Nancy Lenzi - Lenzi...

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Nancy Lenzi

From: John Hurley []

Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 9:02 AM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: Isthmus rezone

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While I am part of a non-vocal majority, I strongly support the isthmus rezone. Two low rise office buildings that are vacant on the weekend would be far worse for the vitality of the city and deliver very few additional visitors or revenue downtown and no new residents compared to the mixed use occupancies proposed. Regards, John Hurley

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncil

Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:31 AM

To: ''

Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley

Subject: From Arlene Hyatt RE: Do Not Allow the Rezone

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Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriate staff.

Connie Cobb City of Olympia Office: 360-753-8451 Fax: 360-709-2791 E-Mail:

-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:48 AM To: citycouncil; Subject: Do Not Allow the Rezone I respectfully request that the Olympia City Coucil respect the zoning laws that are in place and refuse to allow this rezone to occur. It is NOT in the best interests of our city. Thank You, Arlene Hyatt 410 Garrison St NE Olympia, 98506

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncil

Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:22 AM

To: ''

Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley

Subject: From Susan Ingman RE: No on the Isthmus Rezone

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Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriate staff.

Connie Cobb City of Olympia Office: 360-753-8451 Fax: 360-709-2791 E-Mail:

-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 10:17 AM To: citycouncil Cc: Subject: Isthmus Rezone Dear Olympia City Council,

PLEASE VOTE NO to the upcoming Urban Waterfront Rezone. You must consider this area for an open space/park. The view of the water and mountains belongs to ALL the citizens of this city and the State of Washington. Please do not privatize this open space.

Thank you,

Susan Ingman

1825 NE Berry St.

Olympia, WA 98506

____________________________________________________________ Click here to learn more about nursing jobs.

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncil

Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 8:39 AM

To: ''

Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley; Jan Weydemeyer

Subject: From Jeffrey Jaksich re: Opposed to waterfront rezone- Friday Signature Count- 3600

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Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriate staff.

Connie Cobb City of Olympia Office: 360-753-8451 Fax: 360-709-2791 E-Mail:

-----Original Message----- From: Jeffrey J. Jaksich [] Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 11:23 PM To: citycouncil Subject: FW: Friday Signature Count- 3600 Hi, There are lots of exciting grass root things happening, especially with regard to downtown and downtown planning. Several grass root groups have come together in a giant ground swell to let you know that they are opposed to the proposed changes to the Olympia Comprehensive Plan and the Shoreline Master Program, which is currently being rewritten. The vast majority of the community will also be letting you know that they want the current zoning on the isthmus left alone. The attached grass root Olympia Isthmus Park News is one of many ways that the citizens are letting you know what they want for the isthmus, as you will see on September 16th and September 23rd. I think that you will find involving the citizens make a lot of sense and will save the City of Olympia a great deal of money and minimize costly mistakes. Please take a look at what some former Washington State governors have to say on YouTube with regard to vision and involving the public in designing our city, especially our Downtown. I have several ideas for using existing resource more productively and a vision shared by many in our community with regard to the waterfront and what makes Olympia’s quality of life so special. This community was planned and continues to need the public’s input and involvement to make real market driven progress that will stand the test of time and continue our progress in all aspect of our community. Janice Arnold and friends with the help of Micki Hemstad and others have put the ex-governors on YouTube and video that you need to see at These views reflect the views of the citizens of our community as we wrote the Comprehensive Plan and the Shoreline Master Program when I served on the Olympia Planning Commission from 1984 through 1992. You will be hearing from many our Olympia Planning Commission Alums that have spent thousands of hours in partnership with prior City Council members to create much of the quality of life and many of the other things that current City Council and residents enjoy. These things range between the Heritage Park over 20 plus years and other assets, like our East Bay Park, East Bay Drive View, Medians on East Bay Drive, Plum Trees that line East Bay, lowered the speed limit after a speeder killed a popular local dentist riding his bike, etc. The reality is that the citizens did it and we planned it with a highly involved public process that has atrophied over the last eight years and a decline from being a national planning

award winning City, All-American City, top small City in the United State, and the city where Bremerton, Bellingham, and other touted Washington city’s came to find out how to do it right. Please read the Olympia Isthmus Park News and see how several grass root groups have sprung up and are now working together in a powerful and broad based local alliance to secure over 3,600 initiative signatures to study the feasibility to acquire land on the isthmus between 4th and 5th for the purpose of a park. This is not the public only opposing spot zoning. It is the public giving the Olympia City Council a better vision and a logical opportunity to get out of a problem fraught decision. This is not small p politics, this is serious stuff. The public is measured, focused, and will act in the long-term best interest of the community. I public record is pretty clear that the Triway proposal and the Olympia Planning Commission recommendation are seriously flawed and would be very costly for our City. Jeffrey J. Jaksich, Olympia Planning Commission Alum Olympia Isthmus Park Association Olympia Capitol Park Foundation Phone: 352-2735 Cell: 584-5536 From: Gerald Reilly [] Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 4:25 PM To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: FW: Friday Signature Count- 3600

From: To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: Friday Signature Count- 3600 Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 22:58:41 +0000 Dear Friends. We now have 3600 signatures. We would like to reach our goal of 4000 by the time of the Public Hearing on Tuesday night. We need to collect at least 5000 before we formally submit the petition to the city to guard against signatures that may be invalid for one reason or another. The Public Hearing will take place at the Washington Performing Arts Center. The doors will open at 5 pm if you wish to sign up for the chance to speak. It is very important that we have very large turnout. Bring you neighbors! Bring your friends! Even bring your teenagers!

