NARCOTIC DRUGS Cooperating Nation Information Exchange … · DOMNICAN REPUBLIC Narcotic Drugs:...

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Transcript of NARCOTIC DRUGS Cooperating Nation Information Exchange … · DOMNICAN REPUBLIC Narcotic Drugs:...

TREATIES AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL ACTS SERIES 06-825 ________________________________________________________________________

NARCOTIC DRUGS Cooperating Nation Information Exchange System Agreement between the



Effected by Exchange of Notes at Santo Domingo November 9, 2005 and August 25, 2006

NOTE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE Pursuant to Public Law 89—497, approved July 8, 1966 (80 Stat. 271; 1 U.S.C. 113)— “. . .the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence . . . of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proclamations by the President of such treaties and international agreements other than treaties, as the case may be, therein contained, in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States, and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof.”


Narcotic Drugs: Cooperating Nation Information Exchange System Agreement effected by exchange of notes at Santo Domingo November 9, 2005 and August 25, 2006; Entered into force August 25, 2006.

The En1Qassy 'of;he JJ nited Staies.ofAmerica ·piesents· its c.ompl~ents to Ministry of ''-' '

. For¢ign Afl:1tirs. ofihe g()':~t:run¢n~ ofthe D,ominican RepilbJic;;,and, refers to .the ongoing (;OUnter­

drtig cooperation betw,e~n·tb.e governm~nt of the United States of America and the governJ:nent ' '. ' ' . ' . . . . . . ' ~ . •, ' ' ~ . .

'of tlkDominican Republic .. Specifically, via the government of the United States of America's

Department of D¢fense GoopehttirigNation Information exchahge. system (hereinafter

,;CNIES"), the. government ofth~;Umted.States of A!nericf.!. is willirigto provide the governn1cnt

of the Dominican ·Republic with real-time r~dar track data. To en$tire that such data and other

interception-related aisistance 'is employed consistent with relevant. U~S. criminal law) the

embassyp(oposes to fonrializea.mutmil understandingofllie nature~d import of this data and

the conditions governing the. use of that data and other interception..: related assistance. The text

of this mutual understandmg:follqm:

"The government of the United States of America .is willing to provide ass1stance in >

locaiing, id'entifying, ttacking::and intercepting· civil aircraft in .the :Dominican Republic.'s ' ' .

airspace ,in order to facilitate the)nterruption of illicit drug trafficking roates and the arrest of

;illicit dnig traffickers.


· Recibo de Correspon~encla , Division de Reiaclones con Estados

Unidos de America


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In consideration ofthe ongoing. mutually beneficialrelationship between our two·

· governments in the field oita~. ~nforcement effort,s to:C,ombat illicit drug tratlicking; the

. Embassy of the Qnited §tares of America proposes on behalf of the government of the Unt~ed

·.States of America as:follc>ws( ·

I. Definitio~

The term "U;~~.:governn;t.erit assis~ce~ ~'~~<!~this ·J:tote ~~ll include,,but not be

limited· to: tunding;,intelligenqe; information;· radar d~ta (including data. derive~ from me ' "'', ''.o; '.' ·' .. '· .. . •,, .,,.,. ,., ',· .. · .· •, .• •' . ¥

Cooperating.Natik>n~Information· Exchange·:systel;fi( Q'r;~·GNIES ~)£logistical· supporf;.·c9mrn.\iild~

c'ont.rol. ari.4·¢0~~cati9ris·.stipport; equipment; ·~m~ce;Juid .tminihg provided. bY dje - _-. . • ' •"<i<

govenunent of tlie"Uni~ed :states of Ani~ rica,

The .term. "CNIES data"~ means <lata db-playl!lg ihe.posiiion of air and surface tracks of .. ' . . ' - .. '•'

.interest ("TOis'lbased on geographic filterS.: Theo .. CNlES,'data includes both automatically:.:. , ..

displayed relocauiple <,l'e horizon radar t11l~ in!Qrroation~tfiat has ~ot peen, revie~veg to

asoemin'the legal or. )ll~ nature ofthe flighbMd"to)~ ~a~ hav~'bt.>en lo,ca~edand !d~ntified by ,· . . .. . '' ".. . ·. . ~ ' . . . .·,,-_...,' . , ...... . . '. ,. . . . . . . ' . .·.. . '

othet air surveillance.systen1s or. trackfug aircraft as suspected na,rco~trafficking aircraft~

Consisteqt~Willi' article 2 of the·Coriventiorvfor::fue Suppression of Unlawful Act$ Against

the Safety ofCi~~l t\yfutiqn,;qone, at MQntreal1,~Sep_te,~~r·2~;· f97l,to which bottt the·

gove.rnment of theUriit~<i, Sta~ of America. an,(t~e. g<,Wey'nment . .<;>fthe Dom~C!Ul;'Ri(pul:Hic· are . ' . ·,. . . . .. ·'' .. •. ·.: . .. . . . . / ·. .

