Natural History of Sharks, Skates, and Rays Reproductive Biology MARE 394 Dr. Turner Summer 2008.

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Transcript of Natural History of Sharks, Skates, and Rays Reproductive Biology MARE 394 Dr. Turner Summer 2008.

Natural History of Sharks, Skates, and Rays

Reproductive Biology

MARE 394Dr. Turner

Summer 2008

Reproductive BiologyReproductive adaptations have contributed to evolutionary success & genetic continuity

Reproductive processes for most sharks remains unknown

Fish ReproductionPrimitive model for fish reproduction – oviparity

↑ large numbers of eggs & sperm are shed into the water - where fertilization occurs

Typical of bony fishes

Fish ReproductionOviparity - primitive model for fish reproduction – typical of bony fishes

↑ large numbers of eggs & sperm are shed into the water - where fertilization occurs

Embryos – small amount of yolk; hatch undeveloped

Eggs & young highly vulnerable to predators & environmental factors

Elasmobranch ReproductionDepart from simple oviparity:Internal fertilizationSmall numbers of large youngYoung born active, fully developedDevelop during critical stages within ♀↑ size young, ↓ # potential predators

r-selected species many, smaller offspringK-selected species fewer, larger offspring

Elasmobranch ReproductionMating associated with ∆ in temperatures

Reproductive cycles exist; details unknown

Some sharks reproduce: - all year round - annually - alternate between resting periods

Elasmobranch ReproductionMating involves aggressive courtship - ♂ bites ♀ to hold her into position

In small sharks:♂ wraps body around ♀

In large sharks:♂ parallel to ♀

Love Bites!Aggressive courtship leads to scars & adaptation in ♀ Immature ♀

Mature ♂

Mature ♀

Elasmobranch ReproductionLadies need a thicker skin…

♂ ♀

To counter ♂ aggression, ♀ sharks are larger and have up to 2X thicker epidermis

Elasmobranch ReproductionAll have internal fertilization

Ensures energy-expensive eggs not eaten

Energy passed to embryos; not wasted

2 Groups: Oviparous (egg-laying), Viviparous (live-bearing)

Elasmobranch ReproductionMale (♂) pathway:

Testicle (sperm produced) – epididymis – vas deferens – seminal vesicle- sperm sac – cloaca

Elasmobranch ReproductionMale (♂) pathway:

Clasper draws in water – enters cloaca/vagina – opens like umbrella (anchor) – siphon contracts – expels H2O & sperm

Elasmobranch ReproductionFemale (♀) pathway:

Ova produced in both or just right ovary – released into abdominal cavity – cilia draw into oviduct – reach nidamental (shell gland – secretes “shell”) where fert takes place – down to uterus until egg laid or hatch/birth

Elasmobranch ReproductionFemale (♀) pathway:

Ova produced in both or just right ovary – released into abdominal cavity – cilia draw into oviduct – reach nidamental (shell gland – secretes “shell”) where fert takes place – down to uterus until egg laid or hatch/birth

Oviparous FormsEnclose eggs in tough horny egg case

Incubation – months to over a year

Oviparous (egg-laying) elasmobranchs – benthic, 1° littoral or bathyal, rarely large*

Oviparous FormsWhale shark found in the Gulf of Mexico in 1953; 30x14x8 cm (12x51/2x3 inches)

Oviparous FormsWhale shark harpooned in Taiwanese fishery - 300 embryos developing inside thin egg cases within the mother

Determined whales sharks - ovoviviparous; eggs hatch within the uterus of the mother and remain until development is complete

Oviparous Forms3 families of sharks: Heterodontidae, Scyliorhinidae, & Orectolobidae

& Skates: Rajiformes

Viviparous FormsRetain embryos in uterus during entire development

Divided into placental & aplacental; depending upon placental connection b/w ♀ & offspring

Aplacental ViviparityNo placental connection (formerly ovoviviparity)

Modes of nourishment vary widely:1) depend upon yolk reserves2) are oophagous (egg-eating)3) are nourished via placental analogues

Yolk DependencyEmbryos depend solely upon yolk deposited in egg at time of fertilization – no supplemental

Relatively small at birth

Include Squaliformes, Hexanchiformes, Squantinaformes, etc

CompartmentalizationLife History strategy – one embryo – one uterus; leaves only 2 offspring…therefore, subdivide…

Eliminates - oophagy

OophagyOvaries grow to tremendous size

Eggs small; most exist to nourish young

First few weeks – utilize yolk form own eggAfter – ingest other eggs in the uterus

Some produce single (thresher) or multiple embryos (sandtiger – 12) per oviduct

Thunderdome!Bigeye Thresher Shark – No compartmentalizationOne uteri – one surviving embryoMany embryo enter – one embryo leave…

Placental Analogues“Uterine milk” (embryotroph/histotroph) is produced by long villi (trophonemata)

Common in rays



Placental ViviparityEmbryos nourished by yolk in yolk sac during first few weeks

Once exhausted – yolk sac elongates and distal surface vascularized – touches uterine wall

Grows into placenta – nourished now directly from female