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Attached is the first edition of the Olympia Isthmus Park News. Our coalition of groups will distribute 4000 print copies throughout the community over the next few days. I just watched an outstanding video, produced by 20/20 Vision Folks. The video features Governors Rossellini, Evans, Gardner and Locke, along with Ralph Munro explaining why the Isthmus is so important and needs to be available for all of the people of Washington. Later today they plan to make it available at Check this out IT IS POWERFUL. Please remember to stop the 'See It While You Can' event adjacent to the Law Enforcement Memorial from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, September 13th. Please share this e-mail with your own lists to get the word out as widely as possible. Thank you all for your wonderful work on behalf of a better vision for Olympia. You are amazing! Best regards, Jerry Reilly (360 561 4212)

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Olympia Isthmus Park NewsEstablished in 2008 by Olympia Isthmus Park Association

Do you want this?

Or do you want this?

Triway’s visualization of the space that the rezone would allow buildings to occupy.

Our vision for this part of the city ten or twenty or thirty years from now — a little more like Paris, a little less like Bellevue.

Developer Triway Enterprises has applied for a comprehensive plan amendment that would raise the building height limits on the isthmus between Budd Bay and Capitol Lake which connects downtown Olympia to the Westside. Currently, building heights are limited to 35 feet to preserve the view of the inlet and the Olympic mountains from the state Capitol Campus. The developer wants to change the building heights to

90 feet, in order to build 5 to 7 story luxury condos.

This proposed rezone has not been popu-lar with the public. A group of concerned citizens has formed the Capitol Park Foun-dation, aiming to instead develop a public park on the parcels of the isthmus not cur-rently occupied. This group is gathering signatures on a city initiative that would require the Olympia City Council to study

the feasibility of creating a park. Regis-tered voters in the City of Olympia have responded with enthusiasm to the initia-tive — as of mid-September, after just a few weeks, over 3000 Olympia voters (out of the required 4000), have signed. Volunteers are continuing to gather signatures.

The Olympia City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed rezone on Tuesday, September 16 at 6 p.m. at the

Washington Center. The Council will de-liberate and vote on Tuesday, September 30. Please come to the hearing and/or write to the City Council at

Help gather signatures! Download the petition and copy the notes about how to gather signatures from, or use page 3 of this publication.

Only one chance: NOW is the time for citizen action!

Volume 1 No. 1 September 2008

Narrow window of opportunity for public input on the fate of the isthmus:•Petition signatures needed for an Isthmus Park proposal•Voices needed at a public hearing Tuesday, September 16 at 6 pm at the Washington Center

Page � Works in Progress April �007

Protect and enhance the most stunning setting of any capital city in America!

Initiative Petition to the Olympia City Council

Return signed Petitions to: Gerald J. Reilly, 1017 Cardigan Loop NW, Olympia, WA 98502 Questions:

The Olympia Capitol Park Foundation has taken the lead in organizing an Ini-tiative Petition campaign to ask the City Council to take a serious look, for the first time, at the feasibility of developing a large part of the Isthmus between Capitol Lake and Budd Inlet into an extension of Heri-tage Park.

The Initiative drive grew out of the con-cerns of six former Olympian Planning Commissioners about the proposed in-crease in the height limitations for build-ings on the Isthmus from 35 feet to 90 feet.

While the former commissioners believe that such a re-zone should not be permitted, they also believe that instead of polarizing the community every five years or so with a divisive debate over the height limits, it is time to seriously look for a better vision for Olympia. They hope that instead of just being against the change, people are ready to support transforming this spectacular site into a great public space.

Public response has been overwhelm-ingly positive. Over 80% of the people ap-proached about signing the petition have done so.

Once the required number of signatures (about 4,000) is gathered from people reg-istered to vote in Olympia, the City Council has the choice of simply adopting the Ordi-nance contained in the initiative or asking for the vote of the entire community in a special election that would be held Febru-ary 3, 2009. A special election would cost about $100,000. Initiative sponsors hope the City Council will choose to adopt the Ordinance and use some the funds that Would be spent on an election to actually conduct the feasibility analysis.

From the initial group of six former plan-

ning commissioners, a large alliance in-volving hundreds of people has blossomed to work for this better vision for Olympia. The League of Women Voters, 20/20 Vision Olympia, Friends of the Waterfront, People for a Participatory City and many others have all joined together to make the Initia-tive Petition drive successful. At deadline for this publication over 3000 signatures have already been gathered.

If you want to help, or add your support, in this effort please read and sign the peti-tion printed below.

initiative petition drive nearly complete

Ballot Title: Shall Olympia investigate the feasibility of acquiring and developing part of the Capitol Lake-Budd Inlet Isthmus as a Public Park, and of partnering with the State of Washington and other entities to accomplish this goal?

Statement of the Subject: This initiative concerns the potential development of a large part of the Isthmus as a public park.

TO THE OLYMPIA CITY COUNCIL:We, the undersigned registered voters within the City of Olympia, hereby petition the City Council to adopt the following proposed ordinance or submit

it, unaltered, to a city-wide vote pursuant to state law:AN ORDINANCE of the City of Olympia, Washington, requiring the conduct of a feasibility analysis of acquiring a portion of the Capitol Lake-Budd

Inlet Isthmus for use as a public park.WHEREAS, the City of Olympia was selected as the Capital of the State of Washington, in part, because of the City’s beautiful natural setting; andWHEREAS, the Capitol Campus site was chosen specifically because of its spectacular views of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains; andWHEREAS, public access to Capitol Lake and Budd Inlet would be enhanced by expanding public areas beyond Heritage Park and Percival Landing

to include the land on the Isthmus between Fourth and Fifth Avenues for visitors and residents alike, andWHEREAS, it is in the interest of the citizens of the City of Olympia that we act as the best possible stewards of our unique setting; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY OF OLYMPIA THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE:Section 1: A feasibility analysis shall be conducted to investigate the acquisition and development of a part of the Capitol Lake-Budd Inlet Isthmus as

a public park.The analysis shall focus on the area between Fourth and Fifth Avenues, from Water Street to the Capitol Lake spillway. The analysis shall include an

estimate of the costs required of removing existing buildings now located within the study area. Land and buildings North of Fourth Avenue shall not be part of the analysis. The feasibility analysis shall be completed within five months of the date of adoption of this ordinance.

