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CreditScoring Guide A step-by-step guide to building application

scorecards using CreditScoring by TrimTab

Prepared by: TrimTab Solutions

Prepared on: December, 2013.

Version: 2.0

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CreditScoring Guide

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Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................... 3

Data acquisition and sampling .................................................. 7

Usage of ratios and integers ........................................................................................... 10

Historical and target periods ........................................................................................... 10

Handling missing values ................................................................................................. 11

Target and partitioning ............................................................ 14

Data Management ................................................................... 18

Grouping ................................................................................. 20

Selection ........................................................................................................................ 29

Scorecard ................................................................................ 31

Misclassification ............................................................................................................. 32

Visualizing scorecard performance ................................................................................. 34

Exporting scorecards ...................................................................................................... 44

Pre-implementation validation ........................................................................................ 46

Conclusion .............................................................................. 48

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Recent world financial crisis has shown the importance of risk management in financial institutions, and

the dire consequences for the financial systems when risk management is lacking or inadequate. The

continuing recession in many countries throughout Europe, coupled with the slow or nonexistent recovery

in many parts of SEE pose significant challenges, especially to retail banks.

Decreased revenue per client, increased market saturation and new, potentially adverse legal

frameworks in many countries mean that retail banks now more than ever have to focus on finding the

“right” clients and identifying the “wrong” ones whether among their own clients or among potential ones.

Let us look more closely what these terms “right” and “wrong” actually mean.

From a credit risk management perspective when dealing with personal, mortgage loans or similar

products, a “right” client is a low-risk client, or more precisely the client that has a low probability to

default on his obligations. According to the definition from the Basel II Capital Accord the default is when

“the obligor is past due more than 90 days on any material credit obligation to the banking group” (article

452 of the Basel II Accord).

“Right” clients in the majority of cases regularly honour their obligations and pay monthly instalments.

“Wrong” clients on the other hand are clients with a high probability to default. These clients usually tend

to default on their obligations which (due to their inability to pay caused by adverse economic

circumstances or sometimes even due to outright fraud) cause significant loses to the bank, even if the

loans were secured with collateral. Falling real estate prices in SEE and adverse legal frameworks (many

countries have significant laws and by-laws protecting the consumer) mean that even after an arduous

collection process a bank will usually incur a loss. When taken as a percentage of total exposure, it is

defined as a Loss Given Default (LGD). LGD is “a percentage of loss over the total exposure when bank's

counterparty goes to default”.

This identification and ultimately separation of “right” and “wrong” clients is where credit risk scorecards

come into play. Credit risk scorecards enable banks to quickly, consistently and objectively assess

each client’s chances of delinquency non payment – in other words the Probability of Default (PD).

Not only that, but credit risk scorecards (used in conjunction with loan approval IT applications) also

speed up the loan approval process, reducing the need for human intervention in the form of loan experts

that would have to go analyze each and every loan application. This, coupled with their ability to correctly

assess the credit worthiness of each client/applicant has a significant effect of the Bank’s balance.

How do statistically based credit risk scorecards work? They work by using data mining techniques,

notably regression analysis.

Data mining is a subfield of computer science which deals with discovering patterns in large data sets

involving disparate methods from the fields such as machine learning, statistics and databases, while

regression analysis is considered a statistical process where the relationship between a dependent

variable and one or more independent variables is analyzed. Specifically, regression analysis helps

one understand how the typical value of the dependent variable changes when other independent

variables are varied.

In CreditScoring terminology, this means that the information about the client acquired from his loan

application and the history of his relationship with the bank, as well as information from third party

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sources such as credit bureaus (independent variables) can help us predict the outcome (dependent

variable) – whether the client will honour his obligations or default on his payments.

Usually, the dependent variable or target variable as it is usually called in CreditScoring can have two

distinct values. Therefore, it is considered a binary type variable denoting whether a client has defaulted

(turned out to be a “Wrong” client) or honoured his obligations (turned out a “Right” client).

How does this work in practice? In order to successfully apply regression analysis and determine the

relationship between the target variable and independent variables the bank should prepare a data

set containing historical data where the values of target and independent variables are already known.

The data set (collection of data, usually in the form of a single database table) for creating a statistical

scorecard should contain historical data about clients to whom loans have already been disbursed in

the past.

This historical data should contain the following information about each client in the form of independent


Social and demographic information (age, gender, education, marital status, type of residence...)

Financial information (salary amount, household income, loan amount applied for...)

Information about the relationship with the bank (delinquency history, number of products with

the bank, account overdrafts...)

Third-party data from credit bureaus

Coupled with this information, the dataset should contain the target variable which denotes whether the

client has defaulted. This is usually denoted using Boolean logic where the default is noted as default=1

(true) and non-default as 0 (false).

The timeframe for monitoring whether a client has defaulted (called observation period) is usually 12

months after loan approval. So for each loan from a monthly vintage, if he has at least once defaulted

in the period of 12 months following the approval, the value of his target variable will reflect that with the

value 1.

The exceptions to this rule are behaviour scorecards (see below) whose observation period is usually 6

months due to the fact that they are used to monitor existing loans.

Now, based on this historical information and the established relationship between the target variable

and the independent variables (or input variables) we can predict with a specific degree of probability

the value of the target variable for every combination of input variables.

We’ll explain the principle using this simplified example:

Data set

Client name Education level Default (yes/no)

Jack High school degree Yes (1)

Jill University degree No (0)

Here we have the data set containing historical information (input variables) about clients to whom loans

have already been disbursed, and the outcome of their repayment (target variable). Based on this

information we can establish the relationship between the Education level of a client and the outcome of

repayment (establishing relationship between the client’s name and whether a client will default wouldn’t

make sense from a business standpoint as will be discussed later).

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Now, we can try to predict the outcome of repayment for a new client who applies for a loan:

Client name Education level Default (yes/no)

Mary High school degree ?

Based on the relationship between Education level and default status from our historical data we can

predict that the client will default on his obligations and therefore his loan application will not be approved.

This is a very simplified example that illustrates the general principle of using historical data for

development of credit risk scorecards. Naturally things aren’t so clear cut in the real world and one

cannot say with complete certainty whether a client with default.

What CreditScoring does is not identifying “Right” or “Wrong” clients (“goods” and “bads”) but instead it

provides a statistical probability (usually called a score) that an applicant will be “good” or “bad” –

whether he will default or no.

So a credit risk scorecard is actually a group of characteristics, statistically determined to be predictive

in separating good and bad clients.

Before proceeding, let us briefly examine the types of scorecards that can be used:

Application scorecards - as the name implies, they are used to process loan applications and

calculate the corresponding riskiness of an applicant, whether he is a client of the bank (which

means that he has an established relationship with the bank) or a non-client (who has no

previous history with the bank). Usually different scorecards are developed for clients and non-

clients respectively, as there is much more information available in the bank’s IT system about

the former. Application scorecards are usually used in the credit approval process for reaching a

“approve/don’t approve/refer to higher instance” decision.

Behaviour or “monitoring” scorecards – once a loan has been disbursed, the bank has to

regularly re-assess the riskiness of the clients, due to the length of the repayment period,

especially for mortgage loans. As time passes the initial assessment may prove obsolete and

regular assessment of client’s probability of default is necessary. Therefore, behaviour

scorecards are used (usually quarterly) to determine the client’s probability of default, based on

most recent financial information, including repayment performance and his overall relationship

with the bank. By identifying the riskiest clients, the bank can take preventive actions in order to

insure itself against potential loss.

