Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 · PDF fileNature Conservation (Wildlife)...

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Transcript of Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 · PDF fileNature Conservation (Wildlife)...


Nature Conservation Act 1992

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Reprinted as in force on 21 May 2010

Reprint No. 1C

This reprint is prepared bythe Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel

Warning—This reprint is not an authorised copy

Information about this reprint

This regulation is reprinted as at 21 May 2010. The reprint shows the law as amended byall amendments that commenced on or before that day (Reprints Act 1992 s 5(c)).

The reprint includes a reference to the law by which each amendment was made—see listof legislation and list of annotations in endnotes. Also see list of legislation for anyuncommenced amendments.

This page is specific to this reprint. See previous reprints for information about earlierchanges made under the Reprints Act 1992. A table of reprints is included in the endnotes.

Also see endnotes for information about—• when provisions commenced• editorial changes made in earlier reprints.


The spelling of certain words or phrases may be inconsistent in this reprint or with otherreprints because of changes made in various editions of the Macquarie Dictionary (forexample, in the dictionary, ‘lodgement’ has replaced ‘lodgment’). Variations of spellingwill be updated in the next authorised reprint.

Dates shown on reprints

Reprints dated at last amendment All reprints produced on or after 1 July 2002,authorised (that is, hard copy) and unauthorised (that is, electronic), are dated as at the lastdate of amendment. Previously reprints were dated as at the date of publication. If anauthorised reprint is dated earlier than an unauthorised version published before 1 July2002, it means the legislation was not further amended and the reprint date is thecommencement of the last amendment.

If the date of an authorised reprint is the same as the date shown for an unauthorisedversion previously published, it merely means that the unauthorised version was publishedbefore the authorised version. Also, any revised edition of the previously publishedunauthorised version will have the same date as that version.

Replacement reprint date If the date of an authorised reprint is the same as the dateshown on another authorised reprint it means that one is the replacement of the other.


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006



Part 1 Preliminary

1 Short title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Commencement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5 Scientific names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Part 2 Classes of native wildlife and declared management intent for the wildlife

Division 1 Extinct in the wild wildlife

6 Native wildlife that is extinct in the wild wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

7 Declared management intent for extinct in the wild wildlife . . . . . 7

8 Significance of extinct in the wild wildlife to nature and its value . 8

9 Proposed management intent for extinct in the wild wildlife . . . . . 8

10 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of extinct in the wild wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Division 2 Endangered wildlife

11 Native wildlife that is endangered wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

12 Declared management intent for endangered wildlife . . . . . . . . . 10

13 Significance of endangered wildlife to nature and its value . . . . . 10

14 Proposed management intent for endangered wildlife . . . . . . . . . 10

15 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of endangered wildlife. . 12

Division 3 Vulnerable wildlife

16 Native wildlife that is vulnerable wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

17 Declared management intent for vulnerable wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . 12

18 Significance of vulnerable wildlife to nature and its value. . . . . . . 13

19 Proposed management intent for vulnerable wildlife . . . . . . . . . . 13


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

20 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of vulnerable wildlife . . . 14

Division 4 Near threatened wildlife

26 Native wildlife that is near threatened wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

27 Declared management intent for near threatened wildlife . . . . . . 15

28 Significance of near threatened wildlife to nature and its value . . 15

29 Proposed management intent for near threatened wildlife . . . . . . 16

30 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of near threatened wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Division 5 Least concern wildlife

31 Native wildlife that is least concern wildlife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

32 Declared management intent for least concern wildlife . . . . . . . . 18

33 Significance of least concern wildlife to nature and its value . . . . 18

34 Proposed management intent for least concern wildlife . . . . . . . . 19

35 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of least concern wildlife 20

Part 3 Classes of other wildlife and declared management intent for the wildlife

Division 1 International wildlife

36 Wildlife that is international wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

37 Declared management intent for international wildlife . . . . . . . . . 21

38 Significance of international wildlife to nature and its value . . . . . 21

39 Proposed management intent for international wildlife. . . . . . . . . 22

40 Principles for the keeping and use of international wildlife . . . . . . 22

Division 2 Prohibited wildlife

41 Wildlife that is prohibited wildlife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

42 Declared management intent for prohibited wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . 22

43 Significance of prohibited wildlife to nature and its value . . . . . . . 23

44 Proposed management intent for prohibited wildlife. . . . . . . . . . . 23

45 Principles for the keeping and use of prohibited wildlife. . . . . . . . 23

Part 4 Transitional provision

46 References to Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 1994 . . 24

Part 5 Repeal provision

47 Repeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Schedule 1 Extinct in the wild wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Part 1 Animals that are extinct in the wild wildlife

1 Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2 Mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Part 2 Plants that are extinct in the wild wildlife

3 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Schedule 2 Endangered wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Part 1 Animals that are endangered wildlife

1 Amphibians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2 Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3 Fish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4 Invertebrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 Mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6 Reptiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Part 2 Plants that are endangered wildlife

7 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Schedule 3 Vulnerable wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Part 1 Animals that are vulnerable wildlife

1 Amphibians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

2 Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3 Fish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4 Invertebrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5 Mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6 Reptiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Part 2 Plants that are vulnerable wildlife

7 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Schedule 5 Near threatened wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Part 1 Animals that are near threatened wildlife

1 Amphibians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

2 Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

3 Mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4 Reptiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Part 2 Plants that are near threatened wildlife

5 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Schedule 6 Least concern wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Part 1 Animals that are least concern wildlife

1 Amphibians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

2 Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

3 Invertebrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

4 Mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5 Reptiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Part 2 Plants that are least concern wildlife

6 Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Schedule 7 International wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

1 Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

2 Reptiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Schedule 8 Prohibited wildlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

1 Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

2 Mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Schedule 9 Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84


1 Index to endnotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

2 Date to which amendments incorporated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

3 Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

4 Table of reprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5 Tables in earlier reprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6 List of legislation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

7 List of annotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

s 1 5 s 3

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

[as amended by all amendments that commenced on or before 21 May 2010]

Part 1 Preliminary

1 Short title

This regulation may be cited as the Nature Conservation(Wildlife) Regulation 2006.

2 Commencement

This regulation commences on 21 August 2006.

3 Purpose

The purpose of this regulation is to—

(a) prescribe native wildlife as 1 of the following classes ofwildlife—

(i) extinct in the wild;

(ii) endangered;

(iii) vulnerable;

(iv) near threatened;

(v) least concern wildlife; and

(b) prescribe particular other wildlife as either of thefollowing classes of wildlife—

(i) international wildlife;

(ii) prohibited wildlife; and

(c) state the declared management intent for each of theclasses of wildlife.

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Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006


1 Sections 76 to 82 of the Act provide for the prescription ofwildlife as the classes of wildlife mentioned in paragraphs(a) and (b).

2 For the significance of, and requirements for, the declaredmanagement intent for wildlife, see section 72 of the Act.

4 Definitions

Schedule 9 defines particular words used in this regulation.

5 Scientific names

(1) Subject to subsection (2), the scientific names used forwildlife mentioned in this regulation follow—

(a) for amphibians or reptiles—Cogger, HG, 2000,‘Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia’, 6th edition,Reed New Holland, Sydney, Australia; or

(b) for birds that are protected wildlife—Christidis, L &Boles, WE, 2008, ‘Systematics and Taxonomy ofAustralian Birds’, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood,Australia; or

(c) for birds that are international or prohibitedwildlife—Sibley, CG & Monroe Jnr., BL, 1990,‘Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World’, and‘A Supplement to Distribution and Taxonomy of Birdsof the World’, Yale University Press, New Haven, USA;or

(d) for fish—Allen, GR & Midgley, SH & Allen M, 2003,‘Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Australia’,Western Australian Museum, Perth, Australia; or

(e) for butterflies—Braby, MF, 2000, ‘Butterflies ofAustralia—Their Identification, Biology andDistribution’, volumes 1 and 2, CSIRO Publishing,Melbourne, Australia; or

(f) for spiders or scorpions—the names used by theCommonwealth Department of the Environment andHeritage in its Australian Faunal Directory Database; or

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Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(g) for mammals that are protected wildlife—Van Dyck, S& Strahan, R, 2008, ‘The Mammals of Australia’, 3rdedition, Reed New Holland, Sydney, Australia; or

(h) for mammals that are prohibited wildlife—MacDonald,D, 1984, ‘The Encyclopaedia of Mammals’—2, GeorgeAllen and Unwin, London; or

(i) for plants—the names used by the QueenslandHerbarium in the census of Queensland plants,published from time to time under the title ‘Census ofthe Queensland Flora’.1

(2) If wildlife mentioned in this regulation has a footnote, inwhatever form, stating a scientific reference, the scientificname for the wildlife follows the scientific referencementioned in the footnote.

Part 2 Classes of native wildlife and declared management intent for the wildlife

Division 1 Extinct in the wild wildlife

6 Native wildlife that is extinct in the wild wildlife

Native wildlife mentioned in schedule 1 is extinct in the wildwildlife.

7 Declared management intent for extinct in the wild wildlife

The declared management intent for extinct in the wildwildlife is to manage the wildlife having regard to thefollowing—

1 An extract of the names used in the census is available for inspection by the public atthe Queensland Herbarium, Mt Coot-tha Road, Toowong.

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Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(a) the significance of the wildlife to nature and its value, asmentioned in section 8;

(b) the proposed management intent for the wildlife, asmentioned in section 9;

(c) the principles for the taking, keeping or use of thewildlife, as mentioned in section 10.

8 Significance of extinct in the wild wildlife to nature and its value

(1) This section states the significance of extinct in the wildwildlife to nature and its value.

(2) Extinct in the wild wildlife are a component of Queensland’sbiodiversity and a vital feature of the ecosystem in which thewildlife lives.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), extinct in the wild wildliferepresents—

(a) a part of the Australian biota that is of inherent valueand potential importance for the maintenance ofecosystem processes; and

(b) a source of genetic information integral to anunderstanding of the evolution of the Australian biota;and

(c) a genetic resource of potential benefit to society.

9 Proposed management intent for extinct in the wild wildlife

The proposed management intent for extinct in the wildwildlife is as follows—

(a) to establish and maintain a database of informationabout the wildlife and its habitat;

(b) to investigate reliable sightings of the wildlife;

(c) to monitor and review information about reportedsightings of the wildlife;

(d) to cooperate with the Commonwealth and other Stateagencies to work towards a national conservation status

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Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

for the wildlife and its habitat;

(e) for extinct in the wild wildlife that is known to surviveoutside the wild—to consider developing a strategy forre-establishing the wildlife in the wild and, if it isconsidered appropriate, to develop and implement thestrategy;

(f) to implement education programs for land-holdersabout—

(i) threatening processes to the wildlife or its habitat;and

(ii) the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat;

(g) for extinct in the wild wildlife that is found to still existin the wild—to manage the wildlife as if it wereendangered wildlife until it is reclassified as anotherclass of wildlife under this regulation.

10 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of extinct in the wild wildlife

(1) This section states the principles for the proposed taking,keeping or use of extinct in the wild wildlife that is in thewild.

(2) The taking, keeping or use of extinct in the wild wildlife thatis in the wild may be authorised under the Act only—

(a) for putting into effect a recovery plan for the wildlife;and

(b) if it will not reduce the ability of the wildlife’spopulation to expand.

Division 2 Endangered wildlife

11 Native wildlife that is endangered wildlife

Native wildlife mentioned in schedule 2 is endangeredwildlife.

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Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

12 Declared management intent for endangered wildlife

The declared management intent for endangered wildlife is tomanage the wildlife having regard to the following—

(a) the significance of the wildlife to nature and its value, asmentioned in section 13;

(b) the proposed management intent for the wildlife, asmentioned in section 14;

(c) the principles for the taking, keeping or use of thewildlife, as mentioned in section 15.

