrease in program support requirements, and a $43,000 increase in leased space expense.

Program Summary

This budgetary component funds salaries and expenses related to NCPC’s 12-member governing body (Commission) and Offices of the Executive Director, Secretariat, General Counsel, and Public Engagement.

The diverse membership of the Commission reflects NCPC’s unique planning and coordination role in the region and ensures that the Commission balances federal and local interests. The 12-member Commission includes three presidential appointees; two mayoral appointees; a representative of the three major federal landholding agencies (the Department of Defense, the Department of the Interior, and the General Services Administration); one member of the U.S. Senate; one member of the U.S. House of Representatives; the Mayor of the District of Columbia; and the Chairman of the City Council of the District of Columbia.

The Office of the Executive Director provides the 12-member Commission with planning expertise and policy recommendations, guides the agency in fulfilling its mission and principal objectives, sets agency priorities, oversees the day-to-day operations of the agency, represents the agency before OMB and Congress, and serves as the liaison with federal, state, and regional agencies as well as professional organizations and planning boards.

The Office of the Secretariat acts as a primary liaison with the Chairman and members of the Commission. It prepares notices, agendas, memoranda of action, and other materials related to Commission meetings; assists in responding to federal and local agencies and the public regarding agenda items and subsequent actions of the Commission; and advises the presiding officer at Commission meetings on Commission by-laws and standing rules of procedures.

The Office of the General Counsel advises the Commission, Executive Director, and staff on the statutory powers, duties, and functions of the Commission and on legal questions in the fields of planning, plan review, environment, transportation, zoning, open space, and landmarks preservation. It also reviews and prepares litigation reports, serves as the Ethics and Privacy Officer, responds to FOIA requests, and ensures compliance with federal laws.


The Office of Public Engagement (OPE) prepares and disseminates materials and information to educate the general public and specialized audiences about planning and development in the national capital. OPE seeks to involve local, national, and international audiences in the planning process; responds to the media and general public regarding specific plans and projects pending before the Commission; executes public outreach programs that advance Commission goals; and continuously updates all agency information that is made available to the public through NCPC’s website, social media and written materials.

Program Accomplishments

In FY 2012, NCPC held 11 monthly Commission meetings to review and guide development plans and proposals including site and building plans, antennas, commemorative works, capital budgets, street and alley closings, and zoning proposals. During these public meetings, Commissioners voted on important planning and development issues affecting the NCR after carefully reviewing project proposals and hearing public input. Through this democratic process, the Commission strives to shape a dynamic, well-designed, and well-planned capital city.

The NCPC briefed congressional representatives, OMB officials, and City Council members on ongoing and emerging issues including planning for security, the work of the Interagency Security Task Force, and the Eco-district Task Force.

At the request of the Office Management and Budget, NCPC reviewed and commented on proposed legislation and testimony regarding: Wall of Remembrance at Korean War Memorial, Peace Corps Commemorative Act, Gold Star Mothers National Monument Act, World War II Prayer Act of 2011, Frank Buckles World War I Memorial, Eisenhower Memorial, National Liberty Act Memorial, the US Coast Guard Headquarters move to St. Elizabeths, the Future of the National Mall, and the Height Act.

Provided legal advice to the Commission and staff on a wide range of planning and policy matters and effectively implemented NCPC’s environmental and historic preservation policies and procedures.

Assured proper agency response to government-wide compliance mandates and presented ethics training for Commission members and staff in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Office of Government Ethics.

In an effort to keep the public informed about the importance of planning for the national capital and its many natural resources, NCPC staff participated in numerous panel discussions, symposiums, conference and interviews with national and local media and representatives of professional publications. Commission members and staff also gave presentations to national, international and local audiences on the agency’s key activities and sought the public’s feedback on NCPC’s planning and development projects. NCPC hosted public meetings on planning initiatives to discuss and solicit public opinions concerning the development of an eco-district along the 10th Street Corridor, Transportation and Federal Workplace Elements of the Comprehensive Plan Federal Elements: National Capital Region.

NCPC continued its speaker series to include presentations on Redefining Security a Decade after 9/11, Agents of Change: Local Perspectives on Federal Design, Shades of Green: Washington’s Emerging Ecodistricts, and Sustainable Installation Planning.


NCPC published its 2011 Annual Report, Year in Review. The report highlights NCPC’s three priority areas: Security, Commemoration and Sustainability. It also addresses the core programs: Comprehensive Plan, Federal Capital Improvements Program, and Urban Design and Plan Review.

NCPC continued to keep the public and stakeholders aware of its activities through its E-Newsletter. NCPC participated in social media, e.g. Facebook, live chats, outlets to assist in educating and keeping the public informed.

NCPC hosted numerous foreign delegations, providing an overview of the agency’s work in the nation’s capital and exchanging ideas and strategies with international planning professionals. NCPC welcomed visitors from Switzerland, China, Russia, Panama, Belgium and Switzerland. Many of the visits were arranged at the request of other federal agencies including the State Department. The agency also hosted numerous U.S.-based university groups, federal executives and planning professional from other domestic cities

Proposed 2014 Management Systems Work Plan

Continue to provide advice on the development of strategies, programs, and projects to enhance the national capital’s extraordinary historical, cultural, and natural resources (In support of all Strategic Objectives).