After this brief explanation of basic concepts, it is time to begin our step-by-step guide for modelling with

CreditScoring by TrimTab. During the following chapters, we will cover all the steps of typical model

development process as well as the methods to determine the efficiency of the model. Further theoretical

explanations will ensue during the specific steps of the modelling process, which can be roughly divided

into the following steps:

Data – includes loading the data into CreditScoring as well as selecting correct modelling


Target and Partitioning - during this step the target variable will be selected and analysed, as

well as different subsets of the modelling data set used for development, validation and testing

which will be explained in the next chapter.

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Data Management – determines data types, order of ordinal variables and helps transform types

of variables (for example, real number variables into categorical ones).

Grouping – presents the most crucial modelling step. Where measures such as Weight of

Evidence (WoE) and Information Value (IV) are calculated. These terms will be discussed in

depth later on, but in a nutshell they help determine how input variables and their corresponding

attributes affect the target variable. Grouping of input variables into distinct categories is also

performed in this step.

Selection – used to determine which variables will be used in the regression process.

Scorecard – helps us determine the final scorecard and creates charts that visualize

corresponding measures that describe the created scorecard’s ability to correctly classify

“default” and “non-default” cases (clients). Scorecard performance measurement will be

explained in depth in this step.

Without further ado, let us begin the creation of a viable credit scorecard for clients on the available

sample data.

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Data acquisition and sampling

Assuming that the data set for modelling has been created from historical data about previously

disbursed loans and their corresponding repayment outcome in the following format, record by record:

ID number Input Variable 1 Input Variable 2 ... Target variable

1 Value12 Value12

2 Value21 Value22

The example shown below is a textual file delimited by Tab.

CreditScoring supports the following input file formats:

Tab delimited (text)

Comma separated values - CSV (extension .csv)

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We can now proceed with the loading of data by selecting our data set using the Browse button and

clicking on Start Import:

After the data has been loaded, a Summary window will open, enabling us to start analyzing input

variables. Detailed knowledge of the data set is absolutely crucial not only for identifying potential data

quality errors, but understanding the structure and distribution of the variables and the underlying

business logic.

CreditScoring automatically determines the variable type and calculates the number of attributes (a

number of distinct values for a specific input variable) and missing values, which will be dealt with during

the modelling process. By clicking on a specific variable, we can see more detailed information, including

specific values of attributes.

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By using the Data View functionality we can analyze cross sections of the dataset by dragging the

column names into the area above the columns and drilling down to specific cross sets of data. In the

following example, after grouping the records by Maturity or Loan Term we can examine specific records

for attributes of the variable Age:

This feature is invaluable when it comes to detecting and interpreting outliers – attributes that are

significantly larger or smaller (for numerical variables) from other values. Outliers may occur in data sets

due to data quality errors during the processing of loan application, human errors or simply during the

data preparation.

For example, if during the data view analysis we found an attribute with a value of 120 for the variable

Age, it would most likely be an error as there are probably no 120 year old clients of the bank.

An outlier does not have to necessary be an error, and may even contain significant information that can

explain the behaviour of the population as a whole, or indicate potential deficiencies in the data collection


Please note that in the sample data set we have a total of 27 variables (excluding the ID number column)

that can be assigned into previously defined categories.

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Usage of ratios and integers

Usually, the question that arises when dealing with Real number input variables (integer or real) is

whether to use absolute numbers or ratios. This varies depending on the case.

For example, non-financial input variables such as Age or Number of children in almost all cases tend to

be used as absolute numbers, as these are real world variables that tend to follow some type of normal

distribution (potentially skewed) and have the same scale applicable to the whole client population.

On the other hand, financial values such as Income, Monthly instalment usually tend to be used as ratios.

The reason is that these financial variables are non-linear and tend to vary greatly from client to client.

For example, it is much more relevant to know the percentage of the client’s salary that is used to pay the

regular monthly instalment, that the absolute amount used or remaining for other expenses. Also, when

dealing with behaviour variables describing client’s relationship with the bank, it is more appropriate to

calculate the ratio – for example, percentage of current account overdraft used on average that the

absolute overdraft amount.

Here is a simple explanation – one client may have 5000 EUR approved current account overdraft, and

uses on average 500 EUR overdraft monthly. The other client, with an approved overdraft of 2500 EUR

uses up also 500 EUR on average.

Comparing these two average overdraft amounts, which are identical as integers, show that the first client

uses up 10% of his available overdraft, while the second client uses 20%.

Also, usage of ratios for financial variables eliminates potential macroeconomic effects, such as inflation,

because, for example the income/monthly instalment ratio remains the same, regardless of the inflation

(assuming in an ideal world that interest rates remain the same and that the income increases on par with

the inflation).

Historical and target periods

As we mentioned in the penultimate chapter we have assumed that the modelling data set has been

created from historical data about previously disbursed loans and their corresponding repayment


What does this mean exactly? Well, in order to gather sufficient data about approved and disbursed

loans, we have to go back in time and gather previous loan applications about disbursed loans and their

corresponding repayment outcome.

The past period from which we gather loan application data is called the historical period. Depending on

the size of the portfolio and available data from the IT systems, the historical period is usually 12 to 24


One has to be careful not to go too far back into the past, because approval criteria, business and

macroeconomic environments may have differed significantly. There is usually a trade-off between

increasing the historical period for gathering information about a sufficient number of defaults (events)

and keeping it in check in order to ensure that data about clients is relevant to current market conditions.

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Now, the term repayment outcome mentioned before actually refers to whether the client has defaulted

on his obligations at least once in the set time period (called the target period) after approval. The

clients may be over 90 days late on his payments, and repay his due obligations with interest in the

ensuing target period after approval, but he is still regarded as having defaulted.

This information – whether the clients has defaulted or not – is stored in the target variable.

The target period refers for application scorecards is usually 12 months and for behaviour scorecards 6


We will explain these concepts on a simple example. Let us assume for the sake of this example that

today is the 1st

of January 2013. According to previously mentioned best practices, we do not want to

use too old loan applications and their repayment outcomes, so we will settle for a historical period of

12 months and a target period of 12 months as well.

So, this means that our modelling data set will consists of the loans approved between 1st

of January

2011 and 1st

of January 2012.

Now, the first question that may come to mind is why not use loans approved until the 1st

of January

2013? Well, because of the repayment outcome in the target period. We have to allow a target period of

12 months after approval to see how the client performs - whether he will default or not.

This means that the newest loans for which we have a target period of 12 months in which we observe

the repayment outcome are those approved on the 1st

of January 2012 (assuming the bank is open on


This leads us to another issue – we cannot measure performance of all loans on a specific date, but for

each loan (or a batch of loans) we have to observe the target period of 12 months. Usually target

periods are measured in monthly batches.

So, for the loans approved in January 2011 we observe whether they have defaulted by January 2012,

for loans approved in February 2011 we observe until February 2012 and so on.

Handling missing values

Missing or nonexistent values of attributes of input variables are on the main stumbling blocks in the

preparation of modelling data sets. While in theory everything should be undertaken to avoid including

them in the data set, in the real world that is not possible.

Their origins are varied – sometimes, despite the best efforts of loan officer and data checks on input,

loan application fields can remain empty, IT system migrations may cause data losses, or the missing

values themselves actually contain relevant information.