13 Significance of endangered wildlife to nature and its value

(1) This section states the significance of endangered wildlife tonature and its value.

(2) Endangered wildlife are a component of Queensland’sbiodiversity and a vital feature of the ecosystem in which thewildlife lives.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), endangered wildliferepresents—

(a) a part of the Australian biota that is of inherent valueand potential importance for the maintenance ofecosystem processes; and

(b) a source of genetic information integral to anunderstanding of the evolution of the Australian biota;and

(c) a genetic resource of potential benefit to society.

14 Proposed management intent for endangered wildlife

The proposed management intent for endangered wildlife is asfollows—

(a) to establish and maintain a database of informationabout the wildlife and its habitat;

(b) to the extent practicable, to prepare and put into effectrecovery plans or conservation plans for the wildlife andits habitat;

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Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(c) to seek funding to help achieve the objectives of therecovery plans or conservation plans;

(d) to take action to ensure viable populations of thewildlife in the wild are preserved or re-established;

(e) to cooperate with the Commonwealth and other Stateagencies—

(i) for the ongoing protection and management of thewildlife and its habitat; and

(ii) to work towards a national conservation status forthe wildlife and its habitat;

(f) to implement education programs for land-holdersabout—

(i) threatening processes to the wildlife or its habitat;and

(ii) the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat;

(g) to regularly monitor and review the conservation statusof the wildlife and its habitat;

(h) to encourage scientific research and inventory programslikely to contribute to an understanding of the wildlife orits habitat including, for example, the requirements forconserving the wildlife or habitat;

(i) to protect the critical habitat, or the areas of majorinterest, for the wildlife;

(j) to monitor and review environmental impact proceduresto ensure they—

(i) accurately assess the extent of the impact, on thewildlife, of the activities to which the proceduresrelate; and

(ii) provide for effective measures to mitigate anyadverse impact of the activities on the wildlife; and

(iii) if there is an adverse impact of the activities on anarea in which the wildlife normally lives, providefor the enhancement of other areas where thewildlife normally lives.

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Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

15 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of endangered wildlife

(1) This section states the principles for the proposed taking,keeping or use of endangered wildlife.

(2) The taking, keeping or use of endangered wildlife for displaymay be authorised under the Act only if it is—

(a) for an approved captive breeding program for thewildlife to be conducted under an approved recoveryplan for the wildlife; or

(b) authorised under a conservation plan for the wildlife.

(3) The taking, keeping or use of endangered wildlife for apurpose other than display may be authorised under the Actonly if—

(a) it is consistent with the management principles for thewildlife; and

(b) it will not reduce the ability of the wildlife’s populationto expand.

Division 3 Vulnerable wildlife

16 Native wildlife that is vulnerable wildlife

Native wildlife mentioned in schedule 3 is vulnerable wildlife.

17 Declared management intent for vulnerable wildlife

The declared management intent for vulnerable wildlife is tomanage the wildlife having regard to the following—

(a) the significance of the wildlife to nature and its value, asmentioned in section 18;

(b) the proposed management intent for the wildlife, asmentioned in section 19;

(c) the principles for the taking, keeping or use of thewildlife, as mentioned in section 20.

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Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

18 Significance of vulnerable wildlife to nature and its value

(1) This section states the significance of vulnerable wildlife tonature and its value.

(2) Vulnerable wildlife are a component of Queensland’sbiodiversity and a vital feature of the ecosystem in which thewildlife lives.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), vulnerable wildliferepresents—

(a) a part of the Australian biota that is of inherent valueand potential importance for the maintenance ofecosystem processes; and

(b) a source of genetic information integral to anunderstanding of the evolution of the Australian biota;and

(c) a genetic resource of potential benefit to society.

19 Proposed management intent for vulnerable wildlife

The proposed management intent for vulnerable wildlife is asfollows—

(a) to establish and maintain a database of informationabout the wildlife and its habitat;

(b) to the extent practicable, to prepare and put into effectrecovery plans or conservation plans for the wildlife andits habitat;

(c) to seek funding to help achieve the objectives of therecovery plans or conservation plans;

(d) to take action to ensure viable populations of thewildlife in the wild are preserved or re-established;

(e) to cooperate with the Commonwealth and other Stateagencies—

(i) for the ongoing protection and management of thewildlife and its habitat; and

(ii) to work towards a national conservation status forthe wildlife and its habitat;

(f) to implement education programs for land-holders

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(i) threatening processes to the wildlife or its habitat;and

(ii) the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat;

(g) to regularly monitor and review the conservation statusof the wildlife and its habitat;

(h) to encourage scientific research likely to contribute to anunderstanding of the wildlife or its habitat including, forexample, the requirements for conserving the wildlife orhabitat;

(i) to protect the critical habitat, or the areas of majorinterest, for the wildlife;

(j) to monitor and review environmental impact proceduresto ensure they—

(i) accurately assess the extent of the impact, on thewildlife, of the activities to which the proceduresrelate; and

(ii) provide for effective measures to mitigate anyadverse impact of the activities on the wildlife; and

(iii) if there is an adverse impact of the activities on anarea in which the wildlife normally lives, providefor the enhancement of other areas where thewildlife normally lives.

20 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of vulnerable wildlife

(1) This section states the principles for the proposed taking,keeping or use of vulnerable wildlife.

(2) The taking, keeping or use of vulnerable wildlife for displaymay be authorised under the Act only if it is—

(a) for an approved captive breeding program for thewildlife to be conducted under an approved recoveryplan for the wildlife; or

(b) authorised under a conservation plan for the wildlife.

(3) The taking, keeping or use of vulnerable wildlife for a

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purpose other than display may be authorised under the Actonly if—

(a) it is consistent with the management principles for thewildlife; and

(b) it will not reduce the ability of the wildlife’s populationto expand.

Division 4 Near threatened wildlife

26 Native wildlife that is near threatened wildlife

Native wildlife mentioned in schedule 5 is near threatenedwildlife.

27 Declared management intent for near threatened wildlife

The declared management intent for near threatened wildlifeis to manage the wildlife having regard to the following—

(a) the significance of the wildlife to nature and its value, asmentioned in section 28;

(b) the proposed management intent for the wildlife, asmentioned in section 29;

(c) the principles for the taking, keeping or use of thewildlife, as mentioned in section 30.

28 Significance of near threatened wildlife to nature and its value

(1) This section states the significance of near threatened wildlifeto nature and its value.

(2) Near threatened wildlife are a component of Queensland’sbiodiversity and a vital feature of the ecosystem in which thewildlife lives.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), near threatened wildliferepresents—

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(a) a part of the Australian biota that is of inherent valueand potential importance for the maintenance ofecosystem processes; and

(b) a source of genetic information integral to anunderstanding of the evolution of the Australian biota;and

(c) a genetic resource of potential benefit to society.

29 Proposed management intent for near threatened wildlife

The proposed management intent for near threatened wildlifeis as follows—

(a) to establish and maintain a database of informationabout the wildlife and its habitat;

(b) to monitor and review the conservation status of thewildlife and its habitat;

(c) to the extent practicable, to put into effect strategies toaddress any threats to the conservation of the wildlife;

(d) to take action to prevent the further population declineof the wildlife in the wild;

(e) to cooperate with the Commonwealth and other Stateagencies—

(i) for the ongoing protection and management of thewildlife and its habitat; and

(ii) to work towards a national conservation status forthe wildlife and its habitat;

(f) to monitor and review information about therequirements for the conservation of the wildlife and itshabitat;

(g) to encourage scientific research likely to contribute to anunderstanding of the wildlife or its habitat including, forexample, the requirements for conserving the wildlife orhabitat;

(h) if a threatening process is affecting the wildlife to theextent that it will, or is likely to, become classified asextinct in the wild wildlife—to manage the wildlife as if

s 30 17 s 30

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

it were extinct in the wild wildlife until the wildlife isreclassified, under this regulation, as another class ofwildlife under this regulation;

(i) if a threatening process is affecting the wildlife to theextent that it will, or is likely to, become classified asendangered wildlife—to manage the wildlife as if itwere endangered wildlife until the wildlife isreclassified, under this regulation, as a class other thannear threatened wildlife;

(j) if a threatening process is affecting the wildlife to theextent that it will, or is likely to, become classified asvulnerable wildlife—to manage the wildlife as if it werevulnerable wildlife until the wildlife is reclassified,under this regulation, as a class other than nearthreatened wildlife;

(k) to protect the critical habitat, or the areas of majorinterest, for the wildlife;

(l) to monitor and review environmental impact proceduresto ensure they—

(i) accurately assess the extent of the impact, on thewildlife, of the activities to which the proceduresrelate; and

(ii) provide for effective measures to mitigate anyadverse impact of the activities on the wildlife; and

(iii) if there is an adverse impact of the activities on anarea in which the wildlife normally lives, providefor the enhancement of other areas where thewildlife normally lives.

30 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of near threatened wildlife

(1) This section states the principles for the proposed taking,keeping or use of near threatened wildlife.

(2) The taking, keeping or use of near threatened wildlife taken inthe wild for display may be authorised under the Act only if itis—

s 31 18 s 33

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(a) for an approved captive breeding program for thewildlife and is likely to result in a benefit to the wildlifein the wild; or

(b) authorised under a conservation plan for the wildlife.

(3) The taking, keeping or use of captive-bred near threatenedwildlife for display, or the taking, keeping or use of nearthreatened wildlife for a purpose other than display, may beauthorised under the Act only if—

(a) it is consistent with the management principles for thewildlife; and

(b) it will not affect the survival of populations of thewildlife in the wild.

Division 5 Least concern wildlife

31 Native wildlife that is least concern wildlife

Native wildlife mentioned in schedule 6 is least concernwildlife.

32 Declared management intent for least concern wildlife

The declared management intent for least concern wildlife isto manage the wildlife having regard to the following—

(a) the significance of the wildlife to nature and its value, asmentioned in section 33;

(b) the proposed management intent for the wildlife, asmentioned in section 34;

(c) the principles for the taking, keeping or use of thewildlife, as mentioned in section 35.

33 Significance of least concern wildlife to nature and its value

(1) This section states the significance of least concern wildlife tonature and its value.

s 34 19 s 34

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(2) Least concern wildlife are a component of Queensland’sbiodiversity and a vital feature of the ecosystem in which thewildlife lives.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), least concern wildliferepresents—

(a) a part of the Australian biota that is of inherent valueand potential importance for the maintenance ofecosystem processes; and

(b) a source of genetic information integral to anunderstanding of the evolution of the Australian biota;and

(c) a genetic resource of potential benefit to society.

34 Proposed management intent for least concern wildlife

(1) The proposed management intent for least concern wildlife isas follows—

(a) to monitor and review the conservation status of thewildlife;

(b) to the extent practicable, to prepare and put into effectconservation plans or other instruments for least concernwildlife that—

(i) is of commercial, recreational, traditional orpotential conservation interest; or

(ii) the chief executive considers to be potentiallyvulnerable;

(c) to encourage scientific research and inventory programslikely to contribute to an understanding of the wildlife orthe Australian biota;

(d) to incorporate into educational material and programsprovided by the department, information about thewildlife’s contribution to Queensland’s and Australia’sbiodiversity.

(2) In addition, the proposed management intent for each specialleast concern animal includes ensuring each person exercisinga power or carrying out a function for a State government

s 35 20 s 35

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

agency has regard to, when exercising the power or carryingout the function—

(a) the special cultural significance of the animal; and

(b) the need to conserve existing populations of the animal.

