Myofibrillogenesus in Skeletal Muscle Cells · 2020-03-05 · ends (Fig 5) and sides (Fig 6) of...

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Transcript of Myofibrillogenesus in Skeletal Muscle Cells · 2020-03-05 · ends (Fig 5) and sides (Fig 6) of...

CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCHNumber 403S, pp. S153–S162© 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.


How are myofibrils assembled in skeletal mus-cles? The current authors present evidence thatmyofibrils assemble through a three-step model:premyofibrils to nascent myofibrils to maturemyofibrils. This three-step sequence was basedinitially on studies of living and fixed culturedcells from cardiac muscle. Data from avian pri-mary muscle cells and from a transgenic skeletalmouse cell line indicate that a premyofibril modelfor myofibrillogenesis also holds for skeletal mus-cle cells. Premyofibrils are characterized by mini-sarcomeres bounded by Z-bodies composed ofthe muscle isoform of alpha-actinin. Actin fila-ments are connected to these Z-bodies and to themini-A-bands composed of nonmuscle myosin IIfilaments. Nascent myofibrils are formed whenpremyofibrils align and are modified by the addi-tion of titin and muscle myosin II filaments. Ma-ture myofibrils result when nonmuscle myosin IIis eliminated from the myofibrils and the alpha-actinin rich Z-bodies fuse as the distance betweenthem increases from 0.5 �m in premyofibrils to 2to 2.5 �m in the mature myofibrils.

Adult Skeletal MusclesMuscle in cardiac and skeletal muscle cells iscomposed of interdigitating filaments that areorganized in a basic repeating unit, the sar-comere (Fig 1). Actin and titin filaments attachto the boundaries of the sarcomere, the Z-bands, home to an increasing number of newlydiscovered proteins,19,30 one of which is in-volved with a limb muscular dystrophy.21 Theactin filaments and the titin filaments bind tothe ordered arrays of thick myosin II filamentsin the A-band (Fig 1). An ultrastructural viewof longitudinal sections of skeletal muscle re-veals bundles of myofibrils, which are ap-proximately a half micrometer wide and con-tain a series of sarcomeres with an average restlength of approximately 2.5 �m (Fig 2). Inskeletal muscle cells, also called muscle fibers,the myofibrils run from one end of the cell tothe other end. The muscle fibers that comprisea muscle bundle rarely run the length of thebundle.11,12 In fact, of approximately 1000 in-dividual cells dissected from a sartorius mus-

Myofibrillogenesis in Skeletal Muscle Cells

Joseph W. Sanger, PhD; Prokash Chowrashi, PhD; Nathan C. Shaner, BA; Simon Spalthoff, MD; Jushuo Wang, PhD;

Nancy L. Freeman, PhD; and Jean M. Sanger, PhD

From the Department of Cell and Developmental Biol-ogy, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,Philadelphia, PA.This work was supported by grants from Muscular Dys-trophy Association (JWS) and the National Institutes ofHealth (to JWS; SS was supported by an National Insti-tutes of health grant to Dr. Robert E. Forster).Reprint requests to Joseph W. Sanger, PhD, Departmentof Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Penn-sylvania School of Medicine, 421 Curie Boulevard,Philadelphia, PA 19104–6058.DOI: 10.1097/01.blo.0000031973.69509.21

List of Abbreviations Used

CDNA complementary deoxyribonucleicacid

GAPDH glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase

GFP green fluorescent proteinYFP yellow fluorescent protein

cle bundle of a domestic cat, only seven ex-tended the full 10 cm length of the bundle.12

Most of the fibers were in the range of 1 to 3cm in length. Muscle fibers with an average di-ameter of 50 �m have approximately 600 myo-fibrils in cross section, and if they were 1 cm

in length, they would contain approximately2.4 million sarcomeres.