There isn’t a general one-size-fits-all approach to handling missing values. Several approaches for

imputation (filling out of missing values – replacing them with predicted or imputed values of attributes)

are widely accepted in theoretical academic settings, but have questionable applicability in financial


The usual first step in handling missing values is to ascertain whether a variable with missing values

contains crucial information – age or education level are usually very predictive, while some variables

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such as declared (not verified) total household or spouse income can be easily excluded, especially

when they exhibit a heavy preponderance of missing values.

The second step in deciding how to handle missing variables of a specific input variable would be to

determine whether the missing values can be treated as a separate category. If for example the loan

application contains missing values in the variable residential status, this may actually indicate that the

client does not have resolved residence, which can be treated as a separate category (if there are many

records with missing values, it may contain useful information), or grouped together with other attributes

that have the lowest WoE (the least predictive power in relation to the final value of the target variable)

as will be shown in the Grouping phase.

Now by, using the Data View functionality to analyze the records with the missing values in the field

Residential Status:

We see in the Data Management tab that we have several (17 in fact) records with the missing value for

residential status:

This means that the missing values do not actually contain useful information (about the lack of

residence) but are probably data entry omissions.

If we assume that our loan application will allow the applicant to leave this field unchecked (without a

preset value) we may end up with loan applications with a missing value in the Residential Status field.

As we said before, in this case we will process the field by grouping missing values with the category

Rents, as renters are almost as likely to default as those with missing values.

The business reason for this grouping is that if the client had some positive information (type of

residence), he would have entered it in the application form. As he has not, we assume the worst in terms

of his credit worthiness through the attribute with the missing values.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves and first discuss other methods for handling missing values.

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As a rule of thumb, variables with over 20-30% missing values should be excluded from the

modelling data set, unless compelling business reasons or lack of sufficient input variables force their

inclusion into the data set.

Here is an illustration of one such case – the input variable Credit Card Average Balance 6M has

almost 90% missing values:

However, from a business standpoint these missing values make sense – they contain the information

that the client does not actually own a current account as he has no trace of cash flow through the current


A word of caution - before reaching the final decision whether to include or discard a certain input

variable, one has to determine the predictive power of each attribute, usually done by using the

Weights of Evidence (WoE) whose calculation will be discussed in the next chapter.

Let us not forget that building credit risk scorecards in an iterative process, done through multiple

transform-build-assess loops. Therefore, it is advisable to begin with the variables that make the most

sense from a business standpoint, have no missing values and have preferably high predictive power. In

subsequent iterations other variables can be included, even the ones that have an acceptable or

manageable missing values.

Usually, the decision whether to include or discard a specific input variable is made based on the trade-

off between the predictive power of the variable’s attributes, number (or percentage) of missing values

and business considerations.

Let us illustrate the iterative credit risk scorecard building process with another simple example.

Virtually all financial institutions have at least some demographic information about a client, usually in the

form of a birth date. From this information client’s Age can be calculated. Almost universally in credit

portfolios the younger clients are more prone to default that the older ones. Also, the information about

the Loan Term is available. Business logic dictates that those clients with longer Loan Terms are more

prone to default, as their income cannot support shorter loans with higher annuities even at the cost of

increased total repaid amount.

Now, with these two variables we can build a first iteration of a model through CreditScoring easy

interface, to determine whether just these two variables can help us differentiate between goods and

bads in the modelling data set.

In the next iteration, we would include other variables available from the application form, taking into

account previously mentioned criteria as well as the modes assessment results that will be discussed


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Target and partitioning

By clicking the tab Target and partitioning, we access the target variable selection. As has been

discussed before, the target variable has two attributes, “default” and “non-default” usually denoted with

“1” and “0” respectively. CreditScoring allows the user to select the event attribute. Event is actually the

condition that we are trying to model, in case of CreditScoring an occurrence of delinquency of payment

defined as a default.

By selecting event and non-event attributes, we get a clearer picture of the percentage of events (or

defaults) in the modelling data set.

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There are some general industry best practices as well as heuristic rules that can help us determine the

necessary number of events (defaults) and their relative percentage in the data set. As a rule of thumb,

a data set should contain at least 1000 events (defaults) if we want to split it (partition) into

development, validation and test sample, and roughly 200 events if we plan to use only development

and validation samples. What are these samples?

A development sample is a subset of the modelling data set. This term denotes a set of data used to

determine the potentially predictive relationship between the input variables and the target variable. In

statistical modelling that we are dealing with, a development sample is used to “fit” a model that can be

used to predict a response value of the target variable from one or more input variables.

The fitting can include both input variable selection (which of the input variables will be included in the

model and consequently the scorecard) and parameter estimation (determination of regression

coefficients, to be discussed later). Such statistical models that are used for prediction are called

regression models, notably linear and logistic regression models.

The purpose of the validation sample and the test sample is to determine whether the results of such a

model can be successfully generalized on an independent data set on which the model was not

developed. In other words, we are trying to determine whether the developed model will successfully

perform in practice.

The validation sample is used to "test" the model in the in order to limit problems like overfitting and

give an insight on how the model will perform on a subset of the modelling data set that acts like “new” or

previously unknown data (for example, new loan applications). The test sample is meant for one exact

purpose – to provide the best independent measure of the quality of the model.

And this is the reason we are partitioning data into three (possibly two) samples, despite the fact that the

more accurate model would be created if we used the whole data set as a development sample.

The term overfitting denotes a phenomenon when a developed model performs very accurately on the

development sample, while performing poorly on the test sample (that “acts” as new data) and

consequently in practice. And of course, the main criterion for applying a developed scoring model is its

performance in practice.

When overfitting occurs, it means that we have created a model that is too specific, too much linked to a

certain subset of data on which it has been trained on so that it cannot perform adequately on previously

unknown data.

To explain this phenomenon of overfitting, we have to go back to our initial example from the

Introduction, imagining that our development sample looks like this:

Development sample

Client name Education level Default (yes/no)

Jack High school degree Yes (1)

Jill University degree No (0)

From this data set and its two input variables (Client name, Education level) we can establish a direct

relationship with the target variable Default and create two “models”, written here in IF-THEN format:

1. IF Client name=”Jack” AND “Education level=High school degree” THEN Default

2. IF “Education level=High school degree” THEN Default

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Now, if we observe the performance of these “models” in practice – on our validation set, we can see that

our first “model” performs poorly as the Client name in the test sample is Mary, which means that the first

“model” has been overfitted on the development sample as it cannot correctly classify the data in the

validation sample:

Validation sample

Client name Education level Default (yes/no)

Mary High school degree Yes(1)

Assuming that input variables are moderately predictive – that they have moderate effect on the value of

target variable and the number of defaults (events) is over 2500 – CreditScoring by TrimTab will

automatically suggest a 40:30:30 split among the Development/Validation/Test samples.

As we have mentioned before in this chapter, the modelling data set is ideally split into three partitions.

However, based on the number of defaults, CreditScoring will suggest other splits - 70:30 split (for

modelling sets between 1400 and 2500 defaults) in favour of the Development/Validation samples, as is

the case in our example data set:

If the input variables are highly predictive, one can get away with a very low number (or a low

percentage) of defaults to successfully connect these events with the available input variables.

CreditScoring by TrimTab suggests an 80:20 Development/Validation split for data sets where there are

between 900 and 1400 defaults.

For extreme cases where there are less than 900 defaults, the software suggests using exclusively the

Development sample (100:0 split).