Continue to develop and enhance alliances with other federal agencies and local, regional, national, and international organizations to further urban planning and design in the National Capital Region (Strategic Objective 4.A).

Continue to advise key congressional committees in support of the agency’s programs, plans, and projects, including committees on Appropriations, Transportation, and Energy/National Parks and Public Lands (In support of all Strategic Objectives).

Inform and educate the public through a variety of methods using visual and social media, internet technologies, the NCPC public website, and other outreach activities. Develop and provide planning information through special events, such as the Speaker Series, media coverage and productions such as the agency’s E-Newsletter (Strategic Objectives 3.A & 3.B).

Develop the agency’s 2013 Annual Report (Strategic Objective 3.A).





FY 2012 Actual

FY 2013 Annualized CR

FY 2014 Request

Total Change Salary & Program

Support FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 FTE $000 Appropriated Funds 7

2,018 7

2,017 7




Level of Funding Requested

The Operational Systems will have a decreased funding requirement of $212,000 in FY 2014, including a $30,000 increase in salaries and expenses, a $260,000 decrease in program support requirements, and an $18,000 increase in leased space expense.

Program Summary

The Operational Systems of NCPC are located in the Office of Administration (OA). The Office of Administration provides day-to-day operations and support to the Commission and staff in the areas of human capital management; financial management and accounting; budget formulation, execution, and control; procurement and contracting; space and facilities management; property and inventory; and other general administrative functions. OA provides advice and support to the Executive Director and the Chief Operating Officer on federal-sector management policies and procedures to ensure legislative restrictions, requirements in budget and financial management, human capital management, and all other administrative matters are fully understood and complied with in carrying out the agency’s mission.

The division is also responsible for the Commission’s technical support systems, information security, communication systems, software application training, and information technology (IT) policy and planning. OA strives to integrate Commission activities with IT; web and internet applications; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Computer-Aided Design (CAD); telecommunications; database development; business and financial accounting systems; and multimedia applications.

Program Accomplishments

In FY 2012, NCPC replaced its legacy telecommunications infrastructure with an Internet Protocol based telecommunications solution. This accomplishment reduces future telecommunications costs by 40%, streamlines the agency’s voice communications infrastructure and provides enhanced telephony functionality.

Completed the virtualization of its network server infrastructure to simplify the agency’s information technology infrastructure, improve disaster recovery and reduce operational overhead.


To ensure managers remain current with the latest human resources policies and regulations, NCPC continued to advance the NCPC Managers Briefing Series. This agency-centric educational series leverages low-cost or free knowledge sharing opportunities through short, focused training sessions, webinars or other management development tailored to meet specific management or human resource requirements. The approach has proven to be cost-effective, convenient and highly productive.

NCPC updated its National Security Classified Information Policy, the Reasonable Accommodations Policy, and the Limited English Proficiency Policy.

NCPC continued to ensure its financial management and accounting practices, internal controls and financial reporting are performed at the highest possible standards. The Department of Treasury’s Financial Management Service scored NCPC’s budgetary financial reporting for all e quarters of FY 12 as GREEN, the highest degree of accuracy and timeliness performance.

In meeting NCPC’s Small Business Administration Procurement Preference Goal, 50% of agency procurements were awarded to small businesses during FY 2012, well above the 32% goal established for NCPC.

NCPC completed an audit of its FY 2011 financial statements and received an unqualified audit opinion and a report of no material weaknesses.

Proposed 2014 Operational Systems Work Plan

Continue to improve the agency’s workforce planning through recurring workload analysis and employee competency and skill assessments (Strategic Objective 5.A).

Advance the agency’s workforce wellness through effective employee training and development, innovative human resource management, and strengthening of employee relations (Strategic Objective 5.A).

Strengthen agency financial management through the recurring review and refinement of internal controls and procurement processes (Strategic Objective 5.B).

Maintain an adaptable, advanced and cost efficient technology infrastructure that properly aligns and supports agency strategic goals (Strategic Objective 5.C).

Develop/deploy web technologies to enhance collaboration and data sharing with other federal agencies, local governments and the public (Strategic Objective 5.C).

Sustain a robust, balanced information security management program (Strategic Objective 5.C).






Budget Account 95-2500-01

2012 Actual

2013 Annualized CR

2014 Request

Direct Obligations

Personnel Compensation

11.1 Full-Time Permanent $3,803 $4,060 $4,198

11.3 Other than Full-Time Permanent $115 $58 $59

11.5 Other Personnel Compensation $57 $59 $0

11.9 Total Personnel Compensation $3,974 $4,178 $4,257

12.1 Personnel Benefits $1,207 $1,251 $1,265

Program Support

21.0 Travel & Transportation $54 $50 $29

23.1 Rental Payments to GSA $1,326 $1,466 $1,495

23.3 Communications, Utilities & Misc. $178 $184 $211

24.0 Printing & Reproduction $10 $8 $6

25.1 Advisory & Assistance Services $916 $716 $586

25.2 Training and Misc. Expenses $78 $68 $56

25.3 Government Services $36 $33 $39

25.4 Facilities Maintenance $34 $60 $47

25.7 Operational Maintenance $209 $95 $49

26.0 Supplies $36 $23 $23

31.0 Equipment $80 $59 $21

32.0 Fixed Equipment/Space Alterations $4 $0 $0

Sub-Total Other Expenses $2,960 $2,763 $2,561

99.0 Total Obligations $8,141 $8,191 $8,084

Full-Time Equivalent Employment: 41 41 41





Budget Account 95-2500-01

2012 Actual

2013 Annualized CR

2014 Estimate

Direct Obligations

Executive Schedule (EX) 1 1 1

Senior Executive Service (SES)

