National Handbook COOKERY · 2020-01-29 · LIQUID FOODS such as milk, boiled barley water, albumen...

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Transcript of National Handbook COOKERY · 2020-01-29 · LIQUID FOODS such as milk, boiled barley water, albumen...

National Handbook

A7. jj&txjLA. \

*No.l8 (^L ]V< ^



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MARY G. KIRKHOPE, Dip. Dom. Scs.



Mrs. Alison Irwin and Miss Dorothea Fox broadcasting from the Model Kitchen in "The Kitchen of the Air" over Station 3UZ.

Free Cookery Demonstrations 11.15 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday

at Demonstration Hall, 238 Flinders Lane (1st Floor) Conducted by

The Better Housekeeping Bureau Sponsored by

The Victorian Housewives' Association Flinders Way Arcade (off 238 Flinders Lane)

Free advice on Diet questions

COOKERY BOOK, all News Agents, 1/-or direct from 11 Flinders W a y


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i—-L TABLE OF 1 -LASURES A spoonful means a level spoon measurement; half a spoon means half a level spoonful.

2 teaspoons = 1 dessertspoon. 2 dessertspoons = 1 tablespoon. 1 teacup liquid = 1 % gills. I breakfastcup liquid = 2 gills or % pint. 1 gill = 6 tablespoons. 4 gills = 1 pint. 6 lumps loaf sugar = 1 oz. 2 level tablespoons sugar = 1 oz. 2 level tablespoons flour = 1 oz. 1 level tablespoon butter = 1 oz. 1 level dessertspoon gelatine = Vi oz. 2 level tablespoons rice = 1 oz. 1 large tablespoon sultanas = 1 oz.

Temperatures Required in Cooking

BOILING -— Bubbles form all over the surface—,

S I M M E R I N G — Bubbles come slowly to the surface on one side of the saucepan only.. i^ft

W H E N F R Y I N G the surface of the fat must be quite still — a blue fume will rise to the surface.

W H E N B A K I N G heat oven 10 to 15 minutes. Then place a small piece of kitchen paper on a scone tray and place just below the browner on the top shelf of the oven. Leave 3 mins. Remove. If paper is a brown colour the oven will be hot and ready for use.

FOOD VALUES MILK is the most complete of any of the natural food stuffs. It contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, water, salt and extractives. The protein in the milk is go /d for young children — if milk is boiled for some time the protein



changes and children do not thrive when this change takes place.

It contains lime and is rich in many mineral salts.

M E A T consists of protein to a large extent, and gelatine.

E G G S are the nearest approach to a pure protein that we have in nature.

B R E A D A N D F L O U R are the main source of carbo­hydrates.

F R E S H F R U I T A N D V E G E T A B L E S . Some vegetables sQ " as potatoes consist almost entirely of starch — others ">.as gretr. vegetables consist mainly of a highly insoluble

rflbstance called cellulose, with sm?!! qu»......-'«s of starch, sigars and protein. They are especially valuable 01. . ^ount of the mineral salts and vitamins they contain. They also have laxative properties and help to maintain a good digestion.

FACETS ABOUT FOOD The constituents of food which are necessary to the building up of the body and keeping it in good health are these — 1. P R O T E I N S — which are body builders. The chief of

these is meat or meat substitutes. Cheese, haricot beans, flour, oatmeal, eggs, fish.

2. F A T S — heat producing. Butter is the most important. Other examples are — dripping, suet, bacon, cream, oils, nuts, etc.

3. S T A R C H E S A N D S U G A R S (carbohydrates) which are energy producers. This is a cheap food constituent — sugars, dates, raisins, bananas, potatoes, flour, rice, sago, oatmeal, nuts, lentils, split peas, etc.

4. M I N E R A L SALTS. Examples —• iron, phosphate, lime, magnesia, etc. Daily need, 1 oz.

5. W A T E R . Our daily need is 4 pints a day.



6. CELLULOSE — Ballast to the system — fibre found in vegetables and fruits.

7. Vitamins found in milk, eggs, green vegetables, fruits, etc.

VITAMINS Vitamins are not a food but necessary additions which are essential to gi>od health.

V I T A M I N A — found in the green leaves of plants, green vegetables, cod liver oil, nuts, fish, etc., eggs. 1;

carrots. It '_ Able in fats — so that wh<sn you separe* ibe bux.jT tat from the milk, most of the Vitamin remain? in

the butter fat. It protects the body against infection. The lack of this Vitamin may cause rickets in children.

V I T A M I N B — found in germ and outer coat oV cereals, pulse plants, eggs, yeast. This is soluble in wa^fer and not destroyed by moderate heat or sunlight. Th*g lack of this Vitamin may cause neiWci&jiisor'ie'i't,. It^^mulates appetite, promotes general health, aids action of stoi. ch and intestine.

V I T A M I N C — is easily destroyed by heat, -t is present in fresh milk, grape fruit, oranges, tomatoes, green vege­tables and root vegetables and fruit. This Vitamin prevents scurvy, promotes good teeth and bone development and protects body against infection. Most tinned fruits and vegetables are deficient in this vitamin but some, such as tomatoes, peas, etc., retain it.

V I T A M I N D — is present in cod liver oil, egg yolk and whole milk. Its chief function is prevention of rickets. There are several more Vitamins but these are the most important.

SANDWICHES Sandwiches have become popular as food for a con­

valescent. It saves the use of a knife and fork, and a patient can be persuaded to take a larger meal in this way.


R A W BEEF S A N D W I C H E S . Shred rump steak finely across the grain. Flavour with lemon juice, salt and pepper and spread rather thickly between slices of thin brown bread and butter.

M A R R O W S A N D W I C H E S . Put a large marrow bone into the oven. Cook 20 minutes. Scoop out the marrow. Flavour with salt and pepper and spread thickly between two thin pieces of brown bread and butter.

Liquid or Semi-Liquid Foods Patients are generally limited to liquid or semi-liquid

foods. Beverages may be nourishing or just thirst quenchers.

Hot beverages are more stimulating than cold ones.

LIQUID F O O D S such as milk, boiled barley water, albumen water, whey, tea and milk cocoa.

THIRST Q U E N C H E R S . Drinks of lemon, apple, pine­apple, black currant, tea, toast water.

W A T E R should be boiled and allowed to get cold. Boiling renders it flat (escape of gases) and it is improved by filtering.

FRUIT JUICES are useful as drinks as they relieve thirst and contain organic acids, mineral matter and some sugar. The acids vary with the kind of fruit.

CITRIC ACID — oranges, lemons, limes and tomatoes.

M A L I C ACID — apples, pears, apricots, gooseberries.

T A R T A R I C ACID — grapes, pineapples.

O X A L I C ACID — strawberries and rhubarb.

Orange juice is used medicinally for constipation.

Pineapple juice for diphtheria and it contains a ferment which aids digestion of proteins.

Fruit juices are useful in fever as their organic acids form carbonates in the blood, thus assisting in regulation of alkalies in the blood.


DIETS LOW: Liquids such as milk, thin arrowroot, thin gruel, barley water, beef tea, broths, etc.

M I L K : Milk, arrowroot, sago, rice, junket and other dishes made with milk.

V E G E T A B L E : All kinds of vegetables. White meats and fish are sometimes allowed.

M E A T : Meat, eggs, fish, milk.

F U L L : Meat, vegetables, sweets.

DIABETIC: Food containing starch and sugar are usually avoided. Milk is often allowed. Meat, fish, eggs and plenty of green vegetables should be given. Bran and gluten bread, almond rusks and thin well browned toast, take the place of ordinary bread.

DIABETIC DIET Diabetics require that the dietary should exclude starches and sugar. With regard to proteins, foods of the animal kingdom may be used, except in very strict cases when oysters, liver and sausages are omitted.

M I L K is generally allowed, but in strict cases is obtained in prepared form.

EGGS, cream and fat are used whenever possible to make up supply of heat producers.

SOUPS. Beef tea, mutton broth, etc. — but no sort vege­tables or grain are allowed. Beaten yolks or plasmon if thickening is required.

FISH. All kinds except oysters.

M E A T S . Except liver and sausages.

V E G E T A B L E S . Cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, marrow.

B R E A D . Only diabetic bread.

N U T S of all kinds.


Eggs and Egg and Milk Combinations Eggs

Eggs are most digestible when eaten raw or very slightly cooked.

When cooking eggs, see that they cook slowly or they will become tough and leathery.

A n egg contains much nourishment in a small bulk and is therefore valuable as a food.