The sarcomeres serve as a scaffold for mem-branes and many metabolic enzymes. Regula-tion of contraction of the sarcomeres is con-trolled by an extensive array of the membranous

Clinical OrthopaedicsS154 Sanger et al and Related Research

Fig 1. A model of a hybrid sarcomere comprising a left half of a skeletal sarcomere and a right half ofa cardiac sarcomere is shown. The Z-bands mark the boundaries of one sarcomere, and are the sitesin the sarcomere where the ends of the actin filaments and titin filaments are embedded. Both of thesefilaments bind alpha-actinin in the Z-bands. The actin filaments are complexed with several differentproteins including tropomyosin, troponins, and nebulin. In skeletal muscle sarcomeres, nebulin extendsall along the length of the thin filament, whereas in cardiac muscle, the nebulin isoform, nebulette ex-tends from the Z-band to just a few tenths of a micron along the actin filaments. In both muscle types,the 1.6-�m long myosin filaments are aligned into arrays called A-bands that are approximately 1.6 �min length. Six titin filaments connect each half of a myosin filament to the end of the sarcomere, ex-tending from the M-band to the Z-band. The C-terminal ends of the two sets of titin filaments in thesame sarcomere overlap in the M-band, and the N-terminal ends of the titin filaments from adjacentsarcomeres overlap in the Z-bands.10,17 Several additional proteins cross-link the myosin filaments inthe M-band. (Modified with permission from Sanger JW, Sanger JM; Fishing out proteins that bind totitin. J Cell Biol 154:21–24, 2001.)

Fig 2. A transmission electron micrograph of a longitudinal section of a skeletal muscle cell or fiber(rabbit psoas) shows the sarcomeres are arranged longitudinally to form myofibrils that are aligned lat-erally. Deposits of glycogen (arrows) are found near the Z-bands. Bar � 1 �m

transverse tubules and sarcoplasmic reticu-lum.9 Enzymes required for muscle functionare present in bound and soluble form in themuscle cell.14 Creatine kinase is a componentof the M-bands of mature myofibrils.35 Phos-phorylase is a component of the Z-bands.3Several glycolytic enzymes, for example, al-dolase, GAPDH, and phosphofructokinase bindto thin filaments via actin and tropomyosin-troponin binding sites.8,13–15,18,31

Model for the Study of MyofibrillogenesisMyoblasts, the stem cells of embryonic skele-tal muscle, undergo a series of divisions toform myocytes that fuse to form multinucle-ated myotubes (Fig 3) in which myofibrilsform (Fig 4). Fusion is not necessary for theassembly of myofibrils, because under certainexperimentally-induced conditions, myocytescan be prevented from fusing and a few myo-fibrils will form within the elongated struc-tures.22,25 In contrast to skeletal muscle cells,embryonic cardiac muscle cells can undergomitotic divisions, resulting either in two daugh-

ter cardiac muscle cells or a binucleated mus-cle cell.4

A popular model system for the study of myo-fibrillogenesis has been cultured avian embry-onic myoblasts.5,6 Myoblasts isolated from thebreast muscle of chick or quail embryos from10-day-old fertilized eggs are treated with a lowlevel of trypsin for approximately 10 to 30 min-utes to separate the muscle cells. The digestedtissue is spun down in a tabletop centrifuge toform a pellet of cells that is resuspended in cul-ture medium and filtered through a 50-�m fil-ter so that only single cells pass through.5 Thefiltrate contains myoblasts, myocytes, and fi-broblasts. By preplating the cells for 1 hour, themore adherent fibroblasts are decreased in theisolated cell preparation, and the unattachedcells, enriched for myoblasts and myocytes arecollected and plated on collagen-coated tissueculture dishes. The authors recorded myoblastsand myocytes as they attached during the firstday in culture and began to migrate and divideduring the second and subsequent days in cul-ture. As the myocytes migrate toward one an-other they fuse with one another and form smallelongated myotubes during the third day of cul-ture (Fig 3). During the next several days, addi-

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Fig 3. Mononucleated stem cells of myoblastscan undergo a series of divisions resulting in post-mitotic daughter cells, myocytes, that fuse withone another to form a multinucleated myotube(arrow).

