Nature Nurtures! Top Reasons Why You Should Expose Your Children to Nature

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Nature Nurtures! Top Reasons Why You Should Expose Your Children to Nature


Today, the sight of children playing outdoors is quite uncommon.

Gone are the days when the primary definition of child’s play is getting dirty rolling on the mud, hiking with friends in nearby wooded areas and cooling down in the river afterwards.

Today, children are either glued to the TV, playing video games, or surfing the web.

Experts agree that modern kids are missing out on the fun and other benefits that nature can provide and urge parents to create opportunities for their kids to spend time outdoors, for example, by sending them to an overnight summer camp.

So, what are these benefits that young boys and girls could miss out on if they are not exposed to nature?


Studies conducted by the American Institute for Research reveal that students of schools that have outdoor classrooms and other methods of incorporating nature into their syllabus fare better in academics.

Based on written examinations, students who are exposed to nature score higher in math, language arts, science and social studies.

Further, research has shown time and again that children who get sufficient outdoor activities have better reasoning and mental abilities compared to students who just stay indoors.

Of course, kids can always go out and have fun but structured programs such as those offered in coed summer camps can give them more unique and exciting outdoor activities.


It’s already a given that kids who are in touch with nature are more physically active which can equate to a higher fitness level.

But aside from this obvious benefit, there are other health advantages that exposure to nature can bring to children.

For instance, in a coed sleepaway summer camp, kids are taught basic agriculture which involves planting, growing and harvesting vegetables.

According to nutritionists, young boys and girls who engage in these types of activities are more likely to maintain a healthy diet throughout their lifetime.

Children suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD also shows less severe symptoms when enrolled in programs which allow them to explore the outdoors more.

You might be surprised to hear this, but more activities involving nature can also minimize the risk of myopia or nearsightedness among kids and adolescents.



Child development experts have observed that children who are exposed to structured and unstructured play outdoors are more sociable and friendlier.

They are also more willing to cooperate compared to kids who lock themselves indoors.

Being surrounded by greenery and other natural elements also has a positive impact on children’s discipline and self-control.

They are also calmer, allowing them to deal with stress more effectively later on in life.

The shortage of natural spaces where kids can play, the lack of time and modern technology have led to nature-deprived kids which have had detrimental effects such as obesity among children.

One way to combat this is look for a school that incorporate natural settings in their program. Another is to enroll your kid in a worthwhile program such as a coed summer camp.

Camp Walt Whitman, located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire,

is the best coed sleepaway camp available in New England.

Boys and girls from 2nd grade to teens

have the time of their lives every summer.

1000 Cape Moonshine RdPiermont, NH