Natural remedy of diabetes.

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Natural remedy of diabetes.

Nature is Life Life is Nature

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Dr. Shebendra KarmakarPh.D in Naturopathy

Shefffield State University, USA ( Redg No: 566EE6D19FEF044)  



Natural remedy of diabetes

Live Cell Therapy Cell Health management with Natural Way

What is live cell therapy?

Cell Live therapy helps to repair and regenerate human body Cell, and therefore enhances immunity.

Cell degeneration causes ageing in human, therefore by delivering energy from live cells to ageing cells, it keeps human body young and healthy.

Cell is tiny life.

Our body comprises of 100 trillion of


Picture of a high quality expanded human blastocyst embryo 5 days after fertilizationThe clump of cells in the 10 to 12 o'clock area is the inner cell mass (ICM) which become the fetusThe trophectoderm cells (TE) that will form the placenta surround the fluid cavityThe fluid-filled blastocoel cavity is in the center

What is stem cell?

All the body cell same to look , same Biological function , only different execution

Body cell produces 1 lack 40 thousand Protein

65 thousand Enzyme65 Hormone &

30 Trillion Antibody

Our Cells Alive, Communicate each other & Conduct Body System With the help of


Body systems breakdown & creates Dis-Easy

For not producing any of the PROTEIN or ENZYME or HORMONE or ANTYBODY

Is Diabetes an incurable disease ?

What is Diabetes?Diabetes is not a Disease. But it causes diseases

All the body cell same to look , same Biological function , only different execution

What is the cause of Diabetes ?Disturbance of

Carbohydrate management

How does Diabetes start?

We eat Food. Our body (GIT) breakdown it & disassociate Glucose from Food. GIT sends Glucose to the Liver.

Liver does the management of Glucose in the following way:1.30 to 35 grams keep in blood circulation2.200 grams store into the Liver.3.400 grams store into the muscle .4.Rest of the Glucose converts into Fat. Each unused 9.3 kcal converts into 1 gram Fat.

Above management is done by with the assistance of InsulinBreakdown of any of the condition causes Excess Glucose

in the blood is called


What is happened when Glucose level rises up.

1.Blood density grows up, for that blood can not pass fluently through the capillary & Glucose can not reach to the Cell.

2.Cell can not use Glucose fluently, for that Cell starts breakdown of Fat & Protein for generating energy.

3.Due to breakdown of Fat & Protein body Cell becomes more Acidic & Ketosis.

4. Body Cell can not function & survive In Acidic level. Multicomplications start due to Cellular Disfunctionging

Glucose enters into the Cell with the assistance of InsulinAfter entering into the Cell ,Glucose starts breakdown & complete 25 chemical reactions finally produce ATP, CO2, H2O

ATP: Chemical energy of Cell. 1 molecule Glucose (C6H12O6) produces 38 ATP. 1 ATP contains 5000 to 15,000 kcal.

What is insulin ?Insulin is a Protein manufactured by Beta Cell of the Pancreas. Beta cell needs 51 Amino acid & trace Zinc for manufacturing Insulin.

Body needs Glucose : Insulin ratio

Daily requirements of Glucose 180 grams & 40 to 50 units Insulin 1 unit insulin= .01 mls (milliliters)

Which is the responsible of Diabetic symptom

Glucose or Insulin or both Both are important but is not cause for


Glucose metabolized into the Cell & produce energy . Insulin is manufactured by Beta CellOnly Cells' dysfunction are

responsible for Diabetic

Modern medication will handle the following problem for Diabetic complication.

Eye problem management: Eye Specialist

Kidney problem: Urologist

Heart problem: CardiologistNervous system problem:


Diabetic management: Diabetologist

Drug management is followed by : Glucose control Drug : Gliclagide, Glibenclamide, Metformine, Glitazone

Mode of action of drug:Gliclagide, GlibenclamideStimulate the release of insulin from from functioning beta cells.Metformin:Decrease hepatic glucose production , decrease intestinal absorption of glucose, improves insulin sensitivity. Glitazone:Selective agonist for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR- gamma). Activation of PPAR-gamma modulates the transcription of a number of insulin responsive genes involved in the control of glucose and lipid metabolism.

Insulin Inject:

Insulin management: External Insulin Inj.

Cell is tiny life. Cell needs Nutrition Guideline

Cell needs only Plant Chemicals Only Plants produce Plant Chemicals for Stem Cell

Plant Chemicals converter & career Biological machine comprises of Enterocyte

Per square mili miter intestine contains 50 million to 200 million villi. One Eterocyte Contains 3000 to 4000 villi. One Enterocyte carries nutrition for 1 lac Cells. Human body comprises of 100 trillion cells.