SES 2 2 2

Sub-Total of FTE’s 3 3 3

General Service (GS)

GS-15 8 7 6

GS-14 3 3 3

GS-13 12 13 14

GS-12 5 3 6

GS-11 2 2 2

GS-10 1 1 0

GS-9 4 4 4

GS-8 0 0 0

GS-7 1 2 2

GS-6 0 0 0

GS-5 1 1 1

GS-4 0 0 0

GS-3 0 0 0

GS-2 0 0 0

Sub-Total of FTE’s 37 36 38

Total Permanent Positions 40 39 41

Unfilled Positions at End of Year (1) (2) (0)

Total Permanent Employment at End of Year 41 41 41


National Capital Planning Commission


Fiscal Year 2014

Agency and Mission Information


The National Capital Planning Commission’s (NCPC) Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Performance Plan (APP) establishes the goals to fulfill its mission as the central planning agency for the federal government in the National Capital Region (NCR). This APP delineates the performance targets to measure success in achieving the goals. Through its principal activities of long-range planning, the review of site and building proposals, and the analysis and preparation of the federal capital improvements program, NCPC will continue to define and protect the federal interest in the development of the capital city and the surrounding area.

This APP is the culmination of rigorous discussions and analysis of the resources, priorities, and strategies required to achieve the mission within the targets established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). For FY2014, the agency’s overall management priorities and plan for advancing better government performance and management outcomes are focused on several major themes: Commemoration, Security, and Sustainability. In these areas, NCPC envisions opportunities to achieve long-term savings and to significantly improve program effectiveness and efficiency.

In FY2014, NCPC will continue to improve coordination of federal, local, and regional planning activities, make internal processes more efficient, and expand outreach to new audiences. This APP reflects hard choices--difficult policy and programmatic decisions that must be made in conditions of uncertainty. It focuses primarily on those activities that are within the control of this agency, while acknowledging a number of external factors that may influence the agency’s ability to achieve its goals.

External Factors

NCPC works with a variety of partners, including federal, state, and local agencies that have a direct stake in many of its planning efforts. Achievement of the performance targets in this plan is contingent in part upon the contributions of other agencies. NCPC will continue to foster strong working relationships among stakeholders and partners as a means of furthering its objectives. NCPC acknowledges the possibility that unforeseen events may affect the priority of performance targets, particularly those that address emergent issues. NCPC also recognizes that there are significant fiscal constraints that all agencies must consider.

Mission Statement

The National Capital Planning Commission protects and enhances the extraordinary historical, cultural, and natural resources of the NCR by crafting long-range plans, analyzing emergent planning issues, reviewing site development and building proposals, and monitoring federal capital investment.


Vision and Values

The National Capital Planning Commission envisions a vibrant world capital that accommodates the needs of our federal government; enriches the lives of the region’s residents, workers, and visitors; and embodies an urban form and character that reflects the enduring values of the American people.

NCPC is committed to the following set of guiding principles in the fulfillment of our mission and the attainment of our vision:

Public Service. We serve the citizens of Washington, D.C., the NCR, and the United States. We are results-oriented public servants, dedicated to meeting the immediate and long-term needs of the federal establishment.

Stewardship. We protect the integrity of the national capital’s built and natural environments and serve as guardians of Washington’s extraordinary design, culture, and historic legacy to ensure their conservation for the use and enjoyment of future generations.

Leadership. We lead by example, educating and informing all citizens about the importance of planning in the nation’s capital. We maintain the highest level of expertise in our professional fields, and we employ best practices and cutting-edge technologies. We foster partnerships and coalitions among federal and local agencies, professional and civic organizations, and members of the public to achieve shared implementation goals.

Inclusiveness. We accept, value, and embrace all people in our communities. To foster inclusiveness, we promote the free exchange of ideas and opinions and the fair and equitable treatment of all. We believe there is strength in diversity, and we recognize, respect, and appreciate different views.

Excellence. We continually seek improvement through sustained commitment to quality, increased effectiveness and efficiency, and dedication to the public and the betterment of the nation’s capital.

Scope of Responsibilities The United States Congress established the National Capital Planning Commission in 1924 as a park-planning agency. Two years later Congress expanded NCPC’s role to include comprehensive planning. In 1952, under the National Capital Planning Act, Congress designated NCPC as the central planning agency for the federal government responsible for all property in the District of Columbia, and all federal property in the National Capital Region. In 1973, the D.C. Home Rule Act established the Mayor the chief planner for private development in the District of Columbia. The Act maintained NCPC as the central planning agency for federal lands and facilities in the District of Columbia and the NCR.

Through planning, policymaking, and plan review, NCPC defines and protects the federal interest in the development of the NCR. The NCR encompasses an area of approximately 2,500 square miles, including the District of Columbia; Montgomery and Prince George’s County in Maryland; Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties in Virginia; and the incorporated cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, Fairfax, and Manassas that lie within this geographic area.


The federal interest in the NCR is broad and multifaceted––from ensuring that government agencies have adequate facilities and their employees have good workplaces, to protecting the environment, public parks, and the region’s historical and cultural resources. We encourage efficient transportation and smart growth, accommodate the needs of foreign missions, and strive to enhance the experience of the capital for visitors. And we safeguard the city’s urban design features, both old and new, which have contributed to the identity of our nation’s capital for over 200 years.


Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals

To carry out our mission and ensure that our nation’s capital evolves as we have envisioned, we have formulated five strategic goals:

Goal 1: By crafting plans and policies that employ the highest standards of urban design and planning, the National Capital Planning Commission will define the federal government’s interest in the long-term development of the National Capital Region.

Goal 2: NCPC will review proposals subject to Commission approval or advice to determine whether they are consistent with the federal interest, and we will represent the federal interest on local and regional planning bodies.

Goal 3: NCPC will inform the public of its activities, encourage citizens to become involved in the planning process, and participate in broader professional discussions at local, national, and international levels.

Goal 4: NCPC will build consensus and facilitate cooperation among citizens, public interest groups, nongovernmental organizations, and governmental agencies to shepherd plans and policies toward fruition.

Goal 5: To respond to the changing planning needs of the National Capital Region, NCPC will embrace the best practices for the continual development of its human resources, work processes, and technology.


Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objectives

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.A: NCPC will ensure that the Comprehensive Plan: Federal Elements incorporates the most current data and addresses key planning and policy issues of the federal government in the National Capital Region.

The Comprehensive Plan will remain relatively static over time in order to help inform planning decisions. NCPC will update/revise the Comprehensive Plan in response to changing circumstances, emerging issues, evolving priorities of the Federal Government, and the results of research and planning initiatives.

Goal Leader: Director, Planning and Policy Division

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.B: NCPC will identify emergent issues and develop policies, plans, and approaches to address them.

NCPC will conduct research on a wide variety of emergent planning issues and undertake planning initiatives to advance development of long-range plans. The reports and policies that result from the research and specific planning initiatives will help define and clarify the federal government’s interest in the NCR. Also, they will form the basis for future planning initiatives, and the update of existing plans and policies.

Goal Leader: Director, Planning and Policy Division

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.C: NCPC will undertake planning initiatives that advance the Legacy Plan’s long-range vision for the National Capital Region.

NCPC will continue to further the vision of the Legacy Plan through the development of descendent plans that explore specific topics.

Goal Leader: Director, Physical Planning Division

Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.A: NCPC will conduct timely, thorough, and transparent reviews of plan and project submissions.

NCPC will conduct reviews of proposed development plans and projects of federal and District of Columbia agencies and local jurisdictions in the NCR for their impact on the federal establishment.

Goal Leader: Director, Urban Design and Plan Review Division


Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.B: Through the review of capital improvement project proposals, NCPC will provide annual recommendations of public works projects to assist OMB in the preparation of the President’s Budget.

Annually, as required by 40 USC §8723, NCPC prepares a six-year Federal Capital Improvements Program (FCIP) for the NCR. The long-term goal of the FCIP is to promote federal investments that are consistent with overall planning policies for the region.

NCPC will analyze the FCIP from a planning perspective to identify and research emerging issues; develop maps, studies, or other documents to determine their impact on policy; and provide recommendations to OMB.

Goal Leader: Director, Planning and Policy Division

Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.C: NCPC will ensure representation on local and regional planning authorities to protect the federal interest in the development of the National Capital Region.

NCPC is charged with representing the federal interest in various local and regional authorities such as the Board of Zoning Adjustment, the Foreign Missions Board of Zoning Adjustment, and the Transportation Planning Board of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

Goal Leader: Directors, Urban Design and Plan Review and Office of Public Engagement

Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3.A: NCPC will inform the public of its activities on a timely basis through the mass media and direct contact, and will encourage public participation in the planning process.

NCPC prepares and disseminates materials and information to educate the general public and specialized audiences about planning and development in the national capital. NCPC seeks to involve local, national, and international audiences in the planning process; responds to the media and general public regarding specific plans and projects pending before the Commission; executes public outreach programs that advance Commission goals; and continuously updates all agency information available to the public through NCPC’s website and written materials.

Goal Leader: Director, Office of Public Engagement

Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3.B: NCPC will promote the participation of its staff in professional exchanges.

By participating in activities and discussions of the planning, architecture, and urban design professions, NCPC staff will stay abreast of the latest theoretical developments and innovations in practice.

Goal Leader: Director, Office of Public Engagement

Goal 4. Strategic Objective 4.A: NCPC will improve the integration of federal and local interests through increased coordination of planning and policymaking activities.


