Nazi Ocupation

Post on 10-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Nazi Ocupation

Nazi Occupation

By Camara Catherine Kidd

Nazi Occupation

The Nazi's occupated all of Europe except Sweden and while ocupated they would look for Jews to relocate.

Nazi occupation of France  The Nazi occupation of France took place between May 1940 and December


One of the most recognized Nazi leaders was Adolf Hitler. Who basically thought that all Jews were foul which was weird because he was Jewish himself.


The Nazis occupied many places, including Denmark, which is one of the settings in a book called Number The Stars.source:



While the Nazis occupated they would make Jewish people wear these yellow stars, which I say was kind of like branding them like cattle.source:

The Nazi troops often marched while  "watching" Poland.source:

Nazis had uniforms that looked like this,dark grey with a yellow ribbon like thing on there left sholder, but the yellow ribbon dosn't have to be yellow it can alson be a black swastika with a white circle and red backround.


The German swastika is like the german symbol when you see this sign you think german.


The nazis invaded Poland from September 1939 to October 1939.source: