Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey Callifornia · September 1944 arter a dogfight and mid-air...

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Transcript of Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey Callifornia · September 1944 arter a dogfight and mid-air...

Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive

Institutional Publications The Quarterdeck (publication)


The Quarterdeck / 1991-09-05

Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey Callifornia

Captain's Cup continues ... page 4

Volume 8 Issue 33 ~-~/\ Publication of the Naval Postgraduate School

September 5, 1991

Photo by }02(SW) Dave Newberry

Labor Day Concerto No. 2 A large crowd gathererd on the lawn

here for the annual Labor Day outdoor pops concert of the Monterey Bay Sym­phony. Tenor Myles Williams, of Carmel, formerly of the New Christy Minstrels, was the featured singer. In­strumental soloist was Leah Bayes, vio­list daughter of co-conducter Jack

Bayes. This was the second Labor Day con­

cert here. The concert was the third of a pro­

jected series of four free outdoor pops concerts at NPS.

A Colwnbus Day concert is under consideration at this time.

1.Q. test to be administered Mensa, "the international high l.Q.

society," will administer qualifying tests in Salinas on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 21. Reservations should be requested by writing, no later than Sept. 12, to Mensa Test Proctor, 1029 Forest Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. The test fee is $25.

About 20 percent of the Mensa members in Monterey County are active or retired military personnel, dependents or

civilian employees of the services. The chapter's main social event each month is held on a military installation.

Membership in Mensa, which has chapters throughout the nation and the world, is open to all who score within the top 2 percent of the general population on standard I.Q. tests. Individuals might already qualify for Mensa without further .testing if they have obtained a score above the 98 percentile on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAn or on certain Armed Forces tests.

Information about future test dates, qualifying scores on other tests, etc., may be obtained by writing the test proctor.

For more information about Mensa International or Monterey County Mensa, call 449-6398.

Se:clirity at ·· Ca Mesa A number of . questions have

arisen lately concerning the security patrol and other security measures at the La Mesa residential neighborhood.

The police officer-in-charge of security In the neighborhood said, '~here is a 24 hour security patrol in the area thatincludes foot patrols as well as car patrols.

"There is always a minimum of orie patrol car Jn the La Mesa neighborhood with a)>ack-up unit atways available,'' Capt. Angela Fore, NPS b~e police officer, said. "Residents may only see one unit, but actually ther~ are two working t.he area." There !sno mileage limit fo th~ distance that a patrol car can drive during a sh!J'L

Fore said units in the area are beefed-up whenever there are any

. noticeable ' signs of increased . (See Security page 3)

Recognition Day forPOW/MIA set

A POW/MIA Recognition Day breakfast will be held Thursday, Sept. 19 in Herrmann Hall's La Novia Room from 7 to 8 a.m. Cost for the br~akfast' will. be $4 per person. .·

: Keynote speaker will be Lt. Col. · Wayne Ro5enhotl',USA(Ret.).

Rosenhotl' wli'a P-38 and P-51 pilot who was captured In September 1944 arter a dogfight and mid-air collisioo with a German Messerschmidt ME·109 over central Germany.

The war ended 11 days later, with Rosenhotl'remalning in Stalag 1, Barth, Germany for eight months before repatriation and release.

2 the Quarlerdecl: September S, 1991

Additional parking spaces designated


7 T H ST


As the parking survey concludes today, nearly 165

additional spaces have been identified around the campus. NPS Police Chief William Talbert said his department

responded to a request to scout the entire grounds for potential parking spaces.

"We considered every location where the necessary safety aspects of traffic flow and backing out could be maintained," Talbert said.

Progressing clockwise from the arrowed "P" by the Paint Shop on the accompanying map, new parking spaces are as follows:


Legend: circle P denotes new parking

- IO parallel spaces across North Street from Paint Shop. - 4 parallel spaces across North Street from Police Station. - 3 parallel spaces between "K" lot and EM Club. - 3 parallel spaces north of Enlisted Galley. - 5 parallel spaces adjacent swimming pool/bath house. - 20 straight in spaces along Lake Drive adjacent "G" lot

by Campus Comer. - 18 parallel spaces along Navy Exchange entrance by lake. - 30 parallel spaces along Lake Drive across from tennis

courts. (Not on the lawn.) - 15-20 angled spaces on Morse Drive north of "V" lot.

- 45-50 angled spaces on Morse Drive south of "V" lot.

Superintendent ........... . . . .... Rear Adm Ralph W. West Jr.

These spaces are available begining Monday, and will serve as short term replacements for the spaces lost due to the closure of lot "V". The results of the parking survey will be used to develop a longer term solution to NPS' parking shortage. Provost ..... .. ............. . ............ Dr. Harrison Shull

Public Affairs Officer . . . ........ . ... Cmdr. Joseph W. McGrath Editor ... . ......... . . . .......... J02(SW) James D. Newberry

Produced by the Public Affairs Office

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Car-pooling, walking, busing, and being • dropped off are all encouraged to limit the number of cars on campus each day.

the Quamrdeck Sepkmber S, 1991

-~ ~~~:~g!~~~~~i't!~! II Jewish holy days begin The holiest time on the Jewish calendar

begins Sept. 5. High Holy Days services will be held at

the 5th street Chapel at Ft. Ord and will be conducted by Rabbi William Greenebaum, Chaplain, U.S. Army, Major (Ret.).