Through increased coordination of activities, NCPC can ensure that federal and local planning efforts integrate as seamlessly as possible. We intend to increase the frequency of interaction among senior staff members of NCPC and local agencies, particularly the D.C. Office of Planning, to build the trust and goodwill that helps identify shared interests and work toward common goals.

Goal Leader: Director, Office of Public Engagement

Goal 4. Strategic Objective 4.B: NCPC will develop solutions for infrastructure needs in the National Capital Region by facilitating cooperation among relevant agencies and organizations.

Large-scale, complex infrastructure projects require action from numerous planning, policymaking, funding, and implementing entities. NCPC can help move plans toward realization by facilitating coordination among relevant agencies, developing post-plan action agendas, and ensuring that the process of moving from plan to implementation stays on track.

Goal Leader: Director, Physical Planning Division

Goal 5. Strategic Objective 5.A: NCPC will recruit, retain, and develop a highly skilled, motivated, and diverse workforce that advances its mission and embraces its core values.

Workforce planning is essential to NCPC’s ability to achieve its mission. To ensure a high-quality staff and build morale within the agency, employees must have the skills and training they need, feel that they are being evaluated fairly, and perceive that their contribution to the agency’s mission is valued. We also need to set clear performance standards, reward good performance, and, if necessary, correct poor performance.

Goal Leader: Director, Office of Administration

Goal 5. Strategic Objective 5.B: NCPC will take advantage of recent advances in cloud computing and managed services to transition from its current IT environment to one built upon common services developed to meet federal government IT business needs and security compliance requirements.

Reduce cost through elimination of custom networks and applications, software licenses, and associated technical support in favor of common services and the transfer of the responsibility to perform IT management of these services as well as implementation and monitoring of security controls.

Goal Leader: Director, Office of Administration

Goal 5. Strategic Objective 5.C.: NCPC will establish and maintain a cohesive IT architecture that supports NCPC’s strategic goals and uses resources efficiently.

Establish an Internet-based collaborative planning portal for on-line coordination with the Commission, external stakeholders, and interagency committees.

Goal Leader: Director, Office of Administration


Major Management Challenges

NCPC continuously searches for innovative and efficient means to accomplish its goals and objectives as outlined in its strategic plan. One of NCPC’s major management challenge relates to moving planning ideas from paper to implementation. Since NCPC’s organic legislation is focused on planning and not implementation, it must rely on other federal entities to carry the plans forward. In this context, NCPC’s initial scoping and planning efforts require delicate coordination with and buy-in from numerous stakeholders. This aspect of the planning agenda is extremely difficult given the economic forecast for the next five to ten years and the delicate relationship between the federal and local governments.

To overcome this challenge, NCPC must continue to develop a professional network with other organizations and identify early-on the internal and external politics that affect the work of the organization. NCPC must coordinate with these parties to maximize input from the widest range of appropriate stakeholders to facilitate an open exchange of opinions from diverse groups and strengthen internal and external support.

The responsible agency officials are the Executive Director and the Chief Operating Officer.









Performance Goals and Indicators

Performance Goal

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.A.Performance Goal FY14.1.A.1.: Update the Visitor Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements.

Performance Indicator: Visitor Element of the Comprehensive Plan

Target: Updated & Published on the web-site

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.A.Performance Goal FY14.1.A.2: Update the Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements.

Performance Indicator: Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan

Target: Updated & Published on the web-site

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.B.Performance Goal FY14.1.B.1: Develop an inventory of all parking in Federally-Owned facilities.

Performance Indicator: Parking inventory of Federally-Owned facilities

Target: Completed document

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.B.Performance Goal FY14.1.B.2.: Initiate a study to assess the impact of a changing Federal footprint in the National Capital Region.

Performance Indicator: A Study to assess the impact of a changing Federal footprint on the National Capital Region.

Target: Phase 1 Completed report

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.B.Performance Goal FY14.1.B.3: Study the feasibility and benefits of constructing additional entrances to the Federal Triangle and Archives/Navy Memorial/Penn Quarter Metrorail stations to promote the recommendations of the Monumental Core Framework Plan.

Performance Indicator: A Study to determine the feasibility and benefits of additional entrances to the Federal Triangle and Archives/Navy Memorial/Penn Quarter Metrorail Stations.


Target: Completed Document

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.B.Performance Goal FY14.1.B.4.: Advance the Monumental Core Framework Plan’s (MCFP) SW Ecodistrict Action Agenda through creation of implementation strategies for each of the MCFP’s major initiatives.

Performance Indicator: Implementation strategies for each of the MCFP’s SW Ecodistrict major initiatives.

Target: Completed Document

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.B.Performance Goal FY14.1.B.5.: Coordinate with federal and local partners to ensure that the D.C. Zoning and Building Codes are updated to advance the SW Ecodistrict recommendations.

Performance Indicator: D.C. Zoning and Building Codes.

Target: Updated and published

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 1. Strategic Objective 1.B.Performance Goal FY14.1.B.6.: Partner with the District Department of Transportation to develop streetscape and public design guidelines for all streets and public spaces in the SW Ecodistrict.

