Myths about lung cancer disease

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Myths about lung cancer disease

Myths about lung cancer disease

lung cancer myths

• Myths are the things which are wrongly assumed or believed by the folks and the statement is being accepted among large number of population without any research.

• The myths and misconception spreads easily at very rapid rate.

• Lung cancer is one of the malignant tumors which bares such false believes regarding, causes, treatment, etc…

• Some of the most popular myth are told in these slides.

Smoking is the only risk factor for lung cancer

• As folks come across the word cancer, the first thing comes to the mind is the cigarette, smoke and any kind of tobacco product.

• This is because the major cause of lung cancer is smoking and they are not the only reason

• There are number of reasons ( which are more adverse than smoking.

• So smoking is not the only cause for lung cancer

Lung cancer leads to conform death

• Lung cancer is very popular among other type of cancer but they are not the untreatable disease.

• Folks belief lung leads to death sentence, but the fact is they are treatable even at the worse condition.

• The patients with strong immune power and strong mind will fight and overcome the cancer disease with bold heart.

Secondhand smoking doesn’t increase the risk of lung cancer

• People with narrow thought believe, inhaling few smoke doesn’t leads to lung cancer.

• the smoke evolving from the cigarette has number of harmful chemicals in it.

• When people with less immune capacity and hereditary of lung cancer expose to the chain smoker, they are assured with the lung cancer to the maximum probability.

• So be aware and stay away from the smokers.

Young people doesn’t get lung cancer

• This myth is because of the average aged people with lung cancer is around 50 to 70.

• This doesn’t mean that lung cancer cause only to the elders, they are even small children and even toddler get affected by lung cancer.

• But the probability is less in numbers, so it is wise to aware of lung cancer at all the ages and take necessary preventive actions.

Quitting smoking is the only preventive measures

• Since smoking is not the only cause of lung cancer, quitting smoking is also not the only preventive measures.

• There are number of things to be followed to stay away from lung cancer like avoiding radon and asbestos, staying away from air pollution, following healthy diet( , regular exercise, etc…

• Avoiding smoking is the prior thing to do but they are not the exclusive factor in lung cancer prevention

• The above are some of the myths which are involved in lung cancer disease.

• Lung cancer blogs ( shows various updates on lung cancer treatment procedures, stages, causes, types, diagnosis, prognosis, symptoms, etc…

• The information regarding the lung cancer diseases are dated with detailed note.