National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1861, Jan 19

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National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1861, Jan 19

Transcript of National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1861, Jan 19

_IC . %t ff' c ' 2£»

latiaiiar^iTfr^labrfi] JtenkSVOL. XXI. NO. 36, NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1861. WHOLE NO. 1,076.

D&fiomil §,irti-J$towmj J*%wM.




107 N. Fifth SI., nom* Arch, Philadt





> !'iJ i n Fi indole nliLini .p.- ' nurt sinics ol wow,

appealing lo the lleclnratinn of Independence, and

nsferlhig thai *.l _ idea of property in men is nn Cfior-

mitv and a uricni.-. 1 still bold him lo (tic record, say-

ing!" Ye shall Ink,: Ihcni i\h an inheritance Tor your

children after vou, to inherit 111 lor n possession."

When lie waxes warm, as bo always does it his oppo-

nent miott Seriplure (which is Ihe groat test lo try

llic npirita whciher they In; ofi.Jo-l— fliu very spear oi

dmim-day, ili,-v 1,-v.t •ri convince inn (lint God, iu

tho Lovitical law, or in nnv other law, sanctioned

and n- Iknow. IV..1.1 ii." |it(lill passage

'l,!1V ''

,]„!.!.:.], mi. 1 i lmn-M like il, Hint lii! (fid snnolton

shiyrhohliin. i !•: his undent noi-lc, I !'"". nlvm

-ic of lli-it Kill), whi.-l, believes Iho Bible lo

ml ycl Abolitionists, in

,persist in del noiug i

laslcr and slnvo " ns n

hat which exists liclwcc

of arguing Iho question of slaveholil

le.udu! to (nets, is n tissue ol

lion from beginning lo cud. Let iui'

inclining by a parallel ease. Suppose

prnvu the wi, k.-ilm --i of ih!iitiii;v. in

(ill of New York. In litis disc„ssk

[iifile i B cxclii,L-d,ur..-it h.-asl.lhat il is

lis having exclusive jurisdii li. I"'

ijiicBlimi. My lirst appeal is to tno

i Ibis country, nil llie toedtLernfter 'he n

lionism. oubUUQ of Hi" l both. Tin. lady cmner pres, ribed by her, Eliia-

med her address at leuglh.

amc Ktvli:, bul iv.- have nol tin- space

follow iter. She was listened to with

i-.n, nnd no iii'.:linilli.'ii to disturb her

marks. .i-ti,:.. 111..-









fi relation which .tcsnsund his Apostles r

regulated. Thcv seek to institute tern

Chrixliiin nl iniun ult'.rly nl vnrinnr

O^lUKcl 1111,1

and lests uf

of deposits on January 1. IS.'.T, in the four Inrger

institutions already referred to. was 522.117,393, or

nearly 811^00,000 less than the aggregate now on

In Massachusetts, according to (lie report of Iho

ftiinli L'onim issi oners. Ihuro »m niin'ly ^uringa Banln


I"! -'<• "':-'

i-l-'. o'-l'.'Ii.-.-nn

id -. ,- i , !i- i- ..'ir el 53,519,817. Tho

I' Hi .,1,1:.


semio of theproiml of itie Ha

hunring, and proceeded lo Ijikt." tin;

n'l'liuy us l(. Ilieir npprHvnl or disap-

"milts bv Mrs. .-Ii.nlno

;d with the laily'n ideiifl were

est ton same by tnying aye." All

• M ', lli.i-e op[ujsi;d 'vcri

,. \.,nl. -.'.iii,

i I H...IV ..lh:.M

Ssr.-UA-.i 1iv"l-ikT, 1

I erleil," ..r^irny. r Liu

ra with pricil, nnJ give s

,cntlll«l, " TV Homeuroncticd on auntluy, D<

II.,. ^ t vi,.

Iir.hlni.u; '.

i ':iriilin:i.

Old Scliool rci 11 L l:m church. \

ii. „r iii.. L ir t J


c-'—tlie CLrisi

de a loltlicral rai

,.\:m I'll, ink

i.r..i).'isi' to&usa (be ihiirneltr

re lo llic letter

ray bj .-ebb-id,,,!

in not alleged by any onu. or.

iving any p'reteniioiif :.i id,.,!

tliril III" liomnn tnivs n.pnl'.'.i -.- *li

been pneteil njion thcaulijeel in mod.' I'

ivill not bo denied by any honest „„ I,nH-,„i..r I

innri. llint liu.,l,-rn eiiiljv.illion .'ii-! :l-. " -

inllneiieeaof (lie gospel, linve shsd ;iuu'1iornims »"«»-

Alices upon tlie rolalion ludncen •• r u»il huh:

ivbieli were utunrly unknown nt tbc advent of Uinu-

linnily. And how did Jesus and bia AposUts troat

IbiK Hlbjecl Y Jl.lstdm nnd [drives met tliem at eiery

-|..|, in ilieit u,i.-vsi.,i,:,ry work, nnd were nrcaenl in

l„\v. which cave lie- Ml i-.w.r ..I bi". and death into


,"','!".»n.'-r.'-T'sv lib" tie' "-.-'l. ... .-.|,r..';il llielif

ev, ri ,l..v. .'Lsobv -!> „s tie h-l.t ol heaven. Andvet it is a rem,, rl. nl, I,. I'm. i, ivbiel, il„- Abolilionis

di-'fl not, because lio ennnol deny, ihnt tbe Nei

I, -|. iri i,,.r i- niierli sili'ol i>, iv-nr.1 tolhe alleged

sinlulners of slnvobolding. In all the iuelri '"

;bi:.-:iin.( ; in nil tl„. ,,(,,-led rem suflti.

Apostles ; iu all ihu epistlca they were move

Holy Spirit to --••

-ihcii, for lbo ir

VobolQiDg, nor one pre.dei.nn, ililu.l. of sb

mrknowlfdced sin is openly and repeatedly con-

demned, and in unnii.inurtd terms. Liruiikentiess and

adidlerv, theft and murder— all the moral wrongs

whichever have been known lo nlllici tocicty, are

... ., ., . ..,.,. M... i ... .-I. .-. irn tbousanil

urnl about tl»- ni.di.iuile of loving-

L.,.i.. ... rharneli-.-ije (he daily life of honest

(J ,.•.!.. .-., f il,, inair n and din-inline that

..,.',...,.„..- children ^i ten thouaanil firesides for

... and for p.lory ten-after: all tliis 1

,... .. .-.,..1 .|u.,i. il... -i;.i..:.- I ouk. the newH-

|.-.|- .--. il,.- re. .ir I .,.| '.riminal ,-u,,ilr. and the mis-

. I,. . i it., abodes of poverty. Now. what have 1

rjoiu ( 1 bi' • i miutatcd oi oinggeralcd a single

fad. And yet.nm 1 not a f..l»iiier and .. i-lnndeter of

i" - .1. -1- t ilyo? Is there a virtuous woman or nn

honest man in this city, whose ehcekt- would not bumwith indignation al ml onesided and injnrimn «tntr.

miilllaf But lliis is |ie.l what 'il...iliti,.,.i.iii leia dnie

in regard to alaveli elding. It has nnd. rt.ik. n t..

illuatrnlo its cnnlinnl doclrlne in w..,L. ,.i d. i,.-.n.

nnd then, to auatain the erealion ..I us fnncy, baa

altempted to underpin it with nn nei umulntioi, oi

fncis. These facts are eollecl<_d in precisely the way1 have described. The statute books of slaveliolding

Slates lire searched, and every wrong ennelment col-

lated, newapapi-r reports of cruelty nnd crime tin the

pari nf wielicd nmsiers are Ireasiired up and classi-

li.d. nil the ontniges thai have li.*n (icrpetrated "bylewd [.Hows of lliu baser Hen"—of whom there are

nki,n both Norlli nnd Fomh—are eagerly seined

and recorded: and tilts masa of idleness and filth,

is not » theory, but n deu,ci,i-l rated

ior.iBni lend, to inlid.-hlv. Such men|,,,.... ;,l].l ,;. -ii-ii -n.ilti. lev...._ ... ..? .i...;. .-.,.- ;„.;..!... .....I

lb. >r .nil.,, in ... upon Ibis .„„- sul.jeet is all the more|., -,

, , l„, aii.!. ibci |,io[.|,i.-> in (he name of

I'brist. la thin sincere and plain utterance of mydeep c.invi, -linns. 1 urn onli ilis.l,urging mj till, science

toward llic lloek over which I nm sot. When the

shepherd Eecth tlie wolf coming, lie is bound to give


Since Abolltlonl-U el,.i) in I In: fii-l Hint llic present OKi-

I',i,i-,..l -ii,L.,.i[l,ti jl,',

lie- ., ini'liii.^ Irnlln ..i i,,.r

Their clorj- nnd their mightfHiiiHi-.'fl.l. ;

, .1,-1 He ir V..TV n.ini.-i linll I-Vil,- l.,.|..,r Hi. i- ..|.l- .in Hi- l.i-|,[


py the subjoined le

:ty, it of Slav hold.

d hi copy I'

nn llyk": t.


of the I

'JI..IVJ1 M|i I.



ibunal of reas

whose banner

of U'ott lo llic ei.rr.ipi

.ii nnd Inn it; ; Lnl

s in-cnl«.-d ibis ..iildiin...

