Name of Presentation Williamsburg Area Transit Authority Intelligent Transportation System Planning...

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Transcript of Name of Presentation Williamsburg Area Transit Authority Intelligent Transportation System Planning...

Name of Presentation

Williamsburg Area Transit AuthorityIntelligent Transportation System Planning

Jeremy Siviter, IBI Group, Project ManagerMay 18th, 2011

2Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Project Purpose

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Procurement of Intelligent Transportation Systems for fixed route and paratransit operationsEmploy systems engineering process to

Ensure appropriate technologies procured and integrated into operationIdentify impacts on operation and ongoing needs

Systems should:Improve operational efficiency and level of serviceImprove customer service and perceptionsImprove safetyProvide a platform for future upgrades and expansion

3Williamsburg Area Transit Authority


Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Gathering Needs Technology Review

Technology-Needs Mapping

Cost Estimation

Concept of Operations

System Procurement

High-Level Requirements

Project Phasing

Detailed Requirements

4Williamsburg Area Transit Authority


Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

5Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Planning and Scheduling Software

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Fixed Route Operations SoftwareCreate trips and patternsGenerate service schedulesCreate pieces of work and runsDaily operations management

Fixed Route SchedulingPlan routesSchedule stops and running timesSchedule trips and workCreate driver assignments

Fixed Route Pullout ManagementAssign operators and vehicles to runVehicle availabilityTracking driver availability and managing overtime

• Mobile Data Terminals– Operator device control interface– Electronic messaging– Emergency alarm notification

• Automated Vehicle Announcements– Signs– Audio

• Automated Passenger


6Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Onboard System

Source: Doug Parker

Source: IRIS

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Source: Doug Parker

7Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Automatic Vehicle Location and Central Software

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Automatic Vehicle LocationTrack position of buses in real timeFeed into multiple systems

Computer Aided DispatchMonitor and manage fleetElectronic messagingHandle incidentsHandle alarms

8Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Customer Information

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Online Trip PlanningProvide self-service trip planningEstablish multi-modal connections

Data FeedWeb and Phone Real-Time Info

Provide self-service route or stop info

Stop Real-Time SignsProvide next vehicle arrival information at stops

9Williamsburg Area Transit Authority


Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

FunctionsAdvance trip booking and schedulingDispatch for same day trip bookings/changes and service incidentsEnable electronic manifest to

reduce operator effortimprove data accuracydecrease data entry effort

Enable real-time navigation


10Williamsburg Area Transit Authority


Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

11Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Available Funding

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011


ARRA $ 350,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 350,000

Revised 2 - Bus Purchase

$ 23,102 $ 0 $ 5,776 $ 28,878

Revised 6 – Bus Purchase

$ 104,112 $ 26,028 $ 0 $ 130,140

Revised 3 - Trolley Purchase

$ 18,961 $ 0 $ 4,740 $ 23,701

ARRA - Software $ 150,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 150,000

TOTAL $ 646,175 $ 26,028 $ 10,516 $ 682,719

12Williamsburg Area Transit Authority


Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

13Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Phased Cost Estimate

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Capital Cost Annual O&M Cost

Total $ 939,100 $ 84, 500

Phase 1 $ 680,000 $ 67,980

Phase 2 (subject to funding)

$ 259,100 $ 16,520

• RFP for complete system – finalize Phases 1 and 2 through negotiation

Cost Estimate for Technology Vision


WATA CAD/AVL System - Costs Estimate Capital Cost O&M Annual Cost

ItemInstalled Quantity

Installed Unit Cost

Total Installed

Cost Spare

Quantity Spare

Unit Cost Total

Spare Cost Software

Cost Total

Equipment Repair /


Software License / Support Other Total

CapitalOnboard EquipmentOnboard Computer w/ GPS Receiver and Cell Data Card 28 4,000$ 112,000$ 3 2,700$ 8,100$ 120,100$ $4,480 $4,480Mobile Data Terminal 28 3,000$ 84,000$ 3 2,000$ 6,000$ 90,000$ $3,360 $3,360Automated Passenger Counter 25 2,500$ 63,000$ 3 1,700$ 5,100$ 68,100$ $2,520 $2,520Automatic Vehicle Announcement (AVA) Equipment 25 2,000$ 50,000$ 3 1,300$ 3,900$ 53,900$ $2,000 $2,000Central SystemServers and Workstations 10,000$ 10,000$ $400 $400Fixed Route CAD/AVL Software 45,000$ 45,000$ $4,500 $4,500Mobile Data Communications Gateway Software 18,000$ 18,000$ $1,800 $1,800Automated Passenger Counter Software 15,000$ 15,000$ $1,500 $1,500Automatic Vehicle Announcement Software 15,000$ 15,000$ $1,500 $1,500Fixed Route Scheduling Software w/ Pullout Management Functionality 35,000$ 35,000$ $3,500 $3,500Paratransit Scheduling and Dispatch Software 35,000$ 35,000$ $3,500 $3,500Real-Time Information Software (Arrival Prediction, IVR, DMS Management) 70,000$ 70,000$ $7,000 $7,000Real-Time Information Website 10,000$ 10,000$ $1,000 $1,000Real-Time Data Feed 5,000$ 5,000$ $500IVR Integration with Existing Telephone System Infrastructure 30,000$ 30,000$ $0Wayside EquipmentFlat Panel Variable Message Signs (VMS) 2 3,000$ 6,000$ 6,000$ $240 $240

Totals 355,000$ 23,100$ 248,000$ 626,100$ Annual O&MCellular Data Accounts 28 5 MB/mth plan with estimated annual cost @ 240$ $6,700 $6,700Agency Incremental Staffi ng 0.5 FTE @ 80,000$ $40,000 $40,000

$13,000 $24,800 $46,700 $84,5002-Year Warranty (5%) 31,300$

Project Management, Training/Documentation (20%) 125,200$ Subtotal 782,600$

20% Contingency 156,500$ Total Capital Cost 939,100$ Total Annual O&M Cost $84,500

Number of Fixed Route Vehicles 25Number of Paratransit Vehicles 3Total Vehicles 28Fraction of Fleet equipped with APCS 100%Total Stop Displays 2

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

15Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Phase 1

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Onboard EquipmentOnboard computer with GPS receiver and Cell Data CardMobile Data Terminal

Central SystemServers and WorkstationMobile Data Communication Gateway SoftwareFixed Route Scheduling Software with Pullout ManagementParatransit Scheduling and Dispatch SoftwareReal-Time Information SoftwareReal-Time Information WebsiteReal-Time Data Feed

Operations and ManagementCellular Data AccountsAgency Incremental Staffing

16Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Phase 2

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Onboard EquipmentAutomated Passenger Counters (APC)Automatic Vehicle Announcement (AVA)

Central SystemAPC SoftwareAVA Software

Wayside EquipmentFlat Panel Variable Message Signs

Operations and ManagementAgency Incremental Staffing

17Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Schedule for Phase 1

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

18Williamsburg Area Transit Authority

Job Description Changes

Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

DriversUse of terminal – log-in, messaging

Dispatch/ Customer ServiceSoftware operation

Supervisor/PlannerSoftware planning and daily management toolsConsolidated data entry

Maintenance and SupportAdditional effort for IT support (e.g., servers, workstations, networks, applications and data)Additional bus equipment maintenanceOptions:

Outsource IT SupportDedicated IT and maintenance staff personCross-train 2 or more personnel for redundancy

19Williamsburg Area Transit Authority Intelligent Transportation System Planning May 18th, 2011

Thank you!