Enterocytes a kind of intestinal luminal cell which are responsible for carrying

Plant Chemicals

Modern Therapy Gives Health management by providing Drug for eliminating specific symptoms . A drug is a Chemical molecule which may be Synthetic or Natural or produced by Genitical Engineering. Mainly drugs work in to the body by interrupting (Block or Unblock ) the Biological life of cell.This Therapy works as Technician in to the body.Cell Live TherapyGives Health management by restoring Natural rules. Cell is tiny life. It has Natural Biological life. Its Biological life is conducted by Natural Law. Its need only Plant Chemicals for conducting & maintaining its Natural Life. Only plants provide Plant Chemicals for live cell.This Therapy works as Engineer in to the cell

Our Body Cell is conducted by Nature

Not by Synthetic Drugs.

Rather Drugs interfere the Natural rules of cell

One of the Natural rule of functional Cell is to become

Aged & Death Continues Regenerate , Renew & Repair of CellIs happened by Adult Stem Cell which stays life time.

Cell needs only Plant Chemicals Only Plants produce Plant Chemicals for Stem Cell

Plant Chemicals converter & career Biological machine comprises of Enterocyte

Per square mili miter intestine contains 50 million to 200 million villi. One Eterocyte Contains 3000 to 4000 villi. One Enterocyte carries nutrition for 1 lac Cells. Human body comprises of 100 trillion cells.

Enterocytes a kind of intestinal luminal cell which are responsible for carrying

Plant Chemicals

All Plants of the nature synthesis & contain the

following Plant Chemicals

1.Amino acid2.Glucose3.Fatty acid4.Vitamins5.Minerals6.Water

All Animals of the nature contain the following

Plant Chemicals 1.Amino acid2.Glucose3.Fatty acid4.Vitamins5.Minerals6.Water

Plant & Animal Comprises of same Plant Chemicals

Plants 1.Amino acid 2.Gluclose 3.Fatty acids 4.Vitamins 5.Minerals 6.Water

Animals 1.Amino acid 2.Gluclose 3.Fatty acids 4.Vitamins 5.Minerals 6.Water

Only Plants compose Biochemical . Animals (Human) eat Plants

We can say: Six plant Chemicals are common Alphabets & Bricks of Plants & Animals.

Amino acid, Fatty acid & Glucose are structural materials of Cell

Amino acid, Fatty acid & Glucose are Biological materials of Cell

Amino acids are chief biological agent of cell. All the Protein, Enzyme, Hormones are the chain of Amino acid.

Glucose is the Fuel of cell.

Fatty acids are the protector of cell

Vitamins, Minerals & water are the agents which keep attach & start Chemicals reaction of Amino acid, Fatty acid & Glucose.

New Definition of Disease Diseases are deficiency of Any or All Plant Chemicals

Because Plantchamicales do not enter into the body:

properly , accurately & quantitivly .

Plantchamicales degenerate, destroy by following causes:

1.Faulty cultivation: Uses of Pesticides, Herbicides, Synthetic hormone & Chemicals

2.Faulty preservation: Formalin, carbide & many other chemicals, Freezing.

3.Faulty cooking: Phytochamicales begin degeneration at 65 degree Ceicious.

Mineral’s Name Symbol Melting Point Boiling Point

Sodium Na 97.720c 8830c

Potassium K 63.380c 7740c

Calcium Ca 8420c 14840c

Magnesium Mg 6500c 11070c

Chlorine Cl -101.50c -340c

Iodine I 113.70c 1840c

Phosphors P 44.20c 2800c

Fluorine F -216.60c -188.40c

Smoked Point of Soya bean oil: 2410c ; 4500F

Vitamin Chemical Name Formula Solubility Molar Mass Melting Point Boilin Point Density ChemSpider CAS Registry

Vitamin A beta-Carotene C40H56 Fat 536.87180-182 °C 654.7 °C 0.941 556 7235-40-7

Vitamin B1 Thiamine C12H17ClN4OS Water 300.81 248.00 °C N/A N/A 5819 59-43-8

Vitamin B2 Riboflavin C17H20N4O6 Water 376.36 290 °C N/A 1.65 431981 83-88-5

Vitamin B3 Niacinamide C6H6N2O Water 122.12128-131 °C

334.411 °C 1.205 911 98-92-0

Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid

C9H17NO5 Water 219.23 183.83 °C 551.5 °C 1.266 6361 137-08-6

Vitamin B6 Pyridoxal C8H9NO3 Water 167.16 165 °C 412.8 °C 1.36 1021 66-72-8

Vitamin B7 Biotin C10H16N2O3S Water 244.31232-233 °C

573.58 °C 1.268 149962 58-85-5

Vitamin B9 Folic Acid C19H19N7O6 Water 441.4 250 °C N/A 1.689 5815 59-30-3

Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin


PWater 1344.40 N/A N/A N/A 3994 13422-55-4

Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid C6H8O6 Water 176.12190-192 °C