,i tin- k-stimenyi

if lln-y

;ord, it is liee-iuse there

lames, Dr. MrfinieM. Iir.

prattiee, and furnishes us pli

tho discussion of tho doctrine, b

employed. By Abolitionism, \n

nnd measures of Abolitionists.

Utionistt He is one who Iwlit

is sin, nnd ought therefore

the funi'

er fully applicable to

gives us alife-like pie

nelples, its spirit,



iple of Aboli

ng U[wi

define the terms

iican the prineiph

nd what is an Abo-i lhat sUivcbohli

abolished. TJiil

(Til, the itiarnclen-Ii. . [lie ,;iiti,il pi

that slm, -lidding

in involuntirv servitude is

be rights of uiau, a heinous u„„u ... .u.

1. A man may believe, on jtulitlca.1 oi

grounds, that slavery is nn uudesirnble

:bjit slave labor i* not the inustprolimlile

j various views as lo the righia of slave

r the Constitution of the country ;he may

r that law upon Ibi

to be entitled to this mine. 11.

elicve th.\t:\nt ^holding j

nllegcclengtbof Abolilionisii

form p. It

e thul it lays bold upon the heurls

science sol men, tha it comes 1LS1I ,li-l,lll "f l " r"

1, not for having cl

properly. And so w

„ut „ie owning of slaves

which ho fullilleil the duties of h)

a subject for church discipl:

ilaveholder no nil


i, tbnt aa fact

re, tin




"'l', tins'

America,, ,

is lull ..l"evi

siilijceled him

e mere lutt that ho wan n father or n

obyinnslv, upon the r..-eogni/e.| law-

iatirm.lhai all the pre.vepls r.-«n lilting

nl, es of that relation are based.

,i,l that il 111" Bible does imt sauclioi

does not sanction A.,nr„.-ri :-!.ir, r;i

.-."ainst slMVelioldiii" abs(riictl) lhat I In

' ' igaiast the nj/thaa '/A ineri

,the I

yslem, taken hi

Tho laws of tl

invrjf them.nb.

and dwadful. llusl

Multitudes of paron'

iu filth and ignorant

Buffer their children

; and the details nl" i

ur Northern nuwspn

.,.,.. ,.|--


I smoke

.,„,-" 1.1 a


f t)„- .v-i/.-

ibuse upon the eomp

urts and the guardi.ii

pray, and call iipin y..u :

,iiatii:iu. lhat God,nco and a better m

is the author of a aerinon ir

d her Institutions, which hit*

ited and admired tbroughoul

r breathes the same patriotic

miCLvs, N. Y., Dec. 'i0, 18u0.

Ih ult. gins in..- 1'iilh pleasure

,nd pnin—pleasure lie.-nns.. nmiil llic fierce a^itali s

if the limes, and il n,mural uli< nation ivhirh has

North ur.d South, we may still call

Is io defend " t'he nan,.- id t.,.1 .„„i I,.', d-lrii.e,-

ui....}'r' p ii' '" li-^i - "i; 1.


Jsolution of our nntii.i, ,1 i - . l-.r, jjoue

lusion. If, in the lifiht . I I,..'..-. 1 Id s«- an.

| ,,,; ,.,„ r OTSoulhurnlrionrJaKiHUJ by llitm. it is n

will D,r,J,r them .jY. And now lhat the

st, nnd Christian men and ministers can

ih.nn i In- iiiar or suspicion of a partisan

di" r.iin a. 1 l>-ii- ,.nd..avore.l lo expound

will ,'-,,, r-,. .mil he glorified."

yv, it. in. i.t win. h that sermon has pro-

,- Knebind, ..nil sh,.,\s lhat ihe publi

igard lo pnrlin otaty usag -. Tolnrahlo order

(laced. Ho Spoke i. Ii. ni.-ntli some I -in ihe

of which hi mm l... r, ir.i,rr„|.i..| b)

gronns, hisses, and nppli.-i.

i i ,. i , , I,

police were obliged !• iiii.Ti.n Sltut al tho l.idi.>

of Miss Anllmny. several of ihem resumed their seats.

After .Mr. (Jr'een had liiiisli.,.,1. a young gentleman

lio was introduced as lien. \V. Taylor, of Krie l.'o.

me forward and nti.-uipl.d lo speak, but the confu

in was so great that he « us obliged (o desist lie

•is called upon by bome ,)„• for a song. and, makingvirtue of v. ; uii-nr-i-d lo sing u hymn, in


low, almost inaudible voice. This, however, did n

.lease some diss.ntislied persons aim ir:.-k ,,p "I

lar-spaiiL'led [tanner," and .'in .; il, -..; .-I...

as conipblely to drown the vo iMi I -,. i -t

The confusion here bccaiu - -. ;:iea(. (bat Sir Tnr was no longer henril, and iliaa Acthoiiy. afl

lnoiiiieing lb" programme (: iiwlay. ami cuprcs^l

her disgusl at the treatment she nnd her a-soci.1(

' id received, declared ih. I -. -I

Mr. llinsoii moved a n.irj .n.i.Vim of the meet i i

and proposed -Mr. B. Wilcox as cb

cox was elected, and proceeded lo mount the stage,

where In.- scaled himself will, iiiu.-h dignity

followed by Mr. Unison and others, but ji:

ceedings were aliuiit in com nee, ihe person in charge

of Ihe hall shut oil the gns, and (hose whoii, Ihe hall were left in almost I'lal darbies

Wo hope never to see ihe prc-'eedings of last night

repeated. To speak ol ihe " huh. ihin^iin in- milde.l

form, is lo say, it was a disgrace. \\ bile Susan II.

Aiilbouy and her coadjutors have nn undoubted

ri^ht (c. e.spress then opinions, and lb

molestation or hindrance, the policy of holding these

miscalled "conventions" is very ipiestionable."'

hope, for Hie credit of the rile, that tlie..-.- whoattendance, and by their inexcusable io

ought about a miniature pandemonium, will

keep away, or. if they must needs be present, will go

prepared to observe ihe common decencies of life.

i of the laboring classes «t

e North, with Ihe slat,- nl.- dial i-.ji.-l. us by every

f (ho ilislress .vlii.l, tin- ri-ti.-lli.,ii of the slave-

hns broughi mi S,),ilb Carolina. Not only is

. nl u it.i.,.1, and ...i.Tiial e ineree aluiihi-

ind l,.i( litll" idoiii.iv in circalntion, but oven-

i . I il< ar, wiling at thirty-livu

. y i.l i. ,.d oilier provisions in proportion,

linj l„r l,.-r s.ippli.-s of lirvii.i'iliilTs mid meatwest and norlh-west, with money eshausted

,-dit ruined, South Carolina, nt Ihe very begin-ner mad nlteiupl al p.-ud-uc.;, Gads li'iT-

, the brink of ruin. Where will she be whenupon her in all ila grim reality ^

-Th Trih:

St. Jamiis Hili. w

eutrageous tin


Jr. Wil-

sball n

shame on its accountthan is nceetsary sin

The disturbers of lb,

and more rowdyiah t

low.and »b:.-e it

in tl ioIv

participants in, ar

a the scene of another tumultre disgraceful to our city anditliat of the night before. We



The condition and prospei

, the li.d.-d >'"mtr.s— ur.-. doubtless

p.-l l"r

iwrseciiting and treating wiullraisui may be deprecaledf

preservation of order and tlie

pity dial our laws cannot be i

- irbcrs as well ns rioters.

