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Methodology for the Codification of the Political-

Administrative Division of Colombia





Deputy Director


Technical Directors

NELCY ARAQUE GARCIA Regulation, Planning, Standardization and Normalization


Methodology and Statistical Production

LILIANA ACEVEDO ARENAS Census and Demography



ANA VICTORIA VEGA ACEVEDO Synthesis and National Accounts


Diffusion, Marketing and Statistical Culture

National Administrative Department of Statistics – DANE MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁRDENAS CONTRERAS Geostatistics Division Geostatistical Research and Development Coordination (DIG) DANE Cesar Alberto Maldonado Maya Olga Marina López Salinas Proofreading in Spanish: Alba Lucía Núñez Benítez Translation: Juan Belisario González Sánchez Proofreading in English: Ximena Díaz Gómez



PRESENTATION 6 INTRODUCTION 7 1. BACKGROUND 8 1.1. Evolution of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia 8 1.2. Evolution of the Codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia 12 2. DESIGN OF DIVIPOLA 15 2.1. Thematic/methodological design 15 2.1.1. Information needs 15 2.1.2. Objectives 15 2.1.3. Scope 15 2.1.4. Reference framework 16 2.1.5. Nomenclatures and Classifications used 22 2.1.6. Methodology 24 2.2 DIVIPOLA elaboration design 27 2.2.1. Collection or compilation of information 28 2.3. IT Design 28 2.3.1. DIVIPOLA Administration Module 28 2.4. Design of Quality Control Methods and Mechanisms 32 2.4.1. Quality Control Mechanism 32 2.5. Products Delivery and Diffusion 33 2.5.1. Products and diffusion instruments 33 2.6. Related Documentation 33 GLOSSARY 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY 38


Graph 1. DIVIPOLA Codification Structure ..................................................................... 16 Graph 2. DIVIPOLA administration module .................................................................... 28 Graph 3. Observations to DIVIPOLA ............................................................................. 29 Graph 4. Completing observations to DIVIPOLA ............................................................ 30 Graph 5. Addition of population centers......................................................................... 31 Graph 6. Modifications report ..................................................................................... 333 Graph 7. DIVIPOLA consultation module ....................................................................... 34 Graph 8. Publications of the DIVIPOLA Codification ....................................................... 35 Graph 9. MS Excel list Codification of the DIVIPOLA ....................................................... 36


Table 1. Political-Administrative Division of Colombia. 1938 ................................................. 11 Table 2. Political-Administrative Division of Colombia. 1970 ................................................. 13 Table 3. Codification of the departments. 2011 ..................................................................... 17 Table 4. Shows an example of the municipalities of the department of Quindío .................... 18 Table 5. Population centers of the municipality of Calarcá .................................................... 18 Table 6. Nomenclature of the Territorial Statistical Units of the Andean Community ............. 21 Table 7. Codification of the Political Division of the National Civil Registry ............................ 21 Table 8. Synthesis of the DIVIPOLA. 2011 ........................................................................... 23


The National Administrative Department of Statistics, DANE, as the coordinator entity of the National Statistical System (NSS), within the framework of the “Statistical Planning and Harmonization” project, works to strengthen and consolidate the NSS. This is carried out through several processes such as: the production of strategic statistics; the generation, adaptation, adoption and diffusion of standards; the consolidation and harmonization of statistical information, and the connection of instruments, stakeholders, initiatives, and products. These actions are carried out in order to improve the quality of strategic statistic information, and its availability, and accessibility, to respond to users demand. In this context DANE, aware of the need and obligation to provide better products for its users, developed a standard presentation guide for methodologies. The aim of this guide is to contribute to the visualization and understanding of the statistical processes, allowing further analysis, control, replicability and evaluation. The documents are presented in a standard and comprehensive manner, thus facilitating the understanding of the main characteristics involved in the processes and sub-processes of each research, making them available for both specialized users and the general public. These series of guides promote the transparency, and credibility of the technical expertise of DANE for a better understanding and use of statistical information. This information is produced according to the principles of coherence, comparability, integrality, and quality of the statistics.


The codification of the Political-Administrative Division: DIVIPOLA (for its acronym in Spanish), constitutes a primary source with respect to the political and administrative organization of the country, which has been the result of working together with the departmental assemblies, town halls, and municipal councils; turning it into a tool that facilitates the compliance by the National Administrative Department of Statistics DANE, with the “design and implementation of operations that guarantee the georeferencing of the statistical information required by the country, for planning and decision-making by the National Government and the territorial entities”1. The first time that in Colombia the issue of codification for its political - administrative division arose, was in 1938, when considering the implementation of the General Census of Population. This was due to the need for establishing a unique identifier for the departments, “intendencias”2, “comisarías”2, municipalities, and population centers; which would become a tool for their characterization, and it would also serve as a basis for comparing the statistical information generated by the territorial entities and population centers. From that time DIVIPOLA, became a national standard that is consolidated in an inventory; which enables the identification and codification of the departments, municipalities, districts (referred to other cities), as well as the population centers. This turns into essential information for the design of policies, provision of public services, as well as for the definition of criteria for the allocation of resources from the central government. This document is submitted for consideration to the whole community, in order to describe and update the conceptual guidelines upon which the codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia was structured. In the first part of this methodology, the generalities and basic concepts are presented. Subsequently, the description of each one of the elements and processes that are part of the methodological documentation of these activities is carried out. Finally, the annexes and bibliography used are presented.

1 Decree 262 of 2004. Article 16.

2 Subnational entities that grouped the so-called National Territories, which were deemed to have a lower political

administrative level than the existing departments. They were promoted to the status of departments by the Constitution of




The political-administrative division of the national territory has been organized in different ways, which have responded to the historical evolution of the nation. So, for example, by 1542 the territory was divided into three governorates: Santa Marta, Cartagena, and Popayán; in 1819 the Republic of Colombia was born, and it was comprised of three departments: Venezuela, Cundinamarca, and Ecuador. A brief summary of the major milestones in the political and administrative organization of the Colombian territory is presented below:

1509-1549: The Spaniards gave to the American territory the name of “Tierra firme”3.

1513: The Crown abolished the New Andalucía Governorate, redefined the Castilla governorate and created the Chocó Governorate.

1542: The territory was divided into three governorates related to the foundation of those, which were their respective capitals: Santa Marta (1525), Cartagena (1533), and Popayán (1536). Two institutions were established in this epoch: Encomienda4 and Municipality.

1550-1717: The Royal Audience of the New Granada was established in Santa Fe dependent of the Viceroyalty of Perú; the Royal Audience was comprised of four parts: a central one, the New Kingdom of Granada and three peripheral; the governorates of Santa Marta, Cartagena, and Popayán.

1717-1810: Felipe V created the viceroyalties in America (México, Perú, Río de la Plata and the New Granada).

The viceroyalty of the New Granada was formed by the fusion of the Royal Audiences of

Santa Fe, Quito, and the Captaincy General of Venezuela, and occupied the territory formed by the New Granada, capital Santa Fe, and 24 provinces.

The province was later divided into cantons corresponding to districts; in turn, these were made up of parishes, territories with parishioners under the authority of a parish priest.

