NCCF Newsletter Issue 1

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NCCF Newsletter Issue 1

Transcript of NCCF Newsletter Issue 1

Our journey so far…

Newcastle Chinese Christian Fellowship

NCCF Newsletter It’s finally here!

From Our Pastor: Shoulder to Shoulder Where are you when you are reading this? Are you near? May be you are far away from Newcastle, but you and I can still be close in spirit. The reason that you are reading this newsletter is maybe that you are a Christian. Even more likely is that you and I crossed our paths in Newcastle, and the Newcastle Chinese Christian Fellowship and our life together in it has left an indelible mark in your heart and memory! Do you remember the annual Christmas Retreat in the bitterly cold Whithaugh Park of Newcastleton? Do you remember our welcome campaign in September? How about the weekly Friday meetings of worship, bible study, sharing time and games? If you belong to the earlier generations of the NCCF, you may still remember the North England Easter Conference held annually in Cliff College.


Welcome 1

Shoulder to Shoulder 1

A day out at Stafford 4

Greetings from Hong Kong 4

Disciple training conference 5

Summer outing in Scarborough 5

Our journey so far 6

Fix your eyes above 7

生命中的四年 (上) 7

Contact Us 8

Welcome to the first issue of our NCCF Newsletter! We hope to provide a meeting place where members from across the world can build each other up by sharing their faith and personal experiences with one another. If you are interested in submitting a personal article to us, please send a word document file to the NCCF email address: The length of your article (including title) should be about half an A4 page. It can be written in English or Chinese, in addition you are welcome to send us a photograph of your choice. We look forward to hear from you!

Autumn 2012, Issue 1



Have I forgotten those who are in Newcastle right now? Certainly not! Greetings to you as well; to those who are working or studying here! Whether you are near or far, we are still united, for we are one in Christ. No matter where we are, we can still be linked in spirit. Because of this, I thought we could do a bit more to keep our link stronger – by sharing with, encouraging and praying for each other through written words. Let me share with you a true story you may have heard of. Pastor Tom Smith returned to South Africa after a sabbatical period with a renewed commitment for Christ. Having discerned a new direction, he didn’t rejoin his previous mega church. With a group of fellow Christians who shared the same vision, they embarked on a new journey of forming a small congregation. They adopted 2 Corinthians 4:7 as their motto,

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.”

At the end of worship one day, they put a clay jar in a bag and smashed it to pieces. They did it to symbolise their own brokenness. They identified with the pieces and each took a piece home. They wrote their prayer on their broken piece. In a later meeting, they brought the pieces and put them back together as best as they could. They had no illusion that it was a master piece of art. However, the truly wonderful, meaningful and spiritual thing happened when a candle was lowered into it – the glorious candle light radiated through the cracks and holes in the jar! What a beautiful picture! What a powerful symbol! When fellow Christians willing to bond together because of Christ and through Christ, we can achieve what the broken jar achieved – to let the beauty of Christ radiate out into people around us. Though we are broken, we can become a wonderful tool in God’s hands as we join together. One day we will become a perfect jar. Until that day let’s boast our brokenness and our weaknesses so that Christ’s power is made perfect in them. Would you like to join by the Spirit? Would you like to walk together in friendship and in spirit, no matter where you are? I hope you would. So let’s keep in touch through this newsletter. Let’s bridge our gap through it by remembering, encouraging, sharing with and praying for one another. All glory and praise to Him! Pastor Desmond Chong, Newcastle.






还记得每年一次在寒冷的Newcastleton 之Whithaugh Park 圣诞退修会吗?


出现的弟兄姊妺,相信你还有其它的回忆,例如Cliff College的复活节春令会。




让我跟大家先分享一个你可能听过的真实故事。经过安息年后,Tom Smith 回到南非。














Pastor Desmond Chong, Newcastle.


A day out at Stafford

It is my pleasure to write a sharing of personal experience since I gained love

and care during the year when I stayed in NCL. When I recall 2010, the year

I left for NCL for further study, I knew nothing and I had no friends. What I

just knew was to look for a church. A British pastor told me to join NCCF, for

this is a Chinese fellowship. The first night I joined the fellowship was such a

warming night, brothers and sisters chatted with me cordially.

Some of the sisters invited me to join in their gatherings, such as the Chinese

New Year celebration and birthday meals. The other sisters also asked me to

join worship. As a Christian, worship is such an important occasion to know

God’s words. Besides, brothers and sisters of NCCF took me to travel to

places out of Newcastle which was a surprise to me.

Article continues…

The last period in Newcastle was

a sad time for me as I was stuck

in huge amount of assignments.

When brothers and sisters knew

my suffering, they accompanied

me to walk through my hardest

time. I wish to say thank God

for letting me know Wilson and

Carmen, Cherry, Celia and Shirly.

They all treated me as best as

they could which brightened up

my days in Newcastle.

Pui Keng, Hong Kong.

“As a Christian, worship is such an important occasion to know God’s words.”

It was a nice day. No rain, full of sunshine. Not a typical day in May in the UK. We set off to Stafford at 6 a.m. in the morning. I was glad I was not the one driving. We were heading to a worship-training day. There were nine of us in total. The day started off with a worship led by the organiser of the programme. It was different and inspirational. The most interesting thing was to see how people worship in their own way, i.e. with dancing, body language, etc., while enjoying themselves in the songs to praise God. The day was packed. It was split up into different workshops mainly into vocals or musicians. I attended the vocals group. Starting from basic of how to breathe to more complicated stuff like harmony. We learned skills of expanding our vocal range and preparing our voice. With such a busy day, we still had time for lunch while we sat under the lovely sun and embraced the time together to share our thoughts and food. The day ended with a discussion about worship leading and a short song sharing sung by the vocal group. It gave me more thoughts on why I join the worship team. I want to continue to praise and worship Him. It is such a privilege. A wonderful day ended with a drink at Costa. We know this is not the end of the training day but the beginning of putting ourselves one step closer to God and submit to him in songs and praises. Lindy Pun, Newcastle.

