ncm102+2009 (1)

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Manila*Makati* and Malolos


NCM 102 CURATIVE AND REHABILITATIVE NURSING CARE MANAGEMENT I Unit Credit: 8 LEC; 8 RLECourse Number Hours: 144 hours LEC; 408 hours RLE

PLACEMENT : 3 rd Year, 1st Semester

COURSE DESCRIPTION : This course deals with the concepts and principles of nursing care management of sick clients with alterations/problems in oxygenation, fluid and electrolyte balance, metabolism and endocrine function across the life span with emphasis on the adult and older persons, population group in any settings

PRE-REQUISITES: NCM 100, NCM 101, SHED, Anatomy and Physiology, Physics, Microbiology & Parasitology, Basic Nutrition

TERMINAL COMPETENCY : Given an actual client with problems in electrolyte balance, nutrition and metabolism, and endocrine function in any settings, the student will be able to provide safe and quality nursing care to various clients through the utilization of the nursing process.








At the end of this unit the student will be able to:

1. Relate the principles of internal constancy, homeostasis, stress, and adaptation to the concept of steady

PRELIMUnit I. Introductory ConceptsHomeostasis- Stress and Adaptation

1. Definitions1.1 Stress and Stressors1.2 Homeostasis and Adaptation

Lecture- Discussion

Case study

8 hours Applicable to all terms/concepts:

Demonstration of procedures

6 weeks /term

1st week – orientation/

Supplies/Materials/Equipmentfor demo and return-demo

Paper and Pencil Tests



state2. Discuss the stress concepts3. Describe the models of stress4. Identify measures that are useful in

reducing stress5. Formulate nursing care plan for

patient under stressful situation

2. Models of Stress2.1 Stimulus Based Model2.2 Response Based Model2.3 Transaction Based Model

3. Physiological Adaptation3.1 Pathway

4. Psychological Adaptation4.1 Anxiety

4.1.1 Level of Anxiety5. Stress Management

5.1 Promoting Healthy Lifestyle5.2 Enhancing Coping Strategies5.3 Teaching Relaxation

Techniques5.4 Educating About Stress

Management5.5 Enhancing Social Support

Workshops/Small Group Discussion

Critical Thinking Exercises

Film viewing


Role playing

related to the concept

Return Demonstration of procedures by the students

Clinical Exposure - Complete history taking and assessment - interpretation of laboratory findings- Identifies priority nursing diagnosis- Plans appropriate nursing interventions- Implements pan of care- Evaluates the progress of client’s condition and outcomes of care- Ensures well organized and and accurate documentation- Relates well

lecture2nd -3rd week – demo and ret dem4th week – Clinical exposure5th week – Communi-ty exposure6th week – case, presenta-tion, evaluation including examina-tion

Clinical Kit Bag

Community BagHealth teaching aids/materials

BooksMedical DictionaryNANDADrug HandbookMS booksPathophysio-logy books

FormsClinical Per-formanceProcedureChecklistCommunityChecklistothers

Individual/Group Activity

Requirement: -Demonstra-tion of various stress management- Presentation of non-pharmacolo-gic pain management -Case study on death and dying by interviewing

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

1. Define illness and inflammation2. Discuss physiological

process of inflammation

Unit II. Concepts of Illness and Inflamma- tory Process

1. Definition of Illness2. Definition of Inflammation

2.1 Physiological Process of Inflammation2.2 Cell injury and inflammation2.3 Body defenses against injury2.4 Monocular phagocyte system2.5 Inflammatory Response2.6 Altered immune response

8 hours


with client’s, family and health team

Community Exposure- Conducts health education to individual, family, community

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

1. Discuss pathophysiological process of pain

2. Identifies appropriate pain assessment tool for a given age group3. State relevant priority nursing diagnosis with a given set of clues4. Utilize appropriate non- pharmacologic interventions to reduce client’s pain5. Discuss the different commonly prescribed pain medication

Unit III. Concept of Pain 1. Neurophysiological transmission of pain 2. Pain theories 3. Types of Pain 4. Effects of Pain 5. Nursing Care of Client Experiencing pain

5.1 Assessment 5.1.1 Characteristics of Pain 5.1.2 Instruments of Assessing pain4.4 Pharmacologic Interventions

3.1.1 Analgesics agents3.1.2 Local Anesthetic agents3.1.3 Opioid Analgesic agents3.1.4 Nonsteroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drugs

