Natski's Pitch Finished

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Natski's Pitch Finished


MY BRIEFA Promotion package for the release of an

album, to include a music promo video together with a cover for its release as part of a digipak and a magazine advertisement for the digipak.

Diabolical Dispatch Music


There is a girl(Lexi) and a boy(Rorie) who are a couple and they have a massive argument. They are no longer going out and Lexi thinks that no-one else in the world cares but she later finds out

Basic Plan

that there are people there for her and that people care, this is shown by the fact that she has a really good friend, Bam.

Existing videos that have some relation to my idea…

• 1.30 – 1.40

• 1.52 – 2.02

• 2.28 – 2.31 (fighting and she pushes him away then walks away) 2.41- 3.00 (runs to join the band then plays)

Target Audience

• The video is aimed at 15 – 25 females. Because they would relate to her situation.

•The song is aimed at anyone that stereotypes people into social groups.

Aim Of The Video

• To break the stereotypical idea’s about out of the ordinary people.

• Which links to the cognitive dissonance theory.

• The video would be the evidence needed to change a point of view.

Genre – Alternative Music

• Punk rock music.

• Upbeat whilst sometimes

down hearted.

• The Cognitive Dissonance Theory by Leon Festinger.

• 2 inconsistent feelings between 2 things or ideas which simultaneously contradicts each other.

• People need overwhelming evidence to change of back up their view points.

Audience Theory

Audience Theory

• Pluralism audience theory.

Which states that different audiences' have different views about the same thing.

Audience Theory - Reception Theory• Each person would interpret the text in

different ways depending on their upbringing.

• It links into my music video because if people have been bought up to believe that 'out of the ordinary' people are always sad or depressive, that’s what they would believe to be true.

Magazine Articles

• Here are a few examples of magazine articles that are published by kerrang in order to advertise a band.

Example CD Covers

CD cover

• Front showing the band having fun, doing a lot. And in colour picture.

• Back cover showing the band being all serious. Black and white


Institution• http://www.lockjawreco

• They produce the same sort of music that DD play.

• They give unsolicited Bands a chance.

• ‘’it is still our aim to release for new raw talent alongside established bands in an attempt to bring something different to music fans’’