Often, over-sampling and under-sampling techniques are used, where the number of non-events in the

modelling data set is artificially reduced to increase the percentage of events (defaults) or to “clone”

existing event records to increase the number of events, which in turn may increase the chances of


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In case that the development sample is not representative of the total (or expected) population (for

example, the modelling data set differs from the actual set of “through-the-door” clients submitting loan

applications) one can override this bias by using the suggested settings and stratify the records by a

custom variable into a development, validation and a test sample using the “Import partitioning” box.

In order to do this, the records that should end up in each of those samples should be marked with a

different attribute of a specific (custom) variable.

Let us illustrate this on a simple example - assuming that we have 1000 records in the modelling data set

(out of which 100 events or 10% total records) and the “Auto partitioning” box is active with the proposed

70:30 development/validation split, the records are randomly distributed and stratified by the target


This means that we will end up with 70 events and 630 non-events (700 total) in the development

sample, and 30 events and 270 non-events (300 total) in the validation sample. Now, if we believe that

this sample is biased we can add a custom variable Partition among the input variables in the modelling

data set. Attributes of the variable Partition (for example, “Development” and ”Validation”) assigned to

specific records determine in which sample does the record belong. If we assign the attribute to

“Validation” to 50 events and 250 non-events (300 total), we will get a validation sample with an

increased percentage of events compared to the development sample.

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Data Management

The Data Management tab offers quick access to available input variables and their respective

attributes. By selecting checkbox next to the variable name we can decide whether to include it in the

next modelling steps:

The headers of the data view enable ascending/descending sorting by attribute name, variable type,

number of attributes in a variable, number of missing values (missing count) and percent of missing

values (missing percent), as well as filtering of these fields according to custom criteria:

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The “Change data type” feature, as the name implies, enables changing the variable type. This is especially useful for real number variables containing few different attribute values (around ten or less) that can be changed in categorical variables. Pay special attention when changing types for real number variables with many attributes, as this may affect processing time. In this example from out test data set, we have changed the type of the Number of children input variable due to its low number of different attribute values. But before we proceed, let us briefly explain the possible types of input variables that we may encounter in the modelling data set. Please note that CreditScoring by TrimTab automatically assigns variable types.

The following types of input variables may appear in the modelling data set:

Unary – this type contains only one attribute and is useless for further modelling unless it contains

missing data, thus being for all practical purposes a binary variable.

Binary – this type contains two attributes. Typical example of a binary variable would be the target

variable. Also different flag (so called yes/no) variables are binary (for example, credit card ownership

“yes/no”) because they denote presence of a certain event or occurrence.

Real number – this type contains exclusively numerical values, both integer and real.

Categorical – considered the most general variable type; a variable is considered categorical if none of

the other types can be applied.

Ordinal – type of variable whose attributes can be ordered, as seen in the example below. Typical

examples or ordinal types would be variables describing Education level and Household members as well

as descriptive variables describing groups of magnitude of numerical measures (Low, Medium, High).

As we mentioned above, some categorical values may actually be ordinal, which means that they have a defined order of precedence from a business standpoint. In this example, we are rearranging the order of the Credit Card Usage using the drag-and-drop functionality (Low/Medium/High).

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In the Grouping tab we can find one of the most powerful features of CreditScoring by TrimTab and an

interactive interface that enables us to quickly and in real-time assign attributes to different created


Measures to describe the predictive power of a specific attribute of an input variable are calculated

automatically, while graphs enable us to instantly glimpse all the changes we have made in grouping

using the drag-and-drop interface.

This refers not only to grouping of different attributes of Categorical variables, but to creation of groups

of attributes (scopes of attributes to be precise) for Real numbers.

Let us begin first by clicking on the Expert Grouping button, with the following limitations on the expert

underlying calculations:

Before proceeding, we will discuss those measures for describing the predictive power of attributes or

groups of attributes.

Weight of Evidence (WoE) is, simply put, a measure of the difference between the proportion of goods

and bads – (non-events and events respectively) in each attribute.

We will illustrate this with the following example – the input variable Residential Status. By clicking on

the variable in the left part of the interface and highlighting it, we will get the following result:

How are these weights of evidence calculated? Well, although CreditScoring by TrimTab automatically

calculates WoE for each Categorical attribute and automatically assings Real numbers into groups, we

will for illustrative purposes calculate them manually.

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Let’s start with the total number of records, and calculate the number of events (bads or defaults) and

non-events (goods or non-defaults).

For example, from a total of 8819 records with the attribute value “Owner” of the input variable

Residential Status, 735 have the DEFAULT (event) flag set a “1” which mean they are events, and 8084

have the value 0 which means they are non-events.

Extrapolating this to all the attributes of the input variable Residential Status, we get this table:

Attributes Records Events Non-events

Owner 8819 735 8084

Lives with parents 2578 340 2238

Missing data 17 3 14

Rents 440 80 360

Mortgage 6 0 6

Total 11860 1,158 10702

Now, let us calculate the percentage of total events for each attribute – in other words, how many of the

total number of events is in records with the Residential Status attribute value “Owner”?

“Owner” events = 735

“Total” events = 1158

“Owner”/“Total” events = 735/1158 = 0,6347 = 63,47%

For a percentage of non-events for the attribute “Owner” we calculate the percentage of non-events

attributes compared to the total number of non-events

“Owner” non-events = 8084

“Total” non-events =10702

“Owner”/“Total” non-events = 0,7554 = 75,54%

By repeating this process for other attributes of the variable Residential Status, for events and non-

events (attribute non-events/total non-events) alike, we end up with additional columns in our table:

Attributes Records Events Non-events % Total % Events % Non-events

Owner 8819 735 8084 74,36% 63,47% 75,54%

Lives with parents 2578 340 2238 21,74% 29,36% 20,91%

Missing data 17 3 14 0,14% 0,26% 0,13%

Rents 440 80 360 3,71% 6,91% 3,36%

Mortgage 6 0 6 0,05% 0,00% 0,06%

Total 11860 1158 10702 100,00% 100,00% 100,00%

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Weight of Evidence (WoE) for a specific variable is calculated as the natural logarithm of quotient

between the percentage of non-events and events. Written as a formula it is defined as:



By appending these calculations to a specific attribute we get the final Weights of Evidence that describe

the predictive power of each attribute. In case of the attribute “Owner”, this would look like this:



The final calculation would then look like this:

Attributes Records Events Non-events % Total % Events % Non-events % Event rate WoE

Owner 8819 735 8084 74,36% 63,47% 75,54% 8,33% 0,17

Lives with parents 2578 340 2238 21,74% 29,36% 20,91% 13,19% -0,34

Missing data 17 3 14 0,14% 0,26% 0,13% 17,65% -0,68

Rents 440 80 360 3,71% 6,91% 3,36% 18,18% -0,72

Mortgage 6 0 6 0,05% 0,00% 0,06% 0,00% 0,00

Total 11860 1158 10702 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 9,76%

Please note that the WoE for the Attribute “Mortgage” is assigned a zero (0) by convention as the divisor

is zero (% Events).

Now that we have established how we measure the predictive power of attributes in an input variable,

what is the method for determining the predictive power of an input variable as a whole?

The answer to this question is Information Value (IV). It is calculated based on the following formula:

∑( ) (


where the second factor in the equation is actually the WoE for each attribute.