3.2 Neurologic and Neurosurgical

8 hours -Assesses patient experiencing pain in the clinical setting- Demonstrates the various non-pharmacologic pain management


Approaches to pain Manage- ment3.6 Non-Pharmacologic Interventions

6. EvaluationAt the end of the unit the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the concept of deathand dying

2. Utilize the nursing process in the care of dying patient and significant others

Unit IV. Death and Dying1. Definitions2. Stages of grief3. Stages of dying4. Dimensions of dying5. Factors affecting the survivor’s

response6. Characteristics of griever that

require psychiatric care7. Assessment8. Interventions

8 hours Demo-Return Demo ( Post-Mortem)

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the general consideration in the care of patients requiring surgery

2. Utilize the nursing process in the care of client for surgery3. List priority nursing diagnosis for a client requiring surgery during the pre-op, intra-op and post-op phase4. Utilize appropriate interventions

for a surgical client during pre-op, intra-op and post-op

Unit V. Care of Patients Requiring Surgery 1. General Consideration

1.1 Conditions Requiring Surgery1.2 Categories for Surgical

Procedure as to 1.2.1 Purpose1.2.2 Degree of risk to the

patient1.2.3 Urgency1.2.4 Effects of surgery on

the person1.2.5 Factors in the

estimation of surgical risk

2.The Surgical Experience2.1 Pre-operative Nursing Care

2.1.1 Assessment of Health

12 hours Demo-return demo of basic OR procedures like scrubbing, gloving, gowning, maintaining aseptic technique and others Clinical exposure on surgical wards and Operating room and RR to experience the phases of : Pre-operative


Factors that Affects Patients Preoperatively

2.1.2 Preparations before Surgery

2.1.3 Preoperative Nursing Intervention

2.2 Intra-operative Nursing Care2.2.1 The Surgical Team2.2.2 Principles of Surgical

Asepsis2.2.3 Sedation and Anesthesia2.2.4 Potential Intraoperative

Complications2.3 Post-operative Nursing Care

2.3.1 Phases of Postanesthesia2.3.2 Nursing Management in the PACU2.3.3 Nursing Management

after surgery4 hours – Exam day

Intra-operative Post-operative-Performs functions of both scrub and circulating nurse

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

1. Assess a client with problems in hematological disorders2. Identify the nursing implications of the various procedures used for diagnostic evaluation3. Discuss the common health

problems related to hematological disorders

4. Describe the nursing management of patient with hematological disorders

MIDTERM: Alterations in Human Functions

Unit VI. Hematological Disorders1. Assessment

1.1 Health History1.2 Physical Examination1.3 Diagnostic Evaluation

2. Nursing Implication2.1 Nursing Diagnosis2.2 Planning, Implementation and

Evaluation3. Common Disorders

3.1.1 Anemia3.1.1.1 Hypoproliferative

8 hoursDemo and return demo of the various procedures related to Oxygenation concepts ( Blood transfusions, CVP, oxygen administration, suctioning, tracheostomy care, others)

Paper and Pencil Tests


Individual/Group Activity


- Case Study


5. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patient with hematological disorders Iron Deficiency Anemia Aplastic Anemia Megablo- blastuic Anemias (Folic Acid and Vit B12 Deficiency Hemolytic Anemia3. Sickle Cell

Anemia3. Thalasse-

mia3.1.1.3 Polythemias3.1.1.4 Leukopenia and Neutropenia3.1.1.5 Bleeding disorders Thrombocytopenia3. ITP3. Hemophilia

- Preparationof prioritized NCP for the major disorders- Journal Report- Updates on the majordiseases

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

1. Assess a client with problems in cardiovascular disorders2. Identify the nursing implications of the various procedures used for diagnostic evaluation 3. Discuss the common health

problems related to cardiovascular

Unit VII. Cardiovascular Disorders1. Assessment

1.1 Health History 1.2 Physical Examination1.3 Diagnostic Evaluation

2. Nursing Implication2.1 Nursing Diagnosis2.2 Planning, Implementation, and


16 hours


disorders4. Describe the nursing management of patient with cardiovascular disorders5. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patient with cardiovascular disorders