(3) In this section—

special least concern animal means the following—

(a) the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus);

(b) the echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus);

(c) the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus);

(d) a least concern bird to which any of the followingapply—

(i) the agreement called ‘Agreement Between theGovernment of Australia and the Government ofJapan for the Protection of Migratory Birds andBirds in Danger of Extinction and theirEnvironment’ and signed at Tokyo on 6 February1974;

(ii) the agreement called ‘Agreement Between theGovernment of Australia and the Government ofthe People’s Republic of China for the Protectionof Migratory Birds and their Environment’ andsigned at Canberra on 20 October 1986;

(iii) the convention called ‘Convention on theConservation of Migratory Species of WildAnimals’ and signed at Bonn on 23 June 1979.2

35 Principles for the taking, keeping or use of least concern wildlife

(1) This section states the principles for the proposed taking,keeping or use of least concern wildlife.

2 The agreements can be accessed on the internet at <>.

The convention can be accessed on the internet at <>.

s 36 21 s 38

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(2) The taking, keeping or use of least concern wildlife may beauthorised under the Act only if it is consistent with themanagement principles for the wildlife.

Part 3 Classes of other wildlife and declared management intent for the wildlife

Division 1 International wildlife

36 Wildlife that is international wildlife

Wildlife mentioned in schedule 7 is international wildlife.

37 Declared management intent for international wildlife

The declared management intent for international wildlife isto manage the wildlife having regard to the following—

(a) the significance of the wildlife to nature and its value, asmentioned in section 38;

(b) the proposed management intent for the wildlife, asmentioned in section 39;

(c) the principles for the keeping or use of the wildlife, asmentioned in section 40.

38 Significance of international wildlife to nature and its value

(1) This section states the significance of international wildlife tonature and its value.

(2) International wildlife represents a source of importantinformation that may assist in understanding the processesthat influence the evolution of the Australian biota.

s 39 22 s 42

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

39 Proposed management intent for international wildlife

The proposed management intent for international wildlife isas follows—

(a) to give active support to the principles and objectives ofCITES in consultation with the Commonwealth andother State agencies;

(b) to monitor the use of the wildlife in Queensland,including, trade in the wildlife, having particular regardto—

(i) whether the wildlife interferes with the naturalbiodiversity of native wildlife; and

(ii) whether the use of the wildlife is likely to result inthe introduction of exotic diseases intoQueensland.

40 Principles for the keeping and use of international wildlife

(1) This section states the principles for the proposed keeping oruse of international wildlife.

(2) The keeping and use of international wildlife, including, inparticular, trading in the wildlife, can be authorised under theAct only if the keeping or use poses no risk, or only a minimalrisk, to the conservation of nature.

Division 2 Prohibited wildlife

41 Wildlife that is prohibited wildlife

Wildlife mentioned in schedule 8 is prohibited wildlife.

42 Declared management intent for prohibited wildlife

The declared management intent for prohibited wildlife is tomanage the wildlife having regard to the following—

(a) the significance of the wildlife to nature and its value, asmentioned in section 43;

s 43 23 s 45

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(b) the proposed management intent for the wildlife, asmentioned in section 44;

(c) the principles for the keeping or use of the wildlife, asmentioned in section 45.

43 Significance of prohibited wildlife to nature and its value

(1) This section states the significance of prohibited wildlife tonature and its value.

(2) Prohibited wildlife is of no value to Queensland’s nature andis likely to be a threatening process to native wildlife andQueensland’s natural biodiversity.

44 Proposed management intent for prohibited wildlife

The proposed management intent for prohibited wildlife is asfollows—

(a) to identify, monitor and reduce the wildlife’s population;

(b) to identify habitats and species of native wildlife mostlikely to be affected by prohibited wildlife;

(c) to identify captive populations of the wildlife and securethe wildlife to minimise the risk of the wildlife’sintroduction to the wild;

(d) to make appropriate administrative arrangements withthe Commonwealth and other State agencies that havean interest in the management of the wildlife;

(e) to support any project likely to result in, or give effectto, the humane taking of the wildlife from the wild.

45 Principles for the keeping and use of prohibited wildlife

(1) This section states the principles for the proposed keeping oruses of prohibited wildlife.

(2) The keeping and use of prohibited wildlife may be authorisedunder the Act only if the keeping or use poses no more than aminimal risk to the conservation of nature.

s 46 24 s 47

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Part 4 Transitional provision

46 References to Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 1994

In subordinate legislation, a relevant authority, a licence,permit, or other authority under another Act, or anotherdocument—

(a) a reference to the repealed Nature Conservation(Wildlife) Regulation 1994 is taken, if the contextpermits, to be a reference to this regulation; and

(b) a reference to a provision of the repealed NatureConservation (Wildlife) Regulation 1994 is taken, if thecontext permits, to be a reference to the correspondingprovision of this regulation.

Part 5 Repeal provision

47 Repeal

The Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 1994 SL No.474 is repealed.


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 1 Extinct in the wild wildlife

section 6

Part 1 Animals that are extinct in the wild wildlife

1 Birds

The following birds are extinct in the wild wildlife—

2 Mammals

The following mammals are extinct in the wild wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Psephotus pulcherrimus paradise parrot

Scientific name Common name

Bettongia gaimardi gaimardi eastern bettongCaloprymnus campestris desert rat-kangarooConilurus albipes white-footed tree-ratDasyurus geoffroii geoffroii western quollNotomys mordax Darling Downs hopping-mousePteropus brunneus dusky flying-fox

Schedule 1 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Part 2 Plants that are extinct in the wild wildlife

3 Plants

The following plants are extinct in the wild wildlife—

Scientific name

Amphibromus whiteiAntrophyum austroqueenslandicumArgyreia soutteriCorchorus thozetiiEmbelia flueckigeriGoodenia arenicolaHuperzia serrataHymenophyllum lobbiiHymenophyllum whiteiLemmaphyllum accedensLindsaea pulchella var. blandaLycopodium volubileMarsdenia araujaceaMonogramma dareicarpaMusa fitzalaniiOberonia attenuataOldenlandia tenelliflora var. papuanaPaspalum batianoffiiPersoonia prostrataProstanthera albohirtaTmesipteris lanceolataTrichomanes exiguumWendlandia psychotrioides


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 2 Endangered wildlife

section 11

Part 1 Animals that are endangered wildlife

1 Amphibians

(1) The following amphibians are endangered wildlife—

(2) Also, a cascade tree frog (Litoria pearsoniana) is endangeredwildlife for the Kroombit Tops National Park.


Under schedule 3, section 1, a cascade tree frog (Litoria pearsoniana) isvulnerable wildlife for an area other than the Kroombit Tops NationalPark.

Scientific name Common name

Litoria lorica little waterfall frogLitoria nannotis torrent tree frogLitoria nyakalensis mountain mistfrogLitoria rheocola common mist frogMixophyes fleayi Fleay’s barred frogMixophyes iteratus giant barred frogNyctimystes dayi Australian lacelidRheobatrachus silus southern gastric brooding frogRheobatrachus vitellinus northern gastric brooding frogTaudactylus acutirostris sharp-snouted torrent frogTaudactylus diurnus Mount Glorious torrent frogTaudactylus eungellensis Eungella torrent frogTaudactylus pleione Kroombit tinkerfrogTaudactylus rheophilus northern tinkerfrog

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

2 Birds

The following birds are endangered wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Anthochaera phrygia regent honeyeaterCasuarius casuarius johnsonii (southern population)a

a Garnett, ST and Crowley, GM, 2000, ‘The action plan for Australian birds 2000’,Environment Australia, Canberra

southern cassowary (southern population)

Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni double-eyed fig-parrot (Coxen’s)Dasyornis brachypterus eastern bristlebirdEpthianura crocea macgregori yellow chat (Dawson)Erythrotriorchis radiatus red goshawkErythrura gouldiae Gouldian finchLathamus discolor swift parrotMacronectes giganteus southern giant petrelNeochmia phaeton evangelinae crimson finch (white-bellied

subspecies)Neochmia ruficauda ruficauda star finch (eastern subspecies)Pezoporus occidentalis night parrotPoephila cincta cincta black-throated finch

(white-rumped subspecies)Psephotus chrysopterygius golden-shouldered parrotPterodroma heraldica Herald petrelSternula albifrons little tern

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

3 Fish

The following fish are endangered wildlife—

4 Invertebrates

The following invertebrates are endangered wildlife—

5 Mammals

The following mammals are endangered wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Carcharias taurusa

a Last, PR and Stevens, JD, 1994, ‘Sharks and Rays of Australia’, CSIRO, Australia

grey nurse sharkChlamydogobius micropterusb

b Larson, HK, 1995, ‘A review of the Australian endemic gobiid fish genusChlamydogobius, with description of five new species’, ‘The Beagle–Records of theMuseums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory’, vol 23, pp 19–51

Elizabeth Springs gobyChlamydogobius squamigenusc

c Larson, HK, 1995, ‘A review of the Australian endemic gobiid fish genusChlamydogobius, with description of five new species’, ‘The Beagle–Records of theMuseums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory’, vol 23, pp 19–51

Edgbaston gobyScaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis red-finned blue-eye

Scientific name Common name

Argyreus hyperbius inconstans Australian fritillary butterflyHypochrysops piceata bulloak jewel butterfly

Scientific name Common name

Bettongia tropica northern bettongDasyurus maculatus gracilis spotted-tailed quollHipposideros semoni Semon’s leaf-nosed batLasiorhinus krefftii northern hairy-nosed wombatMacrotis lagotis bilbyMelomys rubicola Bramble Cay melomysNotomys fuscus dusky hopping-mouseOnychogalea fraenata bridled nailtail wallaby

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

6 Reptiles

The following reptiles are endangered wildlife—

Petaurus gracilis mahogany gliderPetrogale persephone Proserpine rock-wallabyPetrogale sharmani Sharman’s rock-wallabyPseudomys australis plains ratRhinolophus philippinensis greater large-eared horseshoe batSaccolaimus saccolaimus nudicluniatus

bare-rumped sheathtail bat

Sminthopsis douglasi Julia Creek dunnart

Scientific name Common name

Anomalopus mackayi long-legged worm skinkCaretta caretta loggerhead turtleDermochelys coriacea leathery turtleElusor macrurus Mary River tortoiseHemiaspis damelii grey snakeLepidochelys olivacea Pacific ridleyLerista allanaeNangura spinosa Nangur skinkPhyllurus gulbaru Gulbaru geckoPhyllurus kabikabi Oakview leaf-tailed geckoTympanocryptis cf. tetraporophora Darling Downs earless dragon

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Part 2 Plants that are endangered wildlife

7 Plants

The following plants are endangered wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Acacia porcataAcacia rubricolaAcacia saxicola Mt Maroon wattleAcacia sp. (Ruined Castle Creek P.I.Forster+ PIF17848)Acronychia littoralis scented acronychiaAlectryon ramiflorusAlectryon repandodentatusAllocasuarina emuinaAllocasuarina thalassoscopicaAmphineuron immersumApatophyllum flavovirensApatophyllum olseniiAponogeton bullosusAponogeton proliferusArchidendron kanisiiArchontophoenix myolensisAristida forsteri Forster’s wire grassAristida graniticaAristida thompsonii Thompson’s wire grassAstonia australiensisAstrotricha roddiiAtalaya collinaAustrobryonia argillicolaBackhousia oliganthaBertya granitica

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Bertya recurvataBlandfordia grandiflora Christmas bellsBoea kinneariiBoronia graniticaBoronia repandaBorya inopinataBrachychiton sp. (Blackwall Range R.J.Fensham 971)Brachychiton sp. (Ormeau L.H.Bird AQ435851)