Section 2: In conducting the feasibility analysis, the City of Olympia shall initiate contact with the State of Washington to ascertain the level of inter-est that the State may have in partnering with the City to develop the public park described in Section 1. The City shall also identify actions needed to enlist private and public sector entities to assist in the effort to develop the park. Potential Federal government assistance shall also be evaluated.

Each signature on this ISTHMUS PARK PETITION shall be executed in ink or indelible pencil and shall be followed by the name andaddress of the signer and the date of signing. Only people registered at an Olympia voting address may sign.WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his or her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of thesepetitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he or she is not a legal voter, or signs a petition when he or she is not qualified tosign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

9/22/2008 12:00 PM

Nancy Lenzi

From: Janet Blanding []Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 9:13 AMTo: cpdinfo; Jan WeydemeyerSubject: Economic Feasibility of Development on the Isthmus

Mayor Mah and the Council:

People keep saying that whether or not Triway's project looks economically feasible shouldn't be any of the Council's or the public's business, and should be left to Triway'sinvestors to worry about. Members of Oly2012’s Steering Committee have stated that it's not up to the city or its citizens to decide whether there's a market for these condos; it's only up to the individuals willing to risk private capital.

But in fact, we are being courted as investors. Triway wants the seven of you (serving as our representatives) to invest a lot in this project: they want you to invest views that many people love, a sizable tax break, and a lot of your political capital. In return, we're being promised offsetting tax gains, benefits to downtown business, and a theoretical "jump-start" for other housing downtown. If the condos sell at a loss, Triway's investors will lose money, but we city investors will have lost the views, we'd still bear the costs of the $11 million tax break, and we won’t get the "jump-start" we were promised. In fact, the project will have hurt our chances of getting further housing downtown. If there really is a "jump-start" effect when a pioneer project goes well, then when one goes badly, there may be a serious chilling effect on future development instead.

What about the project's prospects...? The most recent data in the analysis Triway's application used to show the project's economic feasibility came from September 2007. Evenin 2006, at the height of the housing boom, there wasn't much demand for million dollar homes in the area. The Multiple Listing Service shows that in all of Thurston County and all of 2006, only nineteen houses sold for between $800,000 and 1.25 million. At that rate, if everybody currently buying a really expensive house moved into these condos instead, it would take seven and a half years to sell them. As city staff's analysis politely puts it, demand for the projects seemed "shallow" even then.

But in September 2007, the Dow was just under 14,000; now it's below 11,000 and falling. The housing market was still doing fine; the mortgage crisis was a small cloud on the horizon, predicted by a few naysayers. Since then, Bear Stearns, Lehmann Brothers, MerrillLynch, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and AIG have been rescued by the largest taxpayer bailouts in history, sold at big losses, or gone into bankruptcy. Similar troubles may well be ahead. All these investors got into trouble because they bought into big promises about how people were going to keep buying more and more expensive homes. Times have changed. At the end of August, an article in the Tacoma News Tribune stated that “Condominum sales in downtown Tacoma have screeched to a halt.” Before you make a substantial investment of community resources and political capital in this project, you should insist on an updated analysis of its economic feasibility from both Triway and the city's staff.

Sincerely,Janet Blanding

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncil

Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 1:37 PM

To: ''

Cc: Councilmembers; Jan Weydemeyer; Keith Stahley

Subject: RE: Building height extension on isthmus not good for Olympia

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Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriate staff.

Mary M. Nolan Executive Secretary City of Olympia PO Box 1967 Olympia, WA 98507 (360) 753-8244

This e-mail and any response may be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----- From: Debra Jaqua [] Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:08 PM To: citycouncil Subject: Building height extension on isthmus not good for Olympia Dear Respected Members of the Olympia City Council, What can I say that hasn't already been said to convince you that allowing taller buildings to be built in the isthmus would be bad for Olympia? If you don't take into account tha hundreds of your fellow citizens and inhabitants of central Thurston county who feel that extending the building heights on the isthmus feel would be bad for Olympia, backed up by quite reasonable and sound reasons, then what could I possibly say to change your mind? Please count me as another citizen who doesn't want Tri Vo to build on land that should be public, that if taller buildings are allowed to be built that they should not receive any tax breaks, and who asks you to think ahead 50 to 100 years from now about what that area could look like. It could be public open space, enjoyed by thousands each year who bring their money to do business in and around Olympia. Thank you considering my thoughts, Debra Jaqua 3104 59th CT SE Olympia, WA 98501 360-491-3325

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncil

Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 10:08 AM

To: ''

Cc: Councilmembers; Keith Stahley; Subir Mukerjee; Jan Weydemeyer

Subject: RE: Support of the ismusere zone

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Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriate staff.

Mary M. Nolan Executive Secretary City of Olympia PO Box 1967 Olympia, WA 98507 (360) 753-8244

This e-mail and any response may be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 12:43 PM To: citycouncil Subject: Support of the ismusere zone Dear Doug, Craig, Jeff, Joan, Joe, Karen &  Rhenda, I watched the entire meeting at home.  First, thank you Doug and all for a very well run meeting - Great Job!! Secondly, I want to throw all my support for your vote to be to approve this proposal.  Please, for the greater benefit of downtown Olympia as the capital city, approve this.  This is our first realistic chance to have market rate housing in downtown, which, hopefully, spur on more development.  As a business owner, I can only see the upside of this, not only for economic reasons, but the closer to an 18 hour downtown we have the safer it will become. Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, Jeanne

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9/22/2008 10:19 AM

Nancy Lenzi

From: Brian Jensen []Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:00 PMTo: cpdinfoSubject: In Favor of Increasing Height Limits

Please accept this email as my public comment to the Olympia City Council in favor of increasing building height limits on the downtown isthmus. I think it is important, for purposes of reducing fossil fuel consumption among other reasons, to encourage people to live where they work. I am one person who works in downtown Olympia and wish there were more housing options.

Brian JensenOlympia

Nancy Lenzi

From: Jerry Marsh []

Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 9:07 AM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: I Support the Rezone for the Ithmus

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Dear Jan, I have lived in Olympia for over 25 years and I make it a point to shop downtown Olympia. I also enjoy the restaurants and night venues for music and other arts. I look forward to someone putting money into the downtown to develop affordable housing that is not subsidized. I realize that the "homes" may be high end but maybe someday I will be able to move downtown where I can walk to places rather than drive. I hope the city is strong enough to make a decision that is good for Olympia long-range rather than listening to folks who are anti most anything that may change the "vibe" of downtown. Development on the isthmus would contribute to the vitality of downtown, not destroy it. Olympia has been very cognizant of people's need for green space and another spot next to Heritage Park and the boardwalk would be overkill. Please allow the proposed development to take place! Jerry Marsh 1809 Forest Hill Drive Olympia, WA 98501 754-8582

Nancy Lenzi

From: Joe Ford []

Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 4:55 PM

To: cpdinfo


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To: The Olympia City Council From: Joe Ford and Mary Wilkinson 1903 Eskridge Blvd SE Olympia, WA 98501 Date: September 21, 2008 Subject: We oppose the comprehensive plan amendment for Urban Waterfront Rezone. (The text of this e-mail is also provided as an attached file.) Some ideas being taken for granted need further examination: What we have previously done to entice market rate housing downtown has not worked, so we should try this isthmus rezone.

The City of Olympia—City Council and Community Planning and Development staff—have focused hopes for market-rate-housing-downtown on big projects: tens, dozens of condos per project. None of these projects has ever penciled out enough for a developer to follow through. Current thinking seems to be: We haven't thrown ourselves at the right big project. What if the answer is: Throwing big projects at the problem is the wrong approach. A small-to-modest size city like Olympia will grow downtown housing in small increments. (Please read the housing study that Triway included in its application materials.) Example: The project being developed right now at the corner of Capitol Way and Union Ave. The developer, Steven Kim, says the four condos planned for that building were essentially sold by the time he broke ground for the project. There is already a market for downtown housing, in the right price range. Let's encourage CP&D to facilitate smaller projects that increase downtown market rate housing incrementally, instead of having them put all their focus on downtown housing mega-projects.

If we approve this rezone, we will get the project depicted in Triway's design drawings.

If we approve this rezone, we don't know what we will get. The rezone would permit space to be filled up per the drawings of big boxes, the drawings so hated by Triway and Olympia 2012. (Drawings prepared, by the way, by the City's own consultant on this project.) Those big boxes represent what will be permitted under the rezone, and we might end up with that. If the City refused to permit full build-out after a rezone, would a legal action against the

City prevail? Very possibly, since the City would have approved a zoning action where the City's own consultant had provided drawings showing that would be the result—what would be the City's basis for denying that build-out?

If we approve this rezone and this project, we will get a revitalized downtown.

Where is the evidence? The small Washington cities that have experienced real downtown revitalization have built that success on different bases than what is proposed for the Olympia isthmus. Bremerton? Many who have visited the "revitalized" waterfront are less than impressed, and say it has actually deadened downtown. Bellingham? Some high-end condos are being built in Fairhaven now. (Fairhaven is nice, but it's not downtown Bellingham.) But first there was a gradual growth of smaller projects at market entry rates, not top-of-the-market rates, from (real) downtown along State Street and reaching to Fairhaven. The gradual growth of market rate condominium housing is one element of urban improvement that has fostered the possibility of selling mid-priced and high-priced condos in Fairhaven (not downtown) now.

The economics of this project are not our business. It's up to the investors and the "market" to decide if these condos have market value.

We are the investors. We're being asked to invest a significant public amenity and privatize it in the hope that downtown will improve. As a community, we need assurance that this project is economically realistic. Right now, we don't have that assurance. In recent years, when the housing market was flying high, fewer than 140 housing units of any kind sold in Thurston County in the price range predicted for these condos. Who are these people who are going to flock here to buy 140 condos in the $800,000 to $1 million price range? (Price range information as provided by Triway.) Please read the housing market study that accompanied the Triway application.