The egg can be divided into 3 parts — 1. Shell consists of lime. 2. White consists of protein (chiefly albumen). 3. Yolk contains less water than white.

more protein. some fat and mineral matter.

The general composition of an egg is as follows^—-y-Shell 11.2% , Fats 9.3% w ^ Water 65.3% 7?/£. ^>*Protein l.l%/3'+ Minerals 13.1% ^/*«*<.-<

Egg contains no carbohydrates. An average egg weighs 2 oz. Custard powders are sold' as substitutes for eggs, but most

of them have nothing in common with eggs. They mostly consist of starchy matter (carbohydrates) with a little colouring and flavouring added. 1. Eggs should be kept in a cool place. 2. They should be washed before using. 3. When breaking, scrape out white adhering to shell. 4. To keep a yolk of egg if unbroken, cover with water;

keep egg white covered in a cool place. 5. Eggs are cooked when they are firm or coagulated: this

change is completed at 162° F. so that boiling point of water is not required for cooking eggs. A temperature above that at which eggs coagulate toughens, hardens and shrinks the proteins in the egg and renders it indigestible.

6. Eggs may be preserved.


Boiled Eggs

1 or 2 eggs. x/i pint water for each addi-1 pint water. tional egg.

Boil water in a steel or iron saucepan (not aluminium). Place egg gently in on a spoon. Draw saucepan off fire to where it will keep hot. Cover and stand six minutes for 1 or 2 eggs; 8 minutes for several eggs.

Hard Boiled Egg (for garnish)

Ingredients as for boiled eggs.

Method (1): Put eggs into cold water, heat slowly to boiling point. Set back where water will keep hot; let stand 20 minutes.

Method (2): Boil water, add eggs gently, and boil slowly 10-15 minutes. Lift eggs out, crack shells, and put imme­diately into cold water till cool, when skin and shell may easily be removed

Poached Egg \j

1 fresh egg. Water, salt. Slice buttered toast.

Method: (1) Have boiling water about 1% in. deep in shallow pan;

add salt.

(2) Break egg into saucer, carefully slip egg into water.

(3) Cover; set back where water will keep hot.

(4) Cook until white is firm and a film formed over yolk.

(5) Lift out with lifter, drain, and serve on round of buttered toast.


Egg l\og 1 egg. 1 dessertspoon caster sugar, 1 % gills milk. a few drops essence.

Method: Beat egg and sugar, add flavouring. Add either hot or cold milk, strain into tumbler and serve.

Scrambled Egg 1 egg. 1 teaspoon butter. 1 tablespoon milk. Slice hot buttered toast. % teaspoon salt. Chopped parsley.

Method: Beat egg slightly, add salt and pepper and milk. Melt butter in saucepan, pour in egg, and stir over fire till egg begins to thicken. Pile on the toast. Garnish with finely chopped parsley.

Boiled Custard 1 pint milk. 3 egg yolks, or 2 whole eggs. 2 tablespoons sugar. Essence.

Method: Beat yolks and sugar sligh . Heat milk and pour it on to beaten eggs. Return to dcuble saucepan and cook over water. Stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens sufficiently to coat the spoon. Strain immediately into a clean cold basin. Allow to become quite cold, flavour with essence. Serve with stewed fruit.

Baked Custard 1 pint milk. Essence. 2 eggs. Grated nutmeg. 2 tablespoons sugar. .A little butter.

Method: Beat eggs and sugar slightly, add milk and essence. Pour into a greased piedish. Put a few small pieces of butter on top and grate a little nutmeg over. Place piedish in a baking dish with water to depth of one inch, and bake in a slow oven till custard is set — about % hour to 1 pint milk. Serve hot or cold, with or without fruit.


Baked Apple 1 apple. Vi teaspoon butter. 1 clove. 1 teaspoon sugar. 2 tablespoons water.

Method: Wash and wipe apple, score skin with knife, core apple, place on a greased tray, add water, fill with sugar, put piece of butter on top, put on clove. Cook in a moderate oven till cooked. Test with skewer.

Caramel Custard 1 pint milk. 2 tablespoons sugar. 3 egg yolks, or 2 whole 2 tablespoons water. eggs. Essence. ,

Method: Boil the sugar and water together until an amber colour; pour into a clean dry mould and line it. Then beat yolks slightly; add milk and essence. Put into prepared mould and put into a steamer over a saucepan of boiling water, or in a baking dish of water, in a slow oven. Cover with a double thickness of greased paper, greased side up, and cook very slowly until set.

Albumenised Milk 1 egg white. 2 teaspoons sugar. Y2 pint milk.

Method: Place egg white and milk in a tightly covered glass jar. Shake well until thoroughly mixed. Sweeten to taste. Strain through muslin. Serve immediately. This is a simple method of fortifying milk and is often given to invalids.

Sweet Omelette 2 eggs. 1 dessertspoon castor sugar. 1 teaspoon butter. Jam.

Method: Prepare pan by burning it out with butter. Separate whites from yolks of eggs. Beat yolks and sugar well together, beat whites stiffly. Heat pan, add butter. Fold whites lightly into yolks. Pour into pan, spread evenly and cook slowly until omelette is set. Put under a griller


and cook lightly on the top. Tilt pan a little and allow omelette to slip to one side. Spread half with melted jam. Fold the top over and sprinkle with a little castor sugar. Serve at once on a hot dish with a paper d'oyley.

Savoury Omelette 1 egg. 14 teaspoon chopped parsley. 1 teaspoon butter. Salt, pepper.

Method: Beat egg white stiffly, add egg yolk, salt and pepper. D o not mix at present. Melt butter in a frying pan. Mix yolks, etc., very lightly, pour into the pan. Tilt the pan on one side and, as the omelette begins to set, toss it over the pan scrape it back again to the other side. W h e n slightly brown turn on to a hot dish and serve at once with a sprig of parsley.

Service of Foods to Invalids The following points should be considered in preparation and service of foods to invalids:—

1. Food must be nourishing and easily digested. »

2. Observe cleanliness and daintiness in service of food.

3. If food is intended to be served hot, see that it is hot, not lukewarm.

4. Find out the likes and dislikes of patient without asking too many questions.

5. Observe strict punctuality in serving meals.

6. Serve small quantities at regular intervals. 7. Give as much variety as possible. 8. D o not over season or over flavour food. 9. Always remove the tray from the sickroom, as soon as

patient has finished. 10. If a drink is left in sickroom, see that it is covered from

dust and flies. 11. It is wise to keep an account of the amount of food taken

by a patient in a given period. 12. Obtain the doctor's opinion as to advisability of waking

a patient for a meal.


MILK Sterilization of Milk

Place milk in a wide necked bottle. i

Plug with cotton wool. Place in a saucepan of cold water, with water about the level of the milk in the bottle. Bring water to boil and boil 20 minutes. The milk will then have reached a temperature of between 165° and 185° F. Cool rapidly. Keep covered from flies and dust.

Modification of Milk 1. Milk may be brought to boiling point.

2. Milk diluted with boiled water, rice or barley water. By this means it tends to separate into smaller flakes.

3. A n alkali, such as a few grains of soda, bi carb. may be added to milk. Lime water tends to modify the acidity of the stomach.

4. A stimulant may be added by doctor's orders: Brandy — few drops for an infant.

— 1 tablespoon for an adult.

5. Milk may be skimmed to reduce fat.

6. Curd may be removed from whey. Sometimes the cream is removed before curdling and added to the whey. This is sometimes retained in the stomach when nothing else is.

MILK FOODS Importance of Milk in the Diet

Of all the protein foods which are the body builders, milk is of the greatest importance because of the character of its proteins and its richness in other essential food materials. Milk is also one of the chief sources of animal fats which are a source of heat and energy for the body.

M I N E R A L SALTS. Fresh milk is one of the chief sources of vitamins, which are absolutely essential to human life. The boiling of milk destroys these.


To overcome risk of infection by —

Pasteurizing. Heat milk 155°. Keep at this tempera­ture for 10 minutes, then cool rapidly»or stand bottles of milk in a deep saucepan, add cold water up to the necks of the bottles, and bring the water slowly to boiling point. Remove saucepan from fire and allow bottles to stand for 20 minutes in the water. Remove bottles and put at once into cold water. Then put on ice or in running water with scalded cloth over the top. Boiling or Sterilizing. This method destroys also Vitamins which are present in raw milk and which are absolutely essential to human life.