The uproar broke mil In. 1 evening in the greatest

oh: in e during the address of Mrs. Staulon. "-

ivho eleeled, onAddinglou, UhuuPresident- Of eo

AddingIon was r

was ealbd upon,njienk. At this sUl;c i

being Ireinendons. liny

[akeii hi* the disorganijers,

.r cx-Jus'ticc llinson, 8., and John K. Tucker, Vice-

-..-, it will he nnderslood Ihnt Mr.of their " crowd." C. C. Brisiol

,-i p<-.i....h.-d lo ihe plntforui to

if the proteediugi', ihe uproar.r Albe,g.:r. whol-'-

.-rgelie fur, .Ir Ol his

ntid which, it must he confesse

slrength from abolitionism, suecc

really has a majority, but bei

ived ii

i its c

tt powi

ThornStates o]iposed

1. new York uloii" has n ninjorili of

-if the elcclion were taken over again,

h ii a I red thousand on lie- cot,-.- rva live

unhappily di

olers in the Norlli

md nil its allies,

fifty thousand-T - wnuld be on

With these fuels staring them ir, Iho fare,

the Sooth nlt'ord lo "wait a lillle longer"! Must

Chrisiian men and I l.risiian ministers who, whothe

North or South, an ihe salt of ihe earth, throw thei

iiillnenee itilo the rising tide of involution—a revolu-

tion which, if it shall he consnui mated, will rend

asunder all the religious as e .11 a- the gon-rumenlal

institutions of the land T Our biloved and glorious

Church, which has siood up, under Uod, as a greal



After an aller.aii.ia with .Mr. Ilristol, iho lat-

ter subsided ; subsequently, however, obtaining per-

mission tostute Uu.i he had m, iiii.,,1 ion of instigating

or encouraging the dibiurhnnee of the meeling, whenhe look the stand In response to calls.

The Mayor regain*,! a considerable degree of order,

which lasttd, however, only for a short period, as he


'"".""'«'''-' ."-'"'I


"-V ik'i'i's of ill"



iy electing t. II. Howard, President, andOscar Ford, Secretary. 'Iho President imperatively



Ih* t re pc. rl ,.r i.J i jvd ii;.,i



i.i..-ss tomak o the

ight, tiut we now waive it. innsniuch as nothing

urred for which we are dispoMd to take space

arge numheimd lln-y »pp

! next pimElgin Association.

red very fully to appreciate his mu-

latto, nt his nspiesl, lo the houses ol

ion, and none equal to what could be

ted was Button, known ns ihe

-,n care of direc-

King, a

Thisl;.-por( annually. Willi

'resbyterian minister, nod his wife reside on tne

.remises, and hare ihe iaiiiiediale oversight and

ircction of the little colony. The impressions made

,pon J. M.'a mind by his eiaminntiou into the slate

ot the colored people in ibis settlement, appears lo

have been very agreeable and en, ouraging. Oe never

.w any people more willing lo rely on their ownsources. Iu coniiimu Willi ihe iiibsbiiants of many

other newly settled districts in the north-west nnd

west, they experienced dillicidtii-^ in recent seasons,

from the failure of crops, but these have been sur-

mounted, and their toil has been again abundantly


Iinlivarli to h

.ml (h.

preseitW a proper s .< hj,:;//."' </is.-».wt,;

H in Oik pulpit


for it is tnie ffr«jl p«ry,s<: </ Hi' Bible. <md tfierefor.

one great ditty of U'Al's mim/h-r? hi its exposition, Ii

BuppO n b.afe disl uec, as Shimci did

tl „ i.i-,.,. it. hill to curse King

CUhere, uore practical, it no

the very uidsl of tho allegci

- nnd , "serial .1 under the yoku'



oonl tin, own masters worthy


ihe ,,11,-gi'd or real evil- a. • n -l "i'h ih. sj:

a of elai-erv. And how will i.-u , orm t ll" >»!



|.' ;


Vrl'i\: i' Ik H : '.,'

.!,.,-- !,,|.' No I 1 oii ar know bilge lb" rebitic

1 seek lo throw around it, and into il

,,,i- ,,l il,,,-.- who sustain it, the b.'.iietifi ine inll

ices of the blessed gospel. Just so. Christian nn

and ministers are slriving lo remove (be ovils eo

aecled widi slavery in ourSuulheru States. Tin- gos-

pel does not aauclioa either ihe sj/rfeia ol Amor "

marriii"..- or the >u>'r..< of Aineriean slavery (,

s,si..,„[." nieaiil vverMhn.^ eouaecli-d wilh die,

ileal uorkuigsof lli.-lwo relations) ibut then il

i:-„ l,„l nrrlu,;v and sblv. Ii..lillli" under a.


'c'vi'sl ii, either New V.'.rk or I 'harlc

Its did urn indorse wicked laws :

y: Ihey yave both master and sin 1

su 'fllty did nol sanction li.eiiliou

unity social relaiimt; bnl sought

he sweel mid s;. net, lying iulbn-nces

of Ihe I.


1 demonstrated iu

„,g llu.l v

The lost settlementv

lury.onLakeKrio.ncicw. the people arc ol

o procure land. J. ?

lomea, and gave them

earning his object

ally takenScriptr-- '

u. I w

ils practical fruits.

i in" i..t lis avow. .1 principles tB, it does not trj

slavery by the Bible :but. as one of its leading advo

cates has recently declared, it tries the Bible by thi

Srinciples of freedom. It insists that Ihe Word of

od must he made lo support certain human opin-

ions, or forfeit all . bums upon oui liiilh. That 1 maynot ho suspected of exaggeration on this point, let

me quote. Iroiu Ihe recent work of Mr. Barnes, a pas-

sage which may well arrest (he utlculiou of all tluak-

" There ere (.v. nl yiriiiii libs ii r nnture, ns (7ol luii n. will,' I, i ii I' 1..- --I ii-i'L- I.J iiliv ilillhorliy ol

„proles,.sl revcho Ir.,1 1. , i:Ml r...l.c

lion in.lli, l.v nei liar ml,i-|-r, nini.u. del, lidc.l -luierv.

ur lili.ct.l a oii Ihe fame !.:,-!. ii. Hit r.liitiou nl Ini.lnili.l

i, „,'. "ile, n.irci.l I .1.11.1. ei,.ir.|i.m mid find, n liook

,,.,,,1,1 n. .t I d i.,- r. .lo .1 l.v the of n, mi-

Nnd i.. ,Lllivm..reiehlli.,ii,---l!.i.-<i... .-..„«.!,tj mi. Itin

umibly of 1S5P, ffeol-

under the shadow of

ihs unto the sea, anil

her branches unto the river." All our great ccele-

-iasliiul schemes for Ihe ciniie'dizntion r the land

musl ivitherilild tuimiiisb in the In ar ni this 11nnatural

contest, duller me lo lag yon. and. through you, any-- who may regnril a vol. so le-ble us mine, tc

,ii-ider th'm aiuiler. I say freely that unless tin

hostile legislaliou ,,l North,. rn Stales is repealed, an,

the violent and nn. hri.liaa i,e,i .u.on ol the slaver;

" a put down v-ur Siaie and all the Sonihera

_ „„.jh! lo nicJA- Imu,: from a ,,<,r-ir»me>S •''"

wt prilled their rights, ami from a peoph

,,, livl 's allcgatlotn iu supiwrt of li cliugi

Wis I,



s involved in


flower, and leaf, and fruil ; that i( sp rings frotn, and

is nourished by, an uiier njceiionol the ffcntitures ;

it,ni il produces no real l.-a. lit to theenslavetf.and is

Isoureeof division and str.fe. and inlulelily,

iirch nod Stale. I bavo four distinct propo-

the subject lo main lain—four theses to nail

vis pulpit, and defend with the " word ol

h is the sword of the Spirit."

itionism has no foundalion in (he Scriptures,

rinciples hnve been promulgated ebielly by

i, and by a logicallultiiuilesofca„. It leads, in

nroecss to utler inlulelily1

J. It is the chief cause of the strife that agKi.lcs,

nnd the danger that threatens, our couutry.

Iu support ol he. first propoiliiun, Sir. Van t'yke i.iiimii1 -

l,i.:,!d in

,..::: i



it jiecullar people furv

^spoa.lblllty.•, He <\

degrades him (o tl,

" LiumcBlie slavery,"

on Moral Science, "s

I.JrS sit- has

daiiLditer id"

.a tbllt the

dots nut bis manhood, and1 of a bruto or a alone.