Fig 4. A fluorescent light micrograph of a myo-tube with mature myofibrils is shown. The myo-cytes previously had been infected with a virusencoding the cDNA for alpha-actinin ligated tothe cDNA for YFP. The YFP-alpha-actinin is lo-calized in the Z-bands of the sarcomeres. Two Z-bands in series mark the limits of one sarcomere.Bar � 10 �m

tional myocytes fuse to form wider and longermyotubes, and by 5 days, the multinucleatedmyotubes undergo spontaneous irregular con-tractions. Under certain conditions, the crossstriations of the myofibrils can be detected inliving myotubes using phase contrast micro-scopy. However, to observe the formation ofmyofibrils in these cells, fluorescent reagentsthat target specific regions of the sarcomeresand myofibrils must be used.

Alpha-Actinin as a Probe for StudyingMyofibrillogenesisAlpha-actinin is an actin-binding protein that islocalized in all Z-bands of the sarcomeres. Assuch, it is a good marker for sarcomeres. Whena fluorescent dye is chemically linked to alpha-actinin and the protein is injected in traceamounts into muscle cells, it allows the Z-bands to be observed with light microscopy inlive cells.24,26–28 The cDNA for alpha-actininalso can be inserted into viruses or plasmidsthat encode the bioluminescent protein, GFP,responsible for the bioluminescence found inseveral different marine animals (the biolumi-nescent jellyfish).1 When myocytes are in-fected with the virus (Fig 4) or transfected withthe plasmid (Fig 5), the cells express the fusionprotein, alpha-actinin-GFP. Near the middle oftransfected myotubes, arrays of Z-bands aredetected in the myotubes (Fig 3, 5B, 6). At theends (Fig 5) and sides (Fig 6) of elongating myo-tubes, fibrils with smaller periodic bands aredetected. By following the same myotube, theauthors were able to show that the short peri-odic bands grew further apart along the fibrils,that adjacent strands fused to form wider fibers,and that the fluorescent bands fused to form thetypical linear Z-bands of mature myofibrils26,27

(Fig 7). The deposition of new premyofibrilsand the annealing of short premyofibrils intolonger premyofibrils that moved toward the in-terior of the myotube (Fig 8) also was seen inembryonic cardiomyocytes in tissue culture.7The fusion of Z-bodies to form solid Z-bandstypical of mature myofibrils implies a dynamicactivity of the Z-band components that permitsremodeling.

Premyofibril ModelFigure 9 shows a model that explains resultson living and fixed cells stained with antibod-ies directed against alpha-actinin, nonmusclemyosin II, muscle myosin II, and titin. Thismodel, called the premyofibril model, indi-cates thin fibers along the membrane surfacesat the ends and sides of a growing myotube.The thin fibers are termed premyofibrils. Alpha-actinin is concentrated along the fibrils insmall aggregates called Z-bodies. Actin fila-ments are attached to these Z-bodies and tononmuscle myosin II filaments. The Z-bodiesmark the boundary of the repeating subunits ofthe premyofibrils. Just as the Z-bands of myo-fibrils mark the boundaries of a sarcomere, sotoo, the Z-bodies mark the boundaries of theminisarcomeres of the premyofibrils. Duringthe course of a few hours, the beaded Z-bands

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Fig 5A–B. (A) The end of a quail myotubeformed from myocytes that had been transfectedwith a plasmid encoding YFP-alpha-actinin be-fore fusion is shown. Closely spaced Z-bodies ofYFP-alpha-actinin are found in the premyofibrilsat the end of the myotube. The Z-bodies mark theboundaries of the minisarcomeres that comprisea premyofibril. (B) A midsection of the same myo-tube in Figure 5A is shown with fluorescent Z-bands aligned in well-organized mature myofi-brils. Bar � 10 �m



transform into the linear Z-lines observed inmuscles from adults.7

Staining of premyofibrils with muscle-specific proteins reveals that muscle-specificactin and alpha-actinin are present, but muscle-specific myosin II and titin are absent.20