Cocoa 1-2 teaspoons cocoa. 1 cup milk, or 1 teaspoon sugar. % cup milk and Pinch of salt. % cup water.

Method: Mix cocoa, sugar and salt and blend well with a little of the water. Heat remainder of water and the milk, and stir in the blended cocoa. Stir till boiling, boil 3 minutes. Pour into a clean cup, and serve on a saucer with sugar, served separately.

Coffee Junket 1 gill strong coffee. Vi rennet tablet. 3 gills milk. 1 tablespoon water. 2 tablespoons sugar.

Method: Make strong coffee and strain. Continue as for Junket.

Junket 1 pint milk. 1 tablespoon cold water. 1 tablespoon sugar. Flavouring. Y2 rennet tablet.

Method: Heat milk to lukewarm. Add sugar, stir till dissolved. Dissolve rennet in water. Add rennet, mix thoroughly. Pour into serving dish, sprinkle with nutmeg or cinnamon, or add vanilla. Set in a warm place till firm. Then chill. Serve with cream and sugar, fruit or jelly.


Caramel 2 oz. sugar. 1 gill water.

Method: Put sugar in a heavy saucepan, add 2 teaspoons water and brown well without stirring. Add remainder of water and stir till boiling, and simmer until it thickens a little. Cool, bottle and cork.

Caramel Junket 1 pint milk. 1 tablespoon sugar. 2 tablspoons caramel.

Method: As for Junket.

XA teaspoon vanilla. V't rennet tablet. 1 tablespoon water.

Fruit Junket 1 pint milk.

2 tablespoons sugar. Pinch Salt. % rennet tablet.

1 tablespoon water. 1 banana. 2 tablespoons almonds.

Method: Blanch almonds, cut into pieces. Cut banana in small pieces. Place nuts and banana in serving dish. All remainder of ingredients, combined as for Junket.

1 teaspoon sugar. 1 egg. Vanilla essence.

Simple Cream 1 teaspoon powdered gela­

tine dissolved in 1 table­spoon hot water. ,

V2 cup milk.

Method: Heat milk, pour on to the egg yolk and sugar, return to saucepan. Cook until it coats the back of the spoon. Cool slightly and add dissolved gelatine. When cold, stir in the stiffly beaten egg white. When beginning to set, pour into a wet mould.

Wine Jelly V2 gill water. 1 teaspoon gelatine. % gill port wine.

2 teaspoons sugar. Squeeze lemon juice.


Method: Dissolve the gelatine in the hot water. Add sugar. Reheat until dissolved, add lemon juice and wine. Pour into a wet mould until set.

Blanc Mange 1 pint milk. Piece of lemon rind. 4 tablespoons cornflour. Bay leaf. 2 tablespoons sugar.

Method: 1. Blend cornflour with a little of the milk and put the rest on to boil with the lemon rind and bay leaf. 2. W h e n nearly boiling remove rind and bay leaf, stir in the cornflour off the fire, stir over fire for 3 minutes to thoroughly cook the cornflour, and add sugar. 3. Pour

into a wetted mould and when thoroughly set turn out. Blanc Mange may also be flavoured with vanilla or coloured pink and flavoured with rose water.

Banana Custard 1 pint milk. 2 tablespoons sugar. 2 or 3 eggs. Vi dozen large bananas. 1 dessertspoon cornflour. 2 tablespoons castor sugar. Vanilla.

Method: 1. Make a thick custard keeping back the whites of 2 eggs. 2. Peel bananas and cut into slices, use a silver or stainless knife. Put into a glass dish, pour custard over. 3. Whip whites stiffly, fold in castor sugar, place in heaps on top of custard.

FRYING Frying is the cooking of foods in hot oil or fat.

Methods of Frying 1. Dry frying is cooking in a small quantity of fat in a

frying pan and is suitable for foods which require more than three minutes to cook and brown, e.g., liver, kidneys, cutlets, sausages and whole fish.


2. Wet frying is done in an iron saucepan which should be at least half full of fat, so that articles of food placed in it will be completely covered. This method is suitable for foods that have been previously cooked, or will take less than 3 minutes to cook and brown, e.g., fillets of fish, brains, fritters, rissoles, etc.

Tests for Temperature of Fat for Frying 1. Surface of fat must be still.

2. A faint blue fume rises from the surface.

3. A small piece of bread dropped into the hot fat will brown rapidly.

Care of Fat 1. Remove from fire as soon as frying is finished.

2. After using, cool and strain into a clean basin.

3. Use several times.

Preparation of Food It is necessary that a crust form on the outside of the food

to prevent fat from being absorbed. Consequently all foods should have a covering to protect them from the fat.

Coverings are:

1. Seasoned flour. For sausages, liver, etc.

2. Seasoned flour, egg and breadcrumbs.

3. Batter for fritters, fish, etc.

Rules to Follow When Frying 1. The fat must be sufficiently hot. 2. In dry frying, articles should be turned with a knife and

spoon, taking care not to disturb the covering. 3. Cook until food is tender and of a golden brown colour. 4. Drain fried food on kitchen paper to absorb fat. 5. Serve very hot on a hot dish with a d'oyley.


6. Garnish suitably and daintily. 7. Strain fat carefully after use.

WARNING: Care must be taken not to allow water to get into hot fat. If water gets into hot fat, the fat splashes and may severely burn the cook.

Points to Remember Do not put too many articles in to fry at the same time or

they will cool the fat too much. Always reheat fat to the right temperature before putting in a second lot.

If fat is not sufficiently hot, it will soak into the articles being fried and so make them greasy and sodden instead of crisp and dry.

There is a danger of fat boiling over and catching fire. This is generally caused by too much being put into the fat at one time or by the sudden introduction of too much water.

FISH Fish is a valuable article of food. It is almost as nutri­tious, but less stimulating than meat.

Composition of Fish f Albumen

Protein 1 1 % i Fibrin [ Gelatine

Mineral 1 % Water 6 2 % Fat 4 % Waste 2 2 %

The protein and fat are the most important constituents. Fish does not contain any carbohydrates.

Selection of Fish Fish should be fresh. Freezing reduces the flavour and changes texture of fish


causing it to break during the cooking. If necessary, thaw in cold water just before cooking.

For invalids select fish which are not too rich as white fish, such as whiting, flounder, etc.

Classes of Fish

1. White fish — the flesh is white as the oil is stored in the liver and does not permeate the flesh, e.g., whiting, flounder, trout.

2. Oily fish — the flesh is rich in oil and dark in colour, e.g., salmon.

3. Shell fish — such as oysters, lobster (cray fish). All shell fish are difficult to digest, except oysters. Oysters are rendered indigestible by cooking owing to the coagu­lation of the albumen in it.

Tests for Fresh Fish

1. Eyes — should be bright and prominent. 2. Gills — red colour. 3. Flesh — firm and elastic. 4. Smell — fresh and agreeable. 5. Tail — firm and stiff, not drooping.

Preparation of Fish

To Scale.-—Lay fish on its side and holding it by the tail, scrape with knife from tail to head. Rinse well in water. Cut off fins with scissors.

To Fillet.—Place fish on small board with head to left hand side. With a sharp knife cut through flesh near the head down to the back bone in one piece. Turn and remove flesh from the other side. • Remove any small bones that may be in the flesh, also any fins.

To Skin Fillet.—Place fillets, skin side down on board and hold by the tail end. Insert knife between skin and flesh, until skin is removed, in one piece. Place fillets in cold salt water for 10 minutes. Dry before using.



Boiled Bream, Schnapper, Cod, Etc. 1 fish or cutlets of large Lemon juice.

fish. Sprigs of parsley. Salt. Sauce.

Method: Prepare fish and wash well. Have pan with sufficient boiling water to cover fish. Add salt to flavour and lemon juice to keep flesh white. Allow 10 to 30 minutes according to size of fish. Test through thickest part with a skewer. Lift fish with a fish slice, drain well. Serve on a hot dish. Pour a little sauce over and garnish with slices of lemon and sprigs of parsley.

Fried Filleted Fish 1 whiting or mullet. Breadcrumbs. Seasoned flour. Slices of lemon. Beaten egg. Sprigs of parsley.

Method: Fillet fish. Wash and dry. Dip in seasoned flour, brush with egg and toss in breadcrumbs. Lift on to board and firm crumbs with the broad knife. Heat a large quantity of fat in a saucepan. Heat until a faint blue fume rises from the fat. Have ready some paper on a plate for draining. Wet fry fish until golden brown. Drain. Serve on a hot dish on a paper d'oyley. Garnish with slices of lemon and sprigs of parsley.