Dr. Wayland.iu his workES.nt best, lhat the relali

j whiel

yowimany have fallen in, und been dash.-d

Whea a man sets up (he great pnnci

nature (by which he always means his

tcived opinions) as the supreme trih

which even the law of Sod must be tri

man says, " The Bible must teach Aboli

will not receive it," he baa already cut lo

sheet anchor of faith. True belief sn

Lord, thy servant wails to hear." Aboli" Speak, Lord, but speak in nccordnn

is IS .|lltl

s .Iilllcnll



. llui.niasan has sought out the menus of prc-

ig the Union froai di" catastrophe n hi, h threat-

.; he bos drawn up a plan ol reconciliation

sjii the Northern and Somber,, Mates. It can-

not, however, be said that Ibis pr.jtet is n eompro-'

e. inviting tlio two adverse parlies, (o mutual

is add res.,; 1 1 to one to 1 1. Id '.. the . •..„• s ..f

other; it is more like a ,l,.,-,,,r, - m, . h

Under prelexl of c<

.l,m.i.,r.t ihe ,.t. l „i,.d,il.lhi, Ili,. l"el"A<ft;.j:d'iil</ nnd

hrolh'rhwl. Hut the. I believe belbre (iod, lhat ,1

nn only have liiorr tun. BVI ii-haieled pUStll "ill

..jlll In ii In I te il- ''Wi, Ii; - ll-'-l .--.- d 'I'


abolitionism has niiugh-l l-u .'" ""-- rel."....n-

deinngogu..--- have hud t In i r il 'i. I- '-;"

-ols will destroy iheui.' 'l.ll ft„ ml. Hit- .-tl"

ilimony of a limn bora m I'enn-jlvan'a. Iir,.iigld up

Norlhern air, and n„w s.:tll.d and sustained ,ti Ihe

mislty oftiod's ^rme and the lavur of his people in

] wifl onlJadd [nntl I do eo from n full hearl), that

whal-ver may he ihe fnle of our , -on n try, there is a

union between suel, Souther,, men as you and such

Korfbem men as I am, which earth and hell can

never dissob

to furnish themselves wiih Ihe

but there were a Tew cases of deatitnti

bo supplied. .1. M. encouraged (he spiril

of mdopendence which they iiianilcsied in resricct tc

obtaining the means of living and clucaliug then

children. He thinks tit- unrestricted enjoyment of

lieges of citizenship largely promotes their

this point .lu-oph .Morris return,.! home. grat-

ified with the results i.f his inv.'.iigaiioiia, and having

reliable nccounts. of the saiisfacloiy condition of the

other settlemu Iits.—Friemk' Recica.


Ayoxo the delusions now prevnlcnl in Ihe extreme

ontli is the nolinii thai th" sc:es-ion ,,f So, ill, Caro-

na has slru.k gem nil Mm into (he North. nnd has

ill,.- President s,gaili..s ll,;

"if the decision for tt

.. . been the losing parly. "Under preleil ol

tion, ihe Message calls on ihe compieror iu pince

himself under the bet oi ihe eoieiuered. Such is tliu

groundwork of Mr Buchanan's propositions. * * '

Whnl, then, does Mr. Buchanan ask for ( lie requires

the North to ncc-pt, as foriaiag pan uf the Constitu-

tion itself, the thre" lollowuig points- 1, An express

recognition of Ihe right of propcri) over slaves wher-

ovor slavery exists or may exist ;-'. The duty of pro-

tecting that right on all,. in Territories, until they

constitute iheuiselves into Suites; 'i. The recognition

of tho right of a masdrlo have a fugitive slave deliv-

ered up to him by all the Slates, und n declaration

that nil tho laws of a Statu which are in contrail iclioa

(O lhat right an 1 so many viulations of the (.',

tha Soi

will ,„i



for the

exigem|,roj,o-..d (

a CTn Uf.M J.V


Ition. lfS,iiilhCar..lina.ii.slca,l oi pre- Im

herselfoi.tof Ihe! limn, hi.d sunk, with all here

fhe ocean a thoa. 1 faihmns deep, her disaje

ince would have giv. a no very cheek -

Norlhern prosperity, and woold have produc.

arcely any oilier p. reepiil.!.. .-Ile.-t lhan tlie natural

,rr.r and pit, due lo .such a eala-lrophe.

The bei eridetiee of the condilion of our labonn.

is.s is nlf-rd.-.l In ih.- .-a vines Hanks, the d.-jmsits i

bicl, are mad- almost wholly from their surplu

st, therefore, be null n

lunt to saying to tho North,

. il claims ; it will then be sal


i According In Mr. Uuchiuian, Ihnt would

the only means of saving the Union. Or will the

irth, irritated iu ils (urn by tho reproaches of tbo

Pre-sidont, who (hroivs on it the whole responsibility

if tho crisis, persist in its victory, nnd allow the

loulh, which it has neiiher threatened nor provoked,

o act as it likes t That is what a not distant future

vill inform us. for our pad, our wishes are al lbs

lame lime for the safety of tho great American

vpublio, and for the gradual diminution of slavery.

IVi-miieh fear, however, ihnt (he Norib will see in

.lie lu(o Message proposhions oilei.sivc to it; while

the South will find (litre an , iragenieul lo Us pro-

Mr. Buchanan would thus have

pi at pacification, and will have

bemieatbcd to his fellow-countrymen only an inco-

herent commentary on the Cousin m ol Ihe repub-

lic. Would il nol have been belter if be had referred

lo a famous letler of Washing 1 1 in Lpxil,

Ufirkaliil in which lhat " fath-r -I I,.- -.-• - ,-i .

"Thereisnotnmniiliung "-I. ; -.

- ...-!»

than I to see a plan adopt,,! i .r Ik i ' a ol

slavery; but there is but cm- .-u'.ii la and I

'!-. Inn]


M si-mil triumphs, ar,- at tl.e -am,-

.n-hobl-ol iniideliiy iu the land?ught that if some of those old i

Ur. Van Dyke proceeds;

There it is, plain!}' wrilteu iu i


e UivinB law.

Lot 'simply in a legal claim for such services as. a Imumt.

jluiati in that po-ilion may properly bo reuiured to nnH o

iu works of Abral

> individuals, is n

a iiilluen.c uponmftrkable nnd '




ainioii in tho bouse,

.... better opinion. She

thoie-hl ii would be test to let Sooth Carolina slid.

ii aSSTvZ «aK"«ir « k .ii.1, »» ». -« ' •> "» «« ".™™.»'j

invcaled, hill titer are ..-minima i. - ; (tj.-.nlh'Cciirl, I.., r--icn. and „],'

dtp.,-,,, alread' .aa.b--.dufV- "; ^.^ „. . ,„,„. J,,,,,.,, Uring. Th''\1,


ra- ,







vcar." H.e total nu.ount ] bumble pie. Mr. Wiathrop'es^ndin^dayi ofWt yen

Andrew to rein-

M be a choice bit of

letter puts me it)






lb, priudpli [evid-UiU}' lh'nkB '' ™ "'"* ll ''1



tty ',„. eanUHl into slavery unO

. 'i.'i. W,. would tell l»i»>

'j. ,]„. purpu- ' "'

that Hint

,\i „ .. > bullied


, t Fugitive bbve !m>

mii^U- i» some of its iu

wi-m uindii 1' lilU* more

„.H .. w, prolesl fi«ninsl

uy mitigation flt H-- nil Vil l,-lll"=.-- 1

bn-cry "m the Slnlra iu .1-1 ".... ff6l«l

I,,, people will not ..'"

anywqrso lban it is, for

dlavurj-. But in •'" "'!'


* '

!., /' "


Mr. Suward does nol *»

aillS of ihe Soulli. The 1 ' " -" "''""

lit repealed, because ill

lii-ilii'.- slaves im ii-u il'l

in, proiiOJiliuii that 'In


eult in ha iiiti'lu :li" 1 'l11'"-" i*1

taws of .- b Carolina and

.,j, f ll,Br»kvoSiftW«,»uMI

ncc.1 w™JJ 11


|'j|1"VvWl .,u .

,.'»'". Ubvo sometimes

,..i.ii. '

un .inevitably ntll

.a uttorcd ogftina....• "••'( '- ; '-v.;




the Union Un>

-.tllitlly liupuriiiiil I"''"' "''I *'

:cled n.i.l 'li

.ay Ibero w

,,ndrccakitralioaoo the part ol -

.like" Hep«blie»i» who are weak enough

Ihitt there »an *omc principle at fltnkc in

,,., h„ . niupalg.., or it lr»« *op.c nifcasMo lo ft*

Mtry.i..' out of win' li ! cle.t.un pledged ilia elected.