Performance Indicator: Streetscape and public design guidelines for all streets and public spaces in the SW Ecodistrict.

Target: Completed and published

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.A.Performance Goal FY14.2.A.1.: Review and analyze the planning, urban design and architectural components of Federal plans and projects and make recommendations to the Commission for action in a timely manner in accordance with published schedules, guidelines, and policies.

Performance Indicator: Review of the planning, urban design and architectural components of Federal plans and projects and presentation to the Commission in a timely manner.

Target: 35 days from the date of submission

Time Period: Monthly Commission Meeting


Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.A.Performance Goal FY14.2.A.2.: Review and update the project applicant submission guidelines.

Performance Indicator: Project applicant submission guidelines.

Target: Updated and published

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.B.Performance Goal FY14.2.B.1: Review and analyze proposed capital improvement projects by Federal agencies for the Fiscal Year 2015 to Fiscal Year 2020 period in accordance with the Federal Capital Improvements Program (FCIP) required by 40 USC §8723(a).

Performance Indicator: Fiscal Year 2015 to Fiscal Year 2020 FCIP report.

Target: Completed report submitted to the Office of Management and Budget

Time Period: By October 31, 2013

Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.B.Performance Goal FY14.2.B.2: Review and analyze capital programs for non-Federal jurisdictions in the NCR.

Performance Indicator: Review of non-Federal capital programs in the NCR.

Target: Completed report

Time Period: Within 35 days of receipt of document

Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.A.Performance Goal FY14.2.C.1.: Review and analyze the planning, urban design and architectural components of District of Columbia public projects and make recommendations to the Commission for action in a timely manner in accordance with published schedules, guidelines, and policies.

Performance Indicator: Review of the planning, urban design and architectural components of District of Columbia public projects and presentation to the Commission in a timely manner.

Target: 35 days from the date of submission

Time Period: Monthly Commission Meetings

Goal 2. Strategic Objective 2.A.Performance Goal FY14.2.C.2.: Review and analyze proposed actions of the Zoning Commission and proposed street and alley closings in a timely manner.

Performance Indicator: Review of Zoning Commission actions and proposed street and alley closings in a timely manner.


Target: 30 days from the date of action and/or submission

Time Period: Monthly Commission Meetings

Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3A.Performance Goal FY14.3.A.1.: Complete the Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Report.

Performance Indicator: Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Report.

Target: Completed and published document

Time Period: By the end of the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3A.Performance Goal FY14.3.A.2: Publish a monthly newsletter to inform and educate the public.

Performance Indicator: Monthly E-Newsletter

Target: Published Document

Time Period: By the end of each month in Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3A.Performance Goal FY14.3.A.3: Inform the public of the results of Commission Meetings.

Performance Indicator: Commission Actions published on the NCPC website

Target: 3 business days after Commission Meetings

Time Period: By the 15th of each month in Fiscal Year 2014 where a Commission Meeting is held.

Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3A.Performance Goal FY14.3.A.4: Inform the public of the details of plans or studies completed by NCPC.

Performance Indicator: Published Documents on the NCPC public website

Target: 5 business days after acceptance

Time Period: Ten days after acceptance by the Commission during Fiscal Year 2014.

Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3A.Performance Goal FY14.3.A.5: Respond to a variety of informational requests from Congress, federal, state and local agencies, and the general public and a variety of news organizations.

Performance Indicator: Inquiry responses

Target: 10 business days from the date of submission

Time Period: Respond to each request within 15 business days during FY 2014


Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3A.Performance Goal FY14.3.A.6: Establish 6-month ongoing outreach schedule and assign OPE staff to initiatives.

Performance Indicator: 6-Month Outreach Schedule

Target: Updated and current 6-Month Outreach Schedule

Time Period: By the end of each month in Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 3. Strategic Objective 3B.Performance Goal FY14.3.B.1.: Coordinate events that encourage professional exchanges.

Performance Indicator: Speaker Series

Target: Up to three completed events

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 4. Strategic Objective 4.A.Performance Goal FY14.4.A.1: Coordinate with the Department of State and the District of Columbia on the master planning efforts to transform the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Campus into a site that accommodates future international chanceries and a sustainable mixed-use community.

Performance Indicator: Master plan to transform the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Campus into a site that accommodates future international chanceries and a sustainable mixed-use community.

Target: Phase 1 completed in FY2014

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 4. Strategic Objective 4.B.Performance Goal FY14.4.B.1: Partner with federal and local agencies to prepare a Monumental Core storm water infrastructure needs assessment study.

Performance Indicator: Monumental Core Storm water infrastructure study.

Target: Completed document

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5A. Performance Goal FY14.5.A.1: Prepare the annual training plan that addresses critical skill gaps in NCPC’s workforce and prioritizes NCPC’s training requirements to meet agency mission priorities.

Performance Indicator: Fiscal Year 2014 Training Plan.

Target: Completed Document

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014


Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5A. Performance Goal FY14.5.A.2: Participate in the Office of Personnel Management’s Fiscal Year 2014 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey FEVS).

Performance Indicator: Participation in the Fiscal Year 2014 FEVS.