So the Information Value for the input variable Residential Value would be calculated as:

Information Value (IV) = (0,7554 – 0,6347) * 0,17 + (0,2091 –0,2936)*(-0,34) + (0,0013 -0,0026)* (-0,68)

+ (0,0336 – 0,1818)*(-0,72) = 0,075

As a rule of thumb, we consider the following metrics when dealing with IV measures:

When the variable has IV under 0,02 it is considered as not predictive

IV from 0,02 to 0,1 as weak predictive

IV from 0,1 to 0,3 as predictive

And IV over 0,3 as strong predictive

Note that variables with IV over 0,5 can be considered too predictive – which means that there is

probably a strong inherent link between them and the target variable, namely that they are actually a

proxy for the target variable.

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These are of course just general guidelines and should form only a part of decision whether to include or

discard a specific input variable.

As far as Weights of Evidence (WoE) are concerned, the absolute value of the measure is not the only

important matter, but also the differentiation between WoE between attributes or groups of attributes

of the same input variable. Larger difference between Weights of Evidence of different attributes, mean

higher predictive power for that input variable. Or in other words, the attribute enables selection of

events or non-events higher or lower than their average in the total data set.

Negative values of the WoE for a specific attribute mean that the attribute in question isolates more

events than non-events (compared to the overall population).

Now, the situation with calculating Weights of Evidence and Information Value for a Categorical input

variable such as Residential Status is pretty straightforward – owing to the fact that we have only several

five (5) different categorical values.

But what about Real numbers, where we can have hundreds or thousands of values of attributes? For

example, the input variable Income can have hundreds or thousands of different values.

Obviously, we must group these attributes into groups based on different scopes of attributes value. For

example, the input variable Income may be Grouped into several groups (Income under 60 000, between

60 000 and 70 000 and so on). As this is not a Categorical variable, any changes in the scope or number

of attribute groups affect the WoE calculations for that group of attributes (real numbers) and the

Information Value for the input variable as a whole, as the percentages of events and non-events in a

group would change with group score changes.

Therefore, finding the optimal split for Real number variables would be a long, drawn out process of trial-

and-error to find optimal splits, if not downright impossible.

Fortunately, CreditScoring by TrimTab offers a powerful feature that automatically groups Real number

attributes intro groups by finding the optimal split ratio, which can then be interactively edited and

changed in the Grouping tab.

Let us examine this more closely the input variable Age, which can have always less than 100 different

attribute values (age in years of the client), by highlighting it in the left part of the Grouping tab:

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We can see that the attributes have been automatically grouped into three distinct attribute groups – one

from 20 to 28 years of age, 28 to 57 years and over 57 years. This reflects the almost universal

assumption that younger clients are more prone to default that older ones.

This would be a great time to discuss one of the most important aspects of WoE calculation – the logical

trend. The logical trend of different Categorical attributes (or groups of Real number attributes) should

follow the logical or numerical order – in other words, it should be monotonously increasing or


Let us examine more closely the accompanying graph for three attribute groups of the input variable


We see than we have a logical trend where the WoE steadily increases from negative values (as G1

group contain younger clients who are more prone to default, this attribute group will identify more events

than non-events, hence the minus value for WoE). This logical trend fit our business expectations and

default rates per group of attributes of the value Age – as older clients exhibit less events (defaults).

Now, let us click on the input variable Loan Amount in the left part of the Grouping tab:

As we mentioned before, we expect a monotonous logical trend – either increasing in decreasing. Any

deviations, such as these “peaks” or “valley” should be carefully examined whether they make sense

from a business standpoint.

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In this case, the variable Loan Amount has a “valley” (minimum value) in the middle attribute group,

denoting that clients with medium loan amounts have the lowest WoE value and correspondingly a higher

proportion of events than the total population, as can be seen from the graph below.

This situation proves an exception to the rule that we should expect monotonously increasing or

decreasing trends, as there is a viable business explanation. Namely, clients most prone to default have

chosen maximal loans available to them through the existing approval criteria (mid-range amounts).

Therefore, assuming that our existing pre-scorecard approval system has some measure of

effectiveness, the highest loans have actually gone to clients with better credit worthiness, which would

explain the positive increase in WoE for the third attribute group.

Before proceeding, we shall examine the interactive feature of the Grouping tab that enables us to

interactively change attribute group scopes, as well as assign different attributes to different groups.

By clicking on the variable Industry, we can get an overview of different attributes and automatically

created Groups by the Expert Grouping button:

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Please note that the corresponding values of WoE as well as the accompanying graph show

monotonously decreasing logical trend, from positive WoE values denoting attributes that differentiate

goods over bads (non-events vs. events) to attributes with lower WoE that differentiate bads over

goods (events vs. non-events).

Also, notice at the bottom of the interface the remaining attribute not grouped into existing groups –

attribute Agriculture.

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Now let us assume that due to business considerations we are not satisfied with the automatically

assigned attribute groups – for example, due to increased risk of sovereign defaults we would like to

separate clients on state payroll and those living off farming subsidies into a separate attribute group.

We can do this by right-clicking the State attribute and selecting Insert separator from the menu:

And then drag-and-drop attribute Agriculture into the newly created attribute group:

Please note that the automatically refreshed graph show new attribute groups and corresponding

monotonously decreasing trend. Note that in this case our hypothetical business considerations listed

above have overridden the Weight of Evidence for the attribute Agriculture, our reasoning being a low

number of records with that attribute.

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Also, please note the description of the trend in the left part of the interface as well as new information

value for the input variable Industry calculated based on changes in attribute groups, which means

that through our group manipulation (insertion of attribute Category) we have increased the predictive

power of the variable Industry to describe the:

Naturally, the initial settings of the Expert Scorecard can be changed; however it is not advisable to

reduce Min event/non-events counts below the initial setting of 10, as it may lead to overfitted scorecards.

Also, from a business perspective, as the automated procedure processes the Real numbers on may

find oneself with groups delimiters determined by real numbers from the dataset, not rounded to a

hundred or a thousand.

We can modify this by using the Split functionality – here illustrated on the variable Income where we will

change the upper limit of the attribute category from 921724 to 920000 as rounded numbers are

preferred when dealing with financial limits.

After entering the Split value of 920 000, we should see the new attribute group in the interface:

Please note the automatically recalculated WoE for attribute in the group.

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The Selection tab, as the name implies, is responsible for choosing which input variables will enter the

regression analysis and can end up in the final scorecard. As we will elaborate in more detail in the next

chapter, not all input variables have to end up in the scorecard if the Intelligent Regression feature is


If we were to use a plain regression procedure, in this step we would select exactly the input variables

that we would like to see in the final scorecard.

There is no single rule to determine the number of input variables for the regression procedure.

Scorecards for personal loans for non-clients who are based purely on loan application data may use as

little as 5-10 variables, while behaviour scorecards for credit card products may involve up to 50 or 100

initial variables (mostly aggregated cash inflow/outflow through different historical periods).

However, scorecards with a high number of variables (over 50) are extremely rare.

CreditScoring by TrimTab offers a unique feature named Expert Selection that enables automatic

selection of processed input variables.

The Comment variables feature enables us to see what were the reasons behind the automatic rejection

of input variables for the regression. These reasons may include:

Too low information value (remember previous explanations about required metrics)

Being part of a cluster of highly correlated variables

This second bullet point may warrant further explanation. As information theory states, each variable

contains information. If different variables carry actually the same or practically the same information

(albeit stored differently) they will exhibit very similar (or almost identical) behaviour in relation to the

target variable.