The period between 1810 and 1816 in the New Kingdom of Granada was marked by such intense conflicts over the nature of the new government or governments that it became known as la Patria Boba (the Foolish Fatherland). Constant fighting between federalists and centralists gave rise to a prolonged period of instability. Each province,

3 Terra firma

4 Legal system that was employed mainly by the Spanish crown during the colonization of the Americas to regulate Native

American labor, where the Spanish crown granted a person a specified number of natives for whom they were to take responsibility.

and even some cities, set up its own autonomous junta, which declared themselves sovereign from each other.

1819: The Republic of Colombia was born in Angostura. It was formed by three departments: Venezuela, Cundinamarca, and Ecuador.

1821: The Spanish influence marked in the Constituent Assembly of 1821 in Villa del Rosario, what would be the territorial organization of the declared Republic of Colombia; which would be divided into departments, provinces, cantons, and parishes. Cundinamarca was divided in four departments: Boyacá, Cauca, Cundinamarca, and Magdalena. The department of Boyacá was integrated in turn by three provinces: Tunja, Socorro, and Pamplona.

1824: The Congress of Colombia decreed by Act 25, twelve departments divided into thirty-eight provinces. The Republic then had 2,583,799 inhabitants, including 203,831 indigenous, and 102,902 slaves. The Great Colombia existed between 1819 and 1830; but, after the death of Bolivar, it was divided into three states: New Granada, Ecuador and Venezuela.

1831-1858: The new Constitution, sanctioned in 1832 by the General José María Obando, acting president, creates the Republic of the New Granada. In this constitution, the departments are suppressed, and the provinces (19 in total), as well as the cantons are kept; whereas the parishes become parish districts.

1858-1863: The Granadina Confederation was created; it was comprised of sovereign States. It was ordered that these states should be confederated in perpetuity. The created States were divided into provinces and parish districts, which despite of what was ordered, were suppressed when the Unitarian Republic returned in 1886 with the Caro and Nuñez Constitution.

1863-1886: The constitution of Rionegro, created the United States of Colombia, formed by nine states, with presidents elected for two years. Each state represented an independent, sovereign republic, with their own constitution, government, and armies.

1864: The first official map of Colombia was conformed; it was supervised by General Mosquera, developed by engineer Manuel Ponce de León, drawn by Manuel María Paz and based upon previous work of Agustín Codazzi.

1904: General Rafael Reyes decreed a new distribution of political-administrative units. Panamá had been lost. The territory was organized by a capital district: Bogotá; one “intendencia”: La Guajira; a national territory; El Meta, and 25 departments.

1909: The old nine departments formed between 1863 and 1886 were re-established. In 1910 the departments of Huila, Caldas, and Valle del Cauca were created; the former Santander department was divided into the current departments of Santander and Norte de Santander.

1936: With the Constitutional Reform of doctor López Pumarejo, the Legislative Act number one was issued by which were created with constitutional rank, the

“intendencias” and “comisarías”5, and the division of the Republic in departments, “intendencias”, and “comisarías” was decided. The departments were divided in turn into municipalities or municipal districts.

1945: Doctor Alberto Lleras Camargo, divided the “intendencias” and “comisarías” into municipalities or municipal districts.

1968: In the government of doctor Carlos Lleras Restrepo, the Legislative Act number one of 1968 was issued, by means of which the municipalities or municipal districts in which the departments, the “intendencias”, and “comisarías” were divided, and were incorporated as territorial entities of the Republic; a situation that remained until 1991, the year in which the constitution was reformed.

1991: The Constitution of 1991, in its Article 309 established the existing “intendencias” and “comisarías” in departments, and defined the departments, the districts, the municipalities, and the indigenous territories as territorial entities with autonomy for the management of their interests (as set forth in Articles 286 and 287 of this Constitution). In this regard, it is worth emphasizing the impulse that this Constitution gave to the municipality, determining it as a fundamental entity of the political-administrative division of the State. According to Article 306 of the current Constitution, two or more departments may constitute themselves in administrative and planning regions with legal status, autonomy and their own patrimony, in order to economically and socially develop the territory.

Article 318 of the current Constitution provides that the councils can divide their

municipalities in quarters in the case of urban areas; and in “corregimientos”6, in the case of rural zones. The legislation to these actions is provided for in Articles 117 to 140 of Act 136 of 1994. Article 319 of the current Constitution enables two or more municipalities to organize themselves in metropolitan areas, which may become districts. Likewise, Article 321 of the current Constitution sets forth the formation of provinces constituted by the surrounding municipalities or indigenous territories belonging to the same department.

2011: Today, the country has 32 departments, 1.101 municipalities (excluding San Andrés Island), 5 districts7 including Bogotá the Capital District, which although is a municipality, it is subject to a special regime; 20 non-municipalized Areas (before Departmental “Corregimientos”), and 8.109 population centers (classified in departmental “corregimientos” (C) (acronym in Spanish), Police Inspection (IP) (acronym in Spanish), and hamlets (CAS) (acronym in Spanish)).

5 Article 2 of Legislative Act 1 of 1936, the national territory is divided into Departments, Intendencias and Comisarias. The

Intendencias and Comisarias are left under the immediate administration of the Government and correspond to the legislator to Provide to the organization and to the administrative division of them.

6 The “corregimientos” of Colombia are a smaller unit than the historical one. The word is used for the population centers that

do not reach the level of municipality. They are thus under a municipality or department. 7 According to the Political Constitution of Colombia, the Capital District of Bogotá, the Touristic and Cultural District of

Cartagena de Indias, the Touristic, Cultural and Historic District of Santa Marta and the Industrial, Port Special District of Barranquilla were created. Additionally, according to the Legislative Act 2 of 2007, the Industrial, Port, Bio diverse and Eco-touristic Special District of Buenaventura; the Industrial, Port, Bio diverse and Eco-touristic Special District of Tumaco; the Eco-touristic, Historic and University Special District of Popayán, the Historic and Cultural District of Tunja, the Special District of Turbo, and the Frontier and Touristic Special District of Cúcuta were created in the year 2009, by means of the Sentence C-141-01 of February 7, 2001, declared the creation of the Districts of Cúcuta, Popayán, Buenaventura, Tunja and Tumacoto be unenforceable.

As of September 2011, there are five districts corresponding to: the Capital District of Bogotá, the Touristic and Cultural District of Cartagena de Indias, the Touristic, Cultural and Historic District of Santa Marta; the Industrial, Port Special District of Barranquilla, and the Industrial, Port, Bio diverse and Eco-touristic Special District of Buenaventura.


The codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia begins in the year 1938. This is given by the need for establishing a unique identifier for the territorial divisions used in the preparation and implementation of the General Population Census of that year, and as a basis for the comparison of statistical information that would be generated from the census on the territorial entities.

The territorial division of that time was formed as follows: 14 departments, 807 municipalities, 4 “intendencias”, 6 “comisarías”, 1.242 “corregimientos”, and 18.552 population centers. (Refer to Table 1).