2.3 Medical/Pharmacologic Surgical Management

3. Common Disorders 3.1 Congenital Heart Disease

3.1.1 Acyanotic Heart Disease

3.1.2 Cyanotic Heart Disease

3.1.3 Rheumatic Fever

3.3 Coronary Vascular Disease3.3.1 Atherosclerosis3.3.2 Angina

Pectoris3.3.3 Myocardial

infraction3.3.4 Complications

( Heart Failure) 3.4. Structural, Infectious and Inflammatory 3.4.1 Acquired Valvular Disease Mitral Valve Prolapse3.4.1.2 Mitral Regurgitation Mitral Stenosis3.4.1.4. Aortic Regurgitation3.4.1.5 Aortic Stenosis

3.4.2 Infectious Endocarditis Myocarditis Pericarditis

3.7 Vascular Disorders and Peripheral Circulation


3.7.1 Arterial Disorders3.7.1.1 Peripheral arterial

occlusive disease3.7.2.1 Buerger’s disease3.7.1.2 Aortic aneursym3.7.1.3 Raynaud’s disease

3.7.2 Venous Disorders Deep Vein Thrombosis3.7.2.2 Varicose Vein

3. Hypertension

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

1. Assess a client with problems in respiratory disorders2. Identify the nursing implications of the various procedures used for diagnostic evaluation 3. Discuss the common health

problems related to respiratory disorders

4. Describe the nursing management of patient with respiratory disorders5. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patient with respiratory disorders

Unit VIII. Respiratory Disorders1. Assessment

1.1 Health History1.2 Physical Examination1.3 Diagnostic Evaluation

2. Nursing Implication2.1 Nursing Diagnosis2.2 Planning, Implementation,

and Evaluation2.3 Medical/Pharmacologic Surgical Management

3. Common Disorders 3.1 Upper Respiratory Tract Disorders

3.1.1 Upper Airway Infections Rhinitis3.1.1.2 Sinusitis3.1.1.3 Pharyngitis3.1.1.4 Tonsilitis and

Adenoiditis3.1.1.5 Peritonsillar

16 hours


Abscess3.1.1.6 Laryngitis

3.2 Chest and Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders3.2.1 Atelectasis3.2.2 Pleural Conditions3.2.3 Acute Respiratory

Failure3.2.4 Acute Respiratory

Distress Syndrome3.3 Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease ( Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema

Bronchiectasis Asthma

3.4 Common Pediatric Disorders3.4.1 Hyaline Membrane Disease3.4.2 Cystic Fibrosis

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

1. Assess a client with alterations in fluid and electrolytes 2. Identify the nursing implications of the various procedures used for diagnostic evaluation3. Discuss the common health

problems related to alteration influid and electrolytes

4. Describe the nursing management of patient with alteration in fluid

FINALSUNIT IX. Disturbances in Fluid and Electrolytes Balance, Metabolism and Endocrine

1. Assessment1.1 Nursing History1.2 Physical Assessment1.3 Diagnostic Assessment

2. Nursing Implications2.1 Nursing Diagnosis2.2 Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation

2.3 Medical/Pharmacologic

16 hours Demo-Return demonstration of various procedures related to fluid and electrolyte, metabolism and endocrine( NGT feeding, lavage, colostomy care and irrigation, catheterization,

Paper and Pencil Tests


Individual/Group Activity



and electrolyte 5. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patient with alteration in fluid and electrolytes

Surgical Management 3. Common Disorders

3.1 Fluid, electrolyte and acid-gap imbalance

3.1.1 Fluid Volume Imba- lances3.1.2 Electrolyte Imbalances (Na, K, Mg, Ca)3.1.3 Acid-Base Imbalances

3.2 Urinary Disorders3.2.1 Infections of the Uri-

nary Tract3.2.1.1 Lower Urinary Tract Infections3.2.1.2 Pyelonephritis

3.2.2 Primary Glomerular Diseases Glomerulone- phritis3.2.2.2 Nephrotic Syn- drome

3.2.3 Renal Failure3.2.3.1 Acute Renal Failure3.2.3.2 ESRD

3.2.4 Urolithiasis3.3 Burns

3.3.1 Classification3.3.2 Local and Systemic

response to Burns3.3.3 Management

bladder and catheter irrigations, peritoneal dialysis, blood glucose monitoring, and others)

Culminating activity at the end of the semester:

Oral revalida

Grand Return Demonstation

- Case Study- Preparationof prioritized NCP for the major disorders- Journal Report- Updates on the majordiseases