Rut they will be overborne and put lo an open abaine,

aMheytlen-rvo.o be. Tbcyu^st studySavvardupon

There waa no. omeb or a principle Involved ill tl

las. » true : but mir.h us it was, the Bapa

"; intention of standing by it i

Ibu bitier end," as tboy used to any. It was. not

sublime sacrifice ibey proponed lo themselves when

,bey insisted .hit ike *hould nol hnve

;..,w,,mm. :l .lown ibnr tbmftls 1"Tore H.*y eould

,., -,.„„.. li... then they .Irtw 8 alllBt»1««h*

,'r their 1 bl« pw«!»» Hivt!r>'T ,b " a

,„ r , mailed It was io have no outlet in any

'....r....i..°t it '""sldieofitt"BS"!l


lack of U....I will, ivlilcb to film .W »:.*. 1" *••"«

f.nit but then il wis mltoi

.,...T „ ,...,- ' J il wasnml.- enough to set the

Cub in a Mate. a,..l to ...,k, a f- v; nt to part

,uc>, lb> tiM wbicl. bound -I.'" •• (>»

.. Seward had evident I) « iticipnl I

.... U was ho that lb* l>iminiooi»IA nicm

elect wbe:. .boy broke up the Democralic part;

Utter fry out of I ban out of any other Henufa

(SrVhi «« d.^ppoinnal, wl.c.ber Mr. Soward

,,aa or not. wW 'b« Chiengo Convention «t np Mr.


Uueoln in l.i. .tend Mr. l-.ncola n> a Mytb. Mr

Seward a Fact. The one was a Miudowy eM,on,.it

of idea.-. Il.« other wr.s -in a .(!.. in." B)-ml.....l "I "•''"

Bis sijeeobe»)et rung in the ears of He nntion >

-',,. if i.c bin! ever lo Q | «ebo Tbe specrfi ol Mr - .-'i r,


was nut luned io Ilia pitch ol Ins

itl,at they uudi-ratood lo bo a tna

,r..l the) noilliCI illought the bMtt* 1 i.ijuelico.

an! doea not grant the slaveliold-

on the prttiM terms of tbeir

lot propose to protect die ciliirens

ibvir property ii

- ..,.|. • ..-..•• lh..t two Stat..!.,. . listing Terriloiy

.,, . .,-i, such iratltu lions «

jlUh. Tliis mould bn n »ary com

,. ., »li ment ... tllO question, inn;

iv Sle.tko,and;

pi l!y thai yrpvmtiii* nmona — —


nei.liou "nil to

rind thut could e

,« called forlli the

'd ivhtcli.i

nfJeaus..It i* not u

it,.- po-itiun.

i.;.i iv.

L-ult In delct

«l„, b»»oi any oilier

-ntrlbuted. Kouino

ha mnetlun

is fftllncy of

j I il,.-- -Iinili.i' ft I'm "i '

,,, \\M Ur-Vunllylif.'„,!.'-.-l -hd

. he •")«., tlaii.

,„„. r When did tli, .,

,!,,,- m .l.i.l.:.' Il'l"

>„ ill. mill li.riinn

jow Tosiamenl, '• W»'

„ ..jni Mr. Vim l'>'.' "I- 1 ',l,


: ' 1







Kniiey, umv, tin- '-':[' "' '!" ''- '




,,S.;r,,;i.»ii»'.«..'.. .'.'!'> »'»«'' ;";»,i;

inillipl'&ciun)' UN)'"'."V'' ''I",:;."

"!'!„." ^'.liViVH

sfefz'iwxttiSSSand flekk' tiii.unid "' b "' "• , -"."

'..',,'' ,,",!

.jn.uihc | ""i" r'-'i



','",,'"i'i 1

v's;. 1v -r,,..-

,v. n I.. I

S^USV^"^-*^'-'"""" S'"'"

rj a r aealabli=li the

aopulnuon prvpar. d for bi-r n'.ia> io <="

„' . „ l0,^i.i> (* ''" " l,n ''" ™" Dlr) ' knowa


..,,,.... .,. ,,.l ... i.rn.cnii!

Tw. Vnd m to the o-ber. -hould it be tbouglit vrorlb

5T.i»vchoW«.- -Wle '0 '"-1 "' » « uir"-»"' b0d;

It Ifi ' tu ci.nlrul ih. ,l«etirfts, thowht...


r n


di.pu«e roigbt W dupoaecTof V ^e very

ocnss of Itilinj; the enemy have a 11

no do not duKcpi nny fco^le eoj

Ee and one- alavc Staler o» *oi

,-.-. I..,>, suggested, in M

oh- Itoiti. we apprehend, may come in

' ".^d both may oome in .Uvo. Hut a, one Issure

L, in j, a .l»u' State, »od (hero » a po^ibilitj

teTX other may. .be -d.ersan" -old **m to he

. ........ V.I. -i'..-- ««plMr -.'ward,


." ,.„..,::-. V. ,- •.|""-' I'tvui.^hip

:- -. -; " ".. ..- .. -. I


.' I'"' •'"> "''*•''"

"'". ., ,...,. .... ....v.i.'.l.. [With- i. ua

.dtfipersUc uieobcr of oittt partiei «»>i«n« ^ ")

,„„],„. .1 t"


-.,!, ...


;. "','.',


Il.-ir .'

"Ik body\vi;,.„|,rv|. riiiH fur lliv -


^^X^t'e-il-y "bleb a-cn*.. »J.™p^j »b^_«n



,n m tb(! „,m. „, ltpJDja0 ™m( ,

uliil tlmn.iurr,..- cv.'rr Klu.lur uid ram

,,-t aJnuLUf....-.- ll.i *l..'.-liur,iliu|,- it.1iu«..t«

el bud produced so marked . changu u""". i \i'i....... id ik,. U..v. At.uluJl

Slates n

This teller will (how you timt one 01 me mos'

ie Compromiser* In Congress hi

up hi» hopes of any important concessions from I.

North. ThU la Iho general opiuiou hero. I do

Ij.a£[ U. ,-nl. l it."Jlu' nnllona] »1«5—dm rmnc-s of mitioni

V ^Bni*nW-Ji«Jl>'.- 1'fujtff ''»"«= ''f f^'ng; ao.t all hop

k.ttl -"".'"'^dJ'l'^«''"" '--"M"-' "I" jiiiIkiiii'IlIsoI God Is vain i

"^ i Ik-.vffin.^'U.tflhcEru'n

- ^t»wpr Willi (Jimiuliuii off.

J-. rok^lL^wnl-ir f.v Son an

"' ora Dfljii]! t'cde/nl Cover

nj|_j(nli:3 iviMyjmliiuJ and In i

Jvm&msum fftpflVtfflent.

tin: rinVATE hf the nui'.v.

jeeauiB a brutality and n corrupt

ur choice lteiuunu possible. The

Id tuiYO preferred libernting to

ell a Iran.lal

_. llll.l

(' (1 > S I. II 1 \ t i v i: .

n One nnati, D«x<nbf 1 6, 18f.*, by


"I iuve kept the faith," says

miii-hl In Itu course of these

n^.ritv I- v:r !:•:: J:!::: f

I'.-iul. 1 have

studies of Pnu

ich tho untvser

called upon L

tlii> publication, hv an old Auglii


\'i[ I'iml', liut Jtsim," iticrv lias li.-eii

,. ,i ,,., rL--.iiFi.~t ill" Apostle to flu'

. rh. Un. i

".-• I" in", l.k- him. because he

,|... ib-trni. ..> prcl-sliiiFlticn In thi! lipUllc

, I,, in- ill. imlni/.-'i-i- ili'l 11*1 mid do not like

'.,.,,,,.. i„ ,.- ,.,.1 the Snhbnlh flay ong

i mi. I unchristian festivals; Ihe Hiidii-id. '1"

. Iiiln.t-, .-,-1 .1 - l.i >U<I I ml hc-it.-lto 10 Cire I'iS''

h after In) had renounced Judaism; the Gon-

i-es object that on Mars Hill be quoted the

nt of 'a heathen Greek as sound Chriatinnily ;

ial economists say llint his views of mnmagsAll theso objectors

iindcj nil things l<

tsuitisni look this si

hinirs to all men—as

„ bol.1 "I vul'l'i

. motto; nnd iJint under il

cgurdetl themselves as war-,

of I..moon ling, in fostering

make themselves ncceplnble

miLc-ld. where a plain s ,wal 01

lea thousand of bin

be is thus (bo father

do as Home does"

iicg have excluded them, Under- lo nil man," their tuisaion-

. ns Confucian priests, and

; and ihuy are said to have

.age. Indiana the Savior of

,l„. had iii one day seat;