Ormeau bottle tree

Bulbophyllum blumeiCajanus mareebensisCaladenia atroclaviaCallicarpa thozetiiCalochilus psednusCapparis humistrataCarronia pedicellataChingia australisClausena smyrellianaCoix gasteeniiCommersonia inglewoodensisCommersonia pearniiCorchorus cunninghamiiCossinia australianaCostus potieraeCrepidium lawleriCrepidomanes aphlebioides filmy fernCroton caudatusCroton mamillatus Bahrs Scrub crotonCyathea exilisCyathea felinaCycas megacarpa

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Cycas ophiolitica Marlborough blueCycas semota Bamaga zamiaCymbonotus maideniiCyperus cephalotesDavidsonia johnsoniiDecaspermum struckoilicumDendrobium antennatum antelope orchidDendrobium lithocola Cooktown orchidDendrobium mirbelianum mangrove orchidDendrobium nindii blue orchidDinosperma longifoliumDiplazium pallidumDiploglottis campbellii small leaved tamarindDipodium pictumEleocharis difformisEndiandra cooperanaEndiandra floydiiEremochloa muricataEriocaulon aloefoliumEriocaulon carsoniiEriocaulon giganticumEryngium fontanumEucalyptus broviniensisEucalyptus conglomerata swamp stringybarkEucalyptus pachycalyx subsp. waajensis

shiny-barked gum

Eucryphia jinksiiEuphrasia bella Lamington eyebrightFimbristylis adjunctaFontainea fugaxGardenia actinocarpaGenoplesium tectum

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Glossocardia orthochaetaGossia fragrantissima sweet myrtle, small-leaved myrtleGossia gonoclada angle-stemmed myrtleGraptophyllum reticulatumGrevillea linsmithiiGyrostemon osmusHabenaria harroldiiHabenaria macraithiiHedyotis novoguineensisHomopholis belsoniiHuperzia carinataHuperzia dalhousieanaHuperzia filiformisHuperzia squarrosaJasminum jenniaeKardomia graniticaKardomia silvestrisKunzea calidaKunzea sp. (Dicks Tableland A.R.Bean 3672)Lasiopetalum sp. (Proston J.A.Baker 17)Leionema elatius subsp. beckleriLenwebbia sp. (Blackall Range P.R.Sharpe 5387)Lepisanthes senegalensisLeucopogon recurvisepalusLeucopogon sp. (Coolmunda D.Halford Q1635)Lilaeopsis brisbanicaMacadamia janseniiMacrozamia cranei

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Macrozamia lomandroidesMacrozamia pauli-guilielmiMacrozamia platyrhachisMacrozamia serpentinaMacrozamia viridisMelaleuca irbyana bush house paperbark, swamp

teatree, weeping paperbarkMelaleuca sylvanaMelaleuca uxorumMicrocarpaea agonisMicromyrtus carinataMicromyrtus delicataMicromyrtus patulaMusa jackeyi native banana, erect bananaMyriophyllum artesiumMyrsine serpenticolaNepenthes mirabilis (Bramston Beach population)

pitcher plant (Bramston Beach population)

Nesaea robertsiiNicotiana wuttkeiNoahdendron nicholasiiNotelaea ipsviciensis Cooneana oliveOchrosia moorei southern ochrosiaOldenlandia gibsoniiOldenlandia spathulataOlearia hygrophila swamp daisy, water daisyOlearia macdonnellensisParsonsia largiflorens large-leaved silkpodParsonsia sankowskyanaParsonsia wongabelensis arrowhead vinePhaius australisPhaius bernaysii yellow swamp orchid

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Phalaenopsis amabilis subsp. rosenstromii

moth orchid

Phebalium distansPlanchonella eerwah Eerwah plum, shiny-leaved

coondooPlectranthus habrophyllusPlectranthus nitidusPlectranthus omissusPlectranthus torrenticolaPlesioneuron tuberculatumPomaderris clivicolaPomaderris coomingalensisProstanthera clottenianaProstanthera sp. (Dinden P.I.Forster+ PIF17342)Pterostylis chaetophoraPterostylis scoliosa small kinked greenhoodPtilotus brachyanthusPtilotus extenuatusRandia moorei spiny gardeniaRhodamnia angustifoliaRhodamnia longisepalaRutidosis lanataSankowskya stipularisSannantha papillosaSarcochilus fitzgeraldii ravine orchidSarcochilus weinthalii blotched sarcochilusSolanum adenophorumSolanum angustumSolanum dissectumSolanum elachophyllumSolanum graniticum

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 2 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Solanum hamulosumSolanum johnsonianumSolanum mentiens Boonah solanumSolanum papaverifoliumSporobolus pamelaeStackhousia sp. (McIvor River J.R.Clarkson 5201)Syzygium glenum satinashTectaria devexa var. devexaToechima pterocarpumTrioncinia patens Peak Downs daisyTrioncinia retroflexaTriunia robustaTylophora linearisTylophora rupicolaTylophora woollsiiVrydagzynea grayiWestringia grandifoliaXanthostemon formosusXerothamnella herbaceaZieria actitesZieria bifidaZieria exsulZieria furfuracea subsp. gymnocarpaZieria graniticolaZieria inexpectataZieria vagans Binjour zieria

Scientific name Common name


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 3 Vulnerable wildlife

section 16

Part 1 Animals that are vulnerable wildlife

1 Amphibians

(1) The following amphibians are vulnerable wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Adelotus brevis tusked frogCophixalus concinnus beautiful nurseryfrogCophixalus crepitans northern nurseryfrogCophixalus exiguus dainty nurseryfrogCophixalus mcdonaldi Mt Elliot nurseryfrogCophixalus monticola mountain nurseryfrogCophixalus neglectusa

a Zweifel, RG, 1962, ‘A systematic review of the microhylid frogs of Australia’,‘American Museum Novit’, vol 2113, pp 1–40

Bellenden Ker nurseryfrogCophixalus peninsularis Cape York nurseryfrogCophixalus saxatilis Black Mountain nurseryfrogCophixalus zweifelib

b Davies, M, McDonald, KR, 1998, ‘A new species of frog (Anura: Microhylidae)from Cape Melville, Queensland’, ‘Transactions of the Royal Society of SouthAustralia’, vol 122(4), pp 159–165

Cape Melville boulder frogCrinia tinnula wallum frogletLitoria andiirrmalinc

c McDonald, KR, 1997, ‘A new stream-dwelling Litoria from the Melville Range,Queensland’, ‘Memoirs of the Queensland Museum’, vol 42(1), pp 307–309

Melville Range treefrogLitoria freycineti Freycinet’s frogLitoria olongburensis wallum sedgefrogLitoria subglandulosa New England treefrogPseudophryne covacevichae magnificent broodfrog

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(2) Also, a cascade tree frog (Litoria pearsoniana) is vulnerablewildlife for an area other than the Kroombit Tops NationalPark.


Under schedule 2, section 1, a cascade tree frog (Litoria pearsoniana) isendangered wildlife for the Kroombit Tops National Park.

2 Birds

The following birds are vulnerable wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Atrichornis rufescens rufous scrub-birdCalyptorhynchus lathami glossy black-cockatooCasuarius casuarius johnsonii (northern population)a

southern cassowary (northern population)

Cyclopsitta diophthalma macleayana double-eyed fig-parrot (Macleay’s)

Diomedea antipodensis antipodensis antipodean albatrossDiomedea antipodensis gibsoni Gibson’s albatrossDiomedea exulans wandering albatrossEclectus roratus macgillivrayi eclectus parrot (Australian

subspecies)Epthianura crocea crocea yellow chat (gulf)Esacus magnirostris beach stone-curlewGeophaps scripta scripta squatter pigeon (southern

subspecies)Grantiella picta painted honeyeater

Lophochroa leadbeateri Major Mitchell’s cockatooMacronectes halli northern giant petrelMalurus coronatus purple-crowned fairy-wrenNinox rufa queenslandica rufous owl (southern subspecies)Ninox strenua powerful owlPedionomus torquatus plains-wandererPezoporus wallicus wallicusb ground parrot

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

3 Fish

The following fish are vulnerable wildlife—

4 Invertebrates

The following invertebrates are vulnerable wildlife—

Phaethon rubricauda red-tailed tropicbirdPhoebetria fusca sooty albatrossPodargus ocellatus plumiferus marbled frogmouthRostratula australis Australian painted snipeStipiturus malachurus southern emu-wrenThalassarche bulleri Buller’s albatrossThalassarche carteri Indian yellow-nosed albatrossThalassarche cauta shy albatrossThalassarche chrysostoma grey-headed albatrossThalassarche steadi white-capped albatrossTurnix melanogaster black-breasted button-quailTurnix olivii buff-breasted button-quailTyto novaehollandiae kimberlic masked owl (northern subspecies)

a Garnett, ST and Crowley, GM, 2000, ‘The action plan for Australian birds 2000’,Environment Australia, Canberra

b Garnett, ST and Crowley, GM, 2000, ‘The action plan for Australian birds 2000’,Environment Australia, Canberra

c Garnett, ST and Crowley, GM, 2000, ‘The action plan for Australian birds 2000’,Environment Australia, Canberra

Scientific name Common name

Nannoperca oxleyana Oxleyan pygmy perchPseudomugil mellis honey blue-eye

Scientific name Common name

Acrodipsas illidgei Illidge’s ant-blue butterflyHypochrysops apollo apollo apollo jewel butterfly

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

5 Mammals

(1) The following mammals are vulnerable wildlife—

Jalmenus eubulusa pale imperial hairstreakNacaduba pactolus cela bold blue-line butterflyOrnithoptera richmondia Richmond birdwing butterfly

a Eastwood, R, Braby, MF, Schmidt, DJ and Hughes, JM, 2008, ‘Taxonomy, ecology,genetics and conservation status of the pale imperial hairstreak (Jalmenus eubulus)(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): a threatened butterfly from the Brigalow Belt,Australia’, ‘Invertebrate Systematics’, vol 22, pp 407–423

Scientific name Common name

Arctocephalus tropicalis Subantarctic fur sealChalinolobus dwyeri large-eared pied batDasycercus cristicauda mulgaraDasyuroides byrnei kowariDasyurus maculatus maculatus spotted-tailed quollDugong dugon dugongHipposideros cervinus fawn leaf-nosed batHipposideros stenotis northern leaf-nosed batMacroderma gigas ghost batMegaptera novaeangliae humpback whaleMurina florium tube-nosed insect batNotomys aquilo northern hopping-mouseNyctophilus timoriensis eastern long-eared batPetaurus australis unnamed subsp.a yellow-bellied glider (northern

subspecies)Petrogale penicillata brush-tailed rock-wallabyPetrogale purpureicollis purple-necked rock-wallabyPotorous tridactylus tridactylus long-nosed potorooPseudomys oralis Hastings River mouseRhinonicteris aurantia orange leaf-nosed bat

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

(2) Also, a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is vulnerable wildlifefor the south-east Queensland bioregion.


Under schedule 6, section 4, a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is leastconcern wildlife for an area other than the south-east Queenslandbioregion.