Intermediate in time of formation and in struc-ture between premyofibrils and mature myofi-brils, are fibrils that are called nascent myofi-brils. Titin is present in the nascent myofibrils,and muscle-specific myosin II and nonmus-cle myosin II are present. The nonmusclemyosin II is present in periodic repeats in thenascent myofibrils, whereas the muscle myosinII is not (Fig 9). In mature myofibrils, non-

muscle myosin II is absent and myosin II fila-ments are aligned into the A-bands that can beseen clearly in electron micrographs (Fig 2).How the nonmuscle myosin II molecules areeliminated from the nascent myofibril as ittransforms into the mature myofibril is notknown. The components of the sarcomeresalso turn over with half-lives of 5 to 7 days.37

How they are able to exchange without affect-ing the integrity of the myofibrils and the con-tractility of the muscle cells is the subject ofcurrent research. The importance of titin forthe integrity of mature sarcomeres has beenshown in muscle cells transfected with frag-ments of titin.2,32,33

The association of the premyofibrils withthe plasma membrane provides a surface onwhich the initial components can be anchoredand organized. Most mature myofibrils losethe close association with the plasma mem-

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Figure 6A–B. Two different points of one regionof a myotube transfected with a plasmid encod-ing YFP-alpha-actinin are shown. (A) The pres-ence of premyofibrils (arrow) on the edge of thismyotube can be seen. (B) The same live myo-tube is shown 1 hour later. The boxed area indi-cates an area where Z-bodies of the myofibrilshave fused to one another to form the linear Z-bands of mature myofibrils. Bar � 10 �m

Fig 7A–B. A myotube expressing YFP-alpha-actinin is shown at (A) Time 0 and (B) 6 hourslater. Many of the Z-bodies of the premyofibrilsaligned and fused to form the Z-bands of a ma-ture myofibrils. Bar � 10 �m





Fig 8A–D. Four points of a living myotube that was injected with fluorescently labeled alpha-actininare shown. (A) The end of a premyofibril (arrowhead) is shown. (B) The end of the premyofibril (ar-rowhead) in Figure 8A has fused with a premyofibril (arrow) near the edge of the myotube. (C) The pre-myofibrils have fused (arrow). (D) The annealed premyofibril (arrow in Fig 8C) has moved to a positionwhere it fused with other fibers (arrow). A new premyofibril was formed at the edge of the myotube inthe last interval (double arrowheads). (A) Time 0; (B) 3 hours 55 minutes; (C) 8 hours 57 minutes; (D)23 hours 17 minutes. Bar � 5 �m



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Fig 9. A model of myofibrillogenesis in an elongating and widening skeletal muscle myotube is shown.Premyofibrils, composed of minisarcomeres, are deposited at the ends of elongating and widening myo-tubes. Premyofibrils are composed of minisarcomeres, the ends of which are alpha-actinin-rich Z-bod-ies to which actin filaments are attached. Mini-A-bands composed of nonmuscle myosin II filamentsare localized between the Z-bodies. As groups of premyofibrils begin to align with one another, titin andmuscle-myosin II filaments are recruited to form nascent myofibrils. The mature myofibrils form fromthe fusion of the Z-bodies into Z-bands, the elimination of the nonmuscle myosin II filaments and thealignment of the muscle-myosin filaments into A-bands.

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Fig 10A–D. Mouse myoblasts grown at 39� C are induced to form myofibrils. The myoblasts down-regulate the synthesis of alpha-actinin and upregulate the synthesis of the muscle isoform of alpha-actinin. (A) A myotube formed after 2 to 3 days incubation at 39� C was fixed and stained with an anti-body specific for the muscle isoform of alpha-actinin. Premyofibrils (arrow) are present at the end ofthe myotube. (B) The fibrils in the same cell also reacted with an antibody directed against nonmusclemyosin IIA indicating that these were premyofibrils (arrowhead). Only one of the myosin-positive cellsin (B) reacted with sarcomeric alpha-actinin antibody (Fig 10A). The other myoblasts have not yet madethe genetic switch to the muscle differentiation program. (C) Z-bands in a myotube in the culture stainedpositively with muscle specific alpha-actinin are shown. (D) The same myotube in (C) showed only adiffuse distribution of antinonmuscle myosin II antibodies along the mature myofibrils. Bar � 5 �m



brane seen with premyofibrils and nascentmyofibrils. Nevertheless, the mature myofi-brils retain a less extensive association withthe cell surface via the indentations of the sur-face membranes, that is transverse tubules, attheir Z-bands or A-I bands.