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(l). an..a.irc·rafi·isconsidered to be "In fliglit'i·:at an}dime from the moment when all itS ,·. •,"

. . .; ·.

· .. opene.~)~~~di~~T~~~tion; )~ tlj~ ~~~ ?f·.~ fo~~)~d~g;c:the !n$h,t *~) ·b~:p~~rne4-~·

continue /imill.t.he':competent·authoriti~s :tlke: 6:vehe'sponsi bility for -the aircraft. and"for.

perroils and· properly on boariE

(2) an aii-~rai:fis considered ~to ~-:•ut se.tXiq¢ftrom• the:beginnlng of preflight nreparation. ,. ·.. .. '",'•. . . .. •. . ,: ' ,. . . . ~ . . .. •·'· ...... " . ~ ~ ... '. ' :. '. . . . . .. '

of the airoratl by'ground personnel or by the:ere'w foi a:specific.flight uritiLtwentj-four ; ,·"' . ' . . ~- ' . . .

ho_urs.~~fany.l~djrig;tb,~-peri~d.(>(·sefvic~:sli.all,m'at1Yeveilt;~tend:f<:>~th~~ti~: . ' .. . . y

approaching and'femaining near.anaitcrart;,:'\vith'ilieSgoat<>fident,ifyirig that aircrilft.'and. if . . -~

nece~ary r ~irel;tiQ.g.:it b_!c;k. tQ it~ plrum~d.rq~~ei.tlli'eC,tjrig\itbeycind the_'b.orders <)fD~minibEtp

Republi~~ s mrspa~; ~sco~ngJl OQ~ of:re~trictei(;~~~it~-or.d~gerOUS ~pace,.or.

instructing it: khialia,,

II,\irqraft •

!he·gov~:rninent of the Dominican Republic;shall;~:Wnen inteic~pting civil arrcridtin

flight, consist'enuy~an<t:sti-i~tly·:ildhere to~tlu6;si\fe!~; pW'C~dUi~ ht.ani1ex~2. to .the.C9rtv~nticm on ,' . ' . . · .. ' "-/...-.,,, ' .

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•-n••·-·-- ••• oo. ... •'"' ,.,.~

all Dorninkan government pers9nnel·{ whether in the air, in a 'co:m:rhand and· control center;.of

.elsewl}ere) involve!! iri. the in!~ption·oft:ivilairora~laie farillliar.with such procedures. The . .

government ofthe Domini~ Jtepubli~,:when·;intercepting~iy(Lairoraft in.flight; shall adhere to . ~ "< , .• ' • • ", ' • ·.: d -, • • • > . . . ·' <.• ~ . " ·"· . • '

any relevant Int¢mational. Ci\•il(Aviatiori ~anization·;{''lCAO") provisions on .interception;

int luding those.·c.Ontal:ned: in til£ manual C6ncet11ing<itjtefceptiori <o fci vil. rutcr~tl

aviation. communitY via ·notic'es to aiimen (J~NO'f AMi:!).· notite.ofthe government's • . .y • >

pol icies.p~ intep::eption. 111~5.¢;WOTJ);M~~~'ill iilfonn]fiilq~s;:~a( the ,go:Vemment,of the

Dominican Repuolic·will not damage; destr:oy,.or.disahle any civil aircraft <?ther than in self'-. . '··' . ''· " .. ' . . ' . .

defcrise,.and the~ shaU.includeadequatenotiCe ofthe,P:fi?Cedures.that th.e a~r force o,fthe

goverh!nenrof the Dominican Republic will u5e to:ordef'iritercepted aircraft to land so that

. ,.

Republic is intercepted because theDoniinican·Republic believe'S ihat·the aireraftis·primarily

' .. '

engaged in illicit_grug tra(,the gQv~rb.mentofthe:Ppminic~ Republic shall use the

soriing criteria set f()rth belo:w;t(l determine·ihe ~ture o(the .'~uspect akcraft •.' ',' > ••• • • -' •• ' •' • ' ••

·The following'factor8.sh6ula h¢:oori:Sid~fetffu.aetermining whether an.'aircra:ft is .

reasonably suspected ofbeing p~imarlly ~rigag¢ .41 illicit drug traffi~king:

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. · • · · Is itinexplicably t1Ying:outsi~e::the:.r()~te:(fesignil~:<Liil its. ~ppr~>V~d fl!gh(Rlan?

·.•, .. Is if not using the appropri~te iraiispondef. oo'de?.

~.. Js>l~:f,lying:atan.fii~xp.~iba"Ql)''lo~:'aftitt!de?;f . ;·

· ~.: <l~ it flying atnigh~ witJ:i:itS:light(outW

· •••. ·.Does tii~:Ait~raft ·~~v~ f~1~~?(6t;•no) taiF11Hfubef5?.

• Are the win<te>y,rs. hla~k,ed out?·

. • :P()es the J:J~)_'sica.l4e.scriprl~n ;op~e;~t~Pf~ma!~J);,~~,.des~~iJltion<~K f!11:4r.C+a:ft:

·P,i-eviousl)'tu5~d in ili1C:Wd!Ug:.ttaffickirii?

