Narcissistic personality disorder

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

What is NPD?

• Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a disorder where one is very self centered

Symptoms of NPD

• High level of self-importance

• Believes they’re “special”

• Sense of entitlement• Lack of empathy• Often envious• Takes advantage of

others• Arrogant

Causes of NPD

• Over praise from adults

• Strong belief in their attractiveness

• Often used a defense mechanism to preserve self esteem

Treatment of


• Currently no real treatment

• Very few narcissists actually go to seek treatment because they believe they’re fine

Random fact• It’s

estimated that 1% of the general population has NPD

• About 8% of clinical populations have NPD

Famous Narcissists (as diagnosed by me)




Life is so difficult for me. I wake up everyday and need to act as a role model for all the people who look up to me, meaning everybody.

When I was young, I was over sensitive. My parents took care of me kind of inconsistently.

As I got older, my parents would always praise me, They would always tell me how great I was at everything I ever tried. They never told me about what I did wrong or poorly.

Talk about building up a kid’s ego.

Even my parents friends would tell me how great I was and how I was destined for greatness and shouldn’t settle for anything less.

Then, when I was 13, my stepdad started to emotionally abuse me. I built up a strong façade which eventually became who I was. I faked being confident so for so long that the mask couldn’t come off.

I really am great though. A lot of people are jealous of me because I’m great at football, school, and look better than them. Sometimes they wont admit they’re jealous and just act mad to cover it up.

My friends recommended that I go get some therapy. They said I have “narcissistic personality disorder”. They have no idea what they’re talking about. I’m perfectly fine and they’re just jealous that I’m more popular than them. My friends betrayed me because they’re jealous. But that’s fine, they still clearly want to be like me.


This a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For questions about this blog project or its content please email the teacher Chris Jocham: