NAEO 2013 annual report

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2013 NAEO Annual Report

Transcript of NAEO 2013 annual report


the National Amtelco equipment owners is an association dedicated to education, networking, and the development of best

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National Amtelco Equipment Owners


President’s ReportSubmitted by Billy Peppard, NAEO President

4 Conference | 5-7 Financial | 8 Education 9 Future Directions | 9 Technology | 10 Membership 11 Certification Development | 12 Board of Directors

Committee RepoRt pages:

As I sit here and reflect on the past year serving as your NAEO President, I’m honestly a little confused as to how fast time is passing me by. It could be me getting a little older, it could be that the kids and my family keep me busy on a daily basis, or it could simply be the 18 degree weather and snow falling outside my office window today in Dallas. I remember sitting nervously outside the Board room two years ago in Las Vegas awaiting the election results, just like it was yesterday. Before I knew it, we were in the Business Meeting in Nashville last

year and Trisha is already passing me the gavel. As quickly as my year as President-Elect came and went, my year serving as President of the organization that has provided our company so many valuable resources, ideas, confidence, and friendships over (what will soon be) our 25 years in business, flew by even faster.

We began 2013 kicking off the year with a Grand Old Opportunity in Nashville, TN at the original Gaylord Hotel, the Gaylord Opryland, where superstars were born, and the innovation sang to us all week long. As always, we were exposed to all the new and innovative ideas that Amtelco works on daily to provide their customers every tool to succeed, but we also learned how to Turn Rants into Raves, thanks to our keynote speaker, Randi Busse, how to establish a superstar sales culture, billing strategies to improve our profitability, the value of cross training our staff, and many other great ideas to help us each achieve the level of success we all want. During the business meeting we welcomed Gerald Brosseau back to the Board after his re-election, along with two new Directors to the Board, Sydney Ryan and Robert Donnelly. At the same time, we said goodbye to Robin Bailey and Kelli Harrigan. A big “Thank you” to Kelli for putting together yet another fantastic conference last year, and to Robin for the two terms she served on the NAEO Board and basically transforming the way our organization reviews its finances on a regular basis. I would also like to thank Amtelco, TAS Marketing, US Risk, and NotifyMD for their sponsorships last year, helping our Annual Conference be a great success yet again.

Around mid-year, we implemented our new dues structure for NAEO, which should properly align the organization with the current trend of mergers and acquisitions happening throughout the industry, while at the same time making Membership more attractive to the smallest companies who felt the investment in Membership was too prohibitive. While all indicators so far tend to put NAEO in a favorable position, we won’t fully realize the effects of the realignment until mid-year 2014, once we’ve been able to run through a full cycle of annual membership renewals. The project also charged the Board to re-evaluate dues on an annual basis going forward and to make adjustments as needed to remain financially strong and in a solid position to continue providing Membership with all the resources and benefits our Members expect as expenses increase on an annual basis.

Our new financial wizard, Gordon Mott, has put his own spin on the NAEO Financials by taking a page out of the Gazelle’s strategies, and created a new “bucket” for the organization to manage profits, making it easier to earmark funds needed for any major capital investments.

Speaking of capital investments, the Board recently discussed and approved an investment of roughly $9,000 to upgrade to the NAEO Operator Training Program, which will greatly improve the performance and reliability of the program. We’re hopeful that Train Now will have the upgrade completed around Conference time in Dallas. Aside from the training program, the Board did not undertake any other major expenses, and made a conscious effort to reduce our own expenses, while at the same time taking full advantage of only two in-person Board meetings for the year. That is, of course, not counting our conference Board meeting. While we continue to see the effects acquisitions are having on Membership numbers and revenue, I believe NAEO is in a very good financial position going forward.

In May, the Board travelled to Madison, WI for our much anticipated “Annual Summit” with the folks at Amtelco. Personally, I look forward to (and will miss) these meetings each year, as they provide the Board and Amtelco a focused opportunity to identify ways to help your NAEO Membership and your Vendor to work even more closely together to develop even more ways to make not only your Membership, but also their products, work better for you. We also discussed how to improve Conference each year (based on the feedback we receive from the Conference surveys each year), plans for IS Training Seminars (which continue to be a success thanks to Amtelco’s support), marketing strategies for member retention and recruitment, and a variety of other initiatives such as the Certification Program, Telescan acquisition, 1Call and Hospital involvement, and Future Directions. I am very happy to say that these meetings get more productive every year, so I’d like to extend my thanks to Mr. Everly, Tom Curtin, Bernie Torvik, Kevin & Greg Beale, Matt Everly, Pat Dye, and Jana Olsen not only for making this year’s meeting one of the best yet, but also for their continued support of NAEO.

Perhaps one of the keys to the future lies in the hands of our Future Directions Committee, led this year by your President-Elect, Kurt VanderScheer. The FDC continues to gain traction and provides an opportunity for NAEO to work even more closely with the R&D folks behind the scenes at Amtelco in developing even better products based on the valuable and practical-use feedback provided by our Members and Amtelco’s customers. I can’t stress enough the importance of everyone’s participation in each of the surveys NAEO sends out throughout the year. The information you provide is what drives the focus and determination of your Future Directions Committee, as well as your NAEO Board. The possibilities being identified by the FDC are extremely encouraging, so please make your voice be heard and give us your feedback. Amtelco is listening.

Our Education Committee, led by Lina Masri Cunningham and Theran Mossholder, continues to be rock solid, expanding on the groundwork set by Gerald Brosseau a few years ago. The webinars continue to chug along on a regular basis, and as evidenced by attendance recently, are becoming even more valuable. One of the big factors in re-evaluating our dues structure two years ago was the growing cost of providing all of the training, education, and behind-the-scenes resources that allows the Education Committee to tick on a regular basis. They have done a tremendous job of providing the best educational content and are continually striving to help our Members get the most out of their


equipment and staff. The Summer IS Series grows in popularity each year, so be sure to keep your eyes open for more information on the 2014 Series as it becomes available. The IS training continues to be a success thanks to each of the instructors who volunteer their time (especially the Member companies who “loan” their staff to us), and of course, the support of Amtelco and their staff who are always on hand to help make it a success every time. My many thanks to Lina, Theran, Gerald, and the entire Education Committee for all of their hard work and especially the time they give each month to make each of us smarter.

Speaking of Gerald Brosseau, he continues to spearhead our Certification Program, which is a monumental effort. In case you haven’t been keeping up with the progress, I’m not going to spill any secrets in my report…I’ll leave that up to him during his announcement this year. All I can say is, Gerald is a machine when it comes to work and NAEO. He loves this group as much as, and perhaps more than, anyone out there. Knowing how he transformed the Education Committee, there is simply no one else we, as a group, would want leading this project. Certification is going to be the next big benefit to NAEO, so be sure to thank Gerald and his committee for taking on such a huge initiative for us all.

The Tech Committee – i.e. Matt Crocker – continues to manage our List serve, training program, membership portal, and all other things IT for NAEO. Had we really experienced any major issues and/or projects, I’d have more to talk about, but seeing how all that runs relatively smoothly on the technical side, there’s not much really to report – and that’s a good thing. We did have two projects over the past year that were instrumental to NAEO; the first being the transition of our membership portal from Members360 to and the Training Program upgrade with Train Now. Since Members360 was acquired by, we didn’t have much of a choice in the change, nor did we have much time in which to complete the transition. Matt does a tremendous job of making sense of all the geek-speak issues that come up from time to time and he actually explains them in a way we can all understand. Matt is also completing his second term on the Board, so I’d like to thank Matt for devoting the past six (6) years of his time to NAEO.

Last, but certainly not least – and perhaps most near and dear to me personally – is the Membership Committee, chaired by Ms. Laurie Blow. After being elected President, I handed the Membership Committee over to Laurie and she probably hasn’t forgiven me since. In one fell swoop, a new E&O carrier (US Risk), new dues structure, and new membership portal all got dumped in her lap in the span of only a few months’ time. Laurie’s tireless efforts and leadership on the Membership Committee are simply second to none. So much goes on behind the scenes in NAEO that often times the Membership Committee’s efforts go unnoticed. While the Education Committee often shoulders more work on a regular basis, and while the Conference Committee’s efforts are seen each year, I’ve always felt that the most challenging position and committee work has always has been, and always will be, the Membership Chair position and working on the Membership Committee. I simply cannot say enough about the efforts everyone involved put forth to make the

Dues structure implementation go smoothly, the transition from Members360 to go smoothly, and all the time they spent making personal phone calls throughout the year to not only help Members get renewed, but also to help sell NAEO to potential Members. They are constantly striving to develop new ideas for benefits, new strategies to recruit non-members and hospitals, and it often goes unnoticed and is sometimes underappreciated. There is a reason Laurie is in the NAEO Hall of Fame, folks. By the way, she wanted NOTHING to do with the Training Program upgrade. I wonder why? Thank you Laurie, and the entire Membership Committee, for everything you do for our Members.

I would be remiss not to mention the efforts and involvement of our Executive Director, Mr. Andy Shelp. For those of you who do not know Andy well, he takes more ownership in NAEO and what we do, than many others in our own group, and does a tremendous job of keeping all of us on track. He simply goes above and beyond what anyone could expect out of their Executive Director. Thank you for everything you do, Andy.

In closing, it has truly been an honor to serve as your NAEO President, and an absolute pleasure to work with everyone on the Board of Directors. I wish each of you a very productive, prosperous, healthy and full year ahead. Thank you all for supporting simply the best trade association around. NAEO is a success because of the participation, support, and involvement of its Members.

President’s Report, ContinuedSubmitted by Billy Peppard, NAEO President


In March of 2013 we all got together in Nashville, superstars were born and we could literally hear innovation singing! It was certainly a Grand Ole Opportunity! The Gaylord Opryland was an amazing property and the city was packed with history, culture and great music at every turn. We started out the conference with very successful Supervisor and Intelligent Series training workshops, and of course our ever-popular Amtelco University! We learned some Tips and Tricks on Thinking Inside the Box, and using our

Infinity to maximize our profits.

We welcomed our first-time attendees and their veteran buddies over lunch and helped them to meet people, make connections and start networking right from the start of the show! Keynote speaker Randi Busse walked us through many ways to Turn Rants Into Raves, and shared her book with us all. The keynote was followed by an information-packed session presented by our vendor, Amtelco, as they let us all know “what’s new” with Infinity and Intelligent Series. The day ended as we all kicked up our heels and celebrated St. Patrick’s Day “cowboy style” at the Wildhorse Saloon! Good food, line dancing, country music and a ton of networking was the perfect end to a great day!