Table 1. Political-Administrative Division of Colombia 1938 Departments “Intendencias” “Comisarías”

Antioquia Amazonas Arauca Atlántico Chocó Caquetá Bolívar Meta La Guajira Boyacá San Andrés Putumayo Caldas Vaupés Cauca Vichada Cundinamarca Huila Magdalena Nariño Norte de Santander Santander Tolima Valle del Cauca

Source: Political-Administrative Division of Colombia DANE 1938

In the year 1953, the National Directorate of Statistics published the first edition of the codification of the Political-Administrative Division of the country, based upon the information registered in the Government Ministry as of to December 31, 1950 and complemented, corrected, and expanded with the information relating to novelties reported by the Census operation of 1951. The classification did not correspond exactly to a normalized codification, but to a sequential numbering according to the alphabetical order of the existing territorial divisions in effect at that time; 16 departments, 3 “intendencias”, 7 “comisarías”, 817 municipalities, 2.096 population centers, and 1 national territory. By 1954, DANE presented the second printing of the codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia, in order to update the data and to implement adjustments to the previous edition. In this publication, the following data are reported; 16 departments, 3 “intendencias”, 5 “comisarías”, 823 municipalities, 2.016 population centers, and 3 national territories. The editions of the years 1960, 1964, 1965, 1967 and 1969, presented the same characteristics, with respect to the codification structure of the previous publications; that is to say, the alphabetical order and a sequential numbering which had to be changed whenever a new territorial division was created, due to the fact that there were not ranges that would enable the incorporation of new numbers between codes. By the year 1964 the Political-Administrative Division was formed by: 18 departments, 3 “intendencias”, 5

“comisarías”, 877 municipalities, 8 “corregimientos” of “intendencias”, and 28 “corregimientos” of “comisarías”. The structure of the nomenclature adopted in order to identify the territorial units was formed as follows:

Departments: (two digits). It began from 01 and ended at 19.

“Intendencias”: (two digits). It began from 21 and ended at 23.

“Comisarías”: (two digits). It began from 31 and ended at 35.

Municipalities: (three digits). It began from 001 for each capital of department. In the year 1970, the formation of the codification of the Political-Administrative Division was changed in such a way that the codes8 assigned were maintained over time, thus facilitating, the comparison of the information associated with them. With these changes, the use of the codification of the DIVIPOLA would be extended, not only by DANE, but also by other entities and institutions requiring the organized and codified information of the territorial divisions. The codification was changed starting with ranges that would enable the new territorial divisions to be codified without having to renumber the existing ones. In addition, it was decided that in the future the codes already assigned would not be used again. Likewise, the names of the territorial entities of departments, municipalities, and class categories were alphabetically organized in order to assign their corresponding codification. The code was defined in 7 positions under the following structure:

Departments, “Intendencias” and “Comisarías”: Consisting of 2 digits, from 05 for the Department of Antioquia.

Municipalities: Consisting of three digits, from 001 for the capital of the Department.

Class: the code was made up of two digits and the assignation of the codification was carried out by ordering alphabetically the names of the population nucleus that depend of the municipal township.

8 Usually they are composed of one or more alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric characters assigned to one title in one

classification. Each code is unique with respect to one characteristic within a classification. If the characteristic changes, the associated code must also change.

Table 2. Political-Administrative Division of Colombia 1970


Code Name No. of

Municipalities Code Name

No. of Municipalities

05 Antioquia 109 44 La Guajira 7

08 Atlántico 23 47 Magdalena 20

11 Bogotá D.E. 7 50 Meta 16

13 Bolívar 29 52 Nariño 51

15 Boyacá 133 54 Norte de Santander 35

17 Caldas 24 63 Quindío 12

19 Cauca 36 66 Risaralda 13

20 Cesar 13 68 Santander 77

23 Córdoba 22 70 Sucre 23

25 Cundinamarca 111 73 Tolima 44

27 Chocó 18 76 Valle del Cauca 42

41 Huila 36


Code Name No. of

Municipalities Code Name

No. of Municipalities

81 Arauca 2 86 Putumayo 2

83 Caquetá 7 88 San Andrés y Providencia 2


Code Name No. of

Municipalities Code Name

No. of Municipalities

91 Amazonas 1 94 Guainía -

97 Vaupés - 99 Vichada -

Source: Publication of the Political-Administrative Division DANE – 1970

In 1970, a total of 23 departments, 4 “intendencias”, 4 “comisarías”, 915 municipalities, and 3.789 population centers appear to be recorded, among which were municipal “corregimientos”, as shown in Table 2. From 1970 onwards, the defined structure for Departments and Municipalities and the corresponding assignation of codification for these two territorial entities is applied. With the constitutional reform of 1991, a territorial re-organization was performed; the existing “intendencias” and “comisarías” were raised to the category of departments and the departments, districts, the municipalities, and the indigenous territories (protected indigenous areas that are structured as indigenous territorial entities) were defined as territorial entities. The municipality was instituted as the fundamental entity in the Political-Administrative Division of the State. (See Articles 286 and 329 of the Political Constitution of Colombia) For the codification of the edition of DIVIPOLA of 1992, the territorial entities defined by the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991 were incorporated, with the exception of the indigenous territories; this information was useful in the preparation and dissemination of the population and housing census in 1993. The code continues in 7 positions under the following structure:

Departments: Consisting of 2 digits, from 05 for the Department of Antioquia.

Municipalities: Consisting of three digits, from 001 for the capital of the Department.

Sequential number9: It identifies the categories within the municipalities such as: “corregimientos”, police inspections and hamlets.

In the publication of the year 1992, 32 departments, 1.041 municipalities, and 7.618 population centers appear to be recorded. A new change in the codification was made in 1997; all that was called class in the seventies was then called population center. The code for a population center was structured in 3 digits and within this code; the category of District was included, in addition to the already existing categories (“corregimientos”, Police Inspection, and hamlets). It is important to emphasize that the structure defined in 1970 for Department and Municipality was kept. The code was defined to 8 positions10 under the following structure:

Departments, “Intendencias” and “Comisarías”: Consisting of 2 digits, from 05 for the Antioquia Department.

Municipalities: Consisting of 3 digits, from 001 for the capital of the Department.

Population centers: It identifies the categories within the municipalities corresponding to: “corregimientos” (C), Police Inspection (IP) and hamlets (CAS).

The code was structured of 3 digits, from the code “000” assigned to the Municipal Township.

The edition of the Political-Administrative Division for the year 1997 had in its register: 32 departments, 1.073 municipalities, 19 departmental “corregimientos”, and 8.406 population centers. The DIVIPOLA codification up to September 2011 had 32 departments, 1.011 municipalities, 5 Districts, 20 non-municipalized Areas (formerly called departmental “corregimientos”) (Decree 2274 of 1991 and Court Order C-141-01 February 7, 2001), the San Andrés Island (not counted as a municipality), and 8.109 population centers, whose structure is detailed in Section 3.1.6 (Nomenclatures and Classifications used).

9 Consecutive numeration consisting of two digits, used for the identification of entities within the municipalities such as:

“corregimientos”, Police Inspection, and hamlets. 10 The code structure defined in 1997 has been kept until now.