The 10 days between the beginning of Rosh Hashanah (The New Year) and Yorn Kippur (The Day of Atonement) are traditionally referred to as the "Days of Repentance" wherein Jewish people seek atonement for their sins against God's laws.

Weekly Sabbath services are held every Friday at 8:15 p.m in the 5th Street Chapel at Ft. Ord

For more information call Capt. (Army) Michael S. Haas, Jewish Lay Leader, NPS, at 655-1943.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Sunday Sept. 8 8 p.m.

Rosh Hashanah (1st day) Monday Sept. 9 10 a.m.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Monday Sept. 9 8 p.m.

A Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) w Tuesday Sept. 10 10 a.m.

Shabbat T'Shuvah Friday Sept. 13 8:15 p.m.

Erev Yorn Kippur Tuesday Sept. 17 8 p.m.

(KolNidre) Yorn Kippur Morning

Wednesday Sept. 18 10 a.m. (Yizkor follows)

Yorn klppur Evening Wednesday Sept. 18 5:30 p.m.

Yorn Kippur Concluding Wednesday Sept. 18 6:30 p.m.

Break the Fast Wednesday Sept. 18 7:30 p.m.

Navy's Birthday Ball The 216th Navy Birthday Ball will be

held Saturday, October 19, in the Barbara McNitt Ballroom.

The opportunity to purchase tickets for this event will be decided by a ticket lottery. Lottery forms with instructions are located on the table outside Family Services Center, basement of Herrmann Hall. Participants

A are asked to return the completed lottery . form in an envelope addressed to "Navy

Birthday Ball" through the SMC mail. Submission of applications will end

Monday, Sept. 9.

A waiting list of names will also be drawn and those individuals will be notified if space becomes available. The individuals who are selected will be given instructions on how to purchase tickets by 4 p.m., Friday, Sept 13.

Ticket purchases must be made by 4 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 17 at a cost of$32.50 per person or $65 per couple. Unsold tickets will be made available to the names on the waiting list in the order in which they were drawn.

For more information call Katherine Muhlbach at 649-1699.

Stock market class offered

The city of Monterey Recreation and Community Services Dept. is offering a five-week course in "Understanding the Stock Market."

For more information call Hilltop Park Center at 646-3975.

New services for health Federal employees will find major

new services covered by their health insurance plans next year, but a recent move to require carriers to standardize coverage died quietly.

Federal employees' health benefit plans next year will cover bona fide smoking cessation programs; screening mammograms, which doctors recommend for women for early cancer detection; and up to $50,000 for expenses related to the treatment of mental illness.

New job hotline The CPO now has a job information

hotline. The hotline is updated every Friday.

It lists positions that are available to DoD federal employees and also positions which are exempt from the DoD hiring freeze where other categories of applicants are able to apply.

The number of the hotline is 646-2001 or AV 878-2001.


Sept. 7 - The OSSC Bargain Fair will be held this Saturday, Sept. 7, from 10 a.m until noon at the La Mesa School.

Patrons are asked to use the Sylvan road entrance off of Aquajito road

There will be more than 140 sellers present providing a large selection of household items, furnishings, clothing, toys, books and other items. In case of rain the alternate date, Sunday, Sept. 8, has been selected.

Sept. 12 - The Executive Board of the NPS Staff Wives' Club is holding ~ Welcome Coffee function. Thursday, Sept. 12 at 10 a.m. on the Quarderdeck. All wives of active and retired faculty and staff as well as women staff members of NPS are welcome to this first function of the '91-'92 term.

For more information call 373-4419.

Sept. 17 - The Monterey Peninsula Choral Society is getting ready to prepare for their Christmas concert, Carmel Mission Basilica, in Carmel -Dec. 6 and 7.

Works by Bach, Buxtehude, Handel and others will be performed.

Rehearsals begin Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 7-10 p.m. at the Church of Religious Science.

For more information call 375-0213 or 649-6772.

Security (from page 1)

crime." Rumors that an entire house was emptied are completely unfounded. but there has been increased vandalism in the construction areas.

Patrol cars routinely park in and around areas that have been trouble spots. Fore said, "the officer in the patrol car conducts observations and acts as a deterrent to crime."

Also units check all quarters that are currently vacant and quarters of out-of­town residents.

Fore recommends that residents take precautions against possible crime. "People should ensure they lock their cars, store their belongings in a secure manner, and watch for suspicious people," she said

To join the Neighboorhood Watch, call 646-3234.

To report a crime, call 646-2555.

the Q1111rlenkck September 5, 1991 4

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Academic retakes Captain's Cup with 7-4 win A two run double off the bat of Bill

Lundquist in the sixth provided the edge as Academic Division recaptured the Captain's Cup in a 7-4 Socco Softball Championship win over PSD/S/H atNPS 's Sparks Field.

