Natalie Nagele Wildbit Feeding the Beast

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Natalie Nagele Wildbit Feeding the Beast

Natalie NageleCEO of Wildbit


Keeping the Fun in Your Business Life

16 100,000+ 27YEARS IN BUSINESS



A development workflow you use, not manage

A fast & reliable transactional-only email platform for web applications

A complete workflow to write, review & deploy code.

Instantly build and ship code anywhere in one consistent process for your entire team.

In Beta!

1. Happy

2. Profitable

3. Growing

4. Bootstrapped

5. Having a LOT of fun

We are:

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Beanstalk Growth

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Beanstalk Growth

Growth happened to us

Don’t just copy what others do (duh!)

We had no purpose except to grow

Photo by Medena Rosa via Unsplash

1 Why did you start your business?

Photo by averie woodard via Unsplash

Why did we start Wildbit?• Financial security

• Control our future

• Prove we can do it

• Have fun!

Why are you running your business?

The bigger you become, the farther away you drift from why you started in the first place.

2 The Beast

The Beast is the business itself

Image credit:Google

What do I need?What does the team need?


What does the business need?–The Beast

But, the business isn’t real

What is real?• You

• Your team

• Your customer

• Your community

What is real?• You

• Your team

• Your customer

• Your community

3 Your Team

Happy team = $$$$

Focus on your team first. Then they can focus on your customer .

We exist for our team

Team is committed to each other , not a product

3.1 Team - Intentional Culture

Cyprus Retreat2007

Culture sometimes happens to you

Does your culture leave others behind?

Photo by Matt Popovich via Unsplash


Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and

psychological environment of an organization.



Photograph by

Photograph by Yucatar

You need to make sure you have healthy values if you want to build a company

focused on the people that build it.

Why do people have a job?1. Success or purpose in their professional life

2. Enable a life outside of work (we work for our hobbies)

Work to live vs. live to work

Tie your values to those simple principles.

Wildbit is product agnostic. We exist to support our team.

As individuals, we are self motivated and constantly improving our craft.

As a team, we support each other to do the work of our lives.

We expect great things from ourselves. You should expect the same from everyone else.

We are driven by one metric: our customer’s success.

Be respectful, natural and transparent in communication.

Most things are not urgent. Be patient, stay calm, go home.

The best work happens in peace and quiet (or when you are not around a computer).

Be practical. The best decisions consider time, resources and mutual acceptance.

Don’t be an asshole.











Wildbit is product agnostic. We exist for our team.


Don’t be an asshole10

Policies back up values

1. Flexible working hours

2. Profit sharing

3. Competitive salaries

4. Private offices

5. Best benefits we can afford

Policies like:

What work fulfills the team?

If we built Beanstalk today , what would it look like?

4 The founders

Lifestyle Business

Lifestyle Business


Lifestyle Business


Regular Business

Businesses are not built for martyrdom

Growing to sell

Growing to keep

Take care of yourself so you have incentive to keep going

5 Grow! Grow! Grow!

Grow with intention

It’s ok to exit, too

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Postmark Growth

–Seth Godin

Don’t grow unless it brings you joy.“ ”

You can do it.6

Consciously and explicitly make choices for yourself and your team.

Quit serving the business and serve the people

The business serves you

Natalie NageleCEO of Wildbit