It ii ill,,,,! il

..... bad proverb, "In Hi

and that his principle would

rockier to tfu

tripper to cireJie happened

It -lilt be nck'nowlcd;;.'.!, however, that Paul's li

contradicts tin' intcrpreiot.ion dim put upon t

words. Wherever be. went he was n-ar-.led as

tl.-'idea it,:u ],- practised ...n-caimeut and a tin

serving police, thai he should have aroused mc

opposition ilii'm all Ihe oilier applies; that Ihe Je

isli Uliurchea should rc-ar.1 him ns too daring for

litem ; nt Ephesus, when In.- eau.o there, the

makers of Dianas ri.ri.ios and images should cry

"I lur inside i- in;, r


; ibut at Athens he should

i, . .,,-n. -1,-sl as -i li, r |..r [Ii --I -Iran-m e;oi_s ', thai

Lis own Iclh...' '

i' mil »-ters, should

li-ieo with-lm-l I as t--, radl.jl, Ihnt his friends

[ tenuis mid . - l ,_ r- ii,,.,i In ii.unta, should forsake

him !- in- In ill' ! them lo loo great sacrifices—

.,11 ||,,_ , -l onsislcnt With the idea thai

1'nul was ill-- apostle of a mean expediency. I1U

hiatori i tow • thai whatever may be meant by bit

bein-'inade all tluri"= lo .-ill ineii, he certainly did.

all Ihin-S

IT. .'

man to-dnv- 1'niil i^" mulling lo us, ns he tights nlit" ami i-,iii.'i,.«u!.-li.-.iii

world, back there in tin: n;-.-i ; but thepo-riible I'm.

ftieh of you-lbc apo.ll.- »i humanity in wuh, v

u.l, nniid I liv Iirii-l- Find iihil.- ami -lan^i r- nt n.d

lil tin.i;

I li^lit. iiu'l liii'i-h i. • •-'ill 1

,it fnilli bnnde.l dawn (hr."i-h tl.. I, ' a

I I.J marl) r .ii mil' I' all ler • tailli » In- li -ta

fir nml truth. Ah,/.- •• .t ii. ''


.iirn.ralile iinportatice. Thi-n t-.r. it is that I in

iru you of thai nlii.-h ii popiilai li all- •! '

in lo-.lay. llint it is loo ulu n l-ur-l -. It,l. i

id deceiving olheiv. If you ivoul.l I i.. il.- '


kind wlueh would keep thu faith, wi i-l. i'l Bno

ild lead youtomanyaiieiil.^l r- f -

preserved from ancient :<.] l-. i i' '

"'"" example, w-ete one..- aim. i-iti -I tq tin h-gl_e*l

" their day; history marks ifauiu tut s)"lio of

s elevation abnve the cotidilion of a slave


v millions of women gronn under the' code

s once her shield. It is appointi'ii unto manbough we believe ilml his .

-.•.-. e.v is immortal;

equally is it appointed thai the institutions which' -' ien should die, whilst we know thnt the

m, till* jiootl in them, must he conserved

'ii higher insiitiuioiis : and Hint all

length broken in IheMino spirit that

made them—as tin- =-imn> law- of lile whkh make a

human form alterwnrd l.rin^ it to d«ny.Apply this to the creed.-! ami I.Miurehea which dllliiu

to preserve the faith once ilcliiertd lo the saints;

those who;rve in prom! hleeples, in marble a

velvet, the old fnilli th-it ou.-e e.]i.-ll..l its Ibllowi

ftoni the steeples mid mlirlileaii'l velvet of tivua^Ojrin-

iiivl temples, The other day—u snowy, '

bleak day— 1 read an account <( Ihe death v. .

Iirnted l_n-hsli bi=liO(i. who died a lew weeks ago

He liiul a |i:ilai... Fin ill' ,. 1.11-5, r tluin llial "1 in

man ill this eitv, and more tlinn thna... on I., n. In . 1-

under him. I looked up i' Ihe paper 1 " 1- n ail-

ing, looked on I upon I he hle.ik ivealher: :i hall -lad.

wayworn, iinxiuna lnokini; limn [lawed hailily

the'window, Bmlu>rm« hi- ihin -iirmeiita about him

Then 1 cniighi u ^limp.e of hi« Lalitiiriicd face, ami

uoreeived that 1 was looking tbrougb a window ol

ISO) years, and the uii<lielnr..l mini I saw I need

uotnamo. Ohl royal bishop, is not this a more sin-

K ul|ir miracle Hum am /on ever took to prove your

Shrisliauitv—and I .l.i not d.nv tluil it would take

niraeles 10 prove somn kinds of Christianity — i-

lot this, oh. princelv .liner on tlie I locks, of which you

were Hhepherd, 11 slupt-udous miracle, tlmt Ihe sameraiih that onc-e gin-u its truest Teacher not even the

home iv hich the I'ux hnd in its hole ami the bird 111

,11. ilmt

the same doctrine of lailb and truth which gave

Paul a prison should declare 11 dividend of

benefices for yuut Perhaps t-mi- of you will doubt

whether the same iiiith c-uuld bear nui li

fruits. I must slinrv; your doubts. Y.-t d.. u. OOl

U..,,.'l','.'?i-'l.i.'l'. I.'.i.r'tli.-"!'.! 'of 1 he homeless and. ru. On d I'n.'. a tnith which Ihe more we keep, a

r., u hi- I. 1I11- more vvc finish, does bring us

i< .hi r :ii]. 1 in arer lo earthly hi-.-,-s ami e rue i lis ions .

The same principles do not laai- lorinally the same

Fruits iu tlilVerent nges ; but they bear ih- SMWkind; those who keep the laiili know that all Huh

nanes are not ganleiis 111 I'lil'.-iiin', nur nil cro-_-.->

ule of wood. And there is a Pharisaism » !« h

rjiici its no synagogue, and yet may soourgo Christ

: ry day in lis halls 01" weallh iiivj n.^peiinbility.

tither does il require thirty pie. es of silver to mukeJudases, betraying ihe lord they began to fol-

low m the very hour if mo-it need—giving up truth

and justice to Ihoso who come with *i.i.r !•. nntl staves

to lake them. All aruuiul us an ih. -.n M tn- mis

and foes Willi new faces. Tin lit^t innn emnunti red

ami (he last man will enciinter limn llu-

i on tie- paixruig ol lour wall, and on

. n are scroll- lake,, fro

Thebes and Nineveh; nml tin ..... 1 I.1. -

temptations amid which you iiium — n 1 1 a '1 '1-

Ihe cradle sides of the hupian race, nnd bare n loo. 1

on the right and left of it at every step of its bislory.

Allko in the cross of Christ and Ihe hemlock u!

Socrates eternal virtue inFirks her signet; whilst the

Homna silver that bum Judas mid the coltoa hahaihat bui- an American are Ihe siimc (Uthj coin- llu

nurcliBso of blood. The idulnlets of Epb«iu» moi'mil with no an-nnienl bul the cry, " Our tr iii, >- ill

,0 makers a

_ years ago, the woIhJ English

when be was iiii'.litaiing lhu .-Innr-in on the I'ng-

1is.1i which ended in his .lisciuiihiuie ami dealh, lell

behind llieui a few <'n.-l .'re i-liawl., m |i.irting gills

10 their I'arisiiu ; hut they wen*regarded as re eiinnjmiiry enriu.ilies, and put not

'" is dresalng-


I A few nek. since, Wesoell Pmnirs _poho,on Sundut

001 lhu pulpit lell rnciint by the il.mli of Tueoook

irutn. Tlniei.tii:.i'|:_iii-.n linvlni; hrr 1-1 nil ile rn lion III

uc.iion whellier tu pie up ur eonlluue Ihclr Sunday esci

id, llr. PhlhTpj took occmlon io give his voice In iuve

rueuiiliiliililp Itn.-iil. III-. 1 .murk, are llius _kcl£licd In 111

Oilon TracitUr,'J

Mn. Fmiiii's read a paragraph from an nrtic!

lveeuni owes its interest t.

lively rallh. of ils leclurers.