Aware of the need and relevance of providing users with the best products, DANE submits the Methodology for the Codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia: DIVIPOLA, through which the goal is to present the guidelines and necessary considerations for its use, as well as the procedures for its updating and maintenance. 2.1.1. Information needs. The Political-Administrative Division of Colombia (DIVIPOLA) is a codification standard of continuous use, not only by DANE, but also by other entities that wish to have an organized and updated list of the total units in which the national territory is divided. Through this codification, each department, municipality, non-municipalized area, and population centers are provided with the maximum of stability in their identification.

The main objective is to have all of these units within an inventory and identified by means of a unique code, in order to be able to associate thematic information to them according to users’ needs; thus facilitating the processing and exchange of information in relation to a specific territorial issue. Therefore, it is quite important to keep the DIVIPOLA updated, according to the dynamics that is being generated within each one of the territorial entities.

Similarly, the information collected through the codification process, becomes a national reference in order to understand the changes and the dynamics inherent to the territorial entities. That is to say, beyond the political, administrative, and spatial changes, social and economic processes that generate the new changes in the territorial ordering can also be understood. 2.1.2. Objectives

General objective: to make an inventory and codify the territorial entities of the country, classified as departments, municipalities, non-municipalized areas, and districts, as well as the population centers, in order to accurately identify each one of these divisions of the national territory for statistical purposes.

Specific objectives

- To build a unique identifier for the departments, municipalities, districts, and population centers.

- To keep the inventory of the territorial entities and the population centers of the country

updated, - To establish a code that enables associating the statistical and thematic information with

its corresponding geographical location. 2.1.3. Scope: to make an inventory and to codify the territorial entities defined by the constitution and the law, as well as the population centers in the terms defined by DANE. 2.1.4. Reference framework

Theoretical framework: the codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia, DIVIPOLA, is a national standard that lists and codifies the territorial entities which constitute the Republic of Colombia, specifically those corresponding to: departments, municipalities, non-municipalized areas, (the former departmental “corregimientos”). Similarly, within the municipalities are included in the area rest of municipality the population centers, which are classified into: Police Inspection, hamlets, and municipal “corregimientos”. The purposes for maintaining these units in an inventory are:

- To identify the territorial entities by means of a unique code, in order to differentiate them

and associate thematic information to them, facilitating the processing and exchange of information in specific subjects, contained in the information systems of different entities and municipalities of the country.

- To provide a unique codification system of the territorial units, which enables linking the

statistical information with the geographic information of the territorial units. - To carry out the associations, comparison, aggregation, and exchanges of strategic

statistical information between public and private entities. - To ensure the coherence and comparability of the statistics in order to facilitate the

monitoring and assessment of the departments, municipalities, and/or population centers of the country.

- To facilitate the spatial analysis of the results of the various statistical investigations that

are carried out in DANE. Graph 1. DIVIPOLA Codification Structure

Source: Data of MGN (acronym in Spanish) – DANE

The codification of the Political-Administrative Division of the country is currently comprised of 8 digits as follows:

- The first two digits identify the department, unique within the country. This code is generated in alphabetical order, leaving spaces - between the codes - for future incorporations, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Codification of the departments 2011

Code Department Code Department

05 Antioquia 54 Norte de Santander

08 Atlántico 63 Quindío

13 Bolívar 66 Risaralda

15 Boyacá 68 Santander

17 Caldas 70 Sucre

18 Caquetá 73 Tolima

19 Cauca 76 Valle del Cauca

20 Cesar 81 Arauca

23 Córdoba 85 Casanare

25 Cundinamarca 86 Putumayo

27 Chocó 88 Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina

41 Huila 91 Amazonas

44 La Guajira 94 Guainía

47 Magdalena 95 Guaviare

50 Meta 97 Vaupés

52 Nariño 99 Vichada

Source: Codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia - 2011

- The following three digits identify the municipality; it begins with 001 for the capital of

the department. As in the departments, codification spaces are left between the codes assigned for the incorporation of future municipalities.

In the case of the municipality of Bogotá, D. C., with special regime of capital district and

being the capital of the department of Cundinamarca (according to Article 322 of the Constitution of 1991), for statistical purposes it has the code 11001 and the municipality of Agua de Dios the code 25001, despite of the fact that it is not the capital of Cundinamarca.

Table 4. Shows an example of the municipalities of the department of Quindío

Divipola Code Name of the municipality

63001 Armenia 63111 Buenavista 63130 Calarcá 63190 Circasia 63212 Córdoba 63272 Filandia 63302 Génova 63401 La Tebaida 63470 Montenegro 63548 Pijao 63594 Quimbaya 63690 Salento

Source: DIVIPOLA codification – 2011

- The last three digits correspond to the identification of the population centers (hamlet (CAS)), Police Inspection (IP), municipal “corregimiento” (C), within the municipality. The numbering starts from 000 in order to identify the Municipal Township.

Table 5. Population centers of the municipality of Calarcá

Divipola code Name of the

population center Class

63130000 Calarcá CM (Municipal township)

63130001 Barcelona C

63130003 La Bella CP (Population Center)

63130004 La Virginia C

63130005 Quebradanegra C

63130010 La María CP (Population Center) Source: DIVIPOLA codification – 2011

The DIVIPOLA codification (see Table 5), also includes the following fields:

- Class: Municipal Township, hamlet, Police Inspection, municipal “corregimiento”, population center, and non-municipalized areas.

Conceptual framework

- Non-Municipalized area: it refers to a division of the department that is not part of a determined municipality. The constitutional court by means of the Court Decision C-141-01 of February 7 of 2001 declared unenforceable the departmental divisions to which Article 21 of Decree 2274 of 1991 refers to and whose effect was deferred for a maximum period of two legislatorial terms. The divisions (formerly departmental “corregimientos”) of the departments of Amazonas, Guainía and Vaupés were left as Non-Municipalized Areas (ANM) (acronym in Spanish). In order to establish a unique identifier for them and for census purposes, DANE has assigned them a code with the same structure of the municipalities.

- Municipal Township: it refers to a geographic boundary defined by DANE for statistical

purposes, allusive to the geographical area bounded by the census perimeter. The administrative headquarters are located within, i.e. the town hall.

- Population Center: it is a concept created by DANE for statistical purposes, whose

scope is the geographic location of population nuclei or population settlements. It is

defined as a concentration of at least twenty (20) contiguous dwellings, neighbors or semi-detached houses; located in the rest of the municipality area or in a non-municipalized area. This concentration presents characteristics such as the delimitation of vehicular and pedestrian ways. This concept includes: hamlets (CAS), Police Inspection (IP), and municipal “corregimiento” (C).

- Hamlet (CAS): a concept created by DANE for statistical purposes, which corresponds

to a population center, generally located next to a main road and which does not have civil authority. The same dwellings that make up the conglomerate define the census boundary.

- Department: it is a territorial entity (Political Constitution of Colombia, Article 286), which

has autonomy for the administration of sectional affairs, and for the planning and promotion of the economic and social development within its territory, under the terms established by the constitution and the law. The departments exercise administrative functions of coordination, complementarity to the municipal action, mediation between the Nation and the municipalities, and the provision of services as established by the Constitution and the law (Political Constitution of Colombia, Article 298).

- District: it is a territorial entity, which has some characteristics that makes it stand out or

be distinguished, it may be for its political, commercial, historic, touristic, cultural, industrial, environmental, port, university, or frontier importance. (Political Constitution of Colombia, Article 286).

- Municipal Corregimiento: it is a division of the rural area of the municipality, which

includes a nucleus of population considered in the territorial ordaining plans, POT (acronym in Spanish). The article 117 law 136 of 1994 enables the municipal council to establish this division by mean of agreements, aimed to improve the delivery of services and to ensure the participation of the citizens in the public local affairs.

- Municipality: It is the fundamental territorial entity of the political-administrative division

of the state, with political, fiscal, and administrative autonomy within the limits as established by the Constitution and the laws of the Republic. (Political Constitution of Colombia, Article 311).

- Police Inspection: it is a judicial instance in an area that may or may not be threatened

and which exercises jurisdiction over a given urban or rural municipal territory and that depends on the department (IPD) (acronym in Spanish) or a municipality (IPM) (acronym in Spanish). In most of the cases it is used for electoral purposes.

Legal framework

As it is set forth by Article 1 of Decree 262 of January 28, 2004, the objective of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) is established, which aims to “guarantee the production, availability, and quality of the strategic statistical information, and to direct, plan, implement, coordinate, regulate, and assess the production and dissemination of basic official information”. In this regard, the Political-Administrative Division (DIVIPOLA) codification has become a tool for the planning of the development, the public administration, the research, and the exchange of strategic statistical information generated by different entities at the national, regional or local levels.

In compliance with the above-mentioned legislation, other regulations have been issued in which the functions of the Geostatistics Division were established (through Article 16 of Decree 262 of January 2004), among which are:

Section 1. “To design and implement the operations that guarantee the georeferencing of

the statistical information that the country requires for planning and decision-making by the National Government and the territorial entities”.

Section 9. “To adopt and adapt the standards of production of geographical and spatial

information that guarantees the georeferencing of the basic official information”. With respect to the formation of the territorial entities, which are part of the codification in

the Political-Administrative Division and are legally based upon Articles 286 and 311 of the National Constitution of 1991, Article 2 of the Legislative Act 01 of 2001 (by means of which Article 356 of the Political Constitution is amended), as well as in Article 117 of Act 136 of 1994, in which the following provisions are made:

- Article 286 “The departments, districts, municipalities, and indigenous territories are

territorial entities”. - Article 311. “The municipality as a fundamental entity in the Political-Administrative

Division of the State is responsible for providing the public services as established by law, building the works that the local progress demands, ordering the territorial development, promoting the community participation, improving the social and cultural conditions of the inhabitants, and fulfilling the other functions assigned by the Constitution and the law ”

- Article 2. Legislative Act 01 of 2001 “The districts will have the same competences as

those of the municipalities and departments for the purposes of the distribution of the General System of Contributions as established by law”.

- Article 117 of Act 136 of 1994. “In order to improve the provision of public services and

the participation of the citizenry in the management of the public affairs of local character, the councils may divide their municipalities in quarters in the case of urban areas and in “corregimientos” in the case of rural areas”.

International benchmarks

A series of data infrastructures at the world-level are being developed in order to achieve the standardization of the information systems. As far as the Codification of the Territorial Statistical Units is concerned, we have:

- Nomenclature of the Territorial Statistical Units of the Andean Community The Nomenclature of Territorial Statistical Units of the Andean Community (NUTE

Andina) (acronym in Spanish), is a hierarchical numeric nomenclature built and which is based upon the existing political-administrative units in each one of the Member Countries, where each unit of a higher level is the result of grouping an integer number of units of the level immediately below.

The NUTE Andina and its corresponding codes will be used by the National Services of Statistics of the Member Countries and by the General Secretariat of the Andean Community, in order to prepare the communitarian statistics composed of 11 characters. The first corresponds to the country, the next two to the region, the two following to the first political-administrative division (DPA) (acronym in Spanish) of the country (in Colombia to the Department), the following three numbers correspond to the second DPA of the country (in Colombia to groups of municipalities), and the last three numbers correspond to the third DPA of the country (in Colombia to the municipality). All of the above-mentioned is shown in Table 6, which corresponds to the codification of six municipalities of the department of Cundinamarca (code 25).

Table 6. Nomenclature of the Territorial Statistical Units of the Andean Community

Nute 0 Nute 1 Nute 2 Nute 3 Nute 4 Name of the

nute 4

2 06 25 12 151 Caqueza 2 06 25 12 178 Chipaque 2 06 25 12 281 Fosca 2 06 25 12 339 Gutiérrez 2 06 25 12 841 Ubaque 2 06 25 12 845 Une

Source: Decision 534 of October 2002, updated by Resolutions 837 and 1214 of February 2009.

National benchmarks

- Political Division of the National Civil Registry - DIVIPOL- (acronym in Spanish) It corresponds to the Codification of the Political Division handled by the National Civil

Registry. The Departmental Government in order to make the information easily available to the

citizens, so that they can exercise their right to vote in a more agile and comfortable manner, follows the guidelines established by the Departmental Commission for the Coordination and Monitoring of the Electoral Processes.

Table 7 shows the information provided by the National Civil Registry, corresponding to

the municipality of Acacias, department of Meta.

Table 7. Codification of the Political Division of the National Civil Registry

Code Department Municipality Name of the post Women Men Potential Tables

52 005 01 01 Meta Acacias Con. Escolar Gabriela Mistral 2067 5008 7075 25

52 005 01 02 Meta Acacias Enrique Daniels School Institution 3487 2272 5759 20

52 005 01 03 Meta Acacias Luis Carlos Galán S. Municipal School 4286 1482 5768 20 52 005 02 01 Meta Acacias Juan Humberto B. School Institution 2117 3388 5505 19

52 005 02 02 Meta Acacias 20 De Julio School Institution 4583 2584 7167 25

52 005 90 01 Meta Acacias Pablo Neruda School Institution 4195 4318 8513 11

52 005 98 01 Meta Acacias Prison 17 171 188 1

52 005 99 04 Meta Acacias Dinamarca 439 570 1009 4

52 005 99 06 Meta Acacias La Loma De San Juan 34 50 84 1

52 005 99 08 Meta Acacias Manzanares 48 92 140 1

52 005 99 50 Meta Acacias San Cristobal 16 25 41 1

52 005 99 60 Meta Acacias San Isidro de Chichimene 317 375 692 3

52 005 99 65 Meta Acacias San José de las Palomas 101 154 255 1

Source: National Civil Registry - 2011

The code considered by the National Civil Registry, is comprised of 9 digits of which the seventh and eighth positions indicate the category used by that entity. The Police Inspection and the “corregimientos” are identified by means of the code 99. These data are corroborated with the DIVIPOLA data. 2.1.5. Nomenclatures and Classifications used. As of 1997, a change in the codification was presented, in which the class was structured in three digits.. From that date on, the code was defined in 8 positions under the following structure:

Departments: (two digits). It begins from 05 and ends at 99.

Municipalities: (three digits). It begins from 001 for each capital of department.

Class11:(three digits). It begins from 001 Table 8 shows a more detailed accounting of the codified territorial divisions (territorial entities and population centers) by Department. Subsequently, the composition of the current code of the DIVIPOLA is illustrated.