6 Reptiles

The following reptiles are vulnerable wildlife—

Taphozous australis coastal sheathtail batXeromys myoides false water-rat

a Brown, M, Cooksley, H, Carthew, SM and Cooper, SJB, 2006, ‘Conservation unitsand phylogeographic structure of an arboreal marsupial, the yellow-bellied glider(Petaurus australis)’, ‘Australian Journal of Zoology’, vol 54, pp 305–317

Scientific name Common name

Carlia scirtetisChelonia mydas green turtleCrocodylus porosus estuarine crocodileDelma labialis striped-tailed delmaDelma torquata collared delmaDenisonia maculata ornamental snakeEgernia rugosa yakka skinkElseya lavarackorum gulf snapping turtleEretmochelys imbricata hawksbill turtleEulamprus frereiEulamprus luteilateralisFurina dunmalli Dunmall’s snakeLerista amelesLerista ingrami Ingram’s leristaLerista vittata Mount Cooper striped leristaMenetia sadlieri

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Part 2 Plants that are vulnerable wildlife

7 Plants

The following plants are vulnerable wildlife—

Nactus galgajugaNatator depressus flatback turtleOrraya occultusa

Paradelma orientalis brigalow scaly-footPhyllurus caudiannulatus ringed thin-tailed geckoPhyllurus isisRheodytes leukops Fitzroy tortoiseTechmarscincus jigurrub

a Couper, PJ, Schneider, CJ, Hoskin, CJ and Covacevich, JA, 2000, ‘Australianleaf-tailed geckos: phylogeny, a new genus, two new species and other new data’,‘Memoirs of the Queensland Museum’, vol 45, pp 253–265

b Wells, RW, Wellington, CR, 1985, ‘A classification of the Amphibia and Reptilia ofAustralia’, ‘Australian Journal of Herpetology Supplementary Series’, vol 1, pp1–61

Scientific name Common name

Acacia ammophilaAcacia argentinaAcacia argyrotrichaAcacia attenuataAcacia barakulensis Waajie wattleAcacia baueri subsp. baueri tiny wattleAcacia crombieiAcacia curranii

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Acacia deuteroneuraAcacia eremophiloidesAcacia guymeriAcacia handonis Hando’s wattleAcacia hockingsii Hocking’s wattleAcacia homalocladaAcacia hylonoma Yarrabah wattleAcacia islana Isla Gorge wattleAcacia lauta Tara wattleAcacia lumholtziiAcacia pedleyi Pedley’s wattleAcacia peuce waddy woodAcacia pubifolia Girraween wattleAcacia purpureopetalaAcacia ruppiiAcacia solenotaAcacia tingoorensisAcacia wardelliiAcalypha lyonsiiAcriopsis emarginataActephila bella Granite Creek actephilaActephila championiaeActephila foetidaAglaia argentea silver boodyarraAlbizia sp. (Windsor Tableland B.Gray 2181)Allocasuarina rigida subsp. exsul Mt Cooroora she-oakAlloxylon flammeumAmomum queenslandicumAponogeton elongatus subsp. fluitansArchidendron lovelliae bacon wood

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Arenga australasicaAristida annuaArthraxon hispidusAsplenium pellucidumAsplenium unilateraleAsplenium wildiiAtriplex morrisiiAustromuellera validaBaeckea trapezaBaloghia marmorata jointed baloghiaBanksia conferta subsp. confertaBanksia plagiocarpa blue banksiaBarongia lophandraBerrya rotundifoliaBertya calycinaBertya ernestianaBertya glandulosaBertya pinifoliaBoronia grimshawiiBoronia keysii Keys’ boroniaBothriochloa bunyensis Bunya Mountains bluegrassBubbia whiteanaBuchanania mangoidesBulbophyllum gracillimumBulbophyllum longiflorumBulbophyllum weinthaliiBursaria reevesiiCadellia pentastylis oolineCalamus warburgiiCalophyllum bicolorCalytrix gurulmundensis

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Calytrix islensisCanarium acutifolium var. acutifoliumCapparis thozetianaCarmona retusaCassia marksiana brush cassiaCassinia collinaCaustis blakei subsp. macrantha koala fernCeratopetalum corymbosumChamaesyce carissoidesChiloglottis sphyrnoidesCinnamomum propinquum pepperwoodCissus aristataCitrus inodoraClematis fawcettiiCombretum trifoliatumComesperma oblongatumCommersonia beeronensisCommersonia reticulataCoopernookia scabridiuscula coopernookiaCorchorus hygrophilusCorybas montanus small helmet orchidCorymbia clandestinaCorymbia leptolomaCorymbia petalophylla Beeron yellowjacketCorymbia rhodops red-throated bloodwoodCorymbia xanthope Glen Geddes bloodwoodCorynocarpus rupestris subsp. arborescens

southern corynocarpus

Crepidomanes endlicherianumCrepidomanes majoriaeCroton choristadenius

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Croton magneticusCroton stockeriCryptocarya foetida stinking cryptocaryaCtenopteris blechnoidesCtenopteris walleriCupaniopsis cooperorumCupaniopsis shirleyana wedge-leaf tuckerooCupaniopsis tomentella Boonah tuckerooCycas cairnsianaCycas desolataCycas platyphyllaCycas silvestrisCycas tuckeriCyclophyllum costatumCyperus clarusCyperus semifertilisDansiea grandifloraDaviesia discolorDaviesia quoquoversusDendrobium bigibbum Cooktown orchidDendrobium callitrophilum cypress orchidDendrobium carronii pink tea-tree orchidDendrobium johannis brown antelope orchidDendrobium phalaenopsis Cooktown orchidDendrobium x superbiens pink orchid, curly pinksDenhamia parvifolia small-leaved denhamiaDichanthium queenslandicumDioclea hexandraDiospyros sp. (Bamaga B.P.Hyland 2517)Diplazium cordifoliumDischidia littoralis

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Dissiliaria tuckeriDiuris parvipetalaDodonaea hirsuta hairy hop bushDodonaea rupicolaDracophyllum sayeriDrosera proliferaDrosera schizandraDrummondita calidaDrynaria x dumicolaDryopteris sparsaDubouzetia saxatilisEctrosia blakeiEidothea zoexylocaryaEleocharis retroflexaEndiandra grayi Gray’s walnutEndiandra hayesiiEndiandra jonesiiEndiandra phaeocarpaEremophila tetrapteraEucalyptus argophloia Chinchilla white gumEucalyptus beanianaEucalyptus dunnii Dunn’s white gumEucalyptus hallii Goodwood gumEucalyptus inferaEucalyptus kabiana Mt Beerwah malleeEucalyptus paedoglauca Mt Stuart ironbarkEucalyptus raveretiana black ironboxEucalyptus scoparia Wallangarra white gumEucalyptus sicilifoliaEucalyptus sideroxylon subsp. (Waaje N.B.Byrnes 3955)Eucalyptus taurina ironbark

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Eucalyptus virens shiny-leaved ironbarkEucryphia wilkieiEuodia pubifoliaEuphorbia sarcostemmoidesFloydia praealta ball nutFontainea australis southern fontaineaFontainea rostrataFontainea venosaFreycinetia marginata climbing pandanus, giant climbing

pandanusFreycinetia percostataGardenia psidioidesGastrodia crebrifloraGastrodia urceolataGaultheria sp. (Mt Merino G.Leiper AQ502686)

green waxberry

Genoplesium cranei Blackall Range midge orchidGermainia capitataGlobba marantinaGonocarpus hirtusGonocarpus urceolatusGoodenia stirlingiiGrammitis reinwardtiiGraptophyllum ilicifoliumGrastidium tozerenseGrevillea glossadeniaGrevillea hockingsiiGrevillea hodgeiGrevillea kennedyanaGrevillea quadricaudaGrevillea scortechinii subsp. scortechinii

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Grevillea venustaGymnostoma australianum Daintree pineHakea maconochieanaHakea trineuraHaloragis exalata subsp. velutinaHelicia ferruginea rusty oak, rusty helicia, hairy heliciaHelicia lewisensisHexaspora pubescensHibbertia cymosaHicksbeachia pinnatifoliaHollandaea ripariaHomoranthus decumbensHomoranthus montanusHomoranthus papillatus mouse bushHomoranthus porteriHuperzia lockyeriHuperzia marsupiiformisHuperzia phlegmarioides layered tassel fernHuperzia tetrastichoides square tassel fernHuperzia varia long clubmossHydnophytum ferrugineum ant plantHydriastele costataHydrocharis dubia frogbitHydrocotyle dipleuraHymenophyllum digitatumHymenophyllum eboracenseHymenophyllum gracilescensHymenophyllum kerianumHypserpa polyandraIndigofera oxyrachisJedda multicaulis

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Kardomia squarrulosaLasjia claudiensisLasjia grandis satin silky oakLastreopsis grayiLastreopsis silvestrisLastreopsis tinarooensisLastreopsis walleriLawrencia buchananensisLeionema ellipticumLeionema gracileLeionema obtusifoliumLepiderema pulchella fine-leaved tuckerooLeptospermum luehmannii Glasshouse Mountains tea-treeLeptospermum oreophilumLeptospermum venustumLepturus minutusLeucopogon malayanus subsp. novoguineensisLindsaea terrae-reginaeLissanthe brevistylaLitsea graniticaLivistona drudei Halifax fan palmLivistona lanuginosa Cape River fan palmLogania diffusaLomandra teresLychnothamnus barbatus stonewortMacadamia integrifolia Queensland nut, macadamia nutMacadamia ternifolia bopple nutMacadamia tetraphylla macadamia nutMacropteranthes montanaMacrozamia confertaMacrozamia crassifolia

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Macrozamia machiniiMacrozamia occiduaMacrozamia parcifoliaMarsdenia brevifoliaMarsdenia coronata slender milkvineMarsdenia longilobaMarsdenia paludicolaMarsdenia pumilaMarsdenia raraMarsdenia stramineaMaundia triglochinoidesMedicosma ellipticaMedicosma obovataMelaleuca kunzeoidesMelaleuca williamsiiMesua larnachianaMicromyrtus rotundifoliaMicromyrtus vernicosaMitrantia bilocularisMyriophyllum coronatumMyrmecodia beccarii ant plantNeisosperma kilneriNeoroepera buxifoliaNewcastelia velutinaNiemeyera whiteiNotelaea lloydii Lloyd’s native oliveOchrosperma obovatumOmphalea celataOwenia cepiodora onion cedarOzothamnus eriocephalusOzothamnus vagans

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Parsonsia bartlensisParsonsia kroombitensisParsonsia larcomensisParsonsia tenuis slender silkpodParsonsia wildensisPaspalidium grandispiculatumPaspalidium udumPeripentadenia phelpsiiPersicaria elatiorPhaius pictusPhaleria bifloraPhebalium glandulosum subsp. eglandulosumPhebalium whiteiPhilotheca acrolophaPhilotheca sporadicaPhyllanthera grayiPhyllanthus brassiiPicris barbarorumPicris conyzoidesPicris evaePlectranthus amoenusPlectranthus graniticola Eungella mintbushPlectranthus gratusPlectranthus leiperiPlectranthus minutus Mt Mulligan mintbushPodolepis monticola mountain podolepisPolianthion minutiflorumPolyscias bellendenkerensisPomaderris crassifoliaPomatocalpa marsupialePrasophyllum wallum

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Prostanthera sp. (Dunmore D.M.Gordon 8A)Prostanthera sp. (Mt Mulligan J.R.Clarkson 5838)Prostanthera sp. (Mt Tinbeerwah P.R.Sharpe 4781)Prostanthera sp. (Mt Tozer L.J.Brass 19478)Psydrax reticulataPterostylis bicornis horned greenhoodPultenaea setulosaPultenaea whiteana Mt Barney bush peaQuassia bidwillii quassiaQuassia sp. (Kennedy River J.R.Clarkson 5645)Revwattsia fragilisRhaphidospora bonneyanaRhaphidospora cavernarumRhaponticum australe austral cornflowerRhinerrhizopsis mooreiRicinocarpos speciosusRistantia gouldiiRistantia waterhouseiRomnalda ophiopogonoidesRomnalda strobilaceaRutidosis crispataSannantha tozerensisSarcochilus hartmanniiSarcochilus hirticalcarSarcolobus vittatusSauropus macranthus pumpkin fruit, Atherton sauropusSclerolaena blakei