Myofibrillogenesis in a Mouse Cell Linefrom Skeletal MuscleHow general is this premyofibril model of myo-fibrillogenesis in skeletal muscle cells? Themodel originally was developed using embry-onic chick muscle cells.20,26 This model alsowas tested by using a transformed mouse cellline. Myogenic cell lines isolated from limbmuscles of transgenic mice will grow at 33� Cas mononucleated cells but when shifted to 39�C, the cells continue to grow, but also will fusewith one another to form myotubes that con-tain myofibrils that stain positively for neona-tal muscle myosin II.16 Myotubes were notexamined in that study to determine how myo-fibrils formed.16 To test the premyofibril modelin mouse myotubes, cells from this cell linewas grown in culture to determine whetherpremyofibrils could be detected. A field ofmouse cells, growing at the temperature wheremuscle formation is inhibited, was stainedwith an antibody specific for nonmuscle alpha-actinin and counterstained with a fluorescentphalloidin probe to reveal the filamentous actinin these cells. Alpha-actinin antibody stainingshows that the fibers in the cell have linear ar-rays of dense bodies such as are found in thestress fibers of nonmuscle cells.34 The phal-loidin probe indicates that actin filaments aredistributed along the length of these fibers ina nonperiodic manner. Staining of these cul-tures with a muscle-specific alpha-actinin an-tibody revealed the absence of any mature myo-fibrils. When sister cultures of these mousetransformed cells were grown at 39� C, themononucleated cells that fused with one an-other to form myotubes contained maturemyofibrils that could be detected by stainingthe myotubes with a muscle-specific antialpha-actinin antibody (Fig 10A). The alpha-actininwas concentrated in the Z-bands of the com-

ponent sarcomeres of the myofibrils. The sameantibody stained the growing ends of the myo-tubes in a premyofibril pattern (Fig 10A).Counterstaining of these myotube ends with anonmuscle myosin II antibody revealed alter-nating bands of this protein between the bandsof alpha- (Z-bodies) at the ends of the myotubes(Fig 10B). When mature myofibrils are presentin the myotubes (Fig 10C), no nonmusclemyosin II is associated with these structures(Fig 10D), as expected from the premyofibrilmodel theory for the assembly of mature myo-fibrils (Fig 8). Interestingly, these myotubes didnot stain with a nonmuscle alpha-actinin anti-body. Raising the temperature from 33� to 39�C causes a halt in the synthesis of the nonmus-cle isoform of alpha-actinin in muscle cells andswitches on the synthesis and accumulation ofthe muscle isoform of alpha-actinin. The ex-periments on this muscle cell line are consistentwith a premyofibril model of formation of myo-fibrils in mouse skeletal muscle cells.

Experiments on primary embryonic avianmyoblasts and a transformed mouse skeletalmuscle cell line, support a three-step modelfor the formation of mature skeletal myofi-brils: premyofibrils to nascent myofibrils to ma-ture myofibrils (Fig 9). This model originallywas proposed for the formation of mature myo-fibrils in cardiac muscle cells.7,20,23,29 It shouldnot be surprising that the same mechanism mayapply for both types of cross-striated muscles,cardiac and skeletal, because their mature myo-fibrils are so similar in structure (Fig 1). Nev-ertheless, one must remember the quote fromJohn Williams in The Compleat Strategyst.“The invention of deliberately oversimplifiedtheories is one of the major techniques of sci-ence . . . “36 Future work will be needed to de-termine how oversimplified this premyofibrilmodel may be.

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