Fried Garfish Garfish. Seasoned flour. Salt, cayenne. Lemon juice. Egg.

Method: Clean

Breadcrumbs. Fat or butter. Slices of lemon. Sprigs of parsley.

fish, remove fins, trim inside with salt, cayenne and lemon juice.

tail. Sprinkle Make into a

circle by forcing the point of the head through the flesh of the tail. Dip into seasoned flour, egg and crumbs. Heat in a pan about 1 tablespoon of fat. Put in the fish and cook gently till brown, turning once. Drain on paper d'oyley. Garnish with lemon and parsley. Serve with potato chips or straws.


Fish Cakes Cold cooked fish, or 1 Lemon juice.

small tin of salmon. Anchovy essence. V2 lb. cold boiled potatoes. Seasoned flour, egg and bread-2 teaspoons chopped crumbs.

parsley. Slices of lemon. Salt and pepper. Sprigs of parsley.

Method: Remove bones from fish. Mash the potatoes, mix all ingredients, flavouring well. Divide into equal proportions — 6 or 8. Roll each portion in seasoned flour and shape into cakes. Cover with egg and crumbs. Put in frying basket and wet fry. Drain on paper. Serve on paper d'oyley with sprigs of parsley and slices of lemon.

Fish Pie % lb. cooked fish. V-2 lb. cooked potatoes. 1 gill white sauce. 1 dessertspoon butter. Pepper and salt. Lemon juice.

Method: Break the fish into flakes and place in a greased piedish, sprinkle with lemon juice. Then pour over it the white sauce well flavoured. If there are any remains of fish sauce, a fresh supply will not require to be made. Sieve the potatoes, melt the butter in a saucepan, add the potato, moisten if necessary with 1 teaspoon of milk, flavour with salt and pepper. Pile this on top of fish and smooth over with a knife. Decorate with fork and glaze with beaten egg or milk. Bake in oven and if necessary brown under the griller.

Baked Flathead 1 fish. Chopped parsley. Breadcrumbs or veal Salt, cayenne.

forcemeat. Lemon juice. Butter.

Method: Clean the fish. The head may be left on, but eyes must be removed. Wash and dry. Put in greased baking dish and sprinkle inside and out with salt, cayenne, lemon juice, parsley, crumbs, and small pieces of butter. Cover with greased paper. Bake in a moderate oven 15-20



minutes. Lift on hot dish with paper d'oyley. Garnish with sprigs of parsley and slices of lemon.

Note: The fish may be stuffed with veal forcemeat, sown up, and baked as above.

Steamed Whiting and Lemon Sauce 1 whiting. 2 tablespoons water.

y/ Lemon juice. Lemon sauce. y Salt, cayenne.

Method: Fillet the fish and drop into cold salted water for 10 minutes. Dry the fillets. Place on.a greased baking dish with the skin side up. Sprinkle with salt, cayenne, lemon juice. Fold the shoulder over the tail. Add water to the dish and cover fillets with greased paper. Cook in a moderate oven 10 minutes. Serve fillets on a hot dish, mask with lemon sauce, and garnish with sprigs of parsley and

slices of lemon.

Lemon Sauce Foundation white sauce. Juice of % a lemon. 2 egg yolks.

Method: Make sauce and cool slightly. Pour on to beaten yolks, return to saucepan, and cook without boiling. Take from fire, add lemon juice, and flavour to taste.

Fish Stock 1 lb. fish bones. 1 blade mace. "Water to cover. 4 peppercorns. Parsley. Piece of onion, salt.

Method: Put bones, salt, water on to boil. Peel onion. Add onion, parsley and flavour. Simmer 2 hours. Strain and use for fish sauces, fish soups, etc.

Fish Scallop Cold cooked fish. Breadcrumbs. Well-flavored sauce. Small piece of butter. Salt, cayenne. Slices of lemon. Lemon juice. Sprigs of parsley.


Method: Grease small fireproof dishes. Heat sauce with flavourings add fish (with bones removed). Full dishes; sprinkle thickly with crumbs. Put butter on top of each. Brown under griller or in a hot oven. Garnish with a sprig of parsley and slices of lemon.

Fried Flounder Flounder. Fat for frying. Seasoned flour. Slices of lemon. Egg and breadcrumbs. Sprigs of parsley. Potato chips.

Method: Clean and trim fish. Dry, dip in flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Heat fat in pan. Fry fish till golden brown on both sides. Drain — serve — garnish with slices of lemon, sprigs of parsley and potato chips.

SOUPS Soups give little nourishment, but are most useful as a stimulant. It warms the stomach and so prepares it to assimilate the foods which follow.

Meat stock is used as a foundation for some soups, stews and gravies.

Broths are made from fresh meat and bones and have the addition of grain and vegetables.

Meat Stock 4 lbs. bones. 4 peppercorns. 4 pints water. Blade of mace. Piece of carrot, onion, A bunch of herbs.

turnip, celery.

Method: Wash bones. Cover with cold water, add 1 teaspoon salt and allow to stand % hour. Then put on to boil; meanwhile cut up vegetables. When boiling, skim, and add vegetables, and spices. Simmer gently 3 hours. Remove bones. Strain, allow to get cold and remove fat before using.


Mutton Broth 1 shank. Piece of onion, 1 pint water. carrot, Little salt. turnip, 1 oz. barley. celery.

Method: Remove fat and meat from bones. Cut meat up finely. Chjp bones. Put meat, bones, water and salt into saucepan. Allow to stand r/o hour. Bring slowly to boil, skim, add washed barley. Simmer 1 hour, add diced vege­tables; simmer another 2 hours. For an invalid, strain. Remove fat and serve hot.

Chicken Broth Carcase of an old fowl. 2 pints water. 1 tablespoon rice. 1 small onion.

Method: Chop carcase into small pieces, put into a sauce­pan with the water and onion. Simmer 1 hour, add rice and simmer % hour. Strain. Flavour and serve (the rice and onion may be omitted).

Tomato Soup Vz lb. tomatoes. ' *4 teaspoon sugar. 1 gill water. 1 level teaspoon sago soaked to' *4 small onion. 1 tablespoon cold water. % teaspoon butter. % gill milk. Vi teaspoon salt.

Method: Cut onion up finely and heat with the butter in a saucepan — do not brown. Add tomatoes and fry 2 minutes. Add wafer and simmer % hour. Rub all through a sieve and return to the saucepan. Add the soaked sago and cook till clear, stirring all the time. Add soda, flavour, and cool well before adding the milk.

Oyster Soup 6 oysters % pint fish stock. Little lemon juice. Little anchovy essence.

Method: Melt butter in

1 dessertspoon butter. 1 tablespoon flour. % gill milk. % gill cream.

a saucepan, add flour, stir till



smooth. Add stock, stir till boiling. Flavour, add milk and cream. Reheat and serve.

Beef Tea (best method) 1 lb. rump or buttock steak. Salt. 1 pint water. Squeeze of lemon juice.

Method: Put water, lemon juice and salt into an earthen­ware jar. Shred meat finely across the grain and add to the jar. Stand % hour. Cover the jar and stand in a saucepan of boiling water. Stand in a warm place for 2 or 3 hours.

Beef Tea Quickly Made % lb. steak. 3 drops lemon juice. V2 pint water.

Method: Put water, lemon juice and salt into a basin, add the shredded steak and allow to stand 20 minute3. Put all into a saucepan and cook until it just changes to a brown colour. Do not allow to boil. Serve in a hot cup and saucer with sippets, of freshly made toast.

Jellied Beef Tea

Method: Add to above recipe 2 large teaspoons gelatine dissolved in 2 tablespoons hot water and added to beef tea when still hot.

Cream Soups % lb. vegetables (5 oz. main 1 level tablespoon flour. vegetable, 3 oz. flavouring % gill milk. vegetable). 2 tablespoons cream.

% pint white stock or water. Salt and pepper. 1 level dessertspoon butter.

Method: Prepare vegetables and cut up roughly. Put into a saucepan with the stock. Bring to boil and simmer gently until tender ( 1 % hours). Rub all through a sieve. Melt the butter, add the flour and stir until smooth. Add the puree gradually and bring to the boil. Simmer 5 minutes, add milk and cream, and reheat without boiling.


Cream soup made from above recipe —

Celery flavoured with onion and white turnip.

Asparagus flavoured with onion and celery. Leek flavoured with celery and turnip.

Potato flavoured with celery, turnip and onion. Carrot flavoured with onion and celery.

