NC State Approving Agency

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North Carolina: Atlanta DVA RPO School Conference, 2009. NC State Approving Agency. Good DAY to you…. Jim Little (James E.). NC State Approving Agency. ATL DVA RPO School Conference Thursday, April 2, 2009: State Break-out Sessions WELCOME , one and all… Thank you to… - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of NC State Approving Agency

North Carolina: Atlanta DVA RPO School Conference, 2009

Good DAY to you….Jim Little (James E.)

ATL DVA RPO School ConferenceThursday, April 2, 2009: State Break-out Sessions

WELCOME, one and all…Thank you to…

RPO: Linda McAllisterGAVCO: Louis Hardcastle [plus]

ATL DVA RPO School ConferenceThursday, April 2, 2009: State Break-out Sessions

AGENDANC SAA: UpdateThe NC ApplicationThe ApprovalSpecial Topics for NCYour Time: questions and dialog with you…



o Kathy Nicholson, Program Assistant

o Albert Stanley, Program Specialistso Bill Doeyo John Keso (the return of the “man…”)o John Pritchett, part-time PS

o Joe Wescott, Director of Planning, Policy & Evaluation, Brunswick CCo Catherine Diederich, last day was 3.9.09

o Jim Little, Executive Director

Program Specialists’ Assignmentso All: Public, Community Colleges, Private


o Albert: Trade, Business, Hospitals & Massage

o Bill: Bible & Nursingo John: On-Military-Bases, Truck, Beauty &

Barbero Jim: Flight, High Schools, L&C, all NEW

Annual Activities: what do we do all year!

o 245 separate schools (with Facility Codes) plus 30 Branch locations to visit & approve

o 265 Supervisory visits (approx 85 per P / S / year)

o 180 Applications for renewalo 210 Catalogs

CATALOG Activities: Good news…!

o Lowest number of catalogs in 3 years…o Travel for summer periods will move Autumn visits,


o 30 schools will submit applications, NLT August 09…



The Application is required by Federal Law.

It is the document that provides information to get your Program Approved (Initial) or to get your Program Approved AGAIN (Revised..)

o Applications (notices of Revision) are required with each NEW Catalog OR when school officials make any change that affects the current Approval

HOW do you know if your Application is due….?

o Look at the last date on the calendar in Approval

o Look at item #2 in Visit Report: due date is there

o Email from your Program Specialist… has or will

WHAT is required ? You must submit…

o Application page w/ signature o A Marked-Up Copy of Approval (List of ALL


o Two (2) Catalogs w/ certificationo NON-Accredited: 1) pages with policies & 2)

Instructor infoo 30 minutes……

WHAT else ? Other things to consider…

o Addenda or Supplementso Branch application, ifo NEW or Other Program: 1) outline and 2)

course descriptions and 3) policies / procedures

o Calendars: odd or not publishedo DVA Form 22-8794, Certifying Official changes, ifo NON-Accredited: Administrator / Instructor Info


WHAT if a NEW Catalog is not published by the time the “calendars run out…”? Unusual, but…

o Provide Letter from CEO / Dean / Approving Official (***Why at that level??)

o Status of catalog, why not “ready” and wheno Request an extension of current Catalog;

“policies and procedures remain the same….”o Provide NEW calendars and tuition / fees

Break…. Pretty pictures….

The Approval…

o WHAT is it?o What does it do?o What do I do with it?o What is an Addendum to the


WHAT is it?

o The Legal Document that conveys State & DVA approval for educational programs

o What does it do? It provides or lists…o General informationo Programs and hours approved (or

EXCLUDED…)o Calendars and Tuition and Feeso Unique programs or policies (Remedial /

Branches, etc…)o **Coveys Requirements specific to your


o What do I do with it? Hummm…

o Read it and review contentso Use it to manage your program: for record-

keeping, certification, compliance…o File it WITH VA/SAA records (a place you will


o DO NOT…o “Chunk” it away; destroy it, throw it

into trash!!

What is an ADDENDUM? (to the Approval)

o A NC SAA Form that contains the General Information section from the Approval AND

oa specific change to the Approval

o Addendum: What does it do?

o Corrects or Changes some portion of an Approval (…that is final)

o Examples: o Change of a Calendar date, after publishedo Change of policy in Requirements sectiono Delete a program or change the hours approved for a program

o Addendum: How does it work? How do I use it?

o Addenda are generally conveyed as email attachments, with instructions

o An Addendum changes the Approval; supersedes the original information in the Approval

o Print a copy of the Addendumo Add it to the Approvalo Comply with the Addendum change, not the Approval

Break… Less we forget!

Items of Special Interest…

o Prior Credito “NO” Signatureso High School Transcriptso Conditional Admissiono Electronic Catalogso Compliance Surveyso Chapter 33…

Prior Credito Must be evaluated and recorded (by

law…)o Prior to enrollment OR within 2-terms

o Must be “program” specific o (what does that mean?)

o No schools reports PC to ATL / DVA… NOW

o MUST be documented in the student’s file…

”NO” Signatures (to DVA…)

o DVA Central Office directive: “..signatures are no longer required on applications (1990 / 5490)and 1995s…”

o No further guidance…

o So… What do you do?o Help students: ask and tell about on-line

applicationo Complete / have student complete, a 1995 / 5495o Retain Copy of 95‘s in the student’s record

(with or without signature…)

The 1995: Forgotten / mis-understood

o Must have a copy for school’s record, w/ or w/o signature

o Requires “Prior Credit” reviewo PC Review is program specific…

High School Transcripts: Are High School transcripts required?

o Depends on your school and on your Approval…o When HS transcripts document “part” of the admission

process, YES!o Schools that teach degree / IHL programs generally require HS

transcripts for new (freshmen) admissions (State standard for Public & Community. Colleges…)

o Private and Proprietary schools are “generally” required to meet State standards

o NCD / Diploma / Certificate programs generally require “proof of high school completion” OR “ability to benefit”…


Conditional Admission: Am I approved?

o Depends on your Catalog and on your Approval…o May be approved under the following…

o Written policy (clear, precise and contains definitive “termination”)

o School officially submits request AND NC SAA documents Approval

Note: Proprietary schools “generally” required additional written policies / procedures

Check (READ) your approval or call your Program Specialist

The ELECTRONIC Catalog: What to do?“East Carolina University will no longer provide students and others printed copies of

the Catalog…. The official Catalog will be on the web.” OK, now what….

THREE options are acceptable:

o Print a paper copy from the web…o Copy the web pages to a disc (PDF); 2

disco Copy / Send an electronic copy to NC


[PDF type-copies (cannot be changed) & specific (location or site or attachment)] [Get IT help…..]

Compliance Surveys:

o DVA responsibility; back and on track…

o Mike is doing very good job…o Copy of the Compliance Survey

Letters…o Time to get to NC SAAo Time to get to Certifying Official

Check with your President / CEO for your copy; coordinate with NC SAA…

Chapter 33:

o Great program; will help / benefit a great number of Veterans / Others…

o BUT, Chapter 33 is not for everybody!!

o Read / Listen / Have patience; it is a work in progress…o Keep checking gibill web pageo Seek help for your students

o Questions or issues do you want to discuss?

Your questions….

Thank you’ll for coming…….

NC State Approving Agency