NAV Discounts in European Listed Property Companies: A Panel Regression Approach Rebecca Goodall and...

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Transcript of NAV Discounts in European Listed Property Companies: A Panel Regression Approach Rebecca Goodall and...

NAV Discounts in European Listed Property Companies: A Panel Regression Approach

Rebecca Goodall and Michael White

ERES 2011, Eindhoven

April 18, 2023 2

NAV discounts/premiums =

Price per share

NAV per share-1

April 18, 2023 3

The commercial significance of discounts

1) The “puzzle” is not that puzzling.

Morri and Ward (2005) argue that there are good grounds for deviation (i.e. a premium or a discount).

2) Schutte and Unlu (2009) explain that ‘price stability is critical for the decision making at the corporate level because managers rely on forecasted prices to make various long-term decisions regarding capital structure (issuance of equity versus debt), payout policy (dividend and share purchases), and corporate acquisitions/divestitures’

3) If share price anomalies/frictions are to blame can management tackle “investibility” issues and reduce the discount?

April 18, 2023 4

NAV debate stock take

• No comprehensive explanation

• Contradictions

• Not enough time series data

• Data sets used

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Building on previous research

1) Brounen and ter Laak (2005)

‘Discount = f(Constant, Size, Leverage, Mean Return, Freefloat,

Total Risk, Systematic Risk)’

2) Barkham and Ward (1999) conclude that market sentiment (noise trading) is the prime driver of the discount.

So how do different shares react to noise?

3) Schutte and Unlu (2009) show that sell-side analyst coverage can reduce noise

So do firms with more coverage have a lower discount?

April 18, 2023 6

The model

Discount =f(Constant, Market Cap, Trading Volume, Free float, EPRA index membership, Focus, Market Cap of Exchange, Analyst Coverage)

If a share is easy to invest in and is also being marketed through the sell-side it should be more popular with investors ceteris paribus and the share price should rise, leading to a lower NAV discount?

April 18, 2023 7

Market capitalisationPast research Proxy Result Comment

Bond and Shilling (2004)

Market Cap Not stat. significant

Data set reflects ‘major European propcos’

Brounen and ter Laak (2005)

Size as the nat. log of the end-of-year total balance sheet value

Negative relationship between balance sheet value and NAV discount

Authors argue that rationale is ambiguous.

Balance sheet value?

Schutte and Unlu (2009)

Nat. log of the calendar year-end market cap in millions of dollars (against noise, not NAV!)

Negative relationship between market cap and size

Sample set excluded non-traditional corporation forms such as REITs.

Goodall and White: Proxy: Market Capitalisation of share (Nr of shares * price)Expected relationship: Negative

April 18, 2023 8

EPRA index membership

Past research

Proxy Result Comment

Brounen and ter Laak (2005)

Membership of EPRA Index

Negative Link membership to liquidity

Goodall and White: Proxy: binary dummy for EPRA index membershipExpected relationship: Negative

April 18, 2023 9

Sell-side analyst coveragePast research Proxy Result Comment

Schutte and Unlu (2009)

Residual volatility and noise impacted by the intensity of analyst coverage (estimated as the log. transformation of the number of estimates/revisions on the stock following initiation)

‘analyst coverage makes stock prices less noisy’

Argue that security analysts play role in helping investors discriminate between news related to company fundamentals and noise which leads to increased price stability.

Dhiensiri, Sayrak and Zarowin (2004)

Effect of first-time coverage initiations on the future earnings response coefficient (FERC)

‘analysts’ activities make market prices reflect more future earnings information’

Goodall and WhiteProxy: Nr of analysts covering the company at year end 2010. Similar to Piotroski and Roulstone (2004) who considered the sum of analysts’ revisions. Expected relationship: Negative

April 18, 2023 10

Data and Methodology

Data for the analysis stage come from the Kempen universe plus some additional sources

This is still an on-going process at this stage

Kempen comprises over 50 property companies across Europe

The final dataset will consist of data over time and will permit a panel regression approach to be adopted.

Panel unit root tests and cointegration tests will be employed

The structure of the dataset will permit testing for index membership effects, and allow identification of any cyclical impacts

April 18, 2023 110.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0 1200.0 1400.0 1600.0


BefimmoBig Yellow Group plc

CA ImmoCapital Shopping Centres


Derwent LondonDeutsche Wohnen

Eurocommercial PropertiesFDL

Fonciere des RegionsGAGFAH

GecinaHamborner REIT


KlépierreLand Securities

MobimoPrologis European Properties

Safestore holdings plcSILIC

SpondaTAG Immobilien

VastNed RetailWereldhave



April 18, 2023 12


Discount =f(Constant, Market Cap, Trading Volume, Free float, EPRA index membership, Focus, Market Cap of Exchange, Analyst Coverage)

Results will be available for ERES 2012!!!

Contact details:,

NAV Discounts in European Listed Property Companies: A Panel Regression Approach

Rebecca Goodall and Michael White

ERES 2011, Eindhoven

April 18, 2023 14

Regional and use-type focusPast research Proxy Result Comment

Bond and Shilling (2004)

Economics focus (firm value compared to residual volatility as a percentage of total volatility)

Positive (at 10% level)

Economic focus is a quite an abstract concept when looking at propcos

Brounen and ter Laak (2005)

HHI for regions and property types

Regions – unrelated

Use - negative

Domestic focus of propcos in 2002. Internationalisation since then.

Goodall and WhiteProxy: HHI for sector and regional focusExpected relationship: High focus leads to lower NAV discount

Further variables

• Trading volume

• Free-float

• Market cap of the exchange the company is listed on

April 18, 2023 16

Trading volume and free-floatPast research Proxy Result Comment

Brounen and ter Laak (2005)

Free-float (traded stock as a percentage of the total value of the balance sheet).

negative Proxy gives insight into capital structure, but not volume.

Benveniste, Capozza and Seguin (2001)

Free-float xxx xxx

Gemmill and Thomas (2002)

Xxx xxx Xxx

Goodall and WhiteProxy: Free-float as the proportion of issued shares not held by strategic investorsExpected relationship: High liquidity and high free-float leads to low NAV discount

April 18, 2023 17

Market cap of exchange

Past research

Proxy Result Comment

xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx

xxx Xxxx xxx xxx

Goodall and White Proxy: Market cap of the exchange the company is listed onExpected relationship: Negative