•: :Is there ititelligence'irtfonuat!on:milifiEi~¢ th~Iilie·airc.raffis pflmarily. engaged ih illicit

· dhlg 'traffi.ckihg?

· • ·. ts the .airctW't flying wi~qurpermiss~()ri)ri &i.air ·aefense :identification ~one.. (if any)?

··•· J~ the• a{rct~pafkect· atl;ni~t a~.·a·n~9£mp~t1Jl"et:J;~~ fteld ~fllo;~tpeinlis~~~ti?

• · }iave ~1 attempts to id~~fY ,the. airctafi' f~hed?:.

•· Has the ajr~ra1t inex.r~i~~!y,.fa;l~ !?it~~l?9~~:~~ ~!bttt~~H~ Je>.~omm}lh~~.,~x

• . Has the aircnift ignored the Domhiicail. Alr>Forceis.orders? .· . ' ,' ' . ',, ._,. .- '·, ' :"',--:.\· :·-:.~ ...:· .. ', ,. ; . ;:, · .. · >~ ,v, '

, ' 'j '


· • Is ahy ·other jnfornl.ation sug~e.stmg that the· aircraft, is re8$()nabiy suspected to. ~e'illicit.dr1l~,:tniffieki,Qg?·

•: Is there w1Y'iriformation:$ugge5tingithatthe.aireraffi!J·not. re4Soi1ably suspectedto be· .·! 0

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•.• •,

. If u:s .. govemriierit•usep iri ru,y::way'idlocaie. identify,. thick, or intercept a. . .

' ~ \ '

' .. ,. . .. · ··. .

(b)'npn:lu:ea!%t!o _qrun~ge, d~str:Qy;:or:.disableap.y~qi'fil Aircraft iPsezyice .

. . (i) ThJS:doesnofpn!cluae the firin!fofwarnilig shots rufa signaimgineasure.

. , . .·,·!· ' ·,

. . . '

usjng runmu#iti0ricorit!ll~ngtracei·rouncisiJzyorder ib~oo sure .that the piJot is

(iifW arrutig' shotS ma§::be •fired~ot\l)'•'from:.a pdsit1orislightly: ahead • of abeam· and. '· • .· • V>;,~· ·' .~ ·• ,

parallerto tfie. c.oUise. o£ th~:inteicepted'aircrnftt'o eusure'that the'iniercepted .

aii:9raftis.not.~~:t4e\ine•:ot~•fire:/:T:he:~cr~firih,g·th~~warrung $hots shal(:tfike aU .

reasonable caUt~?fl~Y· ItJe~w-es•tl).ll)'P,JP sh.QPtit}~ ·t~~:m}:ercepte4 ~rcraft~ any . ;

other}airct-afi•iri~~ihevi~ihify,'oip~:&>ns~•orproptiri)'oi1:t&.egroun:d. ~-. . ·.·: ..

. .

Non~ofth~ ~mmi~ents undeJ:ttike.n:byt?e;goven:ltiienfbfihe.bomini~an 'Repu1Jlic in ,~c

~greeingi<) lliese·:s<;>nditions~tlle i,fii:r:flded~~o:pr~clif4~ or' <>f the Don1ltii~~. · . . ~ ' . ' ' ' ' ' . . .:.: ~ . ' '' . . ·. ' .


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·········--~- --,

IV; Sharing of lnfqi1:nation

The gove:tfuneni ofthe. Do.iniiliean~ Republic shhlfnot "perm1t. third parties access,· without -

t1Je specific w~itten c<)ns€mt of the 'Em!;>assy oftl;te U!Pte.t;LS~tes ofJ.\n1erica, ~o. any infon:nation •

. da~. or-analysis.~at ~ould be_use4for aeriafintt;rc_ep~ons~tl:tathas been <Je.velqped using_ U.S.-.,", . . -}. ' •• . •. ·-··-···.· -· . ·.';<'" < .-.. • • • ·-··· '·

. . .

In.tt1eevent iliat.'th~ g9vemmenfof.ilie-bomiriidiri -Republic fails~to:co~pl}' Witli 'any:of . . . ' ' .·.·.. . .

'the conditi~ns contaified herein, :the•:goverrinientofthe'l:Jnited States of A:rhetica wiiJ, in itS

·discretion, suspend or>terminatt; ·an~,- and_ all U.S._ goveinntent assistance to th~ government ofthe • . . . ' .

If the foregoihg: is"ihe goverrinien(&fthe Doniinkm1 Republic, the Embassy . . - . . ~ - . \ . .

ofthe United $til~~ .()l;:Ainerica]tastpeljonor.~ P!'QP<i$~tliat this riote·arid.you_r nQi~ in_}'ej)ly.

sh~IJ constitu~e.:al} :<lg~~f!l;n.t ~et:-ve¢no;u} hvo<g~V~~~n~, r:;~hll et1ter-into fore~ 9n,the

date:ofyour repiy" . . "

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