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Sclerolaena walkeriScrotochloa tararaensisScrotochloa urceolataSecamone auriculataShonia carinataSolanum carduiformeSolanum dunalianumSolanum lythrocarpum Coominglah prickle bushSolanum stenopterumSophora fraseri brush sophoraSowerbaea subtilisSpathoglottis plicataSphaerantia discolor Tully pendaStemona angustaStenanthemum argenteumStenocarpus davallioides fern leaf stenocarpus, fern-leaved

stenocarpusStylidium longissimumSwainsona murrayana slender Darling peaSymplocos baeuerlenii small-leaved hazelwoodSymplocos crassiramiferaSymplocos graniticolaSyzygium hodgkinsoniae red lilly pilly, smoothbark rose appleSyzygium moorei durobby, robbySyzygium rubrimolle red lady appleSyzygium velarumTephrosia leveilleiTetramolopium sp. (Mt Bowen D.G.Fell+ DGF1224)Tetramolopium vagansThelepogon australiensisThelypteris confluens

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 3 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Thesium australe toadflaxTinospora tinosporoides arrow head vineTrachymene glandulosaTrichoglottis australiensisTrigonostemon inopinatusTriplarina nitchagaTristiropsis acutangulaUromyrtus lamingtonensisVanda hindsiiWestringia parvifoliaWestringia rupicolaWetria australiensisWodyetia bifurcata foxtail palmXanthostemon oppositifolius southern pendaXanthostemon verticillatusXerothamnella parvifoliaXylosma sp. (Mt Lewis G.Sankowsky+ 1108)Zeuxine polygonoidesZieria collinaZieria obovataZieria rimulosaZieria verrucosa

Scientific name Common name


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 5 Near threatened wildlife

section 26

Part 1 Animals that are near threatened wildlife

1 Amphibians

The following amphibians are near threatened wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Assa darlingtoni pouched frogCophixalus aenigma tapping nurseryfrogCophixalus hosmeri rattling nurseryfrogCyclorana verrucosa rough collared frogKyarranus kundagungana

a Tyler, MJ, 1991, ‘Kyarranus Moore (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from the Tertiary ofQueensland’, ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria’, vol 103, pp 47–51

red-and-yellow mountainfrogKyarranus loveridgeib

b Tyler, MJ, 1991, ‘Kyarranus Moore (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from the Tertiary ofQueensland’, ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria’, vol 103, pp 47–51

masked mountainfrogLitoria brevipalmata green-thighed frogLitoria cooloolensis Cooloola sedgefrogLitoria genimaculata tapping green-eyed frogLitoria longirostris long snouted treefrogLitoria revelata whirring treefrogTaudactylus liemi Eungella tinkerfrog

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

2 Birds

The following birds are near threatened wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawkAerodramus terraereginae Australian swiftletAmytornis barbatus grey grasswrenAmytornis dorotheae Carpentarian grasswrenAmytornis striatus striated grasswrenCisticola juncidis normani zitting cisticola (Normanton

subspecies)Climacteris erythrops red-browed treecreeperCyclopsitta diophthalma marshalli double-eyed fig-parrot (Marshall’s)Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus black-necked storkErythrura trichroa blue-faced parrot-finchFalco hypoleucos grey falconHaematopus fuliginosus sooty oystercatcherHeteromunia pectoralis pictorella mannikinLewinia pectoralis Lewin’s railLichenostomus hindwoodi Eungella honeyeaterLophoictinia isura square-tailed kiteMelithreptus gularis black-chinned honeyeaterMenura alberti Albert’s lyrebirdMenura novaehollandiae superb lyrebirdNeophema pulchella turquoise parrotNettapus coromandelianus cotton pygmy-gooseNinox rufa meesi rufous owl (Cape York subspecies)Numenius madagascariensis eastern curlewProbosciger aterrimus palm cockatooPyrrholaemus brunneus redthroatStictonetta naevosa freckled duckTadorna radjah radjah shelduckTyto tenebricosa tenebricosa sooty owl

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

3 Mammals

The following mammals are near threatened wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Antechinus godmani Atherton antechinusAntechinus leo cinnamon antechinusChalinolobus picatus little pied batDendrolagus bennettianus Bennett’s tree-kangarooDendrolagus lumholtzi Lumholtz’s tree-kangarooDobsonia moluccensis bare-backed fruit-batHemibelideus lemuroides lemuroid ringtail possumHipposideros diadema reginae diadem leaf-nosed batKerivoula papuensis golden-tipped batNyctimene cephalotes Torresian tube-nosed batNyctophilus walkeri pygmy long-eared batOrcaella heinsohni Australian snubfin dolphinPetrogale coenensis Cape York rock-wallabyPetrogale mareeba Mareeba rock-wallabyPhalanger mimicus southern common cuscusPseudochirops archeri green ringtail possumPseudochirulus cinereus Daintree River ringtail possumPseudochirulus herbertensis Herbert River ringtail possumSaccolaimus mixtus Papuan sheathtail batSminthopsis archeri chestnut dunnartSminthopsis leucopus white-footed dunnartSousa chinensis Indopacific humpback dolphinSpilocuscus maculatus common spotted cuscusVombatus ursinus common wombat

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

4 Reptiles

The following reptiles are near threatened wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Acanthophis antarcticus common death adderAnomalopus plutoAspidites ramsayi woma, bilby snakeCalyptotis thorntonensisCarlia rococoa Chillagoe litter skinkCarlia tannerib Endeavour River litter skinkCoeranoscincus frontalisCoeranoscincus reticulatus three-toed snake-toothed skinkCryptoblepharus fuhni Fuhn’s snake-eyed skinkCtenotus aphroditeCtenotus ariadnaeCtenotus capricorniCtenotus rawlinsoniCtenotus schevilliCtenotus serotinusCtenotus zebrillaDelma mitellaEmoia atrocostataEmydura subglobosaEroticoscincus graciloidesEulamprus amplusEulamprus tigrinusFurina barnardi yellow-naped snakeGlaphyromorphus mjobergiHarrisoniascincus ziac

Lampropholis colossusLampropholis mirabilisLampropholis robertsiLepidodactylus pumilus

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Lerista cinereaLerista karlschmidtiLerista storriLerista wilkinsiMorelia viridisd green python (Australian

population)Nephrurus sphyruruse border thick-tailed geckoOphioscincus cooloolensisOxyuranus microlepidotus western taipanPseudechis colletti Collett's snakeRamphotyphlops broomiRamphotyphlops silviaRhinoplocephalus incredibilis pink snakeSaproscincus roseiSaproscincus spectabilisSimoselaps warro robust burrowing snakeStrophurus taenicauda golden-tailed geckoVaranus prasinus emerald monitor’.

a Stuart-Fox, DM, Hugall, AF and Moritz, C, 2002, ‘A molecular phylogeny ofrainbow skinks (Scincidae: Carlia): taxonomic and biogeographic implications’,‘Australian Journal of Zoology’, vol 50, pp 39–51

b Stuart-Fox, DM, Hugall, AF and Moritz, C, 2002, ‘A molecular phylogeny ofrainbow skinks (Scincidae: Carlia): taxonomic and biogeographic implications’,‘Australian Journal of Zoology’, vol 50, pp 39–51

c Wells, RW and Wellington, CR, 1985, ‘A classification of the Amphibia and Reptiliaof Australia’, ‘Australian Journal of Herpetology Supplementary Series’, vol 1, pp1–61

d Kluge, AG, 1993, ‘Aspidites and the phylogeny of Pythonine snakes’, ‘Records ofthe Australian Museum (Supplement)’, vol 19, pp 1–77

e Bauer, AM, 1990, ‘Phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of theCarphodactylini (Reptilia: Gekkonidae)’, ‘Bonner Zoologische Monographien’, vol30, pp 1–218

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Part 2 Plants that are near threatened wildlife

5 Plants

The following plants are near threatened wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Acacia acrionastesAcacia albizioides climbing wattleAcacia arbiana Tony’s wattleAcacia armitii Armit’s wattleAcacia calanthaAcacia fleckeriAcacia gittinsiiAcacia jackesianaAcacia latisepalaAcacia longipedunculataAcacia ommatospermaAcacia orites Nightcap wattle, mountain wattleAcacia pennata subsp. kerriiAcacia polyadeniaAcacia pubicostaAcacia spaniaAcacia sp. (Castletower N.Gibson TOI345)Acacia storyi Story’s wattleAcacia tenuinervisAceratium ferrugineum rusty carabeenAceratium sericoleopsis silky aceratiumAcianthus sublestusAcmena mackinnoniana Rocky River satinashAcmenosperma pringleiAcomis acoma

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Acronychia acuminataAcronychia baeuerlenii Byron Bay acronychiaAcronychia eungellensisAcrotriche baileyanaActephila sessilifoliaActinotus paddisonii clustered flannel flowerAgathis microstachya bull kauriAgiortia cicatricataAglaia brassiiAlbizia retusa subsp. retusaAlectryon semicinereusAllocasuarina filidens Mt Beerwah she-oakAllocasuarina rupicola shrubby she-oakAlloxylon pinnatum tree waratah, Dorrigo oak, red oakAlpinia hylandiiAlyxia sharpeiAnacolosa papuanaAngianthus brachypappus spreading cupflowerAntrophyum plantagineum ox tongue fernAntrophyum subfalcatum ox tongue fernApatophyllum teretifoliumAphyllorchis anomalaAphyllorchis queenslandicaApluda muticaAponogeton elongatus subsp. elongatusArchidendron hirsutumArchidendron muellerianum veiny laceflowerArchidendropsis xanthoxylon yellow sirisArdisia bakeri ardisiaArdisia fasciculataArgophyllum cryptophlebum

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Argophyllum nullumense silver leafArgophyllum veraeArgyrodendron sp. (Boonjie B.P.Hyland RFK2139)

Boonjee tulip oak, red tulip oak

Aristida burraensisArthragrostis clarksonianaArundinella grevillensisArundinella montana mountain reed grassArytera dictyoneuraAsplenium athertonenseAsplenium excisumAsplenium normaleAtriplex lobativalvisAustrobuxus megacarpus southern shiny boxAustrobuxus swainii pink cherryAustromuellera trinerviaBeilschmiedia castrisinensisBertya pedicellataBertya sharpeana Mt Coolum bertyaBlechnum ambiguumBonamia dietrichianaBoronia amabilisBoronia erianthaBoronia rivularis Wide Bay boroniaBrachychiton compactus Whitsunday bottle treeBrachychiton grandiflorusBrachyscome ascendens Binna Burra daisyBrachyscome tesquorumBrasenia schreberiBrownlowia argentataBubbia queenslandianaBuckinghamia ferruginiflora

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Bulbophyllum argyropusBulbophyllum boonjeeBulbophyllum globuliformeBulbophyllum grandimesenseBulbophyllum windsorenseBulbophyllum wolfeiCadetia collinsiiCadetia warianaCaesalpinia hymenocarpaCaesalpinia robustaCalamus aruensisCallerya pilipes northern wisteriaCallitris baileyi Bailey’s cypressCallitris monticola steelheadCalocephalus sonderiCalocephalus sp. (Eulo M.E.Ballingall MEB2590)Calochlaena villosaCalotis glabrescensCalotis suffruticosaCapparis batianoffiiCarex breviscapaCarex cruciataCassia sp. (Paluma Range G.Sankowsky+ 450)

golden shower

Cecarria obtusifoliaCentotheca philippinensisCeratopetalum macrophyllumCerbera dumicolaChiloglottis longiclavataChoricarpia subargentea giant ironwoodChrysophyllum roxburghii star apple

