
Post on 13-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Nathan

Gorge Washington

Nathan Berry

Birth – Date and Place

• February 22,• Popes Creek, West

mere land county.


• Had 3 kids and 2 step kids one was a miscarriage though. And a wife.

• Wife – Mary ball

• Step children – John Parke Custis. Who was called “Jacky”. And Martha Patsy Custis. Who was called “Pasty”

Early Childhood Life

• George Washington grew up with nine brothers and sisters.


• By the time he was 16 he had a rudimentary education, studying mathematics, surveying, reading, and the usual subjects of his day

Accomplishments and Awards

• He was a successful planter and landowner, a successful general of the army, recipient of the congressional medal, and the first elected president of the United States.

Obstacles George Washington Overcame.

• He had to leave his family to go to war at age 20.

• He had to over come being kilt because he was the president of the U.S.A .

Why I think George Washington is a hero.

• For fighting for his country at age 20,

• For being the 1rst president in U.S history.

• For making new laws and making schools.

Famous Quotes

• A slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends.

• Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company.

• Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.

Death – Date and Place

• George Washington,

• Died on march 3, 1979.

Other Interesting Facts

• George Washington is an American hero whose fame is not wholly accounted for by the record of his life. Like Lincoln, the man was infinitely greater than anything he did. A military genius, he wrested liberty from tyranny; a statesman, he helped evolve a stable government from political chaos; a patriot, he refused a crown. Wisdom, patience, tolerance, courage, consecration to the righteous cause animated his every act. Ingratitude, injustice and treachery never embittered him, but served to strengthen his character. He grew in dignity and in capacity to the need of his growing responsibility and power, but he never became arrogant and ambition and opportunity never tempted him from the narrow path of honor.