In contrast to the above, we have these observations: A rezone will immediately increase the value of the property in question. What if Triway decides to sell its holdings once we have increased the property's value by donating our public amenities? Then what do we as a community get? Right now, we have no idea. But the City would have no real basis to deny full zoned build-out to a future applicant. There are people who want to live downtown in market rate housing, but they are not the mature, rich folks who would be eligible to buy the housing units in Triway's project. A younger demographic is actually interested in living in urban settings in low-maintenance housing units. But their housing budgets are market entry, not market high-end. (Please read the housing study

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that accompanies Triway's application.) Rather than trying to convince mature rich people to buy condos here by giving away our public amenities, why don't we go after a market that already exists and provide the products they want? Please read the housing study that accompanies Triway's application. The housing study prepared by New Home Trends essentially says not to do what is being proposed by this rezone and this project. Don't start with high-end housing downtown; do start with entry purchaser priced housing downtown. Don't start on the waterfront. (This study notes that Bremerton did that and it has been a failure from a housing perspective.) We had a private conversation with a member of the Olympia Planning Commission, after the Planning Commission took its vote and made its recommendation on the rezone. When we asked about the contradictions between the recommendation and the housing study included in the application, this Planning Commissioner told us that he/she, uh, actually hadn't read all of the housing study. Triway must assume that no one reads this stuff anyway, since they included it in their application but it doesn't support what they are asking for. We sincerely hope that all members of the City Council will read the entire 56-page study by New Home Trends before voting on this plan.

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9/22/2008 12:02 PM

Nancy Lenzi

From: Mary NolanSent: Friday, September 19, 2008 10:13 AMTo: CouncilmembersCc: Jan Weydemeyer; Subir Mukerjee; Keith StahleySubject: Isthmus

Received an email from "John"

He said if you let the people build these $1 million homes, the buyers most definitely should pay taxes. Affordable housing, as well as housing for seniors and the mentally ill, should be given tax breaks. But tax breaks should not be given to the "millionnaires."

Mary M. Nolan Executive Secretary City of Olympia PO Box 1967 Olympia, WA 98507 (360) 753-8244

This e-mail and any response may be subject to public disclosure.

Document Received 7/29/08

Document Received 7/29/08

September 11, 2008

Dear Mr. Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and Olympia City Council,

The Council’s adoption of the Urban Waterfront Rezone proposal will accomplish many important things vital to our community such as:

• Making downtown “market rate” housing a reality

• People living closer to where they work – reducing commutes and climate change

• People shopping in downtown stimulating the local economy

• Promotes community “walkability” in downtown

• Coincides with the goals of the Growth Management Act and Smart Growth

• Revitalizing Olympia’s downtown “I support the Urban Waterfront Rezone proposal with the current 65’ Shoreline Amendment uniformly implemented throughout the Urban Waterfront District. The Design Review Board and the Development Agreement are better vehicles for negotiating design of proposed buildings than prescribing various heights such as 35’, 65’ and 90’ within the shoreline area”

John L. Johnson President Johnson Custom Homes LLC 18741 Nutmeg ST SW Rochester WA 98579 360-273-6666 Olympia Master Builders Member

Nancy Lenzi

From: Cheryl Jordan []

Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 9:31 PM

To: cpdinfo


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I urge the Council to carefully consider this issue, and the message it will send to every law enforcement professional, their families, and the families of every office who has given his or her life in the line of duty. The Washington State Law Enforcement Memorial was specifically placed and sited to bestow the highest honor and beauty to the Memorial that honors law enforcement. To allow rezoning of the facing property, simply to allow developers to build view property, is not a wise decision. Please look at the rates of foreclosures, the high number of homes with “For Sale” signs on them – does Olympia truly need more housing? My father died in the line of duty. He and all his fellow heroes do not deserve the dishonor of an ugly building facing a Memorial that honors their sacrifices. Please, please, do not pass this rezoning application! The property was zoned as it currently exists for a reason. Please keep the property as it was meant to exist. Thank you. Cheryl V. Jordan

9/16/2008 3:52 PM

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncilSent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:09 AMTo: 'Jo Thornton Curtz'Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley; Jan WeydemeyerSubject: From Jo Thornton Curtz RE: Opposed to rezone on isthmus

Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriatestaff.

Connie Cobb City of OlympiaOffice: 360-753-8451Fax: 360-709-2791E-Mail:

-----Original Message-----From: Jo Thornton Curtz [] Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 12:42 PMTo: citycouncilSubject: Opposed to rezone on isthmus

Dear Council Members,

I simply want to add my name to the long list of people opposed to Triway's request for rezoning areas on the isthmus for higher buildings. There must be better ways to develop and enliven Olympia's downtown -- ways which do not involve spoiling the view for all who visit and use the State Capitol.

Thanks for your careful consideration of this issue.

Sincerely,Jo Thornton Curtz

9/22/2008 10:18 AM

Nancy Lenzi

From: Robert Kam []Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 6:18 PMTo: cpdinfoCc: rkam@tctv.netSubject: Comment on Isthmus Height Rezone

I am against the rezone on the isthmus.

Let's not set a precedent of caving into developers who don't want to play by the rules. The isthmus is zoned the way it is for a good reason.

Yes, the property is valuable because it has such beautiful views. We invested in those views as a city with the Heritage park construction, 4th avenue bridge and the future WestBay Park.

Not much is said about the future West Bay Park and how 90 foot buildings will affect the views from that space. Right now it is great to look out from that space at the Capitol. With 90' buildings in front of the capitol it will not be the same.