It identifies the categories within the municipality, including the population centers, “corregimientos”, hamlets, municipal

townships, and Police Inspections.

Table 8. Synthesis of the DIVIPOLA 2011

Code Territorial entities (Article 286 of the National Constitution)

Population Centers


Area in km



area) 4

Departments (Alphabetical order)


Non-municipalized areas (ANM)


91 Amazonas 2 9 37 109.665 05 Antioquia 125 677 63.612 81 Arauca 7 60 23.818

88 Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina

1 8


08 Atlántico 23 67 3.388 11 Bogotá, D.C. 1 6 1.605 13 Bolívar 46 468 25.978 15 Boyacá 123 224 23.189 17 Caldas 27 194 7.888 18 Caquetá 16 104 88.965 85 Casanare 19 77 44.640 19 Cauca 42 608 29.308

20 Cesar 25 213 22.905

27 Chocó 30 440 46.530

23 Córdoba 30 614 25.020

25 Cundinamarca 116 437 22.605 94 Guainía 1 8 16 72.238 95 Guaviare 4 28 53.460 41 Huila 37 210 19.890 44 La Guajira 15 142 20.848 47 Magdalena 30 262 23.188 50 Meta 29 160 85.635 52 Nariño 64 833 33.268 54 Norte de Santander 40 261 21.658 86 Putumayo 13 99 24.885 63 Quindío 12 50 1.845 66 Risaralda 14 160 4.140 68 Santander 87 272 30.537 70 Sucre 26 368 10.917 73 Tolima 47 329 23.562 76 Valle del Cauca 42 651 22.140 97 Vaupés 3 3 9 54.135 99 Vichada 4 25 100.242

Total country 5 32 1.101 20 8.109 1.141.748

Total municipalities + non-municipalized areas 1.121 Counting the San Andres Islands

6 1.122

Districts: 5 Capital District of BOGOTÁ Touristic and cultural district of CARTAGENA DE INDIAS Touristic, cultural, and historic district of SANTA MARTA Special District, Industrial and Port of BARRANQUILLA Special District, Industrial, Port, Bio diverse and Eco-touristic of BUENAVENTURA



1 It includes all of the five districts.

2 Court Decision C-141-01 February 7, 2001 (formerly Departmental “Corregimientos” – CD (acronym in Spanish)).


This concept for statistical purpose groups the hamlets, municipal “corregimientos”, and Police Inspection which have 20 or more semidetached dwellings, contiguous, or neighbors. 4 Information - Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute, IGAC (acronym in Spanish).

5 For the departmental total, Bogotá.D.C., shall not be taken into account as department.

6 San Andrés Island was suppressed as municipality, according to Act 1a/72, for this reason it is not reported in this table. However, for census

purposes it has been assigned a code with the same structure of the municipalities 7 Legislative Act 2 of 2007. Official Journal No. 46.681 of July 6 of 2007, By means of which Articles 328 and 356 of the Political Constitution of

Colombia and Sentence C-033 of January 28 of 2009 of the Full Chamber of Constitutional Court are amended. Source: Political-Administrative Division of Colombia, DIVIPOLA – 2011

2.1.6. Methodology. A process of reception of information coming from different sources is being developed in order to keep the inventory of the territorial units and the population centers of the country updated.

Within the received information, for the updating of the Political-Administrative Division DIVIPOLA (which are detailed in Section 3.2.1 Collection or compilation of information), an analysis and assessment about such information is carried out, which is detailed below.

Analysis and assessment of the information provided

Once the information received is verified with the information registered in the codification of the Political-Administrative Division DIVIPOLA, the following cases may occur: - The information corresponds to a new municipality - The information corresponds to a new population center

- The population center already exists

- Elimination of a population center

- Change of name of the territorial entity

- Change of class For each of these cases the procedure is as follows:

- The information corresponds to a new municipality: in order for part of a territory

within a department to be established at the category of municipality it must comply with the requirements established in Article 8 of Act 136 of June 2 of 1994, amended by Article 15 of Act 617/2000.

The activities required by law for the creation of a new municipality are listed below:

1. Presentation of the initiative, by the Governor, the members of the Departmental Assembly, or the community.

2. According to the “Methodology for developing the study about the economic and social desirability and feasibility of creating a new municipality”12 prepared by the National Planning Department - DNP- (acronym in Spanish), it is established that in order to follow the procedures of ordinance about the proposal of the creation of a new municipality, a preliminary map of the territorial entity to be created, should be elaborated; this map must be linked with the National Geodetics Network or drawn up on the georreferenced cartography. Likewise, it shall have territorial continuity, it shall be at 1:25,000 scale or 1 100,000 scale, depending on the area; it shall also show the location of the separated area, as well as the area from which it has been separated, it shall present commonality between the general description of the limit


and its lay out on the map, and it shall have a technical review and the endorsement of a professional, with experience in cartography.

3. Based upon the area of the new municipality and the area of the municipality from which it has been segregated13, DANE, shall make the calculation of preliminary estimates of population (projections) to June 30 of the year in which the application is submitted. As mentioned in Act 617 of 2000, DANE must certify that the new municipality “shall have at least fourteen thousand (14,000) inhabitants and that the municipality or municipalities from which it is intended to separate do not decrease its or their population below this stated limit”.

4. Preparation of the technical concept.

5. Elaboration of the Ordinance Project whereby the new municipality is created, when it is viable, and its creation is convenient.

6. Approval and sanction of the Project by the Departmental Assembly. 7. In the case when the popular consultation has preceded to the ordinance, a

referendum should be carried out involving citizens of the respective territory.

When the ordinance of creation for the new municipality is submitted to DANE, the respective DANE code is assigned and the relevant authorities are notified. DANE certifies before the National Department of Planning –DNP- and the Electoral Council of the National Civil Registry, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute –IGAC- (acronym in Spanish), the population estimates and the indicator with respect to the degree of poverty of the new municipality, which is measured by the index of unmet basic needs (NBI) (acronym in Spanish) or the indicator that replaces it.

In order to assign the DANE code, a verification is made to assure that the area forming the new municipality corresponds to the fusion of two or more population centers and if they are registered in the DIVIPOLA codification. In this case, they will be registered as not current in the codification of the separating municipality.

In addition, if population centers registered in the separating municipality are added to the new municipality, they are also considered not current in the separating municipality and a new code is assigned to them in the new or separated14 municipality, in which they will be considered in force.

- The information corresponds to a new population center: The municipal authorities report the existence of new population centers, in order to

incorporate them in the DIVIPOLA codification. The information provided by the municipal authorities, is verified with information

coming from other sources (cartography and satellite images among others).


They refer to the municipalities that by previous agreements have ceded part of their territorial areas for the creation or modification of other municipalities.

14 They refer to the municipalities that by previous agreements are conformed from the territory of a current municipality; generally such territory corresponds to a part of the rural area of the separating municipality.

Once the information has been verified, DANE proceeds to assign a code using the administration module of the DIVIPOLA (this code can be assigned either automatically or manually).

- The information corresponds to an existing population center.