For example input variables Real Estate Owner and Residence status carry almost the same

information from a credit worthiness perspective. In the former case, we have a binary variable denoting

(yes/no) whether the client owns a piece of real estate. In the latter case (Residence status) we have

existing information (ownership of real estate) expanded with different categories of non-ownership

(Rents or Lives with his parents).

For that reason, these variables exhibit very similar behaviour in relation to the target variable and are

considered highly correlated.

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CreditScoring automatically retains only one of variables from the cluster, usually using the criteria of

highest information value (IV).

Before proceeding, we will select the input variables that will be used for the Intelligent Regression. As

we will be building a simple application scorecard for clients (who have had previous relationship with the

bank), we will use the following variables, as selected by the Expert Selection:

As in all CreditScoring by TrimTab tabs, we can sort features or variables descending/ascending by

clicking on the header field. In this case, variables are sorted descending by Using in Scorecard header.

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By clicking on the Scorecard tab, we have reached the last step of the credit risk scorecard development

process, in which we will develop a model and evaluate its performance (on the development and

validation sets, in our example).

Before proceeding, let us briefly explain the terms regression, regression analysis and logistic


In statistical analysis, regression analysis is a process in which relationship among a dependent variable

(target variable) and one or more independent (input) variables is examined. It helps us understand

how the event value of the target variable changes when any of the input variable changes. Regression

analysis estimates the conditional expectation of the target variable given the input variables, or to be

precise, average value of the target variable when the input variables are fixed.

The estimation target is actually a function (called a regression function) of the input variables. The

variation of the target variable around the regression function is described by a probability distribution.

In the financial industry, we are first and foremost dealing with logistic regression, as this is the most

common technique used to developed scorecards.

Logistic regression refers to the type of regression analysis where the predicted (target) variable is

categorical. Usually this refers to binary target variables, which we tend to use in modelling data sets

(event vs. non-event which refers to default vs. non-default). For this reason it is sometimes called a

binomial logistic regression.

Based on the values of the input variables, we are using the logistic regression to predict the probability

that the value of the target value will be equal to the value of the event (as we mentioned before, “1” is

usually used to denote events (defaults) and “0” to denote non-events (non-defaults)).

The equation for the transformation of a probability of an event using the logit function is shown by the

following formula:

( )


p – posterior probability of an event (default in our case)

xk – input variables

β0 – intercept on the regression line

βk - parameters

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Why is the logit transformation used?

Well, as we now from mathematics, the logit function can assume values between 0 and 1. Therefore, the

logit transformation is actually the log of the odds, where odds are defined as probability of an event

divided by a probability of non-event, or written as a formula:

( ( )

( ))

In this way, we are limiting the possible values of the target variable between 0 and 1, which is necessary

as we are actually predicting probability – the Probability of Default (PD).

Maximum likelihood estimation is used to estimate βk parameters, which measure the change of logit for

one unit change in the input variable. For this reason we are grouping attributes into attribute groups.

As the measure of the rate of change is dependent on the unit, if we weren’t using groups, we would

have order of magnitude different unit for different input variables (for example, a thousand euros as

Income and two as the number of Household members). Usually, numeric values for WoEs of attribute

groups are used in the regression analysis as inputs.

Regression analysis enables us to get the best possible model using the available options. Usually, this is

done through three types of stepwise logistic regression techniques – Forward Selection, Backward

Elimination and Stepwise. These techniques are used to select which of the input variables will end up

in the final scorecard.

CreditScoring by TrimTab offers a proprietary feature - Intelligent Scoring. This feature finds the best

model by applying several different computational approaches and embedded practical experience to

select scorecard variables from the input variables in the modelling data set.

Unless the box Plain regression only (which uses all of the input variables to create the scorecard) is

ticked, Intelligent Scoring is by default used to create scorecards.

Before proceeding, we have to clarify what the phrase “best model” exactly means. In order to do this, we

have to define measures for assessing model performance.


As we mentioned before, scorecards are used to predict the probability of default, or in other words,

whether the client will be a default (event, or bad). This prediction is used to differentiate between events

and non-events (bads and goods). Scorecards cannot correctly classify each and every actual event and

non-event (usually there are thousands, tens or hundreds of thousands of them) as they are not ideal.

Ideal scorecards are impossible, so it is possible or likely that an actual event (default or bad) from the

data set is incorrectly classified as a non-event (non-default or good). Vice versa, a non-event may be

classified as an event by the scorecard. These occurrences are called misclassifications.

In practice, this has consequences when deciding the cut off, a minimum score level under which loan

applications are not approved. Each client is automatically assigned a score, denoting his probability to

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default (the higher the score, lesser the probability and higher credit worthiness). Cut off determines

which clients will not be accepted, under the assumption that the clients with low score (and high

probability to default) tend to be almost all bads. “Almost” is the key word here, as due to

misclassification some goods (non-events, non-defaults) are assigned low scores (higher probabilities of


Therefore, by rejecting bads, we are bound to reject some misclassified goods as well. Also, some

events (bads) are incorrectly assigned a high score (low probability) so we are bound to accept them as

they are above the cutoff.

The so-called confusion (misclassification) matrix denotes four possible classification occurrences.


Good (non-event) Bad (event)

Actual Good (non-event) True Positive False Negative

Bad (event) False Positive True Negative

True Positive means that an actual non-event (good) is correctly classified using prediction as a non-

event. Conversely, True Negative is an event (bad) correctly classified as an event. Two other fields in

the confusion matrix cover misclassifications. False Positive occurs when an actual event (bad) is

classified as a non-event (good), and False Negative when a non-event (good) is classified as an event


Obviously if we want to develop the “best model” or the “best scorecard” we would like to maximize True

Positives and True Negatives (correct classifications) and minimize False Positives and False Negatives

(misclassifications). However the first question that comes to mind is how to quantify misclassification.

Usually, these four measures are used to for misclassification:

Accuracy - (true positives and negatives) / (total cases)

Error rate - (false positives and negatives) / (total cases)

Sensitivity - (true positives) / (total actual positives)

Specificity - (true negatives) / (total actual negatives)

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Visualizing scorecard performance

Assuming that we have clicked on the Generate Scorecard button on the penultimate page,

CreditScoring by TrimTab will commence building, selecting or rejecting competing models using the

Intelligent Regression feature, as can be seen from the progress bar in the bottom right corner:

Athough CreditScoring by TrimTab possesses a unique feature that enables us to work on the interface

while processing is still being performed in the background, we will wait until all possible models are

created and tested, and sort them descending by GINI, selecting the first one at the top:

We will skip the Scorecard tab on the right side of the interface for the moment and click on the Charts


Please note the unique feature of CreditScoring by TrimTab that enables easy scrolling through different

charts describing the scorecards performance for each specific model, either through visual buttons or by

using the mouse track wheel:

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Scroll through the charts until you reach the one labelled ROC, as shown in the picture below:

Notice that the x and y axis are actually derived from measures for quantifying misclassification, namely

Sensitivity for the y axis and 1-Specificity for the x axis.

Now, let us examine more closely all other measures shown here. ROC (Receiver Operating

Characteristic) curve is a graphical plot that illustrates the performance of the model for different


Please note that red or Dev denotes the development sample, while black denotes the validation

sample. As we have used the 70:30 Development/Validation split without creating the testing sample,

the blue curve denoting the testing sample or Test is absent.