Shakspeare. We are aware thai Mr- Aldridge ie in

some respcels a distingiiiflieil man ; Ihe rnbre houorto him Ihat be is in ISritain di. pri.niug the

lantic theory of vast.;-! Pity he cannot do so in NewOrleaas or liven in New Vork ! Wc shall be glad 10

see bim in other eliaraclcm. and can forgive uui-li. if

i-.-'.|tiin'd.f.'rll,e"F;'-ll',i„''.",t'lii-"„,l|,.."— fi7.i..v'Ji

Uulklin. jVop. 5,/j.

.'. I'l'l.'r-I.nii'l sl.X.11'.ill'-iwiiir tin; ,,

nernl llonnp.i

is I The ladi

F I lul-llll

been adopted by Mild;

I'arisinn beauty, limn

. . hail the shawllie l.milc Ijiiinlin, llie reiening

' I.-, IL: nw- T„5,,n_en- eheerl'iilly pmd lor n'cond-a.l • 1 n Mcrvice as turbans on

il poldn ry, girded the aupplc

r I ihe persons of paganiM.-llemc of Ihe fabric, and

a., allowed Ihom to he eleaned

,-or, as soon ns the shawl wasopularily, ihe Levant tr:

In no luck ol new ones, 1

ricned with India,

are is supposeJ to have i =i ash ru, but at what dale in

BOD the first llritisl. fneloi

:i, i .isliiin-re shaivls hnve i-

,ted here the in

s this which give

re children we i

ire than twice. '

found out we had si

pulpit. When methey don't go twice

iplc and fromutious-aaColi

lid the

t hoi

unless they go from a motive ol

an idea of sustaining religious

-idge sniil he found that four-filths

I.. ii. I ril his preaching did so l.i r tilth I he speaker affirmed

n_l,u I.

B rente.-*


ral ipiesiion.. nt' lln- day. Vou may atlei

iip.ui nincly-nine uul of a liunilreii pul|iit.s, from he

to New Urlean-, and not hear a word ahoul it. Bui

don't find fault with them. They do us weU as lb

can. They perform th.-ir mutni. 1. The fault is n

wilb the tenant of the pulpit. 'Ihe fault Is with that

corrupt sentime 11L which belittles tin- pulpit. 1 ntfirm,

in ,10 hilternesi. i.f.pirit, l.ur us an American, andoneinterested in Ihe machinery which is to control nnd

direct the great future, thai the pulpit of this country,

tenanted n.i il is b_i .nine ol the ablest and heat edu-

cated men in the land, dees not jjuidc the intellect

and thought of the coutilry ns il did in the early dayi

many causes, among the tttoa

were the dcslructioti ol the jan

tin? dynasties of Csbul nnd Lui

of which i- k. iiip-'f ir-' lise.l fur c'.iunl.'rpi.ns

and i-nvp.1- the r. r hung a beautiful, rich,

nnd scfi down, wWeb aJte 1.-.111;. awfully separated

rice -latLh, aad sold nt Ihe rate of three- rupee.

weight for one rupee. There nro two colors— one,

ashy gray, wbkh is nsuall. woven in its natural hue.

Ihe other, white, which, of course, in easily dye.1—


proccsa jealously guanled l.j the Hindus, who desir\'

lo keep to themselves ihe secret of lhu I1a.1111111i1.11.

hues which have bullied all imitators. There have

long beea establish..! at l.'elhi and ljihore shawl

mnaufaetorits under the direction of Caslimoriani,

bul they have nui succeedeil in eipialling the pr.-lue

t has(Incur*; it holds the people with a grasp of iron,

ut it is by fear. It has umile men afraid lo think.

They look at il, and chink thai .rapidity is Heaven,ing brought tier pi-oph- niie. this _up.___ilioii.

It broods over it like u ii_"hLmnro. There are is true, who lead ihe public mind, butit through lhu press. They throw oil' the'

when they npponriii Tht Christian Kriimi

They lc

And fan

e half !l

v the,

1 of this pulpil

uike his 1 radle

[11 31 end ollnn

TKSDEB_tSS3 run Om :st-i.—Ito lender lo thos,

ml i!u not see as you lice. For (here arc alway.

lin.l men ia the world. Then., are always men ibai

'he.11 tlic kingdom of (.od is rifflit before them,'

1, that .-


o llii- dai

erlj. The,



r t 11 E


1 not lived

nine for Ihe last thirly years—anil they have no• ir lile lias mil »ri>ivn n parliel'' in that lime ; llu

ln.rk-lioiiii.l. If fifty slupid years wen.- addedir lile, (hoy would be ns dnuiaulive in

w. T'hei see liuthillg. 1 hear in, thin-,

md nothing. Ky.s the) have. Ihat they shall not

_j cars Ihoy have, thai ihe. slmll not hear; and a:irl ihey have, thai thej sleill not umlerslnnd. -Let

look upon them. I hemion::, (is . liildren of misfor-' ' 1 pit)' .heir blindness. Iheir dcafr, '

Iheir hardnesa'of'benrt.—11. W. Bencher.



Anti-Slavey- Oillccs, lleekman street, New York;

101 Fifth Street, I'hihulelpliia: IS Stenhea alreei,

Albany, nml _'.'l, Wa-diinRtnn stri-i-I, lieituu.

No. 1. Gal-respond ., Ih-iim. ..n l_\ .tin. Mniiii Chi Id midGovernor Wifc nml M™. Mason, of Virginia.

No. 2 Victor Hufjo on Amerienn Slavery, Willi letler.

of other ili-i. m.'i. i-h-l indi-i'luiil'-, vi- .p.-

Tocquovillc, lln/'.ini, lliiniliul.l!. I.afuyette, Ac.

Cant John BrawiIs Address to the C

of ihe Abolition _'

_ _ coes bcrnii. •. In- In-;. r« lh. Iruth -noken

eumeaL One earnest sentence' will scatter all tin

- lively ralile " thai ever came from all the lyeeum

lecturers in the world. In many of our New England

lowns the pulpit is simply nil appendage of the

faclorv. The minister i* just as much employed byin Doajre 10 preach, fis ia ihe operative 10 spin.

His intellect is all tioiiglu and paid for. And tbc

m lecturer, why dost

shrines still 11:

A.,,. ''if II

mill with diet

old prophet, will stand firmly 01-'"

it the strong wind, and Ihe

no who.


world—the Hebrew, the Greek,

utterly nnd absolutelv lal-..-. thnt they contained no

truth 'whatever; that ihe grand old Icmplca of ancient

worabip, reared ihroiijih slew c-nturies out of the

most sacred mnici-ials of tin I an heart, had not

one stone in them but what was a lie. And when

I'aul found ihat tbc truth which he aspired to bear

throm-li the world I. .lin.l soi.ii:: related truth in all

men Snd nations: when he could find Christianity

under a Jewish rito or a Greek noeiu, so that he

could, on such a point, be a .lew to Jews and a Greek

to Greeks, it onlv proves that be took a larger nml

more universal view of his fnidi lhaii lliose who could

not see that religion was an essence under manyhigher or lower forms, and thought that God hail

n.v.ailcil himself onlv to one single nation. Paul's

being mad,: all things 10 nil

i"aia whi-n they have pass

olable laws written by the

__ 01 the human hean.



,v„n-lir at the value set u|.on I'lislnnerc shawls,

j did not remember Ihat as many as thirty, or

I'urlj an 11 .-ill expend two ic.irs' labor upon a

e shan I. and llial l.clon- il .cache., the purchaser,

rice has been nugini-iil<"''l fifty per cent, by tins-

The bonier, are made in several nie-ees, some-

1 ns many as twenlv, ami al'terwririfs sewn lojfe-

po as to form the pattern. Kverv slilch ln.-in«

-.,1I . I,iii,t is distinct in itself, and may be

.1 out 11 itlioiit disturbing the remainder—an


- -1 ,1 tic genuine Indian production.

i.-.l- ir- made ... various IC-lun:., sli'-S, ami

1 to this couleiieracy—before which high

band pcor.ivi-jik and strong. are cqunl

a heart is a Bailed oath of allegiance. No1 a human governmont has sworn to sup-

... ak lh. tn in 11 be treason to that govern-*" ' inlho higher

e the -1,1 1.

.npos tc of the Jesu

bad s


,„„. „,l pWd lo the several mi rkets (In -,.|i. ami

commonly made in

inches by fourty-fo

nlone lliere is esportti annually nil averaye

nine of 1,800,(1 here must he

11. demand lor lh. shawls, which <

ion of English K"odseyes of the n

.,i_Mi 1, - 'ear. Of late -ears

develop... 1 hi-, faith, lelic 11 is Ihe onll i>j


that it brought him lo a higher slnndp-nnt. Jrom

wbieb he saw God as the Father of all men, Jew nnd

tree; nlao thnt all religions bad been trained as

brauehe.s, filled for the nn-Hiii- on of 1I10 loltier truth

and life which Christianity offered each of them, lie

could thus appeal to -lews, iw Jiiirs, lo accept the

flower now hlooniiu^ on their i-iem; to the Greeks.