FRUIT Fruit of all kinds are valuable in the diet. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc., are

a wonderful aid to digestion and provide mineral salts and organic acids. They are also very rich in vitamins.

Oranges and lemons have an alkaline reaction and are therefore valuable in off-setting acidity in the stomach.

Fruit drinks are valuable for both sick and well people.

VEGETABLES Baked Stuffed Potato

Method: Scrub well potato. Prick well, place on bars in oven. Bake 1 hour; test with skewer. W h e n soft, lift out, cut off top, scoop out potato into basin, mash with butter, pepper and salt. Put back into case and reheat under griller or in oven. Garnish with sprigs of parsley.

Uses of Vegetables as Food 1. Supply mineral salts to regulate the body. 2. Supply water to the system. 3. Supply ballast to intestine. 4. Source of heat and energy. 5. Dried vegetable — source of tissue building food. 6. Supply vitamins.

General Rules for Cooking 1. Root Vegetables are cooked in boiling salted water to

cover, slowly, with the lid on. See table for exceptions, etc.


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2. Green Vegetables axe cooked in plenty of boiling salted water, rapidly, with lid off. See table for exceptions, etc.

3. Watery Vegetables (spinach). Cook without addition of water, gently, with lid off saucepan.

4. Dried Vegetables. Soak overnight in cold water with soda. Drain, add fresh cold water, and simmer until tender.


Proportion of Salt 1 teaspoon to 1 quart of water.

Effects of Cooking 1. Softens Cellulose. 2. Changes flavour. 3. Starch, if present, is cooked.

4. Food substance is partly dissolved.

Methods of Cooking Vegetables 1. Steaming. 2. Baking in oven or in fat. 3. Boiling.

Of these, steaming and baking are the best methods from the standpoint of conservation of the mineral salts of which a very large proportion is dissolved when vegetables are boiled. A longer time is required than for boiling.

J •

CEREALS Characteristics of Cereals 1. They supply heat and energy to the body to a large

degree — contain high percentage of Carbohydrate.

2. Contain very little water.

3. They are of high nutritive value.

4. They are easily digested.


General Composition of Cereals Mineral

Protein Fat Starch Matter Water 10 to 12% 3 to 7 % 56 to 78% 2 % 10 to 12%

Porridge 1 oz. oatmeal. 1 teaspoon salt. % pt. water.

Method: Blend oatmeal and salt with a little of the water. Bring remainder of water to boil, stir in blended meal; stir till boiling. Allow to boil slowly 45 minutes. Serve with plenty of hot or cold milk.

Note: Cereals for breakfast in the morning m a y be cooked the day before, covered closely and not stirred while re-heating.

Gruel "•- 2 tablespoons oatmeal. Salt. — % pint milk. Sugar to taste.

Method: Blend oatmeal, sugar and salt with a little of the cold milk. Bring remainder of milk to boil and pour over the blended meal. Stir well., Allow to settle. Strain off the liquid and stir till boiling; simmer gently 10 minutes. Serve at once in a small bowl.

Boiled Rice (as accompaniment with Curries) 2 oz. rice. Strip lemon rind. 1 pint boiling water. 1 teaspoon salt.

Method: Put water on to boil, add salt and lemon rind. W a s h rice well in three waters, and add to boiling water. Boil rapidly 14 minutes. Strain and run water through to separate the grains. Put back in saucepan and shake over fire to dry. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley over.


Rice Boiled in Milk 3 oz. Rice. % teaspoon salt. x/2 pint water.

3 tablespoons sugar. 1 pint milk. Essence.


Method: Wash rice well; put on in saucepan with the water and cook until water is absorbed. Add milk. Cook until rice is tender and the milk almost absorbed. Add sugar. Serve hot or cold. If it is to be moulded put in a wet mould and stand until cold and set. Turn out. Serve on a glass dish. Serve with compote of fruit.

Rice Baked in Milk IY2 oz. rice. V2 teaspoon salt. 1 pint milk or milk and 3 tablespoons sugar. water.

Method: Wash rice well. Put in piedish with sugar, milk and water. Put in a slow oven. Bake very gently two hours or more, stirring occasionally during first half-hour. A little nutmeg may be grated over when rice is nearly cooked. Serve as accompaniment to stewed fruit.

Bread and Butter Custard Slices stale bread. Uncooked custard mixture. Sultanas. 1 pint milk, 2 eggs. Butter. 2 tablespoons sugar, essence.

Method: Grease a piedish. Spread thin slices of bread with butter. Cut in finger lengths and pack loosely in pie­dish, half filling it. Sprinkle fruit on each layer. Make raw custard (see Baked Custard), pour over bread, and grate nutmeg over.

Grain Custard (Rice, Sago, Tapioca) 3 oz. grain. 2 tablespoons sugar. V2 pint water. Essence. 1 pint milk Butter. 2 eggs. Nutmeg.

* Method: Wash grain well, cook gently in the water until 'water is absorbed. Add % the milk; cook until milk is absorbed,*' Beat eggs and sugar together, add remainder of milk and essence add to the grain. Pour into greased pie­dish, put 2 or 3 small pieces of butter on top and grate a little nutmeg over. Stand in a baking dish of cold water. Bake in a slow oven until custard is just set.


Note: Sago should first be soaked x/2 hour in the cold water and tapioca 1 hour.

Queen Pudding 4 oz. cake crumbs. 2 tablespoons sugar. 1 pint milk. Essence, 2 tablespoons jam. 2 eggs. 1 tablespoon castor sugar.

Method: W a r m milk, pour over cake crumbs, and soak 14 hour. Separate whites from yolks of eggs. Beat yolks and sugar, add essence, and-add to milk. Pour into a greased piedish and bake till set. Spread with thin layer of jam. Beat egg white until stiff and dry, fold in castor sugar, and pile roughly on top. Brown quickly in hot oven.

Cocoanut Custard 1 pint milk. 3 tablespoons flour. 1 dessertspoon butter. 1 larse spoon (table) sugar. Little grated lemon rind. 4 tablespoons cocoanut. 3 eggs.

Method: Heat milk and butter in saucepan. Blend flour smoothly with some of the milk, and add to the hot milk, etc. Cook two minutes stirring all the time. Add sugar, cocoanut, grated rind and egg yolks, reheat, then pour into a greased piedish. W h e n cool, beat whites stiff, fold in 1 tablespoon sugar, pile on top of pudding and brown in a slow oven.

Cabinet Pudding Slices of stale cake — uncooked custard mixture.

Method: Same as for bread and butter custard.


Foundation Steam Pudding 3 ozs. butter or clarified fat. Pinch salt. 3 ozs. sugar. 1 gill milk. 1 egg. Flavouring. 6 ozs self-raising flour.

Method: 1. Prepare mould and grease a piece of paper for top. 2. Sift flour and salt. 3.' Cream butter and sugar, add egg, beat well, add milk and flavouring, then flour, etc. Mix well. 4. Put into prepared mould, cover with greased paper. 5. Steam l1/^ to 2 hours. -6. Serve with suitable sauce.

Steamed Puddings

COLLEGE: Two tablespoons jam in bottom of basin before putting in mixture.

C A N A B Y : Add grated rind of one lemon to Foundation Mixture.

D A T E : Add 3 ozs. dates, stoned and chopped.

FIG: Add 3 ozs. figs, finely chopped.

C H O C O L A T E : Add 2 tablespoons cocoa to flour, and vanilla essence.

U R N E Y : Use % teaspoon of carb. soda and plain flour, and mix 2 tablespoons of dark jam.

Apple Cream 1 cooking apple. Little sugar to taste. 1 dessertspoon biscuit- 1 tablespoon cream. crumbs.


Method: Cook apples in saucepan with 1 dessertspoon water and % teaspoon butter. Mash and, if necessary, rub through a sieve^Add whipped cream. Put into a glass dish and sprinkle biscuit crumbs over it.


Compote Fruit 1 tablespoon sugar. 1 apple or pear, etc. 1 gill water.

Method: Boil sugar and water, add fruit, put on lid and

cook slowly until tender. D o not boil.

Orange Foam 1 orange. 1 cup hot water. xfa cup sugar. 1 egg white. * * 2 big tablespoons cornflour.

Method: Grate rind before squeezing juice of orange.

Put sugar and hot water into saucepan and bring to boil. Blend cornflour with cold water. Add to dissolved sugar and water. Bring to boil stirring all the time. Cook 5 minutes. Add juice of one orange and grated rind of half

orange. Add stiffly beaten egg white. Beat rapidly for 2

minutes. Pour into mould and chill.