The municipal authorities report the population centers that exist in the municipality, in order to do the validation in the DIVIPOLA codification. The existing information is validated when:

The municipality authority reports that they are located in the same department and

municipality, that they are registered in the DIVIPOLA and the reported name of the population center is the same as the one registered in the DIVIPOLA codification.

Verification is made that there are not two populated centers with the same name in

the same municipality.

The class reported by the municipal authority, corresponds to the one registered in the DIVIPOLA codification. If the population center’s class is not defined by the municipal authority, it is identified in a generic way as “CP” (Population Center) (acronym in Spanish)

If a population center is listed as current in the DIVIPOLA codification, but is not

mentioned by the municipal authority at the time of reporting it to DANE, then its status of current will be removed, indicating that “the municipality does not exist”; unless it is registered in the cartographic database.

- Elimination of a population center

The population centers registered in the DIVIPOLA that do not comply with the

definition are eliminated; in other words, they lose their status as current because they do not have twenty or more neighboring, semi-detached dwellings, and do not have urban characteristics, but correspond to scattered dwellings.

The population centers that are absorbed by the Municipal Township or by other

population centers are eliminated (in order to carry out this process the municipal government shall enclose the legal support and the corresponding cartography).

When the same population center is reported in two municipalities, it is eliminated from

one of them. In order to implement this process, the municipal authority of the place where the population center is located, shall enclose the legal support and the corresponding cartography.

In the previously described cases, the codification is updated by means of the administration module of the DIVIPOLA. The populated centers that do not exist are marked as non-current and the new ones are coded and incorporated.

- Change of name of the territorial entity

In order to confirm that the name is spelled correctly, the verification of every one of the names of the municipalities and population centers shall be carried out. This verification is performed with the support of the territorial entities. Any name that is changed shall have the respective legal support issued by the office that provides the information.

Change of class The classification (“corregimiento”, Police Inspection, hamlet or population center) that is currently registered in the DIVIPOLA codification must be verified. This verification is carried out taking into account the information provided by the competent authority and the changes are registered.

2.2. DIVIPOLA ELABORATION DESIGN The codification of the Political-Administrative Division is updated on a continuous basis, for which the development of the following activities is taken into account:

Annually, the information contained in the Political Division – DIVIPOL- which is handled by the National Civil Registry is required in order to have a comparative framework of information.

Written and telephone contact that is performed with the municipal authorities (municipal mayors and planning secretaries).

Carrying out of statistical operations such as: census or samples, which facilitate the collection of the thematic information, the verification and updating of the territorial entities, including the population centers in a simultaneous manner.

Consultation of the Territorial Zoning Plans and their modifications.

Intermediation of the Colombian Federation of Municipalities15 as facilitators within the training process provided to the municipalities, in order to show the advantages of having an updated DIVIPOLA codification.

Consulting the Website of each municipality, in order to analyze the information of the territorial zoning which may serve for the updating and maintenance of the Political-Administrative Division and its codification.

Creation of a consultation system of the Political-Administrative Division (DIVIPOLA)16, which is a tool that enables the consultation in the national territory via Web.


The Colombian Federation of Municipalities is a legal entity, not for profit, of an associative nature and of guild character, it is ruled by the private law, organized based upon the freedom of association set forth in Article 38 of the Political Constitution. All the municipalities, districts, and municipality associations of the country belong by their own right to this body and its purpose is to defend their interests. 16

Refer to

Carrying out of discussion groups with entities, which handle codifications of the territorial entities in their databases; this is done with the purpose of showing the advantages of the system to promote the use of the DIVIPOLA codification.

2.2.1. Collection or compilation of information. Among the information received from different sources for updating the Political-Administrative Division DIVIPOLA, are:

Laws that support the creation of departments

Ordinances for the creation of the municipalities

Notifications in writing if the creation and/or modification of a population center is involved.

List of Police Inspections; “corregimiento”, and places where voting tables are located, called Political-Division –DIVIPOL-, provided by the National Civil Register.

Cartographic information, where the municipal townships and population center verified in field are reported and included.


2.3.1. DIVIPOLA Administration Module. The DIVIPOLA administration module has been developed in order to keep the codification of the territorial entities updated. (See Graph 2).

Graph 2. DIVIPOLA administration module

The management of this module is for exclusive use of the Geostatistics Division of DANE. Through this module, the reported modifications are carried out in such a way that they reflect the updated dynamics of the territorial entities. This tool presents the following structure.

Observations to DIVIPOLA

In this module it is possible to update the reference information of the municipalities and population centers. In this module are also registered the date, and time in which the updating is made, as well as the date of the official document whereby the modification is regulated. By clicking on Observations to DIVIPOLA the following window will be displayed as shown in Graph 3.

Graph 3. Observations to DIVIPOLA

Once the territorial entity to be updated is selected, the following fields are displayed in the window:

Change: this table shows the data of municipalities and the municipality townships that can be updated.

In order to change any of the data that are shown in the table, the circle that appears on the left side of each option shall be clicked on.

Name MPIO (acronym in Spanish) (Name of municipality): by clicking on this option, a text box is displayed in which the new name of the municipality is typed.

Name C.P. (Name of population center): by clicking on this option, a text box is displayed in which the new name of the municipal township is typed.

Class: by clicking on this option, the current class and the name are displayed, and under the column “new value” a text box is displayed in which the new class for the territorial entity, which is being updated can be typed.

Validity: by clicking on this option, the current status of the municipal township is displayed under the column “current values”, and under the column “new values” the new state that the municipal township would take is selected (current or not current). In addition, there is a field that will show some options that are related to the loss of validity; from these options, the one that corresponds to the reason of the modification will be selected.

Blocks: by clicking on this option, the number of blocks that the municipal township currently has is displayed under the column “current values”; and under the column “new values” a text box is displayed in which the new number of blocks of the municipality can be typed.

Area MPIO (Municipality area): by clicking on this field, the current area of the municipality is displayed under the column “current values”, and under the column “new value” a text box is displayed in which the new value of the area of the municipality it can be typed, as shown in the following example:

Graph 4. Completing observations to DIVIPOLA

Add population centers

When this option is selected, the application includes information on how to include new population centers to the municipalities. (See Graph 5)

When the territorial entity in which the new population center will be included, the following fields become active:

Name of the new population center: the name of the new population center is written in this text box.

Category: in this field, the category that the new population center will have is selected. In order to select the category (Police Inspection, hamlet, and municipal “corregimiento”), the button on the right side of the category field is clicked on, and this will display a list. Then the desired category is clicked on and this category will be selected.

Blocks: the number of blocks that the new population center has is typed in this field.

Date of Creation: the date in which the new population center was created is typed in this field.

Administrative act: the supplementary information pertaining to the creation of a new municipality is typed in this field.

Graph 5. Addition of population centers

The application alphabetically sorts the population centers and assigns them a number according to this order.

Creation of municipalities It enables including new municipalities in the departments. When this option is selected, the following fields are displayed: Municipality The municipality is registered as a population center: this option is selected if the new municipality is registered in DIVIPOLA as a population center. The municipality is NOT registered as a population center: this option is selected if the new municipality is NOT registered in DIVIPOLA as a population center.

Codification Automatic codification: when this option is selected, the application assigns a code to the new municipality, placing it alphabetically within the existing municipalities. Manual codification: this option is used when the application administrator manually assigns the code to the new municipality.