552.672 °C 1.954 10189562 50-81-7

Vitamin D Cholecalciferol

C27H44O Fat 384.64 83–86 °C 496.4 °C 0.96 9058792 67-97-0

Vitamin E Gamma-Tocopherol

C28H48O2 Fat 416.68 N/A 516.3 °C 0.933 5256784 7616-22-0

Vitamin K Phylloquinone C31H46O2 Fat 450.7 -20 ºC 546.44 0.964 4447652 84-80-0

Melting point & Boiling point of following Vitamins

All the following Amino Acids’s melting point are between 200 to 300 degree Celsius:

Amino acid Abbreviations Molecular formula Linear formula

Alanine Ala A C3H7NO2 CH3-CH(NH2)-COOH

Arginine Arg R C6H14N4O2 HN=C(NH2)-NH-(CH2)3-CH(NH2)-COOH

Asparagine Asn N C4H8N2O3 H2N-CO-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Aspartic acid Asp D C4H7NO4 HOOC-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Cysteine Cys C C3H7NO2S HS-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Glutamine Gln Q C5H10N2O3 H2N-CO-(CH2)2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Glutamic acid Glu E C5H9NO4 HOOC-(CH2)2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Glycine Gly G C2H5NO2 NH2-CH2-COOH

Histidine His H C6H9N3O2 NH-CH=N-CH=C-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Isoleucine Ile I C6H13NO2 CH3-CH2-CH(CH3)-CH(NH2)-COOH

Leucine Leu L C6H13NO2 (CH3)2-CH-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Lysine Lys K C6H14N2O2 H2N-(CH2)4-CH(NH2)-COOH

Methionine Met M C5H11NO2S CH3-S-(CH2)2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Phenylalanine Phe F C9H11NO2 Ph-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Proline Pro P C5H9NO2 NH-(CH2)3-CH-COOH

Serine Ser S C3H7NO3 HO-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Threonine Thr T C4H9NO3 CH3-CH(OH)-CH(NH2)-COOH

Tryptophan Trp W C11H12N2O2 Ph-NH-CH=C-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Tyrosine Tyr Y C9H11NO3 HO-Ph-CH2-CH(NH2)-COOH

Valine Val V C5H11NO2 (CH3)2-CH-CH(NH2)-COOH

Stem Cell Nutrition Therapy will start By providing :1. Less Cooking Food 20%2. Green Food 60%3. Herbal Food4. Herbal Medicinal Food5. Herbal Medicine

Diabetic solution

How Does Gymnema Sylvestre Work?Appetite Suppression: The gymnema plant contains a number of compounds, such as acidic glycosides and anthroquinones. The primary bioactive constituent of gymnema, known as gymnemic acid, is found in the leaves and roots. Gymnemic acids are sweetness inhibitors. Simply put, chewing gymnema leaves will reduce the taste of sugar, or “sweetness,” in the mouth. The temporary effect is noticed with both natural and artificial sweeteners; and suggests Gymnema may have value as an appetite suppressant.Blocks Sugar Absorption: During digestion, gymnemic acids have a “sugar blocking” property. A South Korean study noted this with lab rats that were given a gymnema supplement and experienced reduced sugar absorption during digestion . Structurally, gymnemic acids are very similar to glucose and behave in the intestine in a similar way. When gymnemic acids lock in to intestinal receptors, they effectively lock out glucose. This prevents sugar from being absorbed. This effect has a twofold benefit in that it helps balance blood sugar, and it promotes lean body mass by lessening the amount of sugar that gets stored as fat.Nutritional Support for Diabetics: Evidence suggests there is merit to gymnema’s other historical use as a diabetic therapy. This value is due in part to its tendency to promote normal blood sugar and positively affect insulin production. Researchers at the Postgraduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Madras, India showed gymnema supplementation produces an increase in insulin levels [3]. Insulin is produced in the pancreas and it’s believed that the insulin increase may be due to a regeneration of pancreatic cells.A 2012 study in at King’s College in London demonstrated that gymnema stimulates insulin secretion in mice and humans [

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