Barley Water 1 oz. pearl barley. Sugar and lemon rind to 1 quart water. flavour, if allowed.

Method: 1. Wash barley, put into a saucepan, cover well

with water, bring to the boil and strain (this removes the bitter flavour). 2. Add the quart of water, bring to boil, add lemon rind (very thinly peeled) .simmer for 2 hours. 3. Strain, sweeten to taste, serve hot or cold. If taken very hot with lemon juice added, it will reduc'e temperature. If

used to dilute milk or for infants, omit lemon rind.

Lemonade 1 lemon. V2 pint boiling water. 1 tablespoon sugar.

Method: Wash lemon, peel rind off thinly and put into a jug. Squeeze lemon juice and add with sugar, and pour on the freshly boiled water. Cover. W h e n cold, strain.


Lemon Egg Jelly 1 egg. % pint cold water. % cup sugar. Rind and juice of 1 1 dessertspoon powdered lemon. gelatine.

Method: Wash lemon, pare rind thinly and put into a saucepan with the gelatine, sugar, water and lemon juice. Bring slowly to the boilyCoo] 15 minutes, add the beaten egg and cook carefully for 5 minutes by standing the saucepan in a larger one of boiling waterv Be careful it does not curdle.


Toast Water 1 crust of bread. V2 pint water.

Toast bread until dark brown on both sides. Put into a basin and cover with cold water. Allow to stand until water is an amber* colour. Pour water carefully off into a tumbler and serve, standing on a saucer and d'oyley. This is a good thirst quencher and it cleans the tongue of a fevered patient.

Mutton Cutlets 1 mutton cutlet (rib chop). Bacon. 1 teaspoon seasoned flour. Breadcrumbs. Beaten egg.

Method: Trim cutlet, dip in seasoned flour, brush with beaten egg, and toss in the breadcrumbs. Press crumbs on firmly. Heat fat in frying pan. Fry cutlet turning fre­quently for 10 minutes. Lift out, drain on paper. Serve on a hot dish with a roll of grilled bacon around the bone.

SALADS All green vegetables used for a salad should be young and

crisp and carefully washed in cold water to free them from dust and insects. Dry well after washing with a towel.

Serve salads as cold as possible. Use only the best oil and vinegar for salad dressings. Salads should be introduced into the diet whenever

possible as they induce mastication and the consequent secretion of digestive saliva.


Salads may be broadly divided into two classes — 1. Raw. 2. Cooked.

Lettuce frequently forms the foundation of raw vegetable salads. Other suitable raw salad vegetables are tomatoes, cucumber, celery, radish, cress, shallots, onions, beetroot. The salad bowl is sometimes rubbed with a piece of garlic to impart flavour to the salad. For cooked vegetable salads any "left-over" vegetables may

be used. Suitable cooked vegetables are peas, beans, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, cauliflower.

General Rules 1. Ingredients should be thoroughly chilled. 2. Salad plants and green vegetables should be clean, crisp,

dry, fresh and attractive looking. 3. If dressing is to be added, add just before serving as

dressing tends to wilt them. 4. With the exception of parsley serve garnishes such as

may be eaten with salad. 5. D o not over-decorate salads.

Preparation of Greens 1. Wash carefully in plenty of cold water, taking care that

no insects are left on leaves. 2. To freshen, place in icy cold water one or two hours

before using. If very wilted, add a few drops of vinegar to the water.

3. Dry thoroughly by placing in a clean towel and shaking gently.

4. To keep greens fresh, place in a damp cloth in an ice chest, or place in covered dish in a cold place.

When to Serve 1. R a w Vegetable Salads.

(a) Salad course at luncheon or dinner. (b) As accompaniment to cold meat, game or fish.


2. Cooked Vegetable Salads.

(a) With meat course at lunch or supper.

(b) As salad course at dinner.

Lettuce Salad

Choose young fresh leaves. Separate leaves and wash well. Soak in cold water. Dry. Lettuce is best uncut, or with the large leaves broken in two or three pieces. Serve salad dressing separately.

Tomato Salad Tomatoes. Cayenne. A little cucumber. Sugar. Salt. Vinegar.

Method: Peel and slice the tomato and cucumber. Place in a salad dish, sprinkle with salt, cayenne and sugar. P -over sufficient vinegar to cover.

Potato Salad

Steamed potatoes. Salad dressing. Spring onions. Chopped parsley. Salt, cayenne.

Method: Cut potatoes into slices or large dice. Chop onions very finely. Sprinkle potatoes with flavourings, mix lightly and pour over just enough thick dressing to blend the vegetables. Serve in lettuce leaves, with remainder of dressing or serve separately. Decorate with slices of potato cut in fancy shapes.

Haricot Bean Salad Cold cooked haricot beans. Salt, cayenne. Spring onion. Salad dressing.

Method: Mix beans with flavourings, using a little salad dressing to bind. Serve in a lettuce shell and serve remainder of dressing separate.


Beetroot Salad Cold cooked beetroot. Vinegar. Salt, sugar, peppercorns. Allspice.

Method: Boil vinegar and flavours. Slice beetroot into a basin and strain hot vinegar over. Stand till cold.

Cold Vegetable Salad Cold cooked vegetables. Chopped parsley. Salad dressing.

Method: Cut vegetables up daintily. Arrange in layers in glass dish, sprinkling with chopped parsley, or arrange in lettuce shells. Serve salad dressing separately.

Salad Dressing 2 hard boiled egg yolks. Y2 teaspoon salt. 1 tablespoon oil or milk. Y2 teaspoon mustard. 2 tablespoons vinegar. 1 teaspoon sugar. 2 tablespoons cream. Cayenne.

Method: Pound yolks smoothly. A d d flavourings. A d d oil or milk gradually. A d d vinegar gradually. A d d cream either whipped or plain.

Salad Dressing (Boiled) 1 tablespoon butter. % teaspoon mustard. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 % gills milk. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon salt. 2 tablespoons vinegar. y± teaspoon cayenne.

Method: Melt butter in saucepan. A d d flour and stir till smooth. A d d milk, bring to boil, cook 2 minutes. Cool. Add beaten egg and cook without boiling, then flavourings

mixed with vinegar.

French Dressing 1 tablespoon vinegar, salt, 2 tablespoons salad oil. mustard, sugar and cayenne.

Method: M i x flavourings with vinegar. Put in bottle

with oil and shake together.


French Salad Fresh lettuce hearts. French salad dressing and chopped

parsley. Method: Tear lettuce into small pieces with finger tips.

Place in bowl in ice chest till ready for serving. Then shake the dressing and sprinkle generously over the lettuce and garnish with chopped parsley.

MEAT If we examine a piece of over-boiled meat, it will be found

that it can easily be lorn into a number of long stringy fibres. These fibres are made up of bundles of very fine tubes known as muscle fibres. The fibres are of different lengths in different meats, and the shorter the fibre, the more tender the meat, e.g., leg chicken, long fibre; breast, short fibre.

Between the fibres there are tiny globules of fat. This quantity of fat varies with the meat and the fatter the meat, the more difficult to digest, e.g., pork contains more fat than beef or mutton.

Some fat is necessary and good, but excess of fat is difficult to digest.

The contents of the fibre consists of water, in which are found proteins, mineral salts, and extractives.

The extractives give the flavour to the meat.

Always carve the meat across the grain to liberate these flavourings (extractives) and so make the meat more tasty.

Very fresh meat is tough. It should be well hung before using.

Meat is composed of Protein, Water, Fat, Mineral, Extractives. There is no carbohydrate (starch or sugar).

Raw meat finely shredded is easier to digest than cooked meat.


Mutton is shorter in fibre than beef.

Breast of Chicken is one of the most digestible portions of meat.

Methods of Cooking Meats The object to be aimed at is to make meat tender and at the

same time to keep it juicy with the minimum amount of loss of nutriment. This loss of nutriment may be reduced by applying greater heat at the beginning of the process and then cooking slowly.

Such as grilling, roasting, boiling, stewing, frying. S T E W I N G is cooking meat in very little water and its own

juices. Simmer (for a certain time) then serve the whole contents of saucepan. The coarser and cheaper cuts should be used.

Less fuel is required and no nutriment is lost, as both meat and liquid are served.

Stews are economical as they save time, fuel and money.

ROASTING General Notes 1. The following table is a guide to time required for

roasting meat but experience and common sense are necessary in calculating the time.