,1. Ur, /-..- t.. r-'ielii. a t'aiili which lu.riiioiii'.ed m ill.

the insight of Clean the* and Arams, and fulfilled the

recorded prophecies of I'lato and Socrates. When

tbc ' 1- it 1 c he 1. lc traces the fundamental

pr... .1 ' l.ii-tiamlj 1. ml. 1all religions that ever

_U.UK.- 11. lar-e.pH

•ntirely of s

1 naielerinif through thermp Ihrough the deivithout a sure guide.

vast multitudes 01

They are gene, rally


J...I I'-- iln.

and richei

European mart, it*

lea, t'rance, RussiaCJbiua cram- shan Is

ilk, the ground or toundaliuii

leiurea at Nankin, nnd then forwarded

>n, lo have Ihe patlern embroidered. This is

two m-dl ii-i.Tkiiii; togetllur: one nil

. ilowiiiianls. ishil. the other from b.

il up. 11 third workman changing tho sill

lien necessary ; but how the fastening onrformed, is a irnde mystery yet preserved by

matter or course, the fair sex bad not lonyihe shawl movement, before Ilritish manniac-ittempted to produce somctbing of lhu same1 attempt to which tho high prices felched bi

iau shawls was an irresistible iuduccmeiil

ialivu was taken in this case by a Scotel

oinnn, a Hiss Howie, who hnd long beei

I in the ifold luce trade. By means of the

Cashmere was spec

defeated, the menlength, that part ol

strueted and lilted


works of


In- was iil.le lo throw In I tie colore.!

catch the threads of Ihe warp as

1 tin:- " draiv-lii-iv." A ercat wasli

iit'ortunalel, imavoi.l n hie. he this

.man and live, hoys could produce


,,, ,

de', not to find aiiilliuiL- tleit /'/,.. Cli > iiti- if /.'., r,

r ilou 1 indorse. 'I he speaker closed his disco.irt

lh a very eloquent appeal for continued support

C 11, n . .,-... me 1•... |„-„i


M111- li(flillc I. ill -...-, «Osr duty to our fellows pay.

nil tlcnth bc.on.l ihe gra

k thnt c|ucsllon sllll—

^;,.l i-eiiel. V.iiiiM Hi,: Ohn.tiillel'iieeineiil.iiTllje Alinlthij .1

ilsu of tbitoc-illrtli.

-Iiouldcrs wlisn we m

Ite.ennl .",1

M. ifoiirael-

Il ci'l-:l..,i. lieu |Jmi Its to uliilu

niiieiciuiiton o'er our heml,.[.Ihe .,,11 ill il, iiiiiv 1,1 ,tj,

en.;* lot iviih Tirlde; &A. ifnur.elv,:.. linn l,,i linilmode,

Hint e,iiiu. I il l.y on, i.rotJfhlll, AAmi VlL-uven lin.l mib-lv liAillil

"Tlie elaluii eon_l_lern>ivltn our Bnnle.

A.'..i.'..'..:.i,;:'.:..'",r* Vi,' '. ii^V'

.. 9. The Duly of

Act: An A\i[.jil to ih.l

sells. By CMmihC,. 10. The Infidelity of Aholi

_ Fsmily. Compded by I,,

A|-.p.-,il 1


IMuliuU-lphia ^lUrfrtiscmcnts.

E 1 _ f. L O W E L L

PHIL'S K I. P n 1 A.


1-1 ,.

tLctib. bsa



c'".: hi




,i,"'°"' " "'*

of tbeSUUTD



J.__^it^p_u,.Iff. Of CAl'T.JOHN IlllUWN, 1.)

DOAKDIKG HOUStD •-.u-jcvUtf,] Willi B-ol *$3££$&ipersons cnu b.


O Pi" cuing Pbj.lrl.n, K_LONGSHORE POTTS. SI. D.


.:,UN.'1I1._1-M1, o--l,niiL..l.| k

<n, Ki,. oll,ot..ui [iii_ Ma.i_™«__i

Ttri!. nEACOCR'S

JVotiurs m'iI., .. r^irvt,


KSKKfii_|{lHNK .V Jl .- t U 1.


JKI/.f. MI.IIAL xnnkd In London in 1-SI, lor bii

k LARGE assor icnt of SA.I.ASIANH1.I; SAIL;'.


T^H'W '


'' ->jllnThoHlJ-l f-iur. .;-..-el full,

IC11E IN Till-: W A I

SS-.SpKlnii-n <Bpl'«



\H*S liUAItrKHI.V (Ctanwr.slln).




, ,,,


Ajr*7fflL '^'f*1

in,. ..... ,- - inm .-ili-i..., ^. .,;


.. .,,T*- ' V >--^* B.-P !_ t. ' -

riai. v.l.,,.1 .1,,, ur. rn- .1 iA..J^"« ll"""'".'"^".'«-«".\^„ K,.^."'--'T ,..ln,,„i,..M„„„. ^^"J ^ i _i

J"5' L- ™ . ..!#.< SJ.-1. .1'... null, il:- I ....'KSSSir : ,S\v |

-S '

.;'i"-,-s.».-»»*« - : A ;;;.-._•:".i. ,'.---.': \X.:r.,s.t

" '-

%*» :.1

* A" :

."'-i^''*' "

"I'.'lf"""' '"''.'"'.'

" "- !"" '" '"" >""*"> "-"•' "' »fi«in»i" »*«•

the name of Jesus 11

nevjiinjj the Inilh bo di

oncn had a soul in il. Thislliiug. Once, perhaps, evei

between munlerine; men or I

it was tho merciful alterant

of society- Hut that which

mercy, and so, timing a, s. a pntriare-hal1 world "held, no .ale Vheli

seats of our home Irnde, wbieb promises to

iBnent ono ; for while polissu, iearfs, man-loaks come in and go out flfain, tho shawl

ut of date, but holds its own through all"'

, uf fashion.—Chamber*') Juurnui,


The Theatre Royal was^i-opcne^ on Saturday

-Lt wlnn "Othello'' was iiro.liin.d_Mr. ku_

L-'inlelli-L-lii-il i-m-II'.-ii'.. of Hie nVri-." Wi- h^.i.V

"d aiiious; us Ur. I'elauy. "iviiio us iIil- result

ploralious; and ye.'.r b. i.y«.yl,, -.(^ je.l e_;i..yjv,_

Img posilions of honnr i Lfr^liun.l^i ri

1- 1. 1'.. I. Tin-. "• ' '--I ne'sl;i'

10 saw his"Oluel]p,Mon .Ss

tidgojiim the diiirii^iL^ijj


ini;, and such as ivc hai.j rarely

Macready. Of c.:air>.-. he looked lh

ns n matter of fuel, played it wfrll, si

him the waruicsl apj.lau_e and a "

refrtabing to see the black man tbi

pew "in an American church, provi

rianty by ths brilliant success will

1 l; r . 1 1 (;.. h




-p^V1 i^SSi/%, ,,


!fc.6 JSir F-'IfW Ar.l,l,»'L.l-., .KDllfU

'-afeSSaSf"";«.i.'. :,."*•:. :»^;:i.,:

^**-.*tii:^i_. l.*muJK^nniu


'mu Sit nil: ivim Mii-'rru/TTrfi.vt; Tu suppi*1 si 11W-I -"'' ~-- !-'•? "V"'

1 '"•

CJ.-I. S.^*--.. -l.L«: II- • ).' Til f i!W. in.I CI, -ir,. 11

jTlll- .:.'!,!!,* _r-. 1 lr,..'/.lll:, i-._^.l.l,ln ..„ljll.

.,ill~kj,.l'-'-',',n I •in..>r-J .j..l-nl..lll,.IHfcr_|.

Er*.T'- T ' r '-'11-'". '-^i ><>.« i- .'.-.-! I. .tlcofl^ _(.,__,,

We V A R M t R «*S G V 1 D


n,s-,n .-tio-ili.--. I 11 s., ! Hlul.ur.-I,. -1. Ml, '1-1. J I. N,,.n,i

.;,..: ,1. /,-#.,.- Ill V ill -•.,,-

\, I''. ' >" :-"

:,._& ^•S^*!^