The dots on the plot represent thresholds for which True Positives, True Negatives and corresponding

measures Sensitivity and 1-Specificity. In other words, Sensitivity is the percentage of correctly

classified goods (non-events), while 1-Specificity is the percentage of incorrectly classified bads (events)

as goods (non-events).

The diagonal blue line represents a “coin toss” random chance classifier, where each record has a 50:50

chance of being classified as an event (bad) or non-event (good). Therefore, for each specific threshold

the more the points and the corresponding curve are in the upper left corner, the more they demonstrate

their ability to classify records (loans) better than a random classifier.

Worse than


Better than


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In other words, we want our ROC curve to climb steeply, having as little as possible false goods (on the

x-axis) while classifying as much as possible goods (the y-axis). As the ROC curve goes from the lower-

left corner we begin with the situation where we accept no goods and have no false goods to the upper-

right corner where we accept all goods and all false goods and intersect again with the random choice


Please note to make sure that the ROC curves on development, validation and (if available) testing

data sets do not have any “spikes” or outliers, as they would indicate issues with assigned attribute

groups or attributes in the Grouping step.

The strength of the scorecard is more easily assessed using the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUROC),

which is used to compare performance of different scorecards. AUROC is equal to the probability that a

scorecard will rank a randomly chosen non-event (good) higher than a randomly chosen event (bad) in

terms of assigned scores.

The ROC curve has a linear correlation with the Gini coefficient mentioned at the start of this chapter,

another frequently used scorecard performance measure:

The Gini coefficient is a measure of the inequality of a distribution, a value of 0 expressing total equality

and a value of 1 maximum inequality. Therefore, in terms of classification, the bigger the coefficient

(higher inequality, better distinction between goods (non-events) and bads (events) better the

performance of the model. In other words, the Gini coefficient demonstrates how successfully the model

separates events (bads) from non-events (goods).

As we have seen before, the Gini coefficient is used as a basic measure of the strength of the

scorecard. There are some guidelines in terms of Gini coefficient value, depending on the scorecard type:

Application scoring models

0 – 30% Poor

30 – 40% Fair

40 – 50% Satisfactory

Over 50% Good

Behaviour scoring models

0 – 45% Poor

45 – 65% Fair

65 – 80% Satisfactory

Over 80% Good

The reason for this stricter criterion for behaviour scoring models lies in the fact that these models are

developed for existing clients; therefore much more information about the client’s behaviour is available

for modelling (inflows, outflows, credit card usage and limits...) and one expects to more accurately

predict events with so much more data, especially since the target period is usually shorter (6 instead of

12 months).

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Before proceeding, let us quickly explain in more depth the term score points or scores, created by

scaling scorecards. Scaling scorecards makes sense from a business and IT perspective for the following


Easy to understand – having denoted the total score of a client as an integer which is a sum of

corresponding score points for that client’s attributes from the scorecard, business users get from

a layman’s perspective an overview of the credit worthiness of the client (how high the total score

is) and the predictive power of each attribute.

Easy to implement – by having integer score points for each attribute (or attribute group)

calculating total score by addition is much simpler and more transparent then by using a formula

(more on that later)

Usually score points are calculated using a defined numerical minimum/maximum scale (for example 0 to

1000 points, 150 to 350 etc. ) with a specified odds ratio at a certain point (for example, odds of 5:1 at

score points 500) and specified rate of change of odds (for example, the odds double every 50 points).

As the score points are just another way to denote the scorecard, they do not affect its predictive power.

Now, CreditScoring by TrimTab default settings assume that 600 score points correspond to odds

(events (bads) to non-events (good)) of 1:50, while each additional 20 points double the odds (620

points double the odds to 1:100, 640 score points double to 1:200 etc.).

The relationship between odds and score points can be presented as a linear transformation:

( )

As we mentioned before, the scorecard is developed using specified odds at a certain score (1:50 at 600

points) and specified “points to double odds” (pdo) which is 20 in our case, so writing this doubling of

odds for additional points as a formula leads us to:

( )

Solving these two previous equations we get values for Factor and Offset parameters and corresponding


( )

( )

{ ( )} ( )

Correspondingly, score points are then calculated as:

( )

As the input into the Intelligent Regression is WoE for different attributes (or attribute groups) we can

expand this relationship directly to WoE if necessary:

( ) ∑ ( (



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Where WoE is the weight of evidence for each attribute or attribute group, is the regression intercept,

n is the number of variables and k is the number of attributes or attribute groups in each variable and

β are regression coefficients for each variable.

Now that we understand score points, let us examine other charts that demonstrate the performance of

the model.

The Score Range chart shows how predictive each variable is compared to others in the model. The

“higher” the column (the bigger the difference between minimum and maximum score points for that

variable), the more predictive is the variable.

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Progressing further, we get to the Effect size chart, visually showing regression coefficients (betas or β)

for each variable and their corresponding effect on the target variable:

Scrolling further, we arrive to sample specific charts – namely, specific charts for development,

validation and testing samples (partitions). In the following two pictures, charts for the validation charts

are shown.

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The previous charts illustrates distributions of events (bads) marked in red and non-events (goods)

marked in green for different score buckets. If ideal scorecards were possible, these two distributions

would be separate – all events (bads) would be in score buckets on the left, while non-events (goods)

would be on the right.

As misclassification always occurs, we can see for each bucket how many total events (bads) we have

identified and how many non-events (goods) we have in the same score point range. For example, if we

were to set the cutoff at the fourth score point bucket (marked 528), we would reject 40% of events

(bads), which we can calculate by summing up all percentages of events in the buckets with lowers

scores (22% + 15% + 2% + 1%). We would also be rejecting 13% of total non-events (goods), which

besides illustrating the predictive power of scorecard by examining the difference of event and non-event

distributions, helps us illustrate misclassification costs for each score bucket.

The following chart shows score distributions on the validation sample – showing minimum and maximum

score points. We can see that this is a slightly skewed normal distribution of points – let’s not forget that

we scaled our score points using 600 points for 1:50 odds.

After examining, the charts, we can click back to the Scorecard tab to see our preferred scorecard in a

easy-to-understand format with score points assigned to each variable’s attributes or attribute groups.

As we can see from the following picture, for each variable attribute or attribute group, weight of

evidence, score points and percentages of population and non-events are shown.

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This scorecard format enables quick and easy-to-understand overview of scorecard variables and their

attributes and how they contribute to the final score, enabling business users even to calculate manually

scores for specific clients if their variable attributes are known.

Had we created this scorecard for implementation and not purely for education purposes, we would have

performed additional data management actions, namely rounding up of attribute group ranges (for

example, Current Account Max Balance 6M last attribute upper attribute group limit would be rounded up

from 999324 to 1000000).

We have selected and analyzed the model with the highest gini coefficient, but when it comes to

choosing which of the competing scorecards to select as our final scorecard, other considerations may

apply – number and type of variables in the scorecards and feedback from business users about their

confidence is using these criteria for loan processing and approval.

Usually, one may expect to select as the final scorecard the one containing between 6 and 15 variables,

but this is not set in stone and depends on the type of data available – for example, if we have only socio

demographic data from loan applications, we are bound to end up with a lower number of variables.

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You may have noticed the Neutral tag just under the scorecard name:

This Neutral tag denotes a neutral score – a score for which the weight of evidence (WoE) is zero (0). If

we substitute WoE = 0 in our formula for score point calculation, we get the formula for calculating the

neutral score:



Where, as we mentioned before, n is the number of variables and is the regression intercept.