Time Table for Cooking Meats Red meats — allow 15 minutes to every pound and 15 minutes over. White meats — allow 20 minutes to every pound and 20 minutes over. Salt meats — allow 25 minutes to every pound and 25 minutes over.

2. Newly killed meat requires a longer time than meat which has been hung.

3. Boned meat requires a longer time than a similar joint with the bone left in.


4. A thick piece of meat must be cooked longer than a thin piece of equal weight.

5. As a rule young flesh requires longer cooking, e.g., lamb requires longer than mutton.

6. White meats, e.g., veal, pork and lamb should always be well cooked — never served underdone.

General Methods for Roasting

Wipe meat with a clean damp cloth. Weigh meat and calculate time required. Place on bars in baking dish with fat. Place meat in hot oven. After ten minutes reduce heat. Great heat helps to harden the outside and keep in juices: the cooking then proceeds more slowly or the outside will be overcooked.

N.B.—Baste meat every 15 minutes. The object of basting meat is:

(a) To help to cook meat. (b) To keep in the juices. (c) To prevent shrinkage. (d) To help to brown meat.

Delicate or small joints are often wrapped in greased paper.

Roast Chicken 1 chicken. Brown gravy. 3 pieces of fat bacon. Veal forcemeat.

Method: Stuff the bird at the neck with a simple force­meat. Place slices of fat bacon on the breast. Wrap in greased paper. Place on a stand on a baking dish in which 2 ozs. clarified fat have been melted. Baste bird frequently. Serve gravy and bread sauce separately.

Veal Forcemeat 4 tablespoons breadcrumbs. Little grated nutmeg. 2 teaspoons chopped parsley. 1 teaspoon melted butter. Pinch of mixed herbs. 2 tablespoons milk. Little grated lemon rind.


Mix all dry ingredients and add sufficient milk to moisten and mix lightly.

Bread Sauce % pint milk. 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs. Blade mace. 2 teaspoons butter. % small onion.

Method: Heat milk, infuse onion and mace in it for 10 minutes. Strain, add breadcrumbs and butter to the milk. Flavour with salt and pepper and serve hot.

Boiled Fowl 1 fowl. Soup vegetables. Salt, peppercorns. Egg sauce.

Method: Rub a cut lemon over the breast of fowl; wrap in greased paper, plunge into boiling water to which have been added the soup vegetables and herbs. Simmer until tender, 1 % hours or longer according to size of bird. Lift out of paper and serve on a hot dish. Cover with egg sauce and garnish with the yolk of egg rubbed through a sieve.

Steamed Fowl Method: Wrap in greased paper and steam for about

2 hours over plenty of boiling water. Serve as above.

Grilled Spatchcock Method: Split chicken in half down the backbone. Fix in

position with two skewers. Put under a very hot griller, brush with melted butter and turn frequently. Cook 20 to 25 minutes.

N.B.—A young chicken may be cut into pieces and grilled in the same way.

Various Meals from 1 Chicken 1. Cook 2 legs as for boiled fowl. Serve 1 with parsley



2. The other leg should be pressed between 2 plates until cold. The meat then egg and breadcrumb and wet fried.

3. The breast grilled until tender.

4. The carcase, wing, drum sticks and neck made into broth.

5. The meat removed from carcase and wings and served — (1) In thin white sauce. (2) Made into croquettes.

Grilling Grilling is cooking meat over a clear smokeless fire. It is

one of the quickest and most digestible methods of cooking meat and is roasting on a small scale.

Cuts suitable:—

(a) R u m p steak. (b) Undercut or fillet steak. (c) Middle loin chops. (d) Sheeps' kidneys.

General Rules

1. Have a fire of bright clear smokeless coals (a handful of salt helps to disperse any smoke); or heat a gas or electric griller to red heat.

2. Wipe meat, trim and skewer into shape, if necessary. 3. Heat gridiron, rub over with fat, place meat on.

4. Put over the fire, sear meat on both sides, then reduce the heat.

5. Season when partly cooked.

6. Serve at once on a hot dish, with a suitable garnish. Time—meat one inch thick cook—underdone 5 to 7 mins.

medium 6 to 8 mins. well done 8 to 10 mins.

The meat chosen should always be of the best quality otherwise it will be tough and uneatable. It is impossible to obtain that red juicy appearance so essential to a good steak or chop with inferior meat.


Savoury Butter 1 tablespoon butter. 1 dessertspoon chopped


Method: Mix all ingredients well together, form into pats and serve as a garnish to grilled meat.

1 teaspoon lemon juice. Salt and pepper (cayenne).

Grilled Whiting 1 whiting. 1 spring onion. Chopped parsley. Potato chips.

Butter. Lemon juice. rib Salt, pepper. Maitre d'hotel butter.

Method: Mince onion and parsley. Trim fish and remove eyes. Sprinkle onion and parsley with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Place this inside fish. Butter outside of fish. Heat griller and grill fish ten minutes, turning occasionally. Garnish with maitre d'hotel butter and potato chips.

Stewed Tripe V* lb. tripe. % gill milk. mm

2 teaspoons flourv Chopped parsley.

1 small white onion. -1 teaspoon butter. Salt (pepper). Roll of grilled bacon.

Method: Wash tripe in warm water, cut into 1 squares. Put into cold water and bring to boil, strain.

inch Peel

onion, add to tripe with cold water and simmer till tender, 1 hour.^Strain off water, chop onion finely^ blend flour with a little milk. Add onion, milk, butter and blended flour to *ripe. Stir till boiling, flavour. Serve on hot dish, garnish rith chopped parsley and roll of grilled bacon.

"icasseed Brains 1 set brains. 1 roll grilled bacon. Salt, pepper. Chopped parsley.

1/2 small onion. 1 gill white sauce. 2 sage leaves..•



Method: Soak brains, remove skin. Cook 10 minutes in saucepan with water, onion, sage leaves and salt.t Make sauce. Drain brains. Cut into neat pieces, add to sauce, flavour. Heat well. Serve, garnish with parsley and bacon.

Fried Brains and Bacon 1 set brains. 1 dessertspoon flour. % teaspoon salt, pepper. Beaten egg. Breadcrumbs on kitchen Frying fat.


METHOD: Wash brains, so A and skin. Cover with cold water and bring to boil, with a/2 teaspoon vinegar. Drain off water, cover again with cold water and boil for 3 minutes. Strain and cool. Cut into even sized pieces. Dip in flour, etc., then egg and lastly crumbs. Wet fry golden brown. Jrain and serve with parsley and bacon.

Fried Sweetbreads Soak sweetbreads in salt water % hour. Put into sauce­

pan, cover with water; add lemon juice and salt. Simmer until tender 50 to 60 minutes.

Pour off the water, dip sweetbreads in seasoned flour, brush with beaten egg and toss in breadcrumbs.

Wet fry until golden brown. Drain on paper.

Serve on a hot dish on paper d'oyley and garnish with sprigs of parsley.

Various Ways of Serving Liver 1. Cut liver into small pieces and roll each round with a

piece of bacon. Pack into a piedish and cover with buttered paper. Bake gently in a moderate oven 20 minutes. Lift out and serve on toasted bread. Garnish with parsley.

2. Stuff the liver with a simple forcemeat, cover with fat bacon and bake in a hot oven % hour. A casserole should be used. Make a gravy and pour round the liver when serving.


3. tylince finely some raw liver, mix with a little chopped beetroot, salt and pepper and spread between thin slices of brown bread and butter.

Creamed Lamb's Fry and Bacon Fry 1 slice of bacon in a dry pan, until fat is clear; lift

out and keep warm. Wash and dry 2 thin slices of liver. Fry 2 minutes in the bacon fat, lift out and mince on board. Make 1 gill of white sauce, add 1 teaspoon of chopped onion and cook 5 minutes. Add liver and reheat. Serve garnished with bacon and chopp 'd parsley.

Lamb's Fry and Bacon (second method) 1 lamb's fry. % teaspoon salt. 1 rasher of bacon. Pepper. 1 dessertspoon flour. Pinch of herbs. % teaspoon chopped parsley. % pint water or stock.

Method: Wash liver in warm water and dry well. Remove rind from bacon, cut into neat pieces. Cut liver into thin strips. Mix flour, salt, pepper and herbs on a plate. Dip liver in this. Place bacon in a dry pan and cook until fat is clear. Lift on to plate and keep hot; add 1 tablespoon fat to pan and heat. Add liver and fry 4 minutes on each side. Lift out on to a plate. Pour off some of the fat. Keep back 1 dessertspoon, add rest of flour from plate. Brown well. Add stock, bring to boil, add salt and pepper. Place meat back again in the pan and simmer ten to fifteen minutes. Serve on a hot dish, sprinkle with the chopped parsley and garnish with the bacon.