Greetings from Hong Kong


Summer outing in Scarborough













的极度感恩!最近观赏了一部《Letters to God》 的基督影片,从中有很多的得



让我在每一次跌倒后,站起来变得更刚强。Do what JESUS did有时候,停下来

回头看一看,祂的恩典真的一路相伴。 神的祝福永远都跟随你。记得别把上帝


Louis Ling, Newcastle.





, 再加上自己的心如此地刚硬,所以开始时一直没有什么特别的感受,直到

DTC continues…






































De He, Newcastle.

Summer outing in Scarborough

Disciple Training Conference

Our journey so far…

It gives me great pleasure to be given the opportunity to write in the first NCCF newsletter. It is nearly a decade since I arrived at Newcastle. With the intention of pursuing an undergraduate degree to help secure a better future, little did I know what God has installed for me. I am truly blessed to be a part of the fellowship’s big family. The NCCF became my spiritual home where I made a life changing decision to follow Christ. Throughout the years, many brothers and sisters (from various countries) played a major part in supporting and encouraging me in my walk with Jesus Christ. My faithful prayer partners (Michelle, Huong Nai, Mandy, Fang Fang) have been an invaluable blessing from God through the thick and thin times. This year has been very special for Leo (my husband) and I as it marked the birth of our beloved son, Jadon. The promotion to parenthood is both challenging and rewarding. My patience continues to be tested frequently but my love for Jadon grows stronger daily. Even though being woken up several times during the night is no fun matter, seeing him fall asleep on my arms just melts my heart away and makes all the effort worthwhile. There was never a day gone by where I do not thank God for him. Saying so, I understand the danger of placing little Jadon above God and have to constantly remind myself not to make him my idol. As for Leo, being a father is a joyful learning experience. On top of that, we understand the added responsibilities too, quoting Leo’s exact words, “In the past, I’ll buy McDonald’s for one, now, I’ll have to buy for three.” As Leo and I have decided to “balik kampung” (return to our home country, Malaysia), we left Newcastle with many fond memories of our experience in the North East. It was a rather difficult decision and took us nearly two years to make this move a reality. The daunting thought of searching for new jobs, home and church were probably the main reasons for the delay. However, God has patiently been guiding us along the way and step by step we could see His plan unfold. The more we prayed about it, the more confident we are that this move will only be for the better. With the peace of God that transcends all understanding, we are ready to face the uncertainties and challenges that lie ahead.

We will always miss the NCCF annual “Welcome campaign” and “Christmas retreat”, where we get to spend quality time with brothers and sisters in Christ. The fellowship is unique in its own way and it has definitely served us through its different ministries. As we start this new journey, we sincerely ask for your prayers for our family. One of our biggest desires is to witness our parents and siblings come to know Christ. While we spend more time with them, may our actions and conversations bring glory to Jesus Christ. May we also have the courage to stand firm in our faith in times of testing and temptation. Hopefully we will be able to post our updates again on the newsletter soon. Hui Min & Leo Lee, Malaysia.


Fix your eyes above As a Christian, my spiritual journey is not always on a smooth path. Especially being an architecture student, I face a lot of coursework deadlines and criticism from tutors. The architecture studio can become a negative and competitive atmosphere when everyone is overwhelmed with stress and is lacking of sleep. I can understand that no matter how much I try to suppress myself, I can easily become a horrible person in this kind of environment if I don’t rely on Jesus. In the past, I have always believed moral and intelligence are key factors in making people whole, and that if we behaved properly then we would be doing just fine. Working with coursemates on group projects is a good example of this social interaction. People are always happy greeting in project briefings, but the stress level will rise up automatically as we discuss workload and rewards from group mark. This happened over and over again in my circumstance throughout my time in University. However the more I blamed myself for not handling my selfishness and emotion well afterwards, the more I discovered that people like me are very limited. We could not make ourselves better human beings if we believed morality can ever suppress selfishness and anxiety, fear of lost and not taking control of a situation. Having the church and fellowship life in 2008 offered me a psychological balance on dealing with the social issues. I learnt how to rely on God to deal with my weaknesses and fear. A bible quote I would like to share,

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” Corinthians 4:16-18

Here the wisdom I learn is that, we as believers of Christ are not to follow the morals of this world and the surface of behaviour but the vision on our glory and rewards are in heaven. With this vision we can overcome our major weakness as being “shortsighted” for not seeing the unseen reward in heaven.

Over the years I spent in NCCF with brothers and sisters, I have received lots of knowledge, support and love. Although I am a quiet person, I always observe and learn from everyone here because they are all amazing in their own ways which make NCCF always so attractive to visit, and I believe it is also because we have a tendency to rely on God even when we are not always doing so well.

I know I will be leaving UK soon if I cannot find a job here, but even if I am going back to Hong Kong, I will always remember the friendship God has given me in NCCF and I will keep on practicing relying on Him.

Dennis Chan, Newcastle.


生命中的四年 (上)






的最基本要求,但我並 熟識聖靈。我對神的認識是透過事俸去表現出來,有時



Shack 小屋」的書,讓我對神有更多角度的認識;透過服待身邊的弟兄姊妹同哭




我同行,所以應當一無掛慮,因為"The joy of the Lord is our strength"!



Louisa Lai, Turkey.

Newcastle Chinese Christian Fellowship

St James’s United Reformed Church Hall Northumberland Road Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 8JF Website: Email: Facebook: Google:

“The joy of

the Lord is



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