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Cladopus queenslandicusCleistanthus discolorCleistanthus myrianthusComesperma breviflorumComesperma praecelsumCommersonia brevisetaConospermum burgessiorumCorsia disparCorybas abellianus nodding helmet orchidCorybas cerasinusCorymbia scabrida rough-leaved yellowjacketCrepidium fimbriatumCrepidium flavovirensCrepidomanes pallidumCroton brachypusCroton densivestitusCrudia papuanaCrudia sp. (Archer River B.P.Hyland 3078)Cryptandra ciliataCryptandra lanosifloraCryptocarya claudianaCryptocarya floydii gorge laurelCryptocarya glaucocarpaCucumis sp. (Little Annan River B.Gray 101)Cupaniopsis newmanii long-leaved tuckerooCyathea baileyana wig treefernCyathea celebicaCyathea cunninghamii slender treefernCycas brunneaCycas couttsiana

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Cyperus rupicolaDactyliophora novae-guineaeDallwatsonia fellianaDansiea elliptica dansieaDemorchis queenslandicaDendrobium fellowsiiDendrobium malbrowniiDendrobium schneiderae var. schneideraeDendromyza reinwardtianaDerwentia arenariaDesmodium macrocarpumDianella incollataDichanthium setosumDidymoplexis pallens crystal bellsDigitaria porrecta finger panic grassDiospyros sp. (Mt Spurgeon C.T.White 10677)Diploglottis harpullioidesDiploglottis pedleyiDipteris conjugataDiscaria pubescens Australian anchor plantDiuris oporina northern white donkeys tails, donkey

orchidDockrillia wasselliiDodonaea uncinataDolichandrone spathaceaDrosera adelaeDryopteris hasseltiiDurringtonia paludosa durringtoniaElacholoma horniiElaeocarpus coorangooloo brown quandong

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Elaeocarpus stellarisElaeocarpus thelmaeElaphoglossum callifoliumEleocharis blakeanaEndiandra anthropophagorumEndiandra bellendenkeranaEndiandra dichrophylla coach walnutEndiandra globosa black walnutEndiandra introrsa Dorrigo plumEndiandra microneuraEndiandra sideroxylonEndressia wardelliiEremochloa ciliarisEria dischorensisEria irukandjianaEucalyptus codonocarpa bell-fruited mallee ashEucalyptus curtisii Plunkett mallee, Brisbane malleeEucalyptus decolorEucalyptus michaeliana hillgrove gum, shiny-barked gumEulophia bicallosaEulophia zollingeriEuodia hylandiiEuonymus globularisEuphrasia orthocheilaFatoua villosaFicus melinocarpa var. hololampraFimbristylis distinctaFimbristylis micansFimbristylis odontocarpaFimbristylis vagansFirmiana papuana lacewood

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Flindersia oppositifolia mountain silkwoodFrankenia scabraGahnia insignisGarcinia brassiiGarnotia stricta var. longisetaGenoplesium alticolaGenoplesium pedersoniiGenoplesium sigmoideumGenoplesium validumGlochidion pruinosumGlochidion pungensGlycine argyreaGonocarpus effususGoodenia angustifoliaGoodenia heteropteraGoodenia paludicolaGoodyera grandis giant jewel orchidGoodyera viridiflora green jewel orchidGossia bamagensisGossia inophloia thready-barked myrtleGossia lewisensisGossia lucida lignumGossia macilwraithensisGrammitis albosetosaGrammitis leonardiiGraptophyllum excelsum scarlet fuchsia, letter-leafGrewia graniticolaHabenaria hymenophyllaHabenaria rumphiiHabenaria xanthanthaHakea macrorrhyncha

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Haplostichanthus ramiflorusHaplostichanthus submontanusHardenbergia sp. (Mt Mulligan J.R.Clarkson 5775)Harpullia ramifloraHelicia grayiHelicia lamingtonianaHelicia recurvaHelmholtzia glaberrima flax lily, helmholtziaHemmantia webbiiHernandia bivalvis grease nut, cudgerieHeterachne baileyiHibbertia elata guinea flowerHibbertia hexandraHibbertia monticolaHollandaea sayeriana Sayer’s silky oakHomoranthus decasetusHomoranthus tropicusHomoranthus zeteticorumHoya anulataHoya macgillivrayi Macgillivray’s wax flowerHoya revolutaHuperzia phlegmaria common tassel fernHypserpa smilacifoliaIchnanthus pallens var. majorIlex sp. (Gadgarra B.P.Hyland RFK2011)

white sassafras

Ipomoea antonschmidiiIpomoea saintronanensisIpomoea stoloniferaKunzea flavescens

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Kunzea sp. (Herbert River R.J.Cumming 11309)Labichea brassiiLasianthus hirsutusLeionema ambiens forest phebaliumLenbrassia australianaLenwebbia prominensLepidagathis royeniiLepiderema hirsuta hairy lepiderema, Noah’s tamarindLepiderema largiflorensLeptospermum pallidumLepturus geminatusLepturus xerophilusLeucopogon grandiflorusLindsaea walkeraeLinospadix microcaryaLinospadix palmerianaLiparis condylobulbonLiparis simmondsiiLitsea macrophyllaLivistona concinna Cooktown fan palmLivistona fulva Blackdown fan palmLivistona nitida Carnarvon fan palmLycopodiella limosaLysiana filifoliaMacarthuria complanataMacropteranthes fitzalaniiMacropteranthes leiocaulis southern bonewoodMacrozamia cardiacensisMacrozamia longispinaMammea touriga brown tourigaMargaritaria indica

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Marsdenia hemiptera thozetia, rusty vineMedicosma glandulosaMegahertzia amplexicaulisMeiogyne hirsutaMelaleuca cheeliiMelaleuca flavovirensMelaleuca formosa white cliff bottlebrushMelaleuca groveanaMelaleuca pearsoniiMicrosorum membranifolium pimple fernMirbelia confertifloraMischocarpus albescensMomordica cochinchinensis balsam pearMuellerina myrtifoliaNeololeba atraNeosepicaea viticoidesNeostrearia fleckeriNervilia crociformisNotelaea pungensNothoalsomitra suberosaOberonia carnosaOeceoclades pulchraOenanthe javanicaOenotrichia dissectaOldenlandia polycladaOlearia gravisOlearia heterocarpa Nightcap daisy bushOperculina browniiOzothamnus whiteiPachystoma pubescensPandanus gemmifer

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Pandanus zeaPandorea baileyana large-leaved wonga vinePanicum chillagoanumPapillilabium beckleriParamapania parvibracteaPararistolochia praevenosaPaspalidium scabrifoliumPaspalum multinodumPeperomia bellendenkerensisPeripentadenia mearsii buff quandongPeripleura scabraPeripleura sericeaPeristylus banfieldiiPersoonia daphnoidesPersoonia volcanicaPhylacium bracteosumPhyllanthus sauropodoidesPhyllanthus sp. (Bulburin P.I.Forster+ PIF16034)Pimelea leptospermoidesPimelea umbraticaPiper mestonii long pepperPittosporum oreillyanum thorny pittosporumPlanchonella xylocarpa blush coondoo, northern coondooPlectranthus alloplectus native coleusPlectranthus blakeiPlectranthus spectabilisPneumatopteris costataPneumatopteris pennigera lime fernPolygala pycnophyllaPolyosma rigidiusculaPomaderris notata

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Pothos brassiiPrasophyllum campestrePrasophyllum exilisPrasophyllum incompositumPratia podenzanaeProstanthera sp. (Wallangarra T.D.Stanley 7876)Prumnopitys ladei Mt Spurgeon black pinePseudanthus pauciflorusPseuduvaria froggattiiPseuduvaria hylandiiPseuduvaria mulgraveanaPseuduvaria villosaPsychotria lorentziiPteridoblechnum acuminatumPterostylis nigricansPterostylis setiferaPterostylis sp. (Gundiah W.W.Abell AQ72188)Pterostylis woollsii long-tailed greenhoodPtilotus maconochieiPtilotus pseudohelipteroidesPultenaea pycnocephalaQuassia baileyanaRandia audasiiRemusatia vivipara hitchhiker elephant earRhamphicarpa australiensisRhizanthella omissa underground orchidRhodamnia glabrescensRhodamnia pauciovulataRhodanthe rufescensRobiquetia wassellii

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Rourea brachyandraRulingia salviifoliaRutidosis glandulosaRyparosa kurrangiiRyticaryum longifoliumSannantha brachypodaSarcopteryx acuminataSarcopteryx montanaSarcotoechia heterophyllaSarcotoechia villosaSchefflera bractescensSchizomeria whiteiSchoenorchis sarcophyllaSchoenus scabripesSclerolaena blackianaSenna acclinisSesbania erubescensSolanum calliumSolanum sporadotrichumSpathoglottis paulinaeSphaerantia chartacea Shipton’s pendaSporobolus partimpatensStackhousia tryoniiSteganthera australianaSteganthera laxiflora subsp. lewisensisStenocarpus cryptocarpus giant leaf stenocarpusSterculia shillinglawii subsp. shillinglawiiSticherus milneiStictocardia queenslandicaStockwellia quadrifida

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Strongylodon lucidusStylidium trichopodumSymplocos ampulliformisSymplocos harroldii hairy hazelwoodSymplocos sp. (Mt Finnigan L.J.Brass 20129)Symplocos stawellii var. montanaSyzygium aqueum water appleSyzygium buettnerianum New Guinea satinashSyzygium macilwraithianumSyzygium malaccense Malay appleTaeniophyllum confertumTaeniophyllum lobatumTecomanthe hillii Fraser Island creeper, trumpet

flowerTectaria siifoliaThaleropia queenslandica pink myrtle, myrtle satinashThelasis carinataThelionema grandeThismia rodwayiThryptomene hexandraTorenia polygonoidesTrachymene geraniifoliaTrichomanes mindorenseTristellateia australasiaeUncaria cordata var. cordataVittadinia decoraWahlenbergia glabraWahlenbergia islensisWahlenbergia scopulicolaWaterhousea mulgraveanaWendlandia basistaminea

Scientific name Common name

Schedule 5 (continued)


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Wendlandia connataWestringia amabilisWestringia blakeana Blake’s mintbushWestringia sericea native rosemaryWhyanbeelia terrae-reginaeWilkiea sp. (McDowall Range J.G.Tracey 14552)Xanthophyllum fragrans fragrant boxwoodXanthostemon arenariusXanthostemon graniticusXylosma ovatumZieria adenodontaZornia pallidaZornia pedunculata

Scientific name Common name


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 6 Least concern wildlife

section 31

Part 1 Animals that are least concern wildlife

1 Amphibians

An amphibian indigenous to Australia, other than an amphibianthat is extinct in the wild, endangered, vulnerable or nearthreatened wildlife, is least concern wildlife.

2 Birds

A bird indigenous to Australia, other than a bird that is extinct inthe wild, endangered, vulnerable or near threatened wildlife, a leastconcern wildlife.