Raw Beef Rolls 2 ozs. fresh lean steak. 3 drops lemon juice. Salt. % teaspoon butter.

Method: Scrape beef finely with a knife. Mix meat with .It and lemon juice. Roll into balls the size of marbles. ub a frying pan over with butter. Heat it and roll the

ualls round in it until just the outside changes colour. The inside must be raw.


A: Foundation White Sauce

1 tablespoon butter. % pint liquid (milk or milk

and vegetable water, etc.)

Salt. 2 tablespoons flour. Cayenne pepper. "

Melt butter, add flour off the flame and stir until smooth. Cook 1 minute, add liquid, all at once if cold and gradually if hot, stir till boiling. Boil 2 minutes. Flavour and serve.

Sauces From Foundation White Sauce









Special Ingredient

1 t a b l e s p o o n chopped parsley added just before serving.

1 - 2 tablespoons capers aJJed just before serving.

1-2 cooked onions chopped finely.

1-2 hard boiled eggs. Dice white and add to sauce. Use yolk as gar­nish.

2 teaspoons lemon

juice, a little an­chovy sauce.

Cool the white sauce, add one egg yolk. Cook with­out boiling. Lemon juice.


Milk, milk and water stock, fish stock.

Milk, milk and water, stock.

Milk or white stock.

Milk, stock fish stock.

Fish stock.

Fish stock.

Serve with

Vegetables, boiled n.̂ at, boiled fish.

Boiled mutton.

Boiled meats.

Steami 1 fish.

Boiled fish.

Steamed fish.


| Brown Sauce Piece of carrot, onion, celery, 2 tablespoons flour. turnip and tomato. 1 tablespoon clarified fat.

Small piece of bacon bone. 1 pint stock, salt, pepper.

Method: Prepare vegetables and cut up roughly. Keep tomatoes separate. Heat fat in saucepan, add vegetables and fry gently until a light brown. Add flour and brown well, then tomato and fry 1 minute longer. Add stock and bring to boil, add salt, pepper and bacon bone. Simmer 1 hour.

* Sieve and remove any fat. Taste, flavour, reheat sauce.

Tomato Sauce 4 tomatoes. 1 pint stock. Piece of onion. 1V2 tablespoons cornflour. Piece of bacon bone. Salt. 1 teaspoon butter. Cayenne.

Method: Heat butter in saucepan. Wash and cut up tomato and onion; fry onion without browning; add tomatoes; cook 5 minutes longer. AnM stock, bacon, pepper and salt. Bring to boil, simmer at least half an hour. Strain, measure liquid and allow 1 % tablespoons of corn­flour to 1 pint. Blend cornflour with cold water, stir into sauce, and stir till boiling. Cook two minutes; taste, flavour and serve.

"Creamota" Porridge 2 tablespoons Creamota. 1 cup boiling water. Yi teaspoon salt.

Method: Put Creamota into a saucepan — add 1 table­spoon of cold water and mix until creamy. Add 1 cup of boiling water stirring with a wooden spoon. Bring 25-26 simmer 10 minutes. Taste and flavour if necessar ...'.' $£ in a warm plate.

iCreamota" Gruel 2 tablespoons Creamota. % teaspoon salt.

Y2 teaspoon sugar. % pint of milk, or 1

42 •••• 33

• -• 45

-• 3 3

35 .... 4t .... 41 26-29


Method: Put Creamota into a basin, add salt and sugar and mix until creamy with 1 tablespoon of the milk. Bring remainder of the milk to the boil and pour over the mixed Creamota. Stir well for 2 minutes. Pour through a strainer into a saucepan. Bring to boil, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon. Simmer 5 minutes. Taste, flavour if necessary. Serve in a warm bowl with sippets of toast or Creamota wafers.

"Creamota" Wafers y \ 1 teacup Creamota. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teacup self-raising flour. 2 large teaspoons sugar. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 tablespoons milk.

Method: Put Creamota, flour, salt and sugar into a mixing bowl. Rub in the butter. Mix to a stiff dough with the milk. Roll out thinly (use Creamota on the pastry board). Bake in a moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Turn gas low when sufficiently brown.

A Most Nourishing Drink for Convalescents Juice of 1 orange. 1 teaspoon honey. Juice of 1 lemon. y2 cup of milk.

Method: Beat with a fork or egg whisk for 2 minutes.

Black Coffee 2 tablespoons of pure coffee. 1 pint of freshly boiled water.

Method: Warm the coffee grains in a saucepan, then add the boiling water and bring slowly to the boil. Lift at once off the fire and keep in a warm place for 10 minutes with the lid firmly on the saucepan — do not allow to boil. Strain. Serve with sugar and a very thin piece of lemon.

)ike coffee more stimulating add a pinch of ground d sweeten wkh honey.

is made some time before using, keep it in a until required.

Lt up and printed in Australia by The National Press Pty. Ltd.,

34 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 1940

INDEX Apples, Baked Apples. Cream .. Banaua Custard

11 33 16

Barley Water 34 Beef Tea 25 Beef Tea Jellied 25 Blanc Mange 16 Brains, Fricasseed 44 Brains Fried and Bacon 45 Bread and Butter Custard 31 Broth, Chicken 24 Broth, Mutton 24 Cabinet Pudding .• .... 32 Caramel 15 Cereals 29 Chicken Boast 41 Chicken, Various Meals from .... 42 Cocoa 14 Cocoanut Custard 32 Coffee, Black 49 College Pudding 33 Creamoata, Gruel 48 -Creamoata, Porridge 48 Creamoata, Wafers 49 Custard, Boiled 18. Custard, Baked 10 Custard, Caramel 11 Custard, Grain ,. 31 Diets 7 Diabetic Diet 7 Drink for Convalescent 49 Eggs — Notes 8 Eggs, Boiled 9 Eggs, Hard Boiled 9 Egg Nog 10 Eggs, Poached 9 Eggs, Scrambled 10 Fat for Frying 17 Fish —Notes 18 Fish Preparation 19 Fish, Baked 21 Fish, Boiled 20 Fish Cakes 21 Fish, Fried Fillet 20 Fish, Fried Flounder 23 Fish, Fried Garfish .... 23 Fish, Grilled Whiting 44 Fish, Steamed 22 Fish Scallop 22 Fish Stock 22 Fruit 26 Gruel 30 Gruel, Creamoata 48 Grilling 43

Jelly, Lemon Egg 35 Junket 14_ Junket, Caramel --"To Junket, Coffee 14 Junket, Fruit 15 Lamb's Fry and Bacon Lemonade Liquid Foods Liver, Creamed Liver, Ways of Serving

46 34

46 45

Meat 39 Meat Stock 23 Milk —Notes 13 Milk, Albumenized 11 Mutton Cutlets 35 Omelette, Sweet 11 Omelette, Savoury 12 Orange Foam 34 Porridge 30 Porridge, Creamoata 48 Potato, Stuffed 26

Queen Pudding 32

Raw Beef Rolls 46 Rice, Boiled 30 Rice, Boiled in Milk 30 Rice, Baked in Milk 31 Roasting 40 Roast Chicken 41 Salads 35-39 Salad Preparation 36 Salad Dressing 38 Sandwiches 5 Sauces 47 Sauce, Bread 42 Sauce, Brown 48 Sauce, Lemon 22 Sauce, Tomato 48 Savoury Butter • 44 Service of Foods to Invalids .... 12 Simple Cream 15 Soup — Notes 23 Soups, Cream 25-26 Soup, Oyster 24 Soup, Tomato 24-" Spatchcock 42 Steamed Puddings 33 Sweetbreads, Fried 45 Tables of Measures 3 Temperatures Required 3 Toast Water 35 Tripe, Stewed 44

Veal Forcemeat Vegetables

... 41 26-29

Doctors say . . .


Pan toasted, sun-ripened Creamoata Oat Kernels are rich in essential minerals, have a high vitamin content, and contain three times the nourishment of fresh eggs, twice that of beef steak, ar.d more than any other cereal food.

Sergeant D;m Creamoata will not upset 'he most sensitive digestions and ;s th?refore ideal for backward children and inva'ids.

^rtxlinutes to prepare 3 Plates a Penny