Robert Kam1614 Madison Ave NWOlympia, WA 98502

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Nancy Lenzi

From: J K []

Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 7:06 PM

To: citycouncil

Cc: Jan Weydemeyer

Subject: Isthmus rezone - no thank you

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Dear City Council, I am writing to ask you to vote no on the isthmus rezone. I oppose the rezone because it is the wrong place to build large buildings. There are other places in town that would be more suitable for a project of this size, and more in keeping with the general ambiance of downtown. Furthermore, I truly believe that this is the opinion of the majority of Olympians. Please do not approve the isthmus rezone! Sincerely, Jayne Kaszynski 1443 Brown St SE Olympia, WA. 943-6716

Nancy Lenzi


Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 9:34 AM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: Isthmus rezone

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I support the rezone of the isthmus! Kathy Kirchoff 219 West Bay Dr NW Olympia WA 98502

Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

Nancy Lenzi

From: Jan Weydemeyer

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 10:57 AM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: FW: Waterfront Travesty

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-----Original Message----- From: citycouncil Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 10:46 AM To: 'Tamara Keeton' Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley; Jan Weydemeyer Subject: RE: Waterfront Travesty Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriate staff.

Mary M. Nolan Executive Secretary City of Olympia PO Box 1967 Olympia, WA 98507 (360) 753-8244

This e-mail and any response may be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message----- From: Tamara Keeton [] Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:22 AM To: citycouncil Subject: Waterfront Travesty Dear City Council, I was born in Olympia in 1958. My grandparents, Carrol and Belle Keeton, relocated to Olympiafrom Alabama in the 1920's. My granddad owned and ran his own furniture store in this town, Keeton's Town and Country Furniture, up until he died in the 1980's. After his death the family carried on running the business. My other set of Grandparents, Bill and Agnes Mangan, also came to Olympia in the 1920's. My grandpa was a painter, glazer and carpenter and ran our local Labor Temple in the 1960's. My grandma was a telephone operator at the Governor House Hotel in the 1940's and then became a business owner by creating Olympia's first answering service, The Olympia Answering Service,

which she owned and operated until she died in the 1970's. My point ... I have history in this town. I love Olympia and I will fight with every bone in my body to preserve our waterfront view. I live on the Westside and travel the 4th and 5th Ave. bridges every day and I will be damned if I will let the city approve the travesty of allowing Tri Vo to build their buildings. The State Capitol was built on that vista - for that view! Those of you on the city council, are bound to protect our waterfront and we WILL hold you accountable. If Tri Vo, or anyone else, is allowed to destroy the view, it will only be because of greed. My parents Fred and Dottie Keeton taught me that history matters and the city MUST respect the history of our waterfront view. A view that was designed decades ago... and I will fight to save it! Tamara Keeton

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9/22/2008 1:08 PM

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncilSent: Monday, September 22, 2008 12:10 PMTo: 'Eileen Keller'Cc: Councilmembers; Jan Weydemeyer; Keith StahleySubject: RE: Isthmus

Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriatestaff.

Mary M. Nolan Executive Secretary City of Olympia PO Box 1967 Olympia, WA 98507 (360) 753-8244

This e-mail and any response may be subject to public disclosure.

-----Original Message-----From: Eileen Keller [] Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 8:02 PMTo: citycouncilSubject: Isthmus

To Olympia City Council,

I am writing to strongly urge you to protect the isthmus of downtown. You have an amazing opportunity to preserve the fabulous views and character of Olympia. The decisions you make now can create a lasting legacy to be enjoyed by many people in years to come. Please block high rise development and work towards parks and preserving the natural heritage of Olympia.


Eileen Keller20 year resident

Nancy Lenzi

From: Ken Adney []

Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 3:08 PM

To: cpdinfo


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My wife, Kim, and I have reviewed both sides of the waterfront rezoning issue and we both fully support the rezoning...and we wish you luck with this contentious issue. Thank you, Ken Adney 2737 Sienna Dr SE Olympia, WA 98501

9/22/2008 10:21 AM

Nancy Lenzi

From: Kenn []Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 7:13 AMTo: cpdinfoSubject: Building heights

I am AGAINST raising building heights in downtown Olympia.I find the idea of a park much preferable to a luxury hi-rise condo.I would argue that any tall building built on the isthmus had better far exceed current earthquake standards. When, not if, the big Cascadia subduction quake occurs, that entire area will liquify, potentially toppling over any structure, especially a large one. Everytime I look at that one tall office building down there I think "I wouldn't want to be in that one when Cascadia breaks loose."Also, Olympia has the opportunity to define its downtown core as quaint and people-friendly or it can begin turning it into a Portland or Seattle style grid-locked mecca. I vote the former. We have plenty of the latter elsewhere.Additionally, if the sentiment of the majority of the people is against raising building heights, then, as representatives of the public, that is what the council should do. Big money gets its way too often and has too much influence in decision making the world over, often at the expense of those with little money and voice.Finally, I would argue against the developer themselves. In previous experience with Triway, they have proven themselves to be entirely untrustworthy and motivated purely by the bottom line. They can not be trusted to do the right thing for Olympia; they are out to do the right thing for themsleves by putting the maximum profit in their pockets. I would be against changing the building height restrictions in any event; I am doubly against it because Triway is involved.Ken K., Olympia

9/16/2008 10:11 AM

Nancy Lenzi

From: Connie CobbSent: Monday, September 15, 2008 4:04 PMTo: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley; Jan WeydemeyerSubject: From Brian Kennedy re: oppose waterfront rezone

Brian Kennedy called in to City Hall this afternoon to say he is adamantly opposed to the proposed waterfront rezone.

Brian Kennedy2711 Gampin CtOlympia

Connie Cobb City of OlympiaOffice: 360-753-8451Fax: 360-709-2791E-Mail:

9/16/2008 4:09 PM

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncilSent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 2:04 PMTo: 'June Kerseg-Hinson'Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley; Jan WeydemeyerSubject: From Albert Hinson RE: No on the Isthmus rezoning

Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriatestaff.