3 Invertebrates

The following invertebrates are least concern wildlife—

(a) a scorpion of the genus Urodacus that is indigenous toAustralia, other than a scorpion that is extinct in thewild, endangered, vulnerable or near threatenedwildlife;

(b) a spider of the family Theraphosidae that is indigenousto Australia, other than a spider that is extinct in thewild, endangered, vulnerable or near threatenedwildlife;

(c) the following butterflies—

Scientific name Common name

Allora doleschallii doleschallii peacock awl butterflyChaetocneme sphinterifera sphinteriferaa

banded dusk-flat butterfly

Euschemon rafflesia alba


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 6 (continued)

4 Mammals

(1) A mammal that is indigenous to Australia, other than thefollowing, is least concern wildlife—

(a) a mammal that is extinct in the wild, endangered,vulnerable or near threatened wildlife;

(b) a dingo (Canis familiaris dingo).

(2) The following mammals are included in least concernwildlife—

(a) echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus);

(b) koala (Phascolarctos cinereus), for an area other thanthe south-east Queensland bioregion;


Under schedule 3, section 10, a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)is vulnerable wildlife for the south-east Queensland bioregion.

(c) platypus (Ornithorynchus anatinus).

5 Reptiles

A reptile indigenous to Australia, other than a reptile that is extinctin the wild, endangered, vulnerable or near threatened wildlife, isleast concern wildlife.

Hypochrysops elgneri barnardiLiphyra brassolis major moth butterflyOrnithoptera spp. (other than Ornithoptera richmondia)

birdwing butterflies (other than the Richmond birdwing butterfly)

Papilio ulysses joesa Ulysses butterflyTrapezites symmomus sombra

a Sands, DPA and New, TR, 2002, ‘The action plan for Australian butterflies’,Environment Australia, Canberra

Scientific name Common name


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 6 (continued)

Part 2 Plants that are least concern wildlife

6 Plants

A plant indigenous to Australia, other than a plant that is extinct inthe wild, endangered, vulnerable or near threatened wildlife, isleast concern wildlife.


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 7 International wildlife

section 36

1 Birds

The following birds are international wildlife—

2 Reptiles

The following reptiles are international wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Eclectus roratus, other than Eclectus roratus macgillivrayi

eclectus parrot

Scientific name Common name

Morelia viridis, other than the Australian population of Morelia viridis

green python


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 8 Prohibited wildlife

section 41

1 Birds

The following birds are prohibited wildlife—

2 Mammals

The following mammals are prohibited wildlife—

Scientific name Common name

Carpodacus mexicanus house finchEmberiza citrinella yellowhammerFringilla coelebs chaffinchPasser montanus Eurasian tree sparrowPycnonotus cafer red-vented bulbulPycnonotus jocosus red-whiskered bulbulPyrrhula pyrrhula Eurasian bullfinchQuelea quelea red-billed queleaTrichoglossus haematodus other than T. h. haematodus and T. h. rubritorquatus

rainbow lorikeet other than the Australian species

Turdus merula Eurasian or common blackbirdTurdus philomelos song thrush

Scientific name Common name

All species of the family Herpestinae


All species of the genera Gerbillus, Taterillus or Meriones

gerbils and jirds

All species of the genera Mesocricetus or Cricetus


All species of the genus Funambulus

Indian palm squirrels


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 8 (continued)

All species of the genus Mustela, including Mustela furo

stoats, weasels and mink, including any form of the ferret

Bubalus bubalis water buffalo


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 9 Dictionary

section 4

approved captive breeding program, for wildlife, means aprogram for the captive breeding of the wildlife that has beenapproved by the chief executive.

approved recovery plan, for wildlife, means a recoveryplan—

(a) applying to the wildlife; and

(b) approved by the chief executive.

bioregion report means the document called ‘TheConservation Status of Queensland’s BioregionalEcosystems’, edited by Sattler, P.S. and Williams R.D., andpublished by the department.


A copy of the report may be inspected free of charge, during officehours on business days, at the department’s head office.3

ecosystem process means a natural process that assists insustaining an ecosystem as a living thing.

information, about wildlife, includes—

(a) the biochemical, genetic or molecular details of thewildlife; and

(b) information about the distribution or natural history ofthe wildlife.

land-holder includes the State, an entity representing theState, or a local government, to the extent the State, entity orlocal government—

(a) has in interest in public land under its management; or

(b) is otherwise responsible for the management ordevelopment of public land.

3 At the commencement of this definition, the department’s head office was at 160Ann Street, Brisbane.


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Schedule 9 (continued)

management principles, of extinct in the wild, endangered,vulnerable, near threatened or least concern wildlife, meansthe matters stated in section 73 of the Act.

new species, of wildlife, means—

(a) a species of plant or animal that has not previously beengiven a scientific name; or

(b) a species of plant or animal that—

(i) was previously part of another species of plant oranimal that has been given a scientific name; and

(ii) has been reclassified as a separate species andgiven a separate scientific name.

recovery plan—

1 A recovery plan, for wildlife, is a document stating whatresearch and management is necessary to stop thedecline, support the recovery, or enhance the chance oflong-term survival in the wild, of the wildlife.

2 A recovery plan may be a recovery plan made oradopted under the Environment Protection andBiodiversity Act 1999 (Cwlth), section 269A.

south-east Queensland bioregion means the area shown asthe south-east Queensland bioregion on figure 12a of thebioregion report.


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006


1 Index to endnotes


2 Date to which amendments incorporated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86

3 Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86

4 Table of reprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

5 Tables in earlier reprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

6 List of legislation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

7 List of annotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88

2 Date to which amendments incorporated

This is the reprint date mentioned in the Reprints Act 1992, section 5(c). Accordingly, thisreprint includes all amendments that commenced operation on or before 21 May 2010.Future amendments of the Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 may be madein accordance with this reprint under the Reprints Act 1992, section 49.

3 Key

Key to abbreviations in list of legislation and annotations

Key Explanation Key Explanation

AIA = Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (prev) = previouslyamd = amended proc = proclamationamdt = amendment prov = provisionch = chapter pt = partdef = definition pubd = publisheddiv = division R[X] = Reprint No. [X]exp = expires/expired RA = Reprints Act 1992gaz = gazette reloc = relocatedhdg = heading renum = renumberedins = inserted rep = repealedlap = lapsed (retro) = retrospectivelynotfd = notified rv = revised editionnum = numbered s = sectiono in c = order in council sch = scheduleom = omitted sdiv = subdivisionorig = original SIA = Statutory Instruments Act 1992p = page SIR = Statutory Instruments Regulation 2002para = paragraph SL = subordinate legislationprec = preceding sub = substitutedpres = present unnum = unnumberedprev = previous


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

4 Table of reprints

Reprints are issued for both future and past effective dates. For the most up-to-date tableof reprints, see the reprint with the latest effective date.

If a reprint number includes a letter of the alphabet, the reprint was released inunauthorised, electronic form only.

5 Tables in earlier reprints

6 List of legislation

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006 SL No. 206made by the Governor in Council on 10 August 2006notfd gaz 11 August 2006 pp 1725–8ss 1–2 commenced on date of notificationremaining provisions commenced 21 August 2006 (see s 2)exp 1 September 2016 (see SIA s 54)Notes—(1) The expiry date may have changed since this reprint was published. See

the latest reprint of the SIR for any change.(2) A regulatory impact statement and explanatory note were prepared.(3) See 2006 SL No. 203 for the regulatory impact statement.

amending legislation—

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2009 SL No. 264notfd gaz 20 November 2009 pp 900–3commenced on date of notification

Forestry and Nature Conservation Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 6) 2009SL No. 305 pts 1, 6

notfd gaz 11 December 2009 pp 1187–91commenced on date of notification

Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2010 SL No. 92notfd gaz 21 May 2010 pp 185–6commenced on date of notification

Reprint No.

Amendments included Effective Notes

1 none 21 August 20061A 2009 SL No. 264 20 November 20091B 2009 SL No. 305 11 December 20091C 2010 SL No. 92

2010 SL No. 9321 May 2010

Name of table Reprint No.

Corrected minor errors 1


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Nature Conservation Legislation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) 2010 SL No. 93 pts1, 6

notfd gaz 21 May 2010 pp 185–6commenced on date of notification

7 List of annotations

Purposes 3 amd 2010 SL No. 93 s 24

Scientific namess 5 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 3

Proposed management intent for extinct in the wild wildlifes 9 amd 2010 SL No. 93 s 25

Native wildlife that is rare wildlifes 21 om 2010 SL No. 93 s 26

Declared management intent for rare wildlifes 22 om 2010 SL No. 93 s 26

Significance of rare wildlife to nature and its values 23 om 2010 SL No. 93 s 26

Proposed management intent for rare wildlifes 24 om 2010 SL No. 93 s 26

Principles for the taking, keeping or use of rare wildlifes 25 om 2010 SL No. 93 s 26

Division 4—Near threatened wildlifediv hdg prev div 4 hdg om 2010 SL No. 93 s 26

pres div 4 hdg (prev div 5 hdg) renum 2010 SL No. 93 s 27

Proposed management intent for near threatened wildlifes 29 amd 2010 SL No. 93 s 28

Principles for the taking, keeping or use of near threatened wildlifes 30 amd 2010 SL No. 93 s 29

Division 5—Least concern wildlifediv hdg (prev div 6 hdg) renum 2010 SL No. 93 s 27


PART 2—PLANTS THAT ARE EXTINCT IN THE WILD WILDLIFEPlantss 3 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 4(2)–(3); 2010 SL No. 92 s 3


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006


Birdss 2 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 5(1)–(2)

Invertebratess 4 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 5(3)

Mammalss 5 amd 2010 SL No. 92 s 4(4)

Reptiless 6 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 5(4); 2010 SL No. 92 s 4(5)–(6)

PART 2—PLANTS THAT ARE ENDANGERED WILDLIFEPlantss 7 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 5(5)–(6); 2010 SL No. 92 s 4(7)

SCHEDULE 3—VULNERABLE WILDLIFEPART 1—ANIMALS THAT ARE VULNERABLE WILDLIFEAmphibianss 1 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 6(1); 2010 SL No. 92 s 5(1)–(5)

Birdss 2 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 6(2)–(3); 2010 SL No. 92 s 5(6)

Invertebratess 4 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 6(4)

Mammalss 5 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 6(5)–(6); 2009 SL No. 305 s 16; 2010 SL No. 92 s


Reptiless 6 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 6(7); 2010 SL No. 92 s 5(8)–(9)

PART 2—PLANTS THAT ARE VULNERABLE WILDLIFEPlantss 7 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 6(8)–(9)

sub 2010 SL No. 92 s 5(10)



Amphibianss 1 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 7(1)–(2)

om 2010 SL No. 92 s 6

Birdss 2 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 7(3)–(4)

om 2010 SL No. 92 s 6


Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 2006

Mammalss 3 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 7(5)–(6)

om 2010 SL No. 92 s 6

Reptiless 4 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 7(7)–(8)

om 2010 SL No. 92 s 6

PART 2—PLANTS THAT ARE RARE WILDLIFEpt hdg om 2010 SL No. 92 s 6

Plantss 5 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 7(9)

om 2010 SL No. 92 s 6

SCHEDULE 5—NEAR THREATENED WILDLIFEsub 2009 SL No. 264 s 8; 2010 SL No. 92 s 7


Birdss 2 amd 2010 SL No. 93 s 30(2)

Invertebratess 3 amd 2009 SL No. 264 s 9(2)–(3); 2010 SL No. 93 s 30(3)

Mammalss 4 amd 2010 SL No. 93 s 30(4)

Reptiless 5 amd 2010 SL No. 93 s 30(5)


SCHEDULE 7—INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFEReptiless 2 amd 2010 SL No. 92 s 8

SCHEDULE 9—DICTIONARYdef “Kroombit Tops region” om 2010 SL No. 92 s 9def “management principles” amd 2010 SL No. 93 s 31

© State of Queensland 2010