In the top half of the first inning, PSD/ S/H's Coach Rick Skelly proouced the game's first RBI which was immediately answered by Academic with two runs in the bottom half making the score 2-1.

With some hot sticks and fine fielding by Robert Brown and Michael Cherry, PSD/SH held Academic scoreless while driving in three-runs in the next three­innings.

The 5th inning began with flyouts to Timothy Geirk and Mark Robinson. Great infield play from Academic 's Sidney Calloway and Kelly Richards shut down the PSD/SH hot-streak.

Singles from Terry Thomas and Michael Scheivelbein. in the 6th inning, were followed by Lundquist's RBI double

1985 NISSAN 200SX, fully loaded, exc. cond. $5,900/0BO. Call 372- IO'JO.

HOUSE, 3bdnn, 2.Sbch, 7 years old. Spectacular ocean view. Balcony, fireplace, jacuzzi, deck, sky­lights. Monterey. CaJIF.rika373-5498 ev. $275,000.

ANTIQUEBUFFET,cherry, w/mirra.$250. Call F.rika 373-5498.

1970 280 SE MERCEDES, exc. cond., but needs nw motor. $2,000. Call F.rika 373-5498.

WA TERBED, King size CA. 6 piece oak, $1,800. Call Erika 373-5498.

1979 CHEVY MONTE CARLO, good cond. FM/ AM, runs good. $1,100 Call Greg. 899-5985.

1-WEEK TIMESHARE(lst week in Nov.) at Plantation Village, Grand Cayman w/lnt.erval Inter­national Vacation Exchange (over 400 exchange locations.) Condo is 2bdnn, 2bth, w/k.itchen, Iv, din, and patio. 100 yards fran beach. Resort facilities include 2 pools, windsurfers, sailboats, bicycles, major dive operators right next door. Can exchange fa another week at any other available location. $6,000/0BO. Call Diana 646-9711.

that dashed whatever hopes PSD/SHhad of retaining the Cup.

Two more runs were scored by Academic before the final out.

The Captain's Cup that PSD/SH has

held since winning last season's volleyball tournment, now sits with the Academic Division at least until the end of the basketball seaoon. (submitted by Erl Kelly Richards.)

Local club organized for Penn State Alumni A Monterey Peninsula Penn State

Alumni Club is being organized for vari­ous events such as football games, social events, etc.

Women's volleyball The city of Monterey Recreation and

Community Services Department is spon­soring a Women's Recreational Volleyball night on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9 p.m.

The sight leader is Audrey DiMaggio. Those interested in attending should

call the city of Monterey Recreation and Community Services Department at 646-3866.

COMPUTER, 286/16MHz w/monitor, enhanced keyboard, 40 Meg's HD, 2Meg RAM, 360K(51/4) floppy drv, and logitech mouse. $600. Same as above but w/8088/SMhz board and 768K RAM. $445. Joystick w/garne card $35. Call Keith 373-8897.

PHOTO ENLARGER, Besseler 67C. $100. Two Huffy I 0 speed bikes $50 ea. Kelty Frame Pack $60. Call 647-9859,

DP 2,000, home gym center. $75/0BO. Call 647-1133.

1987 NISSAN MAXIMA 4DR SEDAN, auto, 61K, loaded pw everything. Selling at NADA Blue Book $8,975. Call 373-7791.

1985 16' 4WINNS FISWSKI BOAT, open bow, seats 7 w/ 85 horse outboard (40Kts). This package deal includes galv trailer w/lwo extra tires, Coast Guard kit, vest, extra prop (2) skis, plus extras. $3 750. Call Wade 384-0451.

A tavern on the Bay has agreed to let Penn State alunmus use their facilities.

For more information contact Tom Forrest at 375-6451 (leave message).

Bowling leagues begin

Winter bowling leagues are being formed at the Valley Center Bowl in Salinas.

Anyone interested in joining a league or getting invloved in several other bowling activities at the center are asked to contact Ginger Lopez or Leslie Svetich at 422-9031. e

CONCERT TICKETS, 2 tickets to the "Sting" con­cert at Shoreline Amphitheatre OcL 5. $50 fa both. Two Tickets to the "Paul Simon" concert Sept 29 at Shoreline. $50 for both. Call l!.aurie at 646-8950.

SOUTIILAKETAHOECABIN,sleeps6,secluded, near lake & casinos. Off .season rates. Avail. over quarter break. 375-2546.

PACIFICGROVEHOUSE,3bdnn, l l/2bth,lvnn, family rm, garage, laundry, yrd. $1,250/mlh. Call 375-9805.

ROOMMATE, share house/apt w/NPS student Start mid-SepL Call Tom {619) 488-5637.

INFANT BIKE SEAT, infant clothes. size 9-12 months. Call Cathy 655-2505.

BLACK FANNY PACK, losL Contains Seiko digital watch. $100 reward. Call Craig 372-5961 Iv msg.

GOLD CHAIN, found in front of BEQ. Call ext. 2565.