Why is this neutral score so important? Well, it is used to examine each of the scorecard variables. As

we know, for WoE=0 the probability of accepting/rejecting a loan application is 50%. So, for any variable

attribute that is below the neutral score it means that judging by that criteria has a more than 50%

chance to default, which may affect our business decision and loan approval criteria, as well as credit

policies in general.

Scrolling further down, we can see another representation of the scorecard with corresponding maximum

and minimal score points for each variable, regression (beta) coefficients and corresponding error,

deviation and variable significance statistics.

Notice that CreditScoring by TrimTab automatically marks (in green) the variable with the most weight –

in other words the variable that has the most predictive power – the highest regression coefficient. It also

shows the biggest variation in score points.

The automatic selection warrants further explanation. During the scorecard creation process, we have

concentrated primarily on application scorecard for clients – as the input variables contain data about

previous delinquencies, credit card and current account usage.

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Almost universally, a separate scorecard(s) is/are developed for each product (personal loans, credit

cards, current account overdrafts...). Exceptions are possible, but a single scorecard for multiple products

is in practice only applicable to credit products with very similar or identical behaviour patterns (secured

and unsecured mortgage loans, for example).

The decision whether to develop a separate application for non-clients depends on many factors and

does not have a clear cut answer:

Size of portfolio

Number of events in the subset of portfolio

Number of through-the-door non-clients in a specific period of time

Number of variables from loan application forms for clients

Market position of the bank (for example, if the banks has a significant market share, non-clients

are expected to be few and far in between and inherently riskier)

So the decision whether to create a specific scorecard for non-clients depends on a multitude of factors,

not least the general credit policy of the bank.

Before proceeding to the Export tab, just a quick reminder that Scorecards, as well as Visualization

Charts can be exported and saved in a wide variety of formats:

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Exporting scorecards

The Export tab offers a wide variety of features, notably export of ready-to-run scoring code in C, PMML

(Predictive Modelling Markup Language) and SAS. Also, export of relevant visuals (charts) and data set

samples (partitions) is also possible.

This interface can also be used to score external data – for example, the current data set about recent

loan applications as part of the pre-implementation validation process.

Upon clicking the button below SCORE EXTERNAL DATA, we get can select a corresponding data set

for scoring, as well as the external file in which the scored data set will be stored:

Upon examining the data set with scored data, we can see that multiple columns have been appended,

notably Probability of Default (PD) for each record (loan), Total Score, as well as Weight of Evidence

and Score Points for each attribute or attribute group.

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Please note how in the first two records above, the Real Number value of the field Loan Amount varies

(84 800 and 90 000 respectively), however since during the modelling process they were grouped into

the same attribute group and subsequently have the same WoE and Score Points for that attribute


The one question that remains is how was the Probability of Default calculated? We have explained

before the relationship between the score points and Weights of Evidence for each of the specific

attributes and that score points and Probability of Default are inversely related.

Notice the difference between first two records – while the second record (loan) has a higher total score,

his calculated Probability of Default is significantly lower.

The Probability of Default (PD) for a record (loan) i is calculate by the software using the following


( )

where WoEki is the Weight of Evidence that corresponds to the k-th variable attribute of that record.

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Pre-implementation validation

When we have chosen the final scorecard, we have one more task to do, and that is pre-implementation

validation. Unlike validation that was undertaken during the modelling process, pre-implementation

validation ensures that the developed scorecard is applicable to the current population, or in layman

terms, our “through-the-door” clients and potential clients that submit loan applications.

Let us remember (still assuming that today is the 1st

of January 2013) how, when talking about

historical and target periods of input variables during data preparation, we explained that the most

recent loans that we can include in the modelling data set are those from the 1st

of January 2012?

The reason for this was that we need a target period of 12 months to determine the client’s repayment


Now, still assuming that today is 1st

of January 2013, the current loan applicant population may have

changed, as 12 months have passed since the most recent loans on which we built our scorecard, not to

mention the older ones.

We remember the already shown chart about Score Distribution, which shown us the distribution of

Scores on modelling samples.

If we were to score the most current data (let us say loan applications from December 2012) we would

expect a similar distribution. Besides visual examination, we need a single measure to capture the shifts

between the expected population (as determined from the modelling sample) and the actual loan

applicant population (from last month – December 2012).

Stability index is calculated as:

∑( ) (


for all score ranges. We have shown below here a simplified example (please note that the numbers

below in the table are only for this imaginary example and bear no relationship with the actual numbers

from our data set). In the example there are for score point categories in the modelling data set, each

containing 20% (one fifth) of all records.

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These are the expected ranges we are to find in the data set of our imaginary Actual data set. However,

in the Actual dataset we see some subtle shifts in the population, as the distribution of records among

score categories is slightly different. Calculating the natural logarithm of the difference between

categories and summing up the result, we get the stability index:

Score category Expected Actual A-E ln(A/E) Index

480 - 520 20,0% 18,1% -0,02 -0,10 0,00198

520 - 580 20,0% 20,8% 0,01 0,04 0,0003

580 - 620 20,0% 23,1% 0,03 0,15 0,00456

620 - 640 20,0% 21,3% 0,01 0,06 0,00084

640 + 20,0% 16,7% -0,03 -0,18 0,00609


Stability index of less than 0,1 means that no significant change has occurred, between 0,1 and 0,25

that a small change has occurred which has to be analyzed, and indexes over 0,25 denote significant

changes in the populations.

Calculation of the stability index is not the exclusive measure of the scorecards performance on the new

population, but simply and indicator of population shifts that may give an indication whether the data set

on which the scorecard will be running is similar to the one on which it was developed.

Another measure is the scorecard variable index, which calculates these shifts in terms of score points

for a specific variable:

∑( )

Such calculations, sometimes expanded to include delinquency information (expected and/or number of

events per score category) can be regularly used during the scorecards lifetime to determine whether

recalibration (modification of the regression parameters and subsequently scorecard points) is


Finally, after scorecard performance reports such as these have shown that the performance on the most

current population is inadequate, a new scorecard development process will begin on a new modelling

data set.

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In this step-by-step guide to building application scorecards we have covered all the steps in building

application scorecards using CreditScoring by TrimTab, while providing theoretical background where

necessary as well as explaining industry best practices.

Naturally, as has been said in the introduction, this Guide can be used to develop behaviour scorecards

as well, taking into account their specificities such as more emphasis on information from the financial

performance of the client, different target periods and better scorecard performance due to more


Unless explicitly stated otherwise, this Guide was referring to building application scorecards for clients,

hence the vocabulary usage of terms such as “loan applications” and “applicants”. Development for other

types of credit products is very similar, taking into account specificities of such products – shorter time-to-

default for current accounts, for example.

This is naturally just a single iteration in what is in practice a much longer period involving frequent

changes in input data variables such as aggregation and summarization, after which grouping and

regression calculation followed by assessment are performed.

It is a testament to the Credit Scorecard by TrimTab performance and capabilities that this simple and

quick scorecard development iteration using mainly automatic features (Expert Grouping, Expert

Selection, Intelligent Regression) has enables us to create a working credit risk scorecard of satisfactory

performance, which with small changes could be immediately implemented in our financial institution.

Finally, the Guide can be used both by the new and experienced scorecard practitioner alike as a

reference guide and overview of necessary steps, tasks and CreditScoring features in a typical scorecard

development process.