At the end of the unit the student will be able to:

UNIT X: Disturbances in Metabolism1. Assessment

20 hours


1. Assess a client with problems in metabolic disorders2. Identify the nursing implications of the various procedures used for diagnostic evaluation 3. Discuss the common health

problems related to metabolicdisorders

4. Describe the nursing management of patient with metabolic disorders5. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patient with metabolic disorders

1.1 Nursing History1.2 Physical Assessment1.3 Diagnostic Assessment

2. Nursing Implications2.1 Nursing Diagnosis2.2 Planning, Implementation,

and Evaluation 2.3 Medical/Pharmacologic

Surgical Management 3. Common Disorders

3.1 Digestive and Gastrointestinal 3.1.1 Esophageal Disorders Achalasia3.1.1.2 Hiatal Hernia3.1.1.3 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

3.1.2 Gastric and Duodenal Dis- orders

3.1.3 Intestinal and Rectal Dis- orders Acute Inflammatory Intestinal Diverticular Disease Peritonitis Inflammatory Bowel Disease Regional Ente- ritis Ulcerative Colitis Intestinal Obstruction3.1.3.4 Diseases of the


Anorectum3. Hemorrhoids Common Pediatric Disorders Clept Lip and palate Esophageal atresia Hirschprung’s disease anus Intussus- ception3.2 Hepatic Disorders

3.2.1 Liver Cirrhosis3.3 Biliary Disorders

3.3.1 Cholecystitis3.3.2 Cholelithisis3.3.3 Pancreatitis

3.4 Diabetes Mellitus3.5 Endocrine Disorders

3.5.1 Thyroid disorders3.5.2 Parathyroid disorders3.5.3 Adrenal disorders

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to:

1. Assess a client with alterations in reproduction2. Identify the nursing implications of the various procedures used for diagnostic evaluation3. Discuss the common health

UNIT XI. Disturbances in Reproduction1. Assessment

1.1 Nursing History1.2 Physical Assessment1.3 Diagnostic Assessment

2. Nursing Implications2.1 Nursing Diagnosis2.2 Planning, Implementation, and

8 hours


problems related to alterations in reproduction

4. Describe the nursing management of patient with alterations in reproduction5. Use the nursing process as a framework for care of patient with alteration in reproduction

Evaluation2.3 Medical/Pharmacologic Surgical Management

3.Common Disorders3.1 Altered Reproductive

Development3.1.1 Male Reproductive Processes Prostatitis Enlarged Prostate (BPH) Cryptorchidism3.1.1.2 Orchitis3.1.1.3 Hydrocele3.1.1.4 Phimosis

3.2 Bleeding in Pregnancy3.2.1 Abortion3.2.2 Ectopic

Pregnancy3.2.3 Hydatidiform

Mole3.2.4 Incompetent

Cervical OS3.2.5 Placenta Previa3.2.6 Abruptio

Placentae3.3 Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

3.1.1 Preeclampsia3.1.2 Eclampsia

3.4 Intrapartal Problems3.4.1 Dystocia

4 hours-Exam day


3.4.2 Fetal Malposition3.4.3 Disproportion

3.5 Postpartal Problems3.5.1 Uterine Atony3.5.2 Lacerations3.5.3 Retained Placental

fragments 3.6 Infections

REFERENCES:Bullock, Barbara, Pathophysiology Adaptations and Alterations in Functions, 4th edition, Lippincott, 1996Black, J. and Hawks, J., Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th edition, Saunders, 2008Gould, B, Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 3rd edition, Elsevier, Singapore, 2007Lemone, S. and Burke, K., .Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th edition, Pearson Int., 2007 Lewis, S., et al., Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th edition, Elsevier, Singapore, 2008Linton, A., Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th edition, Saunders, 2007Madara B., Pomarico-Denino, V., Pathophysiology, 2nd edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc. ,2008Nettina, S., The Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 7th edition, Lippincott , 2001Nowak, T., and Handford, A.G., Pathophysiology, 3rd editon, McGraw Hill Education Asia, 2005Phillips, N., Operating Room Technique, 10th edition, Mosby, Inc., 2004Porth, Carol Mattson, et al., Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States, 6th edition, Lippincott, 2002 Smeltzer, S.,, et al., Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 11th edition, Lippincott, 2008Timby, B., and Smith, N., Medical-Surgical Nursing, 9th edition, Lippincott, 2007

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