Connie Cobb City of OlympiaOffice: 360-753-8451Fax: 360-709-2791E-Mail:

-----Original Message-----From: June Kerseg-Hinson [] Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 2:00 PMTo: citycouncilSubject: Isthmus rezoning

Dear Members of the Olympia City Council:

As you know, there are reasonable arguments for supporting the proposed rezoning of the isthmus as well as dissenting from the Planning Commission's recommendations. This letteris meant not to take issue with any of the "facts", but to suggest criteria for rejecting the Planning Commission's decision that are a matter of principle.

There are occasions when economic viability is of a lesser priority than quality of life. To embrace issues of the quality of life, factors of long term effects and aesthetic character become more significant than economic benefit. This is especially true when viable alternatives are available. Certainly we need housing in the Olympia downtown areathat might contribute to restoring the desirability of downtown. Numerous sites other than the isthmus are available. However, the uniqueness of the isthmus seems to call for park land to enhance the quality of our significant location at the south end of Puget Sound because there is no alternative to that location for such a park. Violation of thatlocation will result in losing a major component of the quality of life in our City. Financial gain for a few must be replaced by forward-looking planning that will enhance the quality of life for all residents of Olympia.

Therefore, I urge you to place the issue of rezoning the isthmus property within the context of the quality of life for all in our city rather than within the context of economic benefits for a few.


Albert R. (Ron ) Hinson

9/16/2008 3:55 PM

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncilSent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:18 AMTo: 'June Kerseg-Hinson'Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley; Jan WeydemeyerSubject: From June Kerseg-Hinson RE: Rezoning the Isthmus

Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriatestaff.

Connie Cobb City of OlympiaOffice: 360-753-8451Fax: 360-709-2791E-Mail:

-----Original Message-----From: June Kerseg-Hinson [] Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 8:06 PMTo: citycouncilSubject: Re: Rezoning the Isthmus

On Sep 15, 2008, at 7:59 PM, June Kerseg-Hinson wrote:

> Dear Members of the Olympia City Council,>> I am writing this letter for two reasons.>> The first is to commend each and every Council member for assuming> their responsibility to take an active role in promoting quality of > life for the residents of Olympia. Each of you has worked to maintain > a sound infrastructure, that is borne out by several> examples, including: dependable water supply, a viable sewer> system and refuse collection service, police and fire departments that > protect the safety of all citizens. As a 38-year resident, I am > deeply appreciative of the historical traditions of previous city > councils you have chosen to honor and uphold.>> That being stated, I offer the second in the form of a question, for> your consideration. In light of the issue of Rezoning the Isthmus > that is before the Planning Commission, in what ways will you consider > historical tradition when the Planning Commission's recommendation > comes up for your vote? When you consider the city's landmarks - a > mix of the old and the new, the natural and the human made that are > accessible to each and every citizen, will you recognize the > importance of such a mix as integral to Olympia's sense of place, now > and in the future. I urge you to include the significance of > maintaining a connection with Olympia's history as an integral and > essential part of casting your vote.>> Sincerely,>> June Kerseg-Hinson> 403 17th Avenue SE>>

9/16/2008 3:55 PM

9/24/2008 5:23 PM

Nancy Lenzi

From: sandykeyt@comcast.netSent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 1:23 PMTo: cpdinfoSubject: building heights for downtown


I was sorry to hear that Olympia is bowing down the the developers. Please do not do this,if you would like to see what will become of our beautiful downtown Olympia just go to Lacey. I believe that the city council can find a way to bring business, revenue and housing to downtown without building large buildings that just block the beauty and give the developers one more foot into our city.

Thank you for taking to time to read and hear us the citizens of Olympia

Sandra & Edwin Keyt2734 31st ct s.e.O


Nancy Lenzi

From: Karan Kinch []

Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 12:04 PM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: rezone

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I support the rezone of the isthmus. Karan Kinch 2405 Crestline Dr NW Olympia

Nancy Lenzi


Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 9:32 AM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: Rezone of Isthmus

Page 1 of 1


I support the rezone of the Isthmus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nick Kirchoff 219 West Bay Dr NW Olympia, WA 98502

Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

Nancy Lenzi


Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 1:46 PM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: Comment for public record

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Dear Jan Weydemeyer, My husband and I were unable to be at the city council meeting last week, but we would like to add our names to those who support the rezone of the isthmus. After researching this issue, we feel that Olympia needs this kind of wise progress to help maintain and improve it as a great place to live. Thank you for accepting our comments. Regards, Kristin Johnson and Mark Cline

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncil

Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 1:25 PM

To: 'Patrick Knutson'

Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley; Jan Weydemeyer

Subject: From Patrick Knutson RE: Larida Passage

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Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriate staff.

Connie Cobb City of Olympia Office: 360-753-8451 Fax: 360-709-2791 E-Mail:

-----Original Message----- From: Patrick Knutson [] Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 8:28 PM To: citycouncil Subject: Larida Passage Dear Council, I know many of you know me. I am Patrick Knutson and own Budd Bay Café. I am very much in support of the Larida Passage project. We finally have someone who will develop downtown the way many of us have wished for a long time. Getting housing downtown will hopefully be the spark we need to revitalize downtown. What is truly sad to say, is that due to the hostile climate that many protestors have aroused, many local business people can not speak their mind without fear of retribution. It is the hostile minority that creates such a scene that many supporters will not attend your outreach sessions. I am sorry to say that I am one of them. I truly believe that my business would suffer as a direct result of voicing my opinion in such a public forum. I was catering an event for a political candidate recently and donated the desserts because they had purchased dinner. My business was listed as a supporter because of the donation. Within the next month I had two groups from the opposing political party tell me they would not be coming in any longer. I tell you this because, as I have personally told a few of you, I thank you for the job you do. Getting out there and making the difference that many of us have been waiting on for a long time. I don’t feel I need to go on about the Larida project and what I think it would do for downtown. You have heard it all and I am sorry that you have heard it in threatening and rude tones from many. Again, speaking for many, thank you. Respectfully, Patrick Knutson Budd Bay Cafe No virus found in this outgoing message.

Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.6.20/1666 - Release Date: 9/11/2008 7:03 AM

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Nancy Lenzi

From: Jeanne Koenings []

Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 5:28 PM

To: citycouncil

Cc: Jan Weydemeyer

Subject: Isthmus rezone

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As a planner who worked on the original Heritage Park proposal in the late 1980’s, I urge you to vote “No” on the rezone of the isthmus. The Wilder and White design envisioned a beautiful view from the Capitol to Budd Inlet. The Triway proposal will destroy any possibility of achieving that vision. Future generations of Olympians will thank you for your foresight with such a vote. Thank you. Jeanne Koenings

1619 10th Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501

19 September 2008

Olympia City Council Olympia City Hall 900 Plum Street SE Olympia, WA 98501 Re: Isthmus Rezone Dear City Council Members: I’m writing to you as a former planner with the Thurston Regional Planning Council, under contract to the City of Olympia, for planning services. During the 1980s I was responsible for the City’s first Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance, including the section on Scenic Vistas, as well as staff to the Heritage Park Committee, author of the Capitol Lake Restoration Plan, and author of the City of Olympia Parks Plan. I understand that there has recently been discussion about why the scenic vista now available from the Capitol Campus looking north was not identified in the ‘80s. I thought I could shed a little light on the subject: The Scenic Vistas map in the City of Olympia's Critical Area Maps series doesn't include the views from the Temple of Justice because they were barely accessible to the public at the time the ordinance and original map were created. The research for the map was done in the mid-1980s by staff from the Planning Department who drove around the city researching the places that had significant views from public properties or rights-of-way. At that time, the hillside below the Temple of Justice was fairly densely forested, and the top of the bluff was nothing but the back parking lot for the Temple of Justice. The vista was basically inaccessible to the public at that time except for a small peek-a-boo view. Since this map work has not been revisited by the City or the Thurston Regional Planning Council in the intervening 20 or so years, it doesn't reflect the fundamental changes in the situation produced by the logging of the hill, the construction of the hillside trail and its benches, or the design and construction of the Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial and its viewing area. It seems to me that, were the map to be revised, it would certainly include the view now available from the hillside looking north. Sincerely, Jeanne L. Koenings

Nancy Lenzi

From: citycouncil

Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:26 AM

To: ''

Cc: Councilmembers; Subir Mukerjee; Keith Stahley

Subject: From Jeff Konen RE: NO on the Isthmus Rezone

Page 1 of 1Message


Thank you for your comments. I will forward them on to all Councilmembers and appropriate staff.

Connie Cobb City of Olympia Office: 360-753-8451 Fax: 360-709-2791 E-Mail:

-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Konen [] Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 11:36 AM To: citycouncil; Subject: NO

Dear Citizens, I say NO to the Isthmus Rezone Condo Project. As a resident living downtown for the past two years I have come across plenty of vacant buildings and lots where housing could be, but the new buildings shouldn't extend so high that the views are cut out only for the few (rich). They're plenty of other locations to build highrises without obstructing the views, or another great idea is for the company to invest in all the abandoned downtown spaces and turn those existing buildings into excited living units. It would draw people downtown and keep citizens happy about not walling off the waterfront. I say NO! Jeff

Nancy Lenzi

From: Sue, Tim, and Maggie Koontz []

Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 8:24 PM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: [BULK] A comment in support of the project

Importance: Low

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Hello, while I am not a Olympia resident, I live only 3 houses away from the city limits in a county pocket. I support the project on this basis: We need communities with people living near stores and jobs just like before automobiles. We are going to run out of oil and have less energy to use in our future we need walkable communities. This is a start and will attract more development of living spaces downtown. People complain about the parking spaces. How about doing like they do in Saratoga Spring New York and build the parking garages with higher ceilings so they can be converted back into some kind of living, office, or retail space after we have less need to have cars around? Keeping Olympia "funky" with a downtown that is not welcoming to all promotes a car based lifestyle for the majority. Thanks Tim koontz

9/16/2008 2:51 PM

Nancy Lenzi

From: Cathie ButlerSent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 8:03 AMTo: Jan WeydemeyerSubject: FW: Larida Passage

-----Original Message-----From: David Kopra [] Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 6:37 AMTo: Jeff KingsburySubject: Larida Passage

Dear Councilman Kingsbury,

Ahead of your Tuesday Free-For-All to "discuss" the proposed changes necessary to allow the Larida Passage project to go forward, I'm writing to ask you to support the proposal to raise the height limitations. This project will be great for Olympia in that it will bring market-rate, high-end housing to downtown, enabling others to follow with revitalizing projects that will benefit all of us in the area. I strongly support this move, and I urge you and the council to do the same.

Best Regards,

David Kopra

Nancy Lenzi

From: Roland Kouhsen []

Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 1:38 PM

To: cpdinfo

Subject: Rezone of isthmus

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Good Day Ms.Weydemeyer, I attended the public hearing on Tuesday, and after careful consideration, I still support the rezone of the Olympia isthmus. I must state however, that if the rezone is approved, then a special provision should be taken to ensure that the plans proposed to the city at this time will also be executed. Too often projects' budgets are cut for various reasons, and the end result is only a shadow of the initial proposal. The city deserves a jewel, a beating heart connecting the east and west halves. Sincerely, Roland Kouhsen