Target: 90% Participation of NCPC’s workforce

Time Period: By the completion date established by Office of Personnel Management

Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5A. Performance Goal FY14.5.A.3: Develop an action plan to address results from the Office of Personnel Management’s Fiscal Year 2013 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey FEVS).

Performance Indicator: Fiscal Year 2013 FEVS Action Plan.

Target: Completed and Published Document

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5A. Performance Goal FY14.5.A.4: Maintain NCPC’s Succession Plan.

Performance Indicator: NCPC’s Succession Plan.

Target: Completed Document

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5A. Performance Goal FY14.5.A.5: Advance and improve workplace diversity at NCPC.

Performance Indicator: Annual Diversity Training

Target: Completed Training

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5B. Performance Goal FY14.5.B.1: Maintain accurate financial records, establish and maintain effective financial management internal controls, and prepare agency financial statements in accordance with U.S. Federal Government policies and regulations.

Performance Indicator: Fiscal Year 2013 Financial Statement Audit

Target: Clean Opinion

Time Period: By the end of the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5B. Performance Goal FY14.5.B.2: Develop an action plan to address all recommended actions and process improvements identified in the Fiscal Year 2013 financial audit opinion.


Performance Indicator: Auditor-Recommended Financial Management Improvements Action Plan

Target: Completed Document

Time Period: By the end of the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5B. Performance Goal FY14.5.B.3: Review and update financial management Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

Performance Indicator: Financial Management SOP

Target: 2 Completed SOP Documents

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 5 Strategic Objective 5B. Performance Goal FY14.5.B.4: Revise and update NCPC’s Acquisition Policies and Procedures.

Performance Indicator: Acquisition Policy and Procedure

Target: Completed Document

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014

Goal 5. Strategic Objective 5C. Performance Goal FY14.5.C.1: Convert NCPC’s personnel records to electronic format.

Performance Indicator: Converted electronic format records

Target: 50% of personnel records inventory

Time Period: By the end of Fiscal Year 2014


Actual Performance Results

The Commission’s Fiscal Year 2012 Performance Report links the agency’s funding to its goals and accomplishments and demonstrates its continued commitment to shaping and preserving a capital worthy of the nation. The agency continued its partnerships with federal and local agencies on major initiatives that support its long-range plans, continued integrating urban design and security objectives into projects in the monumental core and throughout the District, and completed the Federal Capital Improvements Program.

The following performance report reflects the FY 2012 accomplishments related to the NCPC 2009-2014 Strategic Plan goals and objectives.

Strategic Goal #1:

By crafting plans and policies that employ the highest standards of urban design and planning, the National Capital Planning Commission will define the federal government’s interest in the long-term development of the National Capital Region.

In FY 2012, NCPC:

Adopted the revised Transportation Element and circulated for comment the draft Federal Workplace Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements.

Released the Federal Triangle Storm Water Drainage Study.

In partnership with the National Park Service and the Commission of Fine Arts completed, The State of Commemoration Planning in Washington, D.C. Report.

Completed Phase I of an online map of the Commemorative Landscape of Washington and surrounding counties to help inform visitors and residents about commemorative works.

In partnership with the Commission of Fine Arts, the General Services Administration, the District of Columbia Office of Planning and other federal and local agencies, completed the draft plan for the development of the Southwest Ecodistrict.

Initiated a comprehensive review of the FCIP to assess the program’s effectiveness.

Reviewed the District of Columbia and other regional Capital Improvement Programs.

Strategic Goal #2: NCPC will review proposals subject to Commission approval or advice to determine whether they are consistent with the federal interest and we will represent the federal interest on local and regional planning bodies.

In FY 2012, NCPC: Approved and commented on 145 projects planning and urban design proposals to include:


Approved the preliminary design and final foundation plans for the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Approved the final plans for the Ukrainian Famine Memorial at the intersection of North Capitol Street and Massachusetts Avenue and F Street, NW.

Approved the Master Plan for the Intelligence Community Campus-Bethesda, a vision and framework to transform the facility into a secure campus supporting U.S. Intelligence Community activities.

Approved the preliminary and final site development plans for streetscape and site improvements at the Lafayette Building, 811 Vermont Avenue, NW.

Commented favorably on Phase II and III of the turf and soil reconstruction on the National Mall.

Approved the preliminary and final site development plans for the installation of five Capital Bikeshare stations near the National Mall.

Commented favorably on the concept design for the installation of perimeter security elements at the Herbert C Hoover Building, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW.

Approved plans for site improvements and installation of perimeter security at the Albert B. Bryan United States Courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia.

Approved a number of projects at Fort Belvoir to include: the National Intrepid Center of Excellence, National Museum of the United States Army, Travel Camp, and Automated Car Wash.

Approved a number of BRAC related projects at the Naval Support Activity Bethesda - Wounded Warrior Transition Lodge, Senior Enlisted Housing Units, and Replacement of Gates 3 and 4.

Reviewed and commented on the Southwest Waterfront First Stage Planned Unit Development which identifies building massing, land uses, open space development, waterfront development and improvements as well as related map amendments.

Strategic Goal #3:

NCPC will inform the public of its activities, encourage citizens to become involved in the planning process, and participate in broader professional discussions at local, national, and international levels.