Modifications Report

This option is accessed by clicking on the button Modification consult of the main administration window of DIVIPOLA, which enables obtaining a report with respect to the observations and modifications made in the reference information of the municipalities and population centers, as it is shown in Graph 6. The modifications made to the municipalities and population centers are stored in a table that may be consulted in order to verify the changes made.

Graph 6. Modifications report

2.4. DESIGN OF QUALITY CONTROL METHODS AND MECHANISMS 2.4.1. Quality Control Mechanisms. In order to guarantee refined, relevant, and official information of the codification, some quality control mechanisms have been generated which enable regulating the updating processes of DIVIPOLA. This information is received from the municipal administrations and from the National Civil Registry. The procedure consists of:

- Review of information: If the information from the three sources coincides, it is validated


- If there are differences, the respective information is requested in writing to the municipal administration.

- If there are differences, the information is validated with the one reported in the Territorial

Zoning Plan. Once the information has been updated (by means of the application), an official written notice is sent to the municipal administration, with the updated report of the population centers. In addition, the information is published in DANE’s Website and it is submitted for the consideration of all users, so that if there is any novelty, the same territorial authorities will report the differences to DANE.

2.5. PRODUCTS DELIVERY AND DISSEMINATION 2.5.1. Products and dissemination instruments. In order to publish and disseminate the results pertaining to the codification update of the Political-Administrative Division of the country, mechanisms have been generated which broaden the spectrum of access, analysis and dissemination of the information produced by the Entity, among which are:

Consultation system of the DIVIPOLA Codification

The consultation module of the Political-Administrative Division (DIVIPOLA) is a geographic information system via web that enables the consultation in the national territory of the codification of territorial entities associated with the spatial component. Likewise, the consultation module includes different functions, which enable visualizing geographically and dynamically the information at different levels.17


The consultation system can be accessed by means of the following link:

Graph 7. DIVIPOLA consultation module

Source: DANE Website

Political-Administrative Division of Colombia – Divipola

Consultation System

The consultation module of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia is a system of geographical information via Web that enables the consultation in the national territory of the Political-Administrative Division, which constitutes fundamental information for the design of policies, the provision of public utilities, as well as the definition of criteria for the allocation of resources by the central government.

Mobile Application

The Divipola 2012 Mobile is an application for mobile phones and other devices on Android Version 2.1 or higher, which enables the consultation of the codification of the Political-Administrative Division: departments, municipalities, non-municipalized areas (formerly departmental “corregimientos”), as well as the population centers (Police Inspection, hamlets and “corregimientos”).

Download application

Installation Manual

Publication of the Codification of the Political-Administrative Division of the

Country, DIVIPOLA.

DANE disseminates the information generated from the update of the Codification of the Political-Administrative Division of the country through printed and digital publications. The last published version in print corresponds to the year 2010, which is composed by:

- A map with the Political-Administrative Division of the country by department;

- A monograph of the departments (general aspects, physical, environmental, population, economic, communication channels, culture, and tourism);

- A list of names and codes of the Political-Administrative Division of the departments,

municipalities, and non-municipalized areas, municipal townships and population centers;

- Supplementary information of the municipalities such as: area, distance to the

department capital, and year of creation. Graph 8. Publications of the DIVIPOLA codification

Source: DANE- DIVIPOLA Publications 2007 and 2010

DANE also makes available to the general public, the scanned publications corresponding to the years: 1953, 1954, 1960, 1964, 1965,1967, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1997, 2000 by means of DANE’s virtual library18,.

List in MS Excel The list of the DIVIPOLA is available by accessing the link: The list is composed of the following fields: - Department Code: it corresponds to the code that identifies the department within the



It can be accessed through the following link:

- Municipality code: it corresponds to the code that identifies the municipality within the

department; - Population Center code: it corresponds to the code that identifies the population center

within the municipality. - Name of department; - Name of municipality; - Name of population center; - Class: classification of the population center according to the Territorial Zoning of the

municipality. Graph 9. MS Excel list Codification of the DIVIPOLA

Source: Political-Administrative Division of Colombia, DIVIPOLA, DANE 2011


For the administration and maintenance of the codification of the Political-Administrative Division – DIVIPOLA, the Geostatistics Division has developed a methodological document, which is a guide for the administration module of the DIVIPOLA, which describes the steps to follow for the incorporation of the modifications reported by the municipal authorities, (\\dg_pc06\DIVIPOLA\Históricos DIVIPOLA - temporary path-)


Census perimeter: it is a concept created by DANE for statistical purposes, which delimits the area of the municipal township. Municipal remaining areas: geographical boundary defined by DANE for statistical purposes, related to the geographic area comprised between the Census Perimeter and the Municipal Boundary defined by Ordinance of the Departmental Assembly. It is characterized by dispersed layout of dwellings and farming existing within it. It does not have a road nomenclature in terms of streets and avenues, and in general it does not have public services, or other type of facilities inherent to the urban areas. It can be constituted by population centers and disperse population. Territorial entity: this name is given to the departments, districts, municipalities, and the indigenous territories; they have autonomy for the management of their interests within the limits of the Constitution and the law. Territorial Zoning Plan: “The Zoning of the Territory as a whole is a public function, which corresponds to the municipal authorities for the fulfillment of certain goals. It is exercised through the urban action of the municipal entities, referred to the administrative decisions and city-planning actions which are inherent to it, related to the Territorial Zoning and the intervention in the uses of soil and space occupation”. (First paragraph of Article 8 of Agreement 015 of 2000).

ACRONYMS (in Spanish)

ANM: Non-Municipalized Area. C: “Corregimiento”. CAS: Hamlet. CM: Municipal Township. CP: Population Center. DIVIPOLA: Codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia. IP: Police Inspection. IPD: Departamental Police Inspection. IPM: Municipal Police Inspection. POT: Territorial Zoning Plan. NUTE: Nomenclature of Statistical Territorial Units.


CONSTITUCIÓN POLÍTICA DE COLOMBIA (Political Constitution of Colombia), 1991 CÓDIGO DE REGIMEN MUNICIPAL (Municipal Regime Code), Decree 1333 of 1986 DANE- Codificación de la División Político-administrativa de Colombia (Codification of the Political-Administrative Division of Colombia) - DIVIPOLA 2010 NATIONAL ADMINISTATIVE DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS -DANE. División Político administrativa de Colombia, años (Political-Administrative Division of Colombia, years) 1970, 1983, 1988, 1992, 1997, 2000 and 2007 AGUSTÍN CODAZZÍ GEOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE– IGAC. Diccionario Geográfico de Colombia (Geographic Dictionary of Colombia). Version 1996 Nomenclature of the Statistical Territorial Units Used by the European Union. NUTE ANDINA 2009. Nomenclature of Statistical Territorial Units of the Andean Community. NATIONAL CIVIL REGISTRY. División Político-administrativa Electoral de Colombia (Electoral Political-Administrative Division of Colombia) - 2010MANUAL DEL MÓDULO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN DE LA DIVIPOLA (Manual of the DIVIPOLA Administration Module) Geostatistics Division


The translation of the Bibliography is for reference purposes only.