The next morning began with an informative session with Amtelco taking us on a deeper dive into our systems and looking at them from a new perspective, in an effort to unlock addition potential avenues to increase revenue. Then we jumped into a day filled with breakout sessions, providing something for everyone as our members shared their successful approaches in different areas with the rest of us. Whether your interests and experience lie in Operations, Technical, Sales & Marketing or Healthcare, there were sessions suited for everyone! We also had our Annual Business Meeting where you could come and hear about what’s happening in the organization, how the past year went, and what’s coming in the future. Here we elected new Directors Sydney Ryan and Robert Donnelly and re-elected Gerald Brosseau to the Board of Directors. The day concluded with Amtelco showing us some Shamrockin Irish Fun for everyone as they treated us all to fine food, good Irish music and another opportunity to network and spend time with friends, new and old.

The final day began with a much-raved about session by Jim Marchbank on Life after TAS, which received nothing but praise and I hope you didn’t have to miss it! We also had two hours of the popular Round Table sessions where we could spend a bit of time talking with our peers about topics of common interest in our industry, as well as another group of breakout sessions to end the educational content of the conference. We closed the day with the session that you never want to miss at NAEO – because if you missed a great idea earlier in the week, it’s bound to be repeated in our Best Idea session. The most important time you can spend at the conference could just be right here, where everyone shares the best idea they picked up from this year’s conference. You will want to be there, and make a list, because you can’t be everywhere at once and this is a chance to grab those ideas you may have otherwise missed! Finally, we announced the exciting location of our next conference, and gave away a few prizes as a fun way to end the week.

The conference committee left Nashville, and was quickly on conference calls preparing for the 2014 conference in Dallas, Texas at the beautiful Dallas Omni! We have worked hard to plan a great educational experience with plenty of opportunities for learning, networking, and a

bit of fun too! I would like to extend a big thank-you to everyone on my conference committee for helping plan these amazing events!

Conference Committee members:

Conference Rep0rtSubmitted by Trisha Johnson, Conference Committee Chair

• Trisha Johnson, Chair• Kelli Harrigan, Co-Chair• Jamie DesJardins• Marci Imes• Rob Laguerre• Lina Masri Cunningham

• Lisa Phillips• Evelyn Portinari• Jessica Schipull• Tessie Toups • Julie Cygan, Staff Liaison


Financial Rep0rtSubmitted by Gordon Mott, NAEO Secretary/Treasurer

The efforts of your board as stewards of NAEO’s finances continue to move the organization in a positive direction. The actions taken, including increasing our dues, are improving NAEO’s cash flow to allow achieving certain financial goals set by the board including the building of capital reserves and providing funds for investment in education. Balancing NAEO’s revenue streams with increasing expense demands will be an ongoing challenge.

To improve our organization’s financial management, the board has introduced two concepts: the grouping of revenue and expenses in three “buckets” (an informal name for a type of cost accounting) and a capital projects fund (for major initiatives or unexpected large expenses). This will permit better management of our operating budget, especially in comparing year-to-year results. The defined buckets are conference, education (training) and MAB (membership-administrative-board). The concept is that each area should be self-supporting, generating sufficient revenues to fund its activities. By managing NAEO’s finances in this manner, your board is emphasizing the importance education has in our organization and the strategic commitment to its growth. 2014 is the transition year in our budgeting/accounting process to incorporate these changes.

In our new bucket concept, membership dues are targeted to primarily support the administration of NAEO, including board expenses. For reasons previously discussed, primarily the lack of membership dues increase for over 10 years, we expect incremental increases in coming years. Our administrative expenses include Ewald Consulting, our executive management firm, as well as normal general administrative expenses. The board expenses relate to the semiannual strategic planning sessions, one in Madison (when we meet with Amtelco) and a second at the prospective conference site for the next conference.

A synopsis of NAEO’s 2013 results along with the 2014 budget, using the bucket concept, is presented below:

2013 aCtual: applying BuCket ConCept

maB Conference education total Capitalprojects

Revenue 152 142 37 331 0

Expense 169 125 28 322 0

Net -17 17 9 9 0

2014 Budget

Revenue 170 148 32 350 8

Expense 180 137 27 344 0

Net -10 11 5 6 8

NAEO’s performance this past fiscal year was good, with net revenue of ~$9,500 based on total revenues of ~$331,000. These results include an unbudgeted expense of $9,400 for upgrading the on line Operator Training Program with TrainNow.

The Nashville conference was one of the most financially successful in years. Total revenues approached $152,000 which resulted in net revenue of ~$19,000 (of which ~$1700 was attributable to the

workshops). These results were attributable to stronger than projected registrations and good management of food/beverage costs plus initial site inspection expenses.

The success of the summer IS workshop continues to demonstrate the membership’s willingness to support quality education. It also provides NAEO with another revenue stream. The workshop produced revenues of almost $26,400 generating net proceeds of over $7,600.

Administrative and board expenses were both under budget (excluding the unbudgeted Operator Training Program expense).

No significant changes occurred in the balance sheet. Our cash position decreased by approximately $10,000 but was offset by a decrease in deferred member dues (partially attributable to the run off of 3-year membership dues contingency). NAEO’s ~$9400 profit is reflected as an increase in retained earnings from $96,400 to $105,800. This is a step toward our strategic goal of 18 months in operating revenues.

A detailed summary of NAEO’s financial performance is included on the following two pages.


2013 2012January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 2013 vs 2012

annual ConfeRenCe

non ConfeRenCe

total annual ConfeRenCe

non ConfeRenCe

total annual ConfeRenCe

non ConfeRenCe



Advertising Income 1,740.00 1,740.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 580.00 580.00

Commission Income

10,476.00 415.00 10,891.00 10,919.00 500.00 11,419.00 -443.00 -85.00 -528.00

Interest 474.47 474.47 548.62 548.62 -74.15 -74.15

IS Training 7,425.00 0.00 7,425.00 8,671.00 0.00 8,671.00 -1,246.00 -1,246.00

Membership Dues 148,905.20 148,905.20 147,614.11 147,614.11 1,291.09 1,291.09

Miscellaneous 1,330.00 1,330.00 0.00 1,330.00 1,330.00

Registrations 126,690.00 23,883.15 150,573.15 121,415.00 18,711.00 140,126.00 5,275.00 5,172.15 10,447.15

Sponsors 4,450.00 2,500.00 6,950.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,450.00 4,450.00

Supervisor Training 2,700.00 2,700.00 3,582.00 3,582.00 -882.00 -882.00

total inCome 151,741.00 179,247.82 330,988.82 144,587.00 171,033.73 315,620.73 7,154.00 8,214.09 15,368.09


Accounting 535.00 535.00 525.00 525.00 10.00 10.00

Advertising 732.20 732.20 635.00 635.00 97.20 97.20

ATSI Board/TUNe 551.40 551.40 1,096.70 1,096.70 -545.30 -545.30

Awards/Gifts 1,480.65 1,925.86 3,406.51 2,249.92 1,665.34 3,915.26 -769.27 260.52 -508.75

Collins Scholarship 0.00 0.00 1,506.92 1,506.92 -1,506.92 -1,506.92

Credit Card Fees 6,964.98 6,964.98 8,165.99 8,165.99 -1,201.01 -1,201.01

Depreciation 510.96 510.96 510.96 510.96 0.00

Equipment Rental 21,147.99 3,564.00 24,711.99 14,972.04 320.00 15,292.04 6,175.95 3,244.00 9,419.95

Insurance 956.00 956.00 956.00 956.00 0.00

IS Trainers Exp 2,178.59 2,754.65 5,306.50 5,306.50 #VALUE! 2,178.59 -2,551.85

Legal 365.00 365.00 0.00 365.00 365.00

Lodging 1,745.28 12,020.53 13,765.81 5,632.74 11,755.37 17,388.11 -3,887.46 265.16 -3,622.30

Management 103,095.00 103,095.00 102,252.90 102,252.90 842.10 842.10

Meals 89,065.38 18,711.35 107,776.73 81,648.19 17,134.55 98,782.74 7,417.19 1,576.80 8,993.99

Meeting 0.00 321.00 321.00 -321.00 -321.00

Postage 2,780.61 473.48 3,254.09 3,340.50 683.82 4,024.32 -559.89 -210.34 -770.23

Printing 5,371.93 4,622.10 9,994.03 3,992.95 4,135.86 8,128.81 1,378.98 486.24 1,865.22

Professional Services

5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 7,168.64 752.49 7,921.13 -2,168.64 -752.49 -2,921.13

Scholarships 1,480.04 1,480.04 500.00 500.00 980.04 980.04

State Taxes 20.00 20.00 120.00 120.00 -100.00 -100.00

Supervisor Training 0.00 0.00 3,366.00 3,366.00 -3,366.00 -3,366.00

Supplies 1,498.85 224.61 1,723.46 1,350.85 1,000.52 2,351.37 148.00 -775.91 -627.91

Technology 16,009.14 16,009.14 6,899.40 6,899.40 9,109.74 9,109.74

Telephone 3,121.98 3,121.98 2,769.98 2,769.98 352.00 352.00

Travel 4,089.91 9,298.72 13,388.63 2,642.32 10,774.17 13,416.49 1,447.59 -1,475.45 -27.86

Warehousing 204.00 204.00 397.94 397.94 -193.94 -193.94

Webinar 1,195.55 1,195.55 1,084.00 1,084.00 111.55 111.55

Total Expenses 132,756.66 188,760.49 321,517.15 131,670.65 175,963.91 307,634.56 1,086.01 12,796.58 13,882.59

Net Income 18,984.34 -9,512.67 9,471.67 12,916.35 (4,930.18) 7,986.17 6,067.99 -4,582.49 1,485.50

Profit & Loss


January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 2013 vs 2012annual


ConfeRenCetotal annual


ConfeRenCetotal annual




Advertising Income 1,740.00 1,740.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 580.00 580.00

Commission Income

10,476.00 415.00 10,891.00 10,919.00 500.00 11,419.00 -443.00 -85.00 -528.00

Interest 474.47 474.47 548.62 548.62 -74.15 -74.15

IS Training 7,425.00 0.00 7,425.00 8,671.00 0.00 8,671.00 -1,246.00 -1,246.00

Membership Dues 148,905.20 148,905.20 147,614.11 147,614.11 1,291.09 1,291.09

Miscellaneous 1,330.00 1,330.00 0.00 1,330.00 1,330.00

Registrations 126,690.00 23,883.15 150,573.15 121,415.00 18,711.00 140,126.00 5,275.00 5,172.15 10,447.15

Sponsors 4,450.00 2,500.00 6,950.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,450.00 4,450.00

Supervisor Training 2,700.00 2,700.00 3,582.00 3,582.00 -882.00 -882.00

total inCome 151,741.00 179,247.82 330,988.82 144,587.00 171,033.73 315,620.73 7,154.00 8,214.09 15,368.09


Accounting 535.00 535.00 525.00 525.00 10.00 10.00

Advertising 732.20 732.20 635.00 635.00 97.20 97.20

ATSI Board/TUNe 551.40 551.40 1,096.70 1,096.70 -545.30 -545.30

Awards/Gifts 1,480.65 1,925.86 3,406.51 2,249.92 1,665.34 3,915.26 -769.27 260.52 -508.75

Collins Scholarship 0.00 0.00 1,506.92 1,506.92 -1,506.92 -1,506.92

Credit Card Fees 6,964.98 6,964.98 8,165.99 8,165.99 -1,201.01 -1,201.01

Depreciation 510.96 510.96 510.96 510.96 0.00

Equipment Rental 21,147.99 3,564.00 24,711.99 14,972.04 320.00 15,292.04 6,175.95 3,244.00 9,419.95

Insurance 956.00 956.00 956.00 956.00 0.00

IS Trainers Exp 2,178.59 2,754.65 5,306.50 5,306.50 #VALUE! 2,178.59 -2,551.85

Legal 365.00 365.00 0.00 365.00 365.00

Lodging 1,745.28 12,020.53 13,765.81 5,632.74 11,755.37 17,388.11 -3,887.46 265.16 -3,622.30

Management 103,095.00 103,095.00 102,252.90 102,252.90 842.10 842.10

Meals 89,065.38 18,711.35 107,776.73 81,648.19 17,134.55 98,782.74 7,417.19 1,576.80 8,993.99

Meeting 0.00 321.00 321.00 -321.00 -321.00

Postage 2,780.61 473.48 3,254.09 3,340.50 683.82 4,024.32 -559.89 -210.34 -770.23

Printing 5,371.93 4,622.10 9,994.03 3,992.95 4,135.86 8,128.81 1,378.98 486.24 1,865.22

Professional Services

5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 7,168.64 752.49 7,921.13 -2,168.64 -752.49 -2,921.13

Scholarships 1,480.04 1,480.04 500.00 500.00 980.04 980.04

State Taxes 20.00 20.00 120.00 120.00 -100.00 -100.00

Supervisor Training 0.00 0.00 3,366.00 3,366.00 -3,366.00 -3,366.00

Supplies 1,498.85 224.61 1,723.46 1,350.85 1,000.52 2,351.37 148.00 -775.91 -627.91

Technology 16,009.14 16,009.14 6,899.40 6,899.40 9,109.74 9,109.74

Telephone 3,121.98 3,121.98 2,769.98 2,769.98 352.00 352.00

Travel 4,089.91 9,298.72 13,388.63 2,642.32 10,774.17 13,416.49 1,447.59 -1,475.45 -27.86

Warehousing 204.00 204.00 397.94 397.94 -193.94 -193.94

Webinar 1,195.55 1,195.55 1,084.00 1,084.00 111.55 111.55

Total Expenses 132,756.66 188,760.49 321,517.15 131,670.65 175,963.91 307,634.56 1,086.01 12,796.58 13,882.59

Net Income 18,984.34 -9,512.67 9,471.67 12,916.35 (4,930.18) 7,986.17 6,067.99 -4,582.49 1,485.50

Balance SheetVariances (2013 vs. 2012)



as of 12/31/13 as of 12/31/12

CuRRent assets:Checking/savings/CashChecking 24,724.24 55,267.00

Curtin Scholarship Fund 9,839.07 10,335.76

Savings 134,536.03 114,064.87

total Checking/savings/Cash 169,099.34 179,667.63accounts Receivable 290.00 290.00prepaid expenses 9,243.38 7,539.57total Current assets 178,632.72 187,497.20

fixed assets:Equipment 7,640.32 7,640.32

Accumulated Depreciation -7,498.88 -6,987.92

141.44 652.40

total assets 178,774.16 188,149.60liaBilities & equityCurrent liabilities: Accounts Payable 113.05 49.46

Deferred Revenue - Dues 72,838.48 91,749.19

total Current liabilities 72,951.53 91,798.65total liabilities 72,951.53 91,798.65equityRetained Earnings 96,350.96 88,364.79

Net Income 9,471.67 7,986.17

total equity 105,822.63 96,350.96total liabilities & equity 178,774.16 188,149.60

Supervisor Training




Membership Dues

IS Training


Commission Income







Supervisor Training

State Taxes


Professional Services








IS Trainers Exp


Equipment Rental


Credit Card Fees

Collins Scholarship





Supervisor Training




Membership Dues

IS Training


Commission Income



Education Rep0rtSubmitted by Lina Masri Cunningham, Education Committee Chair

2013 was a very exciting year for the NAEO Education Committee! The dedicated committee members started planning very early for a season of education, by learning from one another and committing their time and knowledge to the association. The focus this year was on three major projects. First was the task of compiling educational Webinars for the entire year. Second was the Summer Series seminar on Intelligent Series programming and scripting. Finally the team worked together on planning the Annual

Conference IS Workshop.

Webinars are becoming increasingly more important to NAEO members. With two webinars scheduled every month, the number of members utilizing this unique opportunity for education continues to rise. This year, Evelyn Portinari of Always On Call worked extensively with the help of Deborah Anders of The Legacy Connection on building a webinar schedule jam-packed with relevant topics and excellent presenters. Each year, we ask members what is important to them and what they want to learn more about. As a result we focused on leadership and managing of staff; we also continued to provide education on programming, equipment, and maintenance. The entire Committee works together to find presenters for topics that will help you in your business or for training your employees. One of the highlight webinars of the year was presented by Mari Osmon of Spectrum Communications on How to Deal with Difficult Staff. If you missed this webinar or any others, you can find them on the NAEO website using your member login. This webinar (among several) is not to be missed. The committee has already begun its work and has a great webinar schedule in store for 2014.

The Education Committee welcomed Theran Mossholder of Newtown Answering Service as our new Co-Chair. Theran lead the way to this year’s Summer Intelligent Series Seminar, which was a huge success. The Embassy Suites in Atlanta hosted this unprecedented event. For three days, we had more than 50 attendees from all over the world come together to learn Intelligent Series programming and to collaborate and share their knowledge and ideas. Amtelco graciously offered a sponsorship and the attendance of employees Susan Kirkpatrick, Pat Dye, and Michael Quimby. The seminar was led by speakers Theran Mossholder of Newtown Answering Service, Gerald Brosseau II of Always On Call, Lina Masri Cunningham of Extend Communications, and Michael Goumas of ProComm. This was the first time we had this many attendees outside of the annual conference.

The Seminars started off with back to basics. With the use of a workbook that was designed by Education Committee members, the attendees were able to learn the basics of Intelligent Series programming. Following along in the workbook and with the aid of instructors, attendees got hands-on experience creating shared fields and info pages. They learned the basics of flow charting, allowing them to build and execute basic scripts. The second day focused on bringing those basic scripts to the next level by implementing different actions and if/else based decision making. The second half of the three day seminar focused on Contact Based Dispatching. We started with programing Contact Based Directories and Contact Methods, and concluded by implementing Contact Based Scripting and Dispatching. There were a lot of questions and ideas and the wealth of knowledge passed around was second to none.

In 2014, the Summer Series is coming back, and we will move this unparalleled opportunity to St. Louis, Missouri. The Embassy Suites St.

Louis Airport will host the three day Summer Intelligent Series Seminar. Other cities were considered, such as Indianapolis and Chicago, however ,the Education committee came to the decision to hold this year’s seminar in St. Louis due to its centralized location and hotel offerings. The Embassy Suites St. Louis is a full service hotel, which meets our goals to have a low price point of only $124.00 per night as well as complimentary airport shuttle service, breakfast, lunch, wifi access, and evening receptions which is perfect to keep attendees together sharing their knowledge and ideas.

The Education Committee also works very hard every year to offer an Intelligent Series Workshop in conjunction with the Annual Conference. At this year’s conference in Dallas the Intelligent Series Workshop focuses on advanced programming and expanding on the programming knowledge learned at the Summer Intelligent Series Seminar. Topics include Advanced Expressions, Basic SQL Implementation and Scripting, Action Tables and Action Groups, and Advanced Tips and Tricks. This workshop is led by Theran Mossholder, Gerald Brosseau II, Michael Goumas, and Debbie Imes. Amtelco’s training manager, Susan Kirkpatrick, was also on hand to assist.

As we embark upon a new year, the Education Committee is diligently working on enhancing membership offerings. Through the hard work of its members we are seeing fresh new webinars and an extensive training program is beginning to emerge. With the assistance of the new Certification Committee, we are excited to be a part of the growth as we work towards our goal of creating a full certification program. With our seminar attendance continuing to rise, we plan to implement scripting tests and policies to really take NAEO education to the next level!! This year, we welcomed several new committee members and we continue to extend an open invitation for you! We’re also always looking for webinar ideas, webinar presenters, and assistance with our IS and Supervisor seminars. Please email with your ideas, feedback, to volunteer to present on a topic, or to join the committee. We’d love to have you!

Finally, I want to personally thank this year’s committee for volunteering their time, talents, and efforts for the benefit of the entire NAEO membership. It is because of these individuals that we have the quality, frequency, and consistency of educational topics to further inspire, improve, and reinvigorate our own respective organizations. Thank you, again!

education Committee members:

• Lina Masri Cunningham, Chair• Theran Mossholder, Co-chair• Deborah Anders• Gerald R. Brosseau, II• Debbie Chamberlain• Kelli Harrigan• Debbie Imes

• Darryl Shaw• Sherry Oxner• Evelyn Portinari• Gail Russell• Michael Goumas• Mike Quimby, Amtelco


Future Directions CommitteeSubmitted by Kurt VanderScheer, FDC Chair

Driving the future of our industry, identifying our common challenges, assisting Amtelco in developing ideas to meet our memberʼs needs, and creating a summary of the call center and answering service industry are the lofty goals of the Future Directions Committee (FDC). 2013 was a year of building on the already strong relationship between Amtelco and NAEO forged by the leadership by Gordon Mott when he kicked off the committee in 2012.

The FDC is made up of long-time NAEO members and thought leaders from commercial and medical member companies. Amtelco is also well represented on the committee with routine input from key personnel in the software and support departments. During our bi-weekly conference calls, committee members offer insights into the many challenges and opportunities facing our industry. Examples of the varied topics covered in 2013 include: Amtelcoʼs Application Programmers Interfaces (APIs), open standards, transactional architectures, fault tolerance of Amtelco products, secure messaging, WebRTC, ease of use and user experience of Amtelco products and services, and many more. These high level discussions have created a continuous and often enlightening dialog with our primary vendor that has exceeded my expectations as chair of the committee.

Late in 2013, the committee developed the 2014 NAEO Technology and Communications Survey in an ongoing effort to determine where our organization stands from a technology and telecommunications perspective. The survey was released to the NAEO membership in

February 2014. The FDC wishes to thank all those who participated in the survey. Your input will help shape the agenda and the committees’ priorities for 2014. The results of the survey will be reviewed by the FDC and made available to the NAEO membership in aggregate in the coming weeks.

Iʼm looking forward to keeping the momentum going in 2014! We will continue our dialog with Amtelco and face our challenges together.

The Future Directions Committee is always on the lookout for forward-thinking members who have a desire to share their ideas and insights. If that description suits you and youʼre interested in helping out, or if you just have something to share with the committee please email the FDC chair at

future Directions Committee members: • Kurt VanderScheer, Chair• Greg Beale, Amtelco• Kevin Beale, Amtelco• Gerald R. Brosseau, II• Matthew Crocker• Robert Donnelly• Kyle Duhon• Rosi Frankel• Kelli Harrigan• Gordon Mott• Alan Tucker, Amtelco• Jim Wagner

The NAEO Technical Committee is charged with providing technical resources to the board and other NAEO committees. Throughout 2013 we managed and maintained the NAEO server, mailing list and training environment. The Technical Committee assisted Ewald Consulting and the Membership Committee with the transition of the membership database from Affiniscape/Members360 to This CRM is used for all NAEO related functions including renewals, member benefits, conference and

webinar registrations. At the end of 2013, the Technical Committee initiated the process of upgrading the NAEO Operator Training program.

The new training program is scheduled to come online soon and will allow it to continue to function with the latest version of Microsoft Windows. The Technical Committee has been involved with the Future Directions Committee work with Amtelco to help set the course of our industry.

Technology Rep0rtSubmitted by Matthew Crocker, Technical Committee Chair


Membership Rep0rtSubmitted by Laurie Blow, Membership Committee Chair

NAEO member retention has continued to be the primary focus for the Membership Committee. We ended the year with 196 member companies. In 2012 three key groups were identified as needing extra focus. These were hospitals, new members and small call centers. With the exception of mergers, these three groups were the most likely to not renew membership in NAEO. A new member mentor program was established as was a hospital focus group to support the efforts of retaining these members and attracting new


Lisa Phillips from Stericycle took on the task of developing the mentor program to match new Amtelco installs with experienced NAEO members to help smooth the transition to Amtelco equipment and engage new members earlier. With Jake Phillips as Ambassador Liaison and member volunteers, new members now have additional resources available to them. Please take a moment at conference to meet our new members and make them feel welcome.

The feedback from our members at the business meeting in Nashville was heard. We needed to do something to engage more hospitals. In May, the NAEO Board of Directors appointed Betty Bouchie to a new position. Betty is the new Hospital Liaison to the Board. Betty has worked hard through the year to create a hospital focused sub-committee of Membership comprised of herself, Gail Russell, Jana Olson, Carolyn Sonnefeld, Patricia Alexander and Rossi Fraenkel. This committee has monthly conference calls to discuss the challenges of being a hospital that include everything from budgeting training and association memberships to how to maximize the use of Amtelco equipment in a hospital environment. This group has provided input on conference sessions, educational sessions and is developing white papers to assist hospitals with programming. We look forward to seeing what comes from this group in 2014!

The new dues structure was put in place in July. There are now several categories of membership based on the number of licensed Amtelco seats each member has. This is a more equitable structure of membership dues as it allows us to offer a reduced rate for very small sites and addresses some of the reduction in overall memberships due to acquisitions.

One of the most challenging projects of 2013 was moving the NAEO member database to a new management system. Your Membership was implemented earlier in the year. As many of you have likely noted when you renewed your membership, this program will allow for enhanced networking in the future. Please take the time to log in, update your profile and see what features are available.

I would like to thank all of our committee members for their efforts during the year. A special thank-you goes to Betty Bouchie, who will be retiring in March. Betty has been a dedicated NAEO volunteer and wanted to be a part of expanding hospitals within NAEO before she left. Betty, we cannot thank you enough for your tireless work on several committees and with Newslinks all of these years. We will miss you and wish you well on your new journey! I would also like to thank Lisa Phillips for taking on the mentor program and Jana Olson for the dedication and support to our association.

We all have a vested interest in NAEO. Please find a way to contribute by serving on committees, completing surveys and attending the business meeting. We all have ownership in our success.

membership Committee members:

• Laurie Blow, Chair• Andy Shelp• Sydney Ryan• Betty Bouchie, Hospital Liaison• Lisa Phillips, Mentor Program Coordinator• Jake Phillips, Ambassador Program• Ron Waine• Rob Bennett• Mike Crossman• Gail Russell• Jillian Henry• Jana Olson, Amtelco Liaison


Certification Development Committee ReportSubmitted by Gerald R. Brosseau, II, Certification Committee Development Chair

NAEO’s Certification Committee was officially founded following last year’s annual conference in Nashville. Upon submitting and approving a phased approach to the Board of Directors, President Billy Peppard appointed Gerald R. Brosseau, II to chair his idea with Theran Mossholder as Co-Chair. The committee was charged with developing two unique certification programs: One for supervisory and management staff on the Infinity Supervisor platform, including the peripheral software utilized by Amtelco

customers. The demand for this training has been requested by NAEO members and the committee is endeavoring to provide the support necessary for training. The second certification program includes Intelligent Series Supervisor, which encompasses everything from the core fundamentals that a site would encounter when converting their messaging templates and info pages from the core Infinity system to one with Intelligent Series. The committee has also been engaged with Amtelco and has received their full support of the certification program, including the opportunity to work with trainers and field service support staff. Most recently, in order to remain current with the “future direction” of the industry, I have also had the opportunity to work with incoming president Kurt VanderScheer, other members, and Amtelco staff on the Future Directions Committee. This has afforded me the opportunity to speak directly with software innovators and documentation experts at Amtelco.

The committee has made tremendous progress in the development of the program, including several hundred pages of documentation that committee volunteers have been creating and compiling for months. Each aspect of the program is being looked at thoroughly, including consistent formatting, structured organization of the data and sections using a numbered system that would be similar to a college course manual, i.e. IN 100-199 includes the Infinity Client Setup while IN 300-399 encompasses the Infinity Operator Setup. Color screenshots, visual markers, tips and tricks, and best practices are all being included for both the instructor and student. The Board of Directors reviewed a draft at the Fall 2013 board meeting. As such, the document and progress received rave reviews to extend to committee volunteers and their efforts to create a comprehensive course.

The progress is such that the Infinity Supervisor Certification Course is expected to be offered in 2015. NAEO will be certifying individuals upon successful completion and the ability to demonstrate mastery of the training. The course will consist of specific software aspects that nearly every Amtelco Infinity site utilizes in the operation of their business, call center, answering service, or hospital switchboard. The core fundamentals will be taught and tested in-person by NAEO trainers. Peripheral software, including programs like eVoicelink, eResponse, Ultracomm, etc., will be offered as “electives”; depending on the schedule or course, they may be offered as webinars for a “Certification of Completion.”

The Intelligent Series Certification has been led by Co-Chair, Theran Mossholder. Progress of this course is continuing to expand, especially with respect to the highly acclaimed and popular “Summer Series,” a 3-day intensive IS workshop offered by NAEO annually in August. Recent changes in software by Amtelco’s release of IS 4.0 will be the focus of material development in 2014, as well expanding the scope of content to include advanced programming aspects, such as linking to a SQL database and Contact Based Architecture. Based on feedback from the IS Workshop in August 2013 in Atlanta, the committee will be working to also develop an instructor manual to ensure continuity of the training program, regardless of who may conduct the training.

NAEO Executive Director Andy Shelp and Program Chair Gerald R. Brosseau, II have been working with NAEO’s legal counsel, insurance agency, and other resources regarding such questions as the feasibility and possibility of future accreditation, risk and indemnification concerns, and continuity of the program development due to the changes in our industry, committee volunteers, and software evolution.

Honestly, every member of this new committee truly does an outstanding job and is a pleasure (and most of all, extremely fun) to work with. They are some of the most dedicated individuals I have had the pleasure to work with. Many of them are spending dozens of hours volunteering their time each month in content development, research, and documentation. They truly deserve recognition above and beyond this report and a sincere, “Thank you!” Recently, volunteer Tifani Leal-Aucoin was voted unanimously as the committee secretary. She has done a phenomenal job in assisting the committee with the compilation of the material, coordinating volunteer efforts, and assisting with preparing for each monthly conference call.

The efforts of this committee are developing a program that will undoubtedly become one of NAEO’s most valuable member assets. When I was appointed as Education Chair years ago, we took a whole new approach to “bridge the gap” between the software development team at Amtelco and real world experience by creating webinars and educational training programs that would be beneficial to the members at a level never before offered. Now, with the certification program, the training is becoming a whole new structured category of NAEO membership that prides itself in continuity though education, a compilation of best practices, and a commitment to service excellence. Employees of member companies will be rewarded for learning, by the recognition of an NAEO Certification Certificate. Management staff and owners of member firms can be confident that those certified are receiving professional training that assures continuity and is second to none within the telemessaging industry.

I look forward to continue working with my incredible team and the supportive staff at Amtelco in the next year with the goal of unveiling the NAEO Certification Program officially to our members in 2015. Thank you to the NAEO Members and the Board of Directors for their patronage and faith in me as committee chair, and most of all to my fellow committee volunteers for their enthusiasm, endeavors, and time to the development of the NAEO Certification Program. To become a member of the committee, please don’t hesitate to speak with a committee volunteer or email

Certification Committee Members:

• Gerald R. Brosseau, II, Committee Chair

• Theran J. Mossholder, Committee Co-Chair

• Tifani Leal-Aucoin, Committee Secretary

• Ashley Leturgez• Deborah Anders• Debbie Imes• Darryl Shaw

• Evelyn J. Portinari• Jamie Hay• Marie McGuire• Michael Goumas• Mike Burkinshaw• Nathan Case• Sherry Oxner• Lina Masri Cunningham• Maryann Wetmore


pResiDentBilly PeppardMedical Connections, Inc.

viCe pResiDentKurt VanderScheerAnswer United

past pResiDentTrisha JohnsonStericycle Communication Solutions

seCRetaRy/tReasuReRGordon MottMain Line TeleCommunications

CeRtifiCation DevelopmentChaiRGerald R. Brosseau, IIAlways On Call Answering Service, LLC

ConfeRenCe ChaiRTrisha JohnsonStericycle Communication Solutions

eDuCation ChaiRLina Masri CunninghamExtend Communications, Inc.

eDuCation Co-ChaiRTheran Mossholder Newtown Answering Service

futuRe DiReCtions ChaiRKurt VanderScheerAnswer United

memBeRship ChaiRLaurie Blow Advanced Answering Center

teChniCal ChaiRMatt CrockerCrocker Communications, Inc.

BoaRD memBeRSydney RyanTelelink

BoaRD memBeRRobert Donnelly Medical Service Bureau, Inc.

atsi RepResentativeKelli HarriganSpectrum Communications

newslinks eDitoR, hospital liaison Betty BouchieQEII Health Sciences Centre (CDHA)

exeCutive DiReCtoRAndy

Save the Date for 2015 NAEO Annual Conference

march 7 – 11, 2015

NAEO Board of Directors, 2013-2014