In FY 2012, NCPC:

Partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the US Army Corps of Engineers to host the Federal Triangle Flood-proofing Seminar.


Hosted public meetings on planning initiatives to discuss and solicit public opinions concerning the development of an eco-district along the 10th Street Corridor, and Transportation and Federal Workplace Elements of the Comprehensive Plan Federal Elements: National Capital Region.

Advanced the Agency’s Speaker Series with presentations on Redefining Security a Decade after 9/11, Agents of Change: Local Perspectives on Federal Design, Shades of Green: Washington’s Emerging Ecodistricts, and Sustainable Installation Planning.

Hosted numerous foreign delegations, providing an overview of NCPC’s work in the nation’s capital and exchanging ideas with international planning professionals.

Developed and distributed E-Newsletter and other informational publications and developed an interactive map of the memorials of Washington, DC.

Responded to numerous public requests for information and participated in interviews with national and local media and professional publications; educated key national and local audiences on the agency’s newest initiatives and sought feedback to help shape these projects.

Published the Agency’s 2011 Annual Report.

Strategic Goal #4:

NCPC will build consensus and facilitate cooperation among citizens, public interest groups, nongovernmental organizations, and governmental agencies to shepherd plans and policies toward fruition.

In FY 2012, NCPC:

Reviewed and commented on proposed legislation and testimony regarding the Wall of Remembrance at Korean War Memorial, Peace Corps Commemorative Act, Gold Star Mothers National Monument Act, World War II Prayer Act of 2011, Frank Buckles World War I Memorial, Eisenhower Memorial, National Liberty Act Memorial, Coast Guard Headquarters relocation to St. Elizabeths, and the Future of the National Mall.

Partnered with the Interagency Security Committee and the General Services Administration to address challenges of physical security within the Federal Triangle and redevelopment of the Maryland Avenue SW area.

Served as a member of the National Capital Memorial Advisory Commission advising the Secretary of the Interior and the Administrator of General Services on policy and procedures for the establishment of commemorative works in the District and its environs.

Fulfilled legislative requirements and promoted the agency’s interests through representation on regional boards and commissions, including the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), the D.C. Board of Zoning Adjustment, and the Foreign Missions Board of Zoning Adjustment (FMBZA).


Strategic Goal #5:

To respond to the changing planning needs of the National Capital Region, NCPC will embrace the best practices for the continual development of its human resources, work processes, and technology.

In FY 2012, NCPC:

Completed modernization of the agency’s telecommunications infrastructure reducing future operational costs for NCPC.

Completed the virtualization of the agency’s network server infrastructure improving disaster recovery capability and reducing operational overhead.

Completed upgrade of the agency’s Geographic Information System (GIS) infrastructure and Central Files Information System (CFIS).

Completed assessment of the agency’s information security program, policy and procedures.

Completed a review and analysis of OPM’s government-wide Federal Human Capital Survey for 2011 and published the findings and results on NCPC’s public web site.

Completed updates to important agency policy including National Security Classified Information Policy, the Reasonable Accommodations Policy, and the Limited English Proficiency Policy.

Agency financial management and accounting practices, internal controls and financial reporting were scored as GREEN through the first three quarters of FY 12 by the Department of Treasury’s Financial Management Service.

Awarded 50% of agency procurements to small businesses during FY 2012, far above the 32% Small Business Administration Procurement Preference Goal established for NCPC.

Completed an audit of its FY 2011 financial statements and received an unqualified audit opinion and a report of no material weaknesses.


Other Information

Management Reviews

In FY 2013 NCPC will initiate a process for quarterly performance reviews of agency programs and goals and will develop the methodology upon which the quarterly reviews will be based. The Performance Improvement Officer will review agency performance, and recommend appropriate actions where targets are not achieved.

Lower-Priority Program Activities

The cuts, consolidations and savings volume of the President’s Budget identifies the lower-priority program activities, where applicable, as required under the GPRA Modernization Act, 31 U.S.C. 1115(b)(10). The public can access the volume at:




The authorization for the present account (31-28-2500-0-1-451) is contained in the National Capital Planning Act of 1952, as amended (40 USC §8701 et seq; D.C. Code §§ 2-1001 to 2-1010). There are no estimates herein contained that exceed any limitations placed on the Commission by Committee Reports for the preceding fiscal year.


Salaries and Expenses

For necessary expenses of the National Capital Planning Commission under chapter 87 of title 40, United States Code, including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, $8,084,000: Provided, That $21,268 may be used for official reception and representational expenses associated with hosting international visitors engaged in planning and physical development of world capitals. Note.--A full-year 2013 appropriation for this account was not enacted at the time the budget was prepared; therefore, this account is operating under a continuing resolution (P.L. 112-175). The amounts included for 2013 reflect the annualized level provided by the continuing resolution.

(Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2014) =========== ==== =============== ======= =============== ==== ==== ==== ===== === ==== ==== ===

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National Capital Planning Commission 401 Ninth Street, NW

Suite 500, North Lobby Washington, DC 20004

Voice: 202-482